SnowMoon Wolfs Guide to Self-Publishing

Spend some time crafting your eye-catching book description. It will make your book stand out to your readers and motivate them to purchase your book. For the best results, we recommend using the Free Amazon Book Description generator at kindlepreneur. Since Amazon allows only seven keywords per book , keyword selection requires strategy. Keywords are specific words or phrases used to describe your book. If someone was looking for a book on your topic, they might type one of those keywords into Amazon or Google in order to find it.

Keyword Examples For example, if your book is about perseverance, you might find keywords like this useful: Make a list of possible keywords for your book, then leverage the tools above to test your keywords. Putting in the time to get keywords right will have your book rank higher and appear more frequently to readers.

  • Scott Allan.
  • SnowMoon Wolf's Guide to Self-Publishing ASIN BAX14CW by Villayat 'SnowMoon Wolf'Sunkmanitu?
  • ?
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  • The Tail;
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Amazon provides a collection of categories and subcategories to choose from. These categories are what you will rank as a bestseller in, which is why you want to make sure you pick fitting categories that are specific, but also not super competitive. You want to stand out. You can also check the rankings of the top three books on the first page of each category.

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Amazon sales ranking measures how well a product is selling compared to its competitors. All books that are ranked 2, or less are considered to be highly purchased products in that particular category.

Unless you have an established audience with significant downloads and reviews, try to aim for categories with books that rank between 10,, Do you want to know how to rank for ten categories? To upload your manuscript, it first must be saved in a supported kindle forma t.

Amazon Self-Publishing: Using Kindle Direct Publishing from Start to Finish

Once Amazon finishes uploading your file, a confirmation message will be sent and you can preview the uploaded file to check for any errors. You can upload the manuscript as many times as you want and the new version will override the existing. This feature is often the first thing your prospective readers will click on when checking out your book. If the formatting is off here, it can deter readers from picking up your book. Take this extra step to make sure your formatting looks good here too. When it comes to publishing a successful book on Amazon, having a perfect book cover is one of the most important aspects to get right.

So you must make sure that it is created professionally and that it will stand apart from the rest of the books in your genre or category.

Living with PTSD - Journey of a Veteran

Prices will depend on the level of service, but these sites will give you plenty of amazing graphic designers to choose from! Make sure to do your research regarding what type of book cover does best in your genre. Fantasy books, for example, will be a lot different than a memoir or even a historical fiction. A question often asked is: The royalty payments vary depending on the country, but you can learn more on KDP Select pricing page.

At some point, your sales will begin to dip. Pricing Strategies Here are the 4 main pricing strategies to consider in order to be competitive and sell books: You can get legitimate and honest reviews from: Experiment with these strategies to pinpoint the price for your book, it will drive long-term success.

If you want to become a self-published author , you must be fluent with platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing and more. You can never start too early. We know writing can be really time-consuming but if you put your mind to it, you can utilize your weekends to write faster and get more done. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can publish! We have some free training all ready to go for you. Chandler Bolt put together this video training guide that will help you learn what it takes to go from blank page to self-published author in as little as 90 days!

Take advantage of this offer and join your FREE webinar training to get started toward your dream of becoming a self-published author. His passion is creating content that helps people change old behaviors, develop positive habits and implement strategies for taking immediate action towards their dreams. Check out Scott's books here. How do you evaluate the difference between the Kindle Paper back program and publishing with Create Space? Has someone written a blog comparing the two? I prefer the Createspace option. It requires a little more work on your part up front, but the end product is usually better with a smaller likelihood for error.

This is a good blog post idea!

Is Self-Publishing on Amazon a Good Idea in 2019

Tons of specific information, I know this is going to help a lot of people. Keep up the good work. Will help a lot of people Scott. Before selling my photography commercially, I used to load them up for anyone to download on 'Webshots' I remember being home off work sick with the flu and writing the first website between bouts of fevered sleep. Poetry's a very personal form of expression though and I was always unsure about exposing my soul to the public. The anger caused by the NHS and social Services got the better of me and I put the first book together.

I didn't want to use a publisher though as I wanted total control over my work because I've lost faith in the commercial machine and people where money is involved. Society had become less honourable, less honest and more greedy. There were now more people willing to step on each other and steal ideas rather than work honourably and network with each other properly. So I setup 'SnowMoon Wolf' as a publishing company. SnowMoon Wolf is the 'medicine name' that was given to me by a teacher of the old ways.

Some time during I found myself walking a different path with regards to my art. Profit was never top of the agenda. I was happy as long as I could finance the act of creating my art. I became aware of how powerful a medicine creativity was in helping me to cope with my disability and I wanted to share that with other people that are disabled artists. I decided that the primary aim was to inspire, motivate and assist other artists and disabled artists by setting up various resources for them to use.

In I became aware of the different levels of Intellectual Property IP abuse that take place and put together a resource for artists to help them protect their creations under the heading RespectIP! It provides tips and techniques on how to protect your IP and helps to make you aware of companies that abuse IP, as well as those that assume full rights to your IP and use it any way they see fit without paying you a penny.

The more I delved into the world of publishing, the more I likened the scenario to swimming in 'shark infested waters'.

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People wanted money for tasks that hardly take any time and effort; in short they were preying on our ignorance I refined my publishing methods whilst preparing my second volume of poetry The Way of the Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran and released a book to assist people to self publish their own printed and digital books: SnowMoon Wolf's guide to Self Publishing.

It's a small title and very cheap but every now and then I can make it available for no charge through Amazon Kindle.

See a Problem?

In I setup a Search Engine Optimisation SEO section to my site to further help artists to hep them to promote themselves on the internet. Having a website is fine but we need to make ourselves searchable - primarily on 'Google' as it's the primary search engine on the globe.

This section of the website gives people some hints on how to setup their web pages to make it easier to climb the Google ladder. I also setup a series of free presentations and workshops for different sorts of groups. They cover everything from presentations on my photography to enabling sessions for aspiring travel and wildlife photographers Apart from the above, work is continuing on the exhibition that will take place in November entitled ' Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder '.

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  • Living with PTSD - Journey of a Veteran by Villayat 'Snowmoon Wolf' Sunkmanitu.
  • Book Soul of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran by Villayat 'SnowMoon Wolf' Sunkmanitu!
  • ?
  • The Ultimate Guide to Self-Publishing Costs.
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I started putting together plans for the exhibition a few years ago and have a really good feeling about it. The project feels 'right' now I've never had an arts grant or any other form of financial assistance for this project. Everything is self financed. So, if you have ever purchased any of my art or poetry I'll continue to develop my art personally and professionally