Alleymeat (The Muffin Man Chronicles Book 1)

demise daughter

Garbage Pail Kids — created in was supposed to be released in or but letters protesting the possiblity of the show shelved this one till it was released in the year on dvd. Anyway nobody missed much and considering they had let a lot slide — a villain who was virtually a skeleton , animated teens who carried weapons this was a good place to draw the line. Perhaps a step up from the vileness of the Garbage Pail movie but not much. The cartoons were hilarous and easy to like — Garfield was a bit of a cynic barely tolerating his nerdy owner Jon Arbuckle who was constantly dressed in loud outfits and fruitlessly attemptED to attract the opposite sex.

The characters were eccletic to say the least — Wade was a nervous duck who constantly wore an inflated ring-tube around his waist , Sheldon a chick who refused to come out of his shell — he was drawn as an egg with legs. Booker another chick , Lanolin a rather in-your-face lamb and Orson a pig the most normal of the bunch and the hero. Almost every episode had a song in it. Really well done series. The Gary Coleman show was an animated version of the hit t.

He was able in the series to work some celestial magic and along the way as an villain was Hornswoggle a worker sent from Hell to tempt him or thwart his helpful attempts. A slight spoof on Tarzan this king of the jungle was more klutz of the jungle. Forever crashing into trees , treating his elephant Shep like a dog , patient wife the buxom Ursula and intelligent ape called Ape. Since it was done by Jay Ward the same creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Dudley Do-Right it had the same familiar tone of puns , and that rakish vintage humor remniscent of old silent films where women were tied to train tracks.

The Get-Along Gang — — Based on characters created for American Greeting Corporation cards , they were turned into books a special and this series. Hoofnagle an old goat. The focus was on friendship with Montgomery always trying to keep the others from fighting and always having a kind word for everyone.

The villains were a couple of crocodile toughs.

Gilligan had a pet alien named Thumper and a robot! The plot centered on the G. JOE military special task force fighting against the exploits of terrorist unit Cobra whose main goal is a global takeover. Inventions and twisted technology are often used by the villains who scout all over the world for scientists to kidnap and exploit.

The Glo Friends — Sparked by the hit toy — the Glow Worm which came out in I think , glo friends were produced as kindof collectables for those that had the glo worm but wanted more — glo bugs , beetles and ants appeared and seeing the popularity of other cartoons stemmed from toys the glo friends were produced and airred.

Bookish Thoughts, Book Reviews & Tales of Small Town Charms

The cartoon featured the cute little bugs with the lightup faces in the magical forest of Glo Land. Their ability to glo and basically their lifeforce depends on stocking the glo pond with Moondrops. Of course a cartoon would not be complete without an opposition and he came in the form of Starnose leader of the Moligans — Moles I think cause Moles like darkness and want to harness the glo worms as slaves to help them find gold. Goldie Gold and Action Jack — — — Interesting sortof grownup type cartoon or at least the theme — it sounds more like a twist on Moonlighting!

They had high flying action fueled adventures which they reported back to the editor gruff Sam Gritt. Villains were called the blockheads — red blockheaded shaped creatures who were always making mischief. Others appeared especially Professor Kapp whose inventions caused some mayhem. Interesting to say the least one low point was the sing song intro. Gummi bears was a popular candy — rubbery little fruit flavored bears in translucent colors a little like eating fingertip sized balloon animals. The Gummi Bears did have an interesting storyline and theme — they were pint sized bears — another smurf vein that lived in a big hallowed oak in a place called Gummi Glen during the anchient times of castles and wizards and kings.

There were six gummi bears — Grammi Gummi a tart grandmotherly gummi, who could never seem to get the hang of cooking and who always sparred with Gruffi Gummi -a snappish Mr. Fixit who seemed to carry the weight of keeping the small tribe organized. Zummi Gummi a scatterbrained gummi who was the oldest and after finding the great book of Gummi decided to try his hand at magic — though he was always backfiring his spells. Tummi Gummi was -like his name implies a major food-lover , he was also an older teen who was pretty laid back and easy going.

Irronically he shared the same voice as Garfield the cat. Sunni Gummi a twelve year old valley-girl gummi who would rather spend the day hanging out at the castle with human Princess Calla also around twelve or thirteen, rather than picking Gummi bears. Cubbi Gummi the youngest a freespirited boy who longs for action and adventure — he always carries a tiny wooden sword with him.

Most of their time was spent avoiding humans as ages ago the humans had driven all their kind in great ships across the water to a place called — Gummidoon. I think this is a awsome site it is telling everyone about the old shows and I even remember most of them. Most of my info is word of mouth , old articles , t. Thanks for stopping by! Yeah that brought me right back… One thing though… There were six gummis. The sixth you did not mention was Tummi Gummi….

Hi, love the site, lots of memorys and I thought maybe you could help me locate the cartoon for this image please? Been searching all over. You can also find it on You Tube. Hey TheBox, I remember it. Argai, there you go: It was more grounded in reality and not too far fetched like most of the other cartoons of the time if I remember right. Any guesses on the name of the show would be appreciated, thanks.

Are thinking of star blazers or thunderbirds Both had space scenes with a white space station I believe. What I do remember from one episode is where they had to go outside the spaceship and do some repair work before an attack force arrived. Does anyone know about a show with little mushroom people, and their houses glowed in the dark. I watched it as a little kid and I want to remember it but I cant.

He always had some bees flying around his head. This is really impressive. Hello , my name is estre, I wonder if someone knows , a cartoon with sweet creatures that lived underground ,by the garbage, and they are funny looking and they could talk, i used to watch them in canada ,around There was a cartoon which i watched at school about a boy and his sister and they have to stay at an evil magicians house, where they have to work for their keep i think.

The magician goes out and tells the boy not to mess with his magical things especially a book of spells, he does, and the magician returns and they begin a war of spells… the boy turns into some small insect and the magician turns into a spider and the boy regains his human form and closes the book to kill the magician! Any chance that you know the name… great anime affectionado Peacharino???

OMG what is the name of this magician cartoon! I have childhood flashbacks! Cant find anything on google. Does anyone remember a cartoon where I believe it was the narrator who would draw objects with a pencil as the cartoon progressed? It was about a teenage girl who would babysit and say she wanted to go out, the pencil would draw a car!

He is trying to walk but the roots keep coming into a ground from his feet. And ultimately he became a Tree? Yea I am sure. And the green guy in that movie sorta looks like one I am looking for. I remember this cartoon, but like you, its name escapes me. At the end the heroes are fleeing from the villain and his henchman. The villain ignores him and proceeds inside, but before he can go further, a voice talks to him, chastising him for his arrogance.

His feet turn into roots and he can no longer move. The voice talks again, mocking him, and his legs turn into a trunk. Does anyone remember that cartoon about 3 crazy bears that love to eat Liquid Pizza and escaped from the zoo then came back to their cave after doing all kinds of mischief. About a bunch of rats who made music by chomping thief teeth together? About a bunch of rats who made music by chomping thier teeth together? What a trip down memory lane. I loved ducktales, dungeons n dragons.

Can anyone think of his name? Please let me know. Also, it sounds a lot like what Feathers 15 is looking for. Does anyone know of a character who is a blonde, white boy. I think the main character was a little robot, like the size of a boy , and he had a team that of humans, and I think they used to have big animal robots they they would travel around in with the robot boy to fight the bad guys. I think one of the animal ship things was a frog, I dunno about the others. And I think the bad guys were a man and a woman kind of like in pokemon but without the cat.

I remember that In one of the episodes the bad guys had a gun called the Happy Ray which they can shoot you and make you go really happy and out of control but at the end they somehow get shot themselves. This list is awesome! So here goes nothing….. There was a shoe about 4 guys, who each had a special coloured suit like green, yellow, blue, and red I think and the green guy could go underwater with it and it was a cartoon and the toys came out and were AWESOME.

Also, this is a LONG shot. There were NO words, it was a crude kind of animation and it was a boy who enjoyed the sun and then something evil came and stole the sun and hid it in a chest and ran away. The boy then had to find the chest to let the sun back out, there was weird music, no words, could have been foreign, and like I mentioned a crude animation. It was, I just downloaded a few episodes now. Looking for a animated movie or cartoon where a man cuts a magical tree down and builds a building on it, he then uses its powers to become rich and powerful until fairies stop him.

It was a series, but I only watched a few episodes on VHS. There was a boy, who was a prince, but after his father the king died his evil uncle expelled him to get the throne. The boy ran away and met with a wizard who lived in a tree trunk with some monsters. When they turned, there was some bubble effects, and the wizard also had a one wheeled motocycle. He was a typical old wizard and the price looked a lot like the boy from gummy bears but he had black hair.

The whole animation reminded me of gummy bears a lot. Please help, this drives me crazy! Not really sure how it ended. Any information really appreciated, thanks!! Okay, now I have one. But the critters get captured by an evil wizard and their friend, a larger dragon and some others go looking for them. They defeat the wizard and when they do, he turns into a tree.

It has a blonde kid in it and a talking spaceship.

Los Angeles, CA, May 9, The Canadian version of the show is the beloved Mr. Perhaps a step up from the vileness of the Garbage Pail movie but not much. Album has hole punch in lower right corner but overall is near mint. I am really enjoying your website.

He also had an invisible sword blade the handle was always visible which would materialise. I think I remember something about pirates being involved or them chasing a treasure. Everyones looking for a cartoon. He would slide down a big red letter A in the intro and it was a live action show with the little animated man as the only cartoon…..

Does anyone remember an old cartoon where 2 animals went off collecting food, and brought it back to their house in the woods to cook it which was the theme. They cooked the food in a pot? I really cant remember!? And maybe he traveled around in a rocket? Looking for a cartoon figure of a guy round, pencil drawing type figure that was shown mostly from the rounded waist up, and his chubby head would change shapes as he moved up and down..

Can i ask for permission to translate your this article of your blog into Vietnamese with credit.

Hope to receive reply from you, i really love it and thank for writing such awesome topic. Looking for a cartoon I have seen in like 00s ish? But the animation style is oldder as far as i can remember. I am not sure whats about but I remember like the last episode. There is a race of elves living in a mother tree and it gets attacked by human loggers.

The queen, who has been on this team of scientists, flys out to take down the humans with her army. Meanwhile her friend tries to stop the machine. It cuts deeper into the tree and that kills the elves. There are like christals in the tree top that represents the lives of these women. The male protagonist finds a way to stop the killing and the elven army. Any help would be amazing!! You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.

Notify me of new posts via email. This entry was posted in 80's Cartoon Guide and tagged 80's cartoons. May 2, at May 3, at 5: May 26, at 4: I really liked this site, i liked the show comic strip i used to watch it all the time. July 6, at 3: July 6, at 2: December 4, at 6: December 5, at 3: December 9, at 7: Sim Bad B says: April 3, at April 4, at 6: September 6, at 5: September 27, at 4: January 11, at 8: August 3, at 8: March 29, at 7: April 17, at 2: March 29, at 9: April 15, at 2: October 1, at May 19, at May 19, at 8: September 9, at November 14, at 6: November 15, at 5: November 25, at 2: November 25, at 6: September 16, at 6: February 14, at 9: November 27, at 8: March 19, at December 6, at 9: December 6, at 8: January 6, at 6: February 15, at February 16, at 6: February 17, at May 29, at 8: March 31, at 3: March 30, at April 5, at 5: April 12, at 5: April 17, at April 24, at 9: June 3, at August 12, at August 21, at 3: August 22, at August 23, at 2: August 27, at 7: Adam Eric Stapleton says: September 30, at 9: October 21, at October 14, at 2: October 14, at 4: November 20, at February 1, at 9: December 21, at 7: April 10, at 9: August 12, at 3: November 19, at 6: February 7, at May 17, at 1: February 8, at 5: September 11, at Did you ever find out the name?!

April 27, at 1: July 13, at 8: Love the list, Remember a lot of them from my childhood — keep it up. November 9, at 5: November 24, at November 28, at 2: May 23, at 9: June 10, at 5: September 4, at January 6, at 3: September 24, at 8: February 23, at This scene is so vibrant in my memory but nothing else, and I cant find it in newer lists.

June 3, at 4: September 18, at 3: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: The albums are very good to excellent. Story and Lyrics by Madge Tucker. Illustrated picture sleeve is excellent. Ricky Zahnd and the Blue Jeaners. Sung and told by Frank Luther. Peter Pan Records Sons of the Pioneers featuring Pat Brady. Fully illustrated by Dr. Full color cover with 3 pages of illustrations. Unfortunately the first record has a crack in it. The 2nd record is very good. The picture sleeve is intact; clean and very good or better.

The photo shows a name tag in the upper right; but that has since been cleanly removed. Hand crank operated; hard plastic. It does work; as well as a simplistic system like this should work! No breaks; no cracks; no gouges; no chips; no stains; no flaws. Near mint or better. Side two pictures the Spaghetti dinner scene in the center with other great scenes and characters around the border. Has been used but still in great condition.

Full color illustrated booklet with 2 picture disc records. Records are both excellent. Autograph is bold and sharp. Folk Songs series featuring The Merry Singers. Edge chipping and wear. Record Guild of America T Record Guild of America F Part 1 pictures Flash; Dale and Dr. Zarkov at the controls. Part 2 shows Flash and Zarkov running. Story Book Record Co. The colors are strong. Graphics are pure Kelly Pogo Possum all the way!

This is an amazingly rare piece! First one I have ever seen. Condition is a little above average for a child's record.

Nice photo of them on front. The Wonderful World of Disneyland Music. Printed in Canada - do not know if it was ever issued in the U. The records have NOT been played. The cardboard box is very worn. Near mint to mint. Illustrated by John Pl Miller. Illustrated by Robert J. Pictures by Tony De Luna. Label on each side has there caricature portraits.

We have the following; each is unused; mint. A Feature length motion picture in color - Columbia Pictures release. Illustration of YOGI on the labels. Record by Columbia Record. Premium from Maxwell House Coffee. Book is excellent to near mint.

Book is near mint or better. Book is excellent plus to near mint or better. Actual soundtrack containing words and music from the TV commercials for Wrigley Gum. Decca DL Stereo. It appears they did not appreciate the music? Great color graphics of the cast members with aliens and rocketship. The sleeve shows edge wear and is very good plus. Record is near mint or better. Minor pencil markings on booklet. Custom Fidelity Records CF Al Capp illustration on front.

Jeanne Hayes; Mike Russo; Dellwoods. Buddah Records BDS Astounding full cast live action adventures. With Bob Holiday the Superman of Broadway's hit musical! Great full color comic art sleeve.

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Zarkov and Ming the Merciless. Astounding live action tales on the Planet Mongo. Album has hole punch in lower right corner but overall is near mint. Live action tales of the two fabulous characters created by Lee Falk. Orchestra and Chorus under direction of Jimmy Carroll. This is the large 12" version; full album with hard cardboard illustrated sleeve. Sleeve is excellent with no flaws. Kid Stuff KSS 33rpm record album. Hard to find album. Columbia Harmony HS stereo. Music composed arranged and conducted by Fred Karlin. Charlie Brown Records ; issue; 33rpm record album.

Color artwork of the baseball team members on the covers. The record is near mint; the color sleeve is excellent plus. Rarely found this clean. Buena Vista Charlie Brown Records Based on the original T. Cover artwork of Charlie Brown standing next to dog house; with Snoopy asleep on top. Laurie SLP Stereo. Schultz artwork cover of Snoopy wearing pilot gear; leaning against doghouse with the Royal Guardsman dressed as pilots behind the doghouse. Very early art style; pre-cartoon. Golden Record 33rpm Album LP TV's Original Cast Album.

Record has been played and has scratches and wear. The colorful album cover displays beautifully; although it has edge wear. MINT; still factory sealed. Mystery of Mad Minnions; P. Box 65; Weatherspoon's Catalyst; Alien Creatures. The Richard Wolfe Children's Chorus. Record is excellent plus; sleeve is very good! Album says "Music from this year's hottest new television show! Warner W Mono.

Sleeve is excellent plus. Tale of spooks; hobgoblins and spirits hauntingly introduced by the Master of the Unexpected.

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Capitol T 33rpm record album. Record and jacket are excellent. Also includes themes from Dr. Bras and Percussion in High Fidelity. The star of Bonanza. More photos on backside. Includes the scarce 11" by 22" insert poster of Barnabas and Quentin. Conducts personal impressions of: Scotti Brothers EZ Great cover photo portrait of Henry Winkler.

Back of album has fold out easel; so that album will stand up like a picture frame. Columbia Stereo CS Great color portrait photo of him on jacket. Back cover has pictures of him and Joey Bishop. Book and record set. A Question of Honor. Music arranged by Hugo Montenegro. Kildare; 12 O'Clock High; and more. Orchestra conducted by Stanley Wilson. Action photo of Lee Marvin on cover; from this great TV series. Album displays very nicely but is split along the top edge. Bell Label; Canadian release. Record is mint; never played. Jacket is very good plus or nicer.

Hear 4 exciting new stories: The Future is Fantastic. Golden Crest CR Golden Crest CR Stereo. Nice photo of them on cover. The Star of Star Trek. Nice color photo of him on the jacket. With Orchestra Directed by Lew Douglas. Album jacket is excellent. Music by Richard Rodgers. Suite from the scores composed by Richard Rodgers. Earl Hamner narrates a collection of seasonal favorites performed by the Holiday Singers. Special guest appearance by Will Geer.

Color photo of the cast on cover. Great movie adventures in sound and story. Music from the original soundtrack. Color photo of the cast on back cover. Color illustrated front cover from the movie art. Back of cover has color photos from the movie; with large closeup of Muhammad Ali.

Record and sleeve are both near mint. Guaranteed Hi-Fidelity in "" hemispheric sound enlarging the horizons of listening! Music composed by Gene De Paul. Lyrics written by Johnny Mercer. Original release is MINT still factory sealed! Polydor Stereo ; ; Canadian release. Photos from the movie on backside. United Artists label; UAS ; 's. Haunted House Music Co.

The Muffin Man - Plus Lots More Nursery Rhymes - 63 Minutes Compilation from LittleBabyBum!

Listen in terror to Count Dracula! Scream along with his victim! Hear Frankenstein break loose! Horrific sounds for Halloween fun. Skull graphics on label. Somerset SF Stereo 33rpm. Monster Sounds and Dance Music. The Creed Taylor Orchestra. Hopkins is a well known composer of film soundtracks such as Baby Doll and 12 Angry Men.

Frankenstein's Monster talks; Dracula's return. The jacket is excellent plus. Halo High Fidelity Little World Records; Ideal Based on the famous Ideal Doll. Album is very good with a hole punched in upper right and edge wear. The record itself is very well played and worn. Actual high speed sound and excitement of pure power on the water. Volume 3 in the Sound Series. The original Mercury Theatre radio broadcast from David Frye did great impersonations of then President Richard Nixon.

Audio Fidelity DFM The record follows the book Word for Word. The Action comes alive. The Amazing story of the Challenger Expedition Wells' Tales of things to come: Narrated by Bill Stern. Special Collectors Edition with full color 8 page Commemorative Booklet. Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston Texas. Neil Armstrong; Buzz; Michael Collins.

Side two has endorsements from: The Chipmunk Song and 11 other songs sung by The Grasshoppers. The Sounds of a Vanishing Era. A study in High Fidelity Sound. Columbia Records custom pressed for Philco. Elektra EKS Stereo. Produced and directed by Ron Jacobs. Margolis and Jere Alan Brian. A George Garabedian Production. The most amazing thing is the cover artwork of two skeletons hanging inside body cages. Mark 56 Records This aired on NB on November 17;