Il nostro Sic (VINTAGE): (eBook a colori per Tablet e PC) (Italian Edition)

The textual corpus consists of the entire collection of papers published in Teksty Drugie excluding letters, surveys, notes, etc. The material covering the years — was digitised, OCR-ed, and then manually edited, in order to exclude running heads, editorial comments, and so forth. Obviously, some textual noise — e. The material from onwards was digitally-born, but even though a small number of textual issues might have occurred.

We believe, however, that distant reading techniques are resistant to small amounts of systematic noise Eder, Given the nature of Polish, which is highly inflected, lemmatization was necessary for a reliable processing of texts. The corpus has been lemmatised with LEM 1. Piasecki, Walkowiak, Maryl, under review 2. Dynamic visualisation, supporting the interpretive process, was performed in Gephi Bastian et al. Louvain algorithm for computation Blondel et al.

A bimodal network of the relations between topics were produced using, again, Gephi. Other parameters used in the study included: Subsequent trials showed that the best segmentation of the co-citation network is achieved with 27 groups among which 12 were too small for analysis. Those groups were interpreted see. The graph is bidirectional authors referencing others may have also been referenced. Figure 1, Co-citation network of Teksty Drugie with respective clusters. Firstly, we analysed and categorised the topics on the basis of their predominant words.

The categories are as follows: A thorough exploration of such models requires a topographical visualisation capable of showing the connections between various topics, which often share a key word cf. Goldstone and Underwood, For instance, almost perfectly in the geometrical centre of the network we may find topics and words pertinent to literary scholarship: Relationships between topics in Teksty Drugie. Discussion In the discussion we will elaborate the details of both models and show how both methods may complement each other. Topic models help us understand why certain authors could be connected in the co-citation network.

It could also allow us to check whether the dominance of a certain topic stems from the large number of scholars who pursue it, or rather, depends on the fact that a small group of authors has been publishing more often than others. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment Recalibrating the Literary Field. Communications of the ACM, 55 4: Goldstone, Andrew and Ted Underwood.

New Literary History, 45 3: Digital Methods and Literary History. University of llinois Press. Long, Hoyt and Richard So. Abstract Models for a Literary History. Paper submitted to DH So, Richard and Long, Hoyt Boundary 2, 40 2: Date le caratteristiche dei calcolatori elettronici, e in particolare l'aspetto computazionale Ausiello et al. Utilizzando un approccio interdisciplinare, che attinge a diversi settori, dalla critica testuale all'informatica teorica, passando per la biblioteconomia, questa relazione vuole concentrarsi sulla natura precipua delle edizioni elettroniche, analizzando da un diverso punto di vista aspetti fino ad ora considerati non rilevanti e accessori.

Come conseguenza i modelli sviluppati fino ad ora, come ad esempio il metodo Lachmann Timpanaro , o la teoria del copy-text di Bowers-Greg Greg , hanno la loro natura fondativa basata su criteri formali e nomotetici, basti pensare alla legge di maggioranza o alle differenze strutturali tra accidentals e substantials. Passando a un livello pragmatico, in un saggio di bibliografia testuale, Neil Harris cita una definizione di W.

Riferimenti Bibliografici Ausiello, G. Thinking about the digital humanities. The Beauty of Code, the Code of Beauty. Why the Humanities Need Numbers to Survive". Aspen Ideas Festival Fondamenti di critica testuale. The Rationale of Copy-Text. Studies in Bibliography 3 1: A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism. University of Virginia Press. Literature after the World Wide Web. Or do electronic scholarly editions have a mercurial attitude? International seminar of Digital Philology, Edinburgh, Informatica e critica dei testi.

Manuale di linguistica e filologia romanza, Manuali. TEI Consortium a cura di. Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. La genesi del metodo del Lachmann, Firenze: Communications of the ACM 49 3: Imagining how emerging technologies could first be tried on humanities problems and then scaled up to infrastructure for others to use has been one of the defining features of the field.

The project lasted 34 years and at its peak involved as staff of 71 persons all housed in large ex-textile factory in Gallarate. For their time they were dealing with big data, really big data. If we want to understand what is involved in scaling up to big infrastructure we should look back to the beginnings of the field and the emergence of big projects like the IT. How can we study projects as bearers of ideas? Historiography of Projects If one believes, as we do, that projects are a form of distributed cognition that create meaning, we should then ask how they work at generating and bearing meaning.

Despite a lot of attention being paid to how to manage projects, there is little about how digital projects can be studied as bearers of meaning. The IT project has the advantage of being extremely well documented, and can therefore serve as a case study right at the threshold between traditional concording projects and digital humanities projects. The Archives cover a time span of around 60 years from the beginning of the s until and contain different kinds of materials, which can be summarized as follows: The image is contained in the Busa Archives, held in the library of the same university.

For further information, or to request permission for reuse, please contact Marco Passarotti, at marco. Largo Gemelli 1, Milan, Italy. For information on the archives contact the archivist Paolo Senna at paolo. Following a specific request by Busa, the Archives still retain their original organization in sections and related boxes arranged by Busa.

The irony is that very few Italian scholars seem to avail themselves of the archive. The Index Thomisticus as Project The heart of this paper is an examination of some aspects of the IT project that can shed light on DH projects in general and how they have evolved. We will first look at how Busa conceived of the project and how that conception evolved as he developed collaborations with others and the technology changed. Then we will look at the data entry, indexing and concording process to understand the very different role of scholars and data Busa ; Busa Unlike modern big data or distant reading practices, scholars and operators were intimately involved in curating the data.

Today communications would be mostly over email and such email would not be archived. The Legacy of Father Busa to Reconcile the Two Humanities In conclusion we will discuss the the legacy of Father Busa as it applies to simplistic ideas about big data analytics in the humanities.

The project of the Index Thomisticus was started because Busa needed to find a way to deal with a large amount of textual data. This need was motivated by his rigorous approach to empirical evidence. Busa believed the greatest danger lay in considering Computational Linguistics and DH, too not as a discipline aimed at doing things better, but rather as a tool to do things faster. He was not satisfied by computer generated quick KWICs pun intended. Materials in the Archives show an incredible attention to detail from page layout to fonts to language.

He feared that the computational linguists as well as computing humanists of the third millennium would cease caring for the human data which should be their bread and butter and lose the humility to check each analysis, preferring instead to process huge masses of texts quickly and approximately without even reading a line.

Today, we see this fear of Father Busa coming true in opportunistic projects. Availability of data like social media data replaces the careful gathering, enrichment and curation of appropriate data. By contrast, Busa was convinced that striving to formalize language for computing represents an extraordinary method to get to a detailed knowledge of it. He argued that preparing textual data for computer analysis requires the scholar to dedicate more time and effort than that required for non-computer-aided research.

This is clear if we look at the detailed flowchart that Tasman prepared for the building of word concordances for the Index Thomisticus see Fig. Today many projects in the digital humanities and other fields are tempted by the big data at hand. This laziness alienates "the two Humanities" namely the "Digital" Humanities and "Traditional" Humanities. What would it mean to return to a rigorous, objective, ethical and, in a word, scientific approach to data?

Primo saggio di indici di parole automaticamente composti e stampati da macchine IBM a schede perforate. Their Applications to Science and Industry. New York, Reinhold Publishing: The Priest and the Punched Cards. A commercial security firm was pitching a bank to get a contract to use surveillance software and cyber attacks to delegitimize WikiLeaks! Tools and techniques that had previously been developed and used by government agencies for counterterrorism were now being deployed by the commercial sector to interfere rhetorically in the public sphere.

And that is what this paper is about, the importance to the humanities of analytical tools and services of companies like Palantir. Specifically in this paper we will: Palantir and Commercial Surveillance Fig. What is less well understood are the commercial tools that are being sold to intelligence services and other organizations including repressive regimes Hern What we do know comes from cases where surveillance companies have been hacked themselves like the Anonymous hack and the later hack of the Italian company Hacking Team Hern Reading the Surveillance Things The humanities have traditionally concerned themselves with the interpretation of human expression in its different forms.

Software like Palantir can be thought of as a tool or as an instantiation of a hermeneutic. In the second part of this paper we will argue that digital humanists are well positioned to critically read the traces of the tools being used to manage public discourse. We will discuss the approaches one can take, drawing on humanities traditions, to reading the tools as communicative frames.

We will also discuss what we as digital humanists need to learn to study software and infrastructure critically. One thing we need to learn to do is to read the forms of information exchange common in business and security circles. This includes the sorts of commercial literature used to promote analytical tools, the forms of documentation shared, and above all PowerPoint decks, which have become a currency in intelligence circles.

None of these are really great literature; they are genres generally ignored in the humanities, but they are what we have as traces of surveillance. As modern-day paleographers we need to adapt our hermeneutical methods to these commercial genres. In this paper we will argue that these tools build representations of people and their stories.

We can consider tools like Palantir as story-telling tools and some of the documentation for Palantir treats them this way. We will argue that the digital humanities therefore has a responsibility to think through what and how they tell stories that affect us. When thinking about big data we can talk about reading communities. Reading makes meaning, but it does so in networked communities of readers. What do these tools say about their intended communities?

Can we create new and critical communities for these tools? Can we recover the role of interpretation or theory Anderson in the face of commercial interests? We believe it is doubtful that knowledge can exist without interpretation which is why we need to not only interpret big data, but also the tools of interpretation like Palantir. Bibliographical References Anderson, C.

Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous. Il Problema Della Formalizzazione. Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities. The answer was not simple nor linear and directly involved the Digital Humanities DH from now on as a disciplinary and research field that was still poorly and controversially defined. Thaller wondered how, providing certain conditions, DH could bring out the Humanities from the Indian reserve where they are now confined. In particular DH specialists should: A few months after the conference Serge Noiret wrote on Digital History one of my personal fields of research trying to clarify what actually characterizes this subject within the wider field of DH, and - within the Digital History itself - what is the specific task of the Digital Public History Noiret ; see also Robertson Digital History and Digital Public History are clearly seen as areas of research and not merely as new forms of communication of old disciplines.

Moreover he answered to items 2 and 3 too, essentially proposing a more accurate taxonomy of DH. I do not want to linger in this paper on the definition of DH as a whole nor of its components: Frustrating because, as many authors and research centers have declared, despite its now long history, the DH is still an emerging field, and as well as an open, multifaceted, ever-changing one; risky, because each taxonomy of knowledge unavoidably builds walls and fences that encase the knowledge itself in a series of sterile boxes.

It's more important to go beyond a possible but also difficult definition of DH and their several sub-disciplines, focusing our attention on items 2 and 3 of the Thaller list instead, namely on the need to have our own vision and on the importance to characterize DH in terms of the emerging changes of method in our daily research. In particular I will try to connect the concepts expressed by both scholars, looking on the one hand to the recent history of DH in Italy i.

Some graduate programs born in the begiining of the new century had a more or less long life, partly as a result of the continued reforms of the university rules. Currently the only full course of Informatica Umanistica Humanities Computing with BA and MA degree is in Pisa, but there are BA and MA degrees with different names in other Italian universities, such as Viterbo, Venice or Padua; there are alto several specialization courses after University, a sign that he feels a strong need for training in the sector, although the formalization of this bisdogno is hampered by grid reference standard Inside the course degree in Pisa I will focus very briefly on some projects.

A re-reading partly driven and partly spontaneous of the epigraphic messages left over time in a city. In the area of Digital Public History: Itinerari tra generazioni lungo i crinali della Val di Vara a complex project aimed at enhancing the cultural heritage of an Italian rural valley through the active participation of residents. In the field of Digital Editions: By shortly describing these project I will not try to figure out what distinguishes them from each other, but, on the contrary, what characterizes all of them as Digital Culture projects and what they tell us about a possible vision of DH: This may seem trivial but it is not.

They are digital because they might not otherwise exist. Openness is a result and a choice. Working in a multidisciplinary team built upon research and with different tools, sustainability requires using open source tools, sharing data between individuals and giving everything to the public. Then Openness is a natural result, even it is also an ethical, political and philosophical choice as the Digital Manifesto 2. In a Renaissance workshop it was possible to produce different objects: The owner of the shop or the head-artist had not necessarily to know each technique as an expert, but his employees could in many ways be superior and the various members of the workshop could learn from each other.

The owner had to keep the team together with a well clear idea of the work itself. The basis first phases of the work are often composed by students of the Bachelor and Master's degree in DH, who work, in the labCD, as interns or undergraduates. The manager is not required - nor humanly could - to know every aspect in depth, nor to be fully aware of all the problems related to it, or to master each technique: The core of DH is unitary and lies in the conviction that the digital turn has permeated every aspect of our lives as people and scholars modifying them deeply.

In the 70s of XXth century has increasingly gained ground a vision of Humanities Computing that kept almost unchanged the traditional disciplines within their rigid internal divisions and distinguished the humanist from the expert in information technology, hoping and promoting a dialogue between the two main areas still in Fusi , I, p. Today this position is no longer sustainable. The web in first place and the web 2.

We are obviously still in a transitional phase. It 's more and more widespread the awareness that we are a new type of scholar and graduate, and PhD , the digital humanist, someone who has a mixed formation, an open mind, is able to master both languages and the main methodological issues of the two areas without considering one serving the other. In doing so, we need to maintain the epistemological strictness that each discipline involved in the DH has developed over time: As we know reductionism believes that studying in depth a peculiarity of a phenomenon and understanding it completely it will be possible, by progressive addition of discoveries, illuminate the entire system.

The reductionist approach has been, as we know, the basis for the scientific revolution of the modern age, but it also led in the eighteenth and nineteenth century to an exasperate fragmentation of the fields of scientific research. This phenomenon has also heavily influenced the Humanities,often creating absurd barriers and hyper-specialized languages, that have closed researches in several walled gardens. I believe that this long wave has exhausted its strength and that precisely the DH can reverse the trend.

This change of paradigms could and should affect the DH as well for the reasons listed above, promoting a systemic view of this meta-discipline and therefore pushing Digital Humanists to deeply transform the old practice of work. Bibliographical References Adamo G.

A Unifying Vision, Cambridge; italian edition Vita e natura. Una visione sistemica, Sansepolcro Ciotti F. In questo articolo presentiamo due sperimentazioni fatte tenendo presente questo obiettivo. Nel primo caso abbiamo applicato tecniche di visual analytics su un corpus testuale formato da parte della corrispondenza di Galileo Galilei, contenuta nella biblioteca galileiana di Firenze.

Per esempio i grafici della storia quantitativa, le mappe della geografia o gli alberi genealogici utilizzati come forme di rappresentazione astratta dei dati Moretti La sperimentazione con applicazione web La prima sperimentazione fatta adotta tecniche di visual analytics per la gestione dei dati testuali. Abbiamo infatti iniziato a utilizzare le funzioni di rappresentazione visuale che le librerie D3 JS mettono a disposizione. In particolare si tratta del volume XV che contiene lettere relative ad un arco temporale che va da gennaio alla fine di dicembre dello stesso anno.

Per esempio emersione di arcaismi evidenti nelle forme, soprattutto verbali: Criteri di razionalizzazione dei dati hanno imposto un taglio delle forme con frequenze basse. Fornendo al tempo stesso indicazioni di volume struttura, relazioni e tipologia dei dati e suggerire ulteriori analisi e studi.

In ambito mobile, la consultazione dei contenuti testuali si intreccia con i dati geografici e spesso avviene in loco: Sulla mappa si evidenziano ad esempio le aree in cui un determinato progettista ha operato, attribuibili ad uno stile architettonico o legate alla presenza di specifici interventi ricostruzione, riqualificazione, etc. I, ISBN , pp. Tools and Resources Supporting the Cultural Tourism. Challenges for visual analytics. Information Visualization, 8 4 , This information opens a number of new research perspectives.

First, one can study the fluctuations of social and administrative geographies over the time. Second, one can compare the comprehensive visions of the geography of the Islamic world given by geographers from different periods and different parts of the Islamic world.


Il nostro Sic (VINTAGE): (eBook a colori per Tablet e PC). Il nostro Sic (VINTAGE ): (eBook a colori per Tablet e PC) (Italian Edition) Kindle Edition. by. Rossella. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Il nostro Sic (VINTAGE): ( eBook a colori per Tablet e PC) (Italian Edition) at Read honest and.

The way the authors describe the history of an area at nearly close or exact time span shows how the area changes over time. At the core of these discussions stands historical data that explains regional divisions. Regions might vary from source to source and from time to time.

With such data, we can use computational approaches to model different aspects of regional histories and find answer to questions like: In this paper we examine various mathematical models for geographical hierarchical and route network data that can be collected from premodern sources. Although we focus here on Islamic texts, the same approach can be applied to geographical texts that supply similar type of data in any historical language. We implement corresponding visualizations to provide a better visual insight into relevant data and to demonstrate how they fit into each model.

We also evaluate these models by describing their strong and weak sides. This data contains only one level of regional divisions i. Any other datasets can fit into our model if they offer a structurally similar information on places and their provincial affiliations. The input data should be in one of these data formats: In Figure 2 we can see part of this data more closely. We use the resulting visual perception to improve the current model or think of a new one. We consider the mathematical models quadtree clustering Samet, , Voronoi diagram Aurenhammer, , convex hull, and concave hull.

Our implementations of these particular models are based on Meeks, Quadtree We first start with quadtree clustering which divides the space into a multi-level grid cells on the plane such that each cell contains one or more settlements. An illustration is shown in Figure 3. We will finally have each individual settlement in the smallest cells in the lowest level of tree structure. Figure 3 shows circles with different radiuses representing distinct levels of zooming. More clearly, bigger circles contain smaller regions or settlements and the smallest circles stand for individual settlements.

Quadtree performs well to depict the density of settlements and thus to show the contrast of settled vs. Furthermore, this model is useful for datasets without any hierarchical information. However, this is not what literally the regions have been shaped in the real world. It means, this algorithm does not allow to take advantage of hierarchical divisions, as its clustering is based on spatial proximity. Quadtree Visualization of Settlements Voronoi Diagram Voronoi diagram is another model which we examine here.

Assuming that each settlement is a generating point on the plane, the Voronoi algorithm divides the plane into cells in shape of polygons such that every single cell contains exactly one generating point. The divisions are calculated so that the distance of every point in a cell to the generating point in that cell is shorter than to any other generating point on the plane. All polygons cells that belong to the same region—here we can take advantage of hierarchical data— are filled with the same color. Thus, areas formed from polygons of the same color represent distinct regions..

The same idea applies to the higher level of hierarchies by merging the regions. Voronoi Diagram for Region Visualization There is an issue with the classic implementation of Voronoi diagram regarding the plane on which the Voronoi diagram is expanded.

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The points in our dataset belong only to a limited area of the Earth, but Voronoi divides the whole Earth to place the points in polygons. Consequently, we will have a diagram expanded all over the Earth with very large cells where the points are sparse, like those close to the borders of regions. To fix this problem, we limit the plane to the working area the area in which all coordinates fit into , instead of drawing the diagram on the whole Earth. For this purpose, we clip the Voronoi diagram with the bounding box of the working area. In Figure 4, we also have added a filter to exclude areas bigger than a specific value to visually skip unnecessarily big partitions.

We calculate this value by considering the average area of all polygons. Hence, this value may vary for each dataset. Voronoi diagram provides more insightful shapes of regions compared to quadtree since it actually takes the advantage of the hierarchical data. It forms regions based on the position of points on the plane without any overlap of the regions. Subsequently, it leaves no unpartitioned space also overextending regions into uninhabitable areas such as seas and deserts. To address these problems we need to make some modifications.

Voronoi Clippings The first step we took to customize the Voronoi diagram was to clip it by the bounding box of the working area. The result is a rectangular area divided by Voronoi polygon. Since we are working on pre-modern data, we cannot clip the diagram by modern country borders. Hence, we should find the best estimation of a working area.

The convex hull de Burg, of the all points is a polygon which encompasses all points. This is a convincing poly which we can utilize to clip the Voronoi diagram. This gives us a combination of two different models to improve the original idea of Voronoi diagram clipping. As shown in Figure 5, clipped diagram is drawn on tighter area which is no more rectangular and we can see how the polygons are expanded and limited.

In this figure, we exclude those partitions which are greater than a specific value to get a better view of the result, as we did before. Voronoi Diagram Clipping, Using Convex Hull of the Plane Limiting the Voronoi diagram to a convex hull, we will have still some large empty areas considered as regions see the non-colored areas in Figure 5.

It occurs because of large cells of Voronoi diagram as well as the convexity of generated convex hulls. Since these areas contain insignificant or zero amount of data, we should clip them. An idea is to clip the diagram by a concave hull Edelsbrunner, of all points, instead of convex hull, since concave hull eliminate some unused areas.

But it trims again only some parts around the working area and not some parts inside or around the inner regions. Instead, we clip the diagram with a set of convex hulls computed for each region. Accordingly, we dispose the areas belonging to none of the regions and at the same time we fit the whole diagram into the convex hulls of regions, as shown in Figure 6. Compared to former models, this model depicts more compact and accurate regions.

However, there are still empty parts which need to be cut. Moreover, convex hulls may cause some overlaps, as in our data. Voronoi Diagram Clipping Using Convex Hull of each Region Convex Hulls Following the idea of convex hulls, we introduce another model to make effective divisions of the plane using only the convex hulls of each region without considering Voronoi diagram as illustrated in Figure 7.

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Convex hulls shape and limit the region to the corresponding points and can be applied to any level of hierarchies. Divisions in each level are convex hulls created by any number of points or regions merging together. Although this model introduces a more effective partitioning which might be more practical in visualization, it leaves some overlappings of regions and some parts which we do not need them in regions and should expunge them.

Convex Hulls for Visualizing Regions Concave Hulls The idea of convex hulls leads to another model by replacing convex hull by concave hulls of each region. As we see in Figure 8, the regions have more nuanced shapes compared to former models. Unlike convex hulls, this model avoids overlapping of regions if there is no inconsistencies in the dataset, as in real world.

Besides, there are some parts which do not satisfy the explanation of some regions from pre-modern sources. For example, the hull showing Egypt Misr is expanded beyond the delta and the valley of the Nile river, which is how it is usually described. The triangular shapes along the Nile that we see in Figure 8, are formed because of the calculations towards shaping a concave hull by a set of points, thus visually grabbing more territory than is desired; the same effect can be observed in other regions that have complex geometries.

Concave Hulls for Visualizing Regions Route Network Up to this point, we have been using only the settlements of a region to propose models for visualizing regions from textual data.

In addition to settlements, there are also route information in sources which we can use for modeling regions. We combine corresponding route network information with settlements of different regions and build individual shapes to introduce a new model. Each shape is build on a set of points and lines in the same color to depict a region, as illustrated in Figure 9.

These shapes show the extent of regions without any need to clip some part and having overlaps or empty spaces. Following the same pattern, we can illustrate subregions and micro regions as well, to represent various levels of hierarchies. This model resolves the mentioned problems in former models and visually seems best matching to the data which does not specifically explain the expansion and shape of the regions.

Visualizing Regions by Settlements and Route Network Conclusion and Future Work We proposed several models models for visualizing regions based on textual, descriptions of administrative divisions and route networks from premodern sources. We evaluated these models and applied proper alterations to adjust them to our needs. The models that we have discussed are quadtree, Voronoi diagram, convex hull, concave hull, and a model that combines the route network and administrative hierarchies. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages.

The route-network model appears to be most useable for general purposes of visualizing historical geographies, while other models may provide valuable analytical insights into particular historico-geographical questions. Thus quadtree is a powerful way to show densely settled areas, while Voronoi diagram can be used to analyze areas of influence. Concave hulls as closing areas for places seem also practically effective for adjusting Voronoi diagram. In addition, our approach can be extended to visualize more hierarchical data with more than level of regional division. Bibliographical References Cornu, Georgette, ACM Computing Surveys, 23 3: Algorithms and Applications, Springer, pp.

The best divisions for knowledge of the regions: Centre for Muslim Contribution to Civilisation. Even if issues related to accessibility and authenticity are intrinsic to the nature of big social data Manovich, , they have become widespread in everyday life, for example to be entertained and stay informed, but they also emerged as a crucial resource in the business domain Qualman, and in many research fields. As for this last point, the literature reports many studies that apply the analysis of large-scale social media texts to, among others, crisis management and health communication Yin, ; Moorhead, As for the Humanities, Lee et al.

Outside classrooms, historians have recognized social media as valuable forums for academic discussion: Nevertheless, the horizontal and bottom-up communication enabled by social media allows to break the traditional boundaries between academia and laypeople democratizing historical work and facilitating the engagement with the public Foster, ; Myers and Hamilton, Social media can thus be seen as primary sources useful to study contemporary events, such as the Arab Spring and other recent social protests Myers and Hamilton, , as well as to understand the way ordinary people engage with the past Meschini, This idea is at the basis of the ambitious, and still not operative, project promoted by the Library of Congress of archiving every public tweet for future generations of researchers Zimmer, Less all-embracing projects have been carried out on specific historical events: On the contrary, Clavert adopts text analysis and social network analysis techniques together with network visualisations to study how the First World War is discussed on Twitter.

All these analyses and visualisations are performed using different tools, each requiring separate installation, diverse data format and data manipulation. Our idea is, instead, to provide an interface where all the functionalities are integrated and easy to use. Moreover, they are commercial products, thus not free see for example, NVivo1 and BlogMeter products2. Recently FireAnt, a freeware software for processing social media data, has been released Anthony and Hardaker, Anyway, FireAnt does not include text analysis tools, except for a concordancer.

Works cited above focused on various languages such as English, Finnish and French while less attention since now has been given to Italian. Nevertheless, Italian is strongly present in social media: For this reason, we decided to develop MARTIN Monitoring and Analysing Real-time Tweets in Italian Natural language , a free research tool that provides users, interested in the exploration of Italian Twitter data, with flexible, easy-to-use analytics.

In this work, we present a modified, domain-dependent version of the tool, designed to meet the research needs of history scholars, and we discuss history-related use cases. Scalable reading Mueller, is guaranteed because MARTIN allows to zoom in into the tweets by providing the list of retrieved messages and zoom out by looking at the visualisations that display the output of the analyses. Moreover, MARTIN contains analyses that proved to be useful in the context of historical investigations such as key-concept extraction and co- occurrence networks Sprugnoli et al, In this paper, we show how the tool can be employed to investigate the public debate around past historical events, such as the First World War, as discussed in Twitter.

ECharts and Highcharts, to display the output of the analyses. Tint9 Palmero Aprosio and Moretti, , a modular and open source tool for Italian NLP, is used to perform PoS tagging, morphological analysis, key-concept extraction, and to compute readability metrics. Readability is calculated by a module that measures the lexical complexity of tweets using the Basic Italian Vocabulary by De Mauro In particular, it considers the proportion of words in the tweet that appear in such vocabulary, as a proxy for a simple language and high readability of the message.

KD combines statistical measures with linguistic information given by PoS patterns to extract a list of weighted keyphrases from texts Moretti et al. PoS tagging is also used for the creation of co-occurrence 1 http: In particular, we manually defined a list of accounts of Italian historical associations e. Then, the tool retrieved the hashtags mentioned in the tweets issued by these accounts, and ranked them by frequency. The output of this step is a ranked list of the most popular hashtags in the History domain in the last 7 days.

Figure 2 shows the top part of the list as retrieved on November, 26 We find in the list also hashtags used internationally to deal with First and Second World war, such as ww1 and ww2. After the extraction of the ranked hashtag list, keyword extraction was performed on each group of tweets mentioning a given hashtag. As an example, we present in Figure 3 the key-concepts automatically extracted from tweets with the hashtag votoalledonne. Different font dimensions correspond to different keyword relevance based mainly on frequency. Another example of this is given by the key-concepts extracted from tweets published in the period of the 50th anniversary of the Florence Flood first half of November and containing the hashtag alluvione Among those keywords, the majority was about exhibitions, concerts and public meetings.

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Trending hashtags in the Fig 3. Key-concepts extracted from tweets History domain containing the hashtag votoalledonne Tweets often include more than one hashtag: MARTIN extracts the ones co-occurring with the hashtag searched by the user, thus providing additional insights into the content of tweets. Two examples are reported in Fig. We display on the left hashtags co-occurring with grandeguerra, dealing with the countries involved in different phases of the war see macedonia, serbia and romania but also with cultural events related to the centenary.

On the right, hashtags associated with noallaviolenzasulledonne are presented, dealing mainly with the national demonstration of November 26 in Rome. This bar chart shows that different hashtags related to the same demonstration are used e. The polarity at word level is given by the color of the nodes: All the others are neutral. Figure 5 shows the nouns appearing both in the right and in the left context of the hashtag FidelCastro in the tweets retrieved after his death. The picture shows that Castro is remembered more as a dictator than as the Commander of the revolution.

Different critical aspects of his government are mentioned such as repressions, detentions, and the Cuban exiles issue. Clicking on a node is possible to see the corresponding tweets Figure 6. Network of nouns co-occurring with the hashtag FidelCastro. Tweets containing the word morte as retrieved from the co-occurring network displayed in Figure 5 Discussion and Future Work In this work, we presented an adaptation of the MARTIN tool for Twitter analysis to the history domain.

In particular, we showed how, starting from a pre-defined list of accounts dealing with history- related topics, it was possible to understand what main events were mentioned, how they were presented and in which contexts they were discussed. In the future, we plan to extend the tool to support tweets in English, and to include a named entity recognizer so that it will be possible to track which persons are most associated with the considered events.

Tweet geolocation and visualisation would be easy to implement by relying on Twitter APIs and also useful to find out whether discussions take place in a specific area of Italy or are spread across the whole country. Unfortunately, the percentage of geotagged tweets is very low, between 1. Critical questions for big data: Provocations for a cultural, technological, and scholarly phenomenon. The Great War on Twitter. In Digital Humanities Conference Abstracts.

Online and Plugged In? Public History and Historians in the Digital Age. Public History Review, 21, Doing it in Public: Impact, Blogging, Social Media and the Academy. Hitchcock, Tim, and Robert Shoemaker. Krutka, Daniel and Michael K Milton. The Enlightenment meets Twitter: Using social media in the social studies classroom. The Ohio Social Studies Review, The Finnish Twitter war: Exploring the intersection of microblogging and problem-based learning for historical reenactments. The promises and the challenges of big social data.

Debates in the digital humanities, 2, Reconstruction of the memory and physicality of the trench: Digital archives and the Great War. Bollettino di italianistica, 11 2 , A new dimension of health care: Journal of medical Internet research, Digging in the Dirt: Proceedings of CLIC-it , Extracting and visualising content from large document collections to support humanities studies. Knowledge- Based Systems, , Digital Humanities Quarterly, 8 3. Myers, Cayce, and James F.

Social Media as Primary Source. Open genre, new possibilities: Rethinking History, 19 2 , Twitter, Academia and Me. The Society for the Study of French History. Italy goes to Stanford: Paraskevopoulos, Pavlos, and Themis Palpanas. Where has this tweet come from? Fast and fine- grained geolocalization of non-geotagged tweets. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 6 1 , How social media transforms the way we live and do business. Orality, literacy, and vulnerability in Academic Twitter.

Journal of Applied Social Theory, 1 1. Representativeness, Validity and Other Methodological Pitfalls. Yin, Jie, et al. Using social media to enhance emergency situation awareness. The Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress: Challenges for information practice and information policy. The provenance of the object: Provenance information includes descriptions of the actions that have been taken to preserve the object over time. Such information describes aspects of the digital preservation process used to maintain the object; it would also record any consequences of this process that alter the content, or look, feel, and functionality of the object.

Authenticity would include such elements as fixity and integrity Lavoie e Gartner , 5. Il ruolo delle ontologie nel processo di costruzione di LOD assume un valore duplice: Questo modello consente di gestire affermazioni autorevoli su asserzioni, potenzialmente anche contraddittorie, prevedendo meccanismi che possano anche consentire la coesistenza di interpretazioni esito di processi analitici difformi. La partecipazione della Fondazione al progetto Pharos Reist et al.

Daquino, Marilena, and Francesca Tomasi. Extracting the Zeri photo archive to Linked Open Data: Heath, Tom and Christian Bizer. Synthesis lectures on the semantic web: Lavoie, Brian and Richard Gartner. Preservation Metadata 2nd edn. State of the LOD Cloud Accessed November 17, Inoltre non vengono quasi mai utilizzati gli strumenti del web setico che invece possono trovare una loro peculiare ed interessante applicazione proprio in questo particolare campo.

Allo stato attuale il progetto di trova in fase di avanzata realizzazione: Anche la bibliografia viene annotata ed utilizzata per creare delle strutture RDF che descrivono le risorse esterne. Il testo elaborato viene quindi letto dinamicamente da un parser che crea gli elementi RDF che possono tenere conto delle annotazioni sia in text che esterne.

Editrice Forum Di Iorio, Angelo, et. In particolare, si illustra un progetto che ha come obiettivo la raccolta, la gestione di documentazione fotografica, archivistica e bibliografica e la creazione di un GIS, finalizzati alla promozione e alla valorizzazione dei beni culturali presenti nel territorio del XV Municipio del Comune di Roma1.

Riferimenti Bibliografici Amendolea B. Carta archeologica e pianificazione territoriale: Primo incontro di studi Roma I formati della memoria. Beni culturali e nuove tecnologie alle soglie del terzo millennio, pp. Manuale di rilievo e di documentazione digitale in archeologia. I Beni Culturali e la loro catalogazione. La Villa di Livia a Prima Porta. La necropoli etrusca di Volusia. Comune Di Roma, Regione Lazio. Nuovo Piano Regolatore di Roma.

Norme tecniche di attuazione. Documentazione archeologica, standard e trattamento informatico. Giornata di studio in memoria di Massimo Pallottino, pp. I paesaggi in archeologia: Beni culturali e nuove Tecnologie alle soglie del terzo millennio, Firenze. Il mausoleo di Marco Nonio Macrino, pp. LXIV, Roma , pp.

Atti del Convegno di studi su cartografia archeologica e tutela del patrimonio Ferrara La via Flaminia da Porta del Popolo a Malborghetto. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani. Il mausoleo di Marco Nonio Macrino. Sotto la prima voce, al senso 2, si trova scritto: Quindi, per gli Accademici del Cimento vale il senso corrente di tentare e ritentare, diverso dal significato dantesco di approvare e confutare.

Il paradigma dei Linked Open Data LOD fornisce un metodo di pubblicazione di dati strutturati, tramite il protocollo standard HTTP, che permette sia di interconnettere tra loro diversi datasets, sia di riusare vocabolari condivisi per descrivere dati e metadati. Esso si basa sul principio che ogni senso di ogni entrata lessicale deve essere collegato ad un concetto ontologico.

Tale esigenza nasce evidentemente dal trattamento di lingue "classiche", come il greco antico, il latino o il sanscrito in cui si ha accesso a un corpus di testi che coprono un lungo periodo e che quindi presentano una evoluzione della semantica del linguaggio. Proposta di un modello formale per il caso di studio In questo articolo ci concentriamo sulle attestazioni delle forme lessicali, che sono fornite come prova testuale per ogni senso delle voce. Si veda Berti e Berti La Figura 4 mostra questa caratteristica del modello proposto.


BIBO fa uso dei termini Dublin Core per la definizione e la pubblicazione linked data della descrizione di documenti. Entrata della voce riprovare2 di Treccani. In base al vocabolario LSC, le opportune classi del modello sono state tipizzate in accordo con i campi di esistenza di refutes e confirms: Hypothesis e i sensi che lo confutano o lo supportano diventano rappresentazioni di oggetti scientifici classe lsc: Rappresentazione della letteratura secondaria: SPAR ontologies Peroni Riferimenti Bibliografici Berti, Monica. Atti Del Terzo Workshop Internazionale, — Degrees of Preservation and Transtextual Relations among Genres.

Verso Una Nuova Convergenza. Ciotti, Fabio, and Francesca Tomasi. Khan, Fahad, Javier E. Hype or Cure- All? The Haworth Information Press. Smith, D Neel, and Gabriel Weaver. Riferimenti Bibliografici Anderson, S. Taking the long view: Geographies of the Holocaust. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing. Eternalizing the names of Holocaust victims.

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. Geographies of the Holocaust, Bloomington: The wide geographical provenance of the evidence the Aegean, the Near East and Egypt allows for a broad- scale study of the administrative and cultural history of the regions conquered by Alexander the Great and held under Greco-Macedonian political control from ca.

The following research areas and issues are involved: Close collaboration with the American Numismatic Society will ensure that the study of seals and sealings is carried out with a sound cross-media approach and that the digital development of the SigNet tools and platform benefits from the expertise of the ANS in the field of Linked Open Data LOD for Digital Humanities. For an introductory overview of the project goals and activities, see: Caneva — van Oppen While Hellenistic states were characterized by a plurality of cultures and political systems, one common feature they shared was a commitment to record keeping and complex bureaucratic practices.

States, including kings, confederacies and city-states, produced hundreds of thousands of documents written mostly on papyri in Greek, whereas others were written on parchment or cuneiform tablets and in various local languages. These documents were sealed with impressions from signet rings or stamps, and stored in various types of archives. While most of these records are lost, the many thousands of preserved sealings shed light on the size of these archives and on the administrative and archival procedures in use across the Hellenistic world6.

Moreover, seals and sealings transmit a distinctive iconography, which was chosen and 30 disseminated by a variety of agents, from private individuals to the ruling dynasts and their officers, passing through cities and other regional institutions. The feelings and the human relations that the MotoGP protagonists had with Marco, the feeling and the relations with his friends, but most of all, and this is the part that I have really appreciated, the relation between Marco and his family, well described since his childhood.

There is a lot between the lines of this book to grasb and also to learn from if the reader follows the stories trying to discover the feelings that the story is telling. It is clear that the book has been coordinated by one of Marco's best friends and this is why You can perceive all these feelings and the love of those close to Marco. It is maybe becasue I am also a father, but I have been really touched by this book and, as a father, I have learned a great lesson from Paolo e Rossella.

Hello, this is my first book in italian, i'm venezuelan, and i think it's a good work made by Paolo and Rosella Simoncelli, they talks all about life of marco from the begining untill his unfurtunately death. See all 3 reviews. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime.

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