The Life and Times of Oscar Wilde

The life and works of Oscar Wilde

Lecturing gave him a way of turning personality into income. He crisscrossed America for almost a year, speaking on the English Renaissance and decorative arts, bringing his high camp performance to the most unlikely venues in the mid-west and Rockies. On tour, he indulged new sartorial fancies: Soon after his return from the US he became engaged to Constance Lloyd , daughter of an Irish barrister.

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The Life and Times of Oscar Wilde - Kindle edition by Golgotha Press. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features. The Life and Times of Oscar Wilde [Golgotha Press] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Oscar Wilde was a novelist, poet, and playwright;.

During the early years of their marriage, her modest inheritance kept him afloat. Soon, the couple had two sons. Readers will wonder about this, but in vain.

The Life & Times of Oscar Wilde by Timothy Moffet

Here, her character is simply absent. He became a sought-after performer not just in London salons, but in some of the stately homes of England.

At the final curtain, Wilde took to the stage to bask in the applause. He sealed a relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas, an Oxford undergraduate he knew slightly, by paying off blackmailers on his behalf. It remains unclear exactly what they were blackmailing him about.

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Sturgis emphasises the delirious recklessness of this new life. Foolishly, Wilde imagined that the accusations against him would be founded on the supposed immorality of some of his writing. Oscar Wilde was effectively at the centre of a transitional world, where there was a clear emergence of a modern spirit in art, literature and culture in which he had a great influence.

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Wilde was one of the major critics of Charles Dickens, another key figure in the progression of literature in the Victorian period. The Importance of Being Earnest has been adapted for the cinema on three different occasions: The play is still important for modern day audiences for its discussion of class, pointing to the fact that Wilde can be seen as a universally and everlasting literary figure. Alongside Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde ranks as one of the greatest writers in British and Irish society, so his importance cannot be dismissed.

The influence and success of The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest in particular assert his prominence as an incredibly important figure of the Victorian period. Oscar Wilde on Dipity.

The Picture of Dorian Gray

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 16, Gusti Malik rated it really liked it. A really nice pocket book that contains information about Oscar Wilde's life. This book is written by Timothy Moffet, There is no much of information regarding of this author, but Timothy wrote another 'The Life and Times' book, which is Christopher Columbus one. This book is telling us about the biography of a renown Irish poet, Oscar Wilde who born on s. Oscar Wilde has a rather interesting life, He skyrocket in his career, becoming one of the most renown poet, playwright, and novelist at A really nice pocket book that contains information about Oscar Wilde's life.

Oscar Wilde has a rather interesting life, He skyrocket in his career, becoming one of the most renown poet, playwright, and novelist at his early 20s and early 30s. But things changed, he also lose his fame and fortune pretty quickly in a field poetry and playwright that makes him famous. There are three reasons why this book is pretty good.

The Life & Times of Oscar Wilde

First the length of this book. Second the substance of this book. Third the little treats that this book have. There are so much more good things about this book, but this three reasons, is really pop out out of other things. First the length of this book is short but not too short. It only have 64 pages, you think its really short but if you read it somehow Timothy makes it adequate to tell the story in 64 pages.

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