Nuggets From God

A Book of Prayers for Couples. The In Touch Study Series. That I May Know Him. Pursuing God in the Quiet Places. Covering Your Life in Prayer. Time With God For Mothers. Be Free from Fear. The Life Principles Study Series. Pocket Bible on Protection. The Wiersbe Bible Study Series: Loving God on a Daily Basis.

The Quest for Eternal Glory. He Used A Stone. The One Year Mini for Students. Are We There Yet? Wise Choices Volume 1. Think on These Things. Prepare the Way of the Lord. Be a Standard Not a Runaway. Your Robe of Righteousness. God's Words of Life for Mothers. Salvation by Grace Through Faith Alone.

Bible Promises to Live By. Enjoy the Good Life. God Still Uses Vessels. You and only You are my life, my love and my hope. Because of who You are. No human words adequate to tell You. Yet and yet with childlike wonder, abject reverence and unspeakable gratitude I say, thank You that You are. I will go rejoicing because all, all, all trust is in You. Gentle Shepherd, Holy One, I love you. I love You, oh Lord my Strength for that is what You are. There is no other strength besides or beyond Yours. You are my everything. You made us so we are not able to carry the burdens of the world.

But then neither do we have to. We are not even supposed to. Holy, infinite One, You are with us in this and You are so far beyond it. None of that which shakes us to our core, shakes You at all for You are not surprised. Through it You reign and bring Your victory through Your victorious, conquering love. The enemy smashes and wreaks havoc and destruction. You cause eternal life to rise from it. This is Your goal. Life by Your, through You, in You and for You. There is no other success. Every other striving fades. You work through all things. Your efforts never stop.

You simply turn these against Him eventually to bring Your victory, which is reconciliation with You, restoration and life into many hearts. Love, which contains all dominion and uses this only for eternal good. Walking with us through the worst because You Yourself have been there for love of us , and carrying us when necessary. Reveal to me more of You today. Lead me in the way You would have me go in spite of circumstances around me and for those I love.

Ravage me with Your truth. Conquer me with realizations of Your awesome wonder and majesty. For these and these alone, buoy me up with resiliency for today. You ask me to stand firm and watch the deliverance You will bring. But I can only stand firm long enough to see Your victory with the unveiling of Your majesty before my eyes.

You are where my help comes from. You are where the only true purpose is found—uniting my heart to Yours. Your joy is my strength. Your confidence and unwavering resolve is the Rock upon which I stand. From here through eternity Your love does not fail. This is one of Your most foundational promises. You say You love all beyond what I will ever grasp. I can and must rely on this. So much more than from here to natural death. With You where we will hunger and thirst no more for we will be finally, fully satiated in Your presence. All because You are love unstoppable. All confidence is in You.

All hope is in You, holy Repairer of every breach, because You, too long for and work for this eternal, blissful reunion through all things. Yes, through all things. I can do nothing without You. Keep my eyes on You. Keep my eyes on Your vision for our future. Help me guard my heart, mind and thoughts to keep them captive to Your heart and thoughts.

Give me the help I need to lean on You. Lead on, blessed Shepherd who goes after every lost sheep. You reign, and Your reign is glorious. By choice I leave behind every lesser thought, exulting fully and completely in the essence of Who You are. There is no worry before You because gazing at Your magnificence comes the realization, there is no need.

There is no need to do anything except focus on You.

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All, all, all things are In Your hands. This means under Your dominion, which means in Your control. If there is something to be done, You will tell me to do it. You are not unaware of circumstances. You are always aware. You are ever-vigilant and about the restoring work in our heart, minds and spirits, even in that which looks like destruction and devastation. Yes, You allow the adversary to roam, but You are the power. In You is victory and most of the time that victory is greater than we can grasp. Holy One, let me catch a glimpse of Your Majesty.

Though I seek to gaze at You and know You more ongoing, You are so supreme and awe-some, to really see You would be to much for me. So just a glimpse, Lord. The broader view that You know is right for me right now. At creation, You brought Your order. You put every piece in place You knew and wanted to be. No less with our lives. Beyond our full, true comprehension, how much higher and greater You are than we. Beyond us the magnitude of Your plan because we really cannot grasp Your love.

Lord, in comparison to You and the true expanse of Your love and redeeming, restoring purpose, it is as though we are crawling on the ground still with our noses in the dust. We need You to elevate our view and are at Your mercy to do this oh-so-gradually and gently as an outcome of your unstoppable, unceasing flow of grace.

It is to You as mercy that we come to You today. Your priority is relationship with You. To restore what has been broken. And then with each other.


Lord, it is the 8 th day of Easter. We begin anew, a new way a new cycle. What the adversary has meant for evil, You transform. Because though he is supernatural and can affect us, You are Supreme. Holy One, on this 8 th day of the Feast of Your glorious Resurrection, where as the firstborn You entered through the door of eternal life, which You opened, we have prayerfully in recent years begun to celebrate and thus contemplate Your mercy.

This stream of restoring, redeeming love, which flows out ongoing from who You are. Today, we lay all brokenness in our lives and relationships at Your feet and with eyes only for You and on You, we ask for Your redemption. Redeem what has been broken. Restore what has been damaged. Put back into order that which has been muddied, sullied and put out of order by our fallible humanness. This is Your heart for this is Your essence.

Reward Yourself

God's Word is filled with golden nuggets. Here are seven of them that are filled with wisdom, and that will brighten up your day. God's Wisdom is more precious than gold. This blog helps readers discover God's way versus the world one "nugget" at a time.

Divine Mercy, Who is unfathomable love, continue Your restoration of us to You and all of us together the way You have always desired because You are mercy and cannot help Yourself. We pray forward Your will of love. We are is anything any of us need to do, nudge us firmly to do it, so we know with certainty this is Your next step in this moment. If there is any way we are to have courage, let us know. If there are places we are holding onto resentment and unforgiveness, melt these in our hearts so we can be a forgiving, renewing people.

Reveal what is hidden. Dissolve discouragement off Your people and give them steps to move toward one another in surprising ways instead of away. Have mercy on us, O God. Through each of us and all of us together. You are the hope. Breakthrough and keep on breaking through, that love for You and for each other would come forth in our lives and relationships today for our deep inner healing and for Your glory.

As shared in a recent post, for 3 months in , the Lord had me sit intensely in prayer with Him, listen, and write out a book which had been on my mind and heart since early Finally, finally, He was giving me the words to express for you what I believed He had been showing me about Himself and worship. It was and is for military to gain more situational awareness about the invisible, supernatural spiritual battle ongoing around us at all times, but it is also for you—because all of us find ourselves immersed in this spiritual battle.

Spiritual Manual for Battle has been published and is available on amazon. However, He has also laid on my heart to publish periodic excerpts here, so you can begin to read a bit if you so desire.

  • Healing By Design: Unlocking Your Bodys Potential to Heal Itself.
  • Nuggets from God for Godly Living.
  • Nuggets Of Wisdom.

This post starts the process. Email address for contact is at the end of the post. You desire to be known. Bring the ones for whom this excerpt is for and speak to them interiorly what information is specifically for each one and move in them to recognize what they are to do with it. You are greater than we can imagine. Help us to gain a greater grasp of You and the over-riding, supernatural spiritual dimension which is around us at work at all times. T here has never been a miracle drug that could equal the Word of God. God's medicine is the answer to every need. E ndeavor always to remember that you are in the immediate presence of God, and strive to act as you would if you saw the Savior standing by your side.

T he anointing of the Holy Spirit is given to illuminate His Word, to open the Scriptures, and to place the spiritual man in direct communication with the mind of God. T he power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plan of God. F aith is not something you have to get. It's something that you, as a born-again child of God, already have. Act on it by releasing it to God.

That's when your healing starts! J ust as one gets the firstfruits of spiritual salvation in the life that now is, so we get the firstfruits of our physical salvation in the life that now is. C hrist within us can accomplish what we can never hope to do in our own strength; and that continuous walking with Him will change the weakest of us into His image.

B oth sin and sickness came into the world through the fall of the human race. Therefore, we must look for the healing of both in the savior of the human race. God is as willing to heal believer's as He is to forgive unbeliever's. Know this, if He was merciful enough to forgive you when you were unconverted, He is merciful enough to heal you now that you are in His family! H eaven is full of answers to prayers for which no one ever bothered to ask - Billy Graham. K eep your foot on the devil's neck by standing on the Word of God, and you will see tremendous results!

G race is not the freedom to sin; it is the power to live a holy life. F ear cannot stay in the same house with Jesus Christ. S hut the world out, withdraw from all worldly thoughts and occupations, and shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief object in prayer, to realize the presence of your heavenly Father.

G od is the God of the people who are at their wits end, who are right up against it with their backs to the wall, and He delights to come to our help when we need Him most. W hen I saw for the first time by the Word of God that sickness was not the Will of God, everything in my nature rose up to defeat the will of the devil. T he assurance of every truth of Scripture is just the beauty of it. First because He has promised to do it; and God's promises are bonds that never yet were dishonored. Secondly, because Christ Jesus hath taken an oath that He will do it.

I s there any reason why you should not have faith in God? Has God ever broken one of His promises? I defy any infidel or unbeliever to place a finger on a single promise of God ever made and failed to fulfill. N ever underestimate Jesus, because He will just prove you wrong.

B e assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you. T he devil is busy trying to take from us what we take from God, and so God bids us to hold fast.

  • | Nuggets from God for Godly Living | | Dolly M Holland | Boeken.
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F aith is acting in the face of contrary evidence. The senses declare, "It cannot be," but Faith shouts above the t urmoil, "It is! L oss of communion is the explanation of most of our failure in spiritual fruit bearing. A t Calvary, there was a great healing transfer where the responsibility for healing was switched from God giving it, to you receiving it. B elieve you receive in the faith realm, and you shall have it in the natural realm.

W orry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. N ever be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. G od is still forgiving sins, and He is still healing diseases, or else He is not the same God He used to be. F aith looks beyond the walls of the obstacle and on to the answer.

B eware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things 'above all that we ask or think. T he remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God you fear everything else.

W hen you meditate on God's Word to mutter to yourself, to think deeply into, to ponder , it puts you in that verse and it puts that verse in you. The Word becomes real to you; it becomes alive. Meditating on God's Word helps you to "own" it, and you know that you can't spend something you don't own. Many people have learned to confess God's Word, but sometimes with little results, because they haven't taken the time to meditate on it first and to make it real to their own hearts.

T he Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is God's "I Will" to every seeker for full salvation of spirit, soul and body. T he true Gospel of Jesus Christ is a revelation of how God has taken sinful man and made him a new creature and imparted to him a perfect righteousness. N ever dig up in unbelief what you have sown in faith. G od's best is for the believer to take His Word that says he is healed, put that Word in his heart, confess it with his lips, and allow it to be medicine to his flesh. F aith heals, sets free, receives from God and walks in liberty. I f satan can keep you in the sense realm, he will destroy you - but if you keep him in the faith realm, you'll put him under your feet.

G od wants His people well, but it is up to us to make the decision to walk in health. D id you know that Jesus built you and me a house of healing two thousand years ago? But that house of healing Jesus built for us will remain vacant until we decide to move into it. J ustification is what God does for us, while sanctification is what God does in us.

L et no one pray for a mighty baptism of power who is not prepared for deep heart searchings and confession of sin. W e are conscious of the need of constant prayer for more and yet more of the Holy Spirit's presence and power. But as we give ourselves yet more and more to prayer, we shall see greater and more glorious revivals. L ive is such a way as to pass something tangible to a new generation. A lways resist even the appearance of evil. In doing so, evil will never subdue you. The blood of Jesus is the answer. J esus came to deliver men from sin and sickness that He might make known the love of the Father.

In His actions, in His teachings of the disciples and in the work of the apostles, pardon and healing are always found together.

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G od's power under us, in us, surging through us, is exactly what turns dependence into unforgettable experiences of completeness. F aith is the hand with which we take from God. When we have met all the conditions and taken what God is offering us, we must believe that we have that thing. P rayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.

F ear tolerated is faith contaminated.

Biblical Nuggets with Pastor Keith Rogan: Honoring God

V ictory is not the absence of problems, it is the presence of power. D efend the Bible? I would just as soon defend a lion. Just turn the Bible loose. It will defend itself. I don't practice what I preach, I preach what I practice. J esus has given you the right to use His name. That name can break the power of disease, the power of the adversary. That name can stop disease and failure from reigning over you. There is no disease that has ever come to man which this name cannot destroy.

There is always the agony of choice before the promise of change. I would rather believe for something great and receive half of it, than to believe for nothing and receive all of it! P urpose gives birth to hope and instills the passion to act. I f you are having the right kind of spiritual fellowship, you will have power with God, and there is no escaping it!

W hen the storms of life strike, it's what happens in you that will determine what happens to you. I n a sense the whole Bible is a revelation, not only of His willingness to heal our spiritual ailments, but our physical ones also. One of His covenant names is "The Lord that healeth" Jehovah Rapha , and He is also the Lord that changed not, the changeless, healing, health bestowing, life-giving Lord, undisputed Sovereign over all the powers of the universe. Y our faith begins to move, to act, when the power of God supernaturally empties you of doubt and fills you with a knowing. You come into a state of knowing that you know that you know.