Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Disputes Involving China: Issues for Congress

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Center for Oceans Law and Policy. Decisions that Congress makes on these issues could substantially affect U. Navy states that countries with restrictions inconsistent with the Law of the Sea Convention [i. People and organizations associated with either the creation of this report or its content. However, Beijing appears to have backed away from that assertion in

The Spratly Islands Dispute: Permanent Court of Arbitration. Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved 15 May Retrieved 20 July What does it Portend?

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South Asia Analysis Group. Archived from the original on India should avoid rushing in where enen US exercises caution". Archived from the original on 24 September Retrieved 3 January Retrieved 1 September Council on Foreign Relations. For example, China may explicitly refer to the South China Sea as a core interest; in Beijing hinted this was the case but subsequently backed away from the assertion.

Retrieved 25 October Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters today in Beijing that China "adheres to the strategy of peaceful development. Retrieved 29 July Quest for hegemonic stability? National University of Singapore. Retrieved 4 October Archived from the original on 23 April National Council for Science and the Environment.

Change Chinese mindset: ‘West Philippine Sea is not yours’

Archived from the original on 19 March Retrieved 15 March Oil, Maritime Claims, and U. Retrieved 2 March Retrieved 14 May Retrieved 16 May Retrieved 11 November Vietnamese fishermen appear to be more desperate to source for seafood and are conducting illegal fishing activities in Malaysian waters through deceit. It is understood the appetite for fish is growing in the Asian region, coupled with shrinking stocks, and this is driving fishermen further and further from their shores to source for supply.

Vietnamese fishermen are forced to look elsewhere for fish due to heavy pollution of its waters by a Taiwanese steel plant operating in Vietnam under a joint venture with the Vietnamese Government seen as a major scandal. Retrieved 14 November One succumbed to serious injuries later. Chow 11 September Economic and Security Dynamics. Retrieved 30 May Taipei has demanded that Manila issue an apology, punish those responsible, and compensate the victims by May 15 or the Taiwanese government will place a ban on the entry of any new Filipino workers to the country.

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The Wall Street Journal. Earlier Phan Huy Hoang, chairman of Quang Ngai Association of Fisheries, said the fishermen told him that Philippine bandits might be involved in the case. For sure, they are foreign attackers, but their nationality is not known. A local fishery association said the murderers were Philippine.

Retrieved 26 November China's South China Sea Claims". Retrieved 24 February The American Journal of International Law. Translated by Rumi Sakamoto. Retrieved 26 September Retrieved December 12, Indonesia summons Chinese ambassador as fishing dispute escalates". Indonesian leader visits Natuna Islands amid growing tensions". Retrieved 1 March Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Sutter 8 August Perilous Past, Pragmatic Present.

McDevitt, Michael 25 November Navigating the Most Dangerous Place in the World". War on the Rocks.

Retrieved 14 March Diola, Camille 5 November Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service. Retrieved 13 March It has been viewed times.

Territorial disputes in the South China Sea - Wikipedia

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