Rutschungen in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen (German Edition)

Is the information for this product incomplete, wrong or inappropriate? Let us know about it. Does this product have an incorrect or missing image? Send us a new image. Is this product missing categories? Checkout Your Cart Price. In den Alpen stellen Massenbewegungen immer wieder eine grosse Gefahr fur Menschen, Siedlungen und sonstige Infrastruktur dar, besonders wenn diese plotzlich und mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auftreten.

Bereits kleinere Ereignisse dieser Art konnen zu schweren Schaden fuhren. Daher ist es wichtig, grundlegende Informationen uber Massenbewegungen und ihre geomorphologischen Steuerungsfaktoren, die diese Bewegungen begunstigen oder gar auslosen, zu sammeln. Derartige Informationen bilden die Basis, um vernunftige Landnutzungsplane zu erstellen, wodurch wiederum Menschenleben und Sachwerte besser geschutzt werden konnen. Diese Arbeit beschaftigt sich im Folgenden mit gravitativen Massenbewegungen, vor allem aber mit Rutschungen. Planolites, Chondrites and Zoophycos Ilickovic, , alternate with fine- to medium-grained, partially thin-bedded and graded calcareous sandstone layers.

In some sections relatively massive, graded breccias can be found. The quarry is comprised of two levels, and a sedimentary profile Ilickovic, ; see also Wagreich et al.

Translation of «Kalkalpen» into 25 languages

A section of the quarry containing several folds of different size and orientation within a small area was chosen for the construction of the 3D model. In detail, folded sandstone layers Fig. In contrast, most other exposed layers in the quarry lack this intense folding. Thus, a detailed structural investigation was performed, in order to determine the orientation and relative position of the folds, as well as their relation to other structural and sedimentary features, e.

Geological overview of the eastern margin of the Northern Calcareous Alps modified after Egger et al. Methods For the generation of a georeferenced 3D model, severaltechniques were combined. Additionally, a topographic model of the outcrop was generated using the freeware Photosynth. High amplitude folds in calcareous sandstone and marl beds traced by a black line in the image , exposed in the western part of the studied outcrop.

Unfolded, parallel beds are exposed in the lower right of the image. Small-sized fold of a sandstone layer and thin-bedded marls in the fold core. This device can reach an accuracy of m horizontal and m vertical , respectively. Ebeling and Pack et al. Several overlapping photographs taken of the same area at different angles and distances are matched by pattern recognition. The software is able to spatially arrange the images accordingly, providing also a visual representation of the individual vantage point and size of each picture.

From this information, the software is able to retrieve the position of each identified pixel and saves their x, y and z coordinates. The resulting point cloud, i. The 3D modelling procedure of the outcrop topography The pictures may be acquired with any camera type and resolution, even images taken with different cameras at different times may be combined.

Nevertheless the quality of the synth can easily be enhanced if some instructions are followed: Before starting the 3D reconstruction, one needs to assure that all portrait images are saved with the correct side up.

3D structural modelling of an outcrop-scale fold train using photogrammetry and GPS mapping

All pictures are then uploaded onto the web-server, where they are arranged in 3D by pattern recognition Fig. For every point xyz- as well as RGB-information is stored. Once the upload process is finished and the synth is displayed, no additional images can be added to this object. Photosynth is not able to process more than pictures at one time. If more pictures are required, they have to be split up in subgroups and the procedure has to be performed several times.

The xyz- and RGB-values of the generated point clouds as well as the camera parameters can be exported using the program SynthExport. This free software can be downloaded from The 3D geo-modelling software package GOCAD Paradigm is able to import and correctly display the xyz-values of the exported point clouds.

Synonyms and antonyms of Kalkalpen in the German dictionary of synonyms

Unfortunatly it is not able to read the RGB-information and add this additional information to the individual points. However, the software is still preferred, as it can be used to construct and edit additional data from the original input dataset. If several point clouds need to be created for a single object, each point cloud is internally consistent, but the different point clouds do not share the same coordinate system.

For that reason, they differ in size and orientation, which needs to be corrected using e. GPS measurements of distinctive points. Moreover, this method of creating a point cloud inevitably involves a certain level of noise, which needs to be eliminated to create a most accurate representation of the outcrop topography. One straightforward way to create a surface in GOCAD is to generate a triangulated surface directly between the points of a cloud.

Unfortunately, the point clouds we were able to create in this study are far not accurate enough for this procedure, because the points lie within a range of ca cm from the true outcrop topography in a direction perpendicular to the respective orientation of the surface. Additionally, the points are not homogeneously distributed along. Due to the inhomogeneous distribution and scattering of points, the resulting surfaces directly triangulated from the original points are very rough.

This can be avoided by generating a flat triangulated surface at the correct position in the 3D model and approximate it to the point cloud by interpolation. For the outcrop investigated in this study, it was necessary to create several synths from different viewpoints of the outcrop, resulting in several point clouds. After creating a surface for each point cloud, different surfaces of various sizes and orientations were obtained.

Since in this case the final point cloud consisted of more points than GOCAD was able to process, it had to be divided into 6 parts. Separate surfaces were generated for each part which were then combined to one overall surface Fig. Geological structures can be constructed within the now correctly positioned model. In order to generate sedimentary layers as triangulated surfaces with accurate dip direction and dip, the layers first need to be digitized on the outcrop surface as a polyline.

A copy of this line can then be moved by a simple mathematical operation in the desired x, y, and z direction and distance, ensuring the correct position taking into account the dip direction and dip angles measured in the field. Finally, a surface can be created between the two parallel curves. In a similar way, fold axes and axial planes can be generated and oriented in the correct position and orientation Fig.

The larger folds Fig.

Rutschungen in Den Nordlichen Kalkalpen (German, Paperback) / Author: Franz Maximilian Hummel ; ; Geography, Earth & environment. with examples of use. Synonyms for Kalkalpen and translation of Kalkalpen to 25 languages. Rutschungen in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen. Studienarbeit aus.

In contrast, the layers of the small sized fold shown in Fig. Both fold axes plunge between 45 and 88 towards the NW Fig. This type of refold structure, with parallel fold axes and orthogonal axial planes can be classified as type 3 hooks and crescent interference pattern Ramsey and Huber, Besides the folded layers, structural features also include brittle faults exposed mostly the lower part of the outcrop marked as area IV in Fig.

At some parts of the outcrop heterogeneous breccias were observed, showing very small cm in diameter to large up to 50 cm in diameter components.

The terrain below contains various features on the seafloor, as well as parts of three continents. Brittle fault planes dipping very shallowly to the NW, with top to the SE kinematics. The complete outcrop surface constructed from several stitched surfaces, including a point cloud of a tree in the foreground. Additionally, the points are not homogeneously distributed along. The software arranges the pictures according to the focal length and matched patterns, and thereby creates a panoramic view of the scenery. The observed folds TM Figure 4:

Several of those large components were identified as fragments of calcareous sand- 6. The observed folds TM Figure 4: The software arranges the pictures according to the focal length and matched patterns, and thereby creates a panoramic view of the scenery. View of the automatically generated point cloud, where every point represents an x-, y- and z position on the outcrop surface. The complete outcrop surface constructed from several stitched surfaces, including a point cloud of a tree in the foreground.

The purpose of this study was to distinguish between tectonic deformation and sedimentary slumping as deformation process for these structures. Several facts inhibit a straightforward answer to this question in the studied outcrop. Large parts of the outcrop are inaccessible, so direct measurement of the orientation of structural and sedimentary features is impossible. The continuation of bedding planes is not easily recognized, especially as most of the exposed rocks are grey carbonates, with very little optical contrast.

Thus, to clarify the orientation and relative position of folded layers, we created a 3D-model of a representative part of the outcrop Fig. The model highlights the folded sedimentary layers multicoloured planes and the faults cutting through the rock red planes on top of the outcrop topography displayed in grey. Furthermore, fold axes represented by the red lines are also displayed.

Detailed mapping of the calcareous sandstone and marl beds revealed that in many areas the beds are fragmented, especially in the upper and lower central parts of the outcrop above III and around IV in Fig. In these areas, layers end abruptly or are even completely disrupted from the other beds and embedded in a fine grained matrix.

In contrast, the lower western part area II in Fig. The variability of the observed fold axial plane orientation, and partly also the orientation of fold axes, is remarkable. The larger folds I and V in Fig. In comparison, the axial plane of the smaller sized fold Fig. As the latter fold is located in the limb of the larger folds with NW-dipping axial planes, it can be interpreted to be generated earlier, and refolded by the second fold in a later NW-SE compression.

To our knowledge such a complex, polyphase folding by tec- Figure 6: The final surface and structural model of the outcrop. Sedimentary layers multi-coloured planes , fault planes red planes and fold axes red lines are displayed in colour with accurate spatial distribution and orientation. Areas I-V indicate sedimentary and structural features referred to in the text. Sedimentary and structural features in the outcrop southern hemisphere stereographic projection. Bedding planes dip consistently towards NW. Fold axes of large folds open circles, I and V in Fig.

Brittle fault planes show dextral strike-slip kinematics. Brittle fault planes dipping very shallowly to the NW, with top to the SE kinematics. Moreover, no genetic connection between the described brittle fault planes and the folded bedding can be identified, as the faults cut across the folded layering and are not found as striations on bedding planes parallel to the bedding both in the fold limbs and in fold hinges , which would indicate flexural slip folding.

From our combined observations of refold structures, tight folds of variable amplitudes, and abundant breccias, we conclude that the deformation mechanism was most likely gravitational slumping shortly after the deposition of the layers, rather than tectonic compression during a later orogenic phase. Apart from the obvious advantages of the method compared to more sophisticated, expensive techniques, there are several aspects which need to be considered before attempting an application for a geological objective.

Several synths need to be generated and later combined to a representative outcrop surface, which is certainly a source of additional error.

  1. Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications.
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  3. Rutschungen in Den Nordlichen Kalkalpen (German, Paperback).

In this paper we demonstrated that even under suboptimal conditions, this approach can be used to generate a 3D surface and structural model. However, the quality of the model and the advantage of a rather rapid method will be significantly higher if the previous suggestions are considered. Conclusion The structural data visualized in the 3D model strongly confirms the synsedimentary origin of the exposed fold train. The variable orientation of axial planes as well as to a minor extend fold axes , the occurrence of poorly sorted breccias, and the lack of connection to fault structures present in the outcrop, indicates that the folds are caused by gravitational slumping and cannot be related to later tectonic deformation.

Even though some geometry features e. Thus, the procedure to create 3D geological datasets from a series of photographs is a useful addition or alternative to more advanced and expensive equipment like laser scanners or total stations. Acknowledgements We thank Michael Wagreich for encouraging this detailed structural work, as well as Tanja Ilickovic, Aleksandra Popovic and Mathias Bichler for collaboration and support in the field and fruitful discussions.

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  • KALKALPEN - Definition and synonyms of Kalkalpen in the German dictionary.

Thorough reviews by G. Marschallinger significantly improved the quality of the manuscript.

Meaning of "Kalkalpen" in the German dictionary

Definition, Fazies und Environment. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 4 , Krenmayr, H. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin. Geology, 21, Wagreich, M. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 90, pp. Cretaceous Research 26, Wagreich, M. Slumping versus tectonic deformation. Sedimentary Geololgy, , Pack, G.

International Journal of Earth Sciences, , Received: Geological Visualization Tools and Structural Geology Geologists use several visualization tools to understand rock outcrop relationships, regional patterns and subsurface geology in 3D and 4D. Map Patterns and Finding the Strike and Dip from a Mapped Outcrop of a Planar Surface Topographic maps represent the complex curves of earth s surface with contour lines that represent the intersection.

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Structural Geology Laboratory 9 Name Geologic maps show the distribution of different types of structures and rock stratigraphic units generally on a topographic base such as a quadrangle map. Structural Geology Thinking in 3D http: Outcrop patterns on geological maps 7 2. Cross sections 16 3. Structure contours 22 cknowledgements. Geology and Landscapes Maps and cross-sections Practicals 2 to 9 will be dedicated to the study of geological maps and the production of geological cross-section.

Below is a summary of the different. To be able to understand, visualize, and analyze geologic maps Geologic maps show the distribution of the various igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks at Earth s surface in. The terrain below contains various features on the seafloor, as well as parts of three continents.

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