Elisa - Mann der Wunder (German Edition)

  • Veronica Ferres?
  • 20th-century German actresses;
  • Me N The Shay.
  • Veronica Ferres | Revolvy.
  • Chaos der Gefühle (STURM DER LIEBE 20) (German Edition).
  • Braun Family Archive.
  • Base Ball Founders: The Clubs, Players and Cities of the Northeast That Established the Game.

Die Liebe feire, da ihr hochster Preis dir ward I No. Im - mor - tal fame at - tend. But while my sense thou bast en - chant ed, kin. Dock ster - blich, achf bin ich gt - blie ben, faster. God dess, tin, let What, shall thns my lore be slighted By thee, in whom so dear my heart delighted? What praise is thine of joys thou yet would 'st flee 1 My vaunted charms, alas! Thy charms' excess, oh, goddess, have unmanned me I Fcrnu. Ah, no, thou shalt not leave me.

But, reft of thy sweet presence, joy is hateful ; But fate sternly impels me for liberty I sigh. Soft dreams of wonder, Within yon grot shall wrap thee round ; The purple shadows breaking yonder, With murmuring music shall resound. Within these arms thon shalt have rest, Until for mine again I've won thee Till faith renewed thy lips have confess'd. The od'rons airs shall tell in dulcet voices That bliss divine once more our hearts rejoices. Love hath a solace for thy restless heart ; 'Twere worse than dying, from sweet love to part.

This day renew those tender vows we plighted In joy immortal be our hearts united. Thon shalt no more adore the power of love, No I love itself to worship thou, belov'd, shalt move. I u preisest sie und willst sie dennoch fliehn ; Zum Ueberdrnss ist dir mein Reiz gediehn? Wolle mir nicht ziirnen! Dein iibergrosser Reiz ist's, den ich meide.

Undankbarra Ich lass' dich nicht I Du darfst von mir nicht liehs Tann. Nie war mein Lieben grosser, niemals wahrar Als jetzt, da ich f iir ewig dich mnss fliehn I Venut. Ein Freudenfest soil nnsrem Band entstehen. Come to these bowers, Radiant with flowers, fte. My hero and my heart's lore! The fire thoirst kindled in my longing spirits, An altar flame -hall burn for thee alone ; My song shall be divine, but by the merit That, as thy champion, harp and sword I own. And yet for earth I'm yearning. Then go, oh traitor heart! I set thee free!

A way 1 Go forth thy heart's desire shall be thy doom I Go to the cold and joyless earth, Where neither love nor life can bloom, Whence every smiling god hath flown, Where dark suspicion first had its birth: Go forth, thou madman! There seek thy joy, and seek in vain. Soon will this fever quit thy soul ; Humbled and sorr'wing thou It return Remorse shall gnaw thee, naught will console t For joys remember'd thou shalt burn! Ah, fair enchantress, fare thee well! Never to thee I can return. If thou never shouldst return If thou forget me Oh, to lasting torments I doom Th' accurs'd and faithless race of man: For my delights they all shall vainly languish The world a desert, and its lord a slave.

Go forth, then go, thy doom to brave I Tann. Love never more will bless thy slave. Go forth, then, till thy heart awake. Ah, love, I go, aliho' K. Thou 'It be received with hate and scorn. Repentance heals a heart forlorn. Never to thee will heaven ope ; Return, then, if there is no hope. No hope 1 my hope resteth in heaven. Blue sky and sunshine ; at the back the Wartburg, Through an opening in the valley the Horselberg is seen.

Halfway up the ascent a path leads into the valley from the direction of the Wartburg, where it turns aside; in the foreground is a shrine of the Virgin on a small eminence, to which there is a practicable ascent. On ncky eminence a young shevherd is reclining, turned to- wards the valley, playing en his vipe.

A Young Shepherd, Dame Holda stepped from the mountain's heart, To roam thro' wood and thro' meadow ; Sweet sounds and low around me did start I longed I might follow her shadow. Aad there dreamt I a golden dream, And wheit again the day did gleam. Naht each dem Strande, Naht ench dem Lande, u. Willst 4 flfeka Tann. Stets soil nur dir, mein Lied ertonen! Gesnngen lant sei nnr dein Preis von mir! Die Glut, die dn mir in das lie. Drum muss ans deinem Reich ich fliehn, O, Konigin, Gottin? Zieh bin, Wahnsinniger, zieh bin! Ich geb' dich frei, zieh hin!

Bald weicht der Stolz au deiner Seel', Demuthig seh' ich dich mr nahn, Zerknirscht, zertreten suchst du mich aaf Flehst, um die Wnnder meiner Macht. Ach schb'ne Gottin, leel wohl 1 Nie kehre ich zu dir zuriick. Ha, kehrtest dn mir nie znriick! Kehrst dn nicht wieder, ha! Kehre mir zuriick 1 Nie mehr erf reu' mich Liebesgliick! Kehr' wieder, wenn dein Herz dich zieht I- Fur ewig dein Celiebter flieht.

Wenn alle Welt Fich von sich stosst! Yon Bann werd' ich dnrch Buss' erlost. Mein Hell ruhf in Maria! Tannhauser Ein junger JJirt Pilger. Clauer Him met, heitere Sonnenbel euchtung. Rechts fuhrt auf der halben Hb'he des Thales ein Bergwq von der Richtung der Wartburg her nach dem Vt'der- grunde zu, too er dann seitwartz abbiegt; in demtelben Vordergrunde ist ein Muttergottes-Bild, zu tcelchen ein niedriger Bergvorsprung hinauffurt.

The spell was gone that bound me: Now songs of joy attune my lay, For May hath come the balmy May! Oh, Mary, pure and gracious one, Bless thou the road we have began! Oh, see my heart, by guilt oppress'd I faint, I sink beneath my burden! Nor will I cease, nor will I rest, Till heav'nly mercy grants me pardon, At thy august and holy shriiio, I go to seek the grace divine ; Thrice blessed who thy promise know, Absolved by penance shall they go.

God speed, God speed to Rome! There for my soul, oh, breathe a prayer I Tann. Almighty, praise to Thee! Great are the marvels of Thy mercy P3. Oh, see my heart, by guilt oppress'd I fa nt, I sink beneath the burdea! Noi will I cease, nor will I rest, Till heav'nly mercy grants me pardoa. On tke eminence the Landgrave and Minstrclt, in hunting ttrrmy are teen to descend from a forest path.

Who is yon knight, so deep absorbed in prayer? By ev'ry sign, a noble. Dost thou, then, return to as, Whom thon so rashly didst abandon? Say, what doth thy return this daj forbode w? Com'st thou as friend, or scornful foe? As foe t Wlf. Oh, ask him not! His looks bespeak not scorning! We welcome thee, thou gallant minstrel ; Alas! Wait Yes, welcome, if thon com'st in peace!

In strange and distant realms I wandered far, Where neither peace nor rest were ever found. Thon must not go, Bit. From us thon shalt not part. Onwards I'm driven ever, Ne'er upon earth can I have rest. The past to me is closed for ever,! Da gtrahlte warm die St jnen, Der Mai, der Mai, war kommen. Ach, schwer driirlu mich der Slindea Last. Kann langer sic niclit inehr ertragen ; Drum will ich auch nicht Ruh'noch Raat. Und wahle gern mit Miih' and 1'lagen. Gliick auf nach Rom! Betet f iir meine arme Seele! Allmacht'ger, dir sei Preis! Hehr sind die Wunder deiner Gnade. Wer ist der dort in briinstigen Gebete?

Nach seiner Tracht ein Ritter, Wolf. Er iat es 1 Die Sanger and der Landgraf. Seh' ich recht f Land. Dn bist es wirklich? Kehrest in den Kreis Zuriick, den dn in Hochmnth stolz verliesseit? Sag', was nnd deine Wiederkunft bedeutet? Oder gilt's crneu'tem Kampf? Willkommen, wenn du friedlich nah'st 1 Bit. Gegriisst, wenn dn nns Frennd nennst! Gegriisst sei nns I Land. So sei willkommen denn anch mir! Sag" an, wo weiltest du so lang? Ich wanderte in wciter, welter Fern', Da wo ich niramer Rast noch Ruhe fand.

Seid mir vntr,nnc nnd. Nicht doch I Der Uns're bist da nen gewordem. Dn darfst nicht ziehn. Wir lassen dich nicht fcrt. That name ador'd once more I hear! He is no foe who doth that name to thee recall. My sovereign lord, permit that I may tell him of the prize he won. Tell him the marvel that his song hath wrought ; And keep him, Heav'n, in virtue, that nobly he may own it. Der Landgrafund die Smngtr. O Macht des Himmsls. Rnfst da den siissen Namen mir? Nicht aollst da Feind mich schelten, dast ieh Genannt!

Erlanbest da mir, Herr, lass kh Yerkiinder seines Gliicks ihm seit Land. When for the palm In song we were con-tend ing, and oft Ft stenfeh le sic nicfU tin - aer, vuf'sNeu-c leucfi- te uns ihr Stem. Return, oh, Henry, 'hon onr brother! Anger and strife onall be no more ; In joy and peace with one another Onr strains united let us pour.

Ah, dost thon smile once more upon me, Thou radiant world that I had lost? Ob, sun of heav'n thon dost not shun me, By stormy clouds no longer crossed? A ray of new unwonted splendor My soul illumes. Oh, joy, 't is she 1 4 B, He doth return, no more to wander ; Our lov'd and lost is ours again. All praise and thanks to those we render Who could persuade, and not in vain. Now let your harps indite a measure Of all that hero's hand may dare Of all that poet's heart can pleasure, Before the fairest of the fair.

  1. Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.
  2. Womens Roles in Eighteenth-Century America (Womens Roles through History).
  3. ENGLISH FOR TOURISTS (English for Speakers of Foreign Languages Book 1)?
  5. .
  6. Pieciul-Karmińska, Eliza (1972- )..

The huntsmen sound their buglet. The whole valley swarms with the train of the hunters. The Landgrave and Minstrels turn towards their retinue ; 'Jie Landgrave sounds his bugle, and is answered by a loud peal from other h untert. While the Landgrave and Minstrels mount the horses that have been led down from the Wartburg, the curtain falls. Hall of Minstrels in the Wartburq. At the back an opm prospect from the Valley. All hail to thee thon hallowed place!

T waa hear that dream so sweet and fleeting, Upon my heart his song did trace. But since by him forsaken A desert thou dost seem Thy echoes only waken Remembrance of a dream. Zwietracht und Streit sei abgethan! Vereint ertonen nnsre Lieder, Und Briider nenne uns fortan! O, fiihret mich m ihr! Ha, jetzt erkenne ich sic wie wieder, Die schone Welt, der ich entriickt 1 Der Himmel blickt auf mich hernieder, Die Flnren prangen reicb geschmiickt.

Zn ihr I Zn ibr! Ltmdgraf und die Sanger. Er kehrt znruck, den wir verloren! Ein Wunder hat ihn hergebracht. Est ton' in frohbelebten Klangen Das Lied aus jeder Brnst hervor! Wahrend der Landgraj und die Sanger die Pferde, die ihnt. Die SinyerhaHe auf der Wartburg. Im ffinterqntnib Aussicht auf den II of und das Thai. Dich, thenre Halle, griiss' ich wieder, Froh griiss' ich dich, geliebter Ranm! In dir erwachen seine Lieder, Und wecken mich aus diistrem Traum. Da er aus dir geschieden. Wie jetzt mem Rnsen hoch sich hebet, So scheinst dn jetzt mir stolz nnd hehr ; Der dich and mich so nen belebet, Nicht linger weilt er feme mehr.

Behold her I Naught roar meeting shall dirtwrt. I pray thee rise I 'Tis not for thee to kneel where thon has conquer'd. This ha]l is thy domain. Thanks be to heaven that thou return'st to as! So long where hast thou tarried? Far away, in strange and distant regions And between yesterday and to-day oblivion's veil hath fallen.

Fvery remembrance hath for ever vanished, Save one thing only, rising from the darkness That I then dared not hope I should behold thee, Nor ever raise mine eyes to thy perfection. How wert thou led now to return to us? A marvel 'twas, by heaven wrought within mj spirit. Elisa, I praise the pow er that wrought it From out my heart's recesses! Forgive I scarcely know what I am saying: Thy presence here, a vision doth it seem Strange dream of life, mysterious and alluring.

The world to me is changed. Canst thou declare What this emotion to my heart betokens 1 In minstrels' lays delighting I mark'd and listened long and oft ; Their subtle, sweet inditing To me seemed dalliance soft. Prepare the fixation suture A before starting the insertion of the stent into the ascending colon B. Having reached the final position fix, the stent with the prepared sutures C and D. Make sure to get a systemic inflammation by distributing the faeces using 2 ml of 0. F shows the final position of the stent during one of our surgeries.

Inulin and PAH clearances were determined as described recently [ 7 ]. The urinary bladder was catheterised to measure urine flow and to obtain urine samples. Inulin concentrations of the urine and the plasma were determined by fluorescence spectrometry Victor 2 Multilabel Counter, PerkinElmer, Turku, Finland , whereas PAH concentrations were measured by photospectrometry Dynatec Labs, Guernsey, UK using the anthrone method. Calculations of inulin clearance and PAH clearance were performed according to the following equations: At the end of the experiment, plasma samples were drawn to measure creatinine and urea by using routine laboratory methods.

The quantification of interleukin-6 IL-6 was done with the Luminex-method Invitrogen, Karlsruhe, Germany as previously described [ 8 ]. Tissues were harvested and stained with haematoxylin and eosin reagent and PAS reaction as previously described [ 5 ]. The morphological alterations of kidneys were analysed semi-quantitatively by a blinded investigator 12 random fields per view per section , where 0 was given when no alterations were found, 1 for mild alterations, 2 for medium alterations and 3 for severe alterations based on a previously established scoring system for AKI [ 5 ].

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Criteria for histopathological assessment were formation of interstitial oedema, cellular oedema, detachment of tubular epithelium from the basement membrane, loss of the brush border of the proximal tubular cells, cell death and vacuolisation. Mean values from the scores of the latter criteria were taken together as total injury score. For non-parametric data, Kruskal-Wallis following Mann-Whitney U tests with Bonferroni correction were used for significant differences.

First of all, we tested different sizes of intravenous cannulas 20, 18, 16, 14 G as a colon stent. However, in these experiments the seminal vesicle of the rats occluded the stents and therefore only abscess cavities with local infection were formed. This clinical status deteriorated continuously over time. Control and sham animals appeared outwardly normal. No significant differences in core temperature were detectable between groups. Blood analyses after 24 h revealed signs of sepsis in sCASP-treated animals with increased lactate 3.

Some of the lesion criteria are exemplified. Therefore, magnifications of some areas are shown on the right as indicated by the white big arrows. White arrows without heads in E point to interstitial edema. White arrowheads in E show tubular epithelial cells going to death.

For details, see text. First, we measured the inulin clearance as the gold standard of the kidney function. After 24 h, the sCASP group had a significantly decreased inulin clearance of 0. In the same line, urine output decreased significantly 0. Additionally, PAH clearance was also significantly reduced to 0. Furthermore, abdominal sepsis led to a significant increase of the histopathological injury score, when compared to control as well as to sham.

American comedy-drama films

In the kidneys of the sCASP group after 24 h, we could identify significantly more interstitial oedema when compared to sham or control, as well as an increased disappearance of the proximal tubules' brush border. The kidneys of the sCASP group showed significantly more dead cells when compared with sham and control.

However, the leading reasons for the increased histopathological injury score in sCASP animals were the amount of interstitial oedema and the proximal tubules' brush border when compared with sham and control. Focusing on the detachment of the basement membrane, an insignificant increase could be detected in sCASP animals. White arrow without head in A points to interstitial edema. White arrowheads in B , C , and F show tubular epithelial cells going to death.

Black arrows in A—F show vesicles in epithelial cells of the tubules. Black arrowheads in F show ablation of the tubular epithelium from the basement membrane. White arrow with black frame in E shows diffuse bleeding. Septic AKI is caused by multifactorial impacts on the kidney. Hypovolemia and hypotension are not the only explanations for AKI in sepsis, because in vitro even serum from septic patients is harmful to human renal proximal epithelial tubular cells PTC [ 9 ]. It can be hypothesized that compromised PTC in sepsis crosstalk in a paracrine way among themselves via, e.

The response to injury leads to metabolic downregulation and optimisation of cellular energy consumption in PTC. Thus, PTC sacrifice cellular function e. This orchestra of the response to sepsis leads to perilous reduction of renal function. Only a few aspects of septic AKI are understood and clinical research in humans will not be able to give insights of ongoing histopathology changes, microcirculation disturbances or drug interactions on cellular levels.

It has been postulated previously that there is a need for better animal models to investigate acute kidney injury associated with sepsis [ 11 ]. A stent of a defined diameter is implanted into the colon ascendens as an open connection between the intestinal lumen and the abdominal cavity [ 12 ]. The septic focus leads to the continuous spreading of bacteria, and this model allows the clearance of the sepsis focus by removal of the stent. It has been shown previously that depending on the size of the stent, the survival rate starts to decline after 24 h in rodent CASP models [ 13 ].

Injection of LPS, which is more likely a hyperinflammation storm rather than sepsis, and the CLP method are both the most commonly used animal models for septic AKI research. The CLP model served as the gold standard sepsis model, however with numerous limitations [ 14 ]. The amount of stool in the coecum varies widely and cannot be predicted, even when animals are fasted before CLP.

Thus, the level of sepsis due to caecum perforation and faeces efflux changes between animals during the same trial.

Another unpredictable variation of the CLP procedure is the possible spontaneous closure of the perforation by the gut itself or, e. Furthermore, the CLP procedure starts with the ligation of the caecum, representing an ischemic hit and no initial septic insult. Taken together, AKI in CLP models is the result of an ischemic coecum and a faecal peritonitis of an unpredictable degree [ 15 ].

Another promising approach used the intraperitoneal injection of faecal slurry to induce a peritoneal sepsis in rodents, resulting after 6 h in decreased oxygen delivery in various organs and after 24 h in global organ dysfunction [ 16 ]. This model results in a substantial septic insult; however, this model was not designed to mimic and resemble the pathophysiology found in human postoperative abdominal sepsis. After being involved in a major road accident on August 22, , Thomas Braun died from his injuries in hospital on September 24, , aged In his academic work as a classicist, he was particularly interested in the history of classical Greece, the historian Herodotus, ancient geography and ancient food.

But his interests were universal, he travelled widely and his knowledge of world history and culture was profound. He was a gifted linguist and fascinated by the history of his own family. Other concerns included the preservation of cultural heritage in Oxford and beyond, and the encouragement of learning in Eastern Europe before and after the collapse of communism.

He was known for his wit, sparkling in his humorous poems and other 'occasional' writings. Thomas Braun's private correspondence, personal papers, and papers relating to his academic career, complemented with a collection of his academic and 'occasional' writings. Comprises of material Christopher Braun selected of his brother's papers, with the purpose of illustrating aspects Thomas Braun's biography, personality and academic career, whilst reducing the vast amount of papers - private and academic - present at Thomas Braun's house in Oxford at the time of his death in to a manageable amount and eventually donating them to the Bodleian Library as part of the Braun Family Archive.

In the course of clearing Thomas Braun's house, his family sold most of his extensive library, donated academic journals and offprints to academic institutions, including Nottingham University and the British School in Athens, and gave reference material and research papers to scholars, to the Ashmolean Museum and to the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Letters from parents Date: German, with use of English, Latin, ancient Greek Extent: German, with use of English, Italian Extent: Correspondence with, or relating to, family, and auto- biographical letters Date: Correspondence with relatives, and relating to family history, A-K Date: Thomas Braun's correspondence with relatives and friends of the Braun family, often regarding family history.

Also includes related material like press cuttings, photographs, biographical notes, and personal announcements. Correspondence with relatives, and relating to family history, L Date: Correspondence with relatives, and relating to family history, M-R Date: Correspondence with relatives, and relating to family history, R-Z and research institutions Date: Includes related material like press cuttings, photographs, biographical notes, and personal announcements. Also includes correspondence with research institutions, archives and genealogists. Personal documents and biography Date: Thomas Braun's early letters, drawings, writings and other childhood memorabilia, collected by his mother Hildburg Braun:.

Papers relating to schooldays and National Service Date: Correspondence, school reports, certificates and other papers relating to Thomas Braun's school career and National Service:. Papers relating to travels Date: English, German; with use of Modern Greek Extent: Papers relating to health and finance Date: Correspondence and other papers relating to Thomas Braun's medical conditions and treatment, and to finance and insurance:.

Lists and notes Date: English, German; with use of multiple languages Extent: Lists of book accessions, typically listing date and source of acquisition, author, short title, price:. Concert and theatre programmes Date: Theatre programmes, concert programmes, exhibition guides, event tickets and brochures collected by Thomas Braun:. Photographs, mostly of Thomas Braun's residences: Also includes some photos of a family gathering and of the Time Ceremony at Merton College, c. Undergraduate studies and early career Date: Essays, lecture notes and other material relating to Thomas Braun's undergraduate studies at Balliol College, Oxford, including papers relating to the Arnold and Brackenbury Society and to the Balliol Players, were deposited at Balliol College Archive.

Tutor and Fellow of Merton College Date: Materials relating to Thomas Braun's retirement dinner and luncheon at Merton College, Jun , including: Polley, Toby Thurston, Claire Webster and Thomas Braun; letters and cards of acceptance of invitation and apologies; greeting cards. A collection of Thomas Braun's academic and 'occasional', published and unpublished writings, as compiled from his papers by his brother Christopher Braun in Papers relating to the Thomas Braun anthology 'Tomfoolery: Occasional writings by Thomas Braun ', ed.

Christopher Braun and Tim Heald, Anthony Rowe Publishing, , and papers relating to published and projected books Thomas Braun was involved in as an editor, were added to this series. Academic and other 'serious' publications Date: A complete set of Thomas Braun's published articles, reviews, and other academic 'serious' writings in chronological order, Also includes newspaper articles, talks, contributions to college and university publications, translations, obituaries, sermons and other published pieces concerning Thomas Braun's contributions to the public life of the university and city of Oxford.

Unpublished academic writings Date: Academic and other 'serious' writings which were unpublished at the time of Thomas's death in September Papers, correspondence and silk samples relating to 'The Earliest Silk in Europe' have been deposited at the Ashmolean Museum. Letters to the press, contributions to newspapers and magazines Date: Thomas Braun's letters to the press and contributions to newspapers and magazines, including press cuttings and related correspondence:. Thomas Braun's verses for family and friends, characteristic letters and postcards, pen and paper games, rhymes, notes and drawings, drafts for informal speeches, spoofs and other informal writings in chronological order.

Detailed lists of the writings, compiled by Christopher Braun, are included in Folder 2 'Index of undated writings' and Folder 4 'Thomas Braun - Index of writings I to '. Includes many contributions to the Oxford Magazine , such as translations of German poetry and entries in the annual Christmas Competitions.

Miscellaneous notes and illustrated pieces Date: A collection of notes, pen and paper games, drawings, doodles and other illustrated items compiled from Thomas Braun's papers by Christopher Braun for possible use in 'Tomfoolery':. Material relating to the Thomas Braun anthology 'Tomfoolery' Date: Materials and correspondence relating to the anthology 'Tomfoolery: Materials relating to the translation and re- publication of Albrecht von Bernstorff, 'Des Teutschen Scholaren Glossarium in Oxford', a description of English university life and practical guide to studying in Oxford from the perspective of a German Rhodes Scholar, This collection of autographs consists of mainly letters and other documents from artists, musicians, writers and other 'celebrities' of their times addressed to members of the Braun family, mostly on Thomas Braun's father's side, over a period of about years.

Through the 19th century and during the first third of the 20th most of the family lived in Berlin, though a more distantly related branch migrated to London in the midth century. In the late s Konrad and Hildburg Braun with their son Thomas, and also Konrad Braun's brother Gerhard and his family, came to England as refugees from National Socialism, living first in Birmingham and then in the London area.

Although it is clear that many of the letters were kept by their recipients because they were from well-known people, they were not all treated with care. Only in the s have they been assembled into one collection by Christopher Braun, Thomas Braun's brother, as part of a wider sorting out and examination of family papers after Thomas Braun's death in German language letters I Date: English language letters I Date: German language letters II Date: Letters and other autographed material in German, mainly addressed to Joseph Lehmann and Felix Lehmann, which were inherited by Thomas Braun from Joan Jarosy, the widow of Felix Lehmann's grandson Ivo Jarosy from folder labelled 'Autograph letters from Thomas' collection mainly deriving from Felix Lehmann 3 ':.

English language letters II Date: Letters and other autographed material in English, mostly addressed to Thomas Braun from folder originally labelled 'Braun Autographs Part 4':. English language letters II continued Date: Letters and other autographed material in English, mostly to addressed to Thomas Braun from folder originally labelled 'Braun Autographs Part 4':.

English language letters III Date: Letters and other autographed material in English, mostly addressed to Thomas Braun and to Thomas Albert Lehfeldt from folder originally labelled 'Braun Autographs Part 5':. Collections of correspondence, autographed material and memorabilia relating to 'showbiz' celebrities and writers, compiled by Christopher Braun, mostly from the papers of Anneliese and Ruth Braun.

Audio and video recordings found in the Braun Family Archive, mainly cassette tapes collected by Thomas Braun. These include audio recordings of Konrad Braun reading poems and his own texts; audio and video recordings of family events; Thomas Braun's conversations with relatives, friends and colleagues, many with references to family history, university life, and the Quakers; recordings of Thomas Braun's appearances on radio and TV programmes.

A collection of cassette tapes from Thomas Braun's house, as compiled and numbered by Christopher Braun. Includes recordings of Konrad Braun; conversations of Thomas Braun with family members, colleagues and friends about their life and family history; radio programmes featuring Thomas Braun; and other recordings of, or related to, family and friends:. For transcripts of Konrad Braun's 'Weihnachten zu Hause', c.

Audio cassette transcripts; audio tapes Date: Verse and other writings by the family, ancestors and relations, as compiled by Thomas Braun and Christopher Braun from the Braun Family Archive. Family verse and writings I Date: Family verse and writings II Date: Gerhard Braun was Konrad Braun's elder brother. By profession he was a gynaecologist but he was also a gifted pianist and a composer.

In he married Anneliese Finster , known in the family as 'Pummel' or 'Puppe'. Her first marriage in was to Erwin Czapski. Due to the Friedmann-Brauns' Jewish ancestry, the family faced discrimination and persecution under the Nazi regime. Gerhard Braun, after losing his posts in the public health system and seeing his practice limited to private patients and later to Jews only, was arrested in the course of the November pogrom in and taken to Sachsenhausen concentration camp, where he was detained for five and a half weeks.

He was released in December on condition that he emigrated. The family came to England in early , where after internment as an enemy alien, Gerhard Braun was allowed to work as a junior hospital doctor in Birmingham but his health had been broken and he died, aged 53, in Anneliese and Ruth Braun eventually moved from Birmingham to London where, until Anneliese Braun's death in , they shared a house in Golders Green.

Mother and daughter were extremely close, and together they were known as 'the Pummels'. Anneliese Braun, since her youth, was an amateur writer, with some of her poems and short stories published in German newspapers before Even before coming to England in , she had begun to write in English as well, and later she translated works by other writers, including Monika Mann, Ruth Tenney and Veronica Erdmann-Czapski, with whom she was friends.

She had an avid interest in spiritual movements, mysticism, and in alternative science and religion, and from the s, practised spiritual healing and transcendental meditation. Ruth Braun worked in secretarial roles and in libraries, and having attended Birmingham Theatre School as a young woman, she had a lifelong interest in drama and music.

She died in on a visit to relatives in Chile. Anneliese and Ruth Braun over the decades accumulated a large amount of papers, photographs and memorabilia in their house in Golders Green, London, which was in great disorder. When clearing the house after Ruth Braun's death in , Christopher Braun kept all papers from before and a selection of later papers. A significant proportion of this material was subsequently lost to water damage.

The remaining material was sorted into categories by Christopher Braun prior to transfer to the Bodleian Library. After further sorting, the papers are now arranged in five sequences: Correspondence; Personal papers and memorabilia; Writings; Compensation Claims, family papers and miscellaneous; Photographs. Gerhard Braun to Anneliese Braun Date: Anneliese Braun to Gerhard Braun Date: Correspondence Ruth Braun with her parents Date: Letters from Ruth Braun to her parents, c. Letters, postcards and notes exchanged between Anneliese Braun and Ruth Braun, , , , and many n.

Correspondence from relatives Date: Correspondence from friends Date: German, Italian, French, Dutch Extent: Correspondence from, or relating to, friends and older connections in Germany; correspondence in other languages:. Correspondence from, or relating to, friends in the UK, and other correspondence predominantly in English:.

Catalogue of the Braun Family Archive

Correspondence from, or relating to, friends in the UK, and other correspondence predominantly in English; some correspondence in German:. Gerhard Braun personal documents and memorabilia Date: Further personal papers of Gerhard Braun, including personal documents, correspondence and memorabilia, can be found in MS.

Gerhard Braun memorabilia and writings Date: For papers relating to music by Gerhard Braun, including sheet music of songs and instrumental pieces composed by him, see MS. Anneliese Braun personal documents and memorabilia Date: Anneliese Braun spiritual life Date: Anneliese Braun diaries and memorabilia Date: Ruth Braun personal documents and memorabilia Date: Ruth Braun education and career Date: Ruth Braun juvenilia Date: Ruth Braun diaries and notebooks Date: Angelus Silesius, Zwischen den Stunden Date: Poems by Anneliese Braun, including [original] manuscripts of poems in German, c.

Poems and miscellaneous writings Date: Correspondence, writings and translations by, or relating to, Ruth Tenney, including letters by Ruth Tenney to Anneliese and Ruth Braun, c. Poems and other writings by Ruth Tenney, bound volumes: Correspondence, writings and translations by, or relating to, Monika Mann, including letters Monika Mann to Anneliese and Ruth Braun, and n. Claim forms, supporting documents and correspondence relating to compensation claims made by Anneliese Braun as legal heir of Gerhard Braun.

Most correspondence with authorities and lawyers was made by Konrad Braun on behalf of Anneliese. Family papers and memorabilia Date: Verses and miscellaneous Date: Mostly family photographs, portraits, friends and relatives, travel, c. Braun includes a descriptive list by Christopher Braun, Also includes video recordings of the performances [2 VHS tapes], and a theatre programme. Photographs of Gerhard Braun, and of Anneliese Braun, some with daughter Ruth, or relatives and friends, c. Photographs of Ruth Braun, some with Anneliese Braun, or with relatives and friends, c.

Miscellaneous photographs, mostly Anneliese and Ruth Braun with relatives, friends or colleagues, birthdays and other occasions, family homes in Germany and in the UK, music and theatre performances, Maharishi and transcendental meditation, travel, c. This material is held in cold storage conditions and one week advance notice is required for reader access.

Please contact curatorial or conservation staff for details. Miscellaneous and stray items Date: Sheet music, mostly handwritten, of compositions and arrangements by family members, with related papers. Correspondence and papers of the Braun Family, including papers of Thomas Braun , classicist and Fellow and Dean of Merton College, and family history research material. Letters to his brother Heinrich Weber regarding the sale of the family manor Gut Klosterhof, Also includes official documents regarding the tenure of the property, loans and inheritance.

Postcards and letters to his son Heinrich Weber, Personal documents, including birth certificate, ; correspondence and certificates relating to the engagement and marriage with Hedwig Fink, certificates in Portuguese with German translation ; death certificate, death notice and letters of condolence, Klasse , accounts for soldiers' accommodation in Biermes dated 6 Oct , manuscript [of speech? Finance and tax, including income tax declarations, , and bank statements, and Miscellaneous letters and cards received from family, friends and colleagues, , collected personal announcements death notices, etc.

With additional notes by Thomas Braun. Bound typescript 'Zum Geburtstag von Joachim Franz Rudolf Weber am 7. With corrections and addenda dated 27 May Includes English translations by Christopher Braun of selected letters. Portraits of members of the German community in Jassy, school and church activities, portraits of Romanian royalty, University of Jassy, landscapes, people of Romania, views of Jassy, buildings and sights in Bucharest and in the Carpathians. Letters to her husband Rudolf Weber, Letters to her son Heinrich Weber, , mainly from Woodbrooke.

Includes English translations of selected letters with annotations. Manuscripts and typescripts of short stories, scripts and autobiographical sketches. Hedwig Weber memoirs, Typescript and incomplete handwritten draft. Recipes, notes and miscellaneous papers. Includes a notebook, a pocket diary from , verse starting 'O Hyon, mein Gatte, Kartoffeln sind auf der Platte', n.

Documents and correspondence relating to the death of Hedwig Weber, 29 Oct Includes death certificate, death notice, correspondence between her children Gisela Weber, Heinrich Weber and Hildburg Braun regarding the funeral and the Hedwig Weber estate 'Erbengemeinschaft Weber' , Original typescript and one set of carbon copies with illustrations drawings by Gisela Weber ; English translations of Hildburg's and Gisela's reminiscences by Christopher Braun and some photocopies of pages with notes by Thomas Braun.

Typescript 'Plaudereien aus der Kinderzeit', Gisela Weber's childhood memoirs, ; reminiscences and drawings of childhood homes in Montevideo, Jassy and Gut Klosterhof; correspondence with Thomas Braun regarding childhood memoirs. Drawings, verse and writings c. Drawings, verse and writings, and n.

Letters to Hildburg and Konrad Braun, Miscellaneous correspondence received by Gisela Weber, mostly from her employer relating to her retirement in Includes 5 photographs of Gisela Weber in her office, , and cards and letters from friends and relatives, c. Documents relating to the death of Gisela Weber, , including death notice, the funeral eulogy by Thomas Braun, and letters of condolence received by Hildburg Braun. Some papers are closed.

Letters to his parents Rudolf and Hedwig Weber, , mainly Includes a copy of Hedwig Weber's will. Letters to Konrad Braun, Letters to her sister Gisela Weber, , and a copy of the first letter she wrote to her brother Heinrich Weber after the war, Nov , with transcript and English translation. Re-used envelopes in which the letters were originally kept, captions mostly in Hildburg's hand.

Some folders are closed. Birthdays, , includes poem by Christopher Braun.


On Monday, March 30, , Canal de las Estrellas started broadcasting Una luz en el camino weekdays at 4: What, shall thns my lore be slighted By thee, in whom so dear my heart delighted? He has published more than a dozen books of prose, and directed as many operas. Und horst da diesen Sang f Ich hore I Pilger. Giuseppe Antonio Borgese Andrea Sawatzki The academy replaces a much-criticised jury which was constituted according to the principle of political proportionality, and on which politicians and clergymen also

Letters received from Renate Ardila, Letters received from Gisela Faust, Birth announcements and wedding announcement of family and friends, c. Death announcements of family and friends, Personal documents and certificates including photocopies, and an English translation of, Hildburg Braun's birth certificate Berlin, ; Ahnenpass 'ancestor passport', official certificate of ancestry attesting Aryan lineage , c. Also contains Saga life membership card, Documents relating to the death of Hildburg Braun in , including death notice, obituaries by Christopher Braun and Thomas Braun, and letters of condolence.

Also includes psalm booklet 'Sturmpsalmen' given to Hildburg for her confirmation in Also includes correspondence relating to the 50th anniversary of graduation, , and correspondence regarding the deprivation of the degree in the s and the restitution in Also contains typescript 'Ferien in Cockermouth, 3. Contains list of travels and holiday trips, , and some notes by Konrad Braun. Trip to Chile, Quaker conferences and tours, Correspondence, reviews and other papers relating to Hildburg Braun's translation of Linus Pauling's 'No more war': Includes a copy of the book.

Articles for Quaker publications: Miscellaneous writings by Hildburg Braun including poems, verse for birthdays and other family occasions, short stories and autobiographical sketches, c. Includes 'Notes on Quaker History', n. Set of bound copies of the memoirs: I , Vol. II , Vol. III , Vol. Bound copy of all volumes in one. Additions 'A Brief Who's Who? Pages with corrections and annotations by Thomas Braun. Research materials and correspondence. Gardening diaries 'Garden Record Book' , Four notebooks 'Books I have read', c.

Contents of folder of personal documents and other important information Hildburg Braun had kept. Im Falle meines Todes zu lesen. Also includes two British passports, and , a German passport, , and vaccination cards. Documents related to the death of Hildburg Braun and the administration of her estate collected by Christopher Braun, Includes photocopy of the medical certificate of cause of death, certificate of notification of death, certificate of grant of administration of the estate to Christopher Braun, photocopies of Hildburg Braun's last will, Papers relating to the distribution of the estate and inheritance tax, Correspondence relating to and notifications of British pension payments for Konrad Braun and Hildburg Braun, and Correspondence and notifications relating to German pensions received by Hildburg Braun, Correspondence and notifications relating to Hildburg Braun's income tax payments, c.

Hildegard Braun's postcards and letters to Elisabeth, Bernhard, Heinrich and Bertha Lehfeldt, , , and Also contains typescript, 'Worte der Erinnerung zum Hildegard Braun memorabilia including visiting card, concert programme, , lecture notes, and Materials concerning Gertrud Friedmann-Braun's deportation to and death in a 'Sammellager' in Berlin, Dec , including letters of condolence received by Konrad Braun and Gerhard Braun. Includes attempts to communicate with Hildegard Braun in Theresienstadt via the Red Cross, ; correspondence relating to the post-war search for Hildegard Braun, , with statutory declarations by Konrad Braun and others of their knowledge of the fate of Hildegard, Gertrud and Johannes Braun; correspondence relating to Konrad Braun's attempts to get Gertrud and Hildegard out of Germany, Also includes correspondence and statutory declarations regarding post-war compensation claims of the Birnbaum and the Schneider families.

Includes three letters from Johannes Braun to Konrad Braun, ; correspondence relating to Konrad Braun's attempts to bring Johannes Braun to England, , and letters of condolence received by Konrad Braun after Johannes' death in a concentration camp near Lublin, Also contains some letters by Anneliese Braun and Ruth Braun. Also contains verse 'Chronik April' written by Gerhard Braun for his wife Anneliese for her 38th birthday, , and 'Liste unseres Besitzes am Personal documents including birth certificate, certificates of baptism and confirmation, university certificates and certificates and references relating to his career as a medical practitioner.

Also includes a CV in English, c. School exercise books, ; school certificate 'Zeugnis der Unbescholtenheit', Documents and memorabilia relating to his military medical service career, Papers concerning Gerhard's death, including letters of condolence sent to Konrad Braun, Re-used envelopes in which letters were originally kept. Captions mostly in Konrad's hand.

Letters and cards from his mother Gertrud and his sister Hildegard in Germany, Letters to Erich Levy later Loening , and photocopies. Correspondence with the Frentzel family, Includes a poem by Konrad Braun for the Frentzels' wedding, Letters from Elisabeth Stieler von Heydekampf, Correspondence with William R. Includes enclosures such as brochures and newspaper cuttings. Letters and cards received for his 60th birthday, , and 70th birthday, Birth certificate with English translation; certificate of name change from Friedmann to Braun, ; announcement of engagement to Hildburg Weber, German passport,; German Red Cross passport, ; British Red Cross certificates, ; press pass Foreign Ministers' Conference Berlin, ; admission cards for German Reichstag, and ; handwritten card 'Im Falle eines Unfalls in case of an accident ', n.

Documents regarding the emigration, , and naturalisation, Includes medical certificate, certificate of good conduct, letters of endorsement, references, correspondence with German and British authorities, British certificate of naturalisation. Photocopies of documents relating to British internment, Also contains photocopies of articles, 'Spiritual power in internment' by Walter Zander and 'Wer sie nicht erlebt hat, der begreift sie nie.

British passports, , and Documents and correspondence regarding re-naturalisation in the Federal Republic of Germany, Childhood letters, and ; notes from travels, and ; exercise books containing school essays and Latin vocabulary, ; concert programmes, Mommsen-Gymnasium Berlin, and ; 'Bierzeitung', Mommsen-Gymnasium Berlin, ; school certificate and 'Zeugnis der Unbescholtenheit', and Documents relating to military career, , including application as war volunteer, military passport, certificates relating to Konrad Braun's imprisonment as a prisoner-of-war in France, and certificates relating to war medal, 'Eisernes Kreuz'.

Memorabilia of military service including account of time in prisoner-of-war camp in Saint Louis, France; newspaper of regimental veterans association 'Mitteilungen der kameradschaftlichen Vereinigung F. Stimmen deutscher Dichter' including poem 'Verflucht nochmal' by Konrad Braun, published Documents relating to professional career as a jurist and judge, Includes certificates, references, correspondence regarding appointment as Kammergerichtsrat judge at the superior court of Prussia , , and removal from office, Also includes photocopy of marriage certificate, Letters of condolence, June Letters of condolence, Jul Jan Konrad Braun biography and centenary, , articles in The Friend and other Quaker publications, , and related correspondence.

Also includes an account of Konrad Braun's life by Thomas Braun, Includes a printed copy of the lecture. An Historical Survey', Woodbrooke College, Notes, newsletters and correspondence relating to the United Nations Association and the Friends Peace and International Relations Committee, Translation of essay by Douglas V. Religious talks and talks for Quaker meetings for worships, Religious talks and talks for Quaker meetings for worships, and n.

Correspondence with the BBC, accounting of fees and some notes, Includes list of lectures, BBC radio scripts for German religious programme lectures. Newspaper cuttings of articles mentioning Konrad Braun, and n. Miscellaneous writing and verse, including Konrad Braun's poems for Hildburg Braun and other family members, , mostly in German, some transcribed and translated by Thomas Braun: Eine Plauderei zum 6.

Nov ', 'Angelus Silesius', review of F. Also includes envelope, 'Allerlei Erinnerungen', containing miscellaneous memorabilia lists 'Summer Holidays ', 'Journeys since our marriage ', 'Reminiscences', picture of S. Diary, Aug Feb , in German. Pocket diaries, and Notebook 'German Literature', notebook containing A-Z notes on international politics and a notebook containing miscellaneous lecture notes, n.

Miscellaneous loose notes ' on'.

Includes lists of bank assets, stocks and bonds, household effects etc. Also includes a letter by Gisela Weber about choosing a German lawyer to represent the claims, V, Amsterdam, starting Includes account statements, correspondence with the bank, and notes in Felix Friedmann-Braun's and Konrad Braun's hand, In eigener Person erlittener Schaden. Includes copies of claim forms, information about Konrad Braun's career and earnings as judge in Berlin before and as warden of Woodbrooke College from ; about the Brauns' bank assets; lists of household effects at Spessartstrasse 5, Berlin; correspondence with Gerhard Rose relating to a Chinese carpet.

Dez ' — Folder 1 continued, Dec —Sep Also includes newspaper cuttings in English relating to settlement of compensation claims in Germany, Korrespondenz mit Finanzamt bis ' — Tax records and correspondence with Berlin tax office, Also includes a letter from Hildegard Braun about dissolving Konrad Braun's Berlin household and managing his financial matters in Germany after his emigration to England, Also includes copy of Gerhard Braun's last will and testament, From Bootham School, York, Aug Contains some letters to Christopher Braun, Also includes lists and maps of travels to Europe, , and copy of the Bootham school magazine, May , containing article 'Travels in Greece' by Thomas Braun.

Includes letters and postcards from journey to Turkey, Jul-Aug Includes one letter from Letters from Merton College, Oxford, Birthday cards and invitations, and n. Letters from Bootham School, York, Letters from Bootham School, York, Aug Includes letters from travels. Letters from travels and from St. John's College, Cambridge, Jul John's College, Cambridge, from travels and from London, Letters and cards, Includes some letters from Anne-Marie Braun. Letters of introduction and endorsement, letter of thanks to hosts in Pendle Hill, Aug , typescript of travel diary 'America ', report on the travels in German, itinerary of Greyhound Tour' notes on places visited, travel itineraries and 'Quaker contacts on the other side of the Atlantic'.

Also includes Canadian Pacific 'Empress of England' printed passenger list and dinner menus. Konrad Braun's notebook from their journey to USA, Conference pack containing conference programme, lists of participants, conference newspaper 'The Earthquaker', songbook, Konrad Braun's name tag; correspondence, travel arrangements, brochures and memorabilia of places visited. Konrad and Hildburg Braun's conference diaries and notebooks. Magazine and newspaper cuttings about the conference, mostly Quaker publications.

Letters relating to the Brauns' Quaker membership concerning admission to Warwickshire Monthly Meeting, , and Konrad Braun's appointment as Elder, Notes and correspondence relating to the Brauns' employment at Woodbrooke salary, insurances, superannuation scheme etc. Also includes first invitation to Woodbrooke, , and a list of loans and gifts regarding the furnishing of Holland House, c.

Correspondence and articles by and about Margaret Worsdell and her memoirs. Old Woodbrookers Reunions, c. Woodbrooke and Jordans memorabilia such as course attendants lists, ; Woodbrooke prospectus, n. Notes and correspondence relating to Old Jordans Hostel Appeal, Correspondence 'Income Tax '; receipts for church tax payments in Germany, Notebooks 'Bank accounts', Notebooks 'Bank accounts', ; 'Share record', Letters received from family and friends, Childhood verse, letters and drawings, c. Correspondence relating to university grants for Christopher Braun, Thomas Braun's family research notes and drafts for family trees relating to different branches of the family, including: