Defeating enemy strongholds within - Part 1: Soul ties (Spiritual warfare)

As we can see in Ephesians, this weapon is known as the sword of the Spirit:. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds ; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. This is a great verse that gives us a good idea of how we are to go about tearing down strongholds in our minds. First, since the sword of the Spirit is the offensive piece of our weaponry, it is a great tool for tearing down strongholds.

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You need to go on the offensive to tear down a stronghold, and the Word of God is the weapon you cannot afford not to use. You need to counter it with, "1 John 3: Satan said to Jesus, "If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But Jesus replied with, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. What did Satan do? After Jesus did that a few times, he had no choice but to hit the road Jesus knew the relevant scriptures to quote, and took away Satan's ability to influence Him!

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God , and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. As we can see, we are told to cast down imaginations.

They are things that we imagine Just throw it out and leave him hanging! Get your mind on God's Word and off of what the devil is trying to tell you.

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What else are we told in this verse? We are to cast down every thought that comes into our minds that opposes the knowledge of God. What is the knowledge of God? Do not waste your time thinking about it or trying to reason with it. If Satan is trying to tell you that God is not wanting to forgive you, then don't listen to it. Because His Word says otherwise:. Not only does He want to forgive your sins, so that your relationship with Him can be restored, He longs which means He deeply desires to do so!

One of the last things Satan wants us to know is God's forgiving and loving nature towards us even after we have messed up! As you can see, strongholds are built on lies and deception. How do you counter such things? Where do you find truth? In the Word of God! Stop thinking about what Satan has been feeding you, and begin to meditate on God's Word. Take verses in the Bible that run contrary to what the devil's been feeding you, and repeat them to yourself over and over out loud.

Think about them often, and meditate on them. The devil got his stronghold built by causing you to meditate on his lies and deception, so if you want to tear down that stronghold, you need to begin meditating on the exact opposite, which is God's Word. Listening to and reasoning with the things the devil puts in your mind is exactly what he wants you to do. It feed his strongholds when you allow your mind to meditate on Satan's word opposite of God's Word.

Cut him off at the source and say NO to the garbage he's been feeding you, and at the same time turn to God's Word. Begin to feed, meditate upon, think about often and dwell upon on the truth. It will stop Satan dead in his tracks! It is also possible to have strongholds in place because demonic spirits have attached themselves to you at some point or another, and need to be driven out.

If you work hard at tearing down strongholds by applying the truths in God's Word and this teaching, and yet you seem to hit a wall, it may be because a demonic spirit needs to be driven out. It is very possible and not uncommon to experience quite a bit of freedom through applying the principals in this teaching even if there is a demonic spirit present, but you will only go so far and feel like you're hitting a wall. That is a sign of a demon at work that needs to be driven out.

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It can be awfully hard to battle when they are working on you from the inside out. Resisting them from the outside is easy, but resisting them when they are on the inside can be extremely hard. If you seem to have reached an immovable mountain, you might want to consider the possibility of needing to have an unclean spirit driven out. Many Christians today believe that they cannot have demons God is a jealous God. He does not permit us to go to any other source other than Himself for wisdom, knowledge, guidance or power.

Dismantling Strongholds In Your Thought Life: Part 1

Through the Holy Spirit, we can gain all the information we need to effectively come against Satan and his evil spirits. Binding the Strongman" Frank Hammond. Scripture reveals that there are also Godly, angelic rulers assigned over every family and nation. God has an army. Before this event ever took place on earth it was accomplished first in the Heavenly realm. The powers of the demonic princes were broken by the angelic forces of the hosts of God and it set the people of God free.

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In this teaching, Frank Hammond explains that Jesus said that now His Church can join the angelic hosts of heaven in coming against the rulers of the Satanic kingdom. Spoiling the Enemy's House" Frank Hammond. Are their obstacles in your life preventing you from succeeding in life? Are there giants in your way, situations that stubbornly refuse to change?

When the strongman is bound in the heavenlies, the human instrumentality that Satan has been using will either yield to the flow of God, or be removed from the scene. Our weapons against these spiritual forces are not fleshly weapons, they are spiritual. With them the followers of Jesus can change history!

Obstacles to Deliverance" Frank Hammond. For some it is fear, for others it is wrong theology. In this audio teaching, Frank Hammond highlights the various arguments against, and negative reactions to, the casting out of demons in the Church today. In a thoughtful and well-researched manner, he uses scripture, and his experience from over 40 years of ministry, to dispel rumors, myths and incorrect theology on the subject.

A stronghold is not demonic although demons are often found actively trying to build them , but rather an incorrect thinking pattern in our mind. The subject of where strongholds comes from is beyond the scope of this teaching, but let's try to group the various sources into two categories:.

Spiritual Warfare

Natural development based on circumstances and lack of knowledge. An example of this type of stronghold is when a person grows up having a cruel father, then as a result, they view all other fathers the same way. This thinking pattern is often transferred to the way which they perceive their heavenly Father, which is a very destructive stronghold.

Demonically inspired and developed strongholds. These are usually found along side demonic bondages. What happens is that the person has an unclean spirit which is actively whispering in their thought life injecting thoughts into their mind , and eventually the person begins to believe what the enemy is telling them. Once a person begins to believe what the enemy is telling them, they begin to imagine it in their mind vain imagination and a stronghold is formed.