Indigenous Australia for Dummies

Indigenous Australia for Dummies

His government also took some important measures in terms of the protection of the Australian environment. It was the Fraser government that prohibited exploration and drilling on the Great Barrier Reef, as well as overcoming the opposition of the Bjelke-Petersen government to effectively stop mineral sand mining on Fraser Island off the Queensland coast.


This was primarily because white society refused to accept Indigenous people as equals, regardless of their efforts to live like white people. Public Private login e. First Contacts 71 Chapter 6: Added to Your Shopping Cart. Film, Theatre, Television and Radio Chapter Kevin Rudd's national apology speech to the Stolen Generations When Kevin Rudd came to power in , he promised to deliver a national apology to the Stolen Generations.

His government was also responsible for some important legal architecture, such as the creation of the federal court and the Human Rights Commission. That Australia has a contemporary system of freedom of information laws is also a legacy of his period as prime minister. He was, however, as we all are, a product of his times.

Indigenous Australia for Dummies

Also, as prime minister, his government effectively destroyed the introduction of universal healthcare by the Whitlam government. It would take the Hawke government to finally install Medicare as the permanent replacement of Medibank.

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What effect do the events of the past have on Indigenous peoples today? Indigenous Australia For Dummies answers these questions and countless others. Editorial Reviews. From the Back Cover. Learn more about the rich cultures of Australia's Indigenous Australia for Dummies - Kindle edition by Larissa Behrendt, Malcolm Fraser. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC.

And while his environmental credentials on the Barrier Reef and Kakadu national park are to be lauded, it should also be remembered that he failed to take action to protect the Tasmanian wild rivers and it would seem that, if he had have triumphed in the election, would have allowed the construction of the Franklin Dam, and its destruction of a unique area of World Heritage value in Tasmania.

It is of course the circumstances of him becoming prime minister that remain the most vivid national memory of Fraser.

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The Whitlam dismissal by governor general Kerr, and the lead up to this through the political tactics adopted by opposition leader Fraser, left a fracture through the body politic of the nation. In some ways, the actions of Fraser and the Liberal National opposition in the Senate laid the foundation for the obstructionism and conflict that is now a permanent and paralysing factor in the ongoing political and policy life of Australia. But as times changed, so it seemed did Fraser.

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Debates rage about whether he shifted or his party did but there is no doubt that the neo-liberalism that triumphs today was not the same as it was when he was leading the country. On some issues he did seem to do an about face. Fraser, the cold war warrior, became a loud and senior voice advocating for a more independent foreign policy.

  • Malcolm Fraser was unflinching in his support of Indigenous Australians.
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But on other issues, there was evidence long ago of his genuine interest. His concern for the marginalised, once he was free to advocate without the inevitable constraints of the political process, only increased and this is shown by his commitment to issues concerning refugees, the environment and Aboriginal people. He was a thoughtful opponent of the Northern Territory emergency response, joining Alastair Nicholson in his concern. He was troubled about the rushed nature of the policy implementation and was a strong supporter of attempts by those living under the intervention policy to voice their concerns.

Book: Indigenous Australia for Dummies

He was also anxious, from a human rights point of view, about the suspension of due process that was part of the package. In , Behrendt began a relationship with Michael Lavarch , former Attorney-General of Australia ; they married in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cooma , New South Wales.

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The Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from the original on 18 September University of Queensland Press.

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