34 How To Study Tips and how to determine the best learning style

11 Good Study Habits for Students (How to Build a Daily Routine)

If I hear a song once, I try to mimic it without reading the music which can be a problem, but I also like that I can sound out music! I love being auditory!

All Students Are Created Equally (and Differently.)

I kind of guessed I was an auditory learner due to my music skills, I was able to do them with ease even though I had never done so before in my life! I just started college and happen to be facing an incredibly hard time coping with my studies because I happen to be an auditory learner.

It is impossible to be able to read aloud or tape info due to the fact that a suitable space is not available here. Is their any method that I can use to develop my reading skills? Hi Isha, hmmmm I see your conundrum there. In terms of developing your reading skills, firstly, just try and stick at it.

So try and stick at it. On top of that, I would just try and find as much audio sources that deliver the same information.

Good Study Habit #6 - Review Your Notes

On top of that, I would just try and find as much audio sources that deliver the same information. This way, you are using your auditory and visual learning styles as well as repetition, which will help you remember what you learned more clearly. A review of the literature. Learning strategies, teaching strategies and conceptual learning style. Perhaps you might need to draw little diagrams in your notes if you are more of a visual learner.

And also, maybe try and break down reading something that big — ie 50 pages at a time, so that you get a break and maintain your concentration as best you can. Thanks for the tips. I have been having some difficulty in retaining things read but, I got to discovered today, that human being possess different memories.

I find more of the characteristics of an auditory in me. Please,I will need your help to improve on my study and comprehension.

Good Study Habit #5 - Establish a Study Zone

Learn how to adapt your teaching methods to accommodate different learning in their students' learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies to implement these learning styles into your lesson plans and study techniques. VARK Questionnaire External link to find out what kind of learner you are. Directions: Use the study tips outlined for your first learning preference and then reinforce what you It may take some experimentation before you find the best.

Hello Peter, I think it is a bit too late maybe, but to help you remember things, read them out loud, or record you reading them and listen to it often. I figured this out not too long ago and it sure helps me. Good luck in the future!! I am an auditory learner and I have learned that reading things out loud helps me remember; and what works even better is reading my notes out loud and recording it, then listening to it later on to help it stick in my brain. I hope this helps some of you others out there. It really helped thanks…………..

I have a son that was born with hydro, it compressed the bridge that allows visual processing, he is very much an auditory learner. He has a higher than average IQ but struggles in areas of comprehension and math, especially geometry, because he cannot process the diagrams and such.

Learning Styles

Any ideas on how to help him in these areas? Hi Karen, thanks for your comment. Maybe trying out a few different resources — videos etc — might benefit him. Which one do you prefer? Make sure you have the necessary items with you when you study. Using the best study lighting is also important for everyone when studying. If you want to preserve your eyesight and maximize your time and energy, then choose lighting that will not cause eyestrain or fatigue so you can keep your study session effective at any time of the day.

Let people living with you know that when your door is closed, it means you do not want to be disturbed. Try not to respond to phone calls or texts, this will break your concentration and you will lose focus. Make sure you have the necessary items with you when you study and enough lighting. While you establish rules for others, you also need to establish rules for yourself. Get rid of all distractions. Choose to study offline as much as possible. There are way too many distractions that are only a click away. If you need to check something, write it down and check it after your study session is over.

One way to make prioritizing your tasks simple is to organize your study notes by using colors or labels. Whether you use an online notebook or a binder, developing your own color-coding system will help you and your thoughts get organized. You can use colors to color-code your subjects, projects and even teachers. You can also use different colored pens, highlighters, sticky notes, folders and labels. Colors and labels will also help you later when you when you need to review your notes, the colorful sections will help those notes stand out and be unique and memorable.

Before and after your study sessions, you should always skim your notes from the recent lesson or topic you studied before starting on a new one. Reviewing your notes once before going to bed will also help to cement new knowledge into your brain.

What Type Of Learner Are You? Study Tips For Each Learning Style!

If you couple reviewing your notes with a good nights sleep , then you will significantly improve your ability to retain more information. Do you find yourself struggling with taking good notes? Only write down what is important; if the teacher keeps repeating something or has written something down then, you should take note of this. Your note-taking style might also depend on your learning style like we mentioned above. Perhaps you might need to draw little diagrams in your notes if you are more of a visual learner.

Develop your note-taking skills so that, when you review them, they are beneficial and will help you study and remember important information. If you are an auditory learner, you might learn better if you audio-record the class discussions and lectures and then listen to them over again to help you study. The definition of a good study routine is, after all, one that works with your specific quirks and personality. Another fun way to remember things is to use mnemonics for better memory recall.

For any type of list, steps, stages or parts you can use mnemonic devices to help you retain information. If you are using a laptop for note-taking in class, then make sure you are still able to focus and pay attention. Laptops and phones can bring down your grade. Check out this link. If you are a social learner then you should consider joining a study group. Study groups can help you remember class material better. You can ask questions to clarify difficult points, and hear questions that others have that may be beneficial for you to know the answer to.

Validity and reliability of the VARK questionnaire have been recently established. In the beginning, during session one, VARK questionnaire was administered for determining LSs of participants and student questionnaire was used to determine their awareness of various LSs. In session two, purpose of the study was explained to the students and written informed consent was taken.

Sessions 1—4 and 6 were classroom sessions of 45 min to 1 h duration conducted by the investigator AB. In session three, a lecture on LSs and learning strategies in accordance with VARK preferences for intake, revision, and output was taken. The investigator consciously made the group such that there was a mixture of students with different LSs in a group.

Session five consisted of group sessions with the students. Only one group of students and the investigator were present in each discussion. Each session took about half an hour in which individual learning strategies of students were discussed. A conscious effort was made by the investigator not to refer to their VARK learning preference at this time, so that the students did not get the message of restricting to their own LSP. Each student described in detail the learning strategies used by them.

The investigator AB then helped the students in identifying the learning strategies not being utilized or underutilized by them. The students were encouraged to try mixed methods of learning for enhancing performance in the examinations. The examination system for these students was a composite process which includes theory, practical, and viva-voce examination in which the first three levels that is, knows, knows how, and shows of Millar's pyramid and first five levels of Blooms taxonomy were assessed.

Session six was again with the entire class in which deep learning strategies identified in each group were discussed, and students were further encouraged to adapt a mixed method approach for enhancing their learning. Feedback from all students was taken using student questionnaire at 3 months and from some students by interviews at 6 months.

The questionnaire had three sections. Section 1 was for collecting demographic data. Section 2 was for pre- and post-type assessment. Questions in this section were close-ended with a 4-point Likert scale regarding the awareness of LSs. Section 3 of the questionnaire was administered only at the end of the study.

Study Advice for Auditory Learners

It had open-ended questions which were graded on a 5-point Likert scale. The evidence for validity was gathered for the questionnaire based on current usage of the term where all validity is construct validity[ 24 ] and as described elsewhere. The questionnaire was reviewed by two experts to see if the questions as framed were clear, would elicit the desired responses, and captured all issues of concern. Pilot testing was done with students of another MBBS batch as subjects. Based on the suggestions, modifications were made in the student questionnaire. Reliability coefficient Cronbach's alpha for section 3 of the student questionnaire was 0.

Discovering How You Learn Best

This was one of the components for overall program evaluation and evaluating program effectiveness to improvise future interventions. Six students volunteered for the interview. They were given time and date for the interview. Qualitative data analysis was done using a grounded theory approach with constant comparative analysis. To start with the narrative, data were first organized in a tabular format. Some themes were identified beforehand and then in each response the particular theme if identified was given a code comprising 2—3 alphabets. However, while reading and coding the data certain emergent themes were also identified and were added to the initial list.

  1. What are Learning Styles?;
  2. Students awareness of learning styles and their perceptions to a mixed method approach for learning.
  3. Acknowledgments.
  4. Understanding VARK?
  5. Jason Mraz - Strum & Sing Songbook (Strum & Sing: Guitar, Vocal)!
  6. Which Learning Style Works For You?.
  7. Study Advice for Auditory Learners — High School Study Advice | The Study Gurus.

Thus, at the end we had a list of themes and the comments in support of those themes. Similar themes were then combined to form a category. The previously read data were then reviewed to check for the appropriateness of the themes developed. Two authors independently analyzed the data. Of the 50 medical undergraduate students who participated in the study, 34 were female and 16 male.

Mean age of the participants was Analysis of the ranks of various LS scores and their pre- to post-difference has been detailed in Table 2. For all the LSs, there was a change in the pre- to post-scores. For example, comparison of V postscore versus V prescore reveals that there were 13 negative ranks, 26 positive ranks, and 8 ties.

Which Learning Style Works For You? | Edudemic

This means that out of 47 students, V postscore was less than V prescore in 13, V postscore was more than V prescore in 26, and 8 students did not show any change in the visual scores before and after the intervention. Thus, there was a change in the visual learning scores of 39 students. At the beginning of the study, there was a lack of awareness about the concept of LSs amongst the students but after the intervention there was a significant increase in the number of students reporting that they were aware of LSs.

Last question in this section was: In response to this question, we expected students to tick mark any one of the acronym given in the question. Few students did tick mark one of the acronyms, but it did not match with their VARK analysis result. Table 3 shows the responses of students to questions in section 3 of the student questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagrees to strongly agree. These results emphasized important points about the externally regulated strategy for enhancing learning.

First, the group discussions were held in a nonthreatening environment in which all participants were encouraged to freely exchange their way of learning. They felt part of a learning community and the facilitator was successful in motivating them to try adapting to new LSs. In group discussions, they felt part of a learning community and discussions in the group helped them to develop a sense of collaboration with others in the group, discussing about LSs was an effective method of enhancing their learning and discussions were valuable in helping them to appreciate different perspectives.

The results also showed that there was adequate faculty encouragement and support to the groups and effective feedback provided by the faculty. More than three-fourth students reported that combining new LSs helped them in improving their performance in examinations. Forty-three students commented on the open-ended question in section 3 regarding challenges faced during the intervention. These themes along with the sub-themes and comments are listed in Table 4.

Also, group discussions helped to learn and incorporate and improve other learning methods. In the narratives, all six students were able to list the different LSs, identify their own LS, and describe various activities they undertook as participants. In brief, the strength of the intervention was group discussions which helped in learning.