Bible Readings on The Psalms

Book of Psalms

Psalm Psalm S ver 5 Psalm Enrich your faith and grow in spiritual maturity with the incredible Bible study and devotional books listed below. Try it for 30 days FREE. Cancel at any time. You must be logged in to view your newly purchased content. Please log in below or if you don't have an account, creating one is easy and only takes a few moments. After you log in your content will be available in your library. More on the NIV. Print Twitter Facebook Email. Click the button below to continue.

Step 1 - Create an account or log in to start your free trial. Three easy steps to start your free trial subscription to Bible Gateway Plus. Create or log in to your Bible Gateway account. Enter your credit card information to ensure uninterrupted service following your free trial. And I knew retirement was inevitable. But how to stop the pain and fear….. God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Thanks Peter… I have been feeling so down and depressed… decided to Google for some passages about strength in times if troubles and stumbled upon your page… Thanks a lot. I came here tonight to find strength thru a financially hard several months. This evening, I felt my heart sink when my husband looked at me and asked me questions about my inability to contribute to our household in the way that I always been able to, due to being unemployed. I could so use a little uplifting right now.

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I know resolution will come but days like this make it difficult to reflect on the bright side of things. I pray for continued strength for you and your family! I retired recently and know what you mean about that look. God has been showing me to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto me!! I pray this for you and your family.

The evil one is getting us so focused on temporal things which are important , that we lose focus on who God is! God is our provider! Our ever present help in times of trouble! Our Rock and our strong tower! His seed does not beg for bread! This has really encourage me. After i have faced one of the most embarrassing day, God has led me here. This is a huge help for me and your readers as we walk through this life. No matter what our situations are. We should always cling to His words.

I really appreciate your post. Thank you for posting this. It is a really good help to me. And when you are in a hard times, just read this and this can give you hope. Thanks for this post! I would like to say Thank You so much for your video! Im going through some tough times right now I just lost my husband back in April 14, and three weeks before I lost my dad! This has been overwhelming for me cuz Im in the house alone and I have been trying my best! I had to quit my job to take care of my husband that passed away with cancer!

His cancer went so fast and now Im looking for a job so I can start paying the bills by myself and it has been so overwhelming! I pray each day and give the LORD thanks!

I loved your video it gave me hope not to give up no matter how hard things should get! GOD Bless you and your family and I hope all goes well for yall! Thanks again for touching my life today! Thank you for what you are doing. I am going through a rough time and I feel frustrated. This is prompting me to be rude at my place of work. I know that I have disobeyed God in my hard times and complained alot. I feel torn and crushed in my spirit. Hello Pete, Maria, and family, Thank you for all the verses on strength, and encouragement.

They are a help. I needed to hear them right now as my future husband, and I are going through a test of persecution. We have committed to forgiving those who are being deceived by satan, and mistreating us. We are committed to forgiving them; we are committed to praying for them, and we are committed to loving them. I am going to share the verses you shared with me with him. I sincerely appreciate you. Thank you for being a vessel of the Lord and bringing these verses to me when I needed them most.

They have helped raise me emotionally and spiritually and I will always hold these verses close. Would you know of any scriptures I can stand on for finances?

I have a job that is up and down, I am a personal trainer changing one life at a time, helping them feel good, look better. I live with a friend but I need to move out on my own. Can you send me some scriptures I can stand on! Best wishes on your upcoming move. I really enjoyed exodus I not perfect but I try to be the best Christian I can be. I pray fast that he will put on her heart to reconcile the marriage. Please any advice and prayers is much needed.

Some posts we have on the topic of marriage which may have some helpful verses:.

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But I read through this and I can say that I believe it. Thank you for these verses on strength.

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This is one of my favorite ways of studying the Bible — by comparing verses from the Scriptures with the same word. Helped me i am i a real struggle my family especially my immediate family treats me awful seems like they hate me, no one takes me serious my peers at work have 0 respect for me because my personality is different. The guy i decided to give another chance turns out he just wanted me back to get over his feelings for me so he can move on.

Every relationship i had has failed except with my daughter.. I would really appreciate some support or feedback um feeling really hopeless. I know thats what the devil wants. Thanks for these scriptures. You must love yourself first and put God before any and All. You will have found a good thing because he will love ,respect and give you his all the same as GOD has given to him.

He will Love you as GOD loves him.. Answer all my prayers!! I asked he answered. I knocked he open the door.

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My Lord thank you for being there or my time of need I was down you brought me up I was worried you comfort me!!! Thank you my Lord I am your Warrior!!! Just gave me the strength to keep going and praise him more I was at the end of the road thank you and thank you Jesus. Thank you so much.

I really love to read of the Bible verses and makes me stronger. I know god is always there for me to reminds me the truth. Glory to god in the highest. Hello Yes, there is a verse that I enjoyed. I felt it fit my situation, and made me feel more at ease. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast 1 Peter 5: I made it to where I added this to my screen saver Jah ,bless my soul.

I feel everything in my Life is falling apart in front of me. My health my soul just everything in my Life. I need you God please help take over my life. Prayer is the key and faith unlocks the door. As a single mother struggling everyday to make ends meet. My car was reprocessed am about to lose my apartment all I have is faith so thanks to reenergizing my strength in the Lord.

Been going through some big issues in life and not sure where to put my thoughts and feelings at this point. Thanks for this inspiring word.

Psalm 16:8

Begin reading God's Word ad-free with instant access to your new online study library. You must love yourself first and put God before any and All. This evening, I felt my heart sink when my husband looked at me and asked me questions about my inability to contribute to our household in the way that I always been able to, due to being unemployed. Please log in below or if you don't have an account, creating one is easy and only takes a few moments. Hi, Peter Thank you so much sharing your wisdom of the scriptures, this is one I live by: He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. To manage your subscription, visit your Bible Gateway account settings.

I have a college degree but still struggling I get up at 2AM everyday worrying about the unknown. Definitely need strength, with these upcoming hearings. Thank you so much for this Peter. It is exactly what I needed. God can never fail us; the word of God is true. It is indeed like a hammer that crushes the rocks into pieces.

Reading Plan - Daily Psalm

Father Lord be praised!!!! Thank you very much all the scriptures were very very helpful to me I really needed them. Rule Based Automated Savings Account. Toxic Debt To The 6th Degree. Bible Verses About Hope: Comments Share Your Thoughts: I would even add Psalm 23 to the list. If god placed it on your heart, then why not? This is just what I needed tonight. Thank you for these amazing words from the Lord. Hi, Peter Thank you so much sharing your wisdom of the scriptures, this is one I live by: My only true friend is Jesus.

I have helped many people but I always yield ungratefulness.


I been going through anxiety and fast rate I been god will heal my heart please pray for me. I am so thankful to have see this. It blessed me is a very profound way. Thanks my husband and are going through hard times,i really needed this this am.. God bless, just said a prayer for you! I am looking for the verse the lord is my strength n my refuge. Thank you for this opportunity!

If I may, I like to share my favorite Bible verse: Peter, Thank you for being a vessel of the Lord and bringing these verses to me when I needed them most. Here are a few: Some posts we have on the topic of marriage which may have some helpful verses: I am happy finding this site, pulling me closer to God as we need him now more than ever. Thanks for the good words from God. I feel fulfilled and released, I am blessed by the word of God. Thank you sir and more grace.

Can God really cure HIV? My faith is failing me. Please pray for me too. Thank you And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast 1 Peter 5: I am going to bookmark this verses and will be guideline in prayers. I am really touch about everything you said God bless you.

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