Scanning for Kids of All Ages

Our associates—from our pediatric radiologists to our specially trained imaging technologists and nurses—work alongside our dedicated child life specialists to educate patients on their imaging tests and provide a variety of distraction techniques during their scans.

CAT Scan: Head

We even have a toy-sized CT machine that can help teach them about the test beforehand. Learn more about our child life specialists and distraction techniques. The CT scan is painless, fast and easy and begins with the child lying down on a narrow table that slides in and out of a doughnut-shaped hole in the center of the CT scanner. Straps and pillows may be used to help the child maintain the position needed for the exam.

  • DMSA Renal (Kidney) Scan | Children’s Hospital Pittsburgh.
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  • CT scans and radiation exposure in children and young people | healthdirect!
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The scan usually takes about 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the part of the body that is being scanned. It is very important that the child stays very still during the scan, as movement will affect the quality of the images. Many scanners are fast enough that children can be scanned successfully.

In special cases, anesthesia may be needed for children who cannot hold still. The IV contrast is needed to check the blood supply of the area being studied. The IV contrast is considered very safe. The contrast medication is given halfway through the procedure, and the child may feel a sensation like they have to urinate or a warm flushed sensation just after the dye goes into the vein. This is a normal feeling and will subside quickly.

There may be some discomfort with the placement of this into the vein. If anesthesia was administered, the child will be taken to the recovery area to be watched until the medication wears off and he or she wakes up.

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CT imaging provides real-time imaging, making it a good tool for guiding minimally invasive procedures such as needle biopsies and needle aspirations of many areas of the body, particularly the lungs, abdomen, pelvis and bones. Before you come to the hospital, explain to your child what will happen in words that he or she can understand. Read more on Diagnostic Imaging Pathways website. How do I learn the results of the bone scan? Drinking plenty of water will help to flush the radioactive material from your child's body. A computed tomography CT scan uses X-rays to provide images of what is hard and soft inside a body.

If contrast was given, the child should drink plenty of water and fluids to help flush the contrast dye out of the body. Read more on Better Health Channel website. Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website. Read more on InsideRadiology website. A CT scan is an X-ray imaging technique that is used on people of all ages, including children. CT scans are vitally important for quickly investigating serious health problems inside the body, for example, bleeding inside the skull after a fracture.

What is a CT scan?

CT scans provide more information than a plain X-ray image. In Australia, many children have a computed tomography CT scan each year. CT scans provide doctors with important information to help them care for children. This brochure answers some questions you might have if your child needs a CT scan.

DMSA Renal (Kidney) Scan

This article tells consumers about a computed tomography CT scan, the benefits and the risks, what happens before, during and after having a CT scan. Read more on Diagnostic Imaging Pathways website. CT scans are a valuable investigative technique because it provides a low risk, non-invasive, fast and accurate method of diagnosing serious injury and illness.

However, all these benefits come with an increased exposure to ionising radiation which has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. To find out more ask for our brochure 'What you need to know about CT Scans for children' or go to www.

  • My Life: From Struggles to good Times;
  • Children's (Pediatric) CT (Computed Tomography).
  • CT scan information for parents and carers.
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  • CT Scan (or Computed Tomography Scan).

What is the diagnostic accuracy of laparoscopic staging following a CT scan for assessing whether pancreatic and periampullary cancer is resectable? Read more on Cochrane Australasian Centre website. Regular or selected use of computed tomography CT scanning to reduce deaths in people who have a high-energy blunt-traumatic injury. Diagnostic imaging is often not indicated in chronic abdominal pain. In particular, undifferentiated abdominal pain is rarely an indication for a CT scan.

  1. Frequently Asked Questions.
  2. !
  3. What is Children's CT??

Read more on Australian Prescriber website. This Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review looked at the evidence for the radiology test computed tomography angiography CTA , which demonstrates blood flow in the main vessels of the brain, to support the results of clinical tests of brain function performed in unconscious patients on mechanical breathing machines who are thought by their doctors to have died.

It is helpful to give your child a simple explanation as to why a bone scan is needed and assure him or her that you will be with him or her for the entire time. You may want to bring your child's favorite book, toy or comforting object to use during waiting times or in the imaging room.

We have various DVDs to choose from for your child to watch during the procedure or you can bring one from home.

What are some common uses of the procedure?

Between the injection of the radiopharmaceutical and the scan, there is a three to four hour delay. In addition, the scan time is approximately one hour. Please schedule your day accordingly. When you arrive, please go to the Nuclear Medicine check-in desk on the second floor of the main hospital. A clinical intake coordinator will check in your child and verify his or her registration information.

Why Choose CHOC?

A bone scan involves three steps: You will be greeted by one of our nuclear medicine technologists who will explain to you and your child what will happen during the study. A tiny amount of the radiopharmaceutical will be injected into one of your child's veins by a small needle. You and your child will be free to leave the department and then return 3 to 4 hours later for the actual imaging. The technologist will give you an exact time to return for imaging.

It is important for your child to try to drink extra fluids during the waiting time in order to promote bladder emptying at the time of imaging. Your child may be asked to change into hospital pajamas and will need to remove jewelry and any metal objects that could interfere with the scan. The camera does not make any loud noises and may move slowly around your child's body as pictures are taken.

Your child may be asked to move into different positions in order for the bones to be viewed from different angles. It is important that your child remains still during the imaging in order to obtain the best quality images possible.

MRI Video for Children

The number of images obtained and the total imaging time will vary depending on the diagnosis under consideration, although the average imaging time is about one hour. Your child may experience some discomfort associated with the insertion of the intravenous needle. The needle used for the procedure is small.