Gente namorada (novelas portuguesas) (Portuguese Edition)

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Dormant feelings resurface and affect both her marriage and her relationship with her daughter. Defying everyone, Laerte and Luiza decide to stay together—a decision that causes conflict and turmoil all around them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. March Learn how and when to remove this template message. Retrieved 22 November Retrieved from " https: CS1 Portuguese-language sources pt Use dmy dates from November Articles needing additional references from March All articles needing additional references.

Views Read Edit View history. Baroque reached its maturity in Portugal after the restoration of independence. The themes of the new literature were discussed in newly-founded academies such as the Academia dos Generosos - Academy of the Generous. Lyrical poetry, marked by preciosity and conceits, was gathered in two songbooks: These were collections of poems typical of this school, exercises in the mastery of style and poetics using ostentatious and exuberant language. Many are satirical and most reflect the playful atmosphere of the court, the pastimes of the academies and the competitions which were their source.

Of these baroque poets the names to remember are: Francisco Manuel de Melo was a typical figure of baroque prose, who wrote both in Portuguese and Castilian, developing a large number of genres. However, it was doctrinal religious prose that influenced Portuguese baroque most profoundly. Generally considered to be the greatest prose writer of the Portuguese baroque, he wrote sermons, letters, religious booklets and other texts which were usually marked by a deliberate intention to intervene in the problems of his time such as, for instance, the organisation of economic power or treatment of the indigenous peoples of Brazil.

He used a style of oratory that was of great literary quality and a fundamental theme in his work was a Utopian Fifth Portuguese Empire. This idea followed on from other writings linked to national Messianism, making use of Trovas do Bandarra Ballads of a Vagrant , and it would have repercussions later. Lettres Portugaises , French edition is a peculiar work. The authorship is uncertain, but it is attributed to a Portuguese nun, Mariana Alcoforado. The effect of this work on European sensibility through its sentimental and psychological power was important in the development of Romanticism.

Baroque Historiography and Pamphlet Literature During the period of union with Spain, an oral and written literary tradition developed which opposed the Spanish monarchy and appeared in various different genres. One genre which stands out is the usually anonymous pamphlet text, which continued even after the restoration.

In the Trovas do Bandarra were published.

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Afonso Henriques in Ourique. After the restoration, the critical aspect became more pronounced as in such works as Monstruosidades do Tempo e da Fortuna Monstrosities of Time and Fortune and Arte de Furtar Art of Stealing , which denounced the corruption of the nobility. This theatre was heavily influenced by the apogee of Spanish theatre, and classical comedy merge with traditional genres and themes.

Particularly prominent was D. Baroque theatre was also linked to Italian melodrama an operatic form. He was the author of various comedies and farces for example, Guerras do Alecrim e da Manjerona , Battles of Rosemary and Marjoram and enjoyed great success.

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Some of the scenes from his plays circulated in the form of cheap literature. Religious drama was also important. An essential role was played by the "foreigners" Portuguese people who had lived abroad , who in defence of the new mentality of which they considered themselves doctrinaires, created the conditions for the development of a new literary school. The period of the Enlightenment had produced some good works in the criticism and review of Portuguese literature up to that time.

Francisco Xavier de Oliveira, the Knight of Oliveira, left us his Cartas Familiares Letters to Friends - a work with observations on different aspects of Portuguese life. The economic and social rise of the middle class and increased scientific activity also helped promote the new spirit of rationalism and enlightenment that led to neo-classical literature. Similar literary circles started to appear and they became the main focal point of literary culture on a par with the literary salons.

Poetry became heavily influenced by the attempt to theorise it.

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Neo-classical Theatre Italian opera and related genres enjoyed great success although members of Arcadian circles sought to develop a civic-minded, moral theatre in deliberate opposition to Spanish comedy. Tragedy was specifically seen as the ideal form to express enlightened ideas, whilst comedy was seen as the critic of mores.

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However, the efforts produced by writers at the time did not show much literary value and adaptations and translations of foreign texts predominated. A romantic by nature, his style is influenced not only by Arcadian themes but also by gloomy sentiment and his deep personal conscience which he allows us glimpses of. The welcome given to his versifying art was matched by the popularity he enjoyed as a satirical and comic poet. His political exile in England brought him into contact with English romanticism, which influenced him considerably.

The National Theatre Teatro D. Maria II was created for this purpose. Another romantic characteristic was his interest in popular culture and he gathered traditional literary heritage into his Romanceiro collection. Another romantic writer, but influenced by French and German schools, was Alexandre Herculano. At the same time, Herculano was a writer of the greatest importance, both as a public figure and a historian, as he defended a historical perspective which took into account not only the great names of kings and heroes, but also the role played by institutions and ideas in the nation's evolution.

As a poet, his texts reflect the historical moment of the liberal wars in which he took an active part. Journalistic Activity Journalism developed considerably during the romantic period. It became a vehicle for agitation and for the confrontation of ideas in a period of great political unrest. Both Herculano and Garrett dedicated themselves to this activity as did many others. Evolution of Romanticism Romantic poetry retrieved several features from traditional lyric poetry especially mediaeval poetry in the initial phase.

Various magazines such as O Trovador The Troubadour became the focus of poetic output.

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Many of its contributors adopted political stances on national and international issues. Most of the poems though ended up by falling into the conventionalism and sentimentalism of folklore, culminating in the so-called ultra-romanticism. As for the theatre, the melodramatic historical drama developed after the pioneering role played by Garrett, and was inspired by countless translated versions of black dramas of horror. The historical novel also had its followers.

In time, new genres appeared that, although remaining within the confines of romanticism, showed a modern concern with social issues that in some cases foreshadowed realism and was linked to the political regeneration of the time. Despite depicting humanitarian and progressive concerns, this poetry retained a generally romantic sentiment using commonplaces and solemn tones.

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The Oporto review, O Bardo The Bard , was another vehicle for these modern tendencies, which were also reflected in pamphlet poetry Guilherme Braga, Mendes Leal and thesis plays concerned with social themes. These tendencies were also reflected in novels on contemporary themes which were already approaching realism and which reflected the social and economic changes of the era as well as the increasing importance of the middle class. At times they provided a natural colloquial portrait of rural life. The great figure of this era was Camilo Castelo Branco.

Besides his role as a novelist and writer of short stories, portraying regional types and customs, he was famous for the passionate intensity that so greatly impressed his readers.

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The Generation of In the meantime, a generation of writers schooled in Coimbra had come into contact with the great European issues and realised the extent of the country's social, political and cultural stagnation. The 'Conferences' were banned as they were considered subversive. In fact, he was the figure of his generation who most fully put into practice the concepts of realism, not only in his work as a pamphleteer and polemicist, but primarily in the novel, of which he was a grand master, and in which he sought to portray characteristic aspects of Portuguese society and particularly the ruling middle class Os Maias , The Maias, His work also displayed a stylistic renewal that was fundamental in Portuguese language and literature.

Antero de Quental, the generation's main mentor and the writer responsible for the first theory of Portuguese realism, revealed in his sonnets that he was still influenced by a romantic and metaphysical vision of the great philosophical concepts and principles that he propounded. Realism fulfilled their desire to intervene in the promotion of national progress.

Guerra Junqueiro was the most famous fiery poet of the time A Morte de D. Another name to remember is that of Guilherme de Azevedo, also a pamphleteer poet, but one already influenced by French decadence. Other trends and genres Other writers produced successful works and themes as well as this influential trend that marked the Generation of In addition, growing urbanisation and proletarianism brought a new genre - the rustic tale - which sought an idyllic alternative to the big cities and which can be found in Trindade Coelho Os Meus Amores , My Loves, Prominent in the theatre were Silva Pinto, Abel Botelho, Ramada Curto and Manuel Laranjeira, who were influenced by the new tendencies already appearing.

This theory of Art for Art's sake, the cult of musicality and the sculptural working of language in a serene manner, was basically opposed to humanitarian romanticism. Arriving late in Portugal, it mingled with decadent and symbolist tendencies in the work of some poets. The magazine A Arte The Art was the mouthpiece for this symbolist movement.

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This leads one to suppose that these people were named a: Rhonabwy's Dream is an early thirteenth-century Welsh tale preserved only in the Red Book of Hergest. Besides introducing the date of the fatal battle between Arthur and Mordred, D. Neo-realism continued in many later Portuguese writers in versions that were at times softer or tangential, with its principles reformulated and at times merging with other movements. Throughout their lives, Eva had always been extremely overprotective and loving towards Ana but she never had a warm relationship with Manuela.

The greatest poet of this movement but only published in was Camilo Pessanha, with his volume Clepsidra, who excelled at showing the musicality of the language in his typically symbolist work and at surprising us with unexpected images. Neo-Romantic Tendencies In this period when various European tendencies flowed together, often becoming impossible to disentangle, movements of national origin were also revived - in the so-called neo-romanticism which lasted well into the 20 th century. One of the most important events in its development was the English ultimatum , which led to a wave of nationalist literature characteristic of Guerra Junqueiro.

A regionalist branch developed, linked to folklore and picturesque aspects. His texts are an example of love for the simple things, a reaction against the frustration of life in big cities and a reflection of a desire to recover lost paradises. At the same time, he distanced his imaginative imagery from the traditional stylistic resources of Portuguese lyrical poetry. At the same time, a movement developed - saudosismo, or nostalgism - based on the feeling of a decadent nation. This unleashed a metaphysical, pantheistic vision that found in the concept of saudade or 'nostalgic yearning' a typical theme in Portuguese lyrical poetry the expression of the spiritual essence of the Portuguese people.

He was the precursor of various later tendencies and shows flashes of expressionism which never became established in Portuguese literature. This sought to intervene effectively in Portuguese life in a way that saudosismo had not managed to.

The latter, one of the great prose-writers of the first half of the century, reflected human suffering in the conflicts and forces of nature and gave literature a regionalist stamp.