Codice del processo amministrativo (Le leggi commentate) (Italian Edition)

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The databases and the guides to which users have access free-of-charge are especially important on the site in question. In particular, these include the following. Law and Legal Informatics monographs and periodicals ;. It also provides information, reviews and lists of sites of interest for lawyers. A database of different kinds of documentation including legislation is also online.

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The site also has an internal search engine. Its objective is to offer a rapid, complete and user-friendly tool which, on the basis of a selection made at the source, provides with updating made possible through the availability of the material the bibliographical details of legal literature regarding the Law of Economics, published since January Not only the section dedicated to news is interesting, but also the section regarding books, which — thanks to the publishing houses permission — enables users to browse summaries and tables of contents.

Among the publishing houses specialized in the legal sector, we would like to mention: The online catalogue is updated daily with data on all the volumes published, both those currently on the market and those in print in the past. It provides services, texts, periodicals and many offline and online databases which are distributed against payment of a subscription fee.

The following are among the most important services in the legal sector: In particular, with regard to the legislation, it makes the following available to the user: It also furnishes numerous online services: The catalogue, made available by the publishing house, enables the user to consult the electronic cards relating to over published volumes updated in real time. Simone allows its users to search its Law Codes free-of-charge: Initially divided into frames, more recently it has been the object of a restyling.

Today, the site displays a navigation menu subdivided into two large sections: Finally, it provides a newsletter giving the user updated information. Apart from containing a series of important articles and contributions, it presents the annotated Italian Civil Code, the Italian Constitution, and lists of Italian and international sites.

The following can be listed among the typically specialized journals: It contains general and scientific information and information related to the legal world. It is, therefore, a proper electronic journal, among the most prestigious within the Italian legal panorama on the Web, with many articles regarding legal literature, organized by subject matter or argument through a chronological index.

Italian labour law, in the traditional sense including industrial relations, employer-employee relations, and social security law, from their domestic and international viewpoints as well as international and comparative labour law. It also portrays itself as a qualified place for reflection and in-depth study, unique in the Italian editorial panorama, on issues related to intelligence and national security.

The Journal publishes essays, forums, interviews, articles, curious historical anecdota, book reviews and bibliographical notes, reports of interventions by important persons from the world of politics, culture and the institutions. It has also edited a full and systematic collection of the Italian and foreign documentation in the sector reports of parliamentary and governmental organs, bills regarding intelligence bodies, legislation and jurisprudence of interest. The second section is subdivided into three columns: The second reports events, such as conferences, debates or the publication of books.

It is structured in four sectors: It is divided into several sections including: Ettore Giannantonio, who dedicated many years to the study of this topic. It is rich in information, case law and legislation on the environment contributing to the discussion on this topic, and also has a newsletter which keeps users up-to-date on what is happening in the field. Many libraries, especially if they are of a certain importance, like university libraries, have transformed their catalogues into databases, usually making them available to the user free-of-charge.

There are now also groups of these under the same organization which has created collective catalogues or MetaOPACs. By way of example, we can cite the virtual catalogue Cultural Site of the Tuscany Region , which permits this type of search in simple or advanced mode within a large number of Libraries in the Provinces and in the Universities within the Region.

It is a network of Italian Libraries created by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage in collaboration with the Regions and Universities; currently, it provides access to the bibliographical news which is periodically downloaded from the databases of the SBN Index: At present, the catalogue contains about 9 million localizations and 4. The initiative falls within the framework of the reform of the Italian Public Administration aimed at guaranteeing transparency and simplification in its relationship with citizens.

To better understand its importance, it is worthwhile mentioning that, in November , the Assembly of the Italian Chamber of Deputies passed a resolution regarding Government policy in which the NIR Project was given the highest priority within the ambit of initiatives for administrative simplification. April 9, ;. The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation was a pioneer in the sector: From onwards, there was a gradual incrementation and consolidation of the system and definition of the access modes, provided free-of-charge for the Central Administrations and against payment for other user groups.

At present, the possibility of consulting it is reserved only for users who have the right to link up free-of-charge and it will be come into effect through a gradual release organized by categories. The ItalgiureWeb documentation system includes 41 databases, with a total of over 4 million documents.

In particular, in the field of international and European Community legislation there are: In the field of national and regional legislation there are: In the field of national, Community and foreign jurisprudence there are: Ministerial circulars databases include: Ministerial circulars published in the Official Gazette since 1st January ;. National and international legal authority databases include: It is organized in two sub-databases that can be searched independently: It also contains the titles of articles of legal authority from up until now;. Information, documentation and utility databases include: This is one of the tools being experimented with at ITTIG, the objective of which is to give unified access to material relating to legal authority distributed on the Web by different public or private, institutional, scientific and commercial organizations to provide a series of specialist services forums, distribution of documents, data interchange, etc.

It applies the rules of the legislation in force so the users are given a complete and effective picture;. It is an integrated software environment for lawyers, which has the important added value provided by a communication environment, based on Internet, allowing lawyers to link up and exchange information with the Court Offices;. Jurisprudence, Bibliography, Legislation, Forms. This work contains all the jurisprudence, the legislation and the bibliography regarding the civil, criminal and bankruptcy regulation of companies, co-operatives and consortia.

Italian laws in their current and co-ordinated version, with comment on the jurisprudence of all the Highest Courts;. The published documentation is appropriately classified and linked through a system of logical links and references;. Among the best services available, we would like to mention not only that offered by Google , which through a special search engine enables the user to carry out a full text search within the messages, but also that offered by Arianna.

Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. Ministero degli affari esteri. Ministero del commercio internazionale. Ministero dello sviluppo economico. Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti. Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione. Ministero del Lavoro e della Previdenza Sociale. Ministero delle politiche agricole e forestali. Commissione Europea — Rappresentanza in Italia. Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali. Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Regioni e delle Province autonome. Corte Suprema di Cassazione.

Associazione italiana della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale. Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato. EuroJuris Italia — Gli studi legali italiani in Europa. The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin. Rassegna di giurisprudenza comunitaria e diritto europeo. Il portale del giurista - rivista giuridica telematica. Guida al Diritto on line — Il Sole Ore. Rivista di Informatica, Telematica e Diritto. Rivista Internazionale di Informatica e Diritto.

InterLex — Diritto, Tecnologia, Informazione. Guida aggiornata per aree tematiche su tutta la normativa italiana ed europea. Rivista Internet di diritto pubblico. Le Nuove Voci del Diritto. Rubrica settimanale di dottrina. Palomar — Osservatorio di diritto costituzionale. Quotidiano di diritto e delle nuove tecnologie informatiche.

Censis — Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali. Portale giuridico delle nuove tecnologie. Legislazione e Giurisprudenza italiana inerenti al Diritto di Internet. Internet e le sue leggi. JeI — Jus e Internet. Leggiweb — Leggi italiane. Dipartimento Ambiente - Bologna. Contratti del settore pubblico [Aran].

Contratti e accordi collettivi di lavoro [CNEL]. Gazzette, leggi e normative [Rete civica Aesinet]. Leggi Regionali [Camera dei Deputati]. Normativa europea [Unione Europea]. Normativa comunitaria e internazionale, codici e leggi nazionali e regionali, contratti collettivi — ItalgiureWeb [Ced-Cassazione]. Giurisprudenza comunitaria [Unione Europea]. Giurisprudenza costituzionale [Corte Costituzionale].

Giurisprudenza costituzionale [Consulta Online]. Giurisprudenza della Cassazione e delle altre supreme Corti,. Atti di controllo e di indirizzo politico. Altalex — Quotidiano di informazione giuridica. Erga Omnes — Diritto alla fonte. IusReporter — esplorazioni giuridiche. Kataweb — i portali giuridici. NIR — Norme in Rete. Corte dei Conti Europea. Banca europea per gli investimenti. Fondo europeo per gli investimenti. Comitato economico e sociale. Europol — European Police Office.

UPDATE: Guide to Italian Legal Research and Resources on the Web

The repeal can be expressed by an explicit statement of legislator or implied because of inconsistency with subsequent law. Moreover it can be a consequence of referendum or due to intrinsic causes special laws issued for a limited period or in particular circumstances. Appello nominale [Roll call]: It consists in the calling in alphabetical order of each single Member of Parliament, who is expected to openly and publicly cast his or her vote.

Assemblea costituente [Constituent Assembly]: Associazione Nazionale Magistrati [A. Atti di alta amministrazione [Upper Administrative Acts]: Atti aventi valore di legge [Legally binding Acts]: They are characterized by the fact that, although having all the effects of law, they are limited in terms of their duration or in what they regulate. Atti di concerto [Collegial Acts]: Atti di controllo [Controlling Acts]: Atti definitivi [Definitive Acts]: Atti generali [General Acts]: Public Administration acts dealing with general or abstract matters that apply to an indeterminate number of parties.

Atti giuridici [Legal Acts]: Atti giuridici comunitari [European Community Legal Acts]: Atti ispettivi del Parlamento [Parliamentary Inspecting Acts]: In certain cases they take on a preventive form in order to solicit a decision such as, for example, in the case of parliamentary questions. Atti normativi [Normative Acts]: Atti parlamentari [Parliamentary Acts]: Parliamentary acts also include summary reports of Committee meetings, that contain all the bills presented in the Houses.

Atti politici [Political Acts]: Atto unilaterale [Unilateral Act]: It stands for the particular condition of certain public bodies that are permitted to administer themselves by means of internal institutions and procedures. Autonomie locali [Autonomous Local Bodies]: Bicameralismo perfetto [Pure Bicameralism]: Bilancio dello Stato [State Budget]: Bollettino Ufficiale [Official Bulletin]: Casellario giudiziale [Criminal Records Office]: Coalizione di Governo [Government Coalition]: It pursues a coordinated and common political line with respect to the political Parties that it comprehends.

Civil Code, Penal Code, etc. Comitato delle Regioni [Committee of the Regions]: It is made up of the representatives of Local and Regional Councils and it is nominated on the basis of proposals from the respective Member-States. Comitato Regionale di Controllo [CO. CO — Regional Inspection Committee]: Regional body, regulated by State Law, that inspects the legitimacy of Provincial and Communal acts. Commissione europea [European Commission]: Consigli giudiziari [Judicial Councils]: They have an administrative character, that is compulsorily determined by Law and they are competent for all magistrates of the District.

Consiglio comunale [Communal Council]: The Communal Council represents the local community by which it is directly elected. It has duties of policy and of political-administrative control. European Community organ which has important functions with regard to the creation of legal acts and treaties. Its presidency is assigned on a six-month in rotation to each Member-State of the European Union. Consiglio di gabinetto [Cabinet Council]: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [C. CNR has the legal status of a public organization, and defines for itself autonomous rules and regulations, in accordance with the existing laws and the Civil Code.

Consiglio notarile [Notarial Council]: Consiglio provinciale [Provincial Council]: Consiglio regionale [Regional Council]: It has normative and administrative competencies as well as organizational, financial and book-keeping autonomy. Consiglio di sicurezza [Security Council]: Consiglio di Stato [Council of State]: As a jurisdictional organ, it is competent to re-examine on second level the judgements pronounced by the Regional Administrative Tribunals TAR. Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura [C. It is a self-governing body of the Magistracy. It issues orders for the appointment, assignment, transfer and promotion of magistrates judges and public prosecutors together with having responsibility for disciplinary judgements.

There are also thirty elected members holding office for four years: It is a primary level source in the hierarchy of norms of the international legal system. Consultazione popolare [Popular Consultation]: Corte Costituzionale [Constitutional Court]: The Court is made up of fifteen judges holding office for nine years. It is made up of three judges. It has territorial jurisdiction within its own District, generally corresponding to a Region. The Court is normally located in the Region capital. Court with ordinary jurisdiction in criminal matters with competence to try a number of serious offences at first instance.

In carrying out their functions the jurors have equal status to the Court judges: Corte dei Conti [Court of Accounts]: It is responsible for checking the legitimacy of the activities of the Government and of the Public Administration. It is also responsible for checking the management of the accounts of the State, of the Public Administrations generally and of the bodies subsidized by the State.

It also has a judicial function in the field of public accounting and in relation to pensions of State officials. When dealing with matters of particular significance it sits in United Sessions. The Court of Accounts also has a consultative function when asked to give opinions on specific matters and a referral role when it is called upon to report directly to the Houses of Parliament on the results of the checks it has carried out.

Corte di Cassazione [Supreme Court of Cassation]: Questions relating to conflicts of jurisdiction, competence and powers within the Magistracy are also referred to it for adjudication. It hears appeals both in civil and criminal matters against decisions reached by lower Courts but only on points of law assessment of legitimacy. It is thus concerned to ensure that the Court dealing with the merits of the case has correctly applied and interpreted the law in reaching its decision.

It is a collegial body dealing with ordinary jurisdiction. In cases of particular importance it sits in United Sessions. Its offices are in Rome and it has jurisdiction over the whole territory of the Italian Republic. The Court has the power to settle legal disputes between Member-States, European Union Institutions, businesses and individuals.

It can be appealed to for violations of rights and liberties guaranteed by the Convention. Supreme International Court established in In accordance to the Statute it is an organ of the United Nations. It is made up of fifteen judges of various nationalities who are elected on the basis of their competencies and moral standing. It also regulates the State organization. Decrees law can be converted to laws by Parliament. Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica [D. Its scope is to serve the public interest and, as such, it is subject to different rules than those that govern private property.

This kind of property is, in fact, inalienable and from it cannot accrue any right to a third part. Democrazia diretta [Istituti di, Institutions of Direct Democracy]: Institutions provided by the Constitution through which the people, in whom sovereignty rests, directly exercises its powers.

Deputati [Members of Parliament]: All citizens over twenty five years can be elected as long as they are not in a state of ineligibility as set out by Law. Their mandate lasts for five years, which is for the whole legislature. In practice this means the abolition of controls having social objectives that limit the free initiative of entrepreneurs.

Direttiva comunitaria [Community Directive]: Directives may be adopted under the European Community Treaty either by the European Parliament and the Council or by the Council or by the Commission. Once adopted, Community Directives still have to be transposed by each of the Member-States, that is to say they must be implemented by national Law. Diritto amministrativo [Administrative Law]: It's a very important search engine, which is basically realized for Universities and Public Administrations.

Those include for example Civile. Guides Law Web Guides are principally consulting instruments. Many of institutional sites and online reviews contain them. Guida al Diritto " Il Sole 24 ore ": Linked tothe newspaper "Il Sole 24 ore" -Italian political, economic and financial newspaper, founded in - constitutes a complete legal information system in print and online.

Diritto Amministrativo per Concorsi Pubblici - Nozioni fondamentali

It deals with all the major branches of the Italian Law by providing news, articles, judgments, documentation, databases, forms, tools and services including the calculation of the biological damage and the full text of judgments. The database, last updated on November , is organized in documentary units corresponding to the individual types of material taken into consideration; as a result, each site may appear in more than one survey form according to the richness of the documentation possessed.

The information relates to providers, access free-of-charge or for a fee , the type of material Laws, Jurisprudence, Legal literature, etc. Three solutions have been prepared for those wishing to carry out a search: Actually the "Diritto Italia" database is not up-to-date; in fact, the principal purpose of the project was to provide a model of document research and retrieval on the Web, hoping that other operators go on with this kind of enterprise.

It is right to point out that the updating of these Guides is crucial for their efficiency since URLs and contents of the Websites continually change, while the cooperation process, that is at the base of the Web philosophy, is still now disregarded. DFP is a structured list of Italian Internet resources, which makes public information available, focusing special attention on legislative information and legal information in general ; it is also integrated with the discussion list of the Italian AIB-CUR Italian Libraries Association - Research University Center librarians , in the sense that it gathers reports transmitted on that list.

The DFP is a very selective directory that points out websites but, above all, resources that often are not in evidence in the HomePage of the public sites. DFP is organized in three sectors: Official Gazettes, Official Bulletins of the Regions, general collections of legislation, lists and services of legislative amendments, jurisprudence files, services updating jurisprudence, general statistics, legal information websites; 2 Sectoral Documentation: Public bodies are prevalent each sector presents one or more national body of reference , but there are also private and commercial sites when they give information of a public source available; 3 Digest of public sites: The bodies are represented up to the level of the Region.

For Provinces, Municipalities and other local bodies, reference is made to already existing digests. In particular, the DFP tends to highlight: The site provides information about libraries and pertinent services online catalogues, calendars of events, inventories in the field of training and labour, directories of products and services, discussion groups. The "Internet Guide" section - that contains directories of Italian and foreign English, in particular Guides, Hand Books, News Bulletins, Forums and Mailing Lists - is worthy of pointing out since it gives useful suggestions on how to use Web research tools search engines and meta-engines in the right way.

Every Web resource is described by means of a form containing its name, URL, and a brief description. Sites of Legal Interest Apart from these resources aimed at retrieving legal material and access to the sources of Italian law, there is now a great variety of institutional or private online sites, structured as portals rich in information and services.

Parliament, Government and Ministries With the premise that not only the websites of Parliament and Government, but also those of all Government Departments can be found on the Web, we shall only concentrate on those we consider worthy of special attention. Enriched in the contents and renewed in the graphics, this Website aims to represent an informative resource of easy and intuitive access to the life of the parliamentary institution.

Through the home page the citizen can not only reach the sites of the Chamber of the Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, but can also directly consult the most remarkable results of the joint activity of the two Chambers, as the approved laws or the joined activities of the bicameral bodies, besides the international activity of the Italian Parliament. A specific area of the site concerns the "Polo Bibliotecario" Parliament Library Pole and its services, first result of the effort of the two Chambers to empower the information and search tools at the disposal of the parliamentaries and all the citizens, overcoming at the same time duplications and inefficiency.

The "Piattaforma Costituzionale" Constitutional Platform represents the product of a common job in order to furnish support of training for all the Italian schools. The site contains a database of Italian normative acts of primary range laws, law decrees and legislative decrees, starting from which can be searched in chronological order, by type and by subject matter, based on the TESEO [ [4] ] classification system. For every law number and date of publication with the link to the corresponding text , title, subject, publication details and a summarizing table of the relative parliamentary iter from which it is possible to access the texts of the preparatory works are furnished.

Furthermore, for the enabling acts a details table supplies the list of the single dispositions of delegation and the relative implementation decrees. The most requested laws, decrees approved but not promulgated or published, and decree laws under way to be converted in law can also be retrieved. There is also a database of legislative decrees which implement delegated laws, EC Directives, or special Statutes that can be searched on the server of the Chamber of Deputies through a search engine.

As already specified, the site of Parliament is divided into two sectors: The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. Camera dei Deputati Chamber of Deputies: The website is structured in 7 sections: Apart from providing information about its role, the work underway, as well as initiatives and events, the Chamber of Deputies furnishes latest news and press releases. The users of the Website have direct access to various sections: Especially important are the following databases: The database concerning the Parliament direction and control action allows the data related to questions, interpellations, motions, decisions, agendas, both of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, to be searched and retrieved.

In this new version, the database substitutes the earlier database, known as "Sindacato ispettivo" "Inspecting Parliamentary Action". The following are its characteristics: The original nucleus, entirely realized by the Chamber of Deputies, was made available on the Web through the joint efforts of the Chamber of Deputies, the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Regional Councils.

Since , the legislative texts have been directly supplied by the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces. Normative references of the laws are provided by the Supreme Court of Cassation, while the Library of the Chamber of Deputies takes care of the overall management and updating. Senato della Repubblica Senate of the Republic: Il sito comprende 6 sezioni: Beside providing information about its role, members, work, documents and latest news, the Senate of the Republic site provides an entire section of the website is completely dedicated to the texts which are submitted under Parliament consideration: As we have already mentioned, each Ministry can be found on the Web with its own site, often divided into several sectors, starting with the Prime Minister's Office , which not only provides more general information and services, but also gives news about the course of Government provisions.

In nearly every case, the sites of the Ministries are presented as Portals with a variety of very important information and services. As regards the reform process which is now operative in Italian Public Institutions, you can consider the so called "Ministri senza portafoglio", who don't have indipendent financial powers: The MEF homepage, contains information on the structure and role of the Ministry, and provides information about the Taxation Agencies, the CIPE, the Administration of State Monopolies, and the like, and a list of links - organized by type - to institutional sites.

The DF homepage is divided into numerous sections see G. Besides press releases, dossiers on specific subjects and guides, studies and fiscal statistics, exchange rates, forms, due dates for the payment of taxation, online taxation, journals and in-depth studies, the documentation sector offers a database of taxation documentation prepared by the " Centro Ricerche e Documentazione Economica e Finanziaria " CeRDEF - Economics and Finance Documentation and Research Center containing tax legislation enacted after the reform of , also prior legislation if still in force, European Community legislation, administrative practices circulars, resolutions, press releases produced by the Financial Administration for the interpretation and proper enforcement of the legislation, and finally the Italian and European Community Jurisprudence on taxation including the opinions of the Advisory Council for the application of the anti-evasion rules.

It also offers a useful sector relating to services, including a guide to the services of the Departments, the calculation of road tax, the duplication of the Tax Code, information on taxation commissions and so on. It also contains a list of sites organized by type and a software sector on fiscal, cadastral and customs matters. The Ministry of Justice site is structured in 10 sections regarding the Ministry organization and functions, and the description of the basic institutional activities. The "Strumenti" section contains a selection of national and international legislation and recent cases, besides a map of judicial offices, flowcharts of the Ministry departments and offices, applicative itineraries and forms for the practice.

Organs and Bodies of National Importance Of particular importance in this sector are the sites of the independent Authorities and security and supervisory Commissions: These sites generally set out the legislative framework of reference, provisions, recommendations, and give a wide variety of documentation. Other national bodies should also be kept in mind: The " Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato ", which is in charge of printing and distributing also with computer-based tools the Official Gazette and other State publications, offers the user the possibility of accessing free-of-charge the last 60 Gazettes and, through the Ispolitel-Guritel services, makes its many databases available for a fee: Courts and Judicial Offices The site of the Italian Constitutional Court not only provides useful information about the offices and the judges of the Court starting from , monthly reviews, press conferences and the legislative framework of reference, but it also enables the user to search the Court Decisions, the "Massime" abstracts of the Court's sentences since and the Doctrinal Comments.

Other sections of the website are: On this matter it is, however, helpful to refer to another site, because it is more complete and managed by the same official site, namely " Consulta online" Constitutional Court online , co-ordinated by Pasquale Costanzo, whose database stores all the Court's decisions and orders dating from A search may be carried out on the details of the decision, by key words or through the terms which the parties, the Court or the subject matter dealt with may refer to. The decisions are in full text.

Product details

In the part dedicated to "Sources", the legislative framework is set out and, in the part dedicated to "Research", the user is able to participate in a public "Forum". It should also be noted that there is a large number of links to Constitutions and Constitutional Courts throughout the world.


Buy Codice del processo amministrativo by Mario Sanino (ISBN: Codice del processo amministrativo (Le leggi commentate) and over 2 million other Codice del processo amministrativo (Italian) Hardcover – 1 Jan Kindle Edition. Diritto comunitario (Trattato notarile) (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition) Codice del processo amministrativo (Le leggi commentate) (Italian Edition) ( Kindle.

On this site, the user can generally find, with some exceptions, decisions published after October , and the most important opinions dating from September European Institutions We can mention for instance here the portal of the European Union , accessible in twenty-four languages, provides the user with a great deal of documentation on what the European Union is, how it functions, and how to live and interact with it.

Universities and Research Bodies All Italian Universities and public and private Law Faculties have sites on the Web, containing a great deal of information and documents and with many services for students. Here, we shall look, as an example, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Catania , which presents interesting initiatives online, such as Labour Web , a virtual documentation centre on the evolution of Labour Law, industrial relations and the social State in the European Union, and at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento , which hosts The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin , the first European University electronic journal.

The databases and the guides to which users have free of charge access are especially important in this context. In particular, these include the following. Currently this database contains over Index of foreign legal periodicals: Professional Orders, Associations and Trade Unions Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e Assistenza Forense National Pensions and Assistance Fund for Lawyers provides a valuable guide in the search for organizations and associations of lawyers, as well as a national list of lawyers registered on the roll.

Tutti I numeri della politica Political Barometer. All the instruments of Politics , which also has numerous links to the sites of Italian and international Political Parties. The website CNF - Consiglio Nazionale Forense National Bar Council puts the Forensic Deontological Code online and enables the user to retrieve, through the jurisprudence related to the CNF, opinions, circulars, events, the Bar's activities, proposals, the history of its members, the calendar of Court sittings and annual reports.

It also provides information, reviews and lists of sites of interest for lawyers. A particular attention is dedicated to the evolution process which is regarding the Italian legal profession nowadays, which is confirmed by the new Italian Forensic Order, introduced by Law No.

A specific attention is dedicated to the presentation of the notary's position in the present society "the Public Notary": A database of different kinds of documentation including legislation is also online. There is also a service on how to find a public notary, studies and research, conferences and congresses, guides and handbooks.

It is a founding member of the "International Association of Judges". OUA - Organismo Unitario dell ' Avvocatura Italiana Unitary Organism of the Italian Bench and Bar represents the structure - direct emanation of the National Bar Congress - where all the institutions and bar associations converge for the purpose of expressing the thoughts of the Bench and the Bar on all the most important issues relating to the Justice and the legal profession, whilst respecting the autonomy of each component.

The site provides online information about Congresses and Conferences, documents, news, reviews and press releases, and many articles. Consulta per la Giustizia Europea dei Diritti dell ' uomo Council for European Justice on Human Rights , set up on June 13, , has the purpose of making the professional and cultural associations of lawyers and judges in Italy aware of the instruments for protecting human rights, guaranteed by international rules, in particular, the procedural rules for presenting individual cases before the European Court of Human Rights, in Strasbourg, in order to denounce violations of the European Convention on Human Rights which may have been committed by the Italian State.

Private Initiative Sites " Iusimpresa - Osservatorio bibliografico del Diritto dell'economia" "Bibliographical Observatory of Economic Law" is a bibliographical observatoryon the world of the economy, which can be searched in six languages Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese. Its objective is to offer a rapid, complete and user-friendly tool which, on the basis of a selection made at the source, provides with updating made possible through the availability of the material the bibliographical details of legal literature regarding the Law of Economics, published since January Three types of search for documents are available: Not only the section dedicated to news is interesting, but also the section regarding books, which - thanks to the publishing houses permission - enables users to browse summaries and tables of contents.

Publishing Houses The following is a list of publishing houses specialized in the legal sector. Leggi d'Italia Professionale , again for a subscription fee, offers the user numerous online databases including " Le Leggi d ' Italia " "Laws of Italy" with the text of Italian legislation in force and co-ordinated jurisprudential notes of decisions of all the Italian Higher Courts, organized by summaries, legal literature of distinguished jurists and historical texts, " I codici d ' Italia " Codes of Italy: The new "Leggi d'Italia" website is structured in four sections.

Each one of them is dedicated to a different target of users: Moreover, customized libraries, online training courses, and various specialized newsletters are available. Finally, a further innovation is the "Leggi d'Italia Mobile" system, which allows the user to play the search engine even on smartphones and tablets.

In particular, DeJure is a complete, customizable and up-to-date online legal information system that allows the user to have a smart and targeted search of relevant information on the topic of interest. The online catalogue is updated daily with data on all the volumes published, both those currently on the market and those in print in the past. Il Sole 24 ore , largely dedicated to the world of the economy, makes an important contribution to the legal sector.

It provides services, texts, periodicals and many offline and online databases which are distributed against payment of a subscription fee. The following are among the most important services in the legal sector: The database of "Lex24" is in constant evolution; it can be searched at any time and is updated in real time on the basis of the latest amendments taking place daily.

In particular, with regard to the legislation, it makes the following available to the user: Specific sections regard very important topics, such as family, job, companies, real estates, responsbility and reparation, the mediation and the telematic civil trial. Guida al Diritto Guide to the Law offers subscribers of the weekly of the same name the possibility of navigating free-of-charge in the site, in order to search: It also furnishes numerous online services, such as the "Quotidiano giuridico", which offers every day prompt and influential updates to lawyers, judges and notaries; the on-line commented versions of the Civil Code and the Civil Trial Code; expert advices in legal and fiscal matters.

Simone contains useful services mailing list and a great deal of information. The catalogue made available by the publishing house enables the user to consult the electronic cards relating to over one thousand published volumes. Simone allows its users to search its Law Codes free-of-charge: Zanichelli provides documentation, catalogues and services, which are also generally offered by the best publishing houses specialized in the legal field.

  • My Redeemer Lives!
  • Fresh Air: The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life.
  • Ancients (Shadow Lord Book 9).
  • La proprietà intellettuale e i brevetti: Guida pratica (Sanità e Normativa) (Italian Edition).

The Catalogue, which can be downloaded in PDF, holds codes, handbooks and legal literature texts. A monthly legal Newsletter is also available online. The " Utet giuridica " section holds databases, juridical journals, books and codes. Today, the documents search can be developed through a list of the principal legal matters, highlights, topical issues, the most important legal sources legislation, case law, legal literature and indexes which direct the users to the websites where they can find legislation, jurisprudence, and administrative acts. The Utilities section contains free downloadable documents, forms and formularies, books and services which can be useful for jurists, such as cadastral certificates, company registrations and various kinds of online expert advisories.

Finally, this site provides a Newsletter giving the user updated information. It is peer-reviewed English and Italian language journal concerned to provide an international forum for academic research exploring the threesholds of legal theory, judicial practice and public policy, where the use of a "comparative law and literature" approach becomes crucial to the understanding of Law as a complex order. Apart from containing a series of important articles and contributions, it presents the annotated Italian Civil Code, the Italian Constitution, and lists of Italian and international sites.

Regarding the years to the Index by volume and issue Table of contents and the Index by subject matter are provided. The following can be listed among the typically specialized journals: InterLex is an electronic journal of Law, Technology and Information, among the most prestigious within the Italian panorama on the Web, with many articles of legal literature, organized by subject matter through a chronological and systematic index, from up to Forum costituzionale The "Forum di Quaderni costituzionali" is the telematic section of "Quaderni Costituzionali".

Applicazione giuridica

It has duties of policy and of political-administrative control. The Journal publishes essays, forums, interviews, articles, curious historical anecdotes, book reviews and bibliographical notes, reports of interventions by important persons from the world of politics, culture and the institutions. Our legal system envisages: Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica [D. In particular, the DFP tends to highlight:

In the "Giurisprudenza" "Law Cases" section comments on the main decisions of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts are available. The "Papers" section hosts real essays. The section "Euroscopio" presents updated abstracts of the main decisions released by the European Court of Human Rights, sorted by topic. The "Telescopio" section makes available comments on foreign current topics in the public law field. Finally, in the "Autorecensioni" Authors can report their new monographs, indicating the relative data.

It was established in by a group of Italian scholars based in several Italian Universities, with the encouragement and support of scholars from other countries. Osservatorio sulle fonti is dedicated to deepen the theme of the system of the sources of Law. Astrid was born in to contribute to the spread of democratic and reformist culture and to the debate on the reinvention of government institutions, public policies, administrative systems and economy regulation in the context of globalization and European unity.

As a foundation established in by scholars from various political and cultural backgrounds, Astrid operates mainly through seminars and workshops whose outcomes consist of researches, analysis and proposals. The topics of discussion include: Italian Labour Law e-Journal , founded in , is a journal which falls within the sphere of interest which basically coincides with that of the site Italian Labour Law Online, where it is to be found: Italian Labour Law, in the traditional sense including industrial relations, employer-employee relations, and social security law, from their domestic and international viewpoints as well as international and comparative Labour Law.

The back issues of this journal go from to Gnosis Online is the journal of "intelligence and professional culture", the first issue of which was published in , originated with the objective, amongst other things, of introducing new forms of communication inside and outside SISDe - Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Democratica "Italian Intelligence and Security Service".

The archive includes the issues from to It also portrays itself as a qualified place for reflection and in-depth study, unique in the Italian editorial panorama, on issues related to intelligence and national security. The Journal publishes essays, forums, interviews, articles, curious historical anecdotes, book reviews and bibliographical notes, reports of interventions by important persons from the world of politics, culture and the institutions.

It has also edited a full and systematic collection of the Italian and foreign documentation in the sector reports of parliamentary and governmental organs, bills regarding intelligence bodies, legislation and jurisprudence of interest. The Journal also publishes the proceedings of the numerous cultural initiatives promoted by the Training School of the "Italian Intelligence and Security Service". The journal publishes online essays about law, philosophy and anthropolog i c a l sciences. In addition to the last number essays, there are many further sources available for the user, such as the "Recensioni e discussioni" section, a historic archive which contains all con t ributions published from to and lots of links to online law journals, foreign and Italian Universities and Public Administrations.

Jei-Jus e Internet , online since , this website calls itself as "the first press service online for legal operators". It is divided into several sections including: Privacy and Copyright Law are the main thematic areas. Lexambiente Environment Law was born in with the aim of spreading environmental information through the Web. This journal is rich in information, case law and legislation on the environment contributing to the discussion on this topic.

It has also a Newsletter, which keeps users up-to-date on what is happening in the field.

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Law Libraries Many libraries, especially if they are of considerable importance, like University libraries, have transformed their catalogues into databases, usually making them available to the user free-of-charge. There are now also groups of these under the same organization which has created collective catalogues or MetaOPACs. Currently, it provides access to the bibliographical news, which are periodically downloaded from the databases of the SBN Index: At present, the catalogue contains about 16 million bibliographical descriptions and over 85 million locations.

It allows the user the cumulative query of the catalogs and provides exhaustive lists of Italian Libraries, divided by type Public Libraries, State Libraries, Ecclesiastical Libraries, School Libraries, University Libraries, Research Institute Libraries and other Libraries and, within the same type, by geographical coverage.

The initiative falls within the framework of the reform of the Italian Public Administration aimed at guaranteeing transparency and simplification in its relationship with citizens. Since March , the release date for free and open consultation, the database was progressively fed and updated in "multivalidity" mode with the entire Republican legislative body published from to today, and with the body of law of the Monarchical era, published from to It is also possible to consult, in original version, the normative acts published in the Official Gazette from to At the same time, several improvements were made to the consultation system in order to make it easier and easier to use than the first released version.

Home Page of the "Normattiva" documentation system The Normattiva system is based on the use of innovative technologies for the creation of reliable, free and full information system on Italian laws, in this way implementing Article of Law no. The database includes primary and secondary legislation together with circulars and some relevant administrative orders. Two search options are given to the user: The former allows users to search for legislation by indicating the following information: By selecting this option user can search the documents in the database and display the full text or part of the text section or articles in the version applicable at the date of consultation.

The database is continuously updated and the Project is still in progress. In the next future the user will be able to carry on conceptual retrieval and to search for legislation by utilizing EUROVOC descriptors. The service was already activated in the early 's, but only for a limited number of Courts. From onwards there was a gradual incrementation and consolidation of the system and definition of the access modes, provided free-of-charge for the Central Administrations and against payment for other user groups.

Access to the consultation of the databases is regulated by Law D. The new documentary retrieval system in the database of the Supreme Court, called " ItalgiureWeb ", has become available on the Internet. The users can access the website and its data just connecting to this address ; so the system can be used as any other website. However, at present, the possibility of consulting the system is reserved only for users who have the right to link up free-of-charge and it will be come into effect through a gradual release, organized by categories. Moreover, only for a few years you can consult all the civil and criminal judgments of the Court of Cassation free of charge.

The service is free, does not require any registration and is accessible to everyone at the following link. The search can be done according to three specific criteria: After the search, you can get the PDF file of the judicial measure by clicking on the title of the result; by clicking on the description below the title, you get instead the textual copy of the sentence.

The site is also accessible from smartphones or tablets, although a mobile friendly version is not yet available. Free of Charge Databases. Thomas, " Carl A. Kroch " Cornell University Library , in her interesting article L ' impiego del Portale per l ' individuazione di risorse elettroniche specialistiche says: