Die älteste Minorität in den USA - American Indians (German Edition)

Geschichte Washingtons

This documentary probes deep into the raven's soul and follows his awkward flight around the entire globe. The film tells about the life and activities of the ravens. About the idyllic research institute with all its residents - the students, the geese, chickens, dogs and sheep - and about Cumberland Wild Animal Park that inconspicuously and harmoniously hugs the shore of the Alm.

Up to the fall of the Iron Curtain, the isolation of the youngest Austrian national park allowed a great diversity of quite rare animal and plant species to survive.


Highlights of this production are underwater shots of spawning brook trout, a battle between stag-beetles and the mating of a female praying mantis - complete with the well-known outcome. The inspirational value of models reaches from Gustav Klimt to Ernst Fuchs: Muses need not always be beautiful - Lucien Freud, for example, produced a painting of a heavily overweight woman, a work which sold for a record price. Without a doubt, it holds a unique position within the museums of the world.

Vienna's Natural History Museum is a collection of natural treasures - from meteorites to stone age artefacts, from dinosaur bones to fossils trapped in amber.

But how did these jewels find their way into this temple of knowledge? Every piece has its own story which leads out of the museum into the remotest corners of the world - and beyond. For the first time, this documentary will unfold the history of this traditional Viennese museum as well as explore the museum's contribution to science across the world. When the first humans advanced into the Alps, they encountered dense, primeval forests. Over the centuries, they cleared the woodlands, created fields and pastures, and built their villages higher and higher in the mountains.

These early farmers were followed by many wild animals that found a new habitat in the changed landscape: For some wild animals that had been sparse in the ancient forests - like the black grouse, marmots, and the common adder - human intervention created significant extensions to their habitats. Wat Pa Luangta Bua is a monastery of meditation, situated far away from any civilization, about kilometers west of Bangkok, and here, silence, peace and harmony reign.

Every afternoon, a daily ritual is observed - nonchalant Buddhist monks take their ten year old tigers out on a leash for a walk through the bordering region of Burma. They dote upon their tigers, feed them and celebrate them as their most sacred animal. The monks treat grown-up animals with reverence and respect although they cuddle and play with the cubs.

Three of the eight subspecies are already extinct, a fate that could also overcome the others. Only an estimated to tigers of Indochina still inhabit the intact jungle regions of South China, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Vietnam. Megaliths are prehistoric structures that were built from giant stone blocks, and they are among the greatest mysteries of mankind. How these monuments were built and what purpose they served has not yet been clearly decrypted.

Only one thing is certain: This impressive documentary looks at possible construction techniques from the time and explores the social and religious environment of this historic period. The camera accompanies the horse whisperers to the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, the Styrian stud in Piber and to the Lower-Austrian summercamp Heldenberg and takes a look at their daily work.

The result is a highly multi-facetted film, which reveals the secrets of the breeding and the extraordinary training of the Lipizzan horses. This documentary uses previously unpublished materials and contemporary witnesses to tell the story of the astonishing career of composer Max Steiner. More microorganisms live in and on our bodies than our bodies have cells. Bacteria, fungi and viruses form our microbiome and its condition is crucial to our health.

A holiday home or apartment in Austria's high-end ski resorts is highly sought-after. Increasing numbers of resorts, chalets and so-called town houses are springing up in Kitzbuhel. These properties are bought by millionaires from all over the world, but especially German citizens. Real estate prices are exploding, with building plots alone costing between and euros per square metre. Meanwhile, for the locals, the situation is becoming ever more diffi cult. Whilst the best spots in town are being developed for millionaires, all that's left for the old-established local residents is a place in social housing on the edge of a wet fi eld.

Resentment is rising, especially since the apartments costing millions are only used for a few days every year. In individual districts there are already so many holiday homes and apartments that during the off -season there is hardly a window shutter open. Michael Schlamberger, Austria's most renowned nature filmmaker internationally, listened to the rushing whitewater of the river Enns and conquered the sheer rock walls, chasing eagles and chamois in passing.

This fascinating film offers a sensitive portrayal of the animals and plants, landscape and people throughout the seasons. The legendary Sacher Hotel in Vienna has been the realm of the social elites for almost years. Since it first opened in , the hotel has represented cosmopolitan openness, the ultimate in culinary artistry, the very finest patisserie and courtly ritual with a clear division of roles.

To the present day the hotel is attuned to the heartbeat of one woman: She blended a highly attractive mix of the private and public spheres that the elites of European society could not eschew. The Sacher was where those members of society met who at breathtaking speed created everything that makes up our current reality: Bis heute ist das Haus auf den Herzschlag einer Frau gestimmt: Im Sacher trifft einander jene Gesellschaft, die in atemberaubendem Tempo alles erschafft, was unsere heutige Lebenswirklichkeit ausmacht: He has been a hero for generations of readers: Winnetou, the noble Apache, created by author Karl May in the late 19th Century.

Millions of readers and viewers have been riveted by his adventures, and his friendship with the frontiersman Old Shatterhand. Behind the fiction lies a true story.

They planned to observe and record the indigenous peoples and the epic landscape of the American West. Thanks to this relationship it became possible for Von Wied and Karl Bodmer to see the world of the indigenous peoples through different eyes. This documentary as well as the writings of Karl May are based on both accounts and memories of Prince Maximilian and Karl Bodmer.

The cultural history of bread as a formidable source of energy looks at the origins of the grain and reviews its economic and spiritual significance in various cultures. The film takes us on a minute journey through times and across different cultures, stopping at all important sites.

Myths, legends and customs as well as literary quotations round off a universal topography of bread in its cultural dimension. Does God act when we talk to him? Every religious person will have asked themselves this question at one time or another and opinions on the subject could not be more varied. For some, prayers are a magical means of communication with higher powers while for others they are simply another means of meditation.

However, since time immemorial human beings have attempted to gain the favour of their god or gods respectively. This documentary explores the socio-religious and spiritual significance of prayer in Christianity, the Voodoo cult and in Buddhism. Beautiful but poisonous above ground and unsightly but nutritious beneath - throughout history no other vegetable has been the subject of so much misunderstanding and misinterpretation as the potato.

Starting from a small Pacific island off the coast of southern Chile, the journey leads over the heights of the Peruvian Andes to Prussia, Ireland and finally to Austria, accompanied by amazing and tragic stories about the potato. During the mids, zoologists still regarded the European otter as a species on the verge of extinction.

What they did not take into consideration was the fact that the shy aquatic animals are extremely adaptable. Using their intelligence and cleverness, they have been able to re-conquer parts of Europe during the last few years, including their old homeland, Austria. However, their settlements in Austria are small islands and the correspondingly small populations are still very much endangered. The documentary tracks down the otter in the Austrian Waldviertel and southern Styria and leads to the extensive areas of ponds in the neighboring Czech Republic and Hungary, which have become a true otter paradise, thanks to devoted nature conservationists.

Who are these new groups that are taking a hold on the right fringe? He's the most notorious of all Roman emperors. He burned Rome, he engaged in incest, and killed his mother, his wife and thousands of Christians. He was a psycho. But suppose it was all lies? What if the 'crimes' he committed never happened, or were normal behaviour for a Roman emperor? Suppose his enemies decided to trash his reputation, and succeeded for two thousand years? Was Nero really a hero, who took from the rich and gave to the poor? Historians, psychologists, criminologists and toxicologists are brought in as this documentary reopens a cold case.

Together they reveal a complex web of lies, deflections and intrigues. It's time to re-examine the Nero Files. Every year, the places where Mary appears - Lourdes and Medjugorje - draw millions of pilgrims, fascinated by the mysterious phenomenon in these places of deep piety. The official church seems to be divided when it comes to the phenomenon of Marian apparitions.

Whilst the apparitions in Lourdes are officially recognised, there are doubts as to the authenticity of those in Medjugorje. Against which criteria are such apparitions judged? What is the interrelationship between Marian miracles and political, economic and ideological conditions? And what is the fascination that causes believers to repeatedly visit such places? Four dead and fifteen injured - that was the final toll of the worst political crime in Austria's history. For four years mail bomber Franz Fuchs kept the police at bay, before he was finally arrested by accident at a routine roadside police check in which he detonated a bomb and lost both of his hands.

Despite Franz Fuchs' conviction on all charges, theories have persisted for years that others were involved behind the scenes in the mail bombing campaign as accomplices or assistants. Many questions relating to the mail bombings remain unexplained. Right up until his suicide in jail, Franz Fuchs never divulged important details of the crime. The people in the numerous towns, villages and settlements surrounding the volcanos - the Altar, the Pichincha or the Tungurahua - have learned to live with the threat and danger as they have profited from the advantages of the enormous frutility provided by volcano activity.

The film portraits Balthazar, who lives in a small village named Cuarto Esquinas with his wife, daughters and grandchildren. From the Zagros Mountains of Iran to the frozen wastelands of northern Siberia, the Sahara to the Himalaya, these beautifully filmed documentaries give a unique insight into the very last human journeys still being travelled as they have been for thousands of years.

Join the travellers over four episodes on their long and hard way when they try to reach several destinations all over the world. This series captures these great human odysseys as they rapidly fade into extinction. In on her way to school, year-old Natascha Kampusch is abducted by Wolfgang Priklopil, imprisoned and isolated for more than eight years. After years of presumed dead she finally manages to escape from the hands of her tormentor in Piece by piece, this documentary reconstructs this hideous crime and provides answers to questions left open.

What kind of pressures did Priklopil apply to prevent his victim from escaping? How does the young woman manage her way back into normal life today? After five years' imprisonment a man escapes from the most secure prison in Belfast using a file and bed sheets. But he is not caught. The escapee is Irishman, Danny Donnelly. At 17 he was detained whilst handing out flyers and sentenced to ten years imprisonment by reason of his membership of a terrorist organisation.

A film on the conflict in Northern Ireland from a completely new perspective about belief, guilt and forgiveness. Many contemporary historians and academics see the Marshall Plan as the first significant step towards European integration. Marshall, which initially cost This documentary traces the development and effects of the Marshall Plan with the aid of interviews with eyewitnesses from that time. It is one of the most famous and spectacular festivals in Japan: Gion Matsuri, the festival of cherry blossoms.

The hectic, modern life of Japan fades into the background as, once a year, this unusual drama unfolds - a kind of parable, shedding insight on how we should conduct our lives. The festival floats, with their secular and spiritual themes, and the portable shrines have captivated the Japanese public since A festival full of symbolic significance, Gion Matsuri includes both traditional and modern elements, moving between chaos and contemplation.

For generations, like swallows, they have migrated north in spring to their family businesses, which have names like Dolomiti, San Marco or Riva, and returned south again in winter, home to their Italian villages in the Val di Zoldo. The ceremony with which the Italian ice cream makers reopen their parlours after the winter season might well be different in Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Hungary or Austria. As well as the recipes, ingredients and flavours of ice cream may differ from town to town, from country to country.

But one thing unites the Italian ice cream makers who run their ice cream parlours north of the Alps: Like no other scientific subject of the past few years, the energy efficiency of buildings has made enormous progress and attracts the interest of researchers, architects and consumers alike - not least because of the constant rises in fuel oil and gas prices. The Great Wall played a major role in the rise and the fall of empires and dynasties.

It determined the volatile history of China - and the entire world. But how did the Great Wall become the wonder it is today? How did it influence history and culture in China and in turn in the rest of the world? The two-part documentary, with high-quality re-enactments, tells the story of the two greatest emperors in Chinese history. He linked several regional Walls from BC to protect his empire against foreign invaders. This was the first Great Wall. Nearly a million people slaved on its construction. Hundreds of thousands died from starvation, fatigue or brutal punishments.

Many workers were buried in the wall itself. When he died their emperor entombed his concubines alive and created the legendary Terracotta Army to fight his battles after death. The move north brought the center of Chinese power close to the Empire of China's arch-enemies, the Mongols. By now it was an engineering masterpiece, precisely calculated and planned. But what does its breathtaking scale tell us about 3, years of Chinese culture and history? Did it really keep China safe?

This series explores the legend of the Great Wall and reveals incredible discoveries - like the crucial role of Climate Change in the Wall's story! Austrian winegrowers rank top among wine-growers and wine-lovers over the world. The film team crossed fascinating stretches of Austrian vineyards in a hot-air balloon, and climbed down deep into centuries-old vaults to track the secrets of wine-growing. From sprouting vines and ripening grapes to the patient labour of winegrowers with the maturing wine, and the variegated animal and plant communities in the vineyards and cellars - the documentary provides splendid and sublime images of the art of Austrian viticulture through the passage of the seasons.

Humanity has been confronted with a new problem. The world's population is ageing at an increasing speed while the birth rate is falling - and not just in developed countries. Naturally these new projections have a significant political dimension too: This documentary takes a look at the question of ageing and the changes that it is bringing to the community - including the biological processes of ageing cells and tissue and how best to safeguard health and quality of life as one gets older. A complete reconstruction lies ahead for our energy system over the next ten years.

The traditional hierarchical energy supply structure is being turned on its head. Thanks to smart grids, people have the option of feeding electricity that they have produced themselves into the network, whilst on the other hand being able to continue to draw power from it when they need it. The overall optimisation of network loads is to everyone's benefit. This film shows current developments and the way that such technologies work. From the energy-saving swimming pool to increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, the measures result in energy savings that lead to a reduction in CO 2 emissions of tonnes per year.

Today, modernisation work carried out on power plants is bringing about record efficiency factors of an impressive 59 per cent. Practical examples and theoretical considerations show how in future it will be possible to foster, generate and transport energy in an even cleaner, more efficient and environmentally friendly way.

Like wine, bread and oil, the apple is one of the essential foods embedded in myths and legends. It also stands as the classic fruit of immortality, seduction, love and eroticism. The documentary follows the path of the apple throughout the different cultures up to today - all the way from biblical paradise to becoming the symbol of the world's most fascinating city, New York. High up in the European Alps grows a little flower with cult-like status known to millions around the globe. Once picked, it will keep its shape and colour for hundreds of years and thus boosted many myths and secrets - the Edelweiss.

Now scientists have revealed an astounding prospect. Edelweiss, the flower of memory, may be a key to human memory. From the European Alps to the Steppes of Mongolia, through nature, culture, myth and medicine, the Edelweiss Enigma goes in search of the truth behind a flower that has captured peoples' imaginations for centuries. Combining blue chip images, rare archive, playful animation, and characters that will have you singing along - the Edelweiss Enigma shows what can happen when myths become reality.

Spectacular shots also illustrate the trying journeys undertaken by Oskar Simony at the end of the 19th century. Only a few decades after Simony's sensational discovery the giant lizard of El Hierro was considered lost or extinct. Too many scientists and collectors had helped themselves to material from the small population. Animations of top quality are another asset of this film. On his way across the Dachstein glacier in mid October , Kenneth Cichowicz fell and was severely injured. A tough fight for survival began. He was found 20 days after the accident, more dead than alive.

Over 30 years later, his son Casey, now exactly the same age as Ken was then, is retracing the route for the first time. In parallel with his journey, the film traces the events of in meticulous detail. Eyewitness accounts and archive material bring the rescue operation to life. Er ist nun genauso alt wie Ken damals war. Zeitzeugen und Archivmaterial lassen die Rettungsaktion lebendig werden.

Austria's southern region boasts a mountain range that seems to consist of nothing but borders: This is where cultures, languages and lifestyles meet, where Mother Nature provides a glimpse of the history of our planet Earth and where a soft breeze from the sea hits the cold Alpine wall. It is a place of close encounter of three languages: Slovenian, German and Italian.

Apart from the geographical border position, it is the steep mountain cliffs, the narrow valleys and the diversity of these borders that have shaped people's mentality. At a distance of approximately 60 miles from the sea, the impact on the weather is obvious. When the clouds come pushing to the North from the Adriatic Sea, they eventually hit the main ridge of the Carnic Alps, which forces them to stop for a rest and shed rain. Finally, the geological history of Mother Earth has formed its own boundaries here between the earth's ages.

More and more young people from Austria leave to fight for ISIS and are fascinated by the ideology of terror. Around Austrian citizens sympathize with the radical ideas of the Jihadists, most of them are without prospects. Nicole Kampl and Florian Matscheko came across these young people during their research in social media networks, and take a look at who these people are, where they come from and why they move. CERN is Europe's organisation for nuclear research.

Particles are accelerated to almost the speed of light in this gigantic structure, then made to collide and split into even smaller particles. However, public opinion is also split on this project. Antimatter has already been generated here, and sceptics fear that black holes might be produced. Is there a possibility of endangering the world by seeking to find out more about how it was created? With him it was possible to gain access to the fascinating core of the world's largest research centre, to obtain an insight into the scientists' work and to complete a crash course in particle physics.

Many Russians in the Baltic states today feel connected to Europe, but others still secretly lean towards Moscow. After the independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 25 years ago, the former Soviet citizens had to find a new identity. This process, far from over, is not made easier by the Russian annexation of Crimea. Discontented Russians in particular might be susceptible to Putin's propaganda and his attempts to destabilize neighboring countries. At least that's what the non-Russian Balts fear.

It is red and burns, is called a stone, but is really a resin. Many secrets surround this fossilised pine tree resin, which has been coveted as a gem since time immemorial. In olden days its magical charm lay primarily in its sumptuous reddish colouring and its transparency. Beetles, lice and grasshoppers provide scientists with clues as to the nature of the flora and fauna of bygone ages. This film follows the road and river connections southwards. It lingers a while in those places that were important in times gone by and in individual areas which today, in a united Europe, are again returning to prominence through cross-border projects initiated by the EU.

For many believers, John Paul II was already a saint in his lifetime. Thanks to his charisma he was able to return many people to the fold of the Roman Catholic Church - and even encouraged numerous others to enter into the monastic life. The documentary also critically illuminates the impact of the former Pontifex Maximus, the ecclesiastical practice of beatification in general and the speed of this beatification process in particular.

This film profiles the Icelandic author, Hallgrimur Helgason. The writer, dramatist, painter, comic book artist and cabaret artiste is one of Iceland's most interesting artistic personalities. In this portrait the author provides an insight into his work and the Icelandic language and culture, and also talks about current topics such as the financial crisis and the possibility of Iceland joining the EU. Tasmania makes an impression with its unique landscape, architecture and scenery. One of these courageous men was the Austrian botanist, Gustav Weindorfer. His adventurous expedition lead him to Cradle Mountain.

He was deeply moved by this spectacular world of mountains and gave his utmost to bring that wonderful experience to others. Today the Cradle Mountain National Park allows visitors from all over the world to indulge in this breathtaking landscape. Vienna is the world's only metropolis with a large, continuous forest area in its immediate vicinity - the Vienna Woods, an area blessed with an unexpected wealth of animal and plant life.

A team of natural history film-makers will pursue the wild boar, stalk the stags and crawl with the ants to portray the living Vienna Woods over the period of one year. According to John Kuriyan, world renowned researcher in the field of molecular medicine and Chancellor's Professor at the University of California, Berkeley: Personal, individualized treatments, free of negative side effects are nearly a reality. This documentary examines how these treatments will be developed and shows the effects the revolution in molecular medicine has already had on the world.

Chocolate, truffles or even pralines - temptation takes many forms and its specialities often turn our heads. This film is dedicated to the production of chocolate, from the harvesting of cocoa beans to the making by hand, while also looking into its fascinating history. Prize winning master chocolatiers tell of their efforts to give the sweet temptation a personal touch through their own creations and constant experiments.

Whether it's chocolate refined with essential oils from France or produced with incense which is a great hit in the Vatican - every taste is well catered for. We live in an enlightened world. Or at least that's the way it appears. But raise the curtain on the figures, graphics, laws and hard economic data, and what lies behind it is a tide of irrationality, including company bosses taking advice from financial astrologers, new employees being selected according to their star sign and pendulums being used to make critical decisions.

The more the controlled world falters as a result of crises, the more gratefully people seem to resort to private mythologies, astrology and divination. The film explores this centuries-old fascination and examines the modern-day relationship between enlightenment, religion and superstition. They are faster than race horses, more stubborn than donkeys and tougher than any other creature tamed by man.

Since time immemorial, camels have determined the lifestyle of the various nomadic tribes in Sudan. This documentary introduces us to the tribes of the Hadendowas and Rashidis and takes a look on their life together with their camels, their breeding and training. The most important events every spring are big festivities with sword fights and a camel race for hundreds of miles. Thousands of men sometimes ride for days to come and compete with their animals.

It shows us unadulterated nomadic tribes who have lived by their traditions in the same way for centuries. With and from their animals - the camels. This documentary takes a journey years back in time to the late Neolithic and early Bronze ages, which is when the first over-water settlements on stilts, which are described here, were built. The greatest surprise during filming was how sensationally fresh and unscathed the finds that were uncovered from the mud appeared to be. We know that bodies in bogs are often very well preserved because they are conserved in the absence of air. This is roughly how the section of a log, one of the stilts that has stood under water for thousands of years, looks, as if the tree had just been felled, with no trace of rot or decay.

The same applies to all of the wooden household contents that have been uncovered, such as bowls and baskets, as well as the remains of food, materials, ropes and threads. This factor was decisive in UNESCO deciding to place at least some of the approximately 1, sites in the Alpine region under protection as world heritage sites. It was the Third Reich's first declaration of war. Those who didn't correspond to the Nazi ideal of Aryan supremacy were categorised as subhuman and pursued, tortured and murdered. This documentary focuses on the dual racial ideology of National Socialism and shows the method and perfidious perfection of its extermination machine, while also telling the stories of the suffering of its victims.

This is a film about the people living in Styria's wine-growing region and how their daily lives are continually challenged by their natural environment. The internationally acclaimed director Curt Faudon paints a rich picture of daily life in the southern Styrian hills, letting his eye wander as far south as Croatia's Istrian coast - a region which was once the centre of wine production, agriculture and fishing in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Therese von Schwarzenberg and the son of Heinz Kinigadner. In highly personal interviews, these sportspeople describe their experience of serious accidents, the associated convalescence and seemingly indomitable will to once again fight their way to the top of the world. In this way Lauda, Muster and Maier have all become legends that are immortal in the public's imagination. They are everywhere - and have been since time immemorial: From the very beginning they have been part and parcel of life.

Yet many aspects of these organisms remain inexplicable, even to modern science. Despite their obvious multiplicity, we classify them all in one collective term: Some , species have been identified to date worldwide. But the actual number will probably be far higher, because virtually every expedition to tropical countries brings new species to light.

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  • Inhaltsverzeichnis.
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  • .

Some fungus specialists estimate that there might be around 1. Space - for thousands of years it has exerted a powerful attraction on humankind. However only a few have had the privilege of actually travelling into space and most people don't realise that a journey into space places the human body under extreme stress. Astronauts have to battle with dizziness and nausea, as well as muscle deterioration, bone degradation and even heart disorders. Stress, isolation and monotony just exacerbate the already extreme conditions on board a space station.

However these experiences are invaluable for medicine. They are problems that occur to millions living on earth, especially older people. Much of the medical research from space is already being used in clinical diagnosis and therapy and in caring for the elderly. This fascinating documentary follows the work of researchers at aviation and space medicine centres and shows how their efforts make life easier for both astronauts and us, introducing volunteers, who spend weeks lying motionless in bed, in the name of space research.

Barbara Imhof has a pretty unusual job: She is a space architect. What sounds like utopia does have a realistic background: In , man is to set foot on Mars, while in American astronauts are to land on the moon again to accomplish first steps in creating a lunar interstation for manned long-term missions into space.

Astronautics are increasingly focussing on manned missions again, visionary concepts mapping architectures for colonisation of extraterrestrial planets are becoming ever more important. The documentary not only shows how construction can be accomplished under conditions of minimal gravity, but also offers an insight into the means of how astronauts could travel comfortably to planets far away, often having to spend months within their spacecraft. Previously unreleased material from space agencies of Japan, USA and Europe is shown for the first time! An important experiment in sustainable building has been completed in the industrial city of Linz: It's not just another suburban development, but a complete neighborhood including a marketplace, businesses, schools, community centers and all of the other amenities necessary for a modern city of people.

It is connected to the public transportation network, and almost completely car free. The Solar City is situated next to the Danube basin and has it's own bathing lake. As the name might imply, special attention has been given to the use of sustainable building methods, from low to zero energy technology, solar collectors and photovoltaic cells to water use and treatment, the development is a practical implementation of sustainable building practices.

The architectural quality of the residential and infrastructural buildings is also impressive. Internationally known architects like Norman Foster and Richard Rogers have developed low energy buildings for the project. It's a rare example of how new technologies and ecologically friendly design can result in an improved quality of living for nearly the same cost of conventional building methods.

The birth of a baby panda in Vienna's Schoenbrunn Zoo caused a flurry of excitement. From the beginning the black and white bundle of fur was the darling of onlookers and visitors to the zoo. Director Heinz Leger documented this sensation and followed the little one's development from his very first day. In November the time finally came for the adolescent panda to leave Vienna. This film looks back on the highlights of the past two years, how Fu Long practised getting into his transport crate, and accompanies him on his journey to China.

Upon arrival, initially Fu Long will live with other young pandas in a small community of bachelors before hopefully producing his own offspring in a few years time and so contributing to the preservation of his species. Stefan Kruckenhauser revolutionised state training for ski instructors and together with Schneider took this style of skiing and above ski instruction out into the world. Half the world was learning to ski on the Arlberg, according to a newsreel from the time, with royalty making their first turns in the snow here alongside countless stars and starlets.

The slums of Nairobi are home to more than two million people. Caught in a mire of need and suffering from which there is almost no escape. Sister Mary sees no reason to give up. The combative Irish nun has spent the past forty years battling corruption and mismanagement in the Kenyan capital. In den Vereinigten Staaten gibt es lediglich zwei wichtige politische Parteien, die Demokraten und die Republikaner. Die bestehende Gesetzeslage ist in den USA umstritten.

Insgesamt 15 Bundesstaaten haben die Todesstrafe abgeschafft, zuletzt New Mexico. Das entsprechende Gesetz wurde am Diese Entwicklung ist in ihrer Geschichte vor allem ab dem Vietnamkrieg eingetreten. Die Wehrpflicht existiert nur noch nominell und kam seit dem Vietnamkrieg nicht mehr zur Anwendung.

Das Gesundheitssystem der USA ist, besonders forschungsseitig, teilweise Weltspitze, auf anderen Gebieten, vor allem in der allgemeinen Patienten- und Versicherungsversorgung, hingegen zum Teil in einem desolaten Zustand. Das ist im Vergleich zu Deutschland nahezu das Doppelte pro Kopf. Einige Bundesstaaten insbesondere Kalifornien setzten strengere Regeln durch, doch wurden sie von der Regierung Bush daran gehindert. Dollar, der Export auf ,2. Daraus ergab sich ein Handelsbilanzdefizit von ,4 Milliarden.


Die Armutsschwelle wurde bei einem Jahreseinkommen von Das Verkehrsnetz ist polyzentrisch aufgebaut: Der Zustand von Ihre Transportleistungen betrugen Bekannt sind die Greyhound Lines. Weite Teile des Streckennetzes sind bis heute nicht elektrifiziert und werden mit Diesellokomotiven bedient. Jedoch konnten Elemente ihrer Ursprungskulturen im Geheimen aufrechterhalten werden. Die unterschiedlichen kulturellen Disziplinen wurden in neue Richtungen erweitert.

Im Binnenland dominierten berittene Jagd, Sammeln und Flussfischerei. Durch die Aufkunft des Pferdes entwickelte sich ab dem Das erste gedruckte Buch war das Bay Psalm Book von Benjamin Franklin begann seine journalistische und literarische Laufbahn in Boston. Zahlreiche politische Essays und Satiren, die in England wie in Amerika gelesen wurden, stammten aus seiner Feder. Von Ralph Waldo Emerson ging der Transzendentalismus aus. Poe gelang es mittels einer Dichtungstheorie Die Methode der Komposition , Das poetische Prinzip die Lyrik in das Gebiet symbolistischer und lautpoetischer Sprachkunst zu entwickeln.

Viele Schriftsteller wandten sich dem Sozialismus zu. Gertrude Steins Gedichte sind oft mehr dem Klang als dem Sinn verpflichtet. Faulkners Werk Literaturnobelpreis wurde in Frankreich insbesondere von Sartre und anderen Existenzialisten, in Deutschland von Gottfried Benn gefeiert. Henry Miller pflegte eine ablehnende Haltung: Seine Werke sind — wie auch die Trilogie Nexus , Plexus , Sexus —60 — jedoch eher als spirituelle Biografie und Zeugnisse mystischer Neigungen interessant.

Der kulturelle Einfluss der beat poets zeigt sich darin, dass die nonkorformistische Jugendbewegung um nach ihnen als Beatniks bezeichnet wurde. So wurde er in den er Jahren zu einer Symbolfigur der Hippies. Heute wird oftmals die gesamte Literaturproduktion etwa ab unter dem Begriff der Postmoderne gefasst, weil sie als Produkt einer postmodernen Gesellschaft begriffen wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund kam es zu einer Vielzahl wichtiger Erfindungen.

Kunst in den Vereinigten Staaten , Liste amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Collection, English, 2nd quarter The Book of Job has held a central role in defining the project of modernity from the age of Enlightenment until today. In the wake of the spatial and affective turns, this volume calls attention to the intensities of sense of place and belonging in a moving landscape of 20th and 21st century literatures, Jewish and other. It brings together contemporary writers and literary scholars who map these intensities onto bodily word worlds in transit, textures of habitable space in passage.

Their work charts new terrain for literary criticism and Jewish literary thought. Jewish Literatures; Belonging; Literary Theory;. The interdisciplinary volume explores translation as a central Jewish cultural practice. Starting with the early translations of the Torah, the book engages with the role of translation in the life in the Diaspora and the project of Jewish state-building.

The essays in this collection trace the story of how translation nourished Jewish culture, cast bridges to the Christian or Muslim world, and defined the boundary between the self and the Other. Translation; Judaism; Jewish literature. For the first time, Volume 1 compiles all extant dramatic works by Sammy Gronemann published in German.

In this volume, scholars of history, literature, art and theology re-evaluate the context and significance of polemical and ethnographic literature about Jews by Johannes Pfefferkorn and other converts. The volume presents new perspectives on the life and works of Pfefferkorn, the sixteenthcentury debate about Jewish books, the sources for anti-Jewish writing, and the interconnection between early modern ethnography and anti-Jewish polemics. Ethnography; conversion, Jewish books.

Erforschen und Erinnern der Geschichte der Shoah verschieben sich in die digitalen Medien. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die Implikationen und Konsequenzen dieses digital turns und formuliert mit dem virtuellen Zwischenraum der Erinnerung einen eigenen theoretischen Entwurf. Holocaust; Digital History; Erinnerung; Geschichtstheorie. Researching and remembering the history of the Shoah has shifted to the digital media. This study analyzes the implications and consequences of this digital turn.

The work focuses on the Visual History Archive, the most important digital archive of testimonials by survivors of the Shoah. Digital history; remembrance; theory of history; Holocaust. The study discusses the history of the Jewish refugees within the Shanghai setting and its relationship to the two established Jewish communities, the Sephardi and Russian Jews. Attention is also focused on the cultural life of the refugees who used both German and Yiddish, and on their attempts to cope under Japanese occupation after the outbreak of the Pacific War. Until recently, scholarship failed to explore this task of the German judiciary in more detail.

Edith Raim fills this gap by showing the extent of the crimes committed against Jews beyond the traditionally known facts. Monograph, English, 2nd quarter Contrary to popular belief, he can show that there was an impressive system of previously unknown rescue efforts. Furthermore, in stark contrast to the Zionist movement, WJC leaders strove to establish a Jewish state and to rehabilitate Diaspora Jewish life, two goals they saw as mutually complementary.

Judenverfolgung; Sexualwissenschaft; Medizingeschichte; Schwulenbewegung; Biografie. Hirschfeld was a pioneer in the field of sexology, and opened the first Institute of Sexology in Berlin after the First World War. Der Band widmet sich unterschiedlichen Facetten des aktuellen Antisemitismus und diskutiert dessen Mobilisierungspotential. In recent years, there has been a tangible radicalization of antisemitism, which has had pernicious consequences, including deadly terrorist attacks. Diskriminierung von Juden; Sport; Nationalsozialismus.

The voluntary adoption of Aryan-only clauses in many sports clubs as early as — before the establishment of the National Socialist sports regime — was a first step on the way to the collapse of civilization. The source collection provides a comprehensive overview about the legal processes around the exclusion of Jewish athletes in the s and 40s. Discrimination against Jews; sports; National Socialism. Religion and Society 45 This collection of essays focuses on aspects of the religious, intellectual, and social life of Jewish communities during the period from the fall of Jerusalem in B.

This was the critical period of the emergence and consolidation of Judaism as a religion. Origins of Judaism; Monotheism; Temple; Sectarianism. Collection, English, 1st quarter Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls are texts which rewrite the Hebrew Bible and shed light on the origins and sources of Qumran ascetic community. Most of the scholarly attention has been focused on the larger specimens of this genre, such as Jubilees and the Genesis Apocryphon.

The present volume assembles for the first time eleven smaller texts of this type and analyzes them in order to see how they fit into the wider picture of the scrolls. Qumran; Dead Sea Scrolls; biblical exegesis; apocryphal texts; ancient Judaism. The volume presents 20 articles of renowned European scholars on human leadership in the Hebrew Bible.

It contributes to biblical theology as well as to the complex interplay between history of ancient Israel and literary history of the Hebrew Bible. Leadership; Pentateuch; Former Prophets. Cults and temples of the ancient world regularly held assets in land, often naming a patron deity as landowner but managing the land themselves and affording it sanctity protections. On a sound methodological foundation the book analyses and compares these sources including their intertextual references, and concludes that Psalms — were at first separate texts which only in the Masoretic Text form the end of the Psalter.

This study traces the development of Jeremiah Particular attention is devoted to the inner workings of the process of textual development itself and how it has shaped the development of this literature and the language that it used. Jeremiah; textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible; Hebrew philology and language; anti-idolatry polemics. Gordon, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U. Monograph, English, 1st quarter Giuseppe Veltri The series Jewish Thought, Philosophy, and Religion aims to present a wide spectrum of studies and texts related to Jewish thought, philosophy, and religion — from antiquity to the present.

It seeks to highlight the multiplicity of approaches within Judaism and to shed light on the interaction between Jewish and non-Jewish thought. The series includes monographs, collected essays, and editions of sources submitted to or produced by staff and visiting fellows of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, as well as by scholars of the Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion at the University of Hamburg.

The series comprises three subseries: The Quranic Noah narratives provide a fascinating window into the making of Muhammad as an eschatological prophet. Though typically associated more with Judaism than Christianity, the status and sacrality of Hebrew has nonetheless been engaged by both religious cultures in often strikingly similar ways. The language has furthermore played an important, if vexed, role in relations between the two. The volume represents a tribute to the two hundred year legacy of Wissenschaft des Judentums and its singular contribution to not only modern Jewish self-understanding but also to the unfolding of humanistic cultural discourse.

It is based on papers delivered at a conference, sponsored by the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem, by scholars from North American, Europe and Israel. The papers explore ramified historical and methodological issues. Jewish Historiography; Wissenschaft des Judentums. Series Studia Judaica Approx. The subject of this volume, Jewish paideia or education during the Second Temple period, had long received little attention.

Yet these fourteen essays demonstrate the fundamental importance of the topic for understanding the history of the period.


They also represent the broad array of approaches required to comprehend this multi-faceted subject. The Yearbook mirrors the annual activities of staff and visiting fellows of the Maimonides Centre and reports on symposia, workshops, and lectures taking place at the Centre. Although aimed at a wider audience, the yearbook also contains academic articles and book reviews on scepticism in Judaism and scepticism in general.

Staff, visiting fellows, and other international scholars are invited to contribute. The volume focuses on Jewish conversion to Christianity in the 19th century presenting case studies of specific converts in Germany, Russia, Poland, and England and the ideological and spiritual motives of conversion. The intellectual itineraries between Judaism and Christianity offer a unique perspective on the formation of modern Jewish identities, Jewish-Christian relations, and the history of Jewish skeptical postures.

The tension between reason and revelation has occupied Jewish philosophers for centuries, who, on the one hand, were committed to defending Judaism and on the other hand to remaining loyal to philosophical principles. The present publication focuses on sceptical questions, methods, strategies, and approaches raised by Jewish thinkers in the Middle Ages.

Commentaries on the Guide of the Perplexed occupy a central but neglected place in the history of Jewish thought. In the first study on the subject, Igor De Souza examines this dynamic tradition in its most creative period. Rather than mere interpretation, De Souza reads commentaries as texts in their own right. At the same time, he illustrates how texts are reimagined through commentary, and repurposed for new generations of readers.

This volume examines in inter-disciplinary perspective the degree to which the medieval Ashkenazi were innovative in the area of communal activity surrounding burial and mourning customs. The topics cover liturgical poetry as well as statutory prayers; confessions, final testimonies and acts of charity; funeral and mourning rites; the influences of the surrounding non-Jewish; the effects of major acts of persecution.

Judaism; Religion; Liturgy; Folklore. The Human Temple is a study of the unique spirituality of early Hasidism. This study compares the teachings of the most important pupils of the founder of Hasidism, the Baal Shem Tov and determines that the theology of the fathers of Hasidism cannot be identified with nihilistic mysticism or Quietism.

Series Studia Judaica 98 Approx. The Yalkut Shimoni compiles rabbinical interpretations of the entire Hebrew bible. We do not know the criteria for selecting the interpretations, nor whether the book was conceived as a comprehensive exegetical reference work to be linked to biblical interpretations in the Talmud and Midrash or for reforming the rabbinical interpretive tradition. The translation of this work is a first step toward answering these questions. Exegesis; Midrash; Talmud; compilation literature. The present edition and translation of the rabbinic work Pesiqta Rabbati is a critical Hebrew edition, including a modern English translation on facing pages.

Pesiqta Rabbati contains rabbinic homilies for Jewish holy days and special Sabbaths. Rabbinic hermeneutics in ancient Judaism reflects this multifaceted world of the text and of reality, seen as a world of reference worth commentary. This book explores the rabbinic concern with texts as the main area of influence of the rabbinic academy in a space between the texts of the past and the real world of the present.

Edition, English, Hebrew, 4th quarter