Sell More products with Blogging for Your Crafty Biz

But it can be done. I, and many other artisans, are living proof.

How to manage home working

Today, I thought I would dig deep into those years and YEARS of trial and error to share with you 10 things that I believe are absolutely crucial to the success or failure of your online handmade business. This is number 1. But is there a market for it? And is the market willing to pay what they need to in order for you to build a profitable business? Before you dive into setting up an online shop and learning everything there is to learn about selling your work, you need to seriously consider this question.

Are you in this for the long term? Part — an important part, I believe — of having a handmade business is being open and friendly with your customers.

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They are buying from you because they prefer to buy unique things, direct from the person who made them. By all means be friendly and lighthearted with them, but remember to treat them with professionalism and respect. Balancing this line between being friendly and being professional is crucial for the success of your business. The photo is the first thing that captures the eye, and usually the largest part of the decision-making process when all is said and done.

Setting up a home-based craft business: top tips

I even know people and am totally guilty of doing this myself at times who barely even READ the description, but just buy pretty much immediately based on the photo of an item. Take the time to get good photos.

High Paying Affiliate Programs For Craft Bloggers

Be open to change. It might be what you make. It might be something about what you make.

It might just be your photos or price point. Love what you do… but be open to the fact that in order to succeed, you might need to make a change. This is not a bad thing. We all know the story of Edison and the lightbulb, right? Email is still the most direct and effective way to connect with your customers. Once your customer or prospective customer has taken the step to trust you with their email, they have given you permission to contact them directly.

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These are your best prospects for making a sale — the people who love what you do already! Treat them with respect, give them value in the emails you send, and stay in touch with them on a regular basis. A lot of people let their marketing fall by the way-side between Thanksgiving and New Years but this can lead to slow sales in January and February. If you have friends or family who host holiday parties in their home or office, ask them if they would like to borrow some of your art for the party. Just be sure your friend has cards with your contact info handy to give to anyone who admires your work.

If your make jewelry or wearable art, you should wear it every single time you leave the house, even to run to the grocery store. And always have cards with your contact info in your pocket.

Blogging Platforms

But especially over the holidays, you can get other people to be your billboards as well. My employees and friends always knew they could borrow a piece of handmade jewelry, a scarf or other wearable art to attend special luncheons or parties. The only requirement was that they keep my cards in their handbag and anytime someone complimented the piece, they told them who made it and where they could purchase one or something similar. If any of your friends work in a place where they see lots of people every day, they can be a great source of marketing for you just by wearing what you make and telling anyone who admires it how they can contact you.

They have nothing to lose if you do it on consignment.

10 Things you MUST Do to Have a Successful Online Craft Business | Create & Thrive

And you have everything to gain. For more easy, fun ways to sell more crafts, check out the audio course: Retail spaces in many areas are vacant and landlords are anxious to bring in some revenue so they are othen receptive to a temporary agreement for a limited period of time rather than sit with an empty space that brings them no income. Think about all the women who have taken the Handmade Pledge.

I found it interesting that there was no mention of all the crafty businesses students can run from their dorm room, particularly since so many students are crafters. This morning I asked a man in the produce department if he would read the expiration date on a bag of greens. I laughed but his comment recomfirms that the next couple of days are a great opportunity for artists and crafts people to cash in on procrastinators.

Many people wait until the last minute to shop. Hanging out where men are captive audiences is a guaranteed way to turn your craft into cash at the last minute. Particularly if you make wearables like jewelry or scarves, jump on this. Many guys have no idea what to buy their wives, girlfriends, sisters and mothers so they appreciate your suggestions. Also, do a drawing for a piece of your work. Just put out a bowl to collect business cards or scraps of paper for them to put their name and email address on.

Have you noticed that many of the small boutiques that sell handmade are low in inventory the last couple of weeks in December? But the trend of discerning consumers searching for unique, handcrafted, meaningful gifts is catching retailers unprepared with insufficient supply and no time to re-order handmade gifts.

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This is where YOU come in. Here I offer up a couple of ideas that will increase both your in-person and online sales: None of them involve icky, uncomfortable marketing. Here are a few tips for making some last minute cash: Also, mention that setting this up will be an attraction for them as well so it will draw in new customers for the salon.

Get your list of best sites to sell your art or craft online by popping your name and email below

Blogging can be a great tool for any craft business, no matter how big or small. . Most crafty people do not just create the products they sell. Sure anyone can go get into the business to start selling their crafts. you may be more of an exact niche in one type of product craft business than another. This is true when it comes to blogging, in fact, Elite Blog Academy teaches exactly.

One buys and they all start opening their wallets. Medical personnel often have to work on holidays so a hospital is a great place to have a last minute sale. Ask the HR department if you can set up in an area that the nurses and doctors gather on their breaks. Another great place to set up a last minute pop-up display is a nice neighborhood sports bar where regulars gather for lunch and dinner. If you get the guys at lunch time, you have a captive audience. Create Your Own Summer Job.