Awakening to who we are: The divine art of being

Often stress and emotional issues make the energy overly strong, as it is trying to release all stressors from the body. Another option is to have a good analysis done with an Ayurvedic practitioner, who can assess your body type and balance, and recommend the optimal diet and herbs for you. There is much variation in dietary needs, and sometimes people have long periods with no appetite at all, or long periods with a voracious appetite.

Usually a diet focused on rice and vegetables is most useful, but proteins are also important. I tend not to eat much meat so I take a powdered protein and mineral supplement in juice every day and it makes a great difference in how I feel. Be good to yourself.

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Focus more in the heart and the belly than in the head. Look for practices that center you more deeply into the present moment. A devotional practice such as chanting or doing a heart-centered meditation can help the energy open you to an experience of the deeper part of yourself, the eternal part. Others imagine light surrounding them. These are powerful archetypal energies that help the psyche when it is moving through challenging changes.

Do something to help your body be more open such as yoga, Tai Chi, dance, acupressure, movement processes, long walks in nature, or whatever you are drawn to. If you don't know what is best for you try several things and stick with what feels the best. The physical body is the vehicle that will carry and ground your spirit, your awakening, in the end. No matter how deep your realization you will ultimately be living in a human body for a few more years. The better it is cared for, the more options you have to express realization when it occurs.

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Of course, a person who is weak or dying can also be a beautiful and complete expression of the Divine, and poor health does not preclude enlightenment. Those who have sat with people who are dying have seen that as attachment to the body lets go more and more light shines through. But this should not be misconstrued to advocate a harsh asceticism. While we are living, having an open and flexible body accomplishes the same thing with a lot less pain and distraction.

Making the body "disciplined" by over-doing exercise is not of any use either. Find a middle way, where your body is in harmony with your spirit.

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Wake up each day expecting not to know what will happen, and looking with curiosity for the events to unfold. Instead of worrying and controlling, simply be present to whatever arises with the intention of meeting it with your best effort. Whatever happens in the process of spiritual awakening will be unpredictable and will move on, if you are simply the one noticing it, and not doing battle or making a big project out of it.

You may have emotional swings, energetic swings, psychic openings, and other undesired shifts that feel unfamiliar to your personality as you knew it. Don't feel you have to fix or change anything. If you have serious trauma in your history and have never had therapy it could be very useful in releasing the pains of the memories that come up around the events.

I have noticed that people who had good therapy before their spiritual awakenings often have much less difficulty. Therapy teaches you to express, to witness, to release and to move on. Your therapist does not have to know much about kundalini as long as he or she does not discount that part of your process. What you want to focus on is releasing issues related to the trauma, and you want a therapist that is experienced and compassionate and sees your spiritual orientation as a motivation and a support for the process of healing. This process is your opportunity to wake up to your true nature.

Some people wake up first, and then experience a kundalini arising; others have the kundalini process moving through as a preparation for the arising. The arising occurs to do the clearing out work so is part of either model. Waking up means the realization that the one who is looking through your eyes, living through your senses, hearing your thoughts and being present in every moment of your experience, good or bad, is recognized or remembered.

Awakening to Who We Are : The Divine Art of Being

This is a bright, aware, detached and unconditionally loving presence that is universal and eternal and it is completely free of all the conditions and memories that you associate with as a personal identity. But as long as you believe in all your personal conditions and stories, emotions and thoughts, it has to experience life filtered through them.

This conditioned mind is what brings variety and drama to the game of life, but it also causes suffering and fear of death. We glimpse the Truth about the deep expansive silence that is the ground of our being when we are in Samadhi and Satori experiences. The early Gnostics called it gnosis knowledge or the One. Some spiritual teachings such as Advaita Vedanta and Zen go directly for the realization, while others see it as a gradual path accomplished through years of spiritual practices.

Either way the end is the same. When you know who you are the world becomes as Shakespeare said, a stage, and you the player, and life is more light and thoughts less intrusive, and the kundalini process settles down into a mellow pleasantness. Give up going places and being with people who cause you pain. Sometimes people seem to be more acutely sensitive when kundalini arises. They can't tolerate the energy of large discount warehouses, or smoky nightclubs, or the kind of family gatherings that are tense and competitive.

It's okay to take care of yourself and find more quiet time, more intimate friends, and even a new job, if the old one is overly stressful. Don't feel you have to prove anything by forcing yourself to be someone you aren't. Sabine will guide you on how to experience these art pieces with your heart and connect with beauty in a way that might surprise you. This art talk introduces you to techniques that help you resonate with that which is divine in the art.

The historical, religious, and artistic significance of each piece is woven into the talk, but not its main focus. This gallery tour is about how you can use a philosophers lens to bring healing and other universal truths be relevant to your daily life. We will meet at the outside tables between galleries behind lampost installation 15 min before we begin. Sabine Frolich has been a student of philosophy, art, and culture for 25 years. She has led guided museum tours and spoken publicly on philosophical and spiritual topics. Sri Jayanthi, lovingly called Swamiji, is a modern day Guru spiritual guide , seer, humanitarian, philosopher and healer.

Swamiji is the Founder and President of the Sri Jai Sathya Mission based in Chennai ; an international charitable Trust which assist less privileged families, youth in education, women counseling, animal welfare and much more. What we think is the Truth, is not. What is the Truth? We do not know. God can lecture on any topic without preparation. Like this, Swamiji knows everything; both divine and about this worldly life. She can spontaneously answer any question.

Swamiji took birth to teach us the reality of human life and spirituality. Her teachings are ideal for people of different religions. Seekers of Truth from around the World come to Swamiji for answers. She is here to teach Mankind the true way of living. Her teachings guide every human being onto their respective path in life. Swamiji will explain, with great detail, the duty of man; the agriculturalist, the housewife, the son, the Government minister etc.

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening. Your Not Crazy! Your Just Waking Up!

In this way, they can easily absorb the nectar of Her philosophy. Swamiji enjoys teaching children, young adults as well as elders. Swamiji urges Man to carefully observe every moment of life, focus on everlasting happiness- therefore rediscovering the God within each and every one of us.

Are you ready to be awakened?

Awakening to who we are: The divine art of being [Mark G Craig MEd] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. What is reality? Who are we?. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Mark Craig is the author of several books on the topic of spirituality. His special interest is in the conversation to be had.

She proves, with Her words and advice, that God is omnipresent, Omniscient and omnipotent. She shares the directives to reverse Global Warming by boosting the agricultural system, keeping our drainage and roads clean and being vegetarian. Swamiji is here to declare what is Truth. Therefore, She explains that every living creature has a purpose, including the earthworms, the dog, the cow and the human being.

As mentioned before, Swamiji has no gurus. No one taught Her the philosophy of life and Divinity. Therefore, you cannot find this philosophy of life anywhere but at the feet of Sri Jayanthi Kumaraswami.

Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

As you release the old ways, which you have believed to be you, loss is a natural feeling. It is exceedingly rare for an awakening to be complete before many months and years of clearing have occurred. Available on Eventbrite here. You especially need to do this if you work in an environment where you may be picking up negative energy or the pain of others such as healing or therapeutic work, or in places where there is a lot of alcohol use, or in hospitals. Join us to experience a new way of looking at art - more deeply, more intentionally. This is probably enough of a critical mass to bring about a new earth. Swamiji enjoys teaching children, young adults as well as elders.

Swamiji guides Her followers through this age of technology. Her Holiness frequently gives lectures on different topics. She lectures children of different ages separately. Swamiji expects that every member of Her audience is attentive while She lectures so that they can benefit from Her words.

Available on Eventbrite here.

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Through short guided exercises in divided attention, being still, and the state of Being Present, you learn new ways to experience music as both a listener and performer. This workshop will not only help enhance your musical skills but be of great value in your daily life and personal growth. Joe Zaklan is a professional musician who has recorded and performed around the world over the past 30 years. This lecture provides revealing insights into the mysteries of love, giving clarity and understanding to the most sought-after state in human history. A must for all on the path to true consciousness and a deeper understanding of the hidden aspect of human relationships.

Presented by Ollie Charles, an international speaker and student of Awakening and Enlightenment, whom has studied mysticism, spirituality and ancient wisdom for the past 25 years. Tickets available on Eventbrite here. Tonight you have a unique opportunity to be immersed in the divine wisdom and love which emanates from a consciousness beyond separate identity and have a dialogue with that higher consciousness. Whether you require insight on any subject or just want to sit in silence the inner transformation is palpable. Most times in life it is our thoughts and emotions which prevent us from experiencing joy and love in any situation.

With so many different thoughts it becomes difficult to identify exactly what it is you are doing or thinking that is at the root cause of your unhappiness, confusion or it just may be that you are looking for something but you don't know what until you find it. This is your opportunity to attain clarity and guidance from a consciousness of profound clarity and wisdom - you will be left in no doubt that transformation is not only possible but is happening within the dialogue. Leave feeling renewed, re-energized, and experience the personal enrichment and freedom you seek.

For more information please visit www. They are eternal wisdom and show you the way back to your heart. Ticket available on Eventbrite. The Life of Harmony Poetry Circle Series Join Stephanie Sarasvati as she facilitates an interactive circle of meditation, poetry, and dialog that can inspire a life of harmony. The Life of Harmony Poetry Circle Series is an interactive circle where we have the option to share our poetry, experiences and inspire each other.

We look forward to seeing you! After a brief introduction, the tour will begin in the gallery that houses the collection of European Art. The paintings and sculptures that are part of the tour have something in common. The energy contained in each one of the pieces transcends time and culture. This gallery tour is about how you can use a philosophers lens to let the universal truths in art be relevant to your daily life.

Please RSVP on eventbrite as space is limited. Currently there is a shift as to where we are looking to bring meaning, enjoyment and significance into our lives.