A Sexualidade, a Igreja e a Bioética (Portuguese Edition)

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Commenting on the pneumatology of Gregory of Nazianzus, Beeley says: A Trinitarian faith Empirically investigating the Christian faith has some difficulties associ- ated. Questioning people about God and the image they have of God tends to forget that theism or monotheism are insufficient categories to describe the Christian faith.

Cartledge acknowledges the prob- lem: How might one measure belief in or attitudes towards a complex doctrine such as the Trinity? We asked about God, Jesus, and the Spirit and consciously omitted ques- tions about the Trinity. However, the omission of explicit questions about the Trinity brought about some empirical concerns. Accepting the hypotheses that respondents had serious difficulties at the theological level, it would be expected that an elevated number of respondents would refuse to respond or respond with a non-personal discourse, giving the answers they thought the interviewer wanted to hear.

But it is evident that the omission had a cost. Specifically, the fact that it is not easy to understand what the re- spondents actually think about the Trinity. However, in the body of answers produced, it is possible to detect some patterns about the understanding they have of the Trinity, even if they are just latent. A frail notion of the Trinity The first idea that we can detect with respect to the Trinity is its fragility. Even among the respondents of cluster 1, there is a significant percentage that says nothing about the Holy Spirit.

The same applies to the second wave. This forgetfulness of the Spirit inevitably distorts the understanding of the Trinity. In sound theology, this amputation of the Trinity is extremely traumatic. In the end, we could settle for an affirmation of monotheism, leaving out the Trinity. The doctrine of God, Minneapolis, Fortress Press, , p. However, the fact remains that in the West, theology, spirituality, and dominant pastoral models were marked by a non-Trinitarian generic monotheism. The balanced summary of the situation made by Gevaert must be mentioned here.

He defends the distinction between post-biblical dogmatic precisions and the core of faith. The weakness of Trinitarian monotheism is not just noticed because of forgetfulness, on behalf of many, of the Holy Spirit. The responses given about God and Jesus also omit the Trinity and its relations. But in the majority of represen- tations Jesus is represented a se, without references to either the Father or the Spirit. On the contrary, in the representations of the Spirit, more references to the Trinity and its relation to God and Jesus are found.

An implicit Trinitarian theology Whether using the Alceste analysis or alternative qualitative analyses, it was not possible to detect an explicit Trinitarian theory. However, the re- searcher would suggest the existence of an implicit Trinitarian theology, al- though badly articulated, whose merits consist in trying to ensure the func- tionality of the faith relation, in its two valences of fides qua and fides quae. The image of God the Father is very much influenced by the characteristics of Jesus. He is an accessible God, with a positive and saving relationship with the believer.

Jesus is presented in a strong relationship with God, and at the same time, in a quality relationship with the believer. Just like what happens in the relationship to the Father, the relationship with Jesus is associated with salvific experiences. The Spirit, for those who dared to answer, is also described as a source of salvation, and sometimes occurs in relation with the Father and with Jesus.

Or we can be dealing with a radical monotheism, without space to Jesus nor to the Spirit. Whether at an ontological-transcendental level or at a historical-phe- nomenological one. However, we do not find any traces of a consciousness of this transcendental condition in the respondents.

That being said, we also do not find the opposite opinion, which would reduce faith to a human projection. The transcendental nature of faith presents itself also as a condition of its historical or categorical realisation. Faith is historically possible because Jesus, the Son, assured the historically-objective conditions, and the Spirit se- cured the historically-subjective conditions, through which the human subject receives, objectively and subjectively, the Father the original condition of the whole process.

It is the Spirit who subjectively opens our eyes to faith. But our availability to believe needs the content offered by the historical revela- tion of Jesus. We welcome the revelation brought by the Son. However, the understanding of the role of the Spirit, as a light through which we can see the revelation, is not so clear. The Spirit is Who allows us to come close to the self-revelation of God. However, if we are not aware of the Spirit and its role, what does it mean to believe in the God that Jesus reveals? We could believe in Jesus because he would confirm what we already know about our salvation.

Jesus would be right because he says the same as the ideology of positive psy- chology. However, in this case, the experience of faith would be nothing more than a ritual of legitimisation of a dominant or popular ideology. One might, in another way, believe in Jesus while dismissing a subjective involvement. The connection to Jesus would be done only through a historic route. The essence of God, one and triune, is His perichoretic relatedness, the movement by which the differences are source of relation and being, excluding subordi- nation and nullification.

Christian faith is obedience to the Lord on whom we depend on. But this relationship works, just like the relationship between each person of the Trinity, without subordination or dependence. This would always lead to narcissist idolatry. But can neither be equivocal, placing the human and the divine in incommu- nicable spheres. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, to these respondents, different names for the same reality. However, it does not make much sense to try and apply the categories used in the theological debate of the first centuries AD to a still maturing pop- ulation with notable difficulties with vocabulary.

Traditionally, the wrong interpretations of the mystery of God oscillat- ed between modalism and tritheism with innumerable nuances between ex- tremes. Here, however, the problem is over: God is one, independent of the names assumed. The respondents do not seem to grasp the seriousness of the problem of the Trinity. This is not to say that they are following a radical monotheism, however.

Biomedicine and ethical questions

Desalinated water alone is unlikely to be sufficient to make up these water deficits and water-users will have to accept a move to full-price water recovery by under the European Union EU Water Framework Directive of which Spain is a signatory. In the end, we could settle for an affirmation of monotheism, leaving out the Trinity. This elemental narrative that would be behind the plurality of imaginary departs from a blocked anthropology. Previous identifications in Ne-like ions have been extended to krypton, rubidium and strontium. Each year of the catechetical curriculum proposes a rite inspired in the traditio — reditio schema or initiates in a sacrament. The Mediterranean moray eel Gymnothorax unicolor was previously cytogenetically studied using classical techniques that allowed the characterization of its karyotype structure and the constitutive heterochromatin and argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions Ag-NORs distribution pattern. For some, this can only be achieved via palliative care, while for others, only through individual action leading to the end of life — assisted suicide or euthanasia 5 5.

Probably, for them, God is a poor and a generic idea, resulting from the addition of the characteristics traditionally attributed by Christian tradition to Jesus or the Holy Spirit. The relation between God and man must be thought of in analogical terms because it is a relation between different realities. It is this analogy that allows the possibility of a relation between different realities, mutually irreducible. It is in this perspective that creation and human identity must be understood: However, this per- spective does not appear in the replies.

This relational analogy also extends to the area of inter-human related- ness. It is seen as participation in inter-divine love. The relation with God is felt as a source of personal salvation, of- fering the believer a redefinition of their identity and the resources for a more communal relationship with the others. Explicit and implicit theology of faith Throughout the previous pages, we have had the opportunity to identify tangentially some of the faith understandings of the respondents. We found variations in the balance between the fides qua and the fides quae.

Also in the relationship between personal faith and ecclesiastical faith we found different positions. However, there are some specific questions about the theology of faith, which appear to be missing from the discourse and worries of the re- spondents. A reflective approach to the respondents on faith does not seem to be explicit. However, admittedly, there were no specific questions about that. One topic notable by its absence is the dual nature of faith as divine grace and human task.

The encounter with God and the very possibility of trusting Him does not come from a pure human decision. It is the work of God himself, who, through grace, makes it possible. Even within a dialogical understanding of revelation, the very possibility of a human response to the dialogue initiated by God, has its origin in the God who attracts and enlightens us with his Spirit. However, for the respondents this question does not arise. In one way or anoth- er, the respondents limit themselves to believe, without seriously thinking about the possibilities of their own faith.

It is, to a point, understandable: However, know- ing how the experience of doubt is common among adolescents, a more robust framework around the process of faith could be beneficial for the respondents. A second topic is the articulation between reason and faith. Faith must be an act intellectually honest and morally responsible. There are always reasons to trust someone, and the same is true with God. Signals are necessary; mo- tives that make plausible the proposal offered by revelation.

There are always reasons to believe. And this does not take anything from the fact that faith is always a gift from God. They never cancel the fiduciary dimension. Among the respondents from cluster 1 this is less common. We can verify that are the less socialised in the church It is important to underline the differeny situation of the catechists. They are able to produce an explicit reflection about their own faith experience.

This can make us think that the relation between reason and faith only arises as preambula fidei, as a relevant topic for the first proclamation of faith. But this would be a mistake. The respondents from cluster 1 omitted this issue not because they outgrew it, but because, probably, they live in a system of cognitive polyphasia. For the respondents from cluster 1, this theme is not more problematic because the experience of faith is not sufficiently shared, or challenged. A third topic that stands out for its absence amongst the respondents is the dynamic character of faith.

Even during adolescence, a time marked by change and development, the catechisms are silent about the dynamic na- ture of faith. It is then, no wonder that the texts produced by the respondents omit the dynamic character of faith. However, some respondents identified a passage from non-faith to faith, which made them happy; others remember the jump from an inconsequential faith to a more committed faith.

However, even this response is marginal. Practical-theological analysis The design of our questionnaires allowed the recovering of much informa- tion about the practical processes involved in the transmission and appropri- ation of faith.

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What people and sources of information are important to the faith? And what are the consequences of faith? These three perspectives will structure the second part of this chapter. The other two clusters offer very different experiences. The respondents recognised that their journey of faith was deeply in- fluenced by people, proposals and processes associated with the Church. This group of experiences is responsible for almost half of the reported experiences. These are the pastoral practices that the Church in Portugal traditionally offers young people.

It is common to find critical evaluations of the catechesis that the Church offers the young generations. Not just among those who most frequently attend the catechesis, but also for the rest of the population. What it can say is that the proposals that the Church directs at young people are not useless.

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We also need to know what happens when, locally, the qual- ity of these proposals is weak. The fact that this collection of pastoral offers is appreciated by such a large percentage of the respondents could generate the idea of a certain co- herence. However, this idea is wrong. It is important to understand that the quality of the offering and the level of adhesion to it, varies immensely from place to place. And there are differences between the catechesis, youth min- istry, EMRC, and scouts. The fact that there are some co-occurrences must experience is the contact with relevant and credible people, overlapping to the answers of the influential people in the faith process.

Each year of the catechetical curriculum proposes a rite inspired in the traditio — reditio schema or initiates in a sacrament. These feasts have a liturgical, familiar and social impact. Locally, some of the proposals could be available and others absents. When some of them coexist, it is usual that the pastoral projects are distinct or incompatible. Within each one of them, even locally, the difference in the pastoral and educational quality can be enormous. These respondents consider that the experiences most relevant to their faith were the contact with friends, romantic partner, family, priests and nuns.

There are also generic references to people of the Church and the processes of socialization and tradition. The biggest slice of this comes from the family. The consistency of this group of experiences is especially relevant when there is an- other question especially about influential people. This relevance of short-range socialization can be sociologically interpret- ed as a persistence of old solidarity or as a reaction to the growing individual- isation of contemporary society. These respondents say that their faith was profoundly influenced by the interaction in the Church.

Family, friends, and priests spoke, interacted and were present in the life of the adolescents. This topic will be further developed in 2. Faith sources A third group of experiments collects references to the sources of faith. Overall there are references to the history of salvation and the sacraments. In the first subgroup, the respondents referred to the Bible, read personally or communally, some contents of the Bible and creation.

In the second subgroup; there are references to the sacraments, principally the Eucharist and baptism. However, it could be abusive to put two different realities in the same group such as the Holy Scriptures and the sacraments: This incompatibility appears to be confirmed by the lack of co-occurrences Table Co-occurrence of bible and sacraments codes within important experiences of faith.

Bible Baptism 0 0 0 0 Eucharist 0 0 0,02 0,02 Reconciliation 0 0 0 0 The Sacraments 0 0 0 0 However, either dogmatically or pastorally, there are strong connections between the two subgroups. It is the same God who communicates through his Word in the normative past of the Scripture and the present of the believer. Both the Scripture and the liturgy make a memory of a God, who wants to be present in communion with the believers.

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In more practical terms, both the subgroups share an objective element in relation to the subject. They have a public dimension. The respondents associated their faith almost always to personal ex- periences. God is more than just a partner with whom you have a joint interaction. God is experienced and talked about as Someone capable of helping and capable of changing the life of the subject for the better. Some people ground the improvement in their quality of life with references to miracles, physical healings and support during the processes of divorce of their parents, for example.

Despite intense schooling, with propaganda in favour of a sci- entific mentality, the post-modern context allows the persistence of pre-critical pouches. In this line of thinking, the respondents would be interpreting, in a mechanical way, some events from their personal life. However, another inter- pretation is possible: It is possible that the magical and efficientist explanation is more relevant in clusters 2 and 3. Intense moments A fifth group of references have, as a common denominator, the spiritual intensity of some moments and experiences.

These would have been so striking that the respondents identified them as turning points in the journey of their faith. In this group of references prayer, pilgrimage and retreats are mentioned. They are intense moments for the subject, which bring them peace, good judgment and the recuperation of an inner balance. However, some- times other shrines such as Lourdes. The World Youth Day probably Madrid is also understood as a pilgrimage. The respondents do not explain why they consider these pil- grimages as intense.

For them, the reference to a place or an event is sufficient- ly explicit. The experiences of retreat or special moments are also referred. There are also a few references to the emotional impact of the retreats, but the majority of the respondents refer to the retreats without other adjectives. These references to intense moments seem to be somewhat cryptic. An external observer like a school peer cannot understand what the correspon- dents are talking about, even less the reason they consider the experiences so impactful.

By reducing the description of these intense moments, the respon- dents are using a codified expression. And this only makes sense when it is used within a community that is capable of decoding it. These experiences are so intense that they generate a strong feeling of belonging.

The adhesion to strong spiritual practices can be interpreted, sociologically, as another one of the options disposable for the individual, but they seem to be more than this. These respondents felt that they belonged to something bigger than themselves and that this could be understood ecclesially. Myself A sixth group of reported experiences is centred on the self and in this group two different approaches converge.

The first underlines the role of everyday life, of the adolescent condition and the mere fact of being alive. God can be found in everyday life. He is a constant presence. The second approach underlines the role of the self in the process of faith. Through reflection, personal conversion or analysis of feel- ings, the self has become a decisive factor in the trajectory of faith. Both approaches are deeply connected to the adolescent and express his role. The occur- rence of this response is inversely proportional to the attendance of catechism.

The least religiously socialized respondents are the ones investing more in this kind of personal experiences. Media The remaining groups of relevant experiences are quite small. Finally, explicit adherence to a new age worldview is rare. The levels of importance ascribed to the media are surprisingly low. The no- tion of the media as omnipotent and omnipresent has become an integral part of the dominant thought. The possibility that, in this sample, the respondents have had a reduced exposure to the media seems to be contradictory to deeply rooted sociological and pastoral convictions.

However, some recent research challenges these convictions. In both US and European book bestseller lists, books with a title bor- rowed from a religious tradition or dealing with religious and spiritual issues are a constant feature. Edited by , Reconfigurations. Interdisciplinary perspectives on religion in a post-secular society, Wien, LIT, , , p. His conclu- sions seem excessively optimistic.

His text has the merit of being written by someone that tried intensely to change the reality. But he overlaps his wishes with an objective analysis of the reality. The supposed change of the post-secular paradigm, which would allow a renewed visibility of religion in the world of media, is not happening in Portugal. As far as can be detected, the Portuguese media continue to ignore or silence the religious topic and, specifically, the Christian worldview.

If we cannot confirm a change in the paradigm about the recuperation of the visibility of religion, maybe we can look at the level of power attributed to the media. Adorno and Fiske are some of the authors that theorized and popularized the idea that the media correspond to a concentration of power that controls the impotent masses. There is a very linear scheme in which the control of the media would lead to the growth of dominant ideas in a society. As the Church does not have access to these powerful means of social communication, the people tend to lose the religious references passive- Cf.

Capucho, Torres and Burnay underline that even that small percentage can come from excep- tional events a Pope visit to Portugal. They stress the low quality of the produced communication: Adorno and the cultural indus- try revisited, in New German Critique, 12 , There is one movement more connected to sociocul- tural animation and another more connected with the school and the maxi- mising of the interpretative capacity of the believer. This in- This kind of analysis has also been applied to the internet and digital media. Recent results show that nothing specially relevant can be concluded: But the explosive expansion of new technologies, consuming habits of contents, and proactive stances from the churches can rapidly change these conclusions.

Teoria e metodo, pp. For the second approach, cf. Saggio di pedagogia religiosa, Leumann, LDC, SRT offers a more robust theoretical interpretation. It recognises that the worldview developed by a group exists in fluid interaction with a plurality of other representations and this can lead to cognitive polyphasia. But we must also admit that the respondents are aware of the minority weight of this specific vision of faith. For a global analysis of the relevant experiences of faith Theologically we can identify an approach with which to analyse these meaningful experiences reported by the adolescents.

The experiences report- ed place themselves on an individual-communitarian axis, which revives the traditional polarity between credo and credimus. Some of the referenced ex- periences have a stronger community framework: Others are concentrated on the believer: Some analyses of the juvenile condition underline the weight of individual subjectivity: The contemporary context shifted its weight to the subjective pole.

Sociologically, this would have been the result of the per- sistence of old mechanisms of sociability. Pastorally, it would be signal of an unfinished inculturation. This seems to confirm the idea that faith is always an ecclesial reality. In contact with other believers the Church , you can start to believe. However, are we not making an excessive leap by moving from a social reality to an ecclesial one? When and how is it that the catechism groups, the scouts and the volunteer experiences and service become church? When and how do the catechism fests stop being merely social rites of passage and become an ecclesial manifestation?

Tonelli advocates mi- nimum criteria but stringent enough. He says, about youth groups: Theologically and not merely sociologically. Faith partners One of the initial questions in the questionnaire asked who were the most influential people in the faith process. Again, it is important to remember that this question collects information about the perception of the subjects; an ob- jective observation from someone other than the subject could take to different results. Two large groups of people influencing the faith of the respondents can be identified: The family is the most frequent group, regardless of the attendance of catechesis.

This was the case in The church and its agents remain the second most influential group in all clusters, but with only half the importance in the third cluster. The role of the families In some sectors of the youth ministry, the elevated influence the family has, can be surprising. Beside this, careful analysis of the sensitive nature of the more social and cultural aspects recognises the loss of importance given to the family in the process of education and the transmission of faith.

It persists an image of the family that does not evangelize the younger generations but has a tremendous potential at the level, which should be activated. In a recent PhD, done in at the Lateranensis, he states: The mothers are referred more than the fathers, but grandparents, Cf. Una proposta di cateche- si comunic-attiva, Leumann, LDC, , pp. Para repensar a pasto- ral da Igreja em Portugal, p.

At least for a certain percentage of the population, the family, or part of it, remains as an important ecclesial mediation. The features identified by Bissoli can be advanced as an interpre- tive framework for our data. The family being the first social space, it becomes an environment that enables the possibility to live in a style of life inspired by the Gospel. The process of proposal and choosing of faith happens, but as a witnessing rather than through teaching.

Family interactions are inspired by the relational mod- el proposed by Jesus and transmit an elevated quality of life, which generates identification. Finally, the educational capacity of the family provides an education of faith in action. In Wave 2, the family continues to be of importance.

However, they make up Asking, in Wave 1, for the most influential people are, and, in Wave, for partners in dialogue, is not formally the same. But it would be hoped for, logically, that the values were comparable. However, regarding the family it does not appear to be so.

Church ministers in action The data we have found shows there is a dense network of pastoral oper- ators that assume a role in shaping the faith of new generations. Manuale di catechetica, Leumann, LDC, , , p. The recent pastoral zeal with family and the strength it could bring to catechesis, overlaps potential and reality. It is not family, as a sociological reality, that per se can share and witness the Gospel. Plural in its organic configuration but, mainly, in the life quality it offers. We get the feeling that Church leaders and practical theologians proposing family as a mandatory path, capable to solve all our problems, forget that real families face severe problems of domestic violence, lack of communication, self-indulgence, educative disorientation.

Then come references to youth ministry scouts, animators, group… and other references less frequent to oth- er ecclesial experiences such as religious people, choir, spiritual director The recognition of the role of the catechist is not surprising. They are around volunteers, with a good school curriculum secondary educa- tion and superior education , predominantly women. There is a tradition of qualified people at the head of the national secretary and diocesan departments. There is consistent practice throughout initial and on-going training of the laity. It is through the Catholic publishers or the Internet that there is access to material, proposals and interaction.

That said, one should not assume that the average quality of the catechist is perfect. But the idea of the catechists reported by the respon- dents will not necessarily be the average. Accepting the empirical limitations that we have in describing the Portu- guese catechists, we can identify some of the traits desired in a potential cate- chist by the Church. This image could be useful in as much as it could inspire training, recruitment policy, and motivational systems. Carvalho underlines the relevance of maturity as the starting point for the personality of a believer, in which the life of faith configures the totality of identity.

The theoretical and practical skills are functional to the task of educating the life and faith of those catechized. The most frequently referred form of sharing faith was through a Christian lifestyle; to be a catechist and to witness personal faith even outside of the institutional space of the catechesis were also very consistent values. Which, in a country like Portugal, with traditionally low levels of social volun- teering, is notable.

The GDC defines a mediating role for the catechist: Pollo lists a number of traces that make up the pastoral relationship model. If these elements or, at least some of them are activated by the catechists of these adolescents, it will be possible to explain their success. They become credible witnesses to the message they spread, in their interaction with the adolescents.

It was a relative surprise the frequent reference to the role of priests. The idea that the priests are very occupied with sacramental tasks or that they are not prepared for the catechism is very frequent. At least, for this segment of the population. However, GDC , when listing the tasks of the priests, sees them more as making up the rear guard, so to GDC The English version omits the last two paragraphs of this number.

Sfide, prospettive ed espe- rienze, Leumann, ElleDiCi, , Possibly, the reasons for the significance and relevance of this group are similar to those we found with the catechists. But, in relation to the world of the catechesis, there are significant differences. The quantity and quality offered at the level of youth ministry is much less than infant and adolescent catechesis. Training and coordination are also substantially weaker. Side by side, in the same area, profoundly different experiences are available in terms of available resources, the seriousness in recruitment, the quality of the training and support offered, and in the evangelical and educational quality of the projects proposed.

The distinction is not made, as it once was, between progressives and conservatives, between different weights given to kerigmatic and educative dimensions, or between greater or lesser importance of incul- turation in postmodern culture. The distinction is made, primarily, between presence and absence. The fact that the percentage of references to youth ministry is clearly in second place could come from the fact that these respondents, with success over ten years in the catechism, have not had access, in a consistent form, to youth ministry experiences. Support actors The data recovered has identified some other people and platforms as in- fluential, albeit at a lower level.

In cluster 1 this comes to 3. In the clusters 2 and 3, the influence of the teachers is identified as favouring and opposing faith in some cases. The relative absence of EMRC teachers, especially for respondents from cluster 1, deserves some attention. The Bishops Conference did not save its strength to guarantee the presence of Catholic instruction in public schools. O jovem de hoje sabe responder. One explanation for this fact could be that the respondents interpreted the question in an exclusive sense. And even if the EMRC teachers were seen as relevant, they would be excluded from the response be- cause they were less influential than others families, catechists….

In this case, the absence of reference to religion teachers should not be seen as an absence of influence. This interpretation has no support. The formulation used must be understood as allowing more than one answer. Many respondents did un- derstand it so and submitted long lists of those who had influenced their faith.

Another hypothesis explains the absence of EMRC teachers with a dis- tortion of the sample. A great part of the questions of the questionnaire focus on the parochial catechism and not on religious education in the schools. This would induce the respondents to underrate their interaction with the EMRC teachers. It is a possible interpretation, but it leaves without explanation the weight the family references have in the sample. Probably, we will have to accept the legitimate possibility that the EMRC teachers are not influential in the defining of the faith of the respondents.

However, this questionnaire was not concerned with the EMRC, and was not designed to confirm anything in this sense. Caliente Solar, LLC's application for market-based rate authority, with an accompanying rate tariff, noting The Universe in a Box: El Universo Representado en Una Caja: O Universo Representado em Uma Caixa: The Mesa Formation extends from Cananea, Mexico, southeast to the Sonora River and is the main host rock of Laramide porphyry copper deposits in the Cananea District and at the Alacran porphyry prospect to the east. The Mesa consists of two members-a lower andesite and an upper dacite.

The lowest part of the dacite member is a crystal tuff about m thick. The Ojo de Agua Caldera is about 9 km in diameter and is filled by a light gray biotite dacite tuff with abundant flattened pumice fragments. The volume of the caldera is estimated to be 24 km3. Within the southern San Andreas transform plate boundary system, relatively little is known regarding active faulting in northern Baja California, Mexico, or offshore along the Inner Continental Borderland.

Therefore, the geologic slip rate for the ABF also provides a minimum slip rate estimate for the offshore system, which is connected to the north to faults in the Los Angeles region. However, these rates relied on imprecise age estimates and offset geomorphic features of a type that require these rates to be interpreted as minima, allowing for the possibility that the slip rate for the ABF may be greater. Although seismically quiescent, the surface trace of the ABF clearly reflects Holocene activity, and given its connectivity with the offshore fault system, more quantitative slip rates for the ABF are needed to better understand earthquake hazard for both US and Mexican coastal populations.

Minimal development has left the geomorphic record of surface slip remarkably well preserved, and we have identified abundant evidence meter to km scale right-lateral displacement, including new Late Quaternary slip rate sites. We verified potential reconstructions at each site during summer fieldwork, and selected an initial group of three high potential slip rate sites for detailed mapping and geochronologic analyses. To quantitatively constrain landform ages. Activity on this fault influences offshore faults that parallel the Pacific coast from Ensenada to Los Angeles and is a potential threat to communities in northern Mexico and southern California.

We present a detailed Quaternary slip history for the ABF, including new quantitative constraints on geologic slip rates, slip-per-event, the timing of most recent earthquake, and the earthquake recurrence interval. Fault zone geomorphology preserved at the younger site provides evidence for right-lateral surface displacements measuring 2. Luminescence dating of an offset alluvial fan at a third site is in progress, but is expected to yield a slip rate relevant to the past 10 kyr. Adjacent to this third site, we excavated 2 paleoseismic trenches across a sag pond formed by a right step in the fault.

Preliminary radiocarbon dates indicate that the 4 surface ruptures identified in the trenches occurred in the past 6 kyr, although additional dating should clarify earthquake timing and the mid-Holocene to present earthquake recurrence interval, as well as the likely date of the most recent earthquake. Our new slip rate estimates are somewhat lower than, but comparable within error to, previous geologic estimates based on soil morphology and geodetic estimates from GPS, but the new record of surface ruptures exposed in the trenches is the most complete and comprehensively dated earthquake history yet determined for this fault.

Together with new and existing mapping of tectonically generated geomorphology along the ABF, our constraints. In the fall of , wildfires burned out of control in southern California. The extent of these fires encompassed large geographic areas that included a variety of landscapes from urban to wilderness. One of the concepts behind the image map product is to provide an updated map in electronic format to assist with emergency response. This image map is one of 55 preliminary image map quadrangles covering the areas burned by the southern California wildfires.

Each map is a layered, geo-registered Portable Document Format. For more information about the layered geo-registered. To view the areas affected and the quadrangles mapped in this preliminary project, see the map index http: As the Panama Canal Authority faces sensitivity to water shortages, managing water resources becomes crucial for the global shipping industry's security.

These studies address knowledge gaps in tropical water resources to aid hydrological model development and validation. Field-based hydrological investigations in the Agua Salud Project within the Panama Canal Watershed employed multiple tools across a variety of land covers to investigate hydrological processes.

Geochemical tracers informed where storm runoff in a stream comes from and identified electrical conductivity EC as an economical, high sample frequency tracer during small storms. EC-based hydrograph separation coupled with hydrograph recession rate analyses identified shallow and deep groundwater storage-discharge relationships that varied by season and land cover.

A series of plot-scale electrical resistivity imaging geophysical experiments coupled with rainfall simulation characterized subsurface flow pathway behavior and quantified respectively increasing infiltration rates across pasture, 10 year old secondary succession forest, teak tectona grandis , and 30 year old secondary succession forest land covers. Additional soil water, groundwater, and geochemical studies informed conceptual model development in subsurface flow pathways and groundwater, and identified future research needs.

Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations based structural analysis of the SG2 NA protein variants. Striatin family members have been associated with diverse physiological functions. SG2 NA has also been shown to have roles in cell cycle progression, signal transduction etc. They have been known to interact with a number of proteins including Caveolin and Calmodulin and also propagate the formation of a multimeric protein unit called striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase. As a pre-requisite for such interaction ability, these proteins are known to be unstable and primarily disordered in their arrangement.

Earlier we had identified that it has multiple isoforms namely 35, 78, 87 k Da based on its molecular weight which are generated by alternative splicing. However, detailed structural information of SG2 NA is still eluding the researchers. This study was aimed towards three-dimensional molecular modeling and characterization of SG2 NA protein and its isoforms. One structure out of five was selected for each variant having the least value for C score. Out of these, m35 k Da with a C score value of Further evaluation resulted in about Molecular dynamics simulations were also carried out to obtain biologically relevant structural models and compared with previous atomic coordinates.

N-terminal region of all variants was found to be highly disordered. This study provides first-hand detailed information to understand the structural conformation of SG2 NA protein variants m35 k Da , m78 k Da and m87 k Da. This study elucidates the crucial structural features of SG2 NA proteins which are involved in various protein.

Introduccion a la hidraulica de aguas subterraneas: Este ' texto programado esta diseflado para ayudarle a comprender la teoria de la hidniulica de aguas subterraneas por medio de la auto-enseflanza. La instrucci6n programada es un enfoque a una materia, un metodo de aprender;que no elimina el esfuerzo mental del proceso de aprendizaje.

Algunas secciones de este programa necesitan solamente ser leidas; otras tendrian que ser elaboradas con lapiz y papel. Algunas preguntas pueden ser contestadas directamente; otras requieren calculos. A medida que se avanza en el texto, tendra que consultar frecuentemente textos o referencias sobre matematicas, mecanica de fluidos e hidrologia. En cada una de las ocho partes del texto, inicie el programa de instrucci6n leyendo la Secci6n 1. Elija una respuesta a la pregunta al final de la secci6n y dirijase a la nueva secci6n indicada al lado de la respuesta escogida.

Centre of 20th Century Interdisciplinary Studies

Si su respuesta fue correcta, pase a la secci6n que contiene materia nueva y otra pregunta, y proceda tal como en la Secci6n 1. Si su respuesta no fue correcta, dirijase a la secci6n que contiene explicaciones adicionales sobre el tema anterior y que le indica volver a la pregunta inicial e intentar de nuevo.

En este caso, valdra Ia pena repasar el material de la secci6n anterior. Continue de esta man era en el programa hasta que llegue a Ia secci6n que indica el final de la parte. Observe que aunque las secciones estan en orden numerico en cada una de las ocho partes, por lo general, usted no procedeni en secuencia numerica Secci6n 1 ala Secci6n 2, etc. Basic diagnosis of solid waste generated at Agua Blanca State Park to propose waste management strategies. State parks are highly sensitive areas of great natural importance and tourism value. Herein a case study involving a basic survey of solid waste which was carried out in in Agua Blanca State Park, Macuspana, Tabasco, Mexico with two sampling periods representing the high and low tourist season is presented.

The survey had five objectives: A daily average of people visited the park: The average weight of the generated solid waste was During the high season, the average increased to 0. The bulk density average was The sub-products comprised Our data suggest that beta HK, similar to beta Na K, can assemble to alpha Na K, support the structural maturation and the intracellular transport of catalytic alpha Na K, and ultimately form active alpha Na K-beta HK complexes with Na ,K-pump transport properties.

Mechanical coupling and liquid exchanges in the pleural space. Diseases of the Pleura, vol. To this end we performed immunoblot assays on total protein extracts of scraped visceral or parietal mesothelium of rabbits. These showed two bands: Both bands disappeared in assays in which SGLT1 antibody was preadsorbed with specific antigen. Immunoblot assays for SGLT1 on cultured mesothelial cells of rabbit pleura showed a band at 72k Da , and in some cases also at 55k Da , irrespectively of treatment with a differentiating agent.

Solute-coupled liquid absorption hinders liquid filtration through parietal mesothelium caused by Starling forces, and favours liquid absorption through visceral mesothelium caused by these forces. Tristan da Cunha Island. Tristan da Cunha is both a remote group of volcanic islands in the south Atlantic, and the main island.

It is the most remote inhabited island group in the world, km from the nearest inhabited land. Tristan has a population of about inhabitants, and is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. In the eruption of Queen Mary's Peak forced the evacuation of the entire population for two years.

The image was acquired October 7, , and is located at Soil salinity in nature is generally mixed type; however, most of the studies on salt toxicity are performed with Na Cl and little is known about sulfur type of salinity Na 2 SO 4. Salinity impaired gross photosynthesis, electron transport activities, and respiration in parent cells, but not in the salt-adapted cells, except a marginal increase in PSI activity. It is inferred that stepwise increment in the salt concentration enabled the cyanobacterium to undergo priming effect and acquire robust and efficient defense system involving the least energy.

Spatiotemporal analysis of air conditions as a tool for the environmental management of a show cave Cueva del Agua , Spain. We recorded the air temperature and carbon dioxide concentration within the Cueva del Agua , a cave in Spain, under natural conditions prior to the cave being opened to tourists. Geostatistical tools are useful techniques for characterizing microclimate parameters with the aim of adopting measures to ensure the conservation and sound environmental management of tourist caves.

We modelled the spatial distribution of these microclimatic parameters over an annual cycle using iterative residual kriging, revealing the stratification of air related to the cave's topography. Replenishment of the cave air is activated by convective circulation that accompanies the development of inversions in the thermal gradient of the air. Comparison of the spatial distribution of each microclimatic parameter over time enables us to characterize the exchange of air between the cave interior and the outside, as well as identify potential areas that could be opened to tourists and determine suitable visiting schedules.

Ever using AC was independently associated with ever being physically abused and younger age, and was marginally associated with initiating injection drug use and regular sex work at age eighteen or younger. Discussion We observed considerable geographic variation in the use of AC in northern Mexico. Future studies exploring factors influencing use, its precise formulation s , and its potential health effects are needed to guide prevention and treatment. Prevalence and correlates of ' agua celeste' use among female sex workers who inject drugs in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Agua celeste, or "heavenly water", is the street name for a sky-blue colored solvent reportedly inhaled or ingested to produce an intoxicating effect. Study aims were to 1 describe prevalence of agua celestse AC use, and 2 identify correlates of lifetime and recent use of AC use among female sex workers who also inject drugs FSW-IDUs in northern Mexico.

We observed considerable geographic variation in the use of AC in northern Mexico. It is hosted in Miocene felsic volcanic rocks with continental arc signature. The district includes twelve vein systems with mineralization of Sb occurring in hydrothermal breccias and stockwork. The veins are composed of quartz-sulfide with pyrite, stibnite and arsenopyrite. All around the veins, wall rocks are variably altered to clay minerals and sulfates in an area of around 2. The hydrothermal alterations recognized are: The data shown here, let characterized the Incachule district as a shallow low sulfidation epithermal system hosted in a collapse caldera.

Our data also indicate that mineralization is structurally controlled by a fault system related to the The interpreted local stress field is consistent with the regional one. The da Vinci robot. One might assume from the title of this paper that the nuances of a complex mechanical robot will be discussed, and this would be correct. On the other hand, the date of the design and possible construction of this robot was , a little more than five centuries ago.

The key point in the title is the lack of a trademarked name, as Leonardo was the designer of this sophisticated system. His notes from the Codex Altanticus represent the foundation of this report. English translations of da Vinci's notebooks are currently available. Beginning in the s, investigators at the University of California began to ponder the significance of some of da Vinci's markings on what appeared to be technical drawings. Such markings also occur in his Codex Atlanticus the largest single collection of da Vinci's sheets, consisting of separate pages and folios along with a large number of other mechanical devices.

Continuing research at the Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza in Florence has yielded a great deal of information about Leonardo's intentions with regard to his mechanical knight. It is now known that da Vinci's robot would have had the outer appearance of a Germanic knight. It had a complex core of mechanical devices that probably was human powered. The robot had two independent operating systems. The first had three degree-of-freedom legs, ankles, knees, and hips. The second had four degrees of freedom in the arms with articulated shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands.

A mechanical analog-programmable controller within the chest provided the power and control for the arms. The legs were powered by an external crank arrangement driving the cable, which connected to key locations near each lower extremity's joints. Da Vinci also is known to have devised a programmable front-wheel-drive automobile with rack-and-pinion suspension mechanisms at age He would recall this device again, when, at age 40, he is thought to have built a programmable automated. The da Vinci surgical system was developed by Intuitive Surgical Inc.

In , the Da Vinci system was first used for cardiothoracic procedures. Currently a combination of robot-assisted internal thoracic artery harvest together with coronary artery bypass grafting CABG through a mini-incision ThoraCAB or totally endoscopic procedures including anastomoses under robotic assistance TECAB are being conducted for the treatment of coronary artery diseases.

On the other hand, with the decrease in number of coronary artery bypass surgeries, the share of valvular surgeries is expected to increase in the future. Among them, mitral valvuloplasty for mitral regurgitation is anticipated to be conducted mainly by low-invasive procedures, represented by minimally invasive cardiac surgery MICS and robot-assisted surgery.

Apart from the intrinsic good surgical view, robotic-assisted systems offer additional advantages of the availability of an amplified view and the easy to observe the mitral valve in the physiological position. Thus, robotic surgical surgeries that make complicated procedures easier are expected to accomplish further developments in the future.

Furthermore, while the number of surgeries for atrial septal defects has decreased dramatically following the widespread use of Amplatzer septal occluder, robotic surgery may become a good indication for cases in which the Amplatzer device is not indicated. In Japan, clinical trial of the da Vinci robotic system for heart surgeries has been completed. Statutory approval of the da Vinci system for mitral regurgitation and atrial septal defects is anticipated in the next few years.

EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente.

Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

Condition of Si crystal formation by vaporizing Na from Na Si. Na Si was heated at various Na vapor pressures p Na 0. Quaternary structure and apical membrane sorting of the mammalian Na Si-1 sulfate transporter in renal cell lines. Limited information is available on Na Si-1 protein structure and the mechanisms controlling its apical membrane sorting. The aims of this study were to biochemically determine the quaternary structure of the rat Na Si-1 protein and to characterize its expression in renal epithelial cell lines. PNGase F treatment shifted both bands to 57 k Da while endoglycosidase H treatment led to a downward shift of the lower molecular mass band only.

Mutagenesis of a putative N-glycosylation site NS produced a single band that was not shifted by endoglycosidase H or PNGase F, confirming a single glycosylation site at residue Blue native-PAGE and cross-linking experiments revealed dimeric complexes, suggesting the native form of Na Si-1 to be a dimer. Treatment with cholesterol depleting compounds did not disrupt apical sorting, but brefeldin A led to misrouting to the basolateral membrane, suggesting that Na Si-1 sorting is through the ER to Golgi pathway.

  1. Lo sai che i papaveri (Italian Edition)!
  2. Bhagavag Gita. 2 part (Kak ctat mydrecom za 45 minut).
  3. The Apology of George Lucas!
  4. Calandia - La ciudad de los niños (Spanish Edition).
  5. For Love and Money: The Literary Art of the Harlequin Mills & Boon Romance (Genre Fiction Monographs);
  6. Technology and new possibilities for the management of life limits:.
  7. My Lettermen Years: The Journey To Hell and Back!:;

Our data demonstrates that Na Si-1 forms a dimeric protein which is glycosylated at N, whose sorting to the apical membrane in renal epithelial cells is brefeldin A-sensitive and independent of lipid rafts or glycosylation. Integrated measures for preservation, restoration and improvement of the environmental conditions of the Lagoon Olho d' Agua basin. The Lagoon Olho d' Agua in Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil has received increasing environmental concern due to significant stress from pollution in the catchment.

The existing environmental problems are the result of great pressure from a broad range of human activities, especially in the last 10 years. Serious pollution exists mainly from some industrial and urban activities, which increased intensively after the eighties.

There is a strong social and economical pressure for housing and construction near the lagoon, due to the available land nearby beaches and estuarine zone, and recently by growing tourism activities. Uncontrolled land use by low-income communities and the pressure for construction by developers have led to landfilling and to deterioration of water quality in the lagoon catchment.

Improvement of the environmental conditions in the catchment needs integrated measures. Guidelines and some specific actions involving several institutions have been established and refer to sanitation and urban infrastructure as the main priorities. A main target is the construction of low-cost sewage system with smaller and decentralised treatment plants. Effects of seawater and smolting. Western blots revealed three bands centered at , , and k Da. Cotransporter levels decreased below presmolt values in postsmolts in freshwater June.

The size and number of immunoreactive chloride cells on the primary filament increased threefold during smolting and decreased in postsmolts. Hydrological processes in the humid tropics are poorly understood and an important topic when it comes to water management in the seasonal tropics. To meet this objective, a baseline characterization of hydrology on the small catchment scale is being assessed across different land uses typical in rural Panama. The land uses being monitored include a variety of control catchments as well as treated pasture sites. Installed instrumentation includes a network of rain gauges, v-notched weirs, atmometers, an eddy covariance system and an assortment of meteorological and automated geochemical sampling systems.

Spatial, rainfall, runoff and ET data across these six geologically and topographically similar catchments are available from and Classic water balance and paired catchment techniques were used to compare the catchments on an annual, seasonal, and event basis. This study sets the stage for hydrologic modeling and for better understanding the effects of vegetation and land-use history on rainfall-runoff processes for the Agua Salud Project and Panama Canal.

We use recently collected slip vector and total offset data from the Agua Blanca fault ABF to constrain a pixel translation digital elevation model DEM to reconstruct the slip history of this fault. This model was constructed using a Perl script that reads a DEM file Easting, Northing, Elevation and a configuration file with coordinates that define the boundary of each fault segment. A pixel translation vector is defined as a magnitude of lateral offset in an azimuthal direction. The program translates pixels north of the fault and prints their pre-faulting position to a new DEM file that can be gridded and displayed.

This analysis, where multiple DEMs are created with different translation vectors, allows us to identify areas of transtension or transpression while seeing the topographic expression in these areas. The benefit of this technique, in contrast to a simple block model, is that the DEM gives us a valuable graphic which can be used to pose new research questions. We have found that many topographic features correlate across the fault, i.

Superconductivity could occur Na -supersaturated Na Cl. A flow-into electron and a flow-out hole mean flow-into of two unit electric c harges. Even if an exciton consisting of an electron and a hole is a neutral q uasi-particle, overlapping of excitons, namely, the bose condensation changes into a superconductor where half the electric current is due to holes moving t oward the reverse direction.

Moreo ver, the present mechanism is supported with that superconducting material alw ays has two kinds of carriers. The superconductivity of Na Cl comes from the ab ove-mentioned theory. The coexistence of two kinds of stable carriers does not always mean the presence of excitons like VO with electrons not paired and localized in e ach V atom though. While, the absorption spectrum of the Na Cl has already conf irmed the presence of excitons; the strength of the spectrum seems to indicate the formation of the bose condensation.

Thus we could expect a new supercondu ctor. The observation of the indirect feeding of the keV state in Mg32 removes some restrictions previously placed on the spin assignment for this state. No evidence of a state at keV in Mg32 is found. Previously unobserved weak transitions up to 5. Em Junho de esteve em Lisboa para participar na 3. Hydrogeology and sustainable future groundwater abstraction from the Agua Verde aquifer in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile.

The hyper-arid conditions prevailing in Agua Verde aquifer in northern Chile make this system the most important water source for nearby towns and mining industries. Due to the growing demand for water in this region, recharge is investigated along with the impact of intense pumping activity in this aquifer. A conceptual model of the hydrogeological system is developed and implemented into a two-dimensional groundwater-flow numerical model. To assess the impact of climate change and groundwater extraction, several scenarios are simulated considering variations in both aquifer recharge and withdrawals.

The scenarios that consider an increase of water withdrawal show a non-sustainable groundwater consumption leading to an over-exploitation of the resource, because the outflows surpasses inflows, causing storage depletion. The greater the depletion, the larger the impact of recharge reduction caused by the considered future climate change. This result indicates that the combined effects of such factors may have a severe impact on groundwater availability as found in other groundwater-dependent regions located in arid environments.

Furthermore, the scenarios that consider a reduction of the extraction flow rate show that it may be possible to partially alleviate the damage already caused to the aquifer by the continuous extractions since , and it can partially counteract climate change impacts on future groundwater availability caused by a decrease in precipitation and so in recharge , if the desalination plant in Taltal increases its capacity. PKA activation caused only a small Activation of PKC with a low concentration of the membrane-permeant diacylglycerol analog oleylacetyl glycerol also potentiated modulation by SKF or cBIMPS, and these effects were most striking at hyperpolarized membrane potentials where PKA modulation was not stimulated by membrane depolarization.

Sodium iron hexacyanoferrate with high Na content as a Na -rich cathode material for Na -ion batteries. Owing to the worldwide abundance and low-cost of Na , room-temperature Na -ion batteries are emerging as attractive energy storage systems for large-scale grids. Increasing the Na content in cathode material is one of the effective ways to achieve high energy density. Prussian blue and its analogues PBAs are promising Na -rich cathode materials since they can theoretically store two Na ions per formula. However, increasing the Na content in PBAs cathode materials is a big challenge in the current.

The Na content can reach as high as 1. As a result, the Na -rich sodium iron hexacyanoferrate could function as a plenteous Na reservoir and has great potential as a cathode material toward practical Na -ion batteries. The NA 62 trigger system. In order to select rare events over the overwhelming background, central systems with high-performance, high bandwidth, flexibility and configurability are necessary, that minimize dead time while maximizing data collection reliability. The NA 62 experiment consists of 12 sub-detector systems and several trigger and control systems, for a total channel count of less than , The NA 62 trigger system works with 3 trigger levels.

Other two trigger levels are based on software, and done with a computer farm located on surface. The L0TP receives information from triggering sub-detectors asynchronously via Ethernet; it processes the information, and then transmits a final trigger decision synchronously to each sub-detector through the Trigger and Timing Control TTC system. The LTU can work in two modes: In the stand-alone mode, the LTU can fully emulate L0TP and so provides an independent way for each sub-detector for testing or calibration purposes.

Europlanet NA 2 Science Networking. NA 2 also enhanced the ability of European planetary scientists to participate on the global scene with their own agenda-setting projects and ideas. The Networking Activity NA 2 included five working groups, aimed at identifying key science issues and producing reference books on major science themes that will bridge the gap between the results of present and past missions and the scientific preparation of the future ones. Within the Europlanet RI project the NA 2 and NA 2-WGs organized thematic workshops, an expert exchange program and training groups to improve the scientific impact of this Infrastructure.

The principal tasks addressed by NA 2 were: There were 17 official WG. In additional, at least 18 doors have been All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that O texto encontra-se estruturado em quatro partes. Ao final, apresentamos a bibliografia e fontes consultadas. Background Hotspot detection and characterization has played an increasing role in understanding the maintenance and transmission of zoonotic pathogens.

Identifying the specific environmental factors or their correlates that influence reservoir host abundance help increase understanding of how pathogens are maintained in natural systems and are crucial to identifying disease risk. However, most recent studies are performed at macro-scale and describe broad temporal patterns of population abundances.

Few have been conducted at a microscale over short time periods that better capture the dynamical patterns of key populations. These finer resolution studies may better define the likelihood of local pathogen persistence. This study characterizes the landscape distribution and spatio-temporal dynamics of Oligoryzomys fulvescens O. A 90 node grid was built raster format to design a base map.

The area between the nodes was 0. The temporal assessment dataset was divided into four periods for each year studied: Results There were heterogeneous patterns in the population densities and degrees of dispersion of O. The species typically was locally absent during the late transitional months of the season, and re-established locally in subsequent years. These populations re-occurred in the same area during the first three years but subsequently re-established further south in the final year of the. Hotspot detection and characterization has played an increasing role in understanding the maintenance and transmission of zoonotic pathogens.

There were heterogeneous patterns in the population densities and degrees of dispersion of O. These populations re-occurred in the same area during the first three years but subsequently re-established further south in the final year of the study. In conventional stereopsis, the depth between two objects is computed based on the retinal disparity in the position of matching points in the two eyes. When an object is occluded by another object in the scene, so that it is visible only in one eye, its retinal disparity cannot be computed. Nakayama and Shimojo found that a precept of quantitative depth between the two objects could still be established for such stimuli and proposed that this precept is based on the constraints imposed by occlusion geometry.

They named this and other occlusion-based depth phenomena " da Vinci stereopsis. However, Nakayama and Shimojo's findings were later brought into question by Gillam, Cook, and Blackburn , who suggested that quantitative depth in their stimuli was perceived based on conventional disparity.

In order to understand whether da Vinci stereopsis relies on one type of mechanism or whether its function is stimulus dependent we examine the nature and source of depth in the class of stimuli used by Nakayama and Shimojo We use three different psychophysical and computational methods to show that the most likely source for depth in these stimuli is occlusion geometry. Based on these experiments and previous data we discuss the potential mechanisms responsible for processing depth from monocular features in da Vinci stereopsis.

Study of heat and salt transport processes in the Espinheiro Channel Ria de Aveiro.

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A propagacao da mare e o caudal fluvial do Rio Vouga sao determinantes no estabelecimento da estrutura horizontal da salinidade ao longo do canal. A estrutura termica horizontal ao longo do canal e, em grande parte, determinada pela variacao sazonal da temperatura da agua do Rio Vouga, bem como, pela variacao sazonal das condicoes meteorologicas devido a reduzida profundidade. Foi observada a formacao de fortes gradientes de salinidade relacionados com a formacao de frentes estuarinas numa regiao a cerca de km da embocadura do canal, observando-se a sua migracao numa regiao de aproximadamente 1 km, dependendo do regime de mare.

O balanco entre o transporte de sal de natureza advectiva e difusiva foi calculado, revelando que junto a embocadura os processos fisicos que mais contribuem para o transporte de sal sao a circulacao residual e o aprisionamento da agua em canais secundarios. Junto a foz do Rio Vouga os termos devidos a descarga fluvial e a circulacao gravitacional dominam o transporte de sal. Foi calibrado e validado um modelo numerico Mohid, em modo 2D e 3D , sendo posteriormente utilizado para estudar a hidrologia do canal. Foi concedida particular atencao ao estudo da hidrologia em condicoes extremas de caudal fluvial e de mare.

Os resultados da modelacao numerica permitiram numa primeira fase avaliar o bom desempenho do Mohid na reproducao dos escoamentos barotropicos na Ria de Aveiro, bem como na evolucao temporal das propriedades termohalinas da agua. Com o aumento do caudal fluvial, a influencia da agua doce estende-se para jusante, estratificando a coluna de agua.

As simulacoes 3D do Canal do. The fetus and the terminal patient possess the same characteristic: The anthropology of the beginnings and ends of life. In a survey about the theme, we found biomedical articles, presented below, which tackle dilemmas and positionings regarding the possible decisions and their consequences. The survey was carried out on the internet via the Google search engine to find media articles on the theme after , up to April , and scientific articles, based on the following words: Media articles relative to twelve cases of pregnant women with brain death were found.

From these cases, we selected three for analysis, as the positionings of the family members and medical staff and the judicial decision were different in each case, which allowed deeper reflection on the decision-making process. It is worth mentioning that the articles published in biomedical journals and from the justice and law fields were all found using Google, as we did not search scientific bases. The search was carried out in and In an article was published about the brain death of a woman in the 13th week of pregnancy 21 ICM J; ; 30 7: The fetal heartbeats stopped on the eighth day after maternal brain death.

The authors consider mother and fetus to be two distinct organisms. Although there is no minimum limit for pregnancy time, the maintenance of maternal somatic functions depends on time to reach fetal viability, with the ideal being 32 weeks. The article cites the maximum prolongation of days, after which birth occurred. In this case days would be needed to reach viability.

The authors believe prolongation to be ethical only when there is hope of success. The authors point out three perspectives: In legal terms, European legislation varies as to the concession of rights to the fetus 20 In Ireland, the fetus has the right to life from conception, but in other countries a week fetus has no legal rights. In Ireland, even with legal support to the fetus, the imperative of maintaining maternal somatic support is fulfilled when birth is probable. The prolongation of somatic support in a pregnant woman with brain-death: The text presents a case in Brazil: Having been diagnosed with brain death, the patient began to receive respiratory and nutritional support and vasoactive drugs, hormones, temperature control and interventions to prolong pregnancy.

The decisions were made in consensus with family members. The boy was placed in the neonatal intensive care unit and was discharged with no after-effects after 40 days. The article by Anita Catlin and Deborah Volat 23 Catlin AJ, Volat D. When the fetus is alive but the mother is not: Crit Care Nurs Clin Am. The question is whether to maintain or not life support for the pregnant woman for another 5 months for the sake of fetal development. The text reflects on the decision-making process.

Using examples, the authors analyze ethical dilemmas concerning the woman, the fetus, the family members and the nursing staff. It is necessary to define what life and death is in order to assess the mother. The text questions whether the completion of an organ donation form means acceptance of life-sustaining measures. Questions are raised, such as who should decide and what are the deliberations when there is a conflict of interest. As for ethical dilemmas, it is asked whether the fetus can be considered alive when the mother has suffered brain death. The article presents a concern with leading the fetus to a condition of viability for birth, as if it were an individual with a right to treatment.

These questions are posed: Would this care be an experimental treatment, without the consent of the woman or the fetus? Finally, the authors state that the cases reflect the religious environment of the country in which the study was conducted. Majid Esmaeilzadeh et al. One life ends, another begins: Management of a brain-dead pregnant mother.

As explained above, this article was found with an internet search. Thirty cases were found from to The average time of pregnancy at brain death diagnosis was 22 weeks, and the time of pregnancy to birth, Twelve viable children were born and survived. The authors stated that it is possible to sustain the somatic functions of the brain dead pregnant woman for a long period. No limit is defined for the minimum time of pregnancy after which medical efforts can lead a fetus to development. The decision must be for each case, according to maternal stability and fetal growth. The article lists the medical support procedures and presents obstetric, fetal and neonatal considerations, as well as those concerning organ donation.

The opposing position is to consider the woman as a cadaverous incubator with no autonomous rights, attributing preeminence to fetal rights. Other authors compare the prolongation of maternal life to an organ transplant in which the fetus would be the recipient. The possibility of extending life in brain death cases presents a specific problem when the subject is a pregnant woman.

In the Pontifical Academies for Life page on the Vatican portal 25 In the Key to Bioethics 26 Keys to bioethics — JMJ Rio The debate on death with dignity emerges in the discussion of euthanasia and organ donation. Despite mention of the brain death concept, there is no reference to maternal brain death and pregnancy continuation.

The manual condemns any form of abortion and embryo manipulation except to extend its life. It is categorical with respect to informed consent for organ donation, opposing end-of-life directives such as contracts for life support interruption in case of irreversible coma. Our hypothesis is that the Vatican assumes the last interpretation, based on the example of an anencephalic fetus, where the magisterium advocates that pregnancy be maintained until the end in order to give an unviable being the right to life.

The fetus and the brain-dead pregnant woman are considered individuals: