In fremderen Gezeiten (German Edition)

In fremderen Gezeiten

March 21, by IWB. Note the head banking and policy advising positions. Why is this allowed? It is not allowed for regular US citizens to have dual citizenship, is it? This is why most industry monopolies are headed by Zionists. This is also why they get the most aid, and why they have the biggest lobbying groups.

Zion, aka that Palestine needs to be removed and regional security for Israel needs to be ensured in the middle east.

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Obama is a Zionist, Biden is a Zionist. Bush is a Zionist. The government should be able to create its own money, not borrow from a private bank in a debt-based money creation system where there will always, mathematically, be more debt owed than money exists, which gives them power over the government because they are the debt collectors. The whole thing is an absurd farce to anyone who sees the truth of it. Seitdem Deutschland und deutsches Volk in der Geschichte Begriff geworden sind, sehen wir, dass hier der Zusammenhalt immer nur in der gemeinsamen Kultur, in der gemeinsamen Sprache und im gleichen Blute gegeben war.

Auch er wusste um die kommende Einigkeit, durfte sie aber nicht erleben. Betrug die Einwohnerzahl von Deutschland noch 41 Millionen Menschen, so war sie bis auf nahezu 70 Millionen gestiegen. Der Erfolg ist der Welt bekannt und dokumentiert sich in wenigen Zahlen. Das deutsche Volk, schuldlos am Ausbruch dieses gewaltigsten Krieges, muss antreten, um seine Freiheit, seine Ehre und seine Existenz zu verteidigen. Und das deutsche Volk tat seine Pflicht. Sie gehorchten ihrer Regierung, sie taten ihre Pflicht. Deutschland wusste, dass dies alles lediglich Verleumdung war. Gewiss, ein Krieg ist hart.

Vier Jahre lang duldete und litt das deutsche Volk, wie in einer belagerten Festung, Ungeheures. Das gewaltigste Volkerringen war beendet, Deutschland hatten den Krieg und seine Freiheit verloren, seine Gegner waren jedoch nur scheinbar die Sieger. Das Abendland drohte unterzugehen, Europa im Chao zu verschwinden. Wollte aber der Marxismus vorankommen, so musste aus einem zufriedenen, starken Deutschland ein unzufriedenes und schwaches werden. In dieser Zielrichtung wurde jahrelang systematische gearbeitet.

Gegen diese entflammte deshalb der Marxismus seinen leidenschaftlichen Hass. So kam es am 9. The Jewish rabbi Dr. Marcus Ravage still confessed at that time: Israel must have the right to bring others to justice, but it is excluded that Jews or Israel can be brought to justice. Jewish run France has incarcerated Mr. Ryssen many times [I just found out that this is false information on the internet]. Ryssen is an exceptionally brave man and is as of July 4th! Or is all of it a clever deception employed by the real mafiosi to hide their actual identity?

And do their co-tribalists in the mass media collaborate in the charade through deliberate falsehoods? Who are the true criminals? T he Jewish Mafia is a book containing the sort of knowledge that gets people killed—particularly if they are muckraking journalists. That is not an exaggeration. But a true Jewish mafia?

Indeed, there is one, although nowadays even most Jews in America are ignorant of it.

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And it is one of the oldest and most pervasive crime syndicates, at that. And it is to the credit of Carlos W. Porter, as well, that he has produced the English translation. The author has compiled the thousands of facts in his book primarily from Jewish sources—including some the Tribe does not want non-Jews to read. And in so doing, he manifests to the reader some of the key reasons why Jews historically have earned the contempt of nearly every people among whom they have lived. Rather, it is the centuries-long Jewish practices of exploiting the rest of the human race and degrading it below the level of animals that earn the Judaic people the enmity of others: Of course, we know that not all Jews engage in or support this sort of criminality.

Many are decent, ordinary people. Consequently, the anti-Jewish backlash turns out much greater, and that peculiar race is punished even more severely. Such are the results of cultural paranoid psychosis. Two million thus traveled to the U. Most settled in New York City. At first, as with the Italians and Irish, crime was the work of individuals or small gangs: Unlike most mafiosi, who were from poorer circumstances, he was the son of a Jewish millionaire. He settled conflicts, supplied money, manpower and protection, and then—when things went wrong—bail money and lawyers. In New York, which was already one of the biggest Jewish cities in the world in , Arnold Rothstein built a gambling empire.

Among his regular clients of his [casino] establishment were. Rothstein was also involved in the drug trade opium and cocaine and horse breeding. Rothstein was not alone, of course. There were others of greater or lesser infamy: Many people do not realize that the Jews gradually muscled the Italians out of leadership in the Chicago mafia. Two events occurred in the s that changed the face of gangsterism. In , Benito Mussolini set about eliminating the mafia from Italy, and very effectively, too. A number of criminals fled to the U. The second thing to occur was a conference of major crime bosses in Atlantic City in Each group could also hire the services of the other gangs, and the seven board directors resolved disputes.

The board also had sole authority to permit reprisal killings of rule-breakers. The author also describes how these Jewish criminals gained control of innumerable businesses, legitimate or not so legitimate. We learn about the rise of gambling in Las Vegas, which was always a project of the Jewish mafia, and how the Jewish mobs gained control of Los Angeles, Hollywood and the film industry.

These same felons were also convinced Zionists, and even sometimes Judaist religious practicants, who contributed vast sums of money and smuggled a huge volume of weapons to Jewish terrorists in Palestine, as their contribution to the establishment of the state of Israel. But that is not all there is to Jewish mafias, which are a vast network of criminal organizations around the world, all of which have been intertwined with one another in varying degrees through numerous decades.

While no mafia group is ever exclusively comprised of one ethnic or racial group, we typically describe it according to its region of activity: Ryssen quotes Jacques Attali, a former advisor to two French presidents: A greed for profit and the love of riches are surely two of the most characteristic features of the Jewish community; it is for precisely these features that the Jews are most frequently caricatured. The latter were, at least in some cases, already involved in criminal enterprises.

In the early s, under alcoholic Russian President Boris Yeltsin, a small number of Jewish criminal types were able to become billionaires almost overnight through not only the usual tactics of organized crime, which controlled the country at that time, but also through stunningly brash stock swindles and other illegal business activities, as well as massive bribery and appointments to government offices, and even war. At least one purchased his own submarine, and some traded in Russian military weapons and ships. Numberless Russians died or were killed.

The depth of poverty Russians experienced at that time, because of the Jewish mafia, has only been equaled or surpassed by Weimar Germany, the Ukrainian famine under Stalin and in present-day Ukraine under the rule of Jewish oligarchs. All have been thanks to the Tribe. But Putin entered upon a nationalist program that imprisoned or expelled all of them who refused to put the Russian people first, while he regained control of Russian business, media and resources for the Russian nation. Khodorkovsky even fancies he will rule Russia. The book further reveals the insidious spread of Jewish mafia groups across the world, into dozens of countries and every continent except Antarctica.

Some of the personalities will surprise you. Others may not surprise, like Marc Rich, the super-wealthy donor to Bill Clinton, but their connections are revealing. Who completely controls trafficking in the drug called ecstasy? And who do you suppose bribed Abe Foxman, the apostate Catholic, Jewish former head of the Anti-Defamation League, to provide favorable publicity to cover his wrongdoing? Many leading Israeli officials are paid off by Jewish mafiosi, and you need to know who.

There are many people, both Jews and their non-Jewish apologists, who whirl like dervishes, attempting to deny Jewish criminality or pin blame on white people through clever propaganda. Of course, not all Jews are criminals. But there is absolutely no segment of Jewry which is not involved directly in the most heinous criminal activity: Ashkenazic or Sephardic; religious or secular; Hasidic, Orthodox or non-observant; poor or wealthy; politicians, accountants, filmmakers, casino magnates, garment-makers, restaurateurs, lawyers and rabbis.

There is also no type of crime or vice in which Jews are not involved—something which gives pause for thought, when one considers that they comprise only about 0. The disproportion is telling.

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Those not directly involved are too often the public protectors of their fellow tribesmen—many times paid well to be such, like Foxman. But most cover up or ignore the Jewish criminal problem for free. In the United States, Jewish groups foment race war against whites and Christians. In Europe, the Jews promote white genocide by mass immigration. In all parts of the world, all races are increasingly enslaved by Jewish taskmasters, either literally or through usury.

Even fellow Jews are not immune. Arms smuggling, drug running, money laundering through the diamond business, illegal trafficking in artworks and antiquities are all stock-in-trade for the Jewish mafia. The stories of both poor and well-educated European women and men, boys and girls kidnapped for, or fraudulently ensnared in, prostitution—and the conditions they are forced to suffer—are particularly gut-wrenching and heartbreaking. Because we want The Barnes Review to be a magazine read by the whole family, we will not go into the brutal, gory details—but you need to learn about them from The Jewish Mafia so that you can inform your relatives, friends, unknowing Jews and especially our politicians.

Nowhere else is such rampant criminality proportionately so widespread or so completely tolerated as in Israel. Yet the West continues to subsidize, arm and protect their vileness and their enslavement of whites. The organ trade, which is against international law, extends itself nearly throughout the world, since Jews are forbidden to desecrate the bodies of other Jews.

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Mit ihrer Zustimmung oder nicht. Both books were issued simultaneously in August We know that Canadians cannot become Indian, Africans, Chinese or Sikh but we are expected to believe that anyone can move to Canada and become Canadian. If the public at large knew what was really going on behind the scenes, Israel would be TOAST TOAST TOAST, average people would pressure their governments to nuke Israel off the face of the earth, regardless of what it cost them in the form of virus attacks and exploded nuclear facilities as well as having nuclear weapons go off. On Stranger Tides was first published in hard cover by Ace in November When he realized that some people can obtain more money through fraud and manipulation than armies of workers through honest work, this triggered a political thinking process in him. Warum sollten wir ihnen Pistolen geben?

It was not coincidental that a number of New York rabbis were arrested for organ trafficking a few years ago—but the Zionist media never revealed the gruesome depravity of their activities. Ryssen fills that knowledge gap. In these filthy enterprises, they have long exercised a nearly total monopoly, and Ryssen exposes it. You need to know about that, too, so that you can protect yourself and your family from the Judaic attack on traditional values—or find motivation to free yourself, if you have been ensnared already.

You need to own this book and study it. Many sections are disturbing, to say the least, but ignorance of them is dangerous to what remains of Western Christian civilization—indeed, dangerous to all non-Jewish peoples. Buy The Jewish Mafia now. Share it with family, friends, congressmen and senators—even open-minded Jews, if you can find them. And may it also awaken world Jewry to reform and the extirpation of the poison in their midst. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.

Chronological Bibliography: Tim Powers

And this terror is against the peoples of all nations and races. The Jews almost always work through their henchmen so that the general public does not find out how guilty the JEWS are. The Jews have become world rulers by dissolving the other races, destroying borders, eradicating kingdoms and creating a world government in which Jews are the rulers everywhere. All leaders come from the children of the Jews. All governments fall very easily into our hands. It is said that when the Messiah comes [their invented world ruler], the Jews have the assets of the whole world in their hands.

What can be done to someone who is gagged and handcuffed? One can beat him, accuse him falsely, lie day in and day out about him. His only hope is someone who comes to his rescue. The Holocaust hoax has gagged all Germans and in some ways Americans and peoples on the whole planet. A few brave men and women have attempted to rescue the enslaved Germans and have paid a very high social and financial price, including losing their liberty for years.

We need the help of our German brothers and sisters in America who have helped built America! Their ignorant henchmen will be the Mexicans, the Blacks, and the Muslims after they have sufficiently been mislead about the white man, who in reality often has been the Jew looking like a white man due to miscegenation. The congress is filled with deceivers, most of them Jews or Zionists who hate non-Jews. Kennedy was the only decent president in the last years and his brother Jack in Congress instead was a great traitor to save his ass after two of his brothers have been murdered.

Tragically, the American Christian public, who is planned to be slaughtered via guillotine see the article on germanvictims. The Germans ancient history has been stolen by the jews, worked into the Bible and falsified to serve the identity thief, the jew. The Jews massacred the Germans in Palestine with the help of their henchmen, the Romans, bribing Ceasar. After the Germans were killed, left, or were driven out, the Jews took over German territory, as for example Canaan.

Though they do not know this, the Christians are the greatest helpers of the Jews and destroyer of the Germans, with their Holohoax addiction, and jewish bible scheme. As a reward for their indifference and ignorance to German suffering and history truth, the Christians in the U. And their crimes are all in the government records of Russia as legal. How else could they act? They must adhere to their devil god Yahweh whom they have specifically created to destroy all the other races and take control of the world. Hollywood and the people of the U. The Hollywood crime factory does this specifically so that no one has compassion with the Germans who lost 15 Million civilians, mostly after the end of the war through Allied crimes.

These evil, evil Hollywood producers! This scum of the earth. And this has been going on during 73 years of occupation. And then there is the tearing up of families both in Germany and the U. Alfred defiantly gave the Roman Salute to his sister in the court room — where he could also hug her for the first time in 6 months. For that defiant old-German act that goes back thousands of years, he will receive further punishment. Forbidden in Germany by the Jew-monsters.

The judge had denied the people in the courtroom to be able to follow the court procedure by not turning on the microphone so that the visitors in the court room could not really hear what is being said; so Alfred Schaefer and the people demanded it to be turned on normal procedure so that people can hear what is being said.

This led to a recession. Then the devil judge ordered to put Sylvia Stolz, who made a remark, into a cell for 2 days. She was sitting in the audience and is an attorney who has been forbidden to practice law for years and has even been thrown in jail for years for insisting on bringing evidence for her client, Canadian Ernst Zundel, in Germany. For this, and endless suffering of the German people, the American and Canadian, etc. I have tried to approach quite a few people and a couple of groups, but the result is always the same.

Besides, the Americans love their horror entertainment. If they could, some of them would beat you to death for the ruining the show. Alfred Schaefer wieder verhaftet. We feel sorry for ourselves and therefore deserve free things. Free houses, free money
. Racism makes us feel like victims and remember that victims never rise. I think the reason the Afrikaaner nation was able to build themselves into a formidable nation was to forget the past and found ways to empower themselves. We have destroyed the culture of learning in our communities and replaced it with entertainment.

Those who dare to take up the fight against the Jews, from them the Jews will pull away the base of their existence.

2008-06-27 Ein Tag in der WittdĂŒner Bucht (Gezeiten Zeitraffer)

They will fight them with animal brutality and with the most base methods until their nerves shatter and they give up the fight. Words from the Jewish Talmud that teaches every boy as soon as he can read: It must be a Jewish court that judges the non-Jews and also determines the laws.

Those who dare to take up the fight against the Jews, the Jew will deprive of the basis of their existence. The Jews will fight those with animal brutality, and with the lowest means until their nerves fragment and they give up the fight. The lie just has to be big enough and repeated over and over again, then it is believed as truth.

This was exposed by Goebbels. The lie press then hung that thinking on the honorable Dr. As always, those damned communists are turning everything around. The chairman of the Inquisition — or to put it more clearly the henchman — wanted to chastise and punish Alfred. Please check the actual future inquisition dates yourself; they are subject to change. The following dates are only as they are known at the time this was posted.

The next Inquisition will be on July again at 9: Please know I report only from the horses mouth ie from Alfred and the legal team. I do not report hearsay or half grasped tid bits. Conditions and situations for me to go on reporting from here are unpredicable. Suddenly, to their mutual satisfaction see pic attached , they find out they had been unexpectedly freed. Considering they had committed no harm whatever, why would they be treated as criminals at all?

I will be asking her to explain in a nutshell, why the Federal Republic itself is illegitimate. The fourth day in Munich started again very spectacularly. But let us have a process observer report who has already gathered some information for us over the past few days:. Today began quite turbulently.

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After the appearance of the Inquisition court, the chairman asked the audience who a Mr. When he reported himself, he was confronted with the accusation that the day before he allegedly insulted a public prosecutor in the lobby by saying to her that he wished that she would also see a prison from the inside, which the judge punished — besides himself with excitement — with 4 days in custody.

Immediately after this announcement, Mr. X was led out of the room by police officers. His statement that his car was still out there somewhere was angrily answered by the judge with the statement that he did not care. He really shouted at Mr. Suddenly he also asked Alfred Schaefer what he thought of it. Alfred Schaefer replied that he did not want to comment, because words in this court are always reinterpreted and a comment is therefore too dangerous for him.

The hearing was then suspended for a short time because the judge said he needed 5 minutes to calm down. Afterwards, the video presentations, which had already begun the day before, continued. Again, two icons were pointed out that are juxtaposed in the video. This juxtaposition of the two symbols is apparently the subject of the charge.

In the video, that had a high distribution rate that caused great astonishment in court, Prof. Chomsky explains in the interview that there is no evidence that the American government was involved in the terrorist attack. Alfred Schaefer had written to Prof. Chomsky based on this interview and read out his letters to Prof. Chomsky and his reply letters in the video. Chomsky, Alfred Schaefer explains that one must understand, after all, that Prof. Chomsky missed a great opportunity because he could have rehabilitated himself. The judge also accused Alfred Schaefer of also making a threat to all of Prof.

Alfred Schaefer explains the difference between a threat and a warning to the judge using a practical example. He also explained that this video was his first video and more or less represents the beginning of his awakening process. When he realized that some people can obtain more money through fraud and manipulation than armies of workers through honest work, this triggered a political thinking process in him.

The commentary on this video has been postponed to the following week. In addition, Alfred Schaefer concluded his speech with a Roman greeting for 2 or 3 seconds. The judge asked the witness whether the speech had been acknowledged by the audience with applause, which the witness could not remember. The court was shown a photo from the video. Alfred Schaefer then explained to the court that in this speech he simply reproduced what his father had told him about the Rhine meadow camps and that he would not slander his father as an agitator.

His father had observed as a prisoner of war in the Rhine meadow camps how prisoners were brought in healthy, but soon became ill due to the deliberately caused life-threatening circumstances and how daily trucks with the corpses of the deceased prisoners of war were transported away without being told where. His father survived the Rhine meadow camps undamaged only by fortunate circumstances.

Again today, the conduct of negotiations in the auditorium was sometimes very difficult to understand. We were not surprised that the dancer [nickname by the author for the female prosecutor] from the first days of the hearing was present again. During her performance yesterday, the poor woman did not reveal that she was so delicately strung. When we observe what the persecuted in Germany have to endure — our Monika has been held captive since January 3 — one only wants to just puke.

Welcome to the Jewish-Bolshevik constitutional state. Nevertheless, there is always something pleasing to report. Again and again new spectators appear for such processes and their eyes are now also opened to them. Not only because of the material that is shown and discussed in the trial, but also because of the conditions that prevail in a FRG court. People are really shocked that they have closed their eyes to it for so many years and were so uninterested. But now, some, after only one day as spectators, they are aware of this: We must stop this madness while we can still breathe with impunity!

Conditions and situations for me to go on reporting from here are unpredictable. Is this law in accord with the constitution? The case must go up to a higher court in hopes of addressing this. Even so, Miksch caught Judge Hoffmann-Riem out, as the latter had made a wrong statement. That is, Alfred had not given him permission to accept a shorter version of his defence presentation to a mere 20 pages from the original Nor was Alfred prepared to permit cherry picking from his videos rather than have the court watch his videos in full.

Alfred is to have his videos duly viewed in full in the courtroom tomorrow Thursday. The threat of blindness served to embolden him. The process, as public gallery eyewitnesses remarked, had turned to matters emotional. Eyewitnesses in the public gallery say they felt the siblings spread an aura of uplift in the courtroom. Alfred says he wished to convey this by his various telling of personal life-threatening experiences—for instance, how his doctor brothers acted to save his impending blindness in the left eye. Alfred the Siegfried who knows no fear!

Just the chap Wagner had in mind when he said in that German unification already needed fearless emancipation from such god-awful influences. For Alfred and Monika, nature and thoughts are to be explored, not tyrannised. He said his father had received the Order of Canada for his services as a medic to the welfare of the Arctic people in recognising the way they live their lives affects their health. Alfred Schaefer and Scientist of Law Sylvia Stolz see each freed after being taken from the courtroom overnight under police custody!

Suddenly, to their mutual satisfaction see photo above , they found out they had unexpectedly been freed. Having committed no actual harm i. As it happened, Sylvia and Monika had travelled in the same police transfer van to the prison, though they had little chance to speak owing to the noise of the others surrounding them. He now has this further trivial case to face later for making a Roman salute in court yesterday during the pre-trial moments when he had been given the chance to hug his handcuffed sister Monika while the Press were permitted to film.

Alfred, ever-fisty, has now been offered the option of bail of euros to secure his release, though he will have another action taken against him for this harmless historical gesture! The trial resumed this afternoon at Tomorrow we shall learn whether the lead Judge Hofmann will have to step down because of his evident bias towards the defendants. The disdain of this judge for withholding due microphone use so both defendants and the public gallery could hear the proceedings, and the ruling over the norm of a ready glass of water for defendants is but two of the obstructive aspects to the due basic rights which gives further surreality to the conditions under which Germans and foreigners must encounter under the Basic Laws in favour of prosecuting the expression of free opinion among citizens and right to discuss normal historical source criticism without protected exceptionalism.

Number of Press, between Security 6 but feel there are people interested in this case as I see security people sitting down with the audience for a while, looking body language very alert and interested but not staying very long perhaps their break time? General Presentation of the day: Very clear, precise and substantial.

Unlike yesterday no time was lost for trivial and petty issues like the greeting, arrest declaration of Alfred , and whether water could be available for Alfred and Monika. So, unlike yesterday, the audience seemed content and satisfied with what was happening at Court. Hence Lawyer Frank Miksch read first. Like yesterday there were many quotes and documents quoted. But basically the lawyer was trying to show the absurdity of this law , or specifically And a constant reference to Bundesrepublik Deutschland something about extreme Right, laws for years.

Also questioning the German law with the expression Article this, Article that
etc. This would be repeated until the end. Staftlaw The the universality of the Law
. And of course Paragraph 6. Again Paragraph 6 and Also mentioned the fact that a Chinese dissident won a Nobel Prize while in jail. What would be a historical interpretation of the Holocaust? The Judge signed a document. This occurred around 2: Therefore at the next break took place from 2: Alfred is greeted by friends and his wife outside the trial area.

Article 5 was mentioned again. There was more quotations and documentation. The lawyer concluded at Her lawyer handed the paper over to the Judge.

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Somewhere in the day 2 ex-constitutional Judges, Hoffman-Reim and Hassimer were quoted who had stated that the Holocaust Law should be repealed. Then, the Prosecutor gave a kind of critique. The Judge then thanks the 2 lawyers and says few words. There is a very short pause. Then, the Judge continues, basically on how the proceedings will be the following day. The trial finished around 4: The trial resumed at The chairman ruled that the trial would continue under his authority until Wednesday, July 4th when the matter would be weighed. Monika Schaefer achieved her commonsense input when, after she persisted that she and the public gallery could not hear the proceedings, Judge Hoffmann-Riem finally permitted microphones to operate.

Alfred gave a four-hour well-documented presentation of why the Federal Republic is illegitimate. His page statement was shortened to 65, yet even so, observers said Alfred pulled no punches with his historical and current accusations in support of his appeal for the dismissal of the case brought against him and his honourable sister.

At the end of this, after which the judge had declared that Alfred must be detained in police custody as opposed to jail because of his suspect gesture, Sylvia Stolz exclaimed but not to the judge that the process was unbelievable: Sylvia was then given two days in the cells for contempt of court. Oddly, the judge failed to offer her the usual option of a fine.

The state prosecutor refused the request from attorney Nahrath for the Schaefer siblings to have a few moments to say goodbye. But the judge decided by himself to give Monika Schaefer permission to have five minutes with her brother. He instructed the court clerk to note the protocol that first the public gallery must leave the courtroom, presumably to avoid experiencing empathetically the moving pathos they would witness passing naturally between these truly loyal siblings.

Court case of today, July 2nd Monday, First Day. People clapped as Monika entered. Alfred was already seated or at least in Court and was giving a rather long address that went on quite a long time. The Press seemed to be inside the Court area and took a lot of photos of Monika and Alfred greeting each others. Then the cameras disappeared. He refused to get up for the entrance of the Judges. He also stated something to the Judge like, that we should change positions and that you the Judge should be judged by the Volk.

So there was break actually twice because there was also a member of the audience that stated that he could not hear and if they could speak louder or get a microphone. Around this time Monika also asked if they was an open court or not and if it was an open court, then microphones be used so that everyone can hear. The microphones actually did not appear until Alfred has prepared this brief of about 75 pages and so the Judge decided that was too long and if it could be shortened.

Most members of the audience went to the Court cafeteria and had tea, coffee, that kind of things. This presentation was like a documentation of quotes. Here are some that I caught. There were several quotes form Professor Karl Schmidt. Gunter Deckert was mentioned, his translation. He had previously served as United States Solicitor General, and United States Attorney General, and is the only person to have held all three of those offices.

Anyway this took several hours. The main charge is Paragraph There were about dozen or so of us. Alfred Schaefer to be put into custody during trial. I could not even wave them goodbye or see them off. I am here in Munich on the first day of the Schaefer trial of the Canadian-born Monika and her German-born brother Alfred. This was when the judge interrupted that hearing to have Monika dragged off from the public gallery to the cells for these past six months to the Munich prison and likely could be repeated today once court officials spotted me, as he says they certainly would, in the public gallery.

Alfred is set upon screening in the courthouse the full story of his awakening via the videos he has made. Day one began at 9: The following was reported to me by attorney Sylvia Stolz. Alfred was told if he offended again he would be heavily fined for complaining that the proceedings were inaudible to him and to the public gallery because Judge Hoffmann had ordered that the attorneys not press the live microphone buttons.

This instruction willfully denies due public access to hear the proceedings. When Alfred commenced to read his introductory remarks, the judge demanded he give only a summary. Alfred Schaefer in person confirmed the report above given to me by Sylvia Stolz. Meanwhile, persons in the public gallery only about six to eight, which included two comrades from Japan have recognised some of the press as antifa they recall from Pegida demos. Translated by Carlos Whitlock Porter.

Meticulously detailed and documented largely from Jewish sources, this book is a fearless examination of organized Jewish criminality in all parts of the world, with an astonishing catalog of serious crimes. His most recent conviction in , for which he received three months hard time, came simply as punishment for the original cover to this book a stock illustration of s gangsters with a list of their crimes—arms dealing, racketeering, contract murder, drug dealing, money laundering, pimping, casinos, pornography, kidnapping, burglary, armed robbery, diamond swindles, white slaving, smuggling, African slave trading, trafficking in stolen artwork etc.

That cover has changed to the one you see here. Now expanded, updated and revised, perhaps the most shocking chapters of the book are those dealing with forced prostitution in Israel, international organ trafficking and the organ transplant industry. But further description of the contents is not nearly as powerful as a portion of the table of contents. This is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive, fascinating and fast-paced book ever written on the crimes of the Jewish mafia, from a man who dares to write the truth despite being a favorite and repeated target of the politically correct Zionist thought police.

They have the worst grades entering Harvard, however, Harvard is jewish controlled, and so most students are jews. Deliver Us From Evil: A Portion and Outline 1. Dinner At Deviant's Palace 2. Epitaph in Rust 1. Hide Me Among the Graves 7. On Stranger Tides Salvage and Demolition 1. The Anubis Gates 6. The Drawing of the Dark 1. The Skies Discrowned 1. The Stress of Her Regard 3. Three Days To Never 4. Work in Progress 5. On Stranger Tides 
And unmoor'd souls may drift on stranger tides Than those men know of, and be overthrown By winds that would not even stir a hair 
 —William Ashbless— The next Tim Powers novel to hit the shelves was On Stranger Tides.

Ultramarine Limited Edition Published at virtually the same time as the Ace first edition was a signed limited edition issued by Ultramarine Press, NY. First published by J'ai Lu as a mass market paperback in using artwork by David Hardy that was hardly representative of the novel given that there was a whopping great space ship shrieking through the scene! J'ai Lu's paperback reissue corrected this embarrassment, replacing the Hardy artwork with a new image, this time by Don Maitz.

Italian - Mari Stregati was first published by Fanucci Editore as a trade paperback issued in A mass market edition followed in First published in Spain as a trade paperback by Ediciones Martinez Roca in A later edition above centre , also trade paperback, was published by Gigamesh in and they reprinted this edition with new cover art in Russian - Na strannykh volnakh.

Two editions have been published in Russia, both hard cover released with illustrated boards. The first was released in by AST, Moscow. The same publisher re-released the novel in , though this later edition featured a new translation of the novel. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally.

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