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First Generation Continuing with the saga of the original range of Civic two and three-door models, the company expanded its range with the Hondamatic variable velocity automatic and with the Civic CVCC in These were complemented in! During three consecutive years , from to , the Civic recieved the "Car of the Year" award in Japan. In , the Civic won third place for "Car of the Year" in Europe, the best results obtained up to then by a Japanese vehicle. Second Generation Attempting to create a "high-quality car representing the values of the 80's", Honda gave the Civic its first total makeover in seven years, obtaining as a result improved economy, more interior comfort and greater performance.

In , Honda launched the Civic Country Station Wagon model and the 4-door sedan, offering a front-wheel-drive Hondamatic transmission. Third Generation The concept for Civic's third generation was "maximum space for people, minumum space for mechanisms. It became popular immediately due to its innovative stylized design, and won the "Car of the Year" award in Japan in In the United States, the Civic obtained first place in fuel efficiency tests performed by the U. Environmental Protection Agency in for the second consecutive year. In Europe, it won the award for "Best Design.

Combined with a double-wishbone suspension at all four wheels, the result was what everyone could wish for in a car. In , it also came out in first place in a survey taken about quality, in France. Fifth Generation The most outstanding feature of the Civic's fifth generation was the futuristic aerodynamic outline, together with a great flexibility of interior space able to satisfy young people's requirements. The new series also announced the arrival of new versions of the VTEC engine to provide an excellent blend of driving performance and high fuel efficiency. The new models represented an important advance in human and environmental relations, with advanced safety features and a high ratio of recyclable components.

Among the outstanding awards recieved by the fifth-generation Civic were the "Car of the Year in Japan" awards for and Sixth Generation Going beyond the traditional "car for the masses," the Sixth-generation Civic sought to be a vehicle that represented the various generations from a global perspective. It incorporated a range of new technologies to satisfy the strong demand for high performance, safety and low gas emissions. These includes a three-stage VTEC engine, providing both high power and superior fuel efficiency, together with the Honda Multimatic-the next generation of variable-velocity automatic transmission.

The result was the model obtaining the "Car of the Year in Japan " awards for both and Seventh Generation The seventh generation of the Civic was developed following the "ideal for all compact cars," satisfying all the important criterion with: The interior space became more comfortable thanks to a lower and smoother floor design, allowing the occupants to move easily between the front and rear seats. Due to Honda's G-CON safety collision technology, the seventh-generation Civic has obtained the highest safety standards, winning, in and , the "Car of the Year" awards in Japan. Eighth Generation The latest generation of the Civic has been marketed since early It has a decidedly bold look and is much more equipped than the preceding Civic.

In principle it will have two gasoline and one diesel engines, but during additional models will appear, a three-door version and a version called the IMA, that will have a hybrid type of propulsion that combines a gasoline engine and an electric motor. No es dificil, y esta guia practica suprime todas las dudas que puedes tener en el proceso de armado. Windows Vista es el sistema operativo graficamente mas intenso a la fecha , y DirectX 10, su componente multimedia y de juego, hace que todos los usuarios de computadoras del mundo esten tomando en consideracion modernizar sus computadoras.

Y como DirectX 10 no es retrocompatible, los jugadores captivados por sus potentes especificaciones se ven obligados a modernizar su hardware para disfrutarlo. A diferencia de versiones anteriores de Windows, que usaban los componentes 2D del graphics hardware para mostrar sus GUI, Windows Vista presenta su interfaz Aero con mucho enfasis en 3D. Las varias ventanas que se presentan en pantalla en realidad son superficies 3D. Esto permite lograr efectos interesantes como Flip 3D, la nueva alternativa al metodo de ver y cambiar entre distintos programas abiertos con la tecla Alt Tab.

DIRECTX Las bibliotecas DirectX hacen posible jugar y usar sistemas multimedia en la plataforma Windows, y requieren hardware totalmente de la presente generacion Vista si cuenta tambien con una version de DirectX 9, para tener compatiblidad con juegos mas antiguos. DirectX es una serie de interfaces de programacion de interfaces API. Un API, a su vez,es una capa de codigo que facilita a fabricantes y programadores la creacion de hardware y software para una plataforma dada.

En teoria, los desarolladores no deberian de preocuparse por hacer compatibles sus productos con la gran cantidad de hardware que existe; tan solo hacen compatibles sus titulos con un API. Antes de DirectX Por ejemplo, un juego DiectX 8 puede ejecutarse en hardware DirectX 9. Los juegos DX9, por su parte , en general se ejecutaran en el hardware DX8, aunque sin ninguna novedad de la nueva biblioteca.

Sin embargo, DirectX 10 tiro a la basura la retrocompatiblidad. Sus rigidos requerimientos implican que cualqiera que desee ejecutar juegos DirectX 10 debe tener hardware DirectX El hardware DX10 funcionara con el software hecho para versiones previas de DirectX, pero lo opuesto no es cierto: Es probable que hayas leido que los primeros 10 intentos con DirectX 10 hecho por los desarrolladores de juegos han sido decepcionantes.

Pero solo es cuestion de tiempo antes de que entiendan como usar los nuevos API, y entonces dejaran de emplear DirectX 9. Tal vez suene muy desalentador que el DX 10 sea una tecnologia que aun no esta bien aprovechada, pero debemos esperar a que funcione como esperamos a que Vista corrije sus errores. Microsoft nos tiene muy acostumbrados a que sus productos necesiten una revision. Si tu computadora vieja ni siquiera puede ejecutar Vista y la vas a modernizar, tambien podrias dar el salto al hardware DirectX 10 de la presente generacion.

Tanto AMD como nVidia hacen una amplia variedad de tarjetas de varios precios. Hasta hace poco, a la ranura en que se coloca la tarjeta grafica, con su conexion electronica con la tarjeta madre, se llamo Accelerated Graphics Port AGP. Por lo tanto esta guia cubre solo la ranura PCI Express x Revisa la documentacion de la computadora, o la de la tarjeta madre, para asegurarte de que acepta una tarjeta grafica PCI Express x Si no es asi, necesitas una modernizacion mayor que la que resume este articulo.

Y una vez mas: Puedes abrir la interfaz adecuada con el Panel de Control. Selecciona los controladores y haz clic en el boton Uninstall. Es probable que encuentres todo tipo de ventanas que preguntan si realmente quieres desinstalarlos, y el User Account Control de Windows Vista va a interrumpir y a pedir autorizacion para continuatr la desinstalacion. Si usas una tarjeta madre con graficos integrados, tendras que deshabilitarlos en el BIOS desde el arranque del equipo, ya que, de no hacerlo, podrias tener conflictos que simplemente te impiden arrancar. La pantalla pudiera adoptar una resolucion y una profundidad de color menores durante o despues del proceso de desinstalacion.

Cuando termine, la computadora te indica que la reinicies. En cambio, apaga la computadora, desconecta el cable AC, abre la carcasa y preparate para quitar fisicamente la tarjeta. Es un poco violento esto, pero te aseguramos que funciona y hara que la transicion sea mas sencilla de llevar acabo. Busca la tarjeta que corresponde con el cable del monitor en la parte posterior de la maquina. Esta es la tarjeta grafica de la computadora. Desconecta el cable del monitor, luego quita los tornillos que mantienen la tarjeta grafica en su sitio.

Desliza la tarjeta hacia arriba, fuera de la ranura. Quiza tengas que liberar un clip de plastico en la ranura en la tarjeta grafica, cerca del frente de la tarjeta, para liberarla por completo. Siempre ten cuidado de no forzar ninguna pieza, podrias llegar a romperla. Cuando ya quitaste la tarjeta de la carcasa, desconecta el cable de energia del frente de la tarjeta, si hay una conexion de energia, y coloca la tarjeta en una bolsa antiestatica esas bolsas de plastico metalico.

Si no tienes una a la mano, deja la tarjeta en posicion horizontal en una superficie limpia y luego, cuando hayas desprendido la bolsa antiestatica en que viene la nueva, usala para guardar la vieja. Si ese es el caso, usa la ranura donde estaba la tarjets grafica vieja. Si aun no estas seguro de cual usar, consulta la documentacion de la tarjeta madre, que deberia identificar claramente una de ellas como la ranura primaria.

Encuentra el cable de energia de la PCI Express en realidad algunas tarjetas actuales necesitan dos de ellas y conectalo a la toma de de la tarjeta. Tomate el tiempo necesario para leer la guia de tu tarjeta madre, te ahorrara muchos dolores de cabeza. A continuacion, alinea los contactos dorados de la tarjeta con la ranura de la tarjeta madre e insertala.

Algunas tarjetas madres actuales son sorprendentemente grandes, asi que ten cuidado de no golpear otros componentes y jalar o aflojar los cables dentro del gabinete de tu equipo. Presiona hacia abajo en la parte superior de la tarjeta hasta que este bien colocada en la ranura PCI Express x El bracket metalico de la parte de atras de la tarjeta deberia estar apretado contra la carcasa.

Por ultimo, usando uno o dos tornillos, fija la tarjeta en su sitio. Reemplaza la cubierta lateral y conecta el monitor a la tarjeta grafica. Arranca el sistema operativo. Cancela cualquier intento de Windows de hallar nuevos controladores de hardware e inicie tu navegador web favorito. Los controladores estaran en un programa ejecutable; luego de descargar por completo ejecuta el programa.

Ten cuidado al elegir el driver, ya que si instalas uno para otra tarjeta tendras muchos problemas y probablemente no funcione y experimentes muchas fallas. Al usar Vista el User Account Control interrumpe otra vez para asegurarse de que quieres instalar los controladores. Solo sigue los avisos y la rutina de instalacion se encargara de todo.

Tendras que reiniciar cuando termine la instalacion del controlador. Luego de que se vuelva a arrancar, la instalacion de la tarjeta grafica ya esta completa. It's not difficult, and this practical guide eliminates any doubts you might have about the building process. Windows Vista is the most graphically intensive operating system to date, and DirectX 10, its multimedia and game component, obliges all the World's computer users to consider modernizing their computers. And since DirectX 10 isn't retrocompatible, players captivated by its more powerful specifications are forced to update their hardware to enjoy it.

There are no options. Unlike previous versions of Windows that used 2D components from the graphics hardware to display its GUI, Windows Vista presents its Aero interface with lots of emphasis on 3D. The various windows displayed onscreen are actually 3D surfaces. This permits achieving interesting effects like Flip 3D, the new alternative to the method of viewing and changing between different open programs with the Alt Tab key. It also means that Windows Vista needs more sophisticated and more powerful graphics cards than Windows XP or Windows 9x.

DIRECTX Direct X libraries make it possible to play and use multimedia systems on the Windows platform, and require totally present-generation hardware Vista does also have a version of DirectX 9, to maintain compatibility with older games. DirectX is a series of interfaces of programming interfaces API. An API, in turn; is a layer of code which enables manufactures and programmers in the creation of hardware and software for a given platform.

In theory developers shouldn't have to worry about making their products compatible with the great quantity of existing hardware; they just make their titles compatible with an API. Before DirectX 10, every new version of DirectX was retrocompatible. For example, a DirectX 8 game can be executed on DirectX 9 hardware. DX9 games, on their part, can-in general-be executed on DX8 hardware, although without any novelty from the new library.

However, DirectX 10 trashed retrocompatibility. Its rigid requirements imply that anyone desiring to execute DirectX 10 games must have DirectX 10 hardware. DX10 hardware works with software made for previous versions of DirectX, but the opposite is not true: A DirectX 8 card, or even 9, for that matter, will in no way execute DirectX 10 titles.

You've probably read that the first ten attempts with DirectX 10 made by game developers have been disappointing. But it's only a matter of time before they figure out how to use the new API's, and then they'll stop employing DirectX 9. Mabey it sounds disappointing that DirectX 10 is a technology which has yet to be well exploited, but we'll have to wait for it to function as we wait for Vista to correct its errors. Microsoft has us very accustomed to its products requiring revisions. Even if your DX9 graphics card has enough memory and muscle to handle Windows Vista, it won't execute tomorrow's games.

If your old computer won't even run Vista and you're going to update it, you could also make the leap to present-generation DirectX 10 hardware. AMD as well as nVidia make a wide variety of cards with various prices. This is because the interfaces for graphics cards and electronics change every few years. Until recently, the slot where you inserted the graphics card, with its electronic connection to the motherboard, was called the Accelerated Graphics Port AGP.

Remember when expansions were only done this way? As such, this guide only covers the PCI Express x16 slot. Review the computer's documentation, or the motherboard's, to make sure that it accepts a PCI Express x16 graphics card. If not, then you need a more major upgrade than the one covered in this article.

You need more money; it would probably be better to buy or build a new computer. You can open the appropriate interface from the Control Panel. Select the controllers and click on the uninstall button. You'll probably find all kinds of windows asking if you really want to uninstall them, and Windows Vista's User Account Control is going to interrupt and ask for authorization to continue the uninstallation.

If you're using a motherboard with integrated graphics, you'll have to disable them on the BIOS from the equipment's startup, because, if you don't, you could have conflicts which will simply impede starting up. The screen could adopt a lesser resolution and depth of color during or after the uninstallation process. When it finishes, the computer will indicate you should reinitiate. Instead, turn the computer off, disconnect the AC cable, open the case and prepare to physically remove the card. It's a little violent, but we assure you it will work, and will make the transition easier to perform.

Look for the card that corresponds with the monitor cable on the rear of the machine. This is the computer's graphics card.

Disconnect the monitor cable, then remove the screws that hold the graphics card in its place. Slide the card upwards, out of the slot. You may have to release a plastic clip on the slot in the motherboard, near the front of the card. Always be careful not to force any piece; you could break it. Once you've removed the card from the case, disconnect the power cable from the front of the card,if there is a power connection, and place the card in an antistatic bag those metallic-plastic bags.

If you don't have one on hand, leave the card in a horizontal position on a clean surface and later, when you've removed the antistatic bag in which the new one came, use it to store the old card. If this is the case, use the slot where the old graphics card was. If you're still not sure which to use, consult the documentation from the motherboard which should clearly identify one of them as the primary slot.

Find the power cable for the PCI Express actually, some of today's cards need two of them and connect it to the card's outlet. Take the time necessary to read your motherboard's guide, it'll save you lots of headaches. Next, line up the card's gold contacts with the motherboard's slot and insert it. Some graphics cards are surprisingly large, so be careful not to strike other components nor to pull nor loosen the cables inside your equipment's case.

Press down on the top part of the card until it's well seated in the PCI Express x16 slot. The metal bracket on the rear of the card should fit tight against the case. Finally, using one or two screws, fix the card in place. Replace the side panel and connect the monitor to the graphics card. Start up the operating system. Cancel any Windows attempt to locate the new hardware controllers and initiate your favorite web navigator. The controllers will be on an executable program; after completely downloading it, execute the program. Be careful when you select the driver because if you install one for another card you'll have lots of problems, it probably won't work and you'll experience alot of errors.

Upon using Vista the User Account Control interrupts again to assure itself that you want to install the controllers.

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Just follow the instructions and the installation routine will take care of everything. You'll have to restart when it finishes the controller installation. After it restarts, the graphics card installation is complete. Nuestro pais se encamina hacia un proceso acelerado de envejecimiento de su poblacion, a medida que disminuyen las tasas de natalidad y los planes de salud extienden la vida de los habitantes, aumentando de paso la tasa de esperanza de vida promedio. En razon del incremento en el numero de adultos mayores que se observa actualmente, no solo en nuestro pais, sino en gran parte del orbe, la preocupacion por este grupo etero de la sociedad toma cada vez mas importancia desde el punto de vista politico y economico-social.

En este sentido, la preocupacion por las personas de avanzada edad ha aumentado a medida que se torna conciencia del enorme crecimiento de la poblacion de adultos mayores, tanto en los paises desarrollados como en vias de desarrollo. Generalmente, una caracteristica que se presenta con gran frecuencia en los adultos mayores, es una evidente baja en su calidad de vida, cuando no han contado, a lo largo de su desarrollo, con las herramientas que les permitan prever de antemano las precariedades de la vejez, asi como tambien, el progresivo deterioro de su salud.

Por otro lado, al aumentar significativamente el numero de adultos mayores, aumentan con ello, consecuencialmente, la demanda por la satisfaccion de sus necesidades basicas, exigiendo en consecuencia sistemes optimas de prevision social y una digna atencion de salud, todo lo cual obliga a los Estados a elaborar politicas que tengan por objeto velar por la plena integracion del adulto mayor a la sociedad, de tal manera de generar un cambio cultural en la sociedad que se plasme en un mejor trato y valoracion de los adultos mayores en ella.

Los principales objetivos de dicho servicio, segun la ley que la crea, son velar por la plena integracion del adulto mayor a la sociedad, su proteccion ante el abandono e indigencia, y el ejercicio de los derechos que la Constitucion de la Republica y las leyes le reconocen. Si bien la ley establece un mandato expreso al Servicio en cuanto a obligarlo a proteger al adulto mayor frente a los casos de abandono o indigencia que lo puede afectar, la mencionada normativa nada dice respeto a las situaciones de maltrato activo de que estos pueden ser victimas.

Al respeto, la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud OMS , conviene en que el maltrato de este tipo de personas se puede cometer tanto por accion como por omision "descuido" , y que puede ser intencional o no. Las consecuencias de los efectos de la violencia fisica y psicologica sobre la salud de una persona mayor se ven aumentadas por el proceso de envejecimiento y las enfermedades propias a la vejez. Obviamente, para estas personas resulta mas dificil evadirse de una relacion de maltrato o tomar las decisiones apropiadas debido a las deficiencias fisicas y cognoscitivas que generalmente sufren.

Por esta razon, es que muchos paises han impulsado acciones sociales contra el maltrato hacia el adulto mayor, ya sea por medio de Politicas Publicas, de Programas Especiales o Leyes que regulen de manera especifica dicho sector poblacional. En el ambito de Programas Especiales, destacan los de Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, Reino Unido y Noruega, que cuentan con organizaciones estatales o no gubernamentales y sistemas de notificacion y tratamiento de maltrato de ancianos. Destaca en la region los programas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el programa "Proteger", que se ocupa exclusivamente de los casos de violencia de ancianos, y los de Brasil, donde desarrollan actividades de capacitacion en materia de maltrato de ancianos a cargo del Ministerio de Justicia, Salud y Prevencion Social.

Our country is headed toward an accelerated process in the aging of its population, as birthrates diminish and health plans extend the life of its inhabitants, thus increasing the average life expectancy rate. Due to the increase in the number of older adults which is observed at present, not only in our country, but in a great part of the planet, concern for this ethereal group of society takes on evermore importance from a political and socio-economic viewpoint.

In this sense, concern for the elderly has increased as awareness is focussed on the enormous growth of the older adult population, both in developed as well as developing countries. We are dealing, moreover, with an extremely sensitive sector of the population, which, because it finds itself in the twighlight of the cycle of life, presents very different characteristics from other population sectors, normally acknowledged as "vulnerable", such as women and children, girls and adolescents.

Generally, one characteristic frequently present in older adults is an evident decline in their quality of life, when they haven't had the advantage, during their development, of the the tools that allow preventing the precariousness of old age , as well as the deterioration of their health. On the other hand, as the number of older adults is significantly increased, the demands for satisfaction of their basic necessities are consequently increased along with them, requiring, as a result, optimum social security systems and and proper health care, all of which oblige the States to create policies whose goal is to insure the complete integration of the elderly into society, and thus generate a cultural change in society resulting in a better treatment of, and higher esteem for the elderly within it.

According to figures released by the National Institute of Statistics, in the year , the number of the elderly in our country was equal to In , the same figure increased to The main objectives of said service, according to the law which created it, are to insure the total integration of the elderly into society, their protection against abandonment and indigence, and the exercise of the rights which the Constitution of the Republic and the laws acknowledge as theirs. While the law expressly establishes a mandate upon the Service as far as obliging it to protect the elderly against those cases of abandonment or indigence which may affect them, the aforementioned regulation mentions nothing with respect to situations of active mistreatment of which they may be victims.

In this respect, the World Health Organization WHO , concurs that the mistreatment of persons of this type can be committed either by action or by omission "negligence" , and may be intentional or not. Moreover, it can be of a physical or psychic nature , or may entrail economic abuse or other material damages. For its part, in the Second World Assembly of the United Nations on Ageing, mistreatment was defined in a broad sense: The consequences of the effects from the physical and psychological violence on the health of an elderly person are increased by the aging process and the infirmities that accompany old age.

Obviously, it is more difficult for these persons to evade a relationship of mistreatment, or make the appropriate decisions due to the physical and cognitive deficiencies from which they generally suffer. In the area of Special Programs, those of the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway are outstanding, including organizations state or non-governmental as well as notification and treatment systems for the mistreatment of the elderly.

At the Latin American level, The Latin American Comitee for the Prevention of mistreatment of the Elderly has carried on an intense campaign to place this situation within the sphere of Public Health. Highlighted within the region are the programs of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the "Protect" program which is exclusively dedicated to cases of violence against the elderly, and those of Brazil, where training activities are being developed in regard to the mistreatment of the elderly headed by the Ministries of Justice, Health and Social Security.

Ya que la fuerza del huracan Isidoro propicio la muerte de aquel cedro que dio origen al concepto original del edificio, los planes de crecimiento hacia el frente norte del terreno cambiaron mientras existio el arbol siempre se pretendio su conservacion y permitieron concebir un espacio interior continuo y unitario que albergara los nuevos requerimientos programaticos del despacho. De esta manera se conservo casi en su totalidad la configuracion original del edificio al plantear la ampliacion incorporando un gran cajon a doble altura hacia el frente que techara el voladizo trapezoidal que fungia como "porche", convirtiendolo en un mezzanine del nuevo espacio interior y generando una gran ventana hacia el norte con vista hacia a las copas de los arboles vecinos y al azul del cielo de nuestras latitudes.

El unico muro interior de la propuesta surge radial desde el centro de la curva existente y cuya altura le permite funcionar como mampara que divide la zona publica del taller sin cortar la fluencia espacial del conjunto. Un a entrada de luz cenital divide lo nuevo de lo viejo enfatizando las dos etapas de la construccion y ademas inyecta luz a la parte posterior de las oficinas mediante una parrilla que dibuja de sombras la antigua pared que antes era fachada y que hoy es la pantalla que proyecta el paso del dia y alberga las nuevas instalaciones de aire acondicionado.

El sistema constructivo a base de paredes y losas de concreto prefabricado se expone al ser aparente y pretendiendo una materialidad mas sincera en la composicion. Si bien siempre hubo una actitud de respeto haca a las pre-existencias, tambien consideramos indispensable en el proyecto que se pudiera palpar un cambio ambiental en la expresion espacial. Since the force of Hurricane Isidore caused the demise of the cedar tree that that gave birth to the original concept of the building, the plans for expansion toward the front north of the lot changed while the tree existed its preservation was always intended and allowed for the conception of a continuous and unified interior space that contains the new program requirements of the office.

The design premise was to conserve, in its majority, what used to be the office, in an attitude of respect for the ten years of efforts and dreams. Thus, the original shape of the building was preserved almost in its entirety by proposing an addition incorporating a great double-height box toward the front that would roof over the trapezoidal overhang that once served as a "porch", transforming it into a mezzanine of the new interior space, and creating a huge window facing north with a view of the neighboring treetops and the azure of the skies in our lattitudes.

The furniture plays an intrinsic part of the architectural design through the use of granite slabs that conceal the technical and utility infrastructures, and whose lineal arrangement integrates the various parts of the program. The only interior wall in the proposal radiates from the center of the existing curve; its height allowing it to perform as a partition that divides the public zone from the studio without cutting off the spatial flow of the layout. A skylight divides the new from the old, emphasizing the two stages of the construction and also injecting light into the rear section of the offices through a grille that draw shadows on the old wall which was once the facade and today is the screen that projects the passage of day and houses the new airconditioning installations.

The building system based on pre-fabricated concrete walls and slabs is exposed by being left apparent and thereby assuming a more sincere materiality within the composition. While there was always an attitude of respect for the pre-existant, we also considered it indispensable to the project that a palpable environmental change in the spatial expression could be felt. The proposal for finishes contemplated the use of materiales such as wood, stone, aluminum, concrete and natural black granite which, handled honestly, resulted in a drastic change of the building's image and expression, and generated contrasts that highlighted the elements of the design.

Translation - English A scale car is a model of an automobile made in a smaller size than the the real or hypothetical original. It can be either an exact replica of a real model , a fictitious model or a combination of both. Scale model cars are made of various materials. There are those manufacturers that make each piece by hand and whose goods can cost upwards of several hundreds of dollars.

Assembly is usually done by hand. Today most of the manufacturing of these articles is done in China, no doubt due to the low labor costs, so prevalent in the production, which may have more than 1, different assembled parts. Due to the high cost which cast iron has commanded in the world market, the value of these items has increased considerably in recent years, causing many collectors to have changed their collections to smaller scales.

Paxia recomienda de su carta los siguientes platillos: La sopa de frijol negro es sin duda una delicia, y que decir de las ensaladas que llevan el toque de los nopalitos y cebollas en escabeche. Paxia es sin duda un digno representante de la alta cocina mexicana. Thanks to the restlessness of four young entrepreneurs, concerned with diffusing, recovering and preserving the style and the flavor of Mexican cuisine, Paxia is a good option to visit on one of the busiest streets in barrio de San Angel: The innovative in this restaurant lies in the presentation of its dishes; case in point: The "Chicharron de pollo" Chicken crackling , served with a delicious "pico de gallo" salsa in which the tomato cubes are substituted by gelatin cubes with the same flavor.

Paxia recommends the following dishes from its menu: Stuffed chile wrapped in chicken tlanemololli, with cheese and a touch of pecan and squash-blossom salsa; Pork crackling Lasagna; Baked bone marrow with "salsa borracha", Duck in black mole sauce with rice wrapped in cornhusk, and Paxia Fillet with huitlacoche and chile poblano sauce. However, its ample menu allows us to choose from entrees like the Duck tacos with "chile de arbol" salsa, or, if you're a traditionalist; the Rib-eye tacos are an excellent alternative.

Neither should you miss trying the "Corcholatitas de pollo" Little chicken "bottlecaps" or the Fish tacos al pastor; but if you're into classic tacos, why not a good pork crackling "Taco placero", flank steak or chorizo taco. The black bean soup is unquestionably a delight, and what can I even say about the salads with a touch of nopalitos and onions in marinade.

The ideal complement from the beverage list is undoubtedly Tequila, which can only be enjoyed in a great variety of cocktails. Looking out for the minutest detail in Paxia is a constant in this restaurant, which is why you'll always find excellent service and personalized attention. The restaurant's setting is modern and elegant, and so it proudly displays our origins while combining contemporary decor with cozy lighting. Paxia brings together traditional as well as modern elements in its decoration and an attractive blend of both. The decor of the whole restaurant represents the water, the earth and the color in our country.

For these and many other reasons, Paxia is, without a doubt, a worthy representative of Mexican haute cuisine. Durante el siglo XX varios proyectos desarrollados por universidades, simplemente se quedaron en eso, proyectos. Carros que en vez de usar gasolina y que prometian mejorar la calidad del ambiente al dejar de contaminar fueron dejados en el olvido debido a que, por obvias razones, solo funcionarian durante el dia.

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A pesar de esto, Kennedy no dejo de trabajar en prototipos para crear la casa ideal, que no dependeria directamente de la energia electrica y que su uso fuera el mas minimo. El impacto ambiental se empezo a volver mas acentuado en muchas partes del mundo, los costos seguian subiendo y se tenian que buscar soluciones.

Kennedy seguia creando planos para crear casas, habia encontrado diversas formas de aplicar la energia que genera la luz del sol en el uso diario del hogar, encontraba todavia muy distante el dia en que los elementos basicos que conforman una casa pudieran aprovechar este tipo de energia. Y entonces en el MIT ese lugar adonde se inventan las cosas que despues compramos y que hacen mas facil la vida se desarrollaron ventanas que incluian paneles que permitian convertir la luz del sol en electricidad para esos dias calurosos, que haria funcionar nuestro aire condicionado.

Sumando a este avance los paneles solares que ya se conocian, el proyecto de Kennedy por crear una zona dentro de alguna ciudad donde todas las operaciones electricas estuvieran fundadas en la energia solar [parecia aproximarse]. Durante muchas exposiciones de arquitectura alrededor del mundo , Kennedy expuso su trabajo a inversionistas y gobiernos para que pudieran financiar el proyecto.

Varios millones de dolares, 40 mil kilometros y los planos de esta mujer fueron los pilares sobre los que la primera ciudad que funcionaba con energia solar se sostuvo. Es importante destacar que dentro de este proyecto tambien se tiene planeado realizar centros comerciales, edificios y algun sistema de transporte que funcione de la misma manera.

Las casas tendrian sistemas automatizadas que regularan el uso de energia dentro del inmueble, por ejemplo, detectores de movimiento para los cuartos. De este modo, el momento en que alguien entre a un cuarto, la luz se encenderia y permaneceria asi por el tiempo que el usuario haya definido antes de que se vuelva a apagar, y asi evitar luces prendidas sin usar en algun cuarto de la casa. Hoy en dia, esta ciudad demuestra contaminar hasta 50 veces menos, comparada con otras ciudades de su misma extension, y mediante un servicio por Internet, cualquier persona en el mundo que quiera comprar una casa de este tipo, o que desee ayudar a reducir su consumo electrico, puede cambiar su casa a una que utilice energia solar, servicio que en Estados Unidos y en Europa ha estado teniendo mucho auge.

Lo importante de esto no es lo estetico o lo impresionante que pueda parecer tener un hogar asi, sino que, apesar de que sea algo tarde, estamos empezando a realizar acciones que mejoren el estado en el que se encuentra nuestro mundo.

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During the 20th-century, several projects developed by universities were simply left at that: Cars that instead of using gasoline, and that promised to improve the quality of the environment by not contaminating, were consigned to oblivion since, for obvious reasons, they only functioned during the day. The company's goal was to develop homes that functioned mainly on solar energy. The company had great ideas, however, due to the high costs represented by its projects, plus the lack of sponsorship from other companies, by October of , Sheila's company was dissolved.

In spite of this, Kennedy did not cease to develop prototypes to create the ideal house, which would not depend directly on electrical energy and whose use thereof would be the very minimum. The environmental impact began to get more critical in many parts of the world, the costs kept getting higher and solutions had to be found. It was rare to find companies dedicated to developing solutions for this; the majority concentrated on better usage of electrical power instead of trying to find other sources of fuel.

For a time, ethanol was our salvation, cars that ran miles to the gallon, and yet, this still wasn't enough to detain the damage we were producing. At some point during the first decade of the 21st-Century, there were some companies that developed glass furniture with built-in lamps; this light was capable of lasting nearly 21 years. Kennedy continued to develop plans to create houses, she had found various ways to apply the energy generated by sunlight for household uses, but found that, the day when the basic elements that make up a house would be able to take advantage of this type of energy, was still very distant.

And then, at MIT that place where they invent the things that we later buy, and that make our lives easier windows were developed that included panels which allowed sunlight to be converted into electricity for those warm days, when they would power our air-conditioners. Adding to this advance the solar panels that were already known, Kennedy's project to create a zone within a city where all electrical operations would be based on solar energy seemed to draw nearer. During many architectural expositions around the world, Kennedy showed her work to investors and governments that could finance the project.

It was then that a Japanese firm, concerned with the environmental damage and convinced that the project had a future, financed Kennedy's idea. Several million dollars, 40 thousand square kilometers and this woman's plans were the pillars upon which the first solar-powered city was supported. The design of the houses would have solar panels on the roofs, which, together with the windows, would be connected to a converter in the basement of the homes, which would function as a small electric plant.

The windows, as well as the panels strategically placed in other parts of the house, in addition to the roof this would depend, in great part, on the design of the house would be capable of generating up to watts for each square centimeters since the fotovoltaic condensers would work like when a leaf is burned under a magnifying glass-concentrating all of the solar energy possible on one zone to later convert into electrical power and thus, be able to work the plant in the basements, generating up to 19, watts per hour.

It's important to point out that the project also contemplates the development of shopping centers, buildings and a system of transportation that function by the same means. The houses would have automated systems that regulate the use of energy within the building, for example; motion detectors for the rooms. This way, the moment someone enters a room, the light would turn on and remain on for the time defined by the user before turning off again, and so avoid lights turned on without being used in some room of the house.

At night, the battery included in all the basement electric plants would come into play for whatever activities are necessary; it would be recharged daily, offering up to 6 hours of energy and a year estimated life span. The city is located in the Hokkaido region, and as a result of the ambitiousness of the project, many other companies participated in its development; firms such as IBM, MIT itself, and Greenpeace, among others. Today, this city registers up to 50 times less pollution than other similar-sized cities, and by means of an internet service, anyone in the world that would like to buy a house of this type, or who wants to help reduce his electric power consumption, can change his house into one that uses solar energy; a service that has been booming in the United States and Europe.

The importance of this is not the aesthetics, nor how impressive having a house such as this may seem, but rather that, in spite of it being somewhat late, we're beginning to take initiatives that will improve the state in which our world finds itself. Se trata de una realidad que no podemos ignorar. Es por eso que APC, como parte de la Division Critical Power and Cooling Services de Schneider Electric, esta comprometida a dirigir su negocio de una manera responsable desde el punto de vista ambiental.

Los esfuerzos sin tregua en investigacion y desarrollo de APC han producido soluciones integrales para centros de datos sumamente eficientes en lo que se refiere a energia de respaldo, enfriamiento e infraestructura. Lo anterior se vereflejado en nuestra iniciativa denominada "Efficient Enterprise", un concepto innovador que integra componentes de energia, refrigracion y administracion dentro del centro de datos, que interactuan automaticamente y en perfecta armonia para reducir los costos operativos y aumentar la eficiencia energetica en soluciones de este tipo.

Sin duda una de las acciones criticas para el futuro en materia de eficiencia energetica sera generar una cultura de conciencia para garantizar que podamos seguir disfrutando de los beneficios de la tecnologia, sin descuidar el impacto en el medio ambiente y el gasto generado por la energia electrica.

Este es el principal compromiso de APC: The fact is that by the year the demand for electricity will double, which is why cutting CO2 levels in half is necessary to stop the powerful climatic change which has already begun.

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We're dealing with a reality which we cannot ignore. That's why APC, as part of the Critical Power and Cooling Services of Schneider Electric, is committed to managing its business in a responsible manner from an environmental viewpoint. The unrelenting efforts in research and development at APC have produced extremely efficient integral solutions for data centers with reference to backup energy, cooling and infrastructure.

The above is reflected in our initiative known as "Efficient Enterprise", an innovative concept that integrates the elements of energy, cooling and administration within the data center , which interact automatically and in perfect harmony to reduce operating costs and increase energy efficiency in solutions of this type. Undoubtedly, one of the most critical measures for the future in the area of energy efficiency will be to generate a culture of awareness to guarantee that we can continue to enjoy the benefits which technology offers us without neglecting the impact on the environment nor the expenses generated by electrical power.

This is APC's main committment: To intensify our efforts to develop energy efficient and favorable solutions for the environment, that will- at the same time-guarantee the availability of information wherever it's generated, stored and distributed.

Todas las cartas son de un hombre llamado Joseph Banner, un viejo conocido suyo originario de Rhada. Desde ese momento, la vida del protagonista da un giro completo. Al no saber el paradero de su amigo, decide ir a buscarlo, pero un suceso inexplicable lo deja inconsciente. Y esto es cierto: Por supuesto, al ser gemelos, aprovechan su parecido para hacer muchas travesuras: All of the letters are from a person named Joseph Banner, an old crony of his and a native of Rhada.

From that moment, the life of the protagonist does a complete turnabout. Not knowing his friend's whereabouts, he decides to go find him, but an inexplicable occurrence leaves him unconscious. A couple picks him up and takes care of him, but he still knows nothing of his friend and only hears stories about him. The author comments that he was interested in striking the deepest chords of human sensibilities, in writing a novel rich in shading, which would include affection, tenderness, courage, and show them from different angles.

Another important point for him during the writing process was to succeed in making the novel ask itself important questions: Therefore, one has to think of oneself as a being who forms part of nature,of a social world, and who has responsibilities as such. And this is true: Of course, being twins, they take advantage of their likeness and manage to get into plenty of mischief: In school, they supplant each other, but the problems begin when one of them decides to work in a shop and the other decides to be thief.

This is an excellent book for all those reader's who seek to recreate the eras of the past in their minds.

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In it, the author writes about the regime of terror that reigned over the Soviet concentration camps in the 20th-Century, which he himself suffered. Hoy dia es una necesidad para cualquiera que pretenda tener un futuro viable. En practicamente todas las ramas del quehacer del hombre, el tema de la sustentabilidad esta modificando la vision de como hacemos lo que hacemos. La arquitectura no es la excepcion. Debido al crecimiento de la firma, SPACE tuvo la necesidad de reubicar sus oficinas, lo que planteo una oportunidad unica: El reto no fue sencillo: El planteamiento conceptual del proyacto fue simple y complejo a la vez.

No nos fue posible aplicar las reglas, tanto esteticas como funcionales, a las que estamos acostumbrados. Fue momento de replantear nuevas reglas y buscar una nueva estetica, es decir, una estetica verde. Desde el inicio, una idea rectora nos llevo por buen camino: Reducir, Reciclar y Reutilizar. El espacio es una fiel imagen do los valores y creencias de la organizacion. Es un contenedor que fomenta la comunicacion, el trabajo en equipo y especialmente un lugar que refleja la pasion y el amor por el quehacer arquitectonico.

Tanto las estaciones de trabajo como, la silleria cuentan con la certificacion Cradle to Cradle. Dicha certificacion se otorga a productos que utilizan materiales saludables y seguros, que se pueden reutilizar facilmente, mismos que son fabricados por empresas que utilizan energias renovables, que maximizan el uso del agua y que cuentan con estrategias sociales. Todos los materiales utilizados en el proyecto son de bajas o nulas emisiones de VOC Volatile Organic Compounds , ademas de que gran parte de ellos son reciclados y rapidamente renovables.

Los selladores, pinturas y adhesivos son base agua y libres de VOC, lo que asegura la calidad del aire interior. Las alfombras utilizadas cuentan con la certificacion CRI Green Label Plus, certificacion otorgadas a productos que sobrepasan estandares de bajas emisiones de VOC, tanto en adhesivos como en bajo alfombra y alfombra. Cada empleado cuenta con luz natural y vistas al exterior.


In summary, the use of MALDI to investigate non-covalent interaction is far less straightforward than typical applications for peptides and proteins under denaturing conditions. Mass spectrometry of stanozolol and its analogues using electrospray ionization and collisioninduced dissociation with quadrupolelinear ion trap and linear ion trap-orbitrap hybrid mass analyzers. This led to the creation of the first generation of the Civic, a strategic model at that moment for Honda. Social networks, websites, blogs and online communities are the new university campuses. Thanks to the restlessness of four young entrepreneurs, concerned with diffusing, recovering and preserving the style and the flavor of Mexican cuisine, Paxia is a good option to visit on one of the busiest streets in barrio de San Angel:

Los beneficios son innumerables. Sin embargo, el mayor beneficio es para nosotros mismos, para las futuras generaciones, para nuestro mundo. SPACE esta comprometido con el medio ambiente, con la sociedad y su entorno. Today, it's a necessity for anyone aspiring to a viable future. In practically all branches of man's endeavor, the subject of sustainability is changing the vision of of how we do what we do.

Arquitecture is no exception. Due to the firm's growth, SPACE discovered it needed to relocate its offices, which presented a unique opportunity: The challege was not simple: The intention was to develop a certified project that demonstrated the viability of its use in Mexico's market without necessarily costing more, nor taking more time to do so. The project's conceptual proposal was simple and at the same time complex. It was impossible for us to apply the rules-aesthetic as well as functional-that we were accustomed to. It was time to rethink a new set of rules and look for a new aesthetic, that is; a green aesthetic.

From the outset, one guiding precept led us down a good path: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. The space is a faithful image of the organization's values and beliefs. It's a container that breeds communication, teamwork, and especially, a place that reflects the passion and love for architectural endeavor. The work stations, as well as the seating, have Cradle to Cradle certification. This certification is awarded to products that use healthy and safe materials that can be easily reused, and which are manufactured by companies that use renewable energies that maximize the use of water and employ social stategies.

All of the materials used in the project are of low or no-VOC Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions, in addition to the great majority of them being recycled and rapidly renewable.

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The sealants, paints and adhesives are water-based and VOC-free, which insures interior air quality. The carpeting used has CRI Green Label Plus certification , awarded to products that exceed low VOC emissions standards, in adhesives as well as in under carpeting and carpeting. Each employee enjoys natural light and views to the exterior. The resulting space is an excellent example of what is known in the United States as a High Performance Green Space, which aligns architecture, technology and human resource in an area that respects the environment and seeks to improve the performance of organizations.

The benefits are innumerable. However, the major benefit is for ouselves, for future generations; for our world. Once again, SPACE sets the trend in design and architecture, demostrating its committment by its example. Space is committed to the environment, to society and its surroundings. La casa, situada en un predio de 3. La piscina esta sostenida por muros laterales , como un bloque que flota sobre la sala. A medida que cambia la luz del dia, funciona como un filtro que produce estrias en el agua.

Por la noche, iluminada, se convierte en un conjunto de luces coloridas. El proyecto se concebio como una rebanada sobre un descarte urbano , tras la apertura de una calle sobre el costado poniente del predio. Una serie de paredes con mosaicos de 70 deg tilted 70 deg walls , extienden los espacios donde el ojo es desplazado hacia otros planos, dando la ilusion de un epacio mas grande. Los techos con mosaicos crean una perspectiva forzada que distorciona la percepcion espacial, la cual se ve enriquecida al percibir la informacion contradictoria desde distintos puntos de vista.

The house, situated on a lot measuring 3. The changing nature of the urban context creates strange residual places, extremely interesting in terms of planning and programming. The swimming pool, located on the upper level, is the main event of this space and polarizes attention, converting the user into a "voyeur", while at the same paying homage to the body, that very Brazilian obsession.

The pool is supported by lateral walls, like a block floating over the living room. As the daylight changes, it acts as a filter producing ripples on the water. At night, illuminated, it turns into a play of colored lights. The project was conceived as a slice built over a discarded urban leftover, following the opening of a street on the west side of the lot.

Thus, the space was conformed by non-orthogonal design decisions, folding and unfolding itself within the prismatic shape generating distortions that create the illusion of a larger space within the narrow lot. A series of mosaic-tiled, degree tilted walls extend those spaces where the eye is diverted toward other planes, creating the illusion of greater space.

The tiled ceilings create a forced perspective that distorts spatial perception, which is enriched by perceiving contradictory information from different viewpoints. Excerpts from Arquine magazine, Autumn Spanish to English: Entre descargar un programa privativo y no hacer nada es mejor hacer nada.

Uno debe elegir el menor mal, que es violar la licencia. Hay dos maneras de evitarlo: La otra es rechazar el software privativo. Stallman is situated on the antipodes of celebrities like Steve Ballmer or Steve Jobs. Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. Popularity Popularity Featured Price: Low to High Price: High to Low Avg.

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