A Fine Body Of Men: Eddathorpe Mystery #3

Germany: Hamburg

Please see below for details of our accessibility arrangements. If you require further information please call Reception on or email tatton cheshireeast. Drop off zone for disabled passengers and limited blue badge holder spaces are available in the Stableyard car park, close to the Mansion and Gardens. Blue badge parking is available close to the Farm and Old Hall by prior arrangement.

There are accessible toilets available in the Stableyard and at Knutsford Entrance. Toilets are also available at the Old Hall and Home Farm during attraction opening times. There is tarmac access at the Stableyard and a paved approach path to the toilets at Home Farm. Electric buggies Gardens only and manual wheelchairs are available for loan when visiting our attractions. They are only available for use in the attraction they are hired from ie they cannot be used to move between attractions and in the Parkland.

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Wheelchair loan for the Gardens and Mansion can be pre-arranged in advance of your visit subject to availability. Please telephone to make a booking: Education rooms in the Stable area and Home Farm have static hearing loops. Flagged pathways have been laid to avoid cobbled areas. Wheelchair friendly picnic tables are located in this area.

There is access to the Mansion for people with mobility difficulties by means of a ramp. Visitors can request access to the ramp from Mansion Assistants. There is then level access around the entire first floor of the Mansion and all state rooms can be viewed. Wheelchairs can be pre-booked or provided on request subject to availability. The upper level of the Mansion can only be accessed by stairs. A stair climber is available operated by Mansion Assistants. There is a maximum weight limit of kg approx 19 stone for use of this facility. If you would like to use this facility please telephone or to book in advance as it is dependant on availability of staff.

Please note that carers will have to assist in transfer from wheelchair to stair climber and back. For those not wishing to go upstairs there is a photograph album of the upstairs rooms. Pushchairs should not be brought in to the Mansion - they can be left in the lodge directly opposite the main door and visitors will be offered one of the baby carriers that we can provide.

The Gardens at Tatton Park cover an area of 50 acres. The routes to the main show gardens are paved with compacted gravel which facilitates access for people using wheelchairs. Path gradients are within the recommended limits. Ramp to entrance, step-free access to most areas. Steps to formal and rose garden. Please note only assistance dogs are allowed in the formal gardens. The farm is maintained as a s farm and, as such, retains the features of a farmyard. The yard is predominantly cobbled which makes access more problematic.

Once stone steps up to the entrances have been negotiated, the cattle, donkey and pig sheds can be accessed easily across smooth, level floors. There is ramp access to the lower level of farm cottage but upper levels are inaccessible to wheelchair users. The farm is a working farm and the real sights and smells of the farm can be appreciated during the visit.

Visits take the form of a guided tour and staff will discuss the site with people with mobility difficulties who may not be able to visit the whole site. There is a grassy surface between entrance and Old Hall. There is level access to ground floor rooms beginning and end of tour , ramp into reception area and barn. There are steep steps to upper floor and low lighting in some parts.

We have a large and varied children's play area that has seen the installation of new integrated play equipment some of which is purpose built for wheelchair users. The play area is fully accessible for wheelchair users and has tarmac pathways. The new bird hide, introduced in , is fully accessible with a wheelchair ramp and a wheelchair viewing bay. Conference and banqueting facilities are accessible to all users. One meeting room in the Mansion requires the use of stair climbers to access.

We do not offer any concessionary rates for attractions but will admit one helper free when this is necessary to allow full enjoyment of the visit. Tatton Park welcomes groups of all ages and interests. Whether you have a full day or a half day to spend at our estate, we can organise an itinerary to make the most of your time here.

The acres of parkland are home to two herds of deer which you should be able to glimpse from your coach on arrival. There are four attractions to choose from - the Mansion, Gardens, Farm and Old Hall and a choice of speciality shops to enjoy browsing in. The Stables Restaurant offers food using local ingredients including those from the Tatton estate and welcomes groups for coffees, lunches or afternoon teas.

Please note that in order to qualify for the discounted rates available to groups and to benefit from our Meet and Greet service then your visit must be pre-booked. A group is classed as 12 or more people. We recommend four or more hours if you are visiting all of our attractions, or three hours if you are just visiting the Mansion and Gardens, which still leaves time for refreshments in the Restaurant. If you are interested in making a group booking please Fill in a Group Bookings enquiry form online.

In the Altmuehl Valley there are many castles, and quite a number of them exceed Prunn as to extent, value of equipment or age. Nevertheless, the comparatively small castle of Prunn is one of the best-known castles of Bavaria owing to its unique site and the harmonious combination of natural scenery and architectural performance. A document of A. One hundred years later the castle belonged to the family of the barons of Laaber and Breitenbrunn.

At that time the oldest preserved parts of the castle were built, above all the mighty tower. In the knights of Frauenberg bought the castle, and this family retained ownership until Their heraldic figure is the white horse which was painted on the outer wall of the castle. The most famous member of the family was Jack the Joyous, an experienced warrior whose marble gravestone is in the parish church of Prunn. An heirloom of his was an ornamented manuscript of the Nibelungenlied, the famous medieval German epic.

It has been called the "Prunn Godex" and is now a unique specimen in the National Library of Bavaria. In the 16th century the ducal councillor von Koekh remodelled parts of the castle. Two centuries later the Jesuits added rococo ornament to a number of rooms and to the chapel. Since the castle has been state property. Once upon a time there was a rich knight in Prunn who had no son. His heir apparent was his only daughter, a beautiful young lady.

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The old knight was apalled at the thought that all his riches should fall into the hands of a stranger by marriage. But the old knight proclaimed an arduous condition. Only he should get permission to marry the lady who dared ride around the castle at the bottom of the wall. Some young men risked the dangerous ride on the steep slopes of the hill, but they all crashed down at the precipice where there is now the picture of the white horse. One day a young and stately knight arrived as a wooer. The young knight, however, had an old head on young shoulders, for he carefully studied the hazardous course around the castle - following the motto "look before you leap".

When he was near the precipice which had been fatal to his fellow wooers, he saw a piece of parchment dangling on a string, lie read: When he looked up he saw the adored lady who gave him a shy smile and a wink. He bowed to the lady, and his heart beat passionately.

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Their heraldic figure is the white horse which was painted on the outer wall of the castle. How different Mann Gulch looked, for me, covered in spring green. Whether at the time of the run-up one can give clotrimazolum and aqua-gel for year-old children. But the film has action, sentiment and other things so now they are happy. I have for sale sizable dog race danish-Swedish rural dog. Submit your order product Mixels Series 4 Flamzer.

Then he climbed down, tied to a rope, and he saw that the walls actually touched the bottom between a crevice, lie would fulfil the condition if he rode down at this spot. The next day he appeared on his white horse. Then he rode around the castle both on the hillside and on the side of the precipice where he rode down to the bottom and crevice. The old knight very reluctantly had to agree to the marriage when both his daughter and the young knight urged him to consent. They became a happy pair.

To commemorate the risky ride the young knight had the picture of his white horse painted on the wall. The clouds disappeared and a half moon provided soft lighting on my tent camp along Cottonwood Creek. It had rained a lot in the previous few days. The air smelled fresh and crisp and the new cottonwood leaves lit up the landscape with their bright green color.

It was quiet the entire night, except for the constant trickling and murrmuring sound of Cottonwood Creek, beside my camp. I found an authorized camping area on Cottonwood Creek and checked it out. I returned and set up a roomy backpacking tent REI quarter dome T2 plus and orgainzed my gear for a "start as early as possible" hike the following morning, which would be Tuesday 5.

Germany: Hamburg

White tailed deer kept approaching my tent with curious interest and finally the day gave way to night and the stormy clouds started to disappear. A half moon lit up the area and I laid in my tent looking up at the nylon and mesh canopy, thinking what had put this particular hike and this trip into motion. Months earlier I had purchased Norman Maclean's book: Young Men and Fire. It was about the tragic events that unfolded on the 5th of August, It was the story of smokejumpers and 13 men who lost their lives and three who survived. It was a gripping story. When I saw photographs in Maclean's book and read the story, I became completely absorbed and fascinated with the event and knew immediately that I would have to go see the place for myself, and the sooner the better.

I made that decision even before I finished the book. I started putting plans together for a hike into Mann Gulch and knew I had a lot of work to do. Mann Gulch was remote in and it still takes a little doing to "get there" these days. A boat trip from Hilger Marina, a drop off at the mouth of Mann Gulch, the hike and then a later pickup there would be one possibility. But I didn't like the idea of being at the mercy of somebody else for a drop off and pick up time. I looked at maps and Google Earth images and quickly decided that a cross country hike in, would be the best way to go.

I'm 66 years old and in pretty good hiking shape, but taking the cross country route that I was thinking of into Mann Gulch, I thought I would enjoy the company and safety margin afforded to me, by asking another person along, but who? My first choice was a friend in Boise, Idaho. I met him through Flickr and we had done two outstanding backpacking trips together: Fred Stillings is a "real" photographer and knows his stuff, but more importantly he is dependable, amiable, and pulls more than his share of duties, when it comes to backpacking and hiking.

I decided to give him a call. I didn't know what answer I might get from Fred but the Mann Gulch hike appealed to me, for the chance to see where history was made. Here some brave young men, got caught in a series of circumstances, that when placed end to end, cost 13 of them their lives.

I told him briefly about my plan and desire to hike into Mann Gulch and asked him if he might be interested. I was up front with him about history not landscape photography being the main draw for the hike for me. That said, if the hike were done in the spring there would also be some rugged and beautiful country to see. When I asked if he would like to come along Then he asked "Have you ever read Norman Maclean's book: Young Men and Fire?

Then in an instant I grasped the reason for the long silence and his question. Before Fred could say anything more I asked "Say, are you possibly related to the Fred Stillings in the book? Then he went on to tell me about the controversy and the hearings that took place after the tragedy, where his grandfather was asked to give testimony. He told me also of the friendship his grandfather developed with Norman Maclean. Stuff like this only happens in books I thought. Fred was in for the hike and now came the job of finding a "weather window" when Fred who is probably 20 years or more younger than I am and still working for a living could get off to drive up to Helena for the hike.

We set the 11th of May for the hike. Before that date rolled around I purposely drove to Holter Lake to "scout the area" for our planned May 11th hike together. I'm glad I did, because the road leading into the area from the north is gated shut and entry not permitted until noon on 5. In a constant series of ironic happenstances, I was taking photographs at the gated road when Mike Chock A Montana Fish and Game Ranger , drove up to unlock the gate and pass through it.

He confirmed what the sign said. The road would open at noon on the 15th of May. He said lots of folks hoping to find deer and elk antlers would be lined up at the gate on that day, which both surprised and amused me. Mike was a great guy and we exchanged phone numbers.

He said I could call him about the condition of the road or any other questions I had. He also confirmed that the one of three possible starting points I had selected for the hike into Mann Gulch from the north, was indeed the best. Mike left and on a whim I tried placing a cell phone call to my wife and the call went through, right there in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road at a locked gate north of Mann Gulch. Then I called Fred Stillings to give him the road closure news. The 11th of May wouldn't work, even if the weather was good, so we agreed to slide our planned hike a week.

May 18th was now going to be it. Fred and I exchanged emails with talk about the weather forecast for the 18th in the Helena, Montana area. The weather forecast didn't look good. That just wasn't going to work. The rain would turn the dirt road leading into where we wanted to start our hike into a mud, rutted, slippery mess. Meanwhile I kept thinking about the great weather forecast for the area for Tuesday the 21st of May and even the following day.

The roads would dry quickly in 70 degree sunny weather and the hills should be green and covered in places with wildlflowers. I told Fred of my thoughts of hiking Mann Gulch solo on the 21st if he couldn't get away from his work.. Being a "good guy" he said "go for it". We both had plans that would prevent us from taking the hike together later in May and June So for me it was either the 21st solo, or a long wait.

I took a road trip down to Utah and seeing that the weather forecast for the 21st still looked great, I decided to "go for it". I woke up at 5: I changed into hiking clothes, loaded my day pack with clothes for whatever weather I might run into later, even though the sky was clear at dawn. I placed four large plastic bottles of diet Mt. Dew in my pack, two cameras, my everything pouches for emergencies, insects, sunscreen etc. I took down the tent, folded up my gear and was driving south by six am. It took me exactly and hour and half to reach the top of the ridge between Rescue Gulch and Mann Gulch.

What a great feeling it was to be standing there with the entire place to myself and a cool stiff morning breeze making a light primaloft jacket feel good. The skies were clear and blue.

I ate a bite, gulped down some Mt. Dew, and decided to try a cell phone call. I dialed my wife and it went through. Then I called Fred Stillings in Boise. I hoped I wouldn't interupt him at work. Fred answered and we talked. I felt so bad that Fred couldn't be standing there with me on this gorgeous sunny morning, looking down at both Rescue Gulch, Mann Gulch, and glimpses of the Missouri River far below.

I will skip any detailed narrative of the time I spent hiking "in and out of" and "up and down" both Mann Gulch and part of Rescue Gulch. I will let the photographs I took, tell the story. I can tell you it took me over 45 minutes to hike back out to my car owing to the tufts and hummocks of bunch grass and the steep terrain, which is always harder on my legs than hiking up a steep slope. I visited each and every one of the 13 "memorial markers" that thoughtful and respectful USFS and smokejumpers had placed in Mann Gulch one in Rescue Gulch. These markers first wooden, then concrete, and now granite are placed where each of the bodies were found and where two of the men who lived until the next morning Hellman and Sylvia , waited to be carried out, having suffered horrific burns.

It was an extremely humbling, emotional, and thought provoking experience to visit Mann Gulch and see where the story took place. I carried a laminated copy of a photograph, which had the picture of each of the 13 young men, who had perished. I carefully placed arrowleaf balsam root blossoms on each of the 13 memorial markers.

How different Mann Gulch looked, for me, covered in spring green. In the record heat of 8. I felt a deep respect for the young men, who's memorial markers I was visiting and I am so glad that they are not forgotten. Earl Cooley saw to that you will read his story in the Maclean's book.

Earl Cooley recently passed away at the age of He was one of the two pioneer smokejumpers.. Today the portion of Mann Gulch, where the smokejumper memorial markers are found, is in a designated wilderness. A few of the white cement crosses have crumbled and cracked. Another fire swept the area in , but the USFS and smokejumpers, to their credit, will not let the Mann Gulch memorial's "fade away", nor the memory of the men who died.

New granite spires now stand alongside the cement crosses where each of the 13 men were found 11 dead and 2 so badly burned they died the next day.

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In the white cross for David Navone who was Jewish was replaced with a white marker with the star of David. I have placed a copy of a Wikipedia "summary" of the Mann Gulch fire following this "road trip report" of mine. To really understand the story and get something out of the photographs, you really nead to read Norman Maclean's book: I read another book titled: I didn't like his style of trying to mix in so much "imagined" thoughts and conversations to make a story BUT I'm glad I read it to get a better understanding about each of the smokejumpers and the others who were involved in the story.

Oddly enough Mark Matthews devotes a section to each of those who died at Mann Gulch, with the exception of Newton Thompson. In fact, I don't even think he mentions Newton Thompson in his book or says anything about him. It was the location of Newton Thompson's memorial that moved me the most during my hike to Mann Gulch on 5.


When Gautham kills one of the "imaginary" men for his psychological .. wrote, " The first half of 1: Nenokkadine is good and will keep you wanting for more. . Selected filmographyThe Mysteries of Paris ()Monte Carlo ()The .. After Kraken Mare and Ligeia Mare, it is the third largest known body of liquid on Titan. This is my "dream" or special photo in my entire photostream. Below shows you all the dreams, mostly the ones I only remembered, that I have experienced.

A tall burned snag is just a short distance downslope from Newton's marker, which is in the middle of a small rock slide. If you are really serious about "understanding" what happened at Mann Gulch and know more about the history of fire fighting and the US Forest Service, start by reading the New York Times bestseller: The Big Burn by Timothy Egan.

You will learn how the "ten o'clock" rule came to be and that was a principle that guided the USFS during the time of the Mann Gulch fire. Get to the fire quickly, while it is small and have it contained by 10 the next morning. If you leave any comments with any of the photographs contained in this Mann Gulch photo set of mine, please be respectful. Understand what happened here. Think about how young and full of life these smokejumpers were, who lost their lives here August 5th, -- which was Eldon Diettert's 19th birthday.

The drama did not last long. The race with an exploding wildfire on the steep slopes of Mann Gulch, had all the odds stacked against the smokejumpers. Only three walked away. After my hike in and back out of Mann Gulch, on Tuesday morning 5. I also tried to visit the smokejumper's center out at the Missoula, Montana airport. I hoped I might find some good books or historic photographs at the smokejumpers visitors center at the Missoula airport but it too was closed.

I talked to a nice young woman in Missoula, studying lichen and mosses, who told me that there was a very helpful and pleasant woman working at the USFS office named Clare, and perhaps she could help me. I walked into the office on the 1st of May and introduced myself to Clare.

She called a man named Dan, to see if he might be able to let me in to the visitors center for a short while. Unfortunately Dan was tied up but Clare gave me his phone number, in case I returned and wanted to arrange a visit in advance with Dan. So I kept his number. The visitors center hadn't officially opened yet. I told him that I had just hiked into Mann Gulch from Willow Creek the day before and wanted to know what date the visitors center would open. Dan told me that if I would stop by after 9 am, there would be somebody at the vistors center, who would let me in.

He said I could drop by anytime that morning and when I did, to please give him a call on his cell phone so we could shake hands, meet, and talk a little. Packed up and ready to get on I for my drive home, I headed first for the Missoula airport. I arrived at the crossroad where a turn right would take me to the smokejumpers visitors center and a left would take me to the Museum of Mountain Flying and where the Mann Gulch C47 resided. On a hunch I turned left. I came to a four way stop just a little before an older fellow in a pickup truck stopped. I smiled and waved at him to go ahead.

He turned into the Museum of Mountain Flying and parked just to the right of the entrance door. I parked just to the left of the entrance door. We both got out of our vehicles at the same time and I walked over and introduced myself asking him if he had anything to to with the musuem. I had just met Jim Corn, 86 years old and he looked to be in a lot better shape than me, and I'm 20 years younger than him. Turns out Jim is a "volunteer" at the museum, so he let me in and basically gave me free rein to take any photographs I wanted.

What a lucky moment for me! After taking lots of photographs and visiting with Jim an intelligent, friendly and patient man , I thanked him left a donation for the museum and headed off to the smokejumpers visitors center. There I met yet another nice person. Montana must be populated with nice people, because I couldn't have met better people than Jim at the flight musuem and Dan with the smokejumpers center. Dan patiently listened to my stories and my questions.

I asked him if the new granite spire memorials had been "flown" into Mann Gulch. He had hiked the same route I had taken into Mann Gulch several times, so we compared notes on that. Then Dan took me downstairs to a meeting room, where the walls were covered with historic smokejumper photographs. I was in heaven, looking at all the old photographs and asking more and more questions, which Dan politely answered.

When I was just about ready to leave I got a BIG surprise and I honestly couldn't believe my absolute good fortune and luck. Dan told me that "the watch" I knew which one he meant was locked up in another room and would I like to see it. This is the watch, mentioned in Macleans book that played an interesting part in the investigations and studies that went on after the Mann Gulch fire, to establish the time line of events.

One of the watches I think it was the one belonging to James Harrison , had been recovered the morning after the fire. The watch had been badly burned and the hands partially melted and "frozen in place and time" at a few minutes before six o'clock. That must have been the time that the Mann Gulch fire overtook young and likeable James Harrison.

I waited for Dan to get the combination to the lock for the thick bank like, fire proof, bomb proof, filing cabinet and waited for him open the combination lock and show me the watch. The combination lock must have been complicated because, try as he did, Dan couldn't get the drawer open. I had so hoped to see the watch and knew I was unlikely to ever get an opportunity like this. I kept hoping Dan would succeed and not give up. Finally after many failed attempts, Dad grabbed his cell phone and said "I know who can open this up" and gave somebody a call. Clare to the rescue!

I remembered helpful, smiling Clare, from my May 1st attempt to visit the smokejumpers visitors center. She walked into the room, took the combination instructions from Dan and opened the cabinet on her first attempt. She then shared her secret to her success with Dan. Clare returned to her work and Dan placed a small cardboard box on the table.

I asked him if it would be OK if I took a few photos of the watch, which he agreed to. I had a copy of an article written about Earl Cooley he recently died at age 98 with me, so I placed it on the dark colored table, so Dan could place the watch on something light colored as a background for me to photograph the watch.

Dan opened the cardboard box and started unwrapping the watch which was wrapped in a brightly colored lightweight, thin, paper. All our smiles about the difficulty with opening the safe and Clare saving the day disappeared. Both of us became quiet and respectful as Dan started to place the watch on top the Earl Cooley article. I placed the photograph I had laminated in plastic and carried on my hike into Mann Gulch, nearby on the table.

Then to my additional surprise Dan began to remove more objects from the small cardboard box. Each of the objects was carefully wrapped in the same colorful thin paper, which the watch had been wrapped in. One by one, carefully and silently Dan removed each object and placed it near the watch. I had read about each of the objects, especially the snake bite kit. He recognized the body of James Harrison by the Catholic medallion he wore around his neck and the very snake bite kit, Jansson had given to Harrison, not long before the fire.

It must have been an emotional moment for Jansson. Few words were spoken between Dan and me as we both looked down at each and all of the burned artifacts in front of us. When Dan opened the charred wooden case of the "USFS Ranger's compass" before us, the needle swung around to the north I took my photos and it was time to leave.

I thanked Dan, but I don't know if he really knows how much getting to see those objects from the Mann Gulch fire of , met to me. Like my first glimpse at the first white cross in Mann Gulch, the day before, it was a very moving moment and one I will never forget. So ends another oldmantravels road story. I would like that. I will always be grateful to the nice people, who went out of there way, to help me, on this trip.

The Mann Gulch fire of was a wildfire in the Helena National Forest, Montana, United States, which claimed the lives of 13 firefighters including 12 smoke jumpers who parachuted into the area to fight the fire, but were unable to control it. The fire started when lightning struck the south side of Mann Gulch, in an area named by Lewis and Clark in the Gates of the Mountains Wilderness.

The fire was spotted by a forest ranger around noon on August 5, Harrison, the recreation and fire prevention guard for Meriwether Canyon Campground, had given up his former job as a smokejumper to find a less dangerous profession. On this day, however, he fought the fire on his own for four hours before he met the crew of smokejumpers who had been dispatched from Hale Field, Missoula, Montana, in a C It was hot, with a temperature of 97 degrees, and the fire danger rating was high, rated 74 out of a possible Wind conditions that day were turbulent.

One smokejumper got sick on the way and did not jump, returning with the airplane to Hale Field. Getting off the plane he resigned from the smokejumpers. In all, 15 smokejumpers jumped the fire. After the smokejumpers had landed a shout was heard coming from the front of the fire. Foreman Wagner Dodge went ahead to find the person shouting and to scout the fire.

He left instructions for the team to finish gathering their equipment and eat, then cross the gully to the south slope and advance to the front of the fire. The voice turned out to be Jim Harrison, who had been fighting the fire by himself for the past four hours. The two headed back, Dodge noting that you could not get closer to within feet of the fire due to the heat. The crew met Dodge and Harrison about half way to the fire. Dodge instructed the team to move off the front of the fire and down the gully, crossing back over to the thinly forested and grass covered north slope of the gulch, 'sidehilling' keeping the same contour or elevation and moving "down gulch" towards the Missouri River.

They could then fight the fire from the flank or behind, steering the fire to a low fuel area. Dodge returned with Harrison up the gulch to the supply area, where the two stopped to eat before returning for the all night work of fighting the fire. While there Dodge noticed the smoke along the fire front boiling up, indicating an intensification of the heat of the fire.

He and Harrison headed down the gulch to catch up with the crew. By the time Dodge reached his men, the fire at the bottom of the gulch was already jumping from the high south slope of Mann Gulch to the bottom of the north side of the gulch. As the fire jumped across to the bottom of the north slope the intense heat of the fire combined with wind coming off the river and pushed the flames up gulch into the fast burning north slope grass, causing what fire fighters call a 'blow up'. The crew could not see the bottom of the gulch, the various side ridges running down the slope obscuring their view, and they initially continued down the side of the ridge.

When Dodge finally got a glimpse of what was happening below, he turned the men around and started them angling back up the side of the ridge. Within a couple hundred yards he ordered the men to drop packs and heavy tools pulaskis, shovels and crosscut saws to help them outrun the fire, but by this point the fire was moving extremely fast up the north slope of Mann gulch. Dodge realized they would not be able to make the ridge line in front of the fire.

With the fire less than a hundred yards behind he took a match out and set fire to the grass just before them. In doing so he was attempting to create an escape fire to lie in so that the main fire would burn around him and his crew. In the back draft of the main fire the grass fire set burned straight up toward the ridge above.

The three ran straight up for the ridge crest, moving up along the far edge of Dodge's fire. Sallee later said he wasn't sure what Dodge was doing, and thought perhaps he intended the fire to act as a buffer between the men and the main fire. It was not until he got to the ridge crest and looked back down that he realized what Dodge had intended.

As the rest of the crew came up Dodge tried to direct them through the fire he had set and into the center burnt out area. She declined the offer, citing scheduling conflicts, and the Producer's Council told her not to sign for any new films until she completed her current assignments. After auditioning two actresses, Sukumar chose Kajal Aggarwal in March as the female lead. She was replaced by Kriti Sanon in October , due to scheduling conflicts. Sanon was signed for Heropanti after completing one shooting schedule for 1: Nenokkadine, and divided her time between the films.

Sanon, who was involved in several action scenes filmed on the sea, was apprehensive about a scene in which Mahesh took her from a yacht since she did not knew how to swim. Mahesh's seven-year-old son, Gautham Krishna, was chosen to play the younger version of the protagonist in his Telugu cinema debut. According to Sukumar, Gautham looked like the actor did as a child. When the director approached Mahesh and his wife, Namrata Shirodkar, Gautham Krishna was only six and they were apprehensive.

His introduction scene was filmed silently by Peter Hein, since the boy was afraid of gunfire. Naveen Polisetty played a supporting role as Mahesh's friend in the film, and Vikram Singh was signed as an antagonist. Jacqueline Fernandez was approached to perform an item number in the film, but the producers failed to make a deal and instead signed Sophie Choudry after seeing her performance in "Aala Re Aala" from Shootout at Wadala For her first Telugu song, Choudry joined the film's set in September Item numbers are common these days and people expect to see them.

The situation was that Mahesh had to go to a pub to get information about the person he was looking for. So there was occasion to put in an item numb er". Crew Devi Sri Prasad left and R. Rathnavelu right were signed as the music composer and director of photography. Rathnavelu, who returned to Telugu cinema after a seven-year absence, compared the film's aesthetic challenges to Enthiran Smiling young man in a grey jacket Serious-looking man in a black-and-white striped shirt R.

Rathnavelu, who collaborated with Sukumar on Arya and Jagadam , was the film's director of photography in his return to Telugu cinema after seven years. Rathnavelu called the film "more challenging aesthetically" and compared it to Enthiran , which he considered his technically-toughest film. He created the film's visual style in a week with a variety of cameras, such as Red Epic, Body Rigs, Doggies and an underwater scuba camera.

For the climaxes, Rathnavelu shifted from chrome to black-and-white to full colour in synchronisation with the story's mood. Rathnavelu had to address the protagonist's mood swings and hallucinations, replicating scenes with minor differences. The film was shot in locations with a variety of climates, and new technical crews were hired in those places.

Sukumar said, "We looked at world technicians and saw them work and can use whatever we lea rnt" and called it a "new yet learning experie nce". Sukumar's usual composer, Devi Sri Prasad, was chosen for the film's soundtrack and score in Prasad's first Mahesh film. He went through the script and discussed it with Sukumar, who felt that Prasad translated his visi on in the background sc ore. Prasad finished re-recording the film's second half in four days. Eleven-year-old journalist Smrithika Thuhina's father was an associate director of the film, and Prasad emailed him the rhyme's tune with several stills from the scene; his daughter wrote the lyrics for the rhyme.

Madhusudhan Reddy was the film's audiographer. Peter Hein choreographed 1: Nenokkadine action sequences, and Prem Rakshith choreographed its songs. Jeremy Zimmerman was credited with the screenplay, assisted by Sunil Madhav. Srinivas Mohan was 1: Nenokkadine visual-effects producer and R. Kamalakannan and Adel Adili's visual-effects company, Makuta, worked on the film. Karthika Srinivas was its chief editor, assisted by Siva Saravanan. Nenokkadine, filmed in London top and Belfast bottom for 60 days, is the first Telugu film to be shot in Belfast.

London from a hot air balloon. Six hundred models performed in the song, and about 2, people participated in the shoot. After its completion, an action sequence was filmed. The first shooting schedule wrapped up, and Mahesh returned to the set of Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu The second schedule began on 31 May on house and colony sets at Saradhi Studios in Hyderabad, including scenes with Mahesh and others.

Scenes of Mahesh at the police station were also part of the schedule. Since the actor had allotted a block of time to Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, 1: Nenokkadine filming was delayed. When the former neared completion, he resumed work on 1: Nenokkadine in late September in Hyderabad. Filming continued in Goa in mid-October, after a four-month hiatus, and a song with Mahesh and others was filmed in late October. The Goa schedule wrapped up on 1 November, with half the filming completed. Mahesh took a break to promote Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu, returning to the set on 23 January The next shooting schedule, which began on 18 March, lasted for three weeks.

Night scenes focusing on Mahesh and others were filmed in Kukatpally in mid-April. The next schedule, which began on 18 June, filmed in London and Belfast for 60 days. At the Causeway Pictures studio in Northern Ireland, 1: Nenokkadine was the first Telugu film shot in Belfast.

Hollywood stunt co-ordinator Conrad Palmisano supervised stunts by Mahesh and others. Rathnavelu called the action scene in a London car park "one of the most satisfying" things he had ever done. The scene takes place during a power failure, with the headlights of motorcycles chasing the protagonist the only sources of light. To film the scene, Rathnavelu used LED lamps and three torchlights; smoke was pumped into the air to create a backdrop. When scenes were filmed on one of London's three main bridges, traffic was stopped on both sides of the bridge for more than eight hours.

After London, filming continued in Bangkok in August and in Hyderabad in September; some scenes were filmed in and near Banjara Hills. The last shooting schedule began in Bangkok in early October , with action scenes supervised by Peter Hein. The remaining dialogue scenes were filmed in Bangalore in mid-October They were finished by late November, and the last song was filmed in Mumbai.

Principal photography wrapped in late December Soundtrack Feature film soundtrack The film's five-song soundtrack was composed by Devi Sri Prasad, with lyrics by Chandrabose. Lahari Music acquired its marketing rights for 10 million, a record for a Telugu film. The soundtrack was released on 19 December with a promotional event at Shilpakala Vedika in Hyderabad. The event, watched by 14, people, was shown live in 24 theatres across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and was the first Indian soundtrack release event shown live in theatres.

The rhyme from the film's climax was released separately on 25 January Chandrabose Sooraj Santhosh, M. Nenokkadine was released globally on 10 January on about 1, screens, around the same time as Yevadu which was released two days later. The film was Mahesh's third consecutive release during the Makar Sankranti festival season, following Businessman in and Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu in Eros International acquired its global distribution rights for million, and it was released and distributed by 14 Reels Entertainment.

Nenokkadine was released on screens across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Including multiplexes, screens were booked in Hyderabad and there were screenings on the film's release day. It broke the record held by Attarintiki Daredi , which had been released on screens in Hyderabad. Karnataka distribution rights were sold to RNR Films, who had distributed Dookudu in the state, for million. Nenokkadine was released on about screens overseas, a record for a Telugu film.

When reaction to the film's length was mixed, the producers reduced its running time from to minutes. The reserve is also home to badgers, moles and wood mice. Otters live here too, but are notoriously shy of humans and can be difficult to spot. In autumn, the reeds turn from a vibrant lush green to yellowing brown.

Groups of goldfinches can be seen flitting around the reserve and are particularly visible along Perry Lane, using their long beaks to extract seeds from the teasels. Autumn is another extremely active season at Newport Wetlands, as migratory wildfowl and wading birds begin to arrive ready for their winter stay.

Curlews, redshanks, dunlins and oystercatchers feed on the estuary at low tide using their long, pointy beaks to sift through the nutritious mud for worms and grubs. The starling roost at the reserve is a not-to-be-missed wildlife experience. From October onwards, large groups of starlings gather at dusk in great black clouds.

At its peak, around 50, birds swoop and soar overhead, chattering noisily. After a breathtaking display, the birds drop dramatically into the reedbeds where they settle for the night. Another winter treat at Newport Wetlands is a single bittern, which has been seen here most winters since Bitterns are rare and extremely secretive, moving silently through the reeds looking for fish. Parts of the reserve provide a winter home for nationally important numbers of black-tailed godwits, shovelers and dunlins.

There are a number of nature trails around the reserve of various lengths with easy accessibility for wheelchairs and pushchairs. Coffee shop serving triple-certified organic Fairtrade coffee, fairtrade tea, Fairtrade hot chocolate, and a selection of organic cold drinks, sandwiches, baguettes, locally-produced cakes and cookies. A retail outlet for all your bird food and bird care accessories with a wide selection of binoculars and telescopes. There is also a fantastic selection of gifts and children's items. Our cafe in the visitor centre has large, panoramic windows overlooking the reserve and surrounding countryside.

There is a large outdoor decking area providing additional seating with the same relaxing views. We provide organic Fairtrade tea and hot chocolate, and locally-produced cakes and ice cream. We serve our own exclusive coffee that is grown, imported and roasted by us. It's Fairtrade, organic and certified bird-friendly by the Smithsonian Institute, so now you can help save nature simply by enjoying a great cup of coffee!

We are proud to hold a Level 5 Food Hygiene rating enabling our customers to have full confidence in the food and service that we provide. The coffee shop is in the visitor centre which has wheelchair-friendly ramps into the centre and out onto the reserve. There are highchairs for babies and toddlers. We provide children's lunchboxes containing a sandwich, two-finger Kitkat, apple or orange juice and a choice of wildlife face mask. This is a Summary Access Statement. A full access statement is available to download from this page.

Three mobility scooters and two wheelchairs available to hire out free of charge. Registered assistance dogs welcome please do not be offended if we ask for evidence of registration. A dog walking route map is available from the visitor centre. Tethering rings and drinking bowl at the visitor centre entrance. Entrance by wooden walkway with a maximum gradient of 1: Low section on service counter. Hearing loop system is installed at the service counter and in the education rooms. Good natural and artificial lighting. Staff can give assistance and read out any literature if required.

All level on compacted with one incline using a zig-zag. Floating walkways have been used by wheelchairs, scooters and pushchairs but caution should be taken due to buoyancy. Natural viewing opportunities throughout the reserve. A wheelchair accessible viewing screens overlooking the reedbeds. Unisex accessible toilet along with separate ladies and gents available on ground floor of Visitor Centre. Level step free access. Baby changing table and a second baby facility in ladies toilets. Outside deck viewing area. Tables are well spaced apart.

Good natural and overhead lighting. Accessible WC in the visitor centre. Shop is located in the visitor centre. Level entry step free with no doors. There is step free, level access throughout. Well lit with daylight and fluorescent lighting. Promotional video usually playing with subtitles. Staff can provide assistance. Two classrooms available as one room if required. Step-free, level access throughout.

Portable hearing loop system available. Two raised ponds nearby. Four picnic tables with wheelchair access outside visitor centre. Visitors free to bring their own refreshments for picnics. The car park has a covered cycle stand. Please note that cycling on the reserve is restricted to a designated route. The nearest railway station is Newport - which is five miles from the reserve. There is a taxi rank at the station and Newport bus station is just a few minutes walk away. For train times to and from Newport visit www. Alternatively, contact Newport Bus Join the A48 at either junction 24 or 28 of the M4.

Follow the A48 until you come to the Spytty Retail Park roundabout. Exit onto the A Queensway Meadows. At the first roundabout take the third exit onto Meadows Road and follow the brown tourist signs to the reserve. Set in the tranquil surroundings of a peaceful nature reserve, our excellent conference facilities offer a superb location for a great getaway from the office and provide a wonderful setting for a variety of corporate events.

You will receive a warm welcome from the staff at the Visitor Centre, providing a professional and efficient service. Rooms can be arranged in boardroom, theatre style or in any other format to suit your event. We also have a range of equipment for hire including a digital projector and smart board facilities. The Reserve comprises of a series of lagoons and reed beds from reclaimed industrial land, which is now home to a wealth of wildlife. A tour of the Reserve can be arranged as an unusual and revitalising break during a meeting or away day.

Fairtrade coffee and tea, biscuits or homemade cakes can be served throughout the day, and we can provide a freshly prepared buffet to suit your dietary requirements including vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options. Buffets include a selection of classic sandwiches, a selection of savoury items, fresh fruit and a selection of freshly baked homemade cakes. A purpose built meeting room, which caters for 12 people boardroom style or 25 people theatre style.

Set in a tranquil environment, overlooking the waters edge the Education Rooms offers the perfect environment for larger events and conferences. The room can be organised in various styles and caters for up to 80 people theatre style. For more information or to make a provisional booking, please contact Adrianne Jones using the details below. So put up your feet and take a break! She was raised by her schoolteacher mother. Stemmle starring Paula Wessely. Her beauty and natural talent gave her plenty of stage presence.

She played her first lead in Venusberg , Rolf Thiele. Just now her career began to escalate, she was involved in a nasty car accident in France. For six hours, she lay unconscious, unaware that she nearly lost her right eye. The disfigurement extended to her lip as well. She spent two years undergoing plastic surgery. She turned down a seven-year Hollywood contract, saying that while the payment would have been great, "the contract was a whole book. I think that even to go to the toilet I would have needed a permission.

Mell's beauty and flair for comedy helped bring her career into full swing. The director was Vincente Minelli and her co-star Pernell Roberts. The film was based on one of the longest running - and most successful - Italian comic strips. Eva Kant is the sexy and mysterious sidekick to antihero Diabolik, a criminal mastermind finding great pleasure in leading the authorities in various wild goose chases. Diabolik remains a successful adaptation of a comic on the big screen and maybe the ultimate role for stolid star John Philip Law and the various super hero costumes could've been an inspiration for Tim Burton's Batman.

For Marisa Mell then started the best and more productive years of her career. She worked mainly in Italy, with occasional stops in France and Spain. That year she had a miscarriage. Father of the child was Pier Luigi Torri with whom she lived for about three years. Torri had to leave Italy in after a notorious cocaine scandal to avoid prison. In between Marisa found the time to pose nude for the Italian version of Playboy in the November issue. As Mell got older, femme fatale roles in good films were no longer offered to her.

Diabolik was featured in an episode in She wrote her autobiography Coverlove which was published in Vienna in In Vienna Marisa Mell passed away from throat cancer in She was only 53 and died in poverty. Only a few friends attended her funeral. She had been married twice, to Henri Tucci and to Espartaco Santoni.

Doing things like no other before is like walking in another line, why we need to do being different from them, how do we see things in another side? Is this possible to have a new line in a row? I attend seminars about Quality Control, this seminars tackles the main cause of the real problem is in the organization itself, yes, and is true no need to attend seminar for this, if we know ourselves is our best enemy, but how we need to know more ourselves, our environment dictates us to be being with them, and our mind action accordingly in this way of thinking.

You can go to vacation after this! Yes vacation after finish the particular project, hmm sound nice, as I said this is not a good job after all. Vacation is also not good in this kind of works. Why I say this. How you can say you are free after your kids out in school and you are watching American idol and praying for the artist you want to be declared as a real winner,. How can we say we are free and in vacation with family and thinking what you can do to be more careful for the kids if all with you, or even if you alone and feel bored and open your pc for something else just to get out of your mind, how?

Being free is acceptance just live with them walk with them and feel with them, my master in this seminar put this thing in our mind , the second things he share to us is everybody need a free space for our self, as a person and different from the other person. He share to us a line in a bible , I forgot the pages and the verses, but something like this I am not particular in the bible things and thoughts but the messages is clear, you are so special from the other person in your words ,in your thought , in your actions too,.

And he shouting to all of us saying hey get out of the box his face look like red and I feel he is angry for what ever reason,. But after that no one, want to do that kind of things to his master after all,. New line in a row is a fresh and clear action ,as an artist , as a creator of this particular crafts , I love to share what I have after my long journey , this world is so fast in many particular , technology ,development, high-rise building new phone , everything that we can consider as our home outside our home or a chips on our big pockets , weight less but full of everything what we put inside that chips for our own purposes,.

This new craft was born in this particular world of arts but I found out, this craft is out of the line , the material is there , the colors is in there, the meaning is there , the message is there , everything is there , and still I cannot fine the right line for this particular crafts,. I start doing craft on my early age, I still remembering cutting pages of full colored magazine cut in a small piece and paste it, collect all the colored papers and cut and paste it just my start, I love to draw plant animals flowers birds everything about nature, and this track considering of my actions whom I am now, in my own world,.

I never finish college, as my root, but I take a fine arts courses in one best school in Philippines U. University Of Santo Tomas Manila the oldest School in Asia the school for Architecture and Fine Arts, that time I feel bless, it because I never dream to get enter in that school, I walk barefooted in my young age, I never dream one day I was in one of the room in there. This group also sent me to college, and I walk out in this group and stop my study up to 2nd years in colleges of course the main reason is money, yes this is my hard times at that moment I need to decide which way I need to walk, to finish or make another way like a new line in a row, I need to force my self to work hard for my daily bread.

New line in a row is a formation of things on how we see and need to act patiently specially in our materials that surround us. Or a CALL on how we make a line in a way we can move perfectly, and this is what I want to share to you,. New line in a row is my greatest achievement, after searching and looking for arts and crafts, i look more books, searching more artist, looking for the master, site in the internet, regarding arts and crafts, and still I never see anything that need to compare on my crafts, but this crafts more on mosaic, patchwork, color pixel in our computer and idea coming from cross stitching, and how it make it different from them,?

Color pixel normally found in our computer if we want to see or using magnifying glass to see thing clear. I never research much on this particular meaning mosaic, patchwork, cross stitching, pixels, suggestion is always welcome or comment to this particular is will help much,. This kind of words build my composition and remind me, where I start thinking and looking in different way, how can I called my crafts , or where can I place it , I thinking is there a room for me, the answer is YES , I can place it in a galleries of mosaic,.

But more on more that way, my experiment get more wild and run, colored pixel is always many colors in his single square form, I decide to get out in this category,. I try more research about patchwork , and I see more clear things in this room , the next things I open my mind to the mosaic room and get involved more on more , and I notice a clear picture and help me to categories my craft more in this way. After fifteen years searching for the soul of my arts, I try to make room for them, I want to be different from them, I want to be more careful and I want to have a free form from them,.

Arts is copying nature I thought, and maybe I think in this way, but copying is like doing things you admire and seeing things that guide us, copying is the only easy way to make us more competitive or maybe more to be exact, new line in a row starting in this way collect the things that have a connection on me make a clear picture and transform in a way I do now,.

Arts is different from the crafts, arts is unique form and creation of human no same things have in common with out copying using special tools we have..

Situated right at the heart of the Dearne Valley, Old Moor is a wonderful place to come and watch wildlife. The skies, fields and open water are teeming with birds throughout the year. In winter the reserve is an important stopping-off point for ducks, geese and swans — plus 8, golden plovers!

The reserve is a great day out for young and old alike. The paths are firm and suitable for all levels of ability, including wheelchair users, but there is one small, steep slope to negotiate. Gates open until 4. Gates open until 5. Normal opening hours will still apply to the visitor centre and cafe. The site is closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. We run guided walks on a variety of topics all year-round. Please check our events page or call the visitor centre for details. Children can have fun on the climbing frames, swings and slide in the 'Kids Go Wild' adventure playground.

There are also Wildlife Explorer backpacks available for hire. These contain bug jars, binoculars and guide books to help children get the most out of their visit. Spend time in the hides and you may be rewarded with an unforgettable kingfisher encounter. Listen for their shrill, piping calls and then watch for the flash of blue and orange. You may be lucky enough to find one of these compact owls perched in a tree or on a fencepost. They become very active at dusk and you may hear their shrill calls. Huge numbers of lapwings gather here in winter.

If a bird of prey, such as a peregrine, is in the area, they take to the air in a vast wheeling mass. Look among the black and white of the lapwing flocks for the golden glow of these smart waders. Several thousand spend winter. Tree sparrows can be seen at the bird feeding garden alongside the commoner birds.

Listen for their short and sharp 'tek' calls as they fly in and out. The last of the wintering birds such as goldeneyes can still be seen in March. Listen out for the cuckoo's unmistakable call from April onwards and see the warblers returning for the summer. Broods of ducklings paddle around in the shallows and the grasslands are vibrant with butterflies and orchids. Listen for snipe 'drumming' as they fly above the field pools and see dragonflies basking on the paths. Fieldfares and redwings gorge on berries to fatten up for the winter. Thousands of migrating birds use the Dearne Valley as a refuelling point on their long journeys.

The bird feeding garden is at its busiest at this time of year, with tree sparrows, greenfinches, goldfinches and tits on the feeders. Spectacular flocks of golden plovers and lapwings take to the air, attracting peregrines on the lookout for a meal. There are six hides out on the reserve and one overlooking the bird-feeding garden. There are two viewing platforms in the pond and picnic area. Two easy-going trails give excellent views of wildlife on the reserve.

Follow the trail around the ponds and picnic area to see wildflower meadows and a variety of birds and insects, or take the trail to the hides, where you can get closer to wildlife in a variety of different habitats. Both trails are suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs and are less than one mile in length. Our cafe serves a range of hot and cold drinks and cake, plus hot, homemade meals and freshly-prepared sandwiches.

Cooked breakfast is also served until You can also get ice cream and chocolate from the visitor centre. RSPB Old Moor has a large shop, selling everything from binoculars to books, bird food to bike bits, clothing and gifts. There is also a wildlife gardening section with plants, books and equipment to get you started. Old Moor is a haven for nature in the heart of the Dearne Valley - a stunning area of wetlands, teeming with birds and other wildlife.

With an exciting indoor classroom, education garden, bird hide, and a range of excellent education facilities, Old Moor is the ideal place to bring your class for an unforgettable experience of nature. Main car park is surfaced with well-rolled tarmac planings, those with mobility difficulties can park in the designated disabled parking bays in the lay-by adjacent to the car park.

Wheelchairs and an electric scooter are available for free hire. Advance booking is recommended for the scooter, please contact the visitor centre for availability. Current picnic areas accessible for wheelchair users, but tables are currently not suitable for wheelchair users. Good paths to all hides providing views over acres of diverse habitat.

Wheelchair accessible viewing areas available in all hides. The Trans Pennine Trail runs along the Southern edge of the reserve. Access to the reserve is via a bridge into the car park. A number of buses run from Wombwell and Swinton stations and stop near the entrance to Old Moor nature reserve. Buses also run to the reserve from Barnsley, Doncaster and Meadowhall. Please check with bus operator TravelLine on for further information. Leave at junction 36 and take the A61 Barnsley. At the small roundabout, continue straight ahead on the A Doncaster for approximately four miles.

Cycling is the best way of viewing all the sites in the valley on gentle gradients with generally good quality paths. Staff and volunteers use this flat and well-surfaced route on a regular basis, sometimes with surprising consequences. A roe deer sprang out at one member of staff proving that it's not just the reserves that are great for wildlife in this area! Around 8 per cent of our visitors travel to the reserve along the TPT. It's great that they can stop off and refresh themselves with a cup of tea, or service their bike with parts from the shop. The beautifully restored farmhouse building is set amid the acre RSPB Old Moor reserve, South Yorkshire, providing a unique location for a corporate or community event and creating a relaxing atmosphere for any meeting.

There are both large and smaller rooms on offer, seating from 12 to 30 people depending upon layout. We also have a range of equipment for hire including a television and digital projector, with fitted screens in the rooms. There are also good public transport links with surrounding areas. The pathways lead to a number of bird watching hides for visitors wishing to catch a glimpse of wetland and garden birds. A tour of the site can be arranged as an unusual and revitalising break during a meeting. A selection of mid-morning snacks can be served in the meeting rooms including warm Danish pastries and bacon sandwiches.

Fair-trade tea, coffee and an assortment of herbal teas are served throughout the day. The Farmhouse Meeting Rooms are run with the environment in mind. A wind turbine, solar panels and a bio-fuel boiler generate power in a sustainable way. We also use as many recycled, organic and Fair Trade products as possible. At the end of the shiatsu seminar I attended last weekend, I was able to join the group who was at the other side of the gym where the meeting was held. Friendly people, cheerful and having a lot of fun together.

I immediately spotted Antonella as a possible stranger, and asked her to be part of the project. She agreed immediately, and after a while we were on the road to spot a location. Her friends started a hell of a noise, telling her from: I have to say that Antonella was truly enjoying the game, so I started to play the role of the fashion photographer Sartorialist, I'm coming!

All this ended with me asking the most yelling of her friends to pose for the project But that's tomorrow story. Now let me thank Antonella for her kindness and her beautiful, gentle smile and ask her: Did you ever pose for a shooting, before? You were really at your ease, even when I asked you for that couple of backlit shots: Anyway, it was great to meet you and all your friends. This picture is 73 in my strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the Strangers Flickr Group page.

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