False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies (Evil Empire Series Book 1)

This audiobook is a compilation of my writings, showing the many ways we are threatened as a sovereign nation There are two smoking guns provided in this audiobook. This audiobook exposes the neocon crazies, what make them this way, and why you need to understand that they are the most dangerous people in the world The smoking guns and real causes of the credit crisis are revealed in this audiobook A financial crime of the 21st century that makes Madoff look like an amateur because of scale.

This crime is complex, but it is not rocket science. The proof of culpability can be known This audiobook exposes crucial activities by libertarians with regard to Big Bang of deregulation in the UK and how that deregulation came to hurt main street USA Gary Anderson Narrated by: Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. On the other hand, what we call globalism now is an idiotic game or even a blasphemy. Why should Mankind not live in form of a multitude of tribes and nations again, different and colorful, instead of that false industry-normed unity of so-called multiculti which does not allow for any clear structures except those given at the queue waiting for a McDumb Hamburger?

Why not thrive on local produce again, instead of insanely carrying megatons of ordinary daily-life items all over the globe only to be allowed to eat McDumb Burgers at the South Pole as well as at the North Pole? Nationalist or not, many of us are secretly or openly glad that this game will soon be over and that we will fry our own local Burgers again without McDumb telling us how they have to be and look and taste… and have our own currencies again… gold-based… etc.

Only to win or conquer human minds for this eternal core of culture does Globalism in its current form exist, and I think we dont need it anymore to prevent a relapse into Barbarianism nor to win more souls for civilization out of barbarianism. It has become obsolete in this respect. So they all must do this work, creating and keeping up culture and order, for themselves — or else the very relapse which globalism should prevent in its origin, will be caused by its perversion, McDumbism, which makes more and more people puke.

IS is nothing more or less than toxic fecal matter excreted by a materialist, shortsighted and roguish Mc Dumb Globalism that either has to convert back to its spiritual purposes and repent — or to go under. Look at what is happening in the Scandinavian contries, traditionally Anti-Russian see my post here below. The effect of all these non-Europeans inside European countries is that European nationalists are less ethnically nationalist and more pan-European nationalist.. If we are to use as crude terms as possible — Poland, Baltics and Ukraine are ethnic nationalist, identifying only with their local own ethnic group and fighting their neighbors, while the rest of Europe is pan-European nationalist, identifying with all Europeans no matter if they are Russian, Italian, Swedish and so forth.

I have noticed that European countries with a large number of non-Europeans living in them tend to develop pan-European nationalism as oppose to ethnic nationalism. This new pan-European mentality that I believe is the norm in the west today as opposed to ethnic nationalism, is a result of having such a huge number of non-European immigrants in their countries, which have really given individual European ethnic groups a new perspective, it is pretty hard for a Swedish nationalist to feel that blond Russians or Germans or French which are indistinguishable from Swedes are the enemies while african muslims rape and murder blond Swedes and blond Russians.

The same effect would likely be trigger in Poland, Ukraine and Baltics if they were to be flooded by millions of african, asians, arab muslims and so forth.. It would be pretty hard for anyone then to try to rally hate towards Russians from which they can even distinguish themselves as a physically separate people. Multiculturalism has already totally hollowed out the support for the western elites, and any anti-Russian talks just appears as more crazy nonsense.

To summerize I believe that a large presence of aggressive non-European people has broaded the world view of W. Before there were thousands of arab muslims raping women in public in Germany, ethnic nationalism was dominated in W. There is enough information here and below reference for individuals to visit these sites. Very pro-Russian and pro-Putin. So when ethnonationalist from eastern Europe, start talking about making war on Russia, their European brothers, saying things like Russians are mongrelized asiatic subhumans, W.

European nationalists just look at them, shocked, wondering in absolute amazement if these people are either morons or flat out insane.. European nationalists is a country to be allied with, to be admired and to emulated. Your point about Poland and the Baltics being anti-Russian and very pure or homogeneous in population suggests to me that they are being permitted to refuse massive immigration by TPTB. They are permitted to retain their culture and nationalism precisely because they hate Russia, which also seems to accord with what the Saker is saying. Of course they also cooperate with the western elites, especially militarily.

Conversely, the western EU countries are being punished with immigration and false flag terrorist attacts to keep them under the NATO anglozionist thumb. Otherwise, they may follow their own healthy instincts and start cozying up to Russia. All the points made by the Saker are persuasive.

However, I have tried to make the point many times that the jihadists leaders do tend to remain in the background and use flunkies to do their dirty work, like the Nice truckdriver or the Normandy priest killers, or the loser on the TGV between Amsterdam and Paris. The leaders are part mafia don and part religious fanatic. I have, unfortunately for me, direct experience with both types. To say that the perpetrators are not convinced Muslims is true. I feel that Saker perfectly presents what is going on with the controlling elites who are indeed the cui bono of this social chaos.

However, it also seems clear, and has often been stated with perfect clarity by scores of takfiri imams, such as A Choudary, that their goal is to impose Sharia on Europe. When the west is perceived to be strong, they remain quiescent.

False flags fluttering in the Empire’s hot air

Could it be that despite its bluster, the West is weak, which explains both the animosity toward Russia, and the fact that Islam once again, historically speaking, is revitalized and on the move? I used to scoff at the idea of Sharia law as being anything other than a bogey-man scare tactic. That was before I read this: I can now see why those in power, given their penchant for chaos and fragmentation, not to mention ultimate unaccountability are interested in the idea. I read recently an article on how the jizya is collected in French prisons from infidel prisoners.

Evidently, a high proportion of prisoners identify with the Salifist movement, according to the article, and pretty much set the informal rules for all the inmates. You have to wonder as well how many French who are not prisoners are already being forced to pay the jizya. They would have to keep quiet about it, just like mafia extortionists force their victims to observe omerta. Woe to those with children or family connections in these days!

The French author Houellbeq evidently thinks that the French government will quietly capitulate to wholesale Sharia. I plan to make that the next book I buy. It must feel quite schizophrenic to suck up to the Anglo-Zionazis who are precisely the ones transforming European demographics into something totally anathema in the eyes of the honorary Euro-trash of Eastern Europe.

In particular, the Baltic crackpots seem to harbour a very special kind of nationalism: Feeling proud about their tiny fiefdoms which, under Western angelic auspices, have been heavily de-industrialized and de-populated. As for Sweden, your conclusion is absolutely correct. Swedish historical Russophobia can be said to have been working until 30 years ago. Their principal task is to push the idiots against the Orthodox Church. I share this view. The neocons and EU maybe want this chaos but risk to overplay their hand. Thr bomb may explode in their face. In the Republic — yes.

Besides, what I was trying to show is that until atheism became the modern religion, most atrocities in history were committed by adherents to some kind of religion, yet the religion itself was usually not blamed as being the cause of that kind of behavior. These are thugs giving themselves a self-justification with a thin veneer of Islamism. I believe you missed the point entirely regarding the IRA and Catholicism. The British employed divide and rule threw sectarianism centeries before americans utilized it as a means of population control in the mid east or the sub continent.

Which was seen and delt with as a threat by London with the use of the orange order. Anti Catholic organization that gained control of the limited political power the northern six of thirty two counties of the island of Ireland is made of. And then I espy an article in the Guardian sewer where one of the resident turds asserts that there was no Croat terrorism in Australia, just Serbian Yugoslav regime provocations, that led poor, innocent Catholic Croats to be unfairly accused, and some convicted of crimes.

This analogy needs further promulgation — ignorant people love to conflate muslim people with violent Salafy extremists. The current debate in France is now turned on the israeli security model. MSM media are overwhelmingly selling us the israeli security model though. Clinton and her Zionazi Israel First controllers have already made it plain that they intend attacking Syria if she is elected.

The Guardian cess-pool has gone full Talmudic fury today, and the contribution by the war criminal agitator for genocide and aggression against Iraq, the Blairite ultra, Nick Cohen, is an almost self-parodic display of a frenzy of hatred and blood-lust. One really struggles to imagine what madness of hate and the worship of death drives these lunatics. Trump is NOT my cup of tea, let alone the mad Republican platform, but beside the morally insane and evil Sabbat Goy geriatric shiksa, Clinton, he looks like Francis of Asissi.

Exactly, the Worlds biggest problem has been and will continue to be Talmudism, of the international sort. By DNA, they are identifiable as half human, half demon, offspring of Cain and a female demon. It might sound ridiculous but it is provable now, with modern DNA coding. Time to re-think the final solution. As usual, I enjoy your posts. Spot on all the time. Blunt and to the point. As a kind of positive outcome maybe unexpected with the massive influx of refugees is that the anti-Putin rethoric as somehow lost in weight in the Scandinavian countries, specially in Sweden.

The politicians still keep trying but more and more poeple do not believe that in spite of the totally controlled MSM in these countries. Is like people start to think: Well, street violence is on the rise, insecurity, rapings, etc but this has nothing to do with Russians or Putins policy. But believe me the MSM specially in Sweden is so cynical and lying that they do their utmost to put the blame of whatever on Putin and Russia but the effect on the people is less and less.

Hillary Clinton gaining the presidency would be very problematic. She is a very big question mark, if not a very big exclamation point. I seem to remember her saying something like wanting to attack Iran months ago. And yes, I agree with you about the sorry state of things nowadays. This is why I have lost faith in democracy nowadays. Unf, the people have not been showing qualities of leadership at all. I should have listened to the wisdom of my father many, many years ago. I have often wondered how much leaks to the outside world of what is happening now in Europe.

If your news is filtered through the looking glass of the press agencies, I suspect very little. I am sad to say so, but political correctness means that some right-wing blogs and web sites provide more and better information about the refugee crisis than the average European newspaper, with very few exceptions. At first sight, it seems Austria, Germany and Sweden seem hardest hit.

What they are doing, though, ultimately may be staging a dress rehearsal and controlled live experiment in preparation for the coming climate change disaster to unfold over the next years time. These social disruptions lay the groundwork for the geopolitical games of tomorrow and ensuring Western societies will be much leaner, meaner, and compliant. Since that time the decision seems to have been made to forgo efforts to blunt climate change in favour of a deadly game of musical chairs to see who will have a place 90 years from now on a devastated planet.

Climate change will devastate nations more effectively than any number of the anticipated wars to be fought under its driving shadow. Syria is just the first to be noted as such, but the Syrian was was long in planning. If Engdahl indeed says that, then he is greatly mistaken. And when you add the observations of reality, the three record warm years in a row, the well over months since there was a month of below 20th century average temperatures, the rapid loss of montane glaciers and Arctic summer sea ice, the melting of permafrost, the destabilisation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and changes in animal and plant distribution and behaviour, then the assertion of hoax looks really mad.

And all that rests in the balance is the fate of humanity. Not so fast, MM. For all I know, you may be right, we may be toast. Continuing investigation and debate of this subject is not a certain symptom of insanity! Here are noteworthy public dissenters: Anarctic ice growing in total recent years: Is the vast geo-engineering that has taken place over the last generation over much of the northern hemisphere increasing global average temperatures as in mist overnight retains heat on earth?

Are these Russian scientists insane? Or this to at least consider: Antarctic SEA-ice is growing, but because of climate destabilisation. The land ice, on the Antarctic Peninsular and on the great continental ice-sheets is melting at increasing rate.

The resultant run-off of fresh water floats on top of the salty sea-water of the ocean, and freezes more readily, hence the spread of sea-ice-for now. I exhort you to do some more research, particularly on the evidence from the field. Also Buckminster Fuller back in the day, noted how smog created by industry and utilities got blamed on the lowly citizen as part of PR campaigns. I can quite readily believe that the planet is despoiled, but you lose me with your faith in the scientific organs of the empire and their proscriptions. The increase in smog in the USA after WW2 was covered up by the fossil fuel industry in an early example of corporate denialism.

We know that the fossil fuel corporations themselves accept climate science, but have still financed a denialist industry. I have faith in the science because its roots are centuries old, climate scientists are apparently pretty honest unlike other scientists in the pay of corporations and because I can see the changes where I live and read of those occurring across the planet. That montane glaciers are rapidly disappearing around the world is not an illusion. You may well be right, but possibly for the wrong reasons.

Another possibility is natural sun energy cycles, orbit phenomena, or the entering of our solar system into a more energy rich part of our local universe, something man can do nothing about with whatever costly and more often silly or unjust measures. Of course we need to reduce waste and we need to do that yesterday, but look around you, nothing is being done. We make life hard on the poor sod commuting for a living, taxing him or her into poverty, while the same governments send thousands of terrorists, brand new Toyotas, shiploads full of armament, fuel and explosives to whatever part of the world they want to get their filthy hands on, and then send in their military to bombard the same area even more into oblivion to speed up the process and make a fast extra buck.

Now THAT kind of waste and polluting should be outlawed. Google for the maps and see that almost no country in the world is spared. Better not to ask the opinion of so-called experts and peer-reviewed academics. Those are also the people of which a large majority declared the findings of the investigation correct, explaining us that it was quite normal that 3 high rise building disappeared into a cloud of dust and a pile of rubble all the while avoiding to mention building 6 that also suffered from a large explosion.

Even as Engdahl was writing, denier-based things like the Medieval Global Warming event were being debunked as not representative of a global condition. Its true that climate change is being used to justify arbitrary elite rule, however, challenging threats to democracy, fair law, and just order is just about all the deniers are good for. Climate change is a big deal and very likely the real deal; Gwynne Dyer was one of the few geopolitical journalists and analysts to include it as a default part of big picture thinking.

Engdahl is more conventional, making the default and likely mistaken conclusion most of us make insofar as the global chessboard. That is, that it will remain more or less as it is now save for the shifting of the pieces on the surface, not in terms of the the chessboard being remodeled during play. Engdahl still has it. His latest article on CO2 talks about how its a good thing — it greens the plants we have. However, greener plants are only useful where plants are still growing, particularly those sensitive and finicky food plants.

What Western banksters could do is harness and game the natural business cycle of boom and bust, goosing production and demand with cheap capital for investment during the boom, ensuring a far harder bust when cheap capital was withdrawn — QE2 quantitative easing 2. It certainly is not a Picasso with an inner resonance of the high levels of truth it the words convey through the lines and curves. The Wahhabi curtin has a lot of even darker shadows lurking behind it — apart from general intolerance ignorance of goat herders think the equivalent of the KKK the Saudi money is the honey for every type of cancerous and delinquent agenda out there.

I concur with how you have joined the dots here and the flag-bull analogy is very apt. The system is failing everywhere and there is little anyone can do who might have the capacity to see this except build their own canoe. So is the new cold war against Russia. The West craves for resources there… roguish greed again. He also said it is a hidden war. A war for money. No one should believe that the war we are waging of of Islamic State, It is the war of all Muslims, but lslamic State is spearheading it. Historically, followers of which religion have caused the most death and destruction?

Was it Moslems fighting in Barbarossa. Was it Moslems operating Auschwitz etc? Was it Moslems who exterminated tens of millions of indigenous in the Western Hemisphere? Was it Moslems who presided over the Great Famines under English rule in India, the last in the s? Was it Moslems who dropped the A-bomb on Japanese civilians. Islamic terror today pales into insignificance beside the numbers killed by Western aggression.

There is one force that wants a religious war between the West and Islam, that they see as being to their advantage, and that is Zionazism. No, Muslims did not do all of those in the past. But it seems that it will be the Muslims do it in the future, no matter who planned it. La, la, la, la. Hong Kong family injured in axe attack on German train committed by Afghan refugee http: I do not know if unintentionally, or maybe because this analysis is for the Unz Review?

I did not include Hezbollah, my bad. I was thinking of countries. But, of course, Hezbollah is at the forefront of the war against Daesh. Thanks, for the clarification. It does not alone, but with the invaluable air support from Russia and fighters from Hezbollah, the Iranians and Palestinian refugees in Syria. Even with the tacit alliance, although not explicit, with the Kurds, at least in the canton of Efrin. After the step taken by the Syrian government and its allies in Aleppo, once consolidated, the offensive will focus on Deir ez-Zor, to where they are already moving Hezbollah forces.

The war in Syria is increasingly clear and clearly peeps who wins and who loses. The MSM in Australia are distraught that their takfiri idols in small parts of Aleppo have been cut off and, hopefully, are about to be liquidated. Bibi would approve, of course. In my opinion quite often the police response to perceived threats borders on hysteria. Paramilitary, armoured vehicles, swat teams, masses of police cars etc. Frankly I think our American society has been utterly weakened by these overreactive displays underlining to me the subcurrent of emasculation that has taken over our society.

Under the guise of helping the village, once again, these dark warriors are aspiring to destroy the global village, by breaking it into easily manageable chunks, cut off from each other, and even the real world, the reality of planet Earth. Although bicycles may be free? Cubeyda Jama, 19, was arrested at London Stansted Airport in February on a plane bound for Bucharest, Romania — from where he intended to make his way to Syria.

The Finnish national of Somali descent spent his loan on equipment for the trip, including a map of Turkey, protective clothing, torches, a solar-powered charger and a laptop. Jama has lived with his father in the UK since and was studying computer science at Middlesex University, the court heard. At the Old Bailey, he admitted a charge of preparing acts of terrorism by making travel arrangements and gathering equipment to travel to Syria or Iraq. Zahir added that Jama was poorly prepared to make the trip to Syria from Romania because he had little money and no local contacts.

During sentencing, Judge Gerald Gordon said: There are some indications that you may be learning the error of your ways, but it is too early to say that you are at present no longer dangerous. I remember the french priest murderer had wanted to travel to Syria, been arrested and spent a year in jail before being released on a tag………………. Four were said to be from the US and six from Canada.

Timothy Holman, who translated part of the cache into English, said the documents were collected at border crossings into Isis territory between November and December Security sources have told The Independent the documents appear to be genuine, although they have not been publicly verified. False flags is one side of the issue. The correlation between religion and violence being cause or effect is another. And amongst groups like ISIS, a strong religious brand helps the the leadership to maintain control.

Exactly — as i put it, what possible reason would you shell fellow Ukrainians 30km from the Russian border — if not to provoke Russia into crossing it. Declining empires breed nihilists like a mangy dog breeds fleas. The biting insects assume whatever color is popular at the time. The old dog blames his preferred adversaries. In this way dog and fleas form a cohesive unit. Someone has edited it prior to release to remove the ISIS propaganda and a beheading.

The amount of hardware ISIS claims to have acquired after the failed attack is amazing. It bears no relation to the apparent size of the attacking force. It certainly confirms the suspicion that the attack was intended to fail and was actually a cover for a supply drop to ISIS. Seriously, the Psheks could well try to befriend their kith and kin down in Galicia rather than leeching off a bankrupt EU.

Indeed, it is an age-old truth that class consciousness tends to be far stronger at the top; hence the prevalence — especially in times of decline and decay — of Elite conspiracies. Ideologically, the system still works with its mass infantilization, pathetic political stunts, and all-out reactionary Ziomedia garbage. Neoliberalism is hard-core Elitist — this is where it differs most significantly from fascism. And, conversely, what the Western masses really want is continued consumerism at the expense of planetary survival.

The more intelligent people within the populist Right understand that the Western Elites are going to let them down immensely, distracting their less far-sighted Western compatriots with Cultural Marxism, Russophobia, Terror hoaxes, etc. It will be immensely interesting to see whether these folks can overcome their cretinism and let their knowledge guide them to reach the ultimate conclusion: Support Russia and smash Western imperialism. As for the zio-gay Left and its Cultural Marxism, it is in perfect lock-step with the Western Elites all along the line.

I fully support your comment. None of the outsiders should tell a nation, any nation what to do in their country or how to live. The goal of many people here including myself is to take down the empire, not to replace it. As a German whose ancestors were forced to flee from their homes in what was then Prussia, it was a strange feeling to walk the streets of Danzig and Gdingen when i visited not long ago. To know that my great grandfather probably walked the same streets and visited the same churches back in the days when that was still part of Germany. But I also felt that it is no longer German.

I guess it is now Polish. I would not fight to get it back and would also have to respectfully decline any kind of supervision. Let the Poles figure it out for themselves. By chaos, division, and conflict they rule. Europe should send some planes to drop leaflets on the countries the immigrants are coming from telling them the hotel is full. An israeli was photographed conveniently at both Nice and Germany attacks taking photos. The Nice attacker sent a large sum of money back to family just before.

Gary Anderson

I think we should impeach obummer. Plus, Trump might be a better actor if he realizes impeachment can happen. Trying to work out where the British elite stand in this is difficult. They are fully behind the demonisation of Russia, yet are moving closer to China. Woman dominated and weak. Yet, most refuse to see our degradation and the consequences that go with that. Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, For what he deserves will be done to him. Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them. Those who guide you lead you astray And confuse the direction of your paths.

Can you cite a source for the claim that it is a regular occurrence of Muslims entering monasteries and beheading monks? This is where they get ensnared;. Let me get this straight. Are you really a Muslim? Or is this some sort of constructed identity controlled even by somebody who is not even a Muslim? Before finally writing this comment, I scanned through a lot of your comments and I have very great doubts. For one thing, you engage in polite dialogue with some of the most rancid, retrograde Islamophobic racists imaginable and you never get angry at them.

And you always are polite to them. I am not a Muslim myself, but I find these people infuriating. I can only imagine how angry I would get at them if I myself were a Muslim. Yet you never get angry. I mean, to an extent that seems almost inhuman…. Have you also seen alligators crawling out of the New York City sewers?

I mean, in all your writing, you simply tacitly accept that all of these crimes that are being attributed to Muslims really are being carried out by Muslims.

A Pirate's Life for Me - Critical Role - Campaign 2, Episode 41

Are you really that ignorant? Or are you just pretending that you are that ignorant? But I really am curious. Are you a real Muslim? I am confused about all this. I think you have most peopled conned. A lot of painstaking work has been put into this. Maybe you could clarify the situation.

Nanny State interventionists who have more regard for fighting communism in Italy- than at home- would do well to remove the plank from their own eye…. It spit out a bunch of stuff. Now, I know and you know that there is a lot misinformation and disinformation on the web.

There are some other links with very graphic pictures of murdered, hacked people…. I chose not to include those. There is also language of Muslims being killed by unknown assailants. So, violence begets violence. But I believe there is a very violent segment in the Muslim population that moderate Muslims are afraid to confront and eliminate …..

I would be afraid too. The behaviour of some Muslims when Mohammad is insulted vs when Jesus Christ is insulted is vivid demonstration of the violent mentality. For me, no religious figure should ever be insulted. Not because I fear the violence, but because millions and millions of ordinary people believe in them and it gives them comfort when they face end of life.

It is truly vile to do that to ordinary people. Yeah, you sure are.

Will Rogers: From Great Depression to Great Recession

Why should she be angry? Everyone who defends Israel is hasbara paid or unpaid — hasbara is lying propaganda that intimidates people. In order to defend Israel, you have to be a liar. No honest person can defend what Israel is doing to Palestine. What Israel is doing is a clear case of mass theft. You are part of the hasbara stench — at every turn you add to The Stain of Palestine that engulfs the Jew people.

Shame — shame — shame! The arguments Tahla makes are so,…. If he gets all three of these down, can you get him to find out why my paycheck was short 20 shekels last month? The main purpose is to disperse the opposition forces in different fronts. From the beginning they anglo-zio or zio-anglo if you prefer already knew they could not go toe to toe with the original western, aka, white Europeans and their descendants.

Facing force with force would inevitably result in the annihilation of a nation-dwarf as international judea. So it was necessary to focus on the weaknesses of the European giant. And weaknesses are not necessarily the supposed pathological altruism, which is an effect, not the cause. Capitalism clings to the desires of your audience. The old white racism was to nurture a culture of invincibility and contempt for foreign cultures.

The psychopath leaves its victim open your heart voluntarily. They are ideal pitchman because they are often absolute believers of the moronic vague government propaganda. One million Migrants and their thousands of crimes…. The claim that the muzzies that we have learned something about, the terrorists… are just badly adjusted nut jobs…proves that they have been recruited by the jews , or us, or Russia, or, or, or…is nutty. All muslims like most Arabs are nut cases. Low intelligence and impulsive, just like our darling darkies.

The truth is the the jews started it with Israel and earlier and that The French and Englishs and Spanish may have planted the dynamite with their barbaric colonialism but the jews laid some more social and political dynamite down and lit all the fuses…bang…and we got 20 years of The Jewish Wars and now a muslim 50 million in Europe, compliments of white liberals hornschwagled by more jews writing the books of race equality.

PS, the sacker is a Negro lover and so on. He Believes as a good christian that god loves everybody and made us all equal. Ergo, the Arabs can be regarded psychologically as more or less like Whites. Ditto regarding the lesser races with room temperature IQs. They are very different. Even the north east Asians who are as smart as Whites, and a tad smarter, are given to magical thinking, gambling, zero democratic political thinking, and are simply totalitarian, totally social, with no political sense in the European sense of politics.

The whole world, or all the races except Whites are totalitarian or chaotic. Nobody has invented liberty and free speech, etc. The sacker is a total fool for Universal luv. Nut job, fruitcake, one-worlders, interchangeable parts, we are all equal, no discrimination , no ability to perceive Difference. Anti-genetics as well, a real cave man liberal commie type of social justice warrior, old type of Christian Fool.

Bush paraphrased lines from one of its characters in one of his early neocon speeches. Presumably, most of what was completely destroyed dealt with early Bolshevism. I suppose you mean the period from the Decembrists through the emancipation of the serfs to the coup or the end of the civil war almost a century. Read widely on it, but not in a single work where that was the sole focus. What boils my blood is: This article is high level, as usual.

The Saker gets the true picture, as usual. But please delete the two last paragraphs, leave them to be dealt with in a different article. You forgot to ask why the same guy was well placed days before in Nice to film the truck when it started moving. Extreme Blairite, extreme neo-liberal centre, extreme SJW. Their white propagandists, particularly the women, are possibly THE single group most richly deserving to be stranded, late at night, on foot, deep in one of their beloved vibrant, diverse no-go zones, preferably dressed in their outfits most likely to be judged immodest.

False flags fluttering in the Empire’s hot air | The Vineyard of the Saker

Ditto for your feelings on the public denigration of our mutual Master, the Son of Mary pbuh — I get deeply disturbed when people insult him like that. But, we live in a secular society — so, anything goes in that realm — not much you can do except pray that people change. And you are right about the Muslim reaction to the insults; it also disturbs me — some fool draws a picture in Denmark and then a couple churches get burned down in Lahore — what…the…hell? I do know that in next-door Burma, extremist Buddhists have been violently displacing a Musllim minority name the Rohingyas: I am wondering if this is all related and there is a simmering low-level, tit-for-tat communal violence playing out between the Buddhists and Muslims of that general area because of all these various factors.

If I did know someone who had gone over the edge, I would call the authorities as I believe it is my duty. One of my spiritual teachers has talked a man out of a suicide attack, but that was in Pakistan where a lot of those happen. I do get upset this is natural , but I do not react in kind — this is what I have learned at the feet of my teachers.

I will be asked about what I have done in life, others will be asked about what they have done. Look, I have been training for more than a decade under teachers of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi order to get my ego under control. It is very simple: And ever is your Lord, Seeing. And, honestly, where would it get me anyway in the discourse? And I will say this; if someone angers or wrongs you — force yourself to pray for them and their family and all the good things you can ask for them — you will doubtfully ever make a more sincere, selfless prayer.

I have my doubt as to the details, but I know there are Muslims out there that can indeed be radicalized. My brother worked in Saudi for a while, he told me — in shock — that there were people there that believed there was nothing wrong with killing a non-Muslim for no reason whatsoever. I can also believe it because this stuff is happening in the Muslim world — extremists have shot up a school of kids in Pakistan, they do launch suicide attacks in Shiah mosques and funeral processions, and on and on.

Why would some in the US or the West be magically inoculated to the phenomenon of radicalization? I do think there is a legitimate case to be made that many of these people are being led in a specific direction by radicals and then certain agencies are taking advantage of foreknowledge to let events occur in a controlled manner in order to benefit there are billions of dollars at stake.

Taking all that into account; this is not my shtick — it is what you are good at, not me. Does anybody even care or would people just scoff and say; another of those whacky conspiratorial Muslims. I believe you have your duty in the grand scheme to help end this violence and bloodshed, as do I and our roles are not the same.

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At times I regret doing so, but I believe some have come to appreciate my input here — whether they agree with my conclusions — at least they can see what goes on in the head of a Muslim that comes from a traditional Sunni Orthodox position in contrast to all the stuff Daesh and their ilk put out — since they are the loudest voices these days. It is also the reason why I vigorously cite any claims I make.

But the comprehensiveness of the replies does suggest that might not be true. Is Rehmat, as suggested in one coment, an artefact of an intelligence service? I opt for Iranian because there is a side benefit to its coming over as idiotic, namely that Sunni Pakistan will probably be blamed because there has been a claim of Pakistani origin in at least some Rehmat comments. Quartermaster; Yours is a typical NeoCon response. Heavy on ad hominem and light on facts. The people of Donbas are no fools.

They know a US backed coup when they see one, and being a predominately Russian speaking society, they naturally asked for Russian help. The Crimea was always a part of Russia until when Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev a Ukrainian gave it to Ukraine during a fit of alcoholic benevolence. I would suggest that you broaden your sources of information.

Like the Romans, we create our own bogeymen to give us an excuse to wage war and plunder the wealth of nations. Time to get back aboard your ship. Give my regards to the XO. When someone starts hurling insults on blacks, Mexicans, Arabs and other minorities for no apparent reason, as you are doing here, and tries to pass as a white racist, more often than not, it is a Jew trying to push whites into useless wars against minorities, while he, and he alone, controls the rein of the country forever and ever.

These distractions will no longer work for you. I , for one, would use the 3. The scum is in Moscow. If Putin had simply kept his troops in Russia and been a good neighbor, the situation would be far better for him and Russia. Instead, the man is having delusions of grandeur and is simply wrecking his country. Yet, Russia brought more in. There is a huge difference between the troops that stole Crimea, and those that were already there. You need to pay attention to what Putin has actually said. He has rattled nuclear sabers. More than once, no less.

Neither has the logistics ability to carry on such a war, and the strategic situation would excruciatingly bad for the one that kicks it off. You need to talk with Putin and ask why he would say such a thing. The sources are public domain. Strange that nothing happened until Strelkov got to the Donbas after Putin was finished with him in Crimea. It is almost entirely Russian. I was one of those who was against going into Iraq.

Like most that bandy the term, you have no idea what it means. There is far more to the public domain that you limited knowledge would encompass. I suggest you get out more. I would push to make this as common as possible, Talha. The benefits of the catharsis to the individual cannot be matched. The person is emotionally conflicted, torn between two cultures, not fitting completely and securely in their mind within either one. It is like a great re-set button for the soul. Speaking of repentance and re-set, I am resolving again to stop name calling and poking fun at the dim witted.

I was going to offer my services to cuss some of the commenters out on your behalf. There likely is a word for this, that is, when a person, because of spiritual or religious reasons cannot entertain a certain behavior, can appoint a proxy to accomplish the task. As far as our policy vis-a-vis Israel — I have not been able to make heads or tales of it since I first became aware of it in university.

I am not at a loss for a response but rather, It does not befit the lion to answer the dogs. The day we lose that right, is the very day we lose all the rest of them. Americans have seen tyrants before, and used the same tried and true method to preserve our freedoms.

May we continue to do so, because when the American people are finally under the Zio-iron boot, then so too will the rest of the world quickly follow suit. Look at the Israelis — they have already read the writing on the wall and are now in the process of changing patrons, hence their newfound big friendship with Russia —.

So if Germany is having problems with the sultan, that should suggest that the sultan is further discovering that the Zio-boyz tried to take him out. If so, then yes, the ties between Russia and Turkey will only strengthen, and that can only be a good thing for most of the humans of the planet assuming the Kagans are human, and not lizard- the evidence of which is persuasive ;. You are a mean-spirited, confused mouth-breather. But the readership already knew that; so what compelled you to belabour the point? The calm and reasoned scholarly posts from Talha apparently.

Its Tikkun Olam, and people like you are going to help us do it. Oh, and the notion that Jews were first to link ethical behavior with god? Does not square with the facts of history — Zoroaster pre-dated Abrahamic thinking by about years, but once again, other than that, the video is absolutely correct. Merkel by not opposing the invasion unlike Orban temporarily diffused the conflict which gave Putin enough time to move into Syria before planned imposition of the no-fly zone by zio-anglo-americans. But the issue of refugees remain and can be played by various factions within the establishment of European countries as well as the external actors like that of Israel and US.

The terrorists attacks in Belgium, France and Germany are part of that play. What does your non sequitur have to do with two at least major non-facts aka misrepresentations, aka prevarications, aka lies that form the basis of the message of the video in question? Why muslims do not talk about false flags? About the fact that they are being played, manipulated in order to be set against each other, against the West and eventually destroyed?

Is it because they are too ashamed to admit that they are so easily being played? Muslims can defend themselves only by exposing that force and by admitting to themselves that they are being played. If one does a timeline on our current problems with regard to muzzies and jews , etc. One has to start with the France and England and a bit of Spain colonialism. France got into Algeria around The French did sport killing of Algerians, or so do folks like Edward Said claim…probably true.

Fast forward to Algerian War in which a half million or so? Algerians were killed off. They also returned the compliment by bombing movie theaters filled with French. Sort of like Haiti in or so murdering 25, French men, women and children. Haiti really led the way for the slavish Black and Brown lives matter hatreds. The post colonial lefties love that Whites are getting what they deserve. Well, when the Muzzies are driven back to the deserts…that will have gone full circle with only a bit of mopping up to do…mopping blood I guess that means.

So, then enter the jews. Then the beginning of the jew and shabbas goyem enablers among the foreign policy wonks. Neoconservatives at play in the fields of the lord, which one does not matter. The next phase was and is the Migrant hordes of low life muzzies, with their average IQs at about 84, per Richard Lynn cashing in on White Altruism and dopiness. Yes we love you, all welcome. Give us your tired , your poor, your wretched Lazarus the jew magic words yearning for free money and free pussy.

Then the White Nationalist, excuse me! Then the rabbis in Europe welcome the rabble onto their turf, but never the turf of the Judenstaat. Israel just keeps keeping on…how long O lord does this go on? The neocons seem to be finished but nobody in the skin trade aka network TV will take that one on and do a forensic on them. Btw, I got other things to do than attend to the compulsives, or obsessives on this list, but thanks for noting my absence. So, Israel started the latest round of berzerk Arabs Arab Spring??

I was the first to state that there would be no Spring…. The Migration invasion being the latest chapter of the gift of the jews, you have to then note the positive irony that This is what seems to be stirring Whites in Europe from their liberal somnolence to wake up to smell the shit. White Nationalism of course is never admissible, but blacks, brown, jew nationalism is Liberation!

So, thank you to the jews and the dummies on this list cannot quite get see it all in its Darwinian light. The fittest do survive, and dummies die. Trump is the reflection and expression of White Folks Awakening. The Counter-Evolution can be dated from or The next big thing after we have thrown out the arabs and the mexers, etc, will be throwing out the Chinese, who really are the worst of all the damn foreigners. There is no There there with them. And they are are smart.

By the way, the new movie on Billary is amazing…Billions of Turd World crooked money stashed in Clinton foundation, and Bill getting zillions for his speeches. The Third Worlization of the US. Such a Wonderful World. Oh my — the super superior Jew and the super superior wanabe Jew — doing a tag team slap down on the Unz naves. Oh that dizzying acuity! As some man asked Moshe, Was there a lack of graves in Egypt, that you took us away to die in the wilderness? Irony there, and entirely wasted on you.

Art, you know less about architecture than you do politics, and that is a major accomplishment. Rapier wit and praxis is key for TO on the Web, and you have it aplenty. Quartermaster — My point about the Russian evacuation from Georgia is based on what was done. The Russians left Georgia. Georgia is still independent. A revanchist policy to reconstitute the USSR would not have abandoned this prize when it was in their grasp.

Your comment is an evasion because the facts are against you. Follow your own advice, shed your irrational prejudices and LOOK at the facts. Nary a Jew killed anywhere in the world. The enemy is zionism. And the legions of dual citizen Americans that proliferate through out American government at all levels are the agents carrying the war to America. Israel which is in the grips of fanatical hard right war mongering wack jobs who masquerade as Orthodox Jews are the real threat not just to the Western World, but humanity in general.

If you had you ear to the ground in the Muslim community you would know that it is so steeped in conspiracy theory that it is at the level of paralysis to any reality-based solutions. Case in point; my dear elderly aunt from Karachi had called my cousin in So Cal — not long ago — asking if it was OK to use her cell phone because the word on the street was that the Jews had released a virus in the Muslim world that was transmitted through cellular call.

Maybe, the leadership of the white led nations are telling us something. The Leadership is of course the man who controls the money, meet: Okay, take our blood but you cannot have our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I sense this horror we are living today is about finished. Sunday, July 31, 8: The immigrants , the people who actually cross the border legally, and illegally, are the first people to escape the poverty of the shit third world, and tend to keep their noses clean.

It is those born after the original immigrants who turn to crime. They do have the turd world filth in their memories, and resent the wealth of white folks, etc, are pretty dumb, Mexers particularly…. Thus, the land of free money is discovered to be not so fruitful for low IQ folks. Mexicans do about twice to three times the crime that Whites do.

Today, the children of the immigrant negroes do a whopping about 7 times the crime of Whites. Disparity in brain sizes for starters. Biology cannot be trumped. When it comes to murder is it about 12 times higher. They kill Whites 13 times more per capita than the reverse. The liberal intellectuals, usually jews like those Boot quotes, are the people who got us into this mess in the first place.

Americans, compared to the French croissant munching cafe crowd, do not have much respect for the pointy- headed ones. Race is a magic word…. It is race, biology, genes, evolution not The Rights of Man…which to be fair, meant White men in context. I told a local Woman for Billary, that if a man from Mars was asked what he thought about our current political situation, he might say that given the mess all over the country, and in Europe, that voting for more of the same and worse, as opposed to voting for an abrupt change of direction, mostly a turning around toward a more conservative politics, etc, might make some sense.

Forget the Bitch and forget Trump as persons. Look at the thing logically. That has had some merit with regard to White people. Not much, but some. With regard to niggers and the wretched of the earth generally, it is completely untrue. All you have to do is read the news out of Africa, or anywhere in the Third World. There is no good news, it is all bad. Always has been and always will be. Whites are the only race with a high enough Reasoning Quotient and low enough anger quotient, to keep things more or less ok within a small d democratic context.

Asia goes totalitarian, Africa goes chaotic, and South America goes Third World depending on how many indigenous amerindians there are in any country. The Caribbean is a waste because it is heavily black. Haiti has the same IQ as Africa: Mexico is a shithole, totally corrupt, and teetering on becoming a failed state, which will send a wave of greasers norte. The liberals love the darkies. Their brains are always racing…god is love, black and white together, we shall overcome, everyone is equal, love everybody, other kids are just as valuable as my own, whites are racist, marry a nigger and prove how Good I am…uh…oh Lord make me a true negro lover, welcome the stranger, love the border jumpers, no borders, no discrimination, let me lie down with the lowest protoplasm of the human form.

I am good, love me, love me, love me, I am a liberal. Big Reaction Formation, psychologically speaking, defending against the Truth of the World…that things are not that great in general, even for Whites. Anti-intellectualism started as a Republican posture. It has ended with a dangerous ignoramus leading the party. Or, copy and paste this URL into your browser: To get unlimited access to all New York Times articles, subscribe today. My previous flight was Hong Kong to Doha. The man sitting in the next seat was a Pakistani living in a Spain, who was returning from a trip home to Pakistan.

We got to talking about various stuff. The man managed a hotel in Barcelona, previously lived in Germany, doing similar work, I guess. It was a few weeks after that, and I was pretty sure the event was a hoax of some sort, and was curious about his opinion. Up to that point, we had not touched on politics at all.

His face changed and he seemed to get angry. I thought for a second he was angry at me, but he was just expressing his anger at the fraud of the whole thing. His voice raised and he said loudly: And I guess I said something like: The thing is that, of course, plenty of people believe all this, but it occurred to me that this man, a Pakistani, in his social circles, simply nobody believed all these stories.

So this particular Pakistani here, Uncle Talha, somehow believes all the bullshit. If Uncle Talha here really believes that there are all these independent Jihadist terrorists doing all these things, he is possibly almost the only Pakistani alive who believes it! Anway, the guy gives off such a horrendous whiff of pure shillery. And dogs are loyal to their masters, in this case his Zionist masters, I guess.

Do remind me know all how many people were killed in this Russian take over of Crimea … one perhaps. Its always the bigmouth who know nothing. Post the date and where you stayed in your last visit to Crimea. Remind me how many nuke the US have lying about in Turkey, talk about sabre rattling.

Problem with Putin he is too soft, Russia needs a more hard liner to deal with the filth in Washington. Okay, first of all, I see through your bullshit. So there are things like:. To anybody paying the slightest attention, you have basically outed yourself as a total phony. You see, this is the kind of line that gives off such a whiff of total shillery. I am pretty sure that Sharia law, like Talmudic law in Judaism for example, has very clear stipulations on accusations and the need for proof.

Also, if you really were a Muslim who cared for his people, you would surely, as I do, demand that people tell you what the proof is. Though I am not a Muslim, I am certain that my stance is the correct one according to Sharia law. These people are making these accusations and there is an onus on them to tell us what the proof is. Oh how terrible, oy vey…. What a lickspittle toady coward you are!

Yeah, right, sure the people in Saudi Arabia think that. This is just a lie. Well, how would I ever get in touch with you? Revusky, hopefully you remember me, you were kind enough to reply to several of my posts on your last article. Your posts on this thread have left me very depressed. I really, really, really want your overall worldview to be correct. It would be great if the overwhelming majority of evil deeds attributed to Muslims could be pinned on other people, especially Jews. But now you have turned your conspiratorial eye to a person that I have some outside, first-hand knowledge of, and seeing how completely off-base your attacks are leaves me wondering about everything else you have written.

Not everyone focuses on the same issues as you. And these people exist. Even if every single Muslim terrorist attack is a false flag, Islam still has an extremism problem. And at least personally, I never even have heard of the word patsy before your articles. And to be honest, I still am not totally sure by what you mean by it.

Are you suggesting that the attackers are idiots who were handled by intelligence agencies? If so, that still will be depressing for Muslims, as it suggests some sort of spiritual immunodeficiency syndrome that too many Muslims are susceptible to. Or does patsy mean completely innocent?

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False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies (Evil Empire Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Gary Anderson, Sandy Mertens. Download it once and read it on your . www.farmersmarketmusic.com: False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies (Audible Audio Edition): Gary Anderson, Kenneth Lee: Books.

The manner in which many Pakistanis will attribute any malign event to Israel, India, or the US is a fact, regardless of whether their paranoia has some legitimate basis or not. Another problem in the Muslim world is that the language is imprecise — that what is said is wrapped in mystery and flowery innuendo — not clear rational thoughts. A quote from Talha. Sorry but I do not have a clue as to what that means.

Here is Jesus on the subject. There is no riddle. As to Talha himself — I think people are being for the first time, exposed to a real honest to God good Muslim — and they cannot handle it. His speech and thought patterns and flowery language are just foreign to them. I have seen nothing that he has said, that is grossly morally objectionable. In his attempts to make things right, he has defended Gentile, Muslim, and Jew — and he has even been kind to Joe Webb.

As the Saker puts […]. I have not explored this but a favoured American expression is, Follow the money! Perhaps a simple look at whether or not there was a steep increase in financial payments made directly after November might shed some light on the matter. Are their words that can justly describe your corrupted soul? Calling you a nitwit and a mouth-breather was a charitable pass. Get you genes checked; further to the paranoia diagnosed months ago, you are almost certainly afflicted by a condition arising from homozygous deleterious genes: Wrong on both counts mate; I like Talha, a funny, intelligent and gentle soul.

Revusky does not merit my dislike, only scientific curiosity of his genetic makeup. My info has it Russia was allowed to station troops in Crimea per a longstanding treaty. They actually only had present and these stepped out onto the streets after the massacres in Odessa to prevent a similar outbreak there.