Half Past Nothing

More by Jack Savoretti

Will he find Mia? Why is everyone out to kill him?

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I won't say too much about the ending - you will just have to come to your own conclusions.. All I can say is how much I enjoy his books! Dec 29, Huluriasquias rated it it was ok Shelves: I stopped reading half way through. I seldom do it so I'll try to explain. The delivery was annoying: And yes, I decided to stop when he I stopped reading half way through. And yes, I decided to stop when he introduced a new character exactly half way through the book and started ranting about his infancy, etc.

That did it for me! I really enjoyed "The 13th Hour" but I was not able to stand this one. I'll still give him a chance with the next novel. Jul 17, Lisa Malmquist rated it really liked it. What would you do if you woke up one day battered and bruised with no recollection of what happened? Your wife and kids are not in the house and the paper's headlines state that you and your wife died the night before in an auto accident.. Twists and turns and suspense. You have very little time to reconstruct what happened Fragments of What would you do if you woke up one day battered and bruised with no recollection of what happened?

Fragments of memory start to come back, the car skidding off the embankment, falling far below into the river, how is it possible you survived?

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If you like thrillers with a touch of supernatural and lots of action, this might be the book for you. I couldn't put it down. Hope you will enjoy it as well. Jul 30, Carl Louis Cruz rated it it was amazing. This book is very thought provoking. My eyes almost giving up reading this, but my mind keeps me in pace. I'm not done reading this book yet, as I go further and further, the climax and thrill of this book rises. I'd finished reading this book. My mind is trembling at the ending My mind is so confused, the ending seems like the writer wanted the user to This book is very thought provoking.

My mind is so confused, the ending seems like the writer wanted the user to reverse the story from the night when Mia and Jack accident. Till now, I can't figure out what's real to not. Though the ending is not yet completely clear to me, the thrill, twists and turns; and the changes of scenes in this book is very well created. Apr 05, Sarah rated it liked it Shelves: Jack Keeler wakes up one morning, has a soda, then notices he's been shot. The newspaper says he and his wife are dead, but Jack knows she has merely been kidnapped by a mysterious madman.

Jack has twenty-four hours to rescue her, solve the enigma of the missing evidence case, decipher his new tattoo, and figure out all the other mysteries that get flung at him over the course of this frenetic book. Stunning revelations every couple of chapters keep shifting the paradigm, until the nature o D. Stunning revelations every couple of chapters keep shifting the paradigm, until the nature of reality itself is called into doubt. Poor copy-editing and a silly ending mar this twisted thriller.

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Apr 27, Marsha Hubbell rated it really liked it. There are occasionally books you read that when finished you think, "Wow! This would make a great film! This book is filled with twists and turns, instances of sanity vs insanity, questions about what is true and what is imagined, and most importantly, who and what can be believed. It's a story of a man fighting for his family, for his life, for his mind, and he's got 24 hours to resolve it.

I first read Mr. Doetsch a few years ago when There are occasionally books you read that when finished you think, "Wow! Doetsch a few years ago when I bought a copy of "The Thirteenth Hour. Nov 21, Dan rated it liked it. This is another reality-bending thriller from Richard Doetsch. I read this book because I enjoyed Doetsch's breakneck thriller, "The 13th Hour". Although the book has a compelling and action-packed plot, it reads a bit like a slightly twisted screenplay of the "Mission Impossible" f This is another reality-bending thriller from Richard Doetsch. Although the book has a compelling and action-packed plot, it reads a bit like a slightly twisted screenplay of the "Mission Impossible" film series starrring Tom Cruise.

One weakness of the book is the author's inability to provide any plausible measure of depth to the father-son pair of Cotis priests. View all 4 comments. Jul 26, Dan Barbier rated it really liked it. As with The Thirteen hour, Richard Doetsch writes another tour-de-force with this novel. Twists abound in this story and most of them made me stop reading and go "Whoa".

We need you!

I can't say anything more than, the story is about Jack Keeler, a D. Who is trying to save his wife Mia, an FBI agent, from getting killed by Cristos, an assassin for the American government. To say more would spoil the enjoyment one gets from the many twists and reveal, the author has woven into his plot. I think this is the As with The Thirteen hour, Richard Doetsch writes another tour-de-force with this novel.

Knock Knock Songtext

A thriller spanning time, an Asian people out of legend, an assassin who will stop at nothing to avenge his death sentence, and a diary who's contents foretells the future, Half-Past Dawn is a race through the boarders of life and death, insanity and reason, and dreams and reality. Nov 23, Jessica at Book Sake rated it it was amazing. Pubblica immagini fotografiche dal vivo concesse in utilizzo da fotografi dei quali viene riportato il copyright. What did it in for me was the very end of the book. After the unsettling stupidity of the war, Robert relishes his routine, habits he needs to make his life ordered again. They, as well as the reader, know the significance of these events in their lives at the moment and thus can more accurately relay them. Audible Download Audio Books.

I think this is the highest compliment I can give this suspense thriller Jun 04, Phil Deschler rated it really liked it Recommended to Phil by: A story that keeps your attention and in suspense. A story that you think you understand but with a big piece missing.

Jack Savoretti - Half Past Nothing - Line Dance (Knock Knock) - Listen on Deezer

You are never sure the story have the usual positive ending of a mystery. Whom does the hero trust, it appears no one. The one he is chasing is a ghost along with the ghost he is racing to save his wife is she alive or dead. So many questions with a twist at the end. What will the final ending be? Jul 31, Beverley Albright rated it really liked it. The only reason that I don't give this book five stars is that I am not sure that I totally understood everything that happened.

That is on me, though.

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The writing was superb and the action was non-stop and very vivid. Doetsch gives his usual twists to the story and keeps you guessing. Would love to have a conversation with him about this book. Guess my book club will have to do on that score. If you want different, then you get it with this book Aug 12, Brian Powers rated it liked it. It started off quickly and continued at such a pace even though the flashbacks were borderline confusing and unnecessary.

What did it in for me was the very end of the book. Without ruining anything, it was one of the most confusing books I've ever read. I had to question my comprehension of the entire book and there are still quite a few things that are murky for me, at best. Jul 05, Lisa Dreesman rated it really liked it. This thriller by Richard Doetsch is fast-paced and action-packed, with ever-evolving twists and turns throughout. Jack, DA of New York, wakes up in the morning to find himself having been shot, his clothes from the night before wet and muddy, and with a strange tattoo on his arm.

Add that to the headlines that declare he and his wife, FBI agent Mia,were killed the night before. This is truly a "things are not always as they seem" novel, much on the line of "Shutter Island" fame. Feb 02, Ryan Mishap rated it liked it Shelves: A one sitting thriller that I read for more of a distraction from real life than any desire to immerse myself in Doetsch's literary world. I do like the the mystery or thriller novel that begins with an absurd, nearly impossible premise and then explains how it all came to be. In that sense, it kept me reading and I would recommend this to all who enjoy such tales.

Dec 15, Michele rated it it was ok Shelves: I wish Goodreads had a way to make note of why you put a book on your to read list. I don't remember how this one ended up on my list, but it was just ok.

Chapter IX

Heinrich briefly mentions his father-in-law, a Kilb, whose family owned the house for three hundred years, where it had been the scene of countless sins and virtues, children, spinsters, professions, evangelical ministers. Source is dtv edition of novel. The major theme of the book is the conflict between those who received "The Host of the Beast" and their opponents, the receivers of "The Host of the Lamb". Although this separation can be seen as Nazi versus pacifists, it has a deeper meaning: The majority of the story does not take place in the present, but rather we learn most of the plot through the use of flashbacks, characters remembering something from their past or relating a story from their life to another person.

This complex plot structure allows the characters to be more fully explored as things do not simply happen to them, but are built upon and remembered in a certain way. Each character's story is given depth through the memories as their emotion comes through strongly as they remember events from years past. They, as well as the reader, know the significance of these events in their lives at the moment and thus can more accurately relay them.

The effect of their actions is readily seen by the reader when almost everything that happens in the novel has already happened in the characters' pasts. The connection between the different family members is also very strong because of the flashbacks and retellings. We do not simply hear about Heinrich, then Roberts and finally Joseph for instance; instead their stories are one, interwoven between each other until their story becomes the same. They are all linked to St. Anthony Abbey and to the wars and strife around them. The point of view of the novel is very important and the rotating first person perspective gives the story its deep insight.

Fully eleven different characters provide a first person perspective in the novel and each chapter switches the point of view. Some of these chapters are told in first person and others by third person omniscient and specifically follow the thoughts of a certain character. In the beginning, we first meet Robert through his secretary and then old Jochen; it is not until the third chapter that we come face to face with the protagonist. We meet Heinrich Faehmel in the first chapter, but only through the eyes of Leonore, the secretary. Our connection to the characters is constantly being filtered by the narrator at the time.

Though this could lead to the possibility of being subjective to the point of unreliability, the many points of view instead enhance the story. In some ways, the subjective retellings could be a reflection on the world the Faehmel family lived in: In the story, however, the perspectives presented offer many different views of the characters. The relationship between father and son, husband and wife, friend and schoolmate and dissenter and blind-follower is not simply discussed but, with the many different perspectives, given full access to. Everyone is not described simply by one narrator; we are able to see the different sides and histories of each character.

Cologne was a cultural capital of Germany and the bombing not only destroyed the entire city, but killed 20, civilians. Within the city, much of the action takes place in the Prince Heinrich Hotel, where Robert plays billiards every weekday. The Hotel, and more specifically the billiards room, is a place around which Robert structures his routine.

After the unsettling stupidity of the war, Robert relishes his routine, habits he needs to make his life ordered again. He doesn't even really play billiards; "for some time now he had given up playing according to the rules, trying for runs, racking up points," p. For Robert, it's not about winning or losing, it's the physics of the game, of the action and reaction and the laws of science that stay constant no matter what.

In the billiards room, Robert is able to do everything precisely how he wants, in his ordered fashion, contrasting to the world outside the hotel where Robert had to deal with the unpredictable stupidity of war. Joe Nash Walter Sande Hester Thornwall Gil Stratton Chick Patrick as Gil Stratton Jr.

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Line dancing Step Sheets and Information, Half Past Nothin', Neville Fitzgerald & Julie Harris (March ). Half Past Nothing - Line Dance (Knock Knock) It was half past nothing on a nowhere night, and I had no one to love, I had no one to fight so I took a walk down.

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