Booklet: How to Plan a Great Second Life: What are you going to do with your extra 30 years?

Microgynon 30 ED

Read all of this booklet carefully before you start taking this medicine. What Microgynon 30 ED does 2. What you need to know before you use Microgynon 30 ED 3. Taking Microgynon 30 ED 3. Possible side effects 5. How to store Microgynon 30 ED 6. What is in Microgynon 30 ED and who makes it. You take it to stop you getting pregnant. This contraceptive contains two types of female sex hormones, oestrogen and progestogen.

These hormones stop you getting pregnant by working in three ways: Microgynon 30 ED is taken every day without a break. Only condoms can help to do this. Before you start using Microgynon 30 ED you should read the information on blood clots in section 2. It is particularly important to read the symptoms of a blood clot — see Section 2. You should not use Microgynon 30 ED if you have any of the conditions listed below.

If you do have any of the conditions listed below, you must tell your doctor. Your doctor will discuss with you what other form of birth control would be more appropriate.

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Some of the conditions listed below can be made worse by taking the Pill. Or they may mean it is less suitable for you. You may still be able to take Microgynon 30 ED but you need to take special care and have check-ups more often. If the condition develops, or gets worse while you are using Microgynon 30 ED, you should also tell your doctor.

Using a combined hormonal contraceptive such as Microgynon 30 ED increases your risk of developing a blood clot compared with not using one.

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In rare cases a blood clot can block vessels and cause serious problems. Recovery from blood clots is not always complete. Rarely, there may be serious lasting effects or, very rarely, they may be fatal. It is important to remember that the overall risk of having a harmful blood clot due to Microgynon 30 ED is small. If you are unsure, talk to a doctor as some of these symptoms such as coughing or being short of breath may be mistaken for a milder condition such as a respiratory tract infection e. Sometimes the symptoms of stroke can be brief with an almost immediate and full recovery, but you should still seek urgent medical attention as you may be at risk of another stroke.

The risk of developing a blood clot in a vein is highest during the first year of taking a combined hormonal contraceptive for the first time. The risk may also be higher if you restart taking a combined hormonal contraceptive the same product or a different product after a break of 4 weeks or more. After the first year, the risk gets smaller but is always slightly higher than if you were not using a combined hormonal contraceptive.

The risk depends on your natural risk of VTE and the type of combined hormonal contraceptive you are taking. The risk of a blood clot with Microgynon 30 ED is small but some conditions will increase the risk. Your risk is higher:. It is important to tell your doctor if any of these conditions apply to you, even if you are unsure. Your doctor may decide that Microgynon 30 ED needs to be stopped. If any of the above conditions change while you are using Microgynon 30 ED, for example a close family member experiences a thrombosis for no known reason, or you gain a lot of weight, tell your doctor.

Like a blood clot in a vein, a clot in an artery can cause serious problems. For example, it can cause a heart attack or a stroke. It is important to note that the risk of a heart attack or stroke from using Microgynon 30 ED is very small but can increase:. If you have more than one of these conditions or if any of them are particularly severe the risk of developing a blood clot may be increased even more.

If any of the above conditions change while you are using Microgynon 30 ED, for example you start smoking, a close family member experiences a thrombosis for no known reason, or you gain a lot of weight, tell your doctor. While high dose Pills reduce your risk of cancer of the ovary and womb if used in the long term, it is not clear whether lower dose Pills like Microgynon 30 ED also provide the same protective effects. However, it also seems that taking the Pill slightly increases your risk of cancer of the cervix — although this may be due to having sex without a condom, rather than the Pill.

All women should have regular smear tests. If you have breast cancer, or have had it in the past, you should not take the Pill. The Pill slightly increases your risk of breast cancer. Because breast cancer is rare in women under the age of 40, the extra cases of breast cancer in current and recent Pill users is small. Taking the Pill has also been linked to liver diseases, such as jaundice and non-cancer liver tumours, but this is rare.

Very rarely, the Pill has also been linked with some forms of liver cancer in women who have taken it for a long time. Also check the leaflets that come with all your medicines to see if they can be taken with hormonal contraceptives. Some medicines can have an influence on the blood levels of Microgynon 30 ED and can stop it from working properly — for example:.

If you do need to take one of these medicines, Microgynon 30 ED may not be suitable for you or you may need to use extra contraception for a while.

Active ingredient

DOWNLOAD BOOKLET HOW TO PLAN A GREAT SECOND LIFE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH. YOUR EXTRA 30 YEARS booklet how to plan pdf. The minute CD will play in your car, on your stereo, and can even be saved to your I-POD, if you are into listening about planning your future that way! A blueprint for planning one’s last 30 years—readable in 30 minutes! or your group cares enough to suggest how they can use those extra years productively!.

Your doctor, pharmacist or dentist can tell you if this is necessary and for how long. Microgynon 30 ED can also affect how well other medicines work. Your doctor may need to adjust the dose of your other medicine. In addition, Microgynon 30 ED can also interfere with the results of some blood tests, so always tell your doctor that you are taking Microgynon 30 ED if you have a blood test.

Your doctor will prescribe another type of contraceptive prior to start of the treatment with these medicinal products. Microgynon 30 ED can be restarted approximately 2 weeks after completion of this treatment. Do not use Microgynon 30 ED if you are pregnant. If you think you might be pregnant, do a pregnancy test to confirm that you are before you stop taking Microgynon 30 ED.

If you are breast-feeding, your doctor or family planning nurse may advise you not to take Microgynon 30 ED.

They will be able to suggest alternative contraception. Breast-feeding may not stop you getting pregnant. If you have been told by your doctor that you have intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before using Microgynon 30 ED. To prevent pregnancy, always take Microgynon 30 ED as described below. Check with your doctor or family planning nurse if you are not sure. This pack is designed to help you remember to take your pills.

Your pack contains 3 foil memo strips with 3 sets of 7 self-adhesive strips showing the days of the week. Each foil memo strip contains 28 tablets: As long as you take Microgynon 30 ED correctly, you will always start each new strip on the same day of the week. It is best to take your first Microgynon 30 ED pill on the first day of your next period. By starting in this way, you will have contraceptive protection with your first pill. If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy, your doctor may tell you to start taking Microgynon 30 ED straight away.

This means that you will have contraceptive protection with your first pill. If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion after the third month of pregnancy, ask your doctor for advice. You may need to use extra contraception, such as condoms, for a short time. If you have just had a baby, your doctor may advise you that Microgynon 30 ED should be started 21 days after delivery provided that you are fully mobile.

You do not have to wait for a period. You will need to use another method of contraception, such as a condom, until you start Microgynon 30 ED and for the first 7 days of pill taking. If you are less than 12 hours late with an active pill , take it straight away. Keep taking your pills at the usual time. This may mean taking two pills in one day. If you are more than 12 hours late with an active pill , or you have missed more than one active pill, your contraceptive protection may be reduced.

If you forget to take one of the large white inactive pills, take it straight away. If you have missed any of the pills in a strip, and you do not bleed while taking the large white inactive pills, you may be pregnant. Contact your doctor or family planning clinic, or do a pregnancy test yourself.

If you had sex in the last seven days, ask your doctor, family planning nurse or pharmacist for advice. You may need to consider emergency contraception. You should also use extra contraception, such as a condom, for seven days. Either take the last active pill of the strip in place of the lost pill. Then take all the other pills on their proper days. When should you start planning? Why not just wait and plan later? What do I do now?

The actual dollars and sense What will you take with you into your second life? It all starts with a dream list Some dreams are better than others! And some dreams are age-appropriate Get your spouse or mate involved Get your dream lists in sync Every dream needs an action plan We love Palomino Blackwing Pencils for our note-taking. Once past the initial sharpening with a standard pencil sharpener, we use a cheap plastic Staedtler manual pencil sharpener , which we set right beside us whenever we are writing.

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We unfailingly recommend Khan Academy , not only for math, but for pretty much anything. You may not be aware that Sal has written a fantastic book about his experiences in starting Khan Academy and his vision for education: The One World Schoolhouse: Or our LHTL videos that show the instructors?

Feel free to comment in the discussion forum here. Her observations involve seven widely held beliefs that are harming students: Although this book was written for UK audiences, its findings are perfectly translatable to what is going on in the US. We recently had the opportunity to have breakfast with Peter Brown, the first author of the redoubtable Make It Stick: So we took the opportunity to reread the book before our meeting.

A Spanish version is also available: La ciencia del aprendizaje exitoso. Barb had the chance to read this superlative book pre-press, and she has a beautiful hard copy beside her as she writes this. The deep learning revolution has brought us driverless cars, the greatly improved Google Translate, fluent conversations with Siri and Alexa, and enormous profits from automated trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Deep learning networks can play poker better than professional poker players and defeat a world champion at Go.

In this book, Terry Sejnowski explains how deep learning went from being an arcane academic field to a disruptive technology in the information economy. How to Be an Effective Teacher. This self-published book has sold over four million copies in the decades it has been in print, perhaps making it one of the most successful self-published books ever. We found the practice of placing entire bibliographic references into the middle of sentences, instead of just referring to them in an endnote, to be pretty clumsy—it was clear this is a self-published book. But even so, there was a lot of great advice.

Yet, as Christensen and Eyring show, deliberate and judicious choices to not emulate Harvard can result in tremendous cost-savings for students.

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The Great Gatsby , by F. Nick, the narrator, is an honest guide to how love led his friend Jay Gatsby to the boundless, tragic pursuit of money. This book is a beautifully written reflection on life, idealism, and ambition, all framed in the excesses of the Roaring Twenties. Many of you have already realized that is the approach we took with the creation of Learning How to Learn.

This is an inspiring book about how to improve both yourself and the lives of others. Plus, who knew that Franklin almost made a living as a swimming instructor? We have a habit of reading books about rebellious, contrarian sorts of people. A pioneering work in education. Barb was lucky enough to speak with Saundra about her book a few days ago—Saundra herself is a force to be reckoned with in helping reshape attitudes towards student learning.

This is the epic tale of how Jan Baalsrud, a Norwegian commando, overcame virtually every hardship that could be thrown at a human being as he fought, skied, limped, dragged, was carried, was entombed, and yet still carried on. This book will inspire you to carry on with aplomb—it is unforgettable! News and World Report has called Arizona State University, which Crow helms, the 1 university for innovation in the country. Sadly, the main points of the book are buried beneath clunky prose. The University We Need: Suggestions such as the creation of a national National Academic Honesty Board overlook the fact that state boards designed to ferret out cheating in state schools never actually seem to do so.

See the discussion in the far better book Freakonomics for why this occurs. Fascinating insights into the differences between US and German parenting cultures. Lipska the neuroscientist of the title and Elaine McArdle. This is a wondrously eye-opening account of what it feels like to go mad, or to be like one of those mean, nasty, self-centered, semi-crazy types who you sometimes run into if you work in customer service. Good insight into the brain even as we readers receive wonderful insight into the frailty and wonder of human consciousness.

This week we read The Magic of Impromptu Speaking: Along with useful insights, Andrii provides wonderful stories about speaking, including his own growth from shy youth to outgoing public speaker. A useful primer to help you gain more comfort in speaking publicly, and an easy, nice read. An earlier book we also enjoyed several years ago was Maphead: A thought-provoking and interesting read. This was such a riveting book that we finished it all in one evening. The upshot is this whopping cautionary tale featuring world-class frauds and utterly ruthless, no-bounds-of-human-decency litigators.

John Carreyrou and the Wall Street Journal deserve kudos for this edge-of-the-seat investigative reporting. Also a great book for audio. A guide to help someone you love , by Paul Wallis. But who would have ever thought that a book on macular degeneration could be both entertaining and enlightening? A guide to help someone you love is a delightful, informative, and upbeat book about a condition that most know little about. Chapters 1 through 9 in particular give a nice overview of the topic.

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Factors that increase your risk of a blood clot in an artery It is important to note that the risk of a heart attack or stroke from using Microgynon 30 ED is very small but can increase: At first, her recommendations may simply seem impossible. Josh is a wonderful writer with a wealth of telling stories—his book is hard to put down. Keep taking Microgynon 30 ED as usual. A free, no-strings-attached gift of 30 extra years!

If you want a more up-to-date perspective on modern-day social structures in China, this book will give you a broad perspective. While in China we were also recommended another related biography— Wu: The Chinese Empress who schemed, seduced and murdered her way to become a living God , a living God is, after all, a nice gig if you can get it.

This revisionist biography lends a sympathetic eye to Empress Dowager Cixi — , who is considered by many to be the most important woman in Chinese history. If you want to catch a sense of the conditions that led to modern China, this intriguing book will keep you captivated—great biographies are one of the easiest ways to learn about history.

Incidentally, Empress Dowager Cixi is a nice book for audio. Jung Chang is also the author of the spectacular international best-seller Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China , with over ten million copies sold worldwide. Yes, Jung Chang can write! We LOVE this best-selling book, which has been optioned for translation into 19 different languages!

The Soul of an Octopus: She also read the Audible version of her book. This National Book Award Finalist caught our attention because we had no idea that octopuses are so smart and so filled with personality. Montgomery is an infectiously enthusiastic writer who could get you excited about anything. The book also gives great insight into the behind-the-scenes work needed to run a world-class aquarium, and the magic of diving on coral reefs in search of wild octopuses.

Have you always wondered how an utterly alien intelligence might think? This insightful book was co-authored by some of the most influential researchers around. The book jacket says it best: Underlining and highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of new skills create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. More complex and durable learning come from self-testing, introducing certain difficulties in practice, waiting to re-study new material until a little forgetting has set in, and interleaving the practice of one skill or topic with another.

Speaking most urgently to students, teachers, trainers, and athletes, Make It Stick will appeal to all those interested in the challenge of lifelong learning and self-improvement.

  • Morta (Portuguese Edition).
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  • Lettera a un insegnante (Italian Edition)!
  • Information about by Gordon Burgett.

He offers great insight into how and why you can broaden your network, and how important it is to open your mind to those who are different from you, in background, training, outlook, or ideology. A nice book also for audio listening. Rimbeaux, which comes complete with three bean bags for juggling. So recently, Barb picked up another copy of Juggling for the Complete Klutz and its accompanying bean bags and began to renew her juggling skills.

The Courage to Grow: