Bajo sospecha (HQN) (Spanish Edition)

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Ateneo examines role of women in Spain's recent history

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He's an accredited representative of the French government. They were making fun of him. What a coincidence meeting you here! We played a joke on him by leaving him the bill. They sell sporting goods. They left before we arrived.

Crime drama Serial drama. The ceremony takes place at the family's restaurant, and everything runs smoothly until they decide to take a picture to immortalize the moment and Alicia is nowhere to be found.

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But no definitive clue has been found yet. Carmen is convinced that Nuria knows something about what happened to Alicia and tries to get a confession from her behind her mother's back.

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  • Sexuality under suspicion.

The police continues searching for Nuria, although the blood found in the house is not a good sign. The police finally interrogates Emi and reconstructs the events with the help of her testimony.

Just two weeks later, the chief nurse of the same hospital is murdered, which causes alarm: The discovery of the lifeless body of Isabel Freire, the hospital's chief nurse, brings out the first secrets of the staff: What he does find is the substance the killer uses to drug their victims. Also, in the assault, he has lost his cellphone.

International Labor Rights Forum

Chief nurse Lidia Abad pleads guilty after being arrested, but Casas and his men are not convinced. Meanwhile, Sophie and Alain investigate Adela and Marcos, who are hiding something in a place they call "the garden".

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Pursued by the law and brutally mocked in the press in cruel caricatures, they managed to escape to Argentina where, luckily, all trace of them was lost. Photos of both women before and during the ceremony, newspaper reports and illustrations form part of the exhibition Mujeres bajo sospecha.

Yon González en El Hormiguero 3.0: "El final de 'Bajo Sospecha' es sorprendente y no me lo esperaba"

Memoria y sexualidad Women under suspicion: Memory and sexuality at the Ateneo de Madrid. The show is a review of the role women have had and the treatment they have received in Spain's recent history.


It's a journey that ranges from anguish to affection, from anger to smiles and the main thread running through it is women's sexuality in this period. Original documents, books, magazines, photographs, posters, paintings and clothes serve to narrate this history, which is divided into five main themes: The start of the exhibition finds Spaniards offering a more cosmopolitan image, closer to that in big cities all around the world.

From the first decades of the 20th century to the arrival of the Second Republic saw the first women daring to cut their hair, smoke in public, walk around without hats, drive cars and play sports. Singers, athletes, artists and writers were the first women to change their destiny.

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