El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (Annotated) (Spanish Edition)

Regrets come to mind, eh? Published 9 days ago.

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  4. Don Quijote de la Mancha?
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Would you like to tell us about a lower price? He might even survive his first case. Learn more about Kindle MatchBook. Anyway, reading the classics for the first time at this age has been a wonderful experience, one I'm not capable of putting words to. That said, The Adventures of Don Quixote was an absolutely delightful read.

Truly one of my, if not my favorite read of the 1st 60 or so classics I've read in the last two years. Don Quixote was written in by Miguel de Cervantes.

El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (Annotated) (Spanish Edition)

Instead I will be opting for a review on the quality of my edition as well as it's translation. Read Kindle Store Reviews - reinforcedearth. Starting off, we're going to have an look at the first sentences of a few translations.

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I've chosen these because for one: Walter Starkie's translation is the abridged version. One John Ruthford uses the Spanish word of gentlemen: The Walter translation is noticeably older, and Edith Grossman's translation is more modern and would probably be easier for a casual reader to read.

Nevertheless, what I find good is different from what you might find good. I would suggest doing your own research on finding a translation, but if you're asking me I'd choose the Grossman translation. Getting on to the books quality itself. The book looks good. It comes with a dust cover on it; this cover feels glossy and thick. I can see my fingerprints when holding it up to the light.

Don Quijote

Underneath that is a plain black hardback with sliver lettering of the title, author, and publisher. The front has the title, too.

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The binding is glued, the notes are on the page not in the back of the book, and the text is large. I personally dislike glued bindings because of their inherent disposition of not being incredibly durable. I usually try to find a sewn binding. In the photographs there is a sticker imprint on the dust cover, that is my fault. Please excuse the terrible photo quality See all 2, reviews. See all customer images. Most recent customer reviews.


Published 1 day ago. Published 3 days ago.

Editorial Reviews

One can, for example, arrange the Folio view next to the Spanish text and proceed page by page, while listening to the Spanish audio. This provides the most authentic experience, preserving the appearance of the manuscript while allowing the reading of the modernized Spanish.

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If this exceeds the Spanish proficiency of the reader, one can instead pair the Spanish text with the English translation. This way the meaning of each phrase is just a glance away, or the English page can be scanned in advance, before reading, and listening to, the Spanish page.

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Read Kindle Store Reviews - reinforcedearth. The Folio images for the Cuesta editions, as well as the Spanish text and audio for the Madrid edition are from Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes , which is presenting a special site in celebration of the 4th Centennial. It begs reading aloud, and may well start discussion and contemplation. As a bare public domain version you don't get notes, footnotes, modern annotations and the like. English text - the Ormsby translation, widely acclaimed as one of the best modern English translations. It also offers a kindleunlimited, and sometimes free as a promotion , copy of Gerald Davis' reworking of the Shelton version.

No matter which combination is chosen, the pages remain synchronized as one proceeds through the novel; the audio can be enjoyed continuously, paused at will, or reset to the current page. Navigation between the parts of the work is available from the table of contents, chapter by chapter, by individual folio number, as well as sequentially page by page, backwards or forwards. Rapid location of specific events or references is facilitated through a comprehensive index.

El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (Annotated) (Spanish Edition)

Many of the mythological and historical references in the text have been annotated - the notes are hidden to minimize interference with the natural flow of the text, but can be called forth by simply placing the cursor over a term. Additional help is provided in the form of Tom Lathrop's extensive dictionary of classical Spanish terms used in Don Quijote; searches can be performed with a click of the mouse. The Folio images for the Cuesta editions, as well as the Spanish text and audio for the Madrid edition are from Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes , which is presenting a special site in celebration of the 4th Centennial.

Some missing or damaged pages were resolved from the online Part I at bartleby. The index was adapted from Riquer's Juventud edition , as suggested by Daniel Eisenberg.