Goccia a goccia nasce il fiume (Varia) (Italian Edition)

It is good to finally be recognized for what we did. While he was in Sicily, mortars struck him twice in two different attacks. He is glad that the Peace Through Valour project has put a spotlight on Canadian soldiers who fought in Italy. But the year-old veteran who calls British Columbia home also has memories of enduring friendship and hope.

There was a real camaraderie there. And Italy is also the country that served as a fast track to adulthood for Bannerman who was 22 when he fought in the Italian Campaign. We would bring some flour to a mamma who would knead the dough and make homemade pasta for us. Before too long, we would end up having an aunt, older sister and god knows how many brothers. It was like a surrogate family. For immigrants to Canada there are many new experiences and customs that colour the start of their lives in a new country.

Christmas in Canada, away from the family, rituals and comfort of home back in Italy, was one of the first notable moments they experienced. Everything was new and unexpected, from the weather to traditions. He looked forward to the dinner provided by CNR on Christmas Eve, expecting a festive feast that would help celebrate the special day.

But on December 24, he was greeted with a plain meal of chicken soup. Disappointed and alone, he went to a grocery store to buy one chocolate bar and one pound of grapes to celebrate. However, on December 25, he experienced what came as a surprise to most Italians: The railway offered a big celebration meal to all workers and my grandfather came to learn a new tradition.

Most early Italian immigrants count Christmas Eve as one of their more distinct memories of the new life ahead of them.

Maria Tuccitto, originally from Sicily, immigrated to Canada in Besides it being her first arrival to Canada, it was the first time she met her husband Antonio, who she had married by proxy. Her first Christmas in Canada, spent in Toronto, she recalls as a joyous one, full of family and good food.

This included traditional foods like lolli a short homemade pasta, much like gnocchi in meat and in vegetable sauces, pizza piena a type of stuffed pizza dough pie and biscotti. It was those traditional foods that Nella Bruni craved during her first Christmas in Canada in She was left to trial and error to create a Christmas treat. Many Italians remember the traditional meatless meals on Christmas Eve. In Italy, Bruni remembers there being huge bonfires in the piazza outside the church after midnight mass, where people would socialize and sing. In Canada, she embraced new traditions: And the way the windows were decorated at the big stores downtown, like Simpsons.

At home the only thing lit up in our town was the presepio nativity scene. What made the biggest impact for her new holidays in Canada though, was her family. For the first time in nine years, her whole family was together and was able to celebrate as one. Extended family came to celebrate as well and instead of celebrations being smaller and ending after midnight mass, like back in Italy, the Canadian version of Christmas meant there was a larger family celebrating, says Trifrio and everyone stayed to talk or play cards after the meal and open small gifts.

Bruni agrees that the bringing together of family and friends made the holiday memorable but the adjustment of settling into Canada and not having enough money for gifts, particularly for those who had young children, gave new immigrants like her a lot of frustration. It took years of hard work before giving gifts became a regular part of the Italian-Canadian Christmas celebration, but a focus on tradition, religion, and family has always been constant.

The Italian-Canadian Job Just as the world took notice of the tiny island of Giglio when the Costa Concordia ran aground in January , all eyes were on the Tuscan coast again this past September as the ,ton cruise ship was slowly raised upright. The first step in what is being called the biggest salvage mission ever to be executed was a success thanks in part to the specialized technology provided by Waterloo-based robotics firm, 2G Robotics.

Gillham and his team were approached early summer of to carry out an underwater survey and assess the damaged hull that was pushed up against the rocky reef 16 kilometres off the coast of Italy when the ship partially sank on January 13, , killing 32 people. Its captain, Francesco Schettino, who left the ship ahead of some of the crew and passengers, is under trial for involuntary manslaughter and abandoning the ship. The metre long ship is in plain view from the harbor of Giglio island, home to 1, residents.

Many of them were among the first to arrive to the port after the shipwreck to offer blankets, warm clothing and shelter to the thousands of shaken passengers. The Costa Concordia, built in , has extensive damage on the starboard side and is heavily crushed near the bow. The data collection provided by 2G Robotics helped the crew best determine how to roll the ship upright in a process called parbuckling.

The ship is now resting on an artificial steel seabed the length of 1. On the day the mission began, Gillham and the 2G Robotics team were glued to the livestream footage of the salvage site watching the whole thing unfold as they received update emails and telephone calls from Palej who was on location off the Tuscan coast.

Early on the morning of September 17, the ship was resting upright. The Jews, as they are still today, had been an active Roman community for thousands of years. On October 16, , Camerino was not yet 15 years of age when his entire family was awakened by a knock at the door around 5 am.

German officers, accompanied by Italian police, presented his father with an official document stating that, because they were no longer Italians but stateless Jews, they were all to be relocated to a work camp. They had to immediately pack their bags for an eight-day journey. That day, 1, Roman Jews were rounded up for deportation to Auschwitz. They were all kept in a Roman jail for another two days until they began their journey by train to Poland, herded together in cattle cars 50 to 60 at a time, with no heat or room to sit.

Upon their arrival to Auschwitz, the selection process was the last time Camerino saw his mother and sister. His uncle Renato, an invalid, was sent immediately to the gas chamber. They soon after tattooed him with his camp number: Living and working conditions were harsh and most often cruel. Camerino lived in an environment where every slip-up could have resulted in the loss of his life. The camp inmates were now nameless souls and only addressed by their tattooed number and guarded by brutal guards with vicious dogs.

Different work duties separated Camerino from his brother Luciano and father. Because they were assigned different huts, Camerino would often sneak out at night to visit his brother to exchange news or scraps of food. On one of these nights in , he found out his father Italo had died earlier that day. While out on a work detail, Italo was severely beaten by a German guard for not being able to get up fast enough from a fall he took.

After two years of living under these conditions, Camerino and his brother Luciano were finally liberated in Of the 1, deported from Rome on that day in October , only 16 came back; Camerino and his brother were two of them. Following the war, he lived with relatives until his life started to get back to some kind of normalcy. In , he married his wife Silvana Pontecorvo and in he had a son and named him Italo after his father. Camerino then decided to emigrate for economic reasons and also out of the anger he still felt towards Italy because of his experiences.

In , he moved to Canada. He built a life in Canada and in his family grew with the arrival of his daughter Julia, who he named after his mother. Camerino worked for the Pascal Hardware chain and then opened his own retail shop in Park Extension, which he operated until. His brother had died in helping rescuers during the Florence flood of the Arno River. Chills shot down his spine when he saw that the apples trees from which he had stolen fruit were still standing. For that simple act, he was sent to work in the coal mines for hours on end, bent over, not being able to stand in four-foot shafts.

With this year marking the 70th anniversary of the deportation, the RomanJewish community sought to include Camerino in its many commemorative events. Of the original 16 that survived the deportation, only two are left. Coincidentally, while he was in Rome, Erich Priebke died while awaiting prosecution. Priebke was a German officer who took part in the Ardeatine Caves massacre of in which Italian civilians were murdered as a reprisal for partisans killing 33 German soldiers. Until his dying days at years of age, he denied responsibility for the deaths and denied the Holocaust ever happened.

To let that happen would have been an insult to the memory of those innocent souls he had a hand in murdering. They each wanted to personally hear about his experiences in Auschwitz for themselves, and they both asked if there was anything they could do for him. His response to each was the same: Through this simple request, we can only hope the lessons that Enzo Camerino and countless others who suffered through wartime atrocities recount, will serve that exact purpose.

Storia di Enzo Camerino, sopravvissuto all'Olocausto. Mentre Enzo Camerino trascorreva la sua giovinezza in Italia, nel Paese vigevano leggi razziali contro gli Ebrei simili a quelle presenti in Germania, ma queste erano alquanto impopolari per la maggior parte degli italiani.

Le cose volsero al peggio dopo la caduta del governo di Mussolini e l'ingresso dei nazisti.

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Italian saying or quote: Markus was familiar with that car. The gemstones cutting is inspired by the roofs of Rajasthan! The Foundation, together with other community organizations, is now working diligently to further promote and preserve Italian culture, language and identity within our community. Ogni settimana ne vedo quasi una decina. She is reluctant to embrace the world of web 2.

Il 16 ottobre del , Enzo Camerino non aveva ancora 15 anni quando tutta la sua famiglia venne svegliata da forti colpi alla porta intorno alle 5 della mattina. Rimasero tutti in una prigione romana per altri due giorni per poi iniziare il loro viaggio in treno verso la Polonia, ammassati in carri bestiame, persone alla volta, al freddo e senza nessuno spazio per sedersi. Dopo il loro arrivo ad Auschwitz, durante la selezione, Camerino vide per l'ultima volta sua madre e sua sorella. Gli uomini vennero ulteriormente divisi tra coloro che potevano lavorare e quelli che non erano in grado di farlo.

Suo zio Renato, disabile, fu subito mandato alla camera a gas. Agli altri venne subito impresso il marchio del numero identificativo nel campo di concentramento. I suo era Le condizioni di vita e di lavoro erano molto dure e spesso crudeli. Camerino visse in un ambiente in cui ogni passo falso poteva significare perdere la vita.

I detenuti del campo erano ormai anime senza nome, sorvegliati da uomini brutali accompagnati da cani feroci, che si rivolgevano a loro chiamandoli con il numero tatuato sul corpo. Dopo due anni di vita trascorsa in queste condizioni, Camerino e suo fratello Luciano furono finalmente liberati nel Sono stati gli unici della famiglia abbastanza forti da sopravvivere.

Nel , in occasione della prima visita ad Auschwitz dopo la sua liberazione avvenuta nel , nella memoria di Camerino riaffiorarono subito ricordi che sembravano sepolti. Semplicemente per questo era stato mandato a lavorare nelle miniere, chino per ore e ore. Dei 16 sopravvissuti alla deportazione, solo due sono ancora in vita. Il caso ha voluto che proprio mentre Camerino si trovava a Roma, Erich Priebke sia morto, mentre era in attesa di giudizio; Priebke era l'ufficiale tedesco che prese parte al massacro delle Fosse Ardeatine nel Egli aveva collaborato all'assassinio di civili italiani, per rappresaglia contro i partigiani che avevano ucciso 33 soldati tedeschi.

Consentire che questo avvenisse avrebbe rappresentato un insulto per le anime di quegli innocenti al cui massacro quell'uomo aveva preso parte. Entrambi hanno voluto ascoltare personalmente il racconto delle sue esperienze ad Auschwitz, e gli hanno chiesto se c'era qualcosa che potevano fare per lui. At only 22, Justin Scaini has made it his mission to mobilize youth in helping transform the landscape of mental health in Canada. The Jack Project, founded by the late Windeler's father, was looking for an actor for a mental health training video to be used by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

To this day, Scaini says, he doesn't know what pushed him to audition. And I knew I had to do something to change that. Last March, Scaini took the lead in organizing the first-ever student mental health innovation summit in Canada called Unleash the Noise. But there was really no youth ownership of this issue. They showed extreme bravery and commitment to each other.

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Company of of Canada, Canada, He says living in an environment where he was surrounded by art So, when it was abruptly announced that the school was everywhere was an amazing experience. They did and the School of Art, which offers courses from drawing and sculpture to school re-opened last May at the corner of Bloor and Dufferin photography and art history. The rest is history. All we had to do was put the word out there.

Instructions Mix dough until it reaches a firm consistency neither too soft nor too hard. Then take a teaspoon of mixture and roll it into the corn flakes using your hands until it gets entirely covered with cereal flakes. Place each cookie on a baking sheet lined with aluminum paper. Once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar. Christmas is a time of year for celebrations and plenty of family recipes and heartfelt comfort food.

Preparing for the big day is sometimes as much fun as Santa's visit itself. The following four easy cookie and cake recipes will be a treat to make and enjoy with your children and loved ones. Una volta raffreddati, sporverateli con dello zucchero a velo. A look at the RX shows the continuing dedication to that pedigree. Visit us for a test drive today. Owned and operated by Frank Apa and Joe Zanchin www. Instructions Take teaspoons of dough, then form into small balls and roll into the icing sugar.

Place them on a cooking sheet and press down lightly with two fingers. Make sure to space them out evenly to prevent them from sticking together. Instruction Add all the ingredients together and mix for about 90 seconds. When the ingredients are combined, butter cake pan and cover with flour. Pour mixture evenly into cake pan. Let cool and dust with icing sugar.

Esilio by Ada Negri

Istruzioni Versate tutti gli ingredienti assieme in una ciotola e mescolate il tutto per circa 90 secondi. Fate raffreddare la ciambella e spolveratela a piacere con dello zucchero a velo. Instructions Mix ingredients and then form into a ball. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then roll out dough and form it onto a glass pie oven dish. Reserve leftover pieces to place on top of filling. Instructions Mix ingredients with a fork and pour on top of dough. Then use leftover dough strips to form a lattice over the filling. Stendere la pasta con un mattarello e trasferirla sopra la tortiera.

Creare delle strisce ricavate dai ritagli di pasta per realizzare il tipico decoro a losanghe. Istruzioni Mischiare tutti gli ingredienti con una forchetta e depositare il composto sulla pasta frolla adagiata su un piatto di vetro da forno. Ricoprire il tutto con delle strisce di pasta frolla.

Introducing the 11th generation Corolla, our best selling Toyota model. The Corolla has been completely redesigned inside and out to be more athletic, sporty and fun to drive. Forse per questo Campanile, nel racconto che abbiamo citato in apertura, si diverte a farne quasi una parodia: In tutto il resto del mondo del pennuto nessuna traccia. La prima coppia di tacchini arriva a Roma nel , poi ne troviamo traccia a Bologna dopo il Il petto e le cosce sono protagoniste di svariate ricette alla griglia e in casseruola, ma a Natale e nelle grandi occasioni si consuma intero, cotto al forno, ripieno di carne, pane e castagne o in crosta di pasta sfoglia, oppure ancora avvolto da pancetta e cotto con le mele.

Per concludere con le parole di Achille Campanile: We need your help to finish the job. Help us us finish finish this this world world-class hospital, where where caring caring will Here the future future of of patient patient care care in inCanada: Hereare aresome someof of the the ways ways you you can can contribute contribute to to the. Sign our building building progress. Donate donations over over time. Donate by by making making aa one-time one-time contribution contribution or or a a series series of of donations Your and help help us us fi finish the job.

Your support support isis vitally vitally important important right right now. Please Please get get involved involved and nish the. Opening in the Fall of Secondary School Teacher Age: Limosano Campobasso , Molise Mom from: Travelling, soccer and piano. Thing about you that would surprise most people: Best nightclub in Toronto: My apartment Describe your ideal night out in Toronto: Last time you went to Italy: Summer Favourite Italian city: Frank Sinatra Best Italian song: Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: Embracing Italian events like Chin Picnic.

What you like most about Panoram: It promotes Italian events and people in Toronto, and connects us to our Italian heritage.

A quasi vent'anni, Mamta è già vecchia. Vecchia per sposarsi, vecchia per sognare. Eppure, ciò che ama di più è ascoltare storie. Colpa di sua madre, che le ha. Goccia a goccia nasce il fiume (Varia) (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition) Price: £ Faccia un bel respiro (Libellule) (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition).

Daniela Di Geso Nickname: Ripi Frosinone , Lazio Speaks: Victoria ckham and Federica Nargi. Food, travel, health and fitness. I am a huge believer in malocchio the evil eye. Best pizza in Toronto: Crema Coffee Best panino in Toronto: Grande Cheese Favourite vino: Italian saying or quote: Summer of Favourite Italian city: It brings second and third generation Italians together and helps them stay connected with their culture and Italian community, while addressing the latest trends relevant to them. Mi scappa la pipi, papa by Pippo Franco. Alessandro Matri Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: A nice summer day walk up and down St.

Rosie or Rosay Occupation: Hong Kong, China Speaks: Guess jeans and dressshirt, Danier jacket and scarf. Ralph Lauren Fashion idol: Food, flying, family and friends Goal in life: To one day fly the A The Purple Pear Favourite dish: Osso buco and risotto alla Milanese Best pizza in Toronto: The Standard Best panino in Toronto: Describe your ideal night out in Toronto: Nessun Dorma by Luciano Pavarotti Italian soccer team: AC Milan Sexiest Italian: Sara Tommasi Best way to feel Italian in Toronto: Strolling down College Street with my Paolo Maldini shirt on.

How long have you been reading Panoram? Since it launched in Best memory growing up ItalianCanadian: Helping my father make homemade wine every year, and taste-testing it! Student at the University of Toronto Age: Intermix Dream in life: I hate chocolate yes, even nutella. Pasta carbonara Best pizza in Toronto: Zaza Best panino in Toronto: Rapido Best nightclub in Toronto: The Hoxton Italian saying or quote:. This past summer, when I completed the Siena program offered from the University of Toronto.

Ti porto via con me by Lorenzo Jovanotti Sexiest Italian: Riccardo Scamarcio What do you like most about Panoram: It connects ItalianCanadian culture by offering information on our culture through history, diversity, fashion, beauty, and much more.

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From the great American houses of Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger to the high street Vivienne Westwood and Dior, the girls were unabashedly copying the boys in terms of outerwear, office wear and most surprisingly with more conservative evening wear in the form of pantsuits and blouse-skirt ensembles. Shared staples for the season include crossbody bags, suede and sheepskin coats, oversized sweaters and dramatic lapels. Colour-wise, the unisex winter palette consists of a rich wine Bordeaux — best worn in a leather material for a wow factor on trenches, skirts, suits and accessories; charcoal — for an androgynous Londoner look that is always win-win this time of year; and caramel — always a refined choice especially when worn consistently from head to toe with a cashmere-wool blend coat.

The patterns for the season are traditionally male, from herringbone to Prince of Wales check, flannel and houndstooth for a Scottish appeal that can dress up a pair of jeans or a crisp white shirt. Your source of style inspiration this season comes from an equestrian setting with page boy caps, thick blazers, knee-high or ankle boots and a belt and bag to tie it all together.

Keep this mood in the back of your mind when surveying your wardrobe on a bleak Monday morning.

The challenge is clear: A city at the heart of the Alps It is hard not to be impressed by a town like Bolzano. Located in the heart of the Italian Alps, this city, also known as Bozen, is home to some , inhabitants who enjoy fresh mountain air, landscapes of incomparable beauty, and an engaging Austro-Hungarian heritage, which stands out as a pleasant diversion from the rest of the country.

Of the two newspapers published in Bolzano, one is written in Italian, the other in German. Interestingly, a sister language to the old Latin of Roman times, called Ladin, is still spoken in the area, particularly around Val Gardena. The staple bread, which is ubiquitous throughout Bolzano, is made with crunchy whole grains in a style reminiscent of Viennese bread.

When it comes to drinks, the locals have a slight preference for beer over wine. Mountainous country Not far from Bolzano are the Dolomite Mountains — a large outcrop of limestone, featuring karst lithology that climbers are particularly fond of. The mountain range is home to extreme peaks, including eighteen that reach altitudes of over metres. The region is a playground for hikers. During high season, cozy huts welcome them with food, shelter and, of course, wine.

Be sure to have a camera on hand to capture the sublime landscapes, which change dramatically from one side of the mountain to the other. The local tourism offices Azienda di Soggiorno e Turismo , in conjunction with the specialized mountain guides at Arc Alpin, offer an interesting array of excursions. Preserved in ice for over years, this man is thought to have been a shepherd who was around 45 years old when he died of hypothermia after suffering a shoulder injury.

His body, tanned by the freezing cold, has been on display since in an enclosure replicating glacial conditions temperature and humidity. Found almost intact, along with clothing and tools, this man from the past has provided valuable insight into the lifestyle and techniques of the people who roamed the area long ago. Its Austrian-style palaces, built during the reign of Napoleon, offer a glorious foreground to the snowy mountain tops behind them.

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Based on highway rating of 4. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. Soaring above beautiful valleys with meandering streams, vineyards and picturesque church spires may not quite be nirvana, but it certainly seems close. Bolzano, along with Innsbruck, is seat to the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention established for the protection and conservation of the Alpine territory.

With about one hundred thousand inhabitants, it is a city with a thousand faces. There is also the jewel in the crown of the city: A blend of different cultures and languages This is a place where Germans and Italians live together, each with their distinct culture and language, although the cohabitation is not always easy. As a result of this majority, jobs in some sectors are dominated by German native-speakers. The autonomy of South Tyrol is, in fact, based on the principle of linguistic separation: Una convivenza non sempre facile.

Sono i giovani italiani, invece, a voler imparare la lingua tedesca e a volerla far apprendere ai propri figli: Compared to the past, tensions between the two linguistic communities have lessened. Today, Trento and Bolzano are two autonomous provinces, the only ones in Italy, and the disputes of the fifties and sixties have become less passionate. Gateway to the Dolomites In addition to being a bilingual city a third linguistic group, largely a minority, is Ladin , Bolzano is a city of art and culture, insofar as it is now in the running for the title of European Capital of Culture Bolzano also boasts the Museum for Modern and Contemporary art, the Mercantile Museum, the Civic Museum, the Nativity scene Museum in a convent, and the Messner Mountain Museum, a project designed by South Tyrol mountaineer Reinhold Messner and which consists of five locations in the region of the Dolomites.

One of them is the museum of Firmian Castle, just outside the city of Bolzano, which, through a path of towers, halls, stairways and courtyards surrounded by the magnificent view of the Tyrolean Alps, showcases natural artefacts aimed at raising awareness of the bond between man and nature, particularly in mountaineering.

Moreover, the cycling paths going through and around the city provide a convenient, easy and green road network. Besides nature, sports, amazing views, museums and castles, Bolzano also offers entertainment, good food and shopping. Oggi Trento e Bolzano sono due province autonome, le uniche in Italia, e i contrasti degli Anni Cinquanta e Sessanta sono diventati meno accesi. Because it is considered to be the lowest crossing point in the central Alpine mountain range, travelers can cross the Alps at this point without having to change trains.

It is also a strategic point for the military as well as for commercial transport. While the Brenner Pass is one of the lowest routes running across the Alps from Austria in Italy, its 1,metre altitude calls for at least three connected locomotives to pull the weight of a freight train up and down its slopes. From Roman route to railway Long before its train days, travelers saddled up their horses to make their way over the Alps via this route which experienced frequent use, especially by ancient populations searching to migrate to new places.

The plans for a railroad were developed in the 19th century by German architect and engineer Carl von Etzel. Trains began operating on the Brenner Pass in , making it one of the principal passes through the Alps. In its beginning, the Brenner railroad served as a means of internal communication for the Habsburg Empire.

This altered when Brenner became a part of Italy with the shifting of the international border between Austria and Italy. What lies along the course of Brenner Pass is just as attractive as its logistic convenience and it comes in the form of fantastic mountain views containing miles and miles of majestic trees, picturesque cottages and high Alpine pastures with grazing cattle in the summer months. The modern day route along the Eastern Alps begins in Innsbruck, Austria, and then crosses through the Austrian towns of Matrei and Steinach before arriving in Italy.

Once in Italy, the train locomotives have to be switched as Austrian trains operate on an alternate current, while Italy uses a direct current. Once switched over, the train continues on to Colle Isarco, Vipiteno, Foretezza, Ponte Gardena and then Bolzano before terminating its course in Salorno. All of the stations, tunnels and viaducts which the train passes through still have German names.

It enjoys idyllic surroundings amidst Lagrein grapevines and offers breathtaking views over the surrounding area. It has been renovated throughout the centuries and today houses a large collection of frescoes that depict a vast array of scenes from court life to hunting and chivalric competitions as well as literary illustrations, such as that of Tristan and Isolde and the adventures of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Cultural events and exhibitions take place regularly at the castle which also houses a restaurant that gives visitors the unique opportunity to dine in a Medieval setting,. Messner Mountain Museum Firmian Housed within Sigmundskron Castle, near the town of Bozen, the Messner Mountain Museum Firmian is one of four branches founded by local celebrity Reinhold Messner, a climber, writer, photographer and a Member of the European Parliament from to , who was born in the region in and later went on to achieve numerous feats in mountaineering, chiefly being the first to reach the top of Mount Everest without oxygen support.

Zelten of Bolzano A sweet bread filled with dried and candied fruit, nuts and other ingredients. It is the Christmas cake par excellence and can be found in any patisserie in December. Beautiful scenery aside, warm and hearty country cooking is interwoven with specialties of the Mediterranean gastronomic tradition. Prepared with dough flavoured with lemon peel, they are rolled in granulated sugar and are filled with custard. Served as a hearty breakfast or as a tasty snack!

They are only found in the north-east of Italy Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli, and part of Veneto , where they are served as a first or main course. They are typically enjoyed with a little olive oil and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and parsley or chives. They are also known to be served with a main dish such as roast lamb.

It's a specialty from Alto Adige and is a bread mostly made with rye flour and spices, such as fennel seeds, caraway, and bird clover. Every Saturday in May and October the Tourist Office offers guided tours to the Santa Maddalena and Lagrein wine-growing valleys with a visit to a winery in Bolzano, which includes wine-tasting.

Speck is the German word for bacon, but the speck of Alto Adige is not bacon at all. Made from pork leg, not pork belly, it is brined with herbs and garlic and then cold smoked and aged, resulting in a texture reminiscent of Italian prosciutto and a flavour that resembles pancetta. Speck is eaten thinly sliced as an antipasto with figs or melon, and is also used in cooking to flavour everything from pasta sauces to pizza and dumplings. Gulasch di selvaggina Cubes of venison meat are browned with onions and garlic and combined with Worcestershire sauce, oregano and covered with water.

This is a typical hearty second dish of the region. It's the town's oldest restaurant, dating back years, and is housed in one of Bolzano's typically tall and narrow Tyrolean-style buildings. We stopped to enjoy a beer with brezen from the rack on the bar. The huge woven pretzels are soft and light and pair perfectly with a glass of the house dunkel beer, a darkish, spicy brew.

It dates back to the 12th century and has been transformed with contemporary style. It has a large sun terrace where you and your family can enjoy local cuisine while taking in the breathtaking surroundings! The beautifully decorated Piazza Walther is the festive meeting place where family and friends gather to share in Yuletide joy. Here the romance and magic of a traditional Christmas is alive and well. Shimmering lamps and candlelight bathe the city in a magical glow as people celebrate the traditions of a bygone era while indulging their sweet tooth with artfully decorated seasonal pastries that seem to have jumped off the pages of a medieval cookbook.

Live Christmas concerts are also held throughout the historic centre in churches and other venues, along with beautifully displayed nativity scenes. There are also horse-drawn carriage rides as well as numerous activities and exhibitions. The nearby volcanic Islands of Ischia or Capri are perfect for a day trip. Ischia, the Green Island, is renowned for its thermal baths and beautiful beaches, while Capri will enchant you with its striking natural beauty and authentic gastronomy. The name derives from the sunlight's refraction into the cave that creates a blue reflection in the water.

The way into the cave is through a small hole about a meter and a half in diameter. Once you get there by motorboat from the port, you will have to transfer to a small wooden row boat and lie on your back to get in. Once inside, you'll be able to sit upright and enjoy the spectacular sight; you can even take a swim in the brilliant blue water. There are many tales about this cake's origins, one being a baker who on no sleep, messed up the recipe and mistook flour for cocoa powder. Finally, an excursion down the Amalfi coast is also highly recommended.

Buses leave from Sorrento on a daily basis and the view on your way is just breathtaking. Time permitting you can also set off to nearby Ravello and Positano, or to Pompeii, where remains of a city destroyed and covered by a volcanic eruption in 79 AC are still visible today. Sicily From the Sorrentine Peninsula, make the trek south to Sicily, where your first stop should be Taormina, a small town on the east coast of Sicily, in the Province of Messina.

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This beautiful town blends its Roman and Greek past with a modern fusion of boutiques and restaurants. A must-see is Mount Etna, the tallest volcano in Europe and still active. A great way to visit this force of nature is with a tour guide taking you 1, metres above sea level to enjoy breathtaking views at Rifugio Sapienza. About an hour down the east coast, discover the once powerful Greek city of Siracusa. The theatre once held 15, spectators and was the site for many famous Greek plays and speeches.

Another site to see is the Roman Amphitheatre, one of the largest arenas of its kind, dating back to the 3rd century AD. This large, circular, open-aired venue was used for events such as gladiator combats, animal slayings, and executions. The outside is beautiful enough, but gives no indication to what's inside: Finally, you cannot talk about Sicily without mentioning its cuisine.

Besides an abundance of fresh fish, one of the most popular Sicilian dishes is panella, a popular finger food made with ceci chickpeas. Arancine rice balls are another staple of Sicilian cuisine. This itinerary is available with Transat Holidays. Centre Decoration St-Leonard , boul. Si contano ben 29 bacini termali, da cui scaturiscono 69 gruppi fumarolici e sorgenti naturali. Dal punto di vista agroalimentare, Ischia ha diversi punti di eccellenza.

Tradizione vuole che sia preceduto da un piatto di bucatini al sugo di coniglio. Dal la Fondazione dedica a Luchino Visconti un festival articolato e prestigioso. Donato che dista circa 2 Km dal centro storico, il Mausoleo dei Duchi, che ospita al suo interno la celebre Pala di Piero della Francesca. Per chi preferisse sedersi ad un tavolo per godersi un vero pasto luculliano, a Piazza S. Se vi capita, il mercato popolare si svolge proprio in quelle vie ogni sabato mattina. Urla di ciabattini, panettieri e pescivendoli esibiscono orgogliosi i loro prodotti sui banchi che seguono il profilo delle mura.

Fu lui a dipingere il doppio ritratto dei Duchi di Urbino, celebre effige del Rinascimento Italiano. Dopo seicento anni, la straordinaria silhouette del Palazzo Ducale sorge ancora trionfante e la facciata dei torricini abbellita da tre logge sovrapposte sono un meraviglioso scorcio visibile anche dalle vallate lontane. Newman Lasalle boul. Newman Rive-Sud boul. Its exquisite natural beauty, wild and mysterious nature, and rich history make Calabria unique and fascinating.

Nature lovers can explore the Calabrian hinterland, discovering pure and unpolluted landscapes, while those who prefer basking in the warm rays of the sun can choose from the many charming towns along its stunning coasts. History enthusiasts will also be captivated with the wide variety of beautiful churches, castles, and ruins to discover in this former cradle of Magna Graecia.

Traveling east from the mountains of the Pollino massif towards the sparkling Ionian coast is Sibari. A wellestablished bathing resort, with a long sandy beach, an enchanting little town, and home to a series of ancient Greek and Roman ruins, makes Sibari a favourite Calabrian holiday destination. From Sibari a number of important archaeological sites can be visited, such as Parco del Cavallo, Casabianca and Strombi. Just south of Sibari is the historic Byzantine town of Rossano. The 11th-century church of San Marco is a mystical masterpiece, one of the great Byzantine monuments in southern Italy.

Another fascinating church is the Cathedral of Rossano, the origins of which date back to well before Rossano is best known for its Codex Purpureus Rossanensis, a page illuminated 6th-century manuscript representing the Gospels of St. Its name derives from the purple parchment on which it is written. Before leaving Rossano, visitors should be sure to taste some of the town's famous licorice.

Cosenza is the largest city in Calabria. It is home to a distinguished university and many fine aristocratic buildings. The most romantic approach to Cosenza is from the south, beneath the 12th-century Norman castle set high on a hilltop, then on into the Old Town centered around Piazza XV Marzo.

Near a Madonna by Luca Giordano is the tomb of Isabel of Aragon, who died after a fall from her horse on the return voyage from the Eighth Crusade. While in town, it is worth spending a few moments in the serene cloisters of San Domenico, and at the 13th-century San Francesco d'Assisi church. Heading eastward, La Sila is unlike any other spot in southern Italy. Many think of Il Mezzogiorno anywhere south of Naples as a sunburned rocky wilderness. However, with its snow-capped mountains, pristine reservoirs, and lively streams and waterfalls, La Sila is actually more reminiscent of British Columbia.

Today, it is considered one of Europe's most densely wooded areas, and the most famous woods are the Bosco di Fallistro, just outside of Camigliatello. Here one can admire the giganti della Sila, trees which are over years old, six feet across and feet tall. Camigliatello, a classical alpine village, is the best base for exploring La Sila.

In summer, there are several opportunities for hiking; in winter, this is one of Italy's best cross-country skiing areas. Heading west to the stunning Tyrrhenian shores of Calabria is the idyllic beach resort of Tropea. A favourite holiday destination on the Costa degli Dei Coast of the Gods , Tropea is renowned for its beaches and little coves lapped by a crystal clear sea, as well as its delicious red onions.

The town stands in a magical position on the promontory between the bays of Gioia Tauro and Sant'Eufemia. Its historic center has a number of noteworthy patrician town houses and impressive monumental edifices such as Palazzo Toraldo, and the 12th century Norman cathedral.

The Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Isola, an historic pilgrim destination built on a tiny peninsula at the foot of the town, has become the symbol of Tropea. L e aving t he Costa degli D ei and he ading southwards to the Costa Viola Violet Coast where the colour of the sea at sunset really does turn purple, sits the beautiful seaside town of Scilla. The town of Scilla is comprised of two centers: Marina Grande with its long beach and modern aspect, and Rione Chianalea, a characteristic fishing village complete with pretty little cottages built right on the water's edge.

Dividing old and new Scilla is the town's Ruffo Castle. It is the most beautiful fortress in all of Calabria, its ramparts offering a great vantage point for La Chianalea. A pristine natural landscape, panoramic seaside and an abundance of historic sights are just a few factors behind what makes the Gargano Foggia in Puglia the perfect place for a spring visit.

Come springtime, certain regions shine more than others thanks to their natural assets. One of the loveliest spring seasons can be found in Puglia, a region too often absent from Italy guidebooks that focus touristic energies on must-sees like Rome, Venice and Florence. Of course these major cities warrant a visit, but true, repeat offender italophiles should make it a point to explore new areas, most especially to the south where the climate is warmer, prices are more affordable and the sights are breathtaking.

The province of Foggia makes up the spur of the Italian boot form, jutting out — mid-calf — east into the Adriatic Sea. This geographic position means that Foggia enjoys a degree seaside, while inland, it boasts vast green spaces, nature reserves and historic old towns, each with their own distinct charm. The heart of Gargano is without a doubt Foresta Umbra, a woodland area brimming with flora and fauna on the promontory part of the park. Home to many different animals, such as boars, deer, woodpeckers, wolves and wildcats, the forest is divided into four sections. Zone A is exclusively home to wild life and off limits to the public, Zone B is the most uncontaminated part of the park accessible to the public — but you have to keep the noise level down — Zones C and D are accessible by car and make up more of the surrounding inhabited areas.

If you decide to make Foresta Umbra a part of your visit, be sure to find the Cerro di Vico, a year-old tree which was planted by a Franciscan friar. A big hole can still be seen on the side of the tree from when a storm hit over 70 years ago, causing one of the large branches to break off. It stretches inland out to the Adriatic Sea, forming a promontory the spur on the boot. The park was properly established. What to see Pizzomunno: According to ancient lore, it is named for a fisherman who was turned to stone by sirens. Michael the Archangel is said to have appeared to a bishop here in the 4th century AD.

What to see Medieval Quarter: Santuario di San Michele: Michael the Archangel is said to have visited. Ischitella A small, hilly town with a prime position amidst green parks and a proximity to the shores of Lake Varano and the Adriatic seaside. What to see The Church of the Crucifixion: Pamela Maria Massi Names: Co-owners of TwinsDelights, a baked goods company that provides freshly baked treats to cafes and restaurants in the Montreal area, and offers home delivery service.

Mandy, Mands, ManMan Clothes: Ralph Lauren Fashion idol: Running and baking Goal in life: Grow TwinsDelights into a successful business and start a family Favourite thing about being a twin: Thing about you that would surprise most people: I run half-marathons Pet peeve: Peanut butter, nutella and banana sandwich Best pizza in Montreal: Chez Dany on de la Montagne Favourite aperitivo: Grey Goose on the rocks with a lime wedge Describe your ideal night out in Montreal: A delicious meal and good wine in a warm, cozy restaurant with close friends Flavour of gelato: Tiramisu You know you are Italian when or if: You are short and like to eat like me!

Emmanuelle Blanchard Special thanks to Phillips Lounge - www. Italian saying or quote: Buona Notte Last time you went to Italy: June Favourite Italian city: Milano or Positano Soccer team: Montreal Impact Sexiest Italian: Raymond Massi, my father Best Italian district in Montreal: Little Italy What you like most about Panoram: The Travel section and the baby pictures Best memory growing up Italian-Canadian: Yves Saint Laurent Fashion idol: Grow TwinsDelights into a successful business and get married and have a big family Favourite thing about being a twin: Positano for relaxing, Milano for shopping.

I could dead-lift pounds at the gym Pet peeve: People who chew their gum loud Restaurant: Pinot Grigio Describe your ideal night out in Montreal: Enjoying a great meal and lots of laughs with friends Flavour of gelato: Tiramisu Italian saying or quote: You know you are Italian when or if: When people notice how short I am 5 feet tall Musical preference: Hip-hop and House Best Italian song: June Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Going to Tre Marie for Sunday night dinners with the family.

Pursuing music on a national and local level. Their long list of achievements includes appearing in a commercial for CTV, performing the national anthem at the Bell Centre and taking center stage at Club Soda. They have recently begun working on a music program for youth in the community. You can stay updated with Sara and Jessica by visiting their YouTube channel www. Singing Goal in life: Be happy, make music and create Favourite thing about being a twin: Knowing Sara is incomplete without me Thing about you that would surprise most people: I can sing opera Pet peeve: Talking with your mouth full, bad manners and the list goes on…..

Vasco de Gama Favourite aperitivo or vino: The very alcoholic water Best nightclub in Montreal: Pear Italian saying or quote: Robyn, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder. Sophia Loren Best Italian song: Little Italy Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Since the beginning What you like most about Panoram: Being enlightened about our community Best memory growing up Italian-Canadian: Winning Superfantastico Favourite thing about being Italian: Off the Hook Designer: My Nonna Mena Passion: Creating Goal in life: Being active and involved in things that inspire me Favourite thing about being a twin: I never watch chick flicks Pet peeve: Ristorante Lucca Favourite dish: Cammomile is my favourite tisane Favourite aperitivo: H2O Describe your ideal night out in Montreal: Discovering new corners of Montreal to fall in love with Sexiest Italian: Monica Bellucci You know you are Italian when or if: You constantly refer to things making you Italian Last time you went to Italy: Sinatra Favourite Italian city: Want to be our next Living Italian Style model?

Send your profile with 2 pictures to info panoramitalia and join us on Facebook. Stelline in Brodo Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: The initiative of keeping the community involved Best memory growing up Italian-Canadian: He takes his espresso standing at the bar while he has a morning chat on his Bluetooth handset. His shirt is colourful or patterned, obviously creaseless, tie: If we could transport that everyday bourgeois Italian style to the men of our fair Canadian cities, then we may just have it all.

Fashion has become universal, but demanding markets still look to Italy for trends, especially when it comes to menswear. The abito su misura, made to measure suit is arguably the most valuable Italian fashion export of the past generation. Brands like Ermenegildo Zegna, Brioni and Canali still pride themselves on offering these personalized services that examine the posture and physical attributes of gentleman clients in order to craft his ensemble. Neapolitan tie masters E. Marinella became a phenomenon in Japan based solely on a word of mouth reputation.

This spring season, embrace that effortless Italian style with bold and vibrant colours. Choose lightweight suit jackets in linen or cotton and pair them with denim or chinos. Whether sandals, brogues, lace ups or slip on loafers, remember no socks and woven ties are a great bet this season in the place of classic silk ones. From flapper girls to disco queens, nostalgia for past eras is dominating the fashion industry.

Collection after collection, major designers such as Karl Lagerfeld and Marc Jacobs blatantly refer to a decade or figure of the past century as a source of inspiration. Gucci also embraces the Roaring Twenties with a bold collection of Art Deco designs done completely in white, black, emerald and gold. Their fashion show was a dream come to life with models donning beehive hairdos and tiaras while sitting on a moving white carousel.

Prada embraced the muscle cars and Letterman jackets of the Fifties by printing caricature cars and girls all over its readyto-wear line as well as adding 3D flames to the backs of high heeled shoes and sunglass frames. The Swinging Sixties are alive and well at Burberry, while Versace brought back Seventies disco glam with its studded collection of party girl outfits. Racy, colourful, and provocative styles have become the calling card designs of their joint label DSquared2. Born in Toronto - distant from the high fashion frenzy of Milan - the Caten brothers developed a passion for fashion design at an early age, which later led them to study fashion design at the prestigious Parsons School in New York City.

Though they achieved success in Canada, it was ultimately the allure of Italy that beckoned the brothers to make the move to Milan and try their hand at working for an Italian casa di moda fashion house. And where better to begin than at Versace, a familyoriented brand with a decidedly bold and brass attitude. By the late nineties, the identical twins had moved over to creative posts at Italian street wear brand Diesel who would ultimately become the official backer for the brothers when they launched DSquared2 in It wou ld, howe ver, b e t heir cow b oy inspired commission in for the Material Girl herself that solidified their status as an international fashion house.

In the realm of sportswear, the brothers were responsible for designing the official uniform for Juventus soccer club, a collaboration that would last four years. Not bad for a couple of boys from Willowdale, Ontario. Ennio Morricone uante volte ascoltando una canzone ci siamo detti: E dopo tanto cercare veniamo alla conclusione che siamo di fronte ad un plagio!

Le note, in fondo, sono sette! Di canzoni copiate, o quasi, ce ne sono centinaia. Provate ad ascoltare Iris di Biagio Antonacci, melodia orecchiabile e rilassante. Resterete sorpresi anche nello scoprire la somiglianza tra due storiche canzoni: In pochi conoscono Love at First di Joe Yellow. Molto probabilmente Max Pezzali la conosceva bene Una somiglianza la troviamo nella celebre Diavolo in me, dello stesso Zucchero, che ricorda da vicino High time we went di Joe Cocker. A Zucchero dovevano piacere anche i Queen ed i Coldplay: Ascoltate Occhi e mettetela a confronto con Bella stronza di Marco Masini Reception Halls for all occasions.

Steps away to Olympic Park and Botanical Garden. Known for being an extrovert, his showmanship - characterized by the way he shows up on stage wearing make-up and extravagant costumes - has attracted audiences for more than forty years. Soul-Pop Nina Zilli real name: Singer, songwriter, actor, director, comedian, TV host, no one can ever predict what his next move will be. After postponing the release of new material for five years, this album introduces a new and reinvented Irene in an exciting new chapter of her career.

Here she works alongside Tuscan poet Alfredo Vestrini and acts as co-writer and co-artistic director on most of the songs. One of her strongest statements is in the title track: My family believes my mother was conceived by a virgin. The logic being that my grandparents were unmarried when it happened. A harmless myth - until my life started to veer off script and the whole herd of virgin worshipers turned on me.

The idea that everyone actually thought that my grandmother was a virgin when she conceived my mother was always something I wanted to use. What is the connection between your life and the play? In our culture, a lot of families think this way: They want you to be a virgin forever.

By writing the play, I was beginning to write my own story The only memory I have of her is telling me stories. I always felt that if I told stories, she would hear me somehow. And my mother, of course My earliest memory was when I was 3 or 4 before my grandmother passed away. I would come up with stories and tell them to anyone who would listen.

I would get up on the kitchen table and recite poems An injured collar bone was the result one time. Everything I knew about myself and my identity was filtered through stories. When I stop and think about it, I feel so overwhelmed. I remember my professors asking me what my biggest fear was: I thought that no one would care. I think that it could happen. What did you learn from writing and performing this play?

To create my own story and never settle for less. Once you take control of your own life, things start to come to you. For tickets, contact the National Congress of Italian-Canadians at or the Rialto Theater at Due pieghe gli solcavano il viso duro, agli angoli della bocca, come a chiudere e ancora accentuare quel sorriso.

This awareness led him in the choice of his literary models and career. These novels do not follow a chronological narration nor do they logically present a plot. Consolo uses language metaphorically and historical events are presented from several viewpoints and are drawn from archival documents, epistolary accounts, chronicles and critical commentaries. An act of justice will be accomplished only when the prosecutor Giovanni Interdonato, who has a striking resemblance.

He understands how unjust a society is, where only the dominant class possesses the instruments of power, the right to speak, to write and to legislate. Just before he died in January at age 78, he was tempted to go back for good to his native island. Vincenzo Consolo can be considered with Elio Vittorini and Leonardo Sciascia as one of the most significant contemporary Sicilian writers. Reading his novels is not an easy task because of the complexity of the language and the experimental style he uses, but his search for justice and constant fight against the pervading presence of the mafia put him in the category of politically engaged intellectuals who were never willing to compromise with power.

Aside from the obvious material signs, years ago in Italy, people also made the distinction between classes by attributing specific titles to respected individuals. Priests, people from noble descent or individuals who were highly regarded were given this title. Families or individuals were given a unique nickname that identified them as much as their family names. For the most part, the nicknames were attributed generations ago and were chosen depending on either a physical trait common in a family, a job that someone exerted or an anecdote.

Each of these adjectives tells us a different story tied to the rural traditions of Southern Italy that people carry with them to this day, even after emigrating from Italy. Hundreds of examples of such nicknames are found throughout Calabria, Basilicata, Puglia Salento and Sicily. Some of them were well thought of, some. You can definitely learn some interesting facts about people based on these nicknames! Here are a few examples: Ciorno is also a common last name in the town of Rossano in the province of Cosenza.

Sono una diaspora simile e diversa. Essi parlano un misto di rom e di rumeno. I Rom italiani, invece, sono cattolici ed hanno cognomi italiani Spinelli, Cavallo, Orfei, ecc. Se i primi hanno una dieta alimentare tipicamente rumena basti pensare alle foglie di verza ripiene di carne macinata e salsa , i Rom italiani si nutrono come gli italiani pizza, pasta, ecc. Spesso incompresi, a volte invidiati, gli zingari e il loro stile di vita boemo suscitano da sempre sentimenti contrastanti, spesso ostili.

Come promuovere l'integrazione delle nuove generazioni gitane dell'Est europeo nel Bel Paese? I primi Rom sono arrivati in Italia nel Sono rimasti per secoli allevatori di cavalli, artigiani, arrotini, circensi come la nota famiglia Orfei , giostrai. Basti pensare al flamenco in Spagna o alla musica rom rumena e alla rom balcanica. La maggioranza sono Rom italiani, tali da generazioni, addirittura da secoli. Dopo il , con la crisi del socialismo reale, sono arrivati in Italia migliaia di Rom dalla Romania e dalla ex Jugoslavia.

In altri casi, lavorano in nero in fabbriche e cantieri in condizioni di vero sfruttamento. Nel rispondere va tenuto in conto che molti di loro sono cittadini italiani da secoli e generazioni, ed i nuovi arrivati lo stanno diventando. I Rom risolvono i loro problemi in assemblee dette Kris o nominando al proprio interno dei giudici parenti stretti, anziani, persone rispettate. Sulla base della politica di Artezian diritti in cambio di doveri , il Comune gli ha concesso un terreno su cui far sorgere il campo, lasciandoli tuttavia vivere in baracche di legno con servizi essenziali: Gli uffici di Artezian hanno comunque un computer ed Internet.

Grazie al modello Artezian, I generi di Dainef, Menelao e Vitalis, hanno fondato due imprese individuali: Ho visto anche gara di Bari. Adesso, degli zingari felici in piazza si deve solo sperare Maggiore a ubriacarsi di luna, di vendetta e di guerra. Ma cosa succede in Italia? Riassumendo, quale consiglio dare? Can't decide between a fixed rate and a variable rate? Combine the 2 options and diversify your mortgage. A good way to build the loan that works for you and get a better average rate. Cassa popolare Desjardins Canadese Italiana, member of the Desjardins Movement, first cooperative financial group in Canada and 6th in the world is proud of its history, its values and its human capital.

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Attraverso le maschere e i costumi confezionati da loro stessi, ognuno rappresentava un personaggio misterioso. Unico nel suo genere, il carnevale ha fatto vivere tanti momenti allegri anche ai nonni, ai genitori e ai numerosi volontari. La sala da ballo era stata decorata con delle bellissime immagini di Venezia e tante decorazioni veneziane.

Gli invitati sono stati accolti da giovani vestiti da gondolieri. Ogni premiato ha ricevuto una pergamena e una bottiglia di prosecco. Almerindo Riccio che ha compiuto cento anni. Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia. Writer and actress Michaela Di Cesare recited an excerpt from one of her plays. The conference was followed by a cocktail and the vernissage of artwork by women belonging to different ethnic communities. Wanting to do more for children who suffer from health complications or disabilities, eleven dedicated members who strongly believe in this cause have been putting their efforts together to raise funds.

The date for their fifth annual gala, is April 14, Come Visit our New Showroom Do you want to secure you business from theft and vandalism? Do you want to keep an eye on your business anywhere and anytime? Microcomp provides leading integrated camera surveillance solutions. You will be able to access your camera surveillance system remotely with your smartphone in real-time.

Call us to secure your business and have peace of mind. Le Groupe Technique Microcomp inc. Vittorio Pellegrino — Presidente onorario di questa edizione del Premio Venezia, i candidati premiati: Groundwater, Me Paul E. Legault — Presidente della giuria, premiata: Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno contribuito al successo di questa bellissima serata. Fun-filled activities for children and talks by special guest speakers will bring home something special and will encourage and spark awareness all year round.

Proceeds from this event will go to Autism Canada. I First row from left: Second row from left: On this occasion, six deserving university students of Italian origin were honoured for their excellent academic results for the year University representatives were among the numerous guests that represented the Italian Canadian community of Ottawa. A message by the Ambassador of Italy in Canada, H. A message was also delivered by the Mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson. The Giovanni Caboto Award was established in to encourage Italian Canadians to pursue higher education and to encourage more widespread study of Italian and of Italian Canadian culture and related studies.

Grads, significant others and faculty members who wish to attend can email their name and telephone number to: As you can see from her picture, my mother, Anna-Maria Ientile ,was a beautiful, vibrant, loving woman. This picture was taken at Christmas, the year before she passed away. She had a smile that could light up a room, and a laugh you could hear from miles away! Her humour and silliness was infectious! My sister Celia and I had many good times and many great laughs with her.

My mother passed away when I was only 23 years old she was She was not only the greatest mother a girl could ask for, but she was also my best friend. I am now 30 years old, married, and I am blessed with a beautiful one year old daughter, Sofia Anna. If I had one more day with my mother, I would tell her all about my wonderful wedding, my fantastic husband, and of course introduce her to her sweet, amazing granddaughter.

I would give anything to see her smile and to hear her laugh one more time. But most importantly, if I had one more day with my mother, I would tell her how much I love her and miss her; I would thank her for making me the strong woman I am today and for showing me how to be the best mom to my little girl. Celebrazione della vita di Donato Giuseppe Battista: Anche i suoi colleghi di lavoro lo amavano e lo rispettavano molto. Se avessi un altro giorno da passare insieme, caro fratello, lo trascorrerei passegiando con te e il tuo cane Browny, parlando delle tante cose che ti interessavano.

Poi leggeremmo poesie bevendo del buon vino ed ascoltando You are the sunshine of my life. Infine, mi lasceresti salutandomi con il tuo sorriso, sempre raggiante e cosi incantevole. Il sorriso non costa niente e rende felice il cuore. Grazie di cuore per questo bellissimo regalo.