Which One Am I?

Which me am I today?

I know your story has inspired and given hope to many. May God bless you and walk with you every day of this journey! Like Liked by 2 people. Hi Wendy, I just have finished reading your book. It is so mind opening! As a Personal Carer worker I have clients with dementia and your book gave me a new perspective on how to connect with them.

Like Liked by 1 person. Hi Wendy, Thank you so much for all you are contributing to our understanding of dementia. My mother has been living with, and trying to hide her condition for several years. I support your strength and courage in this important cause!! I have recently been told that I have symptoms of Dementia and that I should prepare myself for the future….. I have slowed down on my activities, especially at the request of my husband, but I believe this has been more of a problem than a benefit.

Oh Alice……those closet to us often find it the hardest ….

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Your husband might understand more if he read my book, Somebody I Used to Know. Your book simply took my breath away ,I read it in one sitting. You have a wonderful store of memories and love and they will remain inside you forever, perhaps difficult to retrieve sometimes but your love for people and your immense kindness is astounding. I wish you the very best on your journey. Dementia is the umbrella term…. Frontptemporel and many more. What happens to us is inevitable but no point in dwelling on something over which we have no control.

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Hi Wendy I have just finished reading your book and was so moved by it. Your book gave me more understanding of what she would have gone through. I have been frightened myself of getting it but you have given me a lot of hope. I am so thankful for the information you have given. Hi Wendy like Lizzie my mum has Alzheimer and I also worry about it affecting me especially as I have always had trouble recognising people or recalling their name.

Worry is a difficult emotion….. Thank you so much for your beautiful book, Wendy. I have been listening to it on Audible. My mom has dementia, and you have helped me understand what she is going through. I understand now why she writes everything down and goes over and over things. While I have cried over some of the things that you have written about, I am so grateful and hopeful now for the future.

I love my mom beyond words, and anything that helps me help her is a blessing. YOU are a blessing, Wendy.

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God bless you and thank you! Hi Wendy, I just finished reading your book, it made me smile, laugh, and cry so many times. Such a moving account and so so important. It should be required reading for anyone working in health care …and customer services …or really anyone! Thank you for helping me understand what my darling sister is going through. I have read your book. And have suggested my sister read it too, to help her maybe a little, know she is not alone.

She is today 68 years young, I am 64 as of yesterday, and i will be requesting a test before too long, my sister has been diagnosed 2 years now thank you again. You have my hearts gratitude.. I have just finished reading your book as part of me beginning my journey to a social work degree and it was such an eye opening insight that I could have never imagined. You are truly inspiring — that you should never give up in life, you should always keep going no matter what. I hope you have really helped people who know others with Dementia and I congratulate you on such an amazing life you live.

Your daughters must be proud and I thank you again for giving me this opportunity to learn more about this condition that I would have never come across otherwise. It was an amazing read. I hope your future continues to fulfil your wishes xx. Omg Wendy you are such an inspiration, just finished your book which I have had to save to read on my holidays so I received no intruptions it was Utterly amazing , everyone looking and caring for a relative or nursing staff can learn from this..

I nursed for 30 years and would like to hope I helped dementia people to feel safe. As well as my special mam I lost two year ago to the cruel illness.

You’re Belle!

Thank you so much. Love to your two girls helping you Iive your life as you no best and being at hand when needed such an amazing bond between mams a girls , miss mine so much … Carry on fighting you good cause Wendy such a trooper xxxx. Just started reading your book. You are so amazing and I love your positive outlook. My sister was diagnosed with dementia 3 years ago but she is in denial. We live in different states in the US, and she lives alone.

I think she would benefit from inhome help with household chores a few days per week, but she is totally resistant. Thank you for sharing your story. It is so helpful to so many! I have just finished reading your book. My sister was diagnosed with dementia and all the things that confused me and often made me frustrated…you have made me realise how proud I am of my sister for putting in place things to make her life bearable and organised.

I want people to know and understand my beautiful, loving and passionate sister is still the same person. I live in Australia and in a heart beat would love to meet you. You are an amazing lady. I just finished your book and am in awe quite frankly of your bravery and strength. You have put yourself out here and in doing so have educated more than dry academia ever could in my opinion. Hi Wendy, how are you? I hope today is a good day for you. It has moved me deeply and Has inspired me greatly. From reading your book, 16 years after her death, I now feel I have an understanding and a glimpse at what life was like for her.

Your book back then would have given me the strength and understanding to support her and help her to live her life to the full. I take great comfort in your words regarding how the memory may fade but the emotion never leaves….

Quiz: Which Disney Princess Are You? | Oh My Disney

Thank you dearly for enlightening me with this. Thank you for the work you have done, the research you have benefitted and for the wonderful, caring woman that you are. Keep living your best life xxxx. Hello Wendy I heard your book on Radio4 which made me want to read it. I found it both moving and enjoyable. I enjoyed reading of your enthusiasm,determination and resourcefulness. Parts such as explaining to your colleagues about your dementia were a positive education. Thank you for producing such a valuable and inspiring book.

A post is simply anything I write Jenny and some people comment on them — say what they think. Hope your day is a good one. I have information which will help you and some of the people who follow you. After reading the scientific literature for a few years now he has been 6 years of reading the literature he found ways to help his mother. Being a scientist he knew he needed to find the cause of the disease before he could find a treatment for his mother.

The progression of the disease in my mother in law has stopped and there have been gains in my mother in laws short term memory and her overall functioning. She has been drinking silica rich mineral water for 2 years, has eliminated some major sources of aluminum and has added a few supplements to promote brain health. My husband was compelled to write a book and I am passionate about sharing this information. The first chapter of my husbands book is available at our website.

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I am a psychology postgraduate in ageing research with the University of New South Wales, Sydney, exploring the lived experience of ageing with a team of researchers led by Professor Jill Bennett. Our research here at UNSW includes unique ways with immersive visualisation technology of conveying stories of those living with dementia please see link to our website — added to the field below.

We are a team of researchers whose expertise is providing virtual environments through experimental art, conveying the subjective experience and stories of individuals who has shared something about their own personal struggles. We want to collaborate with individuals such as yourself to share the experience of living with dementia.

The aim of our research project is to provide a voice to those whose perceptual changes has significantly affected the way they need to live and the various adaptations they have made in their routine and life. Finally, we feel that it is important to reduce stigma that is unfortunately often associated with ageing or having dementia.

Your book, advocacy work and daily tweets about dementia have been an inspiration to our research team. We would really love the opportunity of connecting with you and would invite you to collaborate with us on our project that we are currently working on. I am planning on being in London in November 6th — 12th for a conference and I would be honoured to come and visit with you, if you had an hour free, at a time that is convenient to you. Please let us know if you would like to meet or hear more about our project.

Would you like to copy and paste this into an email and send it to weny icloud. I just finished your amazing book.

What Type Of Girl Are You?

Thank you so much for sharing your insights and your experience. I admire your courage and your strength in the face of adversity. I will draw on your example as I move through my own challenges. I just picked up your book and mentioned it on my own blog. One of my readers referred me to your blog and l look forward to reading more about your journey. Wendy, I just finished your book and it was so enlightening. I appreciate you sharing your story.

It was an absolute privilege to hear you talk this morning at Appledore Book Festival in North Devon.

You are an amazingly resilient woman and whatever the future has in store for you I know you will always have a huge body of friends and goodwill to support you. I know my mother had just started a conversation with you after the talk when our taxi arrived. She would have loved to have had more chance to talk. I think you are really brave to put yourself out there and with humour as well and long may it continue!

Can we come in yet?

The fact that you are so open is so unusual. A few people announce they have dementia but you are tackling it head on describing your symptoms and with practical suggestions as to how to deal with them. Brilliant the book is a bestseller but hardly a surprise!

I am so looking forward to reading it. Just remember to pack your frying pan on your next adventure. You want to see the world and go on as many adventures as possible. We know you are destined for great things! Your big heart and sweet temperament allow you to make friends easily. We bet you have at least seven BFFs. Just be careful not to sign any contracts with an evil sea witch! You might also be really into taking naps, which is great! Keep being yourself and all your dreams will come true. You never give up on your dreams, and you always remember to be kind to others.

Family is very important to you, but so is being true to your heart. Luckily, we have a feeling being yourself is exactly what your family wants you to do! You are strong, fun, and an absolute legend on the race track. Which Disney Princess Are You? Curling up with a book.