Robert und die Ritter IV: Das Turnier (Reihe Hanser) (German Edition)

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The publication of these statements and reports is all the more important since these conflicts are still shrouded in public silence today, contingent on private psychotherapeutic service. Author Wim van Leer, who also had to flee from the German national socialists, met Walter Trier while in England and wrote the little nonsense story about the funny blackbird especially for him. ISBN biography - young adult's book. Courage to be true to one's own unadorned memory and a genuine literary language distinguish this extraordinary autobiography. And these qualities cannot be taken for granted since the book deals with a childhood experience of the holocaust - an historic fact which today, due to the persistent and abundant public interest in the subject, can no longer be the private concern of an individual's memory - unless there are aspects to report which have not before been considered worth mentioning: Also that poetry and literature must be taken literally in catastrophic situations, in case something of it should be true: The author teaches in the German Department of an American university.

She wrote the book in German. Germany German - - 93 Pressler, Mirjam Ich sehne mich so. Drawing in part on the available sources, in part reading what is easily overlooked between the lines in the familiar texts, the author sketches the entire surroundings of the girl in her everyday life before and during the time of her hiding out in Amsterdam. It is clear that her wish has been granted in the worldwide dissemination of her diaries.

ISBN Prague invasion - East Germany - civil courage - violence - prison - Berlin Wall - childhood - young adult's book Contemporary history is presented in short nar-ratives. For instance, a scene from the Warsaw Pact troop invasion of Czechoslovakia in The brother attempts to delay the column by performing motor scooter stunts.

Instead, that is the day the relatives leave East Germany forever. This book could be appropriate for young adults. Life Stories and Documents Weinheim: Epilogue by the author. ISBN X censure - literature - Germany 20th century - book burning - exile - writers - young adult's book - nonfiction The fact that the political persecution of authors and poets has remained a threat even among those living today has underscored the necessity of the historical discussion of this problem in the international sphere: Although some individual contributions to the volume have already been printed in magazines for the public, this re-print of the entire body deserves special attention in one particular aspect: Where are the decisions made as to how public life and, as a result, private life, too is to function.

Is the responsibility for everything exclusively in the hands of politicians? How and in what ways can an individual, even a child of a young person, become active politically? The systematically researched and clearly written information book for children and young people encourages to get involved in the public debates over their interests and helps them get an overall view of the system. It provides the requisite knowledge with precise information about the structure of government and communities in a democracy like the Federal Republic of Germany.

Extensive address list in the appendix enable the reader to contact directly the regional and supraregional agencies responsible for the needs of children and youth.

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Buy Robert und die Ritter IV: Das Turnier (Reihe Hanser) (German Edition): Read Kindle Store Reviews - Robert und die Ritter IV: Das Turnier (Reihe Hanser) (German Edition) eBook: Anu Stohner, Jörg Mühle: Kindle Store.

Juli, der Finder Juli, the Finder Weinheim: He knows what he is supposed to do: But what to do when he finds something he should take to the police, for instance, a shoe old? For he has to turn it in because someone might be missing it? The policeman follows the rules. He accepts the lost article. He takes Juli with his "Peter-car" police car home.

Surely that has not happened to anyone else in kindergarten! A friendly text with an almost broodingly precise rendering of events and the elementary pleasure of little children over the experience of being independent, trustworthy and important. So he sets out and asks the animals. But they can only give him insufficient answers since they all keep themselves and their clan alive by searching for food and caring for their young.

But Washable consists of fabric and sawdust, has no tasks and cannot do anything. A little girl knows the answer: In this way, his Teddy Bear existence once again has a purpose. A story and a painted Teddy which uphold the wish to belong among younger children and help them to see their own usually also "unnecessary" little selves as valuable. The story has been set to music by Wilfried Hiller for theater performances. Germany German - - Engelmann, Reiner ed.

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Tomorrow May Be Too Late. There are feelings of insecurity on both sides, but the greater burden is borne by the foreigners. Speechlessness which is not verbal, but rather psychological makes the situation worse. The authors hope to encourage, even request, their readers not to let themselves be overwhelmed by the general mood of pessimism, but rather to stay alert and active against perpetrators of violence. A Tale from Tadzhikistan Ravensburg: A poor old fisher receives a large fish every morning from the bird Kachka because he cannot catch anything himself any longer.

The fisher and his wife soon grow fatter and richer - until one day the Padisha places a high reward on the bird's head. Then the fisher betrays his benefactor. But nothing good can come of that. Bird Kachka abducts the phalanx of bloodhounds on his trail to never-ever land in the endless skies.

Annegert Fuchshuber's re-telling of this Tadzhik lale is a tribute to a wonder she remembers from her childhood when at the end of the Second World War the Russian officer Nikolai brought bread and sugar and told fairy tales. Everyone knows who his friends and enemies are, and in times of need there is a truce until the danger has passed.

Franz Rat and his assistant Miss Pimpenelle, the grey mouse, hold strictly to this rule. It makes no difference whether Dr. Rat's patients, such as Cat Nelson, number among their mortal enemies - everyone receives treatment. With caution, of course. Barrels of poison in vast numbers are being dumped on the hill. Clever, tricky, and with believable citizen's courage Franz Rat and Miss Pimpernelle succeed in saving their world. The rights of handicapped children and the right of protection as a refugee are treated in a separate chapter.

The situation of children from around the world is presented in short texts, usually illustrated with photos. Suggestions for activities in one's own country are given which make it possible, on a small or larger scale, to do something, preferably with the help of schools and educators. One chapter reports on the widely unknown work of the children's parlaments in Germany and lists their addresses. Through their commitment these texts give hope to the idea that actions taken against the injustice which children experience throughout the whole world can be meaningful.

The Story of Liselotte Herrmann Ravenshurg: She had been active in the Communist resistance. At the time of her death her son was three years old, she herself In , two years before the opening of the archives, Ditte Clemens, a citizen of the GDR, began to investigate the available sources - and after endless difficulties with the officials also the archival materials - about Liselotte Herrmann, who was considered a model case of a Communist resistance fighter. Thus with this book an example of citizen's courage in the immediate present is unfolded for the reader.

The desire and personal wish of the author to make history transparent, to set recognizable truth off from the declared cliches, gave her the courage to overstep them. In mutually complementary, alternating chapters, Ditte Clemens develops the archive material in question in a fascinating manner for the reader and at the same time reports on her own difficulties in the search for truth. It becomes evident - this is the merit of this book - what kind of historical falsification is necessary in a dictatorship of any color and that only the resistance of individuals can remedy it.

ISBN Divorce - Family - Argument Lena and Lars try in their own way to do something about the more and more frequent arguments between their parents. Lena even climbs up onto the rooftop and threatens to jump off. Unfortunately, they have to accept the fact that neither their acts nor their sorrow change anything in this conflict, and that lawyers are not always the bad guys, but in some cases understanding people who are concerned as individuals and as lawyers about the "welfare of the children.

Without glossing over the difficulties, the author indicates that it is possible to cope with unexpected and painful new situations with outside help. The reader is spared a view of the future; instead the lively energy of the protagonists gives hope for a better one. He ran into this group of like- minded, in thought and deed violence-oriented gang at the age of twelve. The "solution" to the asylum seeker problem in Germany provides them with a goal and direction: When one member of the group stands up to the others and saves a foreigner child, he is beaten to death by the gang.

Full of catch words but still impressive, the author writing under a pseudonym portrays in the protagonist all the inner problems, brutality and lack of orientation seen among young people who have turned to violence, including the vicious circle of their isolated life's circumstances at school, in the family, and in the community, which condemns them to speechlessness.

Violence in the family is continued outside of it. Blamed is once again the generation of parents who, in turn, had not been able to free themselves of their past. In a political sense the boys are mostly fully ignorant, they seek to be part of a substitute family, they want to retreat into their den, which is stocked to the hilt with weapons hut also quite homey with refrigerator and bed.

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Right-wing ideas and ideology are disseminated and practiced by veterans of the Nazi dictatorship who want to raise the youth to be "right fellows", just as they once were. In its word rhythm the text conveys the staccato of rap - the music and life- style of a generation fixed on speed and volume. The readability of the text carries the danger that its content will not be seen as the negative world which it seeks to portray. What do Girls Do? Whether the scene involves a snake with human children's features or a thoroughly plausible happening such as the wish to read undisturbed, closer inspection shows that each portrait involves the dark side of the dear little ones.

Irmgard sits reading in a stuffed wing chair on a carpet of racing rats, probably in order to disgust the adults. Patricia "keeps an eye on her brother" by twirling him like an airplane around her near solid iron posts. Yvonne wants to watch television and keeps a knife and cleaver ready, just in case.

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Boys and feeble adults fathers make a poor showing, serving as mere show or as objects of female aggression. As in Heidelbach's past picture books, there is nothing child-like here. In so far this could be an alphabet which teaches the grown-ups to feel the creeps. Some early interpersonal, but not yet verbalized experiences are presented here visually with subversive irony.

All True Animal Stories Recklinghausen: ISBN animal protection - animal shelters - man-animal -relationship - responsibility Animals of most varied types who have found shelter on an estate with animal lovers introduce themselves. In spite of an often poeticized form, the texts tell of quite real and commonplace, happy and terrible animal fates which are taken seriously in these friendly surroundings - of grooming and comradeship, and of death and loss.

The authors work full-time in creative professions and are actively committed to the cause of animals' rights to respect and protection. But today Ernst gets into a dispute with August. Ernst gets up and August slays in bed when the alarm goes off at 5 a. Thus everything goes wrong on this day. Ernst falls off the bicycle, is bitten by a dog, and in his haste has forgotten to put on his uniform or anything else. For all of these mishaps he naturally blames his alter ego August, who is lying at home in a warm bed. As Ernst is ready to confront August, Ernst August wakes up with a start.

For the first time in his mailman existence he has overslept! A simple and humorous fable about the inner sleepyhead everyone knows. The illustrations; just as in the said morning rush, accidently smeared and corrected, but chrystal clear in their statement, with the necessary The mailman Ernst August is certified as the most punctual mailman in the world.

Ernst gets up and August stays in bed when the alarm goes off at 5 a. The illustrations; just as in the said morning rush, accidently smeared and corrected, but chrystal clear in their statement, with the necessary pinch of wink-eye. ISBN Banquet - Vanity - Trickery - Fable The peacock issues invitations to the wedding of the century and everyone comes, in fancy dress, to celebrate with him. There is singing and dancing on the tables. True to his tricky nature, the fox offers his bushy tail as a wedding table - and disappears with the food and drink into his foxhole as soon as it is served, where he lives it up for a full week "and gave no one a crumb.

Ensikat's graphic design for the text corresponds to the intent of the tale. Each illustration of this charmingly bestial show-off wedding party tempts the reader to enjoyable perusal thanks to the artist's mastership. The book's design enables all of the vain comrades of the wedding's host to be properly shown in the picture book world. Both girls learn from and about each other - the customs and rules of their respective cultures. And yet Steffi unknowingly offends her foreign friend seriously by inviting her to a birthday party without her brother as escort.

And Steffi cannot understand why Aischa expected such an invitation or is injured. Because of the ignorance of both children, the friendship is nearly at a breaking point. Only when Aischa is about to return to Lebanon with her family because their temporary quarters are threatened by attacks and her brother is insulted and mistreated in Germany, just as in his homeland, does a reconciliation take place.

Simple imagery in and for the text.

Chrétien de Troyes

Prayer of Elizabeth; arr. Fantasie fur Klavier, Chor und Orchester, Op. Ouverture zu der Oper Fidelio, Op. Doch dann hat Robert eine Idee: Peter Rolfe Monks et D. In this biography Hetmann combines fictitious passages with original texts by Stevenson, including those from the lesser known homo politicus. An audience gathers around him and he is given a show on television.

This book could be used in classrooms to help examine the situation of children from abroad. Germany German - - Merten, C. Catastrophe threatens, the German reunification is endangered. Only with the help of a magic ring, which had once decided the order of succession in the House of the Hohenzol lern, could a solution perhaps be found. The ring is looked for. Political leisure reading about the state of the nation, for children and adults. Galileo ISBN Nuclear Acchlent - Survival - Community - Nature An unexplainable catastrophe has turned the whole earth into a death zone, with the exception of only a few elevated areas.

The survivors must try to secure their living with the natural means at their disposal. Using the example of a village community, the author describes spellbindingly what is possible in this situation and how life can continue to function. The conciliatory conclusion is the discovery that in the seas living nature - at the micro-level - is developing anew and the dead areas becoming overgrown. A warning for everyone, and a thrilling book as well.

ISBN Transformation - Body Size - Observation Grandfather Karl-Gustav is given the surprising opportunity through a fantastic natural happening, lo be transformed into a mini- grandfather. When the twins Jenny and Johan pop in on him in the holidays, they have problems with their absent-minded or - seemingly - fully absent host, until they discover him in his disguise. And there are still more discoveries to be made by all children and adults who let themselves be transformed.

How enormous a straaw is, or wonder of flight the living dragon-fly is! The author's intent stems from natural-ethical and religious ideas and aims at the abolition of structural violence. Fantasy, joie de vie, and the power of imagination on the part of the by chance large beings people for the little world all around them could help people to observe more closely and to respect and protect what is living. To let one's self be transformed from big to small could occur without any physical tricks of fantasy and help a person to empathize with the little ones.

The particular merit of this text is its humor, which pokes fun at of the category body size. Hence the stories her grandmother tells about life years ago seems like a fairy tale. Their tribe had been affluent, there were camels, goats and chickens for them all. And although the children didn't go to school, when they grew up they knew how to get along in life, This was the way it was until the civil engineers watered the wasteland around the village, spreading artificial fertilizer and claiming ever greater portions of the harvest for themselves.

Tribal disputes broke out among the neighbors, and the survivors were finally forced to move to the cities. That was how their impoverishment began. For all their greed, the members of the tribe had not listened to the warnings of the wise elders, but instead destroyed nature and hence their own life by the misguided use of technology. With tangible sadness, but without bitterness, the author tells a realistic story as a piece of fiction. The text also represents the possibility for acquainting children with socio-cultural aspects of life without writing a "problem book.

Alles hat einen Namen. Ein Wort-Schatz- Buch Everything has a name. A treasury of words Ravensburg: The chapters begin with the smallest place a box and end with the universe, showing in each case what is contained therein: A short verse characterizes each new dimension, pictures show the items, words describe the picture in German, English, and French. The result is a play-like, but very informative dictionary even suited for very small children, who are able to explore their immediate and not-so-immediate surroundings and find out the names and labels of things.

ISBN Creation - Butterfly - Imagination For the "maker of all things" there exists from the creative point of view certain limitations: There is no place for a "tree that sings like a bird And yet, young people in particular have their dreams. Rodolfo wants to invent a creature which "is like a bird and like a flower at once. He calls it Butterfly and invents butterflies for all regions of the world. Even the Wise Old One, a mother figure like those in the creation myths of primitive peoples, impressively appearing in a huge scarlet gown, is enchanted by this unexpected beauty.

The young inventor is given permission to summon together a jury of all creators to decide about the necessity of a separate workshop for the butterflies. The story is fully of fantasy and intelligence, the text which is not available in this form in Spanish holds an exotic type of brilliance; and Eribruch's pictures are as fascinating as ever. Seriousness and caricatural humor intersect with one another also at the formal artistic level. Inspite of the naturalistic portrayal of figures and objects on the page, the artist sensitively and accurately conveys the atmosphere of the both tedious and pleasurably creative task of designing.

The large-sized, prize-winning book deserves all the attention it will receive. Germany German - - 76 Boie, Kirsten Erwachsene reden. Marco hat etwas getan Adults talk. Marco has taken action Hamburg: Their comments range from "no comment" to wordy statements, more or less precise, more or less burdened with self-reflection and the question of adult guilt in regard to Marco's behavior. Marco killed two people, Turkish children. Even Marco had spoken aloud about the possibility of a similar deed, but no one paid attention to him - as had been the case throughout his childhood.

To achieve just that, namely to achieve recognition, he took action. But when the asylum seekers arrive, problems between the local residents and the foreigners arise. Using a very adept narrative technique the author brings in all the usual arguments and pseudo-arguments about the issue of enmity toward foreigners. Based on an isolated incident, the social setting for the potential origins of misanthropic and xenophobic acts become better understandable. Die Dachsreise Momme in Sweden.

The badger's journey Hamburg: There he finds Bellmann, the old horse with a hundred faces, just one cow in the barn and mysteriously feuding neighbors, with whom however a reconciliation is possible. An elk calf is separated from its mother and Momme decides he will never to shoot elk, but instead become a farmer. A badger gets caught in a trap and is rescued from a sure death. This sympathetic story presents a not quite ideal world - but also not a problem world - and its inhabitants. Much is only alluded to, much remains part of an undefined background, but the protagonists are clearly drawn.

The imaginative fantasy of children and the real world of adults are united in a pleasant relationship which all of them can accept. The publisher of this original paperback is to be congratulated for including the illustrations by Klaus Ensikat, which effortlessly include these widely differing worlds in his drawings. He suddenly realizes that he knows nothing about the people whose names he is cleaning daily. At first he goes to concerts to hear their music, then to the public library to read their books. Soon he is singing and reciting while he works. An audience gathers around him and he is given a show on television.

To make a long story short: Two dimensional colors and distorted proportion, often out of perspective, correspond in a formal way to the substance of this sympathetic, but unfortunately hardly imaginable story about a happy person. The dynamicism of the scenes is captured in the borders of each spread, which for the most part contains both text and illustration. Italic font and scattered motifs of musical instruments form a harmonious unity, as is also true of the brown-green tones.

This fairy tale picture book has no expiration date. Die wahre Geschichte von allen Farben The true story of all colors Oldenburg: This is the beginning of the true story of all colors. White lets all the other colors glow and shine, and each individual color - red, blue, yellow - want to capture its place on white.

In doing so, they come together and even mix with one another. To their great dismay they must accept that new members of the family thus arrive: Each color has its own idiosyncrasies: Finally white, the sum of all colors, establishes order amidst all the fights over rank order and position. It invents the chromatic circle. Each is appointed an acceptable place between its neighboring relations. By giving the colours their own willfulness and character, the author creates a dynamic and structured tale for children who like to draw.

The life of Robert Louis Stevenson Ravensburg: In this fictive biography he confesses his remedy against the disease to his stepson, the narrator: In fact Stevenson did succeed in drawing out the deadly course of his illness until his 44th year through many changes of climate and location. In this biography Hetmann combines fictitious passages with original texts by Stevenson, including those from the lesser known homo politicus.

The reader experiences the birth of the novel "Treasure Island" as a joint idea of Stevenson and his stepson. Both enjoyed combining their fantasies of adventure and observations of unusual contemporaries into a story which the adult writes while the youth spurs it onwards when it begins to slacken. Precise biographical research and detailed portrayals of Stevenson's places of residence endow the book with a convincing atmosphere.

Her aunt Lou would be glad to adopt her, but isn't allowed to as long as she is unmarried. Halinka lives with her thoughts and dreams more outside than inside the children's home where it finds everything and everyone antagonistic. In her loneliness, she takes emotional comfort from writing in her secret book of thoughts but no feelings, in case a stranger were to find it , where important sentences such as that of the title of this book. There are many little tricks used for survival in the everyday life of the children's home, including the art of not falling for the mean tricks of the other girls.

But still there are positive moments, even with some adults, such as when a teacher silently ignores Halinka's misdeeds. Mirjam Pressler succeeds in letting the reader experience the child narrator's desperation, anger and maliciousness, her joy and happiness. Das ist kein Papagei! The parrot that Lina's parents thought was a he-bird is a she-bird. And she-birds never repeat what they are told to say. They fall asleep while you are talking. One could even consider them dumb or untalented.

She got the picture right from the very beginning, but for all their fighting, her parents didn't hear her for a long time. After being unmasked and giving proof of her diligence - she claims to speak thirteen language fluently and understand twenty others - the she-bird is allowed to stay in the family. The text and illustrations of this lovely, caricatural story of a secret matriarchy fit together in ideal harmony.

The illustrator fulfills all the subversive visual desires of the beholder. Innenansichten aus dem Jugendknast Youth behind bars. Inside a juvenile detention center Recklinghausen: With this program she hoped to give even the functional illiterates there a sphere in which young criminals would be able to name and deal with their own difficulties. Some of those interviewed were even prepared to participate in the newly founded reading club in the center.

Some, such as the co- author Wagner, a young gypsy, recognized writing as an opportunity to develop a feeling of inner freedom even in a non-free situation. In general the work with the inmates took place on a friendly level. The author contributes her own texts in this volume; the inmates began to interest themselves for their own life only after they had begun to write about their feelings and thoughts.

Als die Welt noch jung war When the world was still young Weinheim: Extraordinary both for their often sly, and even sassy content, and equally so for their eccentric illustrations which are scattered throughout the book either on full-sized pages in strong, but not glaring colors, or inserted as vignettes at the beginning of the chapter, or in black-white-and-ochre tones as a preface to some texts. The overall design paper quality, typeface, binding, and dustjacket is pleasing in its harmony.

The 43 stories invite the reader to this or that discovery: At least that is how it used to be. The word "education" is not part of the Tuvinian language. Children learn the rules of behavior for specific situations as part of a group; everything else is learned by listening, observing, imitating and helping. The most important beings in the life and surroundings of the young narrator are his "grandmother," an unknown older woman who came once upon a time into the tent village.

Ail, and stayed on because the child "chose" her and they no longer wanted to part, and the dog Arsylang, leader of the pack and their faithful companion, "my brother-instead-of- a-brother" as the author calls him. The climax and end of this narrator's childhood is a long hard winter which the little family barely manages to survive along with a very few of their herd. For the dog Arsylang the new period, with its technical possibilities, brings a fateful danger when he eats the poison that the father sets out for the maraurading predators. The enormous force of the text lies in its long "inner wind," which challenges the imagination and con- veys the rhythm of tension and restfulness in the life of the Ail.

The author of this autobiographical memoir, Galsan Tschinag, was born into a Tuvinian family of nomadic animal-herders in the Mongolian People's Repubulic in He studied German in East Germany between and , and wrote this novel in German. In he was awarded the Adalbert von Chamisso Prize in Munich. Betrayed by his physical appearance, he is beaten up, teased, and finally taken away and sterilized by doctors.

His parents are able to save him just before deportation and hide him for many long months in a lonely garden house. Only at the end of the war does he learn that he was a child of gypsies and had been taken in by a foster family. Muscha's story is told from the perspective of another school boy and the reader, as Muscha himself, is kept in the dark about the real grounds for his suffering until the end of the novel. Only in an epilogue does it become clear that the story of Muscha is absolutely authentic.

They are hindered only by the chains which bind them to Happy Juran's caravan wagon. Though Zadek feels chained up, Mischa has forgotten what freedom is. Only as a bear cub could he run over meadows and rob beehives of honey, before Juran made him into a dancing bear. The two runaways make their dreams come true; now and then one sees them roaming happily through the woods. The text is pleasing on the one hand for its unsenti- mental portrayal of the sad lot of captive animals and still it offers the most splendid situational comedies which arise from man and animal trying to live together but having only a limited amount of mutual tolerance.

Full-sized black-and-white pictures by Reinhard Michi contribute to this reading pleasure. But the whole touchy matter only gets off the ground when the Moll family takes their holiday at home. This is a cheerful and slightly ironic story about the apparently so very taken-for-granted living conditions and expectations of people in West Europe. Argument - Neighbor - Wall - Reconciliation It is the wish of the combative shadow-monsters, Morgler and Abenil, to let the wall of the soul between Ferdinand and Fridolin and the stone wall between their gardens grow higher and higher.

When the hobo, Wall-flower, decides to take a nap on the little wall, he is able to take the role of a nonpartisan mediator. With the support of Wittkamp's illustrations, the author successfully portrays the wrongs of a groundless enmity and the satisfying reconciliation of the opposing parties. Frau Meier, die Amsel Mrs.

Meier, the Blackbird Wuppertal: Meier live a quiet and fairly uncomplicated life - until a blind baby blackbird lands in their pumpkin patch. Meier raises it, feeding it worms and flies all day and night. The crowning moment of her efforts comes when the little bird learns to fly. Meier must herself take to flight before the blackbird dares to try. Meier has never seen his wife so happy.

Since Erlbruch's stories are not necessarily limited to earthly matters, the theme, tone and pictures of this book fit together exquisitely. In this version everything is possible and in the end they are ten again. This small-sized book, designed to be carried about anywhere by children and adults, to be told and looked at again and again, is pleasing in both word and picture. Here a girl tries to get her glass ball back out of the fox's yard. Only by breaking a number of rules can she find her ball again. When she flees, the animals whom she meets during her flight promise not to betray her, but do so anyway as soon as the fox makes inquiries about her.

The fox, the girl and the glass ball were never seen again. The repetitive style of this fairy-tale plot finds its visual counterpart in the regular spatial design of the pages. Thus the dynamics of the plot and the statics of the symbolism balance each other out.

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The animals are being tormented, their food is running out. The she-wolf, Aischa, the little pig, Ludwig, and the raven Kolja succeed in breaking out of their cages and finding a way to the mountains. Tonio, the son of the animal trainer, successfully pursues them in order to save them from being killed. The author describes the ordeal of the captive animals and their longing for freedom with considerable sympathy. The satirical manner of the artist, as he supplements and interprets the content of the tales, occasionally offers new ways of looking at familar tales.

Numerous full-paged illustration plates give this attractively designed, voluminous edition the character of a home treasury, ever ready to be leafed through, looked at and read aloud. Thus she is pleased to have the friendship of two older gentlemen in the bookstore across the street who in turn encourage her love for literature. When the suspi- cion is raised that Jette is being sexually molested there, her magical fairy tale world is destroyed.

She feels humiliated by suspicious adults who think they know everything. Full of insight, but avoiding sensationalism, the author writes about this volatile issue from an unusual point of view. ISBN Italy - Germany - Cat - Psychology - Leadership Tomcat Nero, six weeks old, is the self-appointed boss of an Italian farmyard thanks to his lion-like bravery which verges on brazenness. He manages to travel to Germany with a family of animal-loving German tourists, to a cat's paradise, and even brings his little naive, blue-eyed, cross-eyed sister Rosa along, too.

With unsentimental, laconic humor the author writes this glorious story of the macho-mafioso Nero the Lionhearted for all cat fans, young and old alike. ISBN Carribean - Everyday life - Outsider - Brother - Color of skin The inhabitants of the Carribean took the proud traditions of their peoples seriously as long as their own daily life was intact. For instance, evil spirits were made responsible for the light complexion of a baby's skin when an albino was born. The reader discovers in an entertaining but stirring way through one Carribean family many essential facts about this people, whose values have not been able to survive within the Western civilization.

ISBN Ecology - Water - Mussels - Pearls - Folktale A folktale, the ecological problems of today's world and the story of one girl's growing up are united in this novel by a fascinating plot. Margarete feels especially drawn toward the brook and its meadowlands. When the waste water of the new factory cause disease among the clams in the brook, she risks her life to prevent an ecological disaster. The author succeeds in portraying contemporary issues in their social and historical context in conjunction with the developments in the life of a young protagonist. Patiently and with much fantasy he tries to get to know the stone age men's a way of life, though it is very strange to him.

In particular their language is incompatible with his own rich, modern-day vocabulary. Hence he turns to creating words by using somewhat linguistic techniques of onomatopieia to explain the advantages of cooking and the possibilities of modern technology to the cave men. This is a charming story full of wit and subtle connotations told in an easy-going, unconventional narrative style.

Germany German - - 86 Brum, Alexa ed. Heuberger, Rachel et al. Ignatz, Bubis preface Ich bin, was ich bin, ein Jude. But their approach to life is marked above all by the wish to live an absolutely normal life within German society. Books of this type can be the beginning of a necessary opening of the general interest in Jewish matters. In an appendix further information about Jewish culture and history are included. He counts his friends, but not his enemies for it is an honor to be included in Tiger's count , and everything that creeps and flees.

The reader can practice too, in memory of the nice days of counting with little Tiger. This is probably what Dodo thinks, after her birthday wish for such a fish was fulfilled. It can turn red and blue and multi-colors when it wants to. It can run around the table with Dodo and Dodo can swim with it in the aquarium. They want to find out which is better, running or swimming. Naturally they do all this only in private, without any family audience. The text and illustrations hit the bull's-eye of the secret world of children and fyshes, just as one would expect from this author-illustrator team.

Who Has Seen the Bear? So he looks for the forest while his keeper looks for him. In general it is merely known that the bear possesses the ability to stand on his hands and on his head and to wiggle his ears. However, the author admits that he made up this bear. Uwe Kant gives younger children a funny story and quite incidentally a first introduction into the method and purpose of literary story-telling. ISBN Easter Egg - Nonsense This unusual picture book is an incentive for an entertaining egg hunt and riddle solving at Eastertime and anytime, where ever eggs can be searched for and found: The painter from Lithuania, who did this book especially for the German publisher, lets richly detailed, brilliantly colored pages tell his story.

Each of them has had to deal with death. Seada's brother and her father died in the Yugoslavian civil war. Corinna's twin sister died as a baby. The author succeeds in vividly portraying the considerable differences in experience between the two children.

Minor features of everyday life become important due to the different associations each makes. The reader learns how the two girls together succeed in getting over the catastrophic experiences of their childhoods. Germany German - - 92 Merten, C. But soon they make an unexpected discovery while trying to help an indisposed Mary and find themselves on the trail of a crime. With much humor, the author pokes fun at television reality, where virtual and genuine reality can hardly be distinguished from one another anymore.

ISBN House-sharing - Family - Friendship - Role-switch Jonas has two moms, two dads, five grannys and three grandpas, as well as several half-brothers and half-sisters because his parents are divorced and remarried. His friend Pablo and his mother, who is also separated from her husband, shares a flat with others.

Jonas and Pablo decide to switch families on a trial basis, but this doesn't work out. Jonas comes to the realization that to get a divorce one must be an adult.

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A delightful reminiscence on the days of the student revolution generation, which only partly succeeded in finding new forms of family-style living. Yet she had given her word of honor to her brother that she would not do so. When the Russian army approaches, the soldiers take revenge for all the injustice suffered at the hands of Germans by randomly shooting down most of the village inhabitants. The young Russian is not there to save Anna's family.

He had already been shot by her fanatic brother. The author succeeds in rendering an extreme situation in a impressive literary form. Floh Dickbauch Flea Fatgut Leipzig: He tries to be a pig: But when he discovers that the usefulness of a pig is calculated in pounds, he prefers to find a more intellectual occupation. He pricks anyone who picks on other people. To everyone's joy, these bad-tempered people become ready and willing to improve themselves.

This is a parable about the role of material and spiritual values in life. Das geht doch nicht! No one can or wants to try to stop her, but they grow more and more amazed. It appears to be something gigantic. The family is already celebrating under the Christmas tree in the kitchen there is not enough room anywhere else when the beloved child finally reveals the secret. The family is given a ship, big enough for them all to fit into, and they immediately go off to the sea, even though the necessary demolition of the apartment house in order to get the ship to water is rather disturbing to some of them.

This affectionate-ironical story about the situation of the youngest children, who are both gifted and pampered, and whose wishes are hard to refuse. The illustrations supplement the events of the plot in a very successful, chaotic manner. The director is trying to track down his family roots. He and his oriental friend become younger and younger the longer the journey lasts. This is a fantastic, but worldly novel written as a series of episodes from the mysterious world of the circus. The progress of his journey is burdened by the unexpected arrival of an at first unwelcome young female accompaniment.

Surprisingly it turns out that the success of the entire undertaking would be questionable without her assistance. The author gives a captivating account of the peoples and landscape of the far North. The Life of Sofia Kowalewskaja Weinheim: With this example of the fate of an unusual woman, the reader is presented with a vivid segment of the history of political upheavals and the beginnings of women's liberation in Central Europe.

Even younger children will be able to understand how literature and life influence one another with this short biography. As a young boy Lorca lived amidst the other children in his surroundings as a dreamy outsider. Up to his early death in the Spanish Civil War, writing poetry was an existential necessity in his life, which the author cautiously tracked down. But his uncle has been murdered to mention only the beginnings of this pleasureably told satire-detective story. Uncle Ludwig's well-preserved corpse is hidden in the horror house where Wilfried works. The story is settled to everyone's satisfaction and the bad guys get their just reward.

With a black but not bitter humor, the author sketches the dark and lighter sides of humanity, much to the pleasure of the reader. At the end of the war the family returns to Germany, but now it is Regina who loses her beloved African home. This literary and extremely captivating text gives an authentic portrait of a child growing up in a foreign culture. When, in the winter of , he makes a remark about listening to enemy radio stations, there seems to be such danger for the family that the father goes underground and Heinrich is sent away to Pomerania.

He is still there when the war ends and they must flee from the Red Army across the ice of Frisches Haff on the Gulf of Danzig. Bombs are dropped on the refugees and terrible things happen. Though Heinrich survives and finds his father again, their family is destroyed; Heinrich grows up in an orphanage. Based on his own biography, the author vividly recalls the war and post-war years of fifty years ago. His bottom side is also in action? Papa has nothing better to do than stare in amazement. The witty words and illustrations describe this elementary family situation.

Das Wunderei The magical egg Hamburg: He succeeds in getting the miniature girl, Ninette, to come out of the egg into his world, but loses her again when the magical egg finally breaks. The beholder of this picture book is swept away into a world of nighttime spaces in which anything seems possible. Das Abenteuer The adventure Weinheim: ISBN Cat - Dog - Fear - Play - Friendship - Adventure A pleasurable, though entirely accidental encounter help to correct the long-standing misunderstanding between two neighbors.

While at play the ball rolls from the cat house to the dog mansion and the attempt to get it back leads for the first time to an understanding between the two parties. And there is a chance for more. Together with her text, Berner's colorful pictures make for thoroughly entertaining reading.

ISBN X Flies The joys and sorrows of being a fly are portrayed here for young children in short lyrics along with charming illustrations. Printed on brown packing paper, the bold colors of the fly family members achieve their fullest expression. Graeff, Max Christian transl.

Die Menschenfresserin The lady cannibal Wuppertal: L' Ogresse en Pleurs. Afterwards, she is shattered by her own deed, for she has eaten her own child. The excellent German translation of the impressive, laconic text is both expounded upon and extended by Erlbruch's pictures, which leave wide berth for interpretation. Decorative elements such as the ever recurring, surrealistically strewn philodendra leaves or the child's sailor's suit allow an analysis, or perhaps a persiflage, of middleclass life.

Good luck, Emil Luck! From there he is able to provide his family at home in Gronau-an-der- Leine with the basic minimum needs. This fastpaced narrative revolves around his adventures and his often sly methods of getting by in a foreign land. Inventive, ironic illustrations round out this attractive little book, which will appeal to a wide age-range. In prosaic pictures, which give an ironic view of cosy, middle-class homelife, we witness how Santa Claus, Lady Luck and Monsieur L'Amour go to great extremes to pass along their surplus stock of dolls to little boys and girls.

Then the computer notices that this present has been placed ten years too early in the sack, because of a technical error. Thus Antonia gets her doll Simonetta already now, unexpectedly und unplanned.

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Three cheers for the picture book computer. Although the author takes this aspect very seriously, she also weaves into the narrative a considerable wealth of information about culture and important thinkers in central Europe. Yet throughout the novel, the protagonists remain vivid and interesting figures at the core of the narrative.

Nearly killed along the way, he later learns that he had been rescued by Knapp, who is known in the village as a robber. Boniface is soon fast friends with Knapp's son Christian, but when the family is forced by the neighborhood gossips to emigrate overseas, they are separated.

In a natural, sympathetic manner the author transports the reader into the world of the young protagonist. But nothing is given an explanation, even when objects are imbued with animation. In a quite matter-of-fact manner the poet and illustrator expand to the maximum the horizons of experience using a minimum of means.

Each page contains only those objects described in the line of text. Changes are shown in night-time blue, new situations in clear daylight. The continuity in the course of events shown in the sequence of illus-trations corresponds perfectly to the rhythm of the text. Das Kinderkarussell The children's merry-go-round Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, So they scatter a little ash and decide to play detective. At last they get to the root of things, but not without taking some dangerous risks. A gang of forgers had been using the horse's body as a hiding place.

With humour and subtle finesse the author shows what fun children have keeping little and big secrets - and how inventive they can be in trying to fool the adults. ISBN Baby - Pacifier - Conflict - Trickery In this book for both young and old, a subversive little baby learns how to keep its family and babysitters in non-stop action by hiding its one and only beloved pacifier and throwing a tantrum until it gets it.

The pictures, with lift-up flaps for all sorts of po- tential hiding places, will delight playful youngsters. ISBN Cloud - Flight - Adventure - Help The little cloud makes its first long journey and finds lots to tell about the joys and dangers it has experienced. Although the pictures clearly reveal the influence of her master teacher, the alternative, more feminine style of this young illustrator give cause to follow her future development. The festivities of a Russian Easter night are portrayed in this quiet, reflective and optimistic book.

But look there - the grandparents, who have almost nothing to do with child-rearing, do not feel obliged to act as role models - and pick their noses, too. This merry and colorful picture book extolls the passionate pleasures of pursuing one's needs and of forming subversive alliances between old and young against dry conventions. One day each gets so angry that he casts off his official dress - joker cap, crown and pistol. Now, without their proper owners, these three objects cause the greatest amount of confusion when they land in the wrong hands and on the wrong heads.

But in the end they all come to the conclusion that things work best when done by professionals. This is a humorously told parable about real life clothed in figures familiar to smaller children. Der Buchstaben-Fresser The letter eater Hamburg: Naturally it is the work of the letter-eater, also known as letter-switcher. All this is fairly upsetting in the everyday life of Claudia and her parents, until they manage to trick him back into his R Ei S and carry it off to a deserted forest. Only the way that objects change into words is not treated in this text. Lisas Reise Lisa's journey Esslingen: ISBN Reality - Conformity - Constraint - Freedom - Dream In her sleep, Lisa passes through a nightmare of strange and even antagonistic worlds filled with balls, corners, colors and headstands, until she finally reaches the land of feathers her own bed , where she doesn't have to be round, or cornery, colorful or stand on her head.

At the abstract level, even smaller beholders of this picture book will find sufficient imagery and text to understand the concept of involuntary conformity in a predefined situation and see ways of extracting themselves from unjustified constraint. ISBN Rabbit - Hare - Family - Growing-up - Social differences With amazement and a little displeasure, the children of the field rabbit family and the wild hare family discover certain differences between their kinfolk.

They begin to have doubts about the customs and attributes of their families. Are big ears perhaps better than small ones? Isn't a cave more comfortable than a burrow in the ground? In the course of time all these questions seem to get answered themselves. And in the end the youngest generation moves on to start their own families.

Accompanied and enhanced by naturalistic, richly detailed but imaginative pictrues, this book gives young readers not only a glimpse into the life of rabbits, but also guidance in finding one's way through different living conditions. But Evi, his little human girlfriend, gives him just the answers he needs. Leisurely, like any Zwiggel, he slowly sets out to experience this new environment - leaving plenty of time for the read-along beholder to sink into the story and see familiar things from a new, but not obviously adult point of view.

ISBN Mental illness - Outsider - Friend - Garden - Violence Uli, a latch-key child, becomes friends with the fascinating young man, Walder, who lives in the garden colony and tells stories that just cannot be true or makes up things with which he can communicate or conspire. He telephones with a cordless telephone, supposedly with his father in Africa. His house and garden are destroyed and he disappears from Uli's life.

This books gives an impressive view of the world of an mentally instable outsider, showing the differences in the way in which an unprejudiced adolescent and the stick-in-the-mud, philistine middle-class perceive him. The misunderstandings and difficulties set in when a gang of handbag-snatchers who look very much like the courier kids appear on the scene. With its first volume, this sprightly detective series is off to a good start. She and her sisters experience all the difficulties of this situation - within the family, at school and in their free time.

Her fellow pupils make her life so difficult, that she herself arranges to be enrolled in a different school. Things are further complicated by the fact that she is a Muslim, and her father very strictly religious. But finally she succeeds in feeling comfortable in her German surroundings, at the price, however, of no longer having a real homeland. This fascinating narrative is based on authentic experiences, written by an Iranian woman who has lived in Germany since her childhood and writes today in German. Downstairs are at odds with each other because the Upstairs children make too much noise.

But when the noise stops one day after so many complaints, Mrs. Medical advice is now quite simply to hear noise from upstairs again. Her ears begin to shrink back to normal and things are peaceful again. Aside from this imaginative story, the book stands out for its lively, skilfully drawn and witty pictures. You're in for it! The soldiers are called up, but since the apple harvest is in full swing, the war games will have to wait. But waiting is boring, picking apples together is more fun.

So a truce is reached and the lion is left all alone. Brilliant tones emphasize the optimistic tenor of the story. One must learn to look very closely, listen very closely before deciding who to get involved with sheep in wolf's clothing or wolf in sheep's clothing , and also to discover the hidden evil and the hidden goodness in other living creatures. When read in the company of an adult, children can learn important lessons about the ways of the world. Der dreckige Prinz The filthy prince Stuttgart: When the prince becomes king, he only dares to wallow in filth at night in his dreams.

But during the day he proclaims that the entire kingdom is to be kept clean, and he enforces it strictly. Old Black Joe; arr. Old folks at home; arr. Gems of Stephen Foster; arr. Hills of Home; arr. Auf, auf, zu Gottes Lob. Flowers of Love; arr. Rosenstock Fritz Schimpf, Tubingen [printer]. Erinnerung Fritz Schimpf, Tubingen [printer].

Fritz Schimpf, Tubingen [printer]. Ich fahr in die Welt Gust. O des war scho! Rose im Schnee Fritz Schimpf, Tubingen [printer]. Vale carissima Fritz Schimpf, Tubingen [printer]. Weisst du nicht, dass Fruhling ist Fritz Schimpf, Tubingen [printer]. Nachklange von Ossian, op. Konzert-Ouverture fur Orchester, op. Lied vom schlimmen Matrosen; arr. Soldiers of the King. O welt du bist so wunderschon! Voglein, Blumlein und Bachlein. Das Haben die Madchen so gerne. Loin du bal; arr. Ginkel, Henry, and Al Havranek, arr. Valse de Concert pour Grand Orchestre, op.

Valse de Concert, op. Schon bluh'n die Heckenrosen. White-Smith Music Publishing Co. Es liegt so abendstill der See C. Brautlied and Serenade; arr. La Reine de Saba. Marche et Cortege; arr. Gnadig und barmherzig; arr. Chor der Scharwache aus der Oper Die beiden Geizigen; arr. I Love Thee; arr. On the Mountains; arr. Solvejg's Song from Peer Gynt Suite, no. Wedding Day at Troldhaugen; arr.

The Old 22nd Regiment. Thanks Be to Thee; arr. Largo from Xerxes; arr. Suite for Orchestra; arr. Wildt's Musikverlag Allfoto [printer]. Concerto in D Major for Violincello and Orchestra, op. Liebes Madchen hor' mich zu; arr. Symphonie B dur, Nr. Symphonie D moll, Nr. Symphonie G dur, Nr.

Symphonie in G dur, Nr. I, 86, D major Paris, no. Symphony in G Major, no. Aux Bords du Gange de F. Auf Flugeln des Gesanges; arr. Si Oiseau j'etais, a toi je volerais! March of the Toys; arr. March and Two-Step; arr. It Happened in Nordland. The Rose of Algeria. Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern, D. Wie ist das Leben doch so schon Humoristischer Rheinlander; arr. Gesange fur vierstimmigen Frauenchor. Es fingt der Rhein! Nightfall in the Forest. Time, the Place, and the Girl. Piano concerto in A minor, op. Concertos, piano, orchestra, op.

Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen? Danube Waves Waltz; arr. The Girl and the Kaiser. Girl and the Kaiser. At the Tavern; arr. Why Don't You Answer Me? Parade of the Wooden Soldiers; arr. On the Alamo; arr. Forster Music Publisher Incorporated.

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Nun laube, Lindlein, laube! Tyroler Heimaths-Klange Germany C. Liebe und Wein C. Dinah from Carolina; arr. French Comedy Franzosische Lustspiel. Son of the Puszta; arr. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes; arr. Very Warm for May. All the Things You Are; arr. As I Ride By; arr. Dream of Christmas; arr. In a Chinese temple garden; arr. Frau Wirtin, schenkt ein! Overture, Act 3; arr. Vereins- und Willkomm' Gruss. Auf der Wacht; arr. New York of Amreica: Two little Bulfinches; arr. Paraphrase uber Mendelssohn's Es ist bestimmt. Mice and the Trap; arr. Wiener Volksmusik Viennese Folk-Music.

Was wol d'Liab is? New York of Ameica: Orbis Music Publishing Co. O lasst mich traumen, traumen beim Wein. Russian Boat Song; arr. Blues aus der Oper Jonny spielt auf. Suite for Small Orchestra. New York New York: Wann Rose Deutschland, bluhest du auf? Prayer of Elizabeth; arr. Clancy Lowered the Boom! Ich hatte einst ein schones Vaterland; arr.

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Fruhling und die Liebe. Gold and Silver; arr. Franz Lehar's Glocken Verlag Inc. Pierrot und Pierette; arr. The Count of Luxembourg. Vilia Song from F. Where the Lark Sings. Wo die Lerche Singt; arr. The Guard of Honor. Man of La Mancha. Sam Fox Publishing Company, Inc. To the Evening Star.