Two Suns Newsletter, May 2010

What if we had two suns?

If Earth had developed similarly to Keplerb — around two dimmer stars, rather than around our one bright sun — we'd be even colder than 16b's minus degrees Fahrenheit minus 73 degrees Celsius. All water on our planet would be frozen, and no life would have formed thanks, also, in part to Earth being farther from the sun than 16b is to its star system [source: Other scientists suggest that day and night would have completely different meanings on an Earth with two suns.

When both suns were up, days would be much brighter. Nights would be different too because the suns would sometimes set at different times [source: Still others suggest that the number of eclipses would increase as one sun moved in front of the other, maybe as often as once a week or so. And depending on the axis of rotation of our Earth in relation to these two suns, the seasons might change much more rapidly [source: Sounds like an Earth with two suns wouldn't be nearly as livable as Tatooine — even without the Sand People.

Algol - The bright star in the head of the Gorgon - A case study of Algol in a person's chart. December Sulpa'e, the return of the crown prince - one of the many faces of Jupiter in visual astrology.

Jupiter returns to the sky this month as an angry prince. November The King stands alone - Saturn standing alone in the night sky and its link to and the theme of trials concerning crimes against humanity. The last of the four Royal Stars that we have been profiling all this year.

Linda Schiller-Hanna

October The Stars of an Empress still shine Chrysanthemum Throne - a brief update on the feelings of the Japanese people on the issues of succession now that a male heir has been born. Zosma — the Broken Back of the Lion, a lever for change. A focus Leo and the point where the great lion's will is broken - Zosma a star associated with difficulties or dealing with change.


September Eclipses - Babylonian sky religion captured in our culture. August A Middle East Re Cap - a quick re look at the sky and the reason as to why the Visual Astrology is suggesting that the conflict will escalate with other players entering the arena as Jupiter moves into the stars of Scorpio As Above so Below, Cities in the Sky - A consideration of the sky imagery reflected in the reflection of the earth below and the sky above in the imagery of the earth at night as well as in the flags of many nations. This newsletter talks of a conflict similar to the Seven Years War breaking out in mid July The newsletter hoped that the World Cup a battle between nations would be enough to "soak up the energy" however it has come to pass that the Middle East of is the Europe of This newsletter indicates that the hostilities between Israel and Lebanon will escalate later in the year.

When Saturn Dances with the Stars. Predictive work with fixed stars and a client's Saturn transits.


May Under the Beams or not The third of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people. A look at the ancient concept of drawing down the Moon and linking this to the cycle of lunar stand stills. Isadora Duncan — Born with a Witches' Moon. A case study of Isadora Duncan's chart as an example of the possible meanings of a natal "drawn down" moon. The second of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people.

An examination of a sky story that implies a shift of power from "king" to "prince". This newsletter talked of the non-violent shift of power which occurred later in January with Ariel Sharon suffering a massive stroke and his deputy, Ehud Olmert, taking on the role of Israel's Prime Minister. This newsletter also correctly predicted Ehud Olmert winning Israel's elections. The first of four articles exploring the royal stars of Persia through their mythology and activity in the charts of famous people. A Chorus from Christmas Past.

Two men claim authorship of the poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas". This case study looks at the fixed star myths linked with each man's natal Mercury. Rosa Parks, the woman who sat down to be counted. Considers some of the stars connected with the chart of the first black woman to lie in honour in the vast circular room under the Capitol dome, USA. A tribute to a remarkable man who had Facies as his heliacal rising star and Algol as his heliacal setting star. The role of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, in the founding of the city of New Orleans in March, , and its cultural and historical implications following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

A Woman wears a Crown. Considers Alphecca, the Crown of Thorns, as the heliacal rising star in the case study of a woman in grief. II - A case study of a two year old's Mercury giving insight into her great love of learning and the frustrations of her current lack of articulated language, as well as her future intellectual pursuits and interest. Sky Maps and Medieval Astrology. A case study mixing a medieval technique of prediction with star parans.

Considers the astrological meaning of the Moon's occultation to Antares, a 19 year cycle of intensity. Looks at the picture in the sky at the moment of birth to gain insight into the expression of natal aspects. The Tale of Two Suns. Condoleezza Rice - Mars rising on the back of Capricorn. A case study of the then newly appointed USA's national security adviser. The Asian tsunami - The Sun stands still and the Earth moves. Links the Asian tsunami of 26th December, , and the tsunami of 23rd December, Mercury with Betelgeuse and Acumen.

A case study examining a man's powerful rising Mercury in rulership in paran with Betelgeuse and Acumen. Visual Astrology Newsletter Visual Astrology is the astrology of working with the whole sky. It does not replace the horoscope but rather complements it. In this newsletter we look at the current sky and combine that with the writings from ancient Babylon.

At the same time we dip into our historical databases to try and piece together the meanings and messages of the unfolding sky. The VAN is therefore a vehicle of learning. Every month we put forward predictions, ideas and comments and then use the newsletter at a later date to apply the wisdom of retrospect. The Visual Astrology Newsletter VAN is a free electronic publication dedicated to bringing awareness of this new subject to the attention of the astrological global community. It is a joint venture of Zyntara Publications and Astro Logos.

Bad Astronomy

The newsletter is published monthly and sent to all those on our email list or that of our sister company Astro Logos. All past issues are posted to this web page. You can subscribe to this newsletter on the right of this page and join in the adventure. You can also save any of these newsletters on your own computer by selecting in your browser the "save a page" feature, and save it as a. Special Note on receiving the newsletter Many email programs will automatically delete any email that contains a few pictures assuming that it is spam.

Thus if you have subscribed but are not receiving the newsletter this is more then likely the reason. To help rectify the problem you can add the newsletter email address into your email address book newsletter zyntara. Some times this email address fails then we use newsletter astrologos. How will you be remembered? March Reflections - Looking at our year overview from January and checking the March predictions against the actual events. February The Stars that lead us to the land of the setting sun - Visiting the stars of our latter years. Reflections - Looking at our year overview from January and checking the February predictions against the actual events.

Insights on; the Urn of Aquarius, the role of Mercury in fiscal policies, the expression of the Western Fish of Pisces, the power of the Moon to bring events to a head. January The Heavenly Patterns of - a look at the year ahead using planetary phase graphs and visual astrology. New Writing in The Sky - a celebration of years of neon lighting. August Visions of Heaven - an exhibition you can own. Pluto, and the Lion - a visit to Zosma and the constellation of Leo. Pluto Rides with The Centaurs - a look at the myth of The Centaurs and what it means as Pluto touches the tip of this fearsome constellation.

April The Royal Marriage and the death of Osama bin Laden Two stories of great public event happened this past weekend. This article considers how they bookend the events contained within the skymap and parans.

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March Bright Stars in a Velvet Sky Two women whose stories embraced the cult of the celebrity from its emergence to the recognition of its destructive power. The King Stands Alone The Jupiter-Saturn cycle through Mesopotamian eyes. January The Visual Astrology Face of Facebook - a look at the phenomenon that has changed how we network socially with each other.

A look at sky symbols, those that bring hope, like the Star of Bethlehem and those that we use to talk of the End of the World. November Nabu plans to meet Nergal in the Bow. October Reaching the Gods on Metal Feathers - more on the Stymphalian Birds and when they are in paran to natal planets. September Seven things that astrologers should know about fixed stars. It may be this picture was created as a joke and got out into the wild, or maybe it was done on purpose to fool people. As usual with things like this, tracing it back to the original is a bit tough though the Martian skyline picture from earlier was able to be pedigreed.

It was easy to debunk, so why not? Still, it sometimes helps to get ahead of the curve here, and dowse these things with reality before they spread out of hand. That way, we will crush the hoaxers with one swift stroke. Well, since the moon landings and these current mars missions were obviously faked in their entirety, why not let people outside the charlatan HQ at NASA in on the fun?

Really getting sick of this rubbish in my feed when all I want to see at the moment is the HD descent images. The Tatooine reference was my first thought when I saw it; I assumed right away that it was intentional…. They make the actual science pictures look a lot less interesting to the public. Curiosity running over a Martian cat was funny; Marvin peering into the lens was funny; airbrushing a three-breasted hooker in was sorta funny. Airbrushing a thoat in would be hilarious.

I had just assumed it was a sunset with Phobos or Deimos but cursory research leads me to believe that the moons would appear much smaller. I can see how maybe they would think it is a picture of a sunset and there is a lens flare, but do people honestly believe that it is actually a picture of two suns? As if Mars somehow has two suns while Earth only has one? Speaking of faked Curiosity pics: Deimos can be as bright as Venus appears from Earth but would be visible well after sunset.

Phobos can be much brighter and since it is well within the geostationary orbit, rises in the West and Sets in the East. I think if you were to settle near the Martian equator, you would frequently see partial eclipses of the Sun because the orbits of both moons lie within a couple degrees of the plane of the equator.

I spotted the shenanigan right off. The Martian sunset picture has been my screen wall paper for a very long time. Some of them are pretty darn funny, like one I saw today with two xenomorphs holding up a picture of the Mars-scape that Curiosity saw in front of it, obscuring an alien civilization behind. I was stunned by the Tatooine sunset when I first saw it in , but the astronomer in me is always bugged by it. Both stars are well-resolved and have the same surface brightness, despite their very different temperature. In reality, the blue star would be so blazingly bright you would never see the other star next to it….

I recall that the image that was posted on the chans of the guy standing in the two lettuce trays was deciphered and they actually found out where he was! Well I posted it on my Facebook page with the Luke Skywalker image as well.

Seriously, if people are so gullible to believe any of these images are real, they need more than a swift stroke of crushing debunking! A swif kick to the nether regions maybe would help. So Tatooine really is Mars, was my first thought when I saw the image. Ah, but Tatooine has a thick, oxygen-rich atmosphere, so the image of the sun closer to the horizon will be affected by more Rayleigh scattering. Are Twitter and Tumblr anything more than bullshit multipliers?

And I think that of the blogosphere is low compared to usenet.

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The stories of stars that are symbolic of loss or sacrifice. Although the scale of the sun seems very different, that could simply be an example of different focal length lenses, as in this example http: March The Great One, Aquarius - five who bathe in his urn and two who stole from it. A examination of the astrology of terrorism via its history and through the lens of fixed stars. Seven things that astrologers should know about fixed stars. Pluto Rides with The Centaurs - a look at the myth of The Centaurs and what it means as Pluto touches the tip of this fearsome constellation.

Not that there is no noise on usenet, but it is easier to ignore noise.