Galgenfrist für einen Toten (German Edition)

Ipod E Book Downloads Galgenfrist Für Einen Toten German Edition Pdf Fb2 By Gordon Ferris

Die Augen des am Boden knienden Ritters waren geschlossen. Er meditierte, versuchte geistigen Kontakt herzustellen. Doch die Herrin des Sees meldete sich nicht. Sir Galahad presste die Lippen fest zusammen. Wie soll man einen Ansatz finden, wenn fast alle Spuren im Sog der Zeit untergegangen zu sein scheinen Als ein Freund von Tony Quinn den ehemaligen Staatsanwalt um Hilfe bittet und kurz darauf offenbar Selbstmord begeht, greift die Schwarze Fledermaus ein.

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Under 1 Hour 5. All Categories 19 results. Galgenfrist Mimi Rutherfurt 16 By: Maureen Butcher Narrated by: Add to basket failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed. Free with day Trial. Nasses Grab Mimi Rutherfurt 20 By: Maureen Butcher, Ben Sachtleben Narrated by: Maureen Butcher , Ben Sachtleben Narrated by: Dietmar Kuegler Narrated by: Ein harmloser Fall Die schwarze Fledermaus 4 By: Gunter Arentzen Narrated by: Geister-Schocker , Book 39 Length: Untot Geister-Schocker 35 By: Benjamin Cook Narrated by: Aber ich habe keine Auswahl gemacht.

Wessen Wahl und wessen Schuld ist es, wenn alle Juden waren? Jedoch, dies ist seine Schlussfolgerung:. In wurde er verhaftet, aber nicht wegen seiner Verbrechen; stattdessen war er wegen dem was er wusste verhaftet. Dann kam jemand auf die Idee, die Opfer auszukleiden, sie zu fesseln und zu knebeln und sie in einen geschlossenen Lastwagen zu werfen, der als Brotlieferwagen getarnt wurde. Er wurde rehabilitiert, obwohl damals die Notiz der Geschichte seiner Erfindung der giftigen Gaskraftwagen in seiner Akte bis zu unserer heutigen Zeit geblieben ist, und es von Journalisten entdeckt wurde. In den Jahren und , ermordete oder deportierte der Rote Terror in Russland zwischen Bis Ende Dezember, nur in dieser einen Region ermordeten die Bolschewiki etwa Gerade in den wenigen Tagen zwischen dem August und dem 5.

September erschossen die Tscheka Der Bericht sagt stolz:. Von Februar bis Dezember wurden mehr als 1. Der Verlust lag damit etwa bei einer halben Million. Die Zahl derer, die es geschafft haben, zu entkommen, war sicherlich hoch. Im Jahre meldete die Gulag-Verwaltung die Ankunft von Sie arbeiteten unter schwersten Bedingungen, in groesster Kaelte mit wenig Essen. Oft starben sie in kurzer Zeit an Hunger oder durch Krankheit so wie Typhus. Die Soviets hatten endlosen Menschenachschub. Nicht nur Russlandsdeutsche waren und starben dort massenhaft, sondern auch Millionen von Deutschen vom 2.

Parteienkonferenz erfolgreich forderte, hat die NKVD nur in alleine, 1. Diese Repression hat auch In den Jahren wurden insgesamt 7 Millionen Menschen an die Lager des Gulag und die Arbeiterkolonien ausgeliefert. Solzhenitsyn verwies auf sie. Es waren doppelt so viele von diesen — oder sogar noch viel mehr. Eine Summe von 40 Millionen bolschewistischen Terroropfern von wird heute allgemein als realistisch betrachtet. Das Massaker im Wald Katyn.

Massengrab von 4, Poln. Offizieren, ermorded mit einem Genickschuss. In anderen Gegenden wurden ueber 10, mehr Poln. Offiziere aufs gleiche ermordet. We have brought to the other races the first health care they have ever had, and have stopped the plagues that before their countries have taken shelter; We have ended their murderous tribal wars and brought them peace as long as we have had the commanding authority over their lands; We brought them the only state education system they ever had; We taught them improved farming methods, and when they still were unable to feed themselves, we very often sent them food that saved millions from starvation….

They like to close their eyes to the fact that the entire civilization that exists today on Earth is the product of this [white] race: What the dark-skinned breeds have learned, that was taught by us. But I would like to accept this challenge and show that our race is very special, apart from our abilities and achievements: Abraham had eight sons; But God said to him that only his son Isaac would be the heir to the promised line, which was destined by God to become His people.

Isaac, our patriarch, was chosen not only by God, but by His own existence was a miracle. For the birth of all other children, two sides are necessary, a father and a mother; but the birth of Isaac required three parties: A year before the birth of Isaac, God gave him his name in the book of Moses When God spoke of a child that Sarah would bear, Abraham and Sarah laughed at it because it was obviously impossible, for Sarah was 90 years old at that time and too weak for her age and 45 years beyond the childbirth years, and, furthermore, she had been barren her whole life — and Abraham was 99 years old.

But God did the miracle He had promised, and a year later, at the age of 91, Sarah gave birth to her first and only child, Isaac. This was only the first of many miracles. Like his descendant, Jesus Christ, Isaac received his name before his birth from God himself. Jesus Christ made the resurrection from the dead to reality; But Isaac was chosen to serve as a symbolic prophecy for the return of the loved ones from the dead.

No, Abraham knew better: He took his son Isaac and went to Mount Moria, prepared the wood fire for the burnt offering, but never doubted that God would keep His promise: As always, God kept His Word. In the first book of Moses, chapter 22, it is portrayed how God delivered the burnt offering; a ram was entangled with his horns in the hedge, so Abraham could perform the sacrifice with the animal provided by God.

Here is again the Christianity of the Old Testament. We have nothing to offer of ourselves as an atonement for our sins: The offering of the beloved Son is the prophecy for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God; and the fact that his promised career was not interrupted by death symbolizes the rapid resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to continue His promised work in His name.

For us, the threat of death is not real, for God has promised us not only eternal life, but has strengthened our faith by demonstrating His power and His will to bring us to resurrection. It is fitting that Isaac was specially chosen and determined by God to be our progenitor because we were specially chosen and chosen by God to be His people and to carry out His will on earth.

We are all the children of Isaac; only by a miracle from the hand of God was he born at all, and remember, this miracle is also our miracle, for without it we would not exist today: Again, we are the product of this miracle. With all our human inadequacies, we have fulfilled this prophecy. We have brought to the other races the first health care they have ever had, and have stopped the plagues that before their countries have taken shelter; We have ended their murderous tribal wars and brought them peace as long as we have had the commanding authority over their lands; We brought them the only state education system they ever had; We taught them improved farming methods, and when they still were unable to feed themselves, we very often sent them food that saved millions from starvation.

By a miracle God has created Isaac for a purpose; to be the progenitor of our race. Der Kriegseintritt Italiens brachte uns nur geringe Vorteile im Vergleich zu den zahllosen Schwierigkeiten, die damit verbunden waren. Italien wird, wenn wir diesen Krieg nicht trotz allem gewinnen, gemessenen Anteil an unserer Niederlage haben. Seinetwegen konnten wir in Nordafrika keine von Grund auf neue Politik betreiben. Dabei zitterte der ganze Islam in Erwartung unserer Siege. Nur die Italiener haben uns daran gehindert, auf diesem Kriegsschauplatz eine unserer besten Karten auszuspielen: Einerseits beleidigten wir, ohne irgendeinen Vorteil dagegen einzutauschen, den Stolz der Franzosen.

Aber nicht auf Ambitionen, auf Taten kommt es an!

Aber Roosevelt war, vom Judentum getrieben, ohnehin zum Krieg und zur Vernichtung des Nationalsozialismus entschlossen, und niemand brauchte ihm dazu einen Grund zu geben. Hatte er doch alles getan, um die Japaner zu provozieren. Der Krieg mit Amerika war unvermeidlich. Es gab auch niemals einen Wendepunkt dieses Krieges. Sei dem, wie es wolle, unsere Schicksalsverbundenheit mit den Japanern wird bestehen bleiben.

Wir werden zusammen siegen, oder wir werden gemeinsam untergehen. Wir haben diese Erkenntnis teuer bezahlt. Aber unsere Gegner zahlten bar, um etwas zu erfahren, und es ist auf diesem Wege manches Geheimnis zu ihnen gelangt. Wir brauchten nichts so notwendig als den Frieden, um unser Werk zu verrichten. Ich habe immer den Frieden gesucht. Der Wille unserer Feinde hat uns diesen Krieg aufgezwungen. Die anderen sind die Tat-Wirklichkeitsmenschen. Der Nationalsozialismus kennt nur das Deutschtum, und ihn interessiert sonst nichts auf der Welt.

Die Universalisten, Internationalisten und Utopisten zielen ins Nichts. Ich habe immer nur so viel versprochen, als ich halten konnte und auch zu halten fest entschlossen war. Jede nationalsozialistische Forderung richtet sich daher notwendigerweise auf begrenzte und erreichbare Ziele. Ich vermag darum auch weder an den unteilbaren Frieden noch an den unteilbaren Krieg zu glauben. Damals war die letzte Gelegenheit, den Krieg abzugrenzen.

Die Deutschen haben in Wirklichkeit niemals irgendeinen Hang zum Imperialismus gezeigt. Jahrhunderts als einen Seitensprung in unserer Geschichte. Sie haben als weiteres durch die marxistische Doktrin die Mittel, das Volk im Zaum zu halten. Was Lenin nicht fertiggebracht hat, wird Stalin vollenden… und so die Reihe kommunistischer Diktatoren. Ich hingegen stehe unter dem Schicksalsgebot, alles innerhalb eines einzigen kurzen Menschenlebens zu vollenden. Das neue Europa wird nicht durch parlamentarische Abstimmung, auch nicht durch Diskussionen und Resolutionen, sondern allein mit Gewalt erzwungen.

Das neue Europa kann nur aus Ruinen erwachsen. Das hat Napoleon vollendet erkannt. Seit dem Sommer erlebe ich die gleichen Seelenqualen. Der Ewige Jude lebt von unserer Uneinigkeit und hofft auch weiterhin, daraus Honig zu saugen. Stalin, dieser geborene Erpresser, wollte nur Zeit gewinnnen und seine Ausgangsposition in Finnland und auf dem Balkan verbessern. Ein regelrechtes Katz- und Mausspiel.

Stalin dagegen konnte jeden Tag den Krieg starten. Hatte doch das italienische Versagen in Albanien und der Cyrenaika im Balkan eine ganz neue Lage geschaffen und eine Meuterei entfacht. Eine Lage, die ich um jeden Preis habe vermeiden wollen. Nachdem der Krieg einmal diese Richtung genommen hatte, lag es nahe, nun auch weiter zu marschieren. Die Zeit kostet nichts. Das Schicksal hat es mir verwehrt, die sich aus dieser Erkenntnis logischerweise ableitende Politik in die Tat umzusetzen.

Nichts hinderte uns an einem solchen Vorgehen, im Nahen Osten so wenig wie in Nordafrika. Sie verstehen ihr Metier, und sie haben ihre Vorbilder! Es ist an ihr viel mehr Schein als Wirklichkeit und nur deshalb, weil es auch bei unseren Feinden noch Diplomaten alter Schule gibt.

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Das Versagen der italienischen Divisionen in Nordafrika konnte die Schlappe in Nordfrankreich vergessen machen. In tiefster Trauer und Ehrfurcht verneigt sich das deutsche Volk. Meine erste Aufgabe ist es, deutsche Menschen vor der Vernichtung durch den vordringenden bolschewistischen Feind zu retten. Zu alledem brauche ich Eure Hilfe!

Haltet Ordnung und Disziplin in Stadt und Land aufrecht! Tue jeder an seiner Stelle seine Pflicht! Pitt war gerade 34 Jahre alt. Churchill ist leider ein Greis, der gerade noch die Kraft aufbringt, Befehle des Paralytikers Roosevelt sklavisch zu befolgen.

Jahrhundert vollenden konnte, auf. Das war eine Politik des Lebenswillens. Man kann aber erfolgreiche Thesen vergangener Epochen nicht einfach kopieren. Vom Standpunkt der reinen Machtpolitik aus galt im vergangenen Jahrhundert nur Europa. England, aller Sorgen in Europa enthoben, konnte sich ganz seinem Weltreich widmen. Zu Kompromissen mit England bereit, waren wir sogar gewillt, mitzuhelfen, das britische Weltreich zu garantieren. London hatte sich dem Krieg nicht nur verschrieben, sondern diesen mutwillig vom Zaun gebrochen. Auch nachdem der Wahnsinn einmal angefangen hatte, bot sich London mehrfach die Gelegenheit, den Kopf aus der Schlinge zu ziehen: Uns Deutschen dagegen blieb keine andere Wahl.

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Sie wollen unsere radikale Vernichtung. Und drei Tage vor der Galgenfrist stirbt unerwartet die Zarin, und wie durch ein Wunder wendet sich alles zu seinen Gunsten. Aber auch Koalitionen sind Menschenwerk, gehalten von dem Willen einzelner weniger. Das alleine reicht aus, um diesen Krieg zu rechtfertigen, denn es ist dann kein nutzloser Krieg gewesen. Der Krieg als solcher war unvermeidbar. Er darf nur zeitweilig in die Fremde gehen, stets von dem Gedanken an die Heimkehr beseelt.

Sie entsinnen sich kaum noch ihrer Herkunft, nur in leeren Phrasen. Erfolge, meinetwegen, aber nur in materieller Sicht. Keine tiefgreifende Wandlungen, auf dem Gebiete der Religion noch weniger als auf anderen, und das trotz gewaltiger Anstrengungen der christlichen Missionen.

Was mit Gewalt aufgezwungen wurde, zeigte noch schlimmere Ergebnisse. Es hat geradezu den Anschein, als ob ihr Erwachen nur diesem Ziel dient. Man sage mir, ob durch die Kolonisation die Zahl der Christen auf der Welt vermehrt wurde! Wo sind die Massenbekehrungen, wie sie den Erfolg des Islams ausmachen? In Asien und Afrika sehe ich da und dort nur winzige Farbflecke als Inselchen der Christenheit und auch diese mehr dem Namen nach. Unsere Sorge ist das jedenfalls nicht.

Der Nationalsozialismus wird, wie in einem Schmelztiegel, alle Eigenheiten der deutschen Seele rein erstehen lassen. Der Typus des modernen Deutschen wird daraus hervorgehen: Das liegt in der Natur der Dinge. All das vollzieht sich aber nicht von heute auf morgen. Und wenn wir derart unter Zeitdruck stehen, so darum, weil uns der Raum fehlt. Und sie arbeitet gegen uns. Das Ergebnis sieht danach aus!

Unsere Frankreichpolitik war vollkommener Unsinn. Man durfte niemals mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten. In der Illusion, den Ereignissen vorzugreifen, hinkte er in Wirklichkeit hinter ihnen her. Warum zu dem von mir bestimmten Zeitpunkt? Auf beiden Fronten arbeitete also die Zeit gegen uns. Die Frage lautet demnach hier nicht: Es gab noch einen Grund: Nein, denn dadurch gaben wir das Gesetz des Handelns preis. Keiner wagt es, ihn zu verteidigen. Es war ihr Ziel, ihre Mandanten zu entlasten.

So wurde alle Schuld denen zugeschoben, die sich nicht mehr verteidigen konnten. Die NS-Zeit ist gewesen. Nicht alle haben diese Zeit in einer schlechten Erinnerung. Vieles bleibt uns unvergessen. Es gab keine Staatsverdrossenheit, keine Arbeitslosigkeit. Es gab eine Volksgemeinschaft und eine Begeisterung. Schrecklich war der Krieg, den Adolf Hitler sicherlich nicht gewollt hatte. Die Beweise sind da. Das Volk jubelt immer den Siegern zu.

Der Krieg ist aber nicht aus der Welt geschaffen. Wenn es keine Gerechtigkeit gibt, wird es auch keinen Frieden geben. So ist es, und so wird es ewig bleiben. Wo er geliebt hat … geschah es um Deutschland. Und was gabt Ihr bisher? So liegt es Euch nichts daran. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz, sondern immer nur umgekehrt! Geknechtet und geknebelt durch den Schandvertrag von Versailles liegt das Deutsche Reich darnieder: Da steht ein Mann auf, unbekannt und namenlos, das Grauen des durchgestandenen Krieges noch kaum verwunden, das Elend und den Jammer der Millionen von Menschen vor Augen, die nichts anderes verbrochen hatten, als sich in gerechter Auflehnung in einem ihnen aufgezwungenen Krieg ihrer Haut zu wehren.

Sie haben es mit Erfolg getan unter den Farben des II. Adolf Hitler gibt dem Volk — wie versprochen — Arbeit und Brot. Zur Einweisung der Juden in Konzentrationslager kommt es erst nach der 2. Nun hat Hitler nur noch eine Forderung, um nahezu alle Deutschen in einem Reich geeinigt zu heben: Im tiefsten Frieden jedoch werden in den polnisch besetzten deutschen Gebieten Tausende der in ihrer angestammten Heimat verbliebenen Deutschen von den Polen viehisch ermordet.

Mit der am Polen ist gewillt, den Krieg mit Deutschland um jeden Preis zu erzwingen. September sind die Polnischen Soldaten sogar auf deutsches Hoheitsgebiet schiessend eingedrungen. Es war also kein Angrif sondern eine Verteidigung. Frankreich wird in einem Blitzfeldzug innerhalb von sechs Wochen geschlagen. England setzt trotz wiederholter Friedensangebote Adolf Hitlers den Krieg fort. Es hat nur beschrieben was vorgeht. Oktober an bis zum Adolf Hitler setzt sich nicht etwa feige ab, sondern folgt seinen toten deutschen Soldaten nach.

Auch wurden unter der nationalsozialistischen Regierung in Deutschland neue Kirchen erbaut und keine einzige jemals geschlossen oder durch Verwendung als Tanzlokal, Kino oder Museum entweiht, wie es andernorts geschah. Every now and then I get a video or an article sent to me, calling the Germans idiots or weaklings, etc. Yes, sitting safely, you can have a loud mouth easily, but you have not much brain!

That this is of course an insult to the German people is clear. Not only that, it is an injustice that is promulgated by people who do not know the post-war history in Germany and the situation inside the FRG. Such people should not spread their thoughts, and I do not want to have anything to do with them, because those voices, for example, some who have been known to me for a long time, had enough opportunity to read articles on my home page and inform themselves of the situation in Germany instead of putting the Germans down.

There are perhaps also people who are on the side of the Germans who express these insults because they want to shake up the Germans, but that is headless, because it brings the Germans only more harm. Who knows what is in the hearts of these people who do that. In any case, it is an insolence to offend the Germans.

Is someone instilled with wisdom when he kneels on the ground and is beaten? Germany is not sovereign and thus the Germans do not have the same freedom as the British or Americans, for example. They are, therefore, controlled by a foreign rule, a military rule, the main allies: Germany is still at war armistice with more than 50 states, as the Allies deny it a peace treaty, so the leaders of these countries are now so impudently opposed to the Germans for example, Erdogan , for they take the impertinent right to attack Germany at any time in a variety of ways.

What is written in the newspapers and the press in Germany, the international Jews determine, and not some good Americans, nor President Trump, and certainly not the Germans. And certain Jews in Germany, like the Chancellor Angela Merkel, and their subjects determine how to treat the Germans: This is done on purpose to destroy the soul of the Germans and their race.

In order to allow these cruelties, brazenness, and foster the plan to exterminate the German people, the occupying company FRG circulates the lies by means of Jewish-controlled media kings that the Germans began the Second World War Poland did that, then England and France , were criminals in the war and murdered millions of Jews.

And the Holocaust must not be allowed to be put on trial but the defendant, the so-called Holocaust denier, with scientific evidence, is told that the Holocaust is a fact in reality only hearsay just because it is obvious exactly this the judge says!! Sylvia Stolz has experienced, who was dragged straight from the court room into prison because she insisted in defending her client as it is normally required and allowed in court.

Almost every German who is aware of the accusations and arrests on television, and these legal actions against truth speakers are highly distributed in the media, will think twice before he opens his mouth, especially if he has children. The German who is committed to the historical truth loses his job and his career is ruined. He has little chance to get a good job again, if at all.

One of the more recent victims of the courts is Henry Hafenmayer whose company was coerced to fire him as a train conductor because he is taking persuasive action against the Holohoax and other historical lies about the Germans https: Horst Mahler, who is exposing the plans of the Jews to exterminate mankind, who has received another 3 years of prison, whilst he is in his late 80s.

And if a German should express himself against the general injustice of the government, he is also depicted as a Nazi the word has a bad reputation but a Nazi was an upright citizen, , a right-wing extremist, a Volk agitator, and a few other insults with following court procedures and prison sentences. It is, therefore, not stupid or cowardly for the German to keep his mouth shut.

But there are always daring and particularly brave Germans who do not keep their mouth shut and seek and spread the truth. Some of them were murdered, others were imprisoned for years. Others are currently being sued and are financially ruined by endless court actions and defenses. Who wants to be a Nazi in Germany?!

But all what we have in reality, is brave men and women, who love their country and the German people and who are filled with a yearning for justice and honesty about German history because they can see the abuse of the German people clearly. These do not suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome.

Only those who have an overview can see things in Germany in the right perspective. When in fact, Merkel and her government are of Satanic nature. This mindless trusting is probably the result of Christian doctrine, which shaped our brain so much: Because we ourselves are good, we project this onto the authorities, trusting them. And Merkel — and many others before her — do not do represent the German people but foreign interests!

As proven time and time again, leaders in the FRG destroy the German people deliberately! This is not because the Germans have done something evil, they have not, but because of the plan to destroy the white race and of that the Germans are the leaders. With Germany, all the West will go down, as we can see before our very eyes. Take Sweden, for example, most of the Swedes are also silent with the destruction of their country and their race because their government representatives are also traitors.

All the leaders of the West, with few exceptions, need to be put through court and get the death penalty if treason is proven. I wish it for them with all my heart! I am for the death penalty in such cases because they are responsible for the abuse, rape, murder, and genocide of tens of millions of white people. Under such circumstances in Germany, people are not encouraged to freely express their opinion or present their research.

Jewish War on Free Speech. Dieses Mal war es aber so schlimm wie nie. All die letzten Krankenkassenberichte haben sich voll gezeigt, denn hinter diesen Zahlen stehen Einzelschicksale und einigen davon habe ich eben in die Augen gesehen. Wie schaut es da mit der Sicherheit bei Gefahren- oder Katastrophenlagen, bzw. Wie geht es insgesamt weiter in unserem Land? Habe dazu in meiner Pfingstrundmail einiges geschrieben, wer sie nicht bekommen hat, kann hier nochmals hineinlesen: Es ist nicht Tapferkeit derer die in sicheren Staaten sitzen und die Deutschen anklagen weil sie sich nicht gegen ihre teuflische Regierung verteidigen.

Ja, so kann man ein lautes Maul leicht haben wenn aber auch nicht viel Gehirn! Nicht nur das, es ist eine Ungerechtigkeit die von Menschen ausgeteilt wird die die Nachkriegsgeschichte in Deutschland und die Lage der BRD nicht kennen. Es gibt vielleicht aber auch Leute die zu den Deutschen stehen und somit die Deutschen aufruetteln wollen, aber das ist kopflos, denn es richtet den Deutschen nur noch mehr Schaden an.

Wer weis was in den Herzen dieser Menschen weilt, die das tun.

Free Online E Books Download Galgenfrist Für Einen Toten German Edition Pdf Pdb

Soll jemand belehrt werden wenn er auf dem Boden kniet und man auf ihn einschlaegt? Deutschland ist nicht sovereign und somit haben die Deutschen nicht die gleiche Freiheit als die Englaender oder Amerikaner, zum Beispiel. Erdogan , denn sie nehmen sich das unverschaemte Recht, Deutschland jederzeit anzugreifen, auf verschiedenste Weise.

Was in den Zeitungen und der Presse geschrieben wird in Deutschland, bestimmen die internationalen Juden, und nicht die Guten von den Amerikanern, noch President Trump, und schon gar nicht die Deutschen. Das wird gezielt gemacht um die Seele der Deutschen zu zerstoeren und ihre Rasse. Die verhetzten dunklen Eindringlinge sind das Schwert fuer die Juden.

Von Gesetzen die das Volk beschuetzen sollen ist hier keine Rede sondern von einem kommunistischen modus oparandi. Und sollte ein Deutscher gegen die heutigen allgemeinen Ungerechtigkeiten der Regierung sich ausdruecken, so wird er auch als Nazi hat ja einen boesen Ruf; sie waren aber nicht boese , Rechtsextremer, Volksverhetzer und einiges andere dargestellt, also verfemt, und dann verurteilt.

Es ist deshalb nicht dumm oder feige seinen Mund in Deutschland zu halten. Aber es gibt doch immer wieder gewagte und besonders tapfere Deutsche die ihren Mund nicht halten und die Wahrheit suchen und verbreiten. Wieder andere werden zur Zeit verklagt und sind in jahrelangen Gerichtsverhandlungen bis zum finanziellen Ruin verwickelt. Mama wirds schon regeln, so denken sie. Und Merkel — und viele andere vor ihr — tut das nicht! Im Gegenteil, sie vernichtet das deutsche Volk! Hier sind einige Artikel auf meiner Heimseite welche die wahre Situation in Deutschland beschreiben:.

Terrorpropaganda und Wahre Absichten. Merkel ist Staatsfeind No. Vergewaltigung Deutschlands durch die Voelkerbundbande-Michaelis. Zivile Opfer Nach Dem Krieg. Voelkermord Buren Sued Afrika. However, to dismiss his disastrous seeming ineptitude as merely drunken stupidity, hardly does him credit. The Great Man was arguably the most profoundly evil war criminal of all time. He was also probably the greatest con-artist ever, spellbinding the media and whole otherwise-sane populations into thinking WWII was a splendid idea, even though the catastrophic experience of WWI was still within recent living memory.

Britain had a second chance to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in when Hitler offered a munificent peace treaty that would have saved the British Empire and millions of lives, but Churchill, inflamed by hatred imparted by his secret, vengeful Zionist paymasters, rejected the offers and doomed Britain, and Western Civilization to inevitable collapse. The myth originated when Churchill was sent to South Africa as a young correspondent to cover the Boer War. To create a story, he persuaded a gullible local British Commander to send an armoured train into Boer territory and to take him along.

The Boers readily captured the train, taking the troops and Churchill prisoner. The notoriety helped Churchill win a seat in Parliament and eventually appointment as First Lord of the Admiralty.

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He soon revealed his bloated ego and incompetence in the Dardanelles Campaign when thousands of Australians and New Zealanders were mindlessly sacrificed in a hopeless assault a lethal stupidity Churchill repeated when he sent Canadian soldiers to be slaughtered on the impassable beach-front at Dieppe. After war was declared and the British Army quickly defeated, Britain was left defenceless, but spared by the pro-British Hitler who allowed the , man British Army to leave France unhindered. As for hero status, he was a coward, cynically trashing the lives of trusting subjects, military and civilian, while ensuring his own safety during the Blitz, Churchill would leave London when Intelligence informed him of an impending Luftwaffe attack, then return to bomb sites as soon as the raid ended for photo-ops, giving the impression he had shared the danger.

Churchill was my childhood hero for whom I was — literally, by enlisting in Air Crew — prepared to die. I now see him for what he was; a drunken, unscrupulous, corrupt, cynical, racist, immoral, dishonest, self-serving arch-traitor. Most young Canadians of my era fell for his oratory, and many paid with their lives.

Had justice prevailed, Churchill would have been charged, convicted and hanged as the greatest war criminal of WWII, if not of all time. Genocide Boers South Africa. The German concentration camps were paradises compared to the Dutch camps. The reports of the cruelties and perversions in Dutch camps are partially so horrific one does not want to repeat them. The tempo was driven faster by beating them. Even strong men fell down unconscious after 15 minutes of this treatment.

The chains were the thickness of a thumb and weighted ca. The things that were done here to women and girls are indeed indescribable. Many girls and women could not speak of it due to great shame. What happened in the camps Albino, in the camp Kornboerse zu Groningen, in the camp Dordrecht, and in Gorinchen is too horrible to tell of.

Here the camp master and his employees had entertainment by beating the people with sticks on their heads. One of the men, the youngest without legs fell into such an unlucky position that one of the prison nurses lost her control and attacked the guards with her shoes. One of the guards lost his teeth and shot the nurse into the thigh. His torture alone puts all torture of the holy martyrs into a lower rank. The book by Franz Scheidl below is chuck-full of the horrific tortures of Germans.

The Allies are hiding their crimes. Eine christliche und geschichtliche Perspektive, obwohl die Geschichte teilweise von den Juden veraendert wurde. For the birth of all other children, two sides are necessary, a father and a mother; But the birth of Isaac required three parties: A year before the birth of Isaac, God gave it his name in the book of Moses When God spoke of a child that Sarah would bear, Abraham and Sarah laughed at it because it was obviously impossible, for Sarah was 90 years old at that time and too weak for her age and 45 years to get a child And for this she had been barren her whole life — and Abraham was 99 years old.

Das war nur das erste von vielen Wundern. Nein, Abraham wusste es besser: Wie immer hielt Gott Sein Wort. Hier ist wieder das Christentum des Alten Testaments.


He came to believe that only a thorough reform of the entire economic and political system could prevent the downfall of Europe…. What is the point of speaking about the past? Why take another look at the worldview of my late husband, who was a National Socialist? Is there any point in speaking about such things in the liberal democratic era in which we live today? My answer is that there most certainly is, for it is only through an open-mindedness toward the past that we can understand the road to the future. An understanding of history guides us on that road. My husband, Meinoud Marinus van Tonningen, was born on February 19, in Surabaja, Dutch East Indies, to a well-respected Dutch family, many of whose members had held positions of great national importance.

My husband was brought up a patriot, and at the age of 15 he decided on a military career. His father had also chosen that path, and had been decorated more than once for his loyal military service. He led the three famous Bali, Lombok, and Atjeh expeditions, for which he was appointed an Adjutant-General to the Queen. He resigned in , however, as a result of the parsimonious attitude of the Dutch parliament toward the armed forces. When the youthful Rost van Tonningen told his father of his military ambitions, the latter discouraged him with the words: This parliament will never recognize the needs of our army and will prevent it from properly carrying out its mission, which is, above all, to withstand any foreign aggression.

Believe me, my son, all your efforts would be in vain. In my husband decided to become an engineer. But the outbreak of the First World War in intervened, and he served instead in the army as an officer in the Royal Artillery. He learned a great deal by closely following the intense political controversy within the Dutch army during this period. He came to believe that only a thorough reform of the entire economic and political system could prevent the downfall of Europe.

And out of that realization grew his interest in politics. In he was awarded his doctorate by the University of Leiden. His dissertation, on international law, dealt with possibilities of alleviating the economic and political distress in Central Europe, much of it in consequence of the imposed peace treaties of Versailles and St.

At that time still a liberal by education and training, Rost van Tonningen believed that Central Europe could be rescued through the intervention of the League of Nations. Eager to work for the League, Dr. Rost van Tonningen worked hard to improve his fluency in French, English, and German, so that he could deal with political and economic issues on a truly European basis.

Zimmerman, the former mayor of Rotterdam, who was attempting to revive the economy of the shriveled Austrian state on the basis of the Balfour Plan of During the next five years he tried to work closely with the Austrian government in expanding Austrian productivity and trade with neighboring nations. During that period Austria was beset by political as well as economic miseries. The Christian Socialists, strongly clerical and authoritarian, banned both the Marxist Social Democrats and the National Socialists, setting up a one-party state under the dictatorial rule of Engelbert Dollfuss until his assassination in an unsuccessful National Socialist putsch in and Kurt Schuschnigg.

Rost van Tonningen had meanwhile concluded that economic liberalism and free trade were no longer suited to Austria or to a politically balkanized Europe of small, independent states. He had come to believe that only the formation of a controlled economy, based on the just needs of a racial community occupying a large area Grossraum , could enable the Europeans to compete, in the long run, with such vast entities as the Soviet Union, the British Empire, and the United States.

His idea was one of the first expressions of the need for a European economic community. In and most European countries devalued their gold currencies and went off the gold standard, threatening monetary chaos. My husband, now a convinced National Socialist, saw that the usefulness of the League to Austria and the rest of Europe was at an end. The following year my husband was elected to the Dutch parliament, where he was able to observe first-hand how the party politicians obstructed their own experts, and those of the other parties, in solving the nations problems.

For example, Jews had been members of the N. Before long, however, Dutch Jews organized a concerted campaign against the N. Mussert and my husband met to discuss this issue, and they agreed that it had to be solved in an orderly and peaceful way. They were convinced that the only solution would have to be an independent Jewish state.

Palestine was considered, but ultimately rejected as too small. Surinam, a Dutch colony in South America, was decided upon instead. Our party presented this plan to the Dutch parliament, where it was rejected by our political adversaries. After some hesitation, the foreign minister agreed to its publication.

The permission of Dr. Himmler held my husband in high esteem, and introduced him to leading German National Socialist figures in the fields of economics, sociology, and science. His basic views can be summarized as follows:. From early rumors spread that Hitler planned to attack our country. My husband believed that a German invasion would make the task of the Dutch National Socialists impossible.

Despite their understanding for the dilemma of the Dutch National Socialists, it was clear that the Germans mistrusted Great Britain and France, and believed not without cause that the government of the Netherlands was secretly pro-Allied. A week before Germany attacked, Rost van Tonningen was arrested by the Dutch government, and accused of high treason over the national radio.

Dutch authorities shifted him from place to place, fleeing before the German blitzkrieg. My husband was taken as far south as Calais, from where the Dutch government planned to carry him across the Channel to England, but was freed when the Germans captured the city. Rost van Tonningen returned to the Netherlands at the start of June Since not only Queen Wilhelmina but the Dutch government as well had fled to England, General Winkelman, commander-in-chief of the Dutch land and sea forces, surrendered not only the army and navy but also the Dutch civil administration to the Germans.

Hitler appointed the Austrian Arthur von Seyss-Inquart as Reichskommissar; the delicate situation which Rost van Tonningen feared had come to pass. For a year Rost van Tonningen devoted himself to working politically with the German authorities. Rost van Tonningen assumed control of the Het Volk The People , the Social-Democratic daily; as long as the paper refrained from criticizing the occupation, Rost van Tonningen did not intervene in its workings. When it became clear to my husband, a Dutch patriot, that the initial German policy of free development of political parties not hostile to the occupation had been abandoned, he ceased his political work.

Trip, had been prompted by the abolition of the foreign exchange barrier between the two countries on April 1, Although my husband was assured that these two steps had been taken with the ultimate aim of setting up a continental free trading community, this never came to pass. Rost van Tonningen represented Dutch interests within the German-dominated wartime continental economy to the best of his ability.

After the Dutch capitulation the Netherlands Bank had become virtually a branch office of the Reichsbank. Various occupying authorities made big demands on the Dutch treasury: In early Dr. Despite these challenges, my husband was able to institute a thorough reform of the Dutch banking system. He defended the interests of Dutch business and workingmen alike. He devoted considerable energy to building up the Netherlands East Company, which joined in German reconstruction and development in the occupied Eastern territories in summer Rost van Tonningen and I were married on December 21, Our matrimonial vow echoed the SS oath: Before the end came for the German Reich, my husband and I were given the chance to escape to Brazil.

He refused, determined to see things through to the end and ready to take responsibility for his acts. Finally granted his wish, he took up arms as a member of the Dutch Waffen SS. Although my husband had let me decide for myself whether I should flee with our two children to South America, naturally I declined. A German ship then brought me to the island of Terschelling, in West Frisia, far from the front.

There, in a small room, unaided and alone, I brought my third child into the world, hale and hardy. My husband was never to learn of the birth of this son. Soon the people of the village knew, however. My husband was well known; his name adorned every Dutch bank note. Driving into the crowd, he pulled us into the car and drove off at high speed. Since the Kriegsmarine [German navy] had capitulated, there was no chance of escaping on the ship which had brought me to Terschelling; like the rest of the German warships in the harbor, it was under embargo.

Even my brave rescuer believed there was no hope for me; he offered me a poison capsule. I begged the captain to help my children and me escape. Without wasting any words he weighed anchor and we sailed off into the North Sea, negotiating dangerous minefields until we reached Cuxhafen, at the mouth of the Elbe. I was eager to reach Germany because I believed, following the death of Adolf Hitler on April 30, that the Allies might cease hostilities against the Reich and march, together with the remaining Waffen SS formations, against the Red Army.

Like my children, I was half-dead with hunger and fatigue, but I still hoped that I would meet my husband somewhere in Germany. That was not to be, however. As I was to learn later, M. Rost van Tonningen died brutally at the hands of his captors. Shortly after arriving at Cuxhaven, where my children and I were admitted to the hospital, I learned that I was about to be arrested and extradited by the British.

With the help of a nurse I escaped and, fleeing by foot with my children along country roads, made my way to Goslar in the Harz, where I was reunited with my family. After a few days, however, I was arrested by the British and returned to the Netherlands. At first I was kept prisoner in the subterranean dungeons of Ft. I was then forced to make a living for my family and myself, not an easy thing for the widow of a prominent National-Socialist sympathizer in postwar Holland. Before the war I had studied biology under the great ethologist Konrad Lorenz, and my studies had brought me to China and the Dutch East Indies.

At first I tried to support my sons by painting lampshades. No sooner had my persecutors learned of this than the rumor was spread that the lampshades were made of human skin the same lie that was spread about Ilse Koch. I had to give up that enterprise. Thereafter I started an electrical equipment business. Trained as a biologist, I made myself into a businesswoman and technical expert. Beginning with florins, over the course of 34 years I built up my business to a factory employing 25 men. I have so far been able to learn very little. In April M. Rost van Tonningen was captured by Canadian troops during the Allied invasion of the Netheriands.

At first he was held, together with other Dutch SS officers, at a concentration camp in Elst. Following a visit by Prince Bernhard, consort of Queen Wilhelmina, my husband was transferred to Utrecht and then, on May 24, to a jail in Scheveningen, near The Hague. Thirteen days later he was murdered by his captors in Scheveningen. They have never produced any evidence to support this claim: When I visited the hospital to which my husband had been taken, the physician-in-charge was badly rattled when he learned who I was.

When I arrived there, it was the same story. The director was frightened, for he had been told to say nothing regarding my husband. Although I tried for years to obtain permission to reinter my husband in our family plot, I was unsuccessful. My request was taken under consideration by the Council of State, which procrastinated for some time before informing me that the grave had been cleared. He was aware of the mistreatment and murder of my husband, and he promised to help me. I was unsuccessful, however, since the Minister of Justice, a Catholic who was cooperating with the nuncio, was suddenly transferred to the West Indies, where he had been appointed governor.

His successor, who was Jewish, was not friendly to my case. My attempts to present my case to the International Court of Justice at The Hague were similarly frustrated. When I reached seventy years of age, I fell ill, and required two operations. My sons were not interested in taking over the running of my factory, and during my convalescence some of my enemies, allegedly former members of the resistance, were able through various tricks, to gain control of my business. During the past five years I have received over one hundred bomb threats, and my windows have been smashed many times.

My brake cables have been cut. For my opponents, everything is allowed. The press has stepped up its campaign against me as well. Since my husband had been a member of the Dutch parliament, I am entitled by law to a small pension. So far they have been unsuccessful. Since we had quite unawares used her picture without obtaining permission, I was eventually forced to pay her 2, florins, as well as assume the costs of the lawsuit, an additional 10, florins.

My home has been twice searched by police looking for allegedly anti-Jewish literature. On their first search the police found a brochure which questioned the factuality of the Holocaust. The court found that to challenge the Holocaust was anti-Jewish, and I received a three-month suspended sentence.

My trial for possession of these books will begin on March 9, [Mrs. Rost van Tonningen was subsequently convicted of possessing these forbidden books. My husband refused to abdicate his responsibilities or abandon his people. He stayed and fought honorably, only to be butchered. Had my husband stood trial, his defense might have proved embarrassing for many Dutchmen in high places.

In my life I have experienced many high points, as well as low points. I have tried to be equal to each situation, always attempting to live in accordance with the spiritual basis of life, the mission that is given each of us to carry out on the earthly plane.

The life of each of us is merely a thread in the larger fabric or plan. I still count our meetings with Adolf Hitler as highlights in my life. He united his countrymen, of all classes and stations, from the aristocracy to the farmers and laborers, as had no man before him. His soldiers fought heroically to the last, particularly the men of the Waffen SS, not only Germans but from across Europe. Like my beloved brother, who died in combat in the ranks of the SS, and my husband, I think of Adolf Hitler as the first European.

I shall close with the words of Rudolf Hess, the martyr who earned, but was never awarded, the Nobel Prize for Peace. After being sentenced to life imprisonment at Nuremberg despite his flight for peace, he told the court:. No matter what people may do, one day I shall stand before the judgment seat of God Eternal.

I will justify myself to Him and I know that He will absolve me. In the decades after the end of the war, she boldy spoke out in defiance of the hate that prevailed in her country toward those who had supported or collaborated with Germany. The Life and Death of Dr. Und zwar in jeder deutschen Stadt. Gerne nehme ich ich sie wieder aus diesem heraus, da Sie schreiben: Aber so, wie Sie es tun: Es sind jene, die seit 70 Jahren jammern: Wenn nicht als Schlimmeres! Und das tun die, welche Deutschland abschaffen und das Deutsche Volk vernichten wollen, ganz bestimmt nicht deshalb, weil sie der Meinung sind, Adolf Hitler habe in der gleichen Richtung gewirkt!

Was das Deutsche Volk und sein Reich dann allerdings ganz bestimmt nicht brauchen werden, das werden Leute wie Sie sein, werter Dr. Globalization is about the planetary expansion of capitalist economies under the leadership of Big Money. That is why globalization is a blunt imperialist strategy of the US, exploitable by American corporations, to impose the American Way of Life, actually better said, the American Way of Death.

For Peter Scholl-Latour, therefore, globalization and Americanization are synonyms. The cultural Americanization, promoted by modern communication technologies and mass media attacks on the organically grown identities of the peoples, works on creating a consumer-oriented human with equated identities, world-wide. Warum lehnt die NPD so entschieden die Globalisierung ab? American Way of Death — aufzuzwingen. With globalization, capitalism has departed from all the political, social and ethno-cultural ties and commitments that still existed, especially earlier.

It has de-territorialized the social, deprives man of every form of communal society, and does not know a home. With its attack on territorial principle, principle of sovereignty and legality of the nation states, it destroys the only conceivable geopolitical spaces of the ruling power in favor of anonymous, supranational power structures.

At the same time it is a political incapacitation and economic exploitation program for the peoples. Er hat das Soziale entterritorialisiert, entbettet sich jeder Gemeinschaftsform und kennt keine Heimat mehr.

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Galgenfrist für einen Toten (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Gordon Ferris. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Toten: Der 1. DOUGLAS BRODIE Thriller (German) Paperback Start reading Galgenfrist für einen Toten (German Edition) on your Kindle in under a minute.

The global commodity and capital mobility, due to the absence of customs barriers and capital controls, is driving the high-wage countries into a ruinous displacement and extermination competition with low-wage countries. Free trade inevitably leads to the alignment of living conditions to the lowest social and ecological level, and national markets and social systems implode. Globalization has led to a major decoupling of the financial movements of trading of goods and production.

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In the new, world-financial order really disarray , the largest yield is pursued in accordance with the gambling law principle, without the capital commitment being effective for any work place or investment. Globalization and organized economic crime are therefore one and the same. Als Sprecher der Nation erneuerte Dr.

Zeiten wie diese gibt es nur ganz selten in der Geschichte. Ich glaube deshalb denn je, dann an diesem Abend zum Sprecher berufen zu sein. Alle Phrasen und billigen Redensarten fallen in dieser Stunde unter dem Gluthauch eines erbarmungslosen Krieges von uns ab. Denn er wird der Mann dieses Jahrhunderts sein, das sich unter furchtbaren Wehen und Schmerzen zwar, aber doch seiner selbst sicher den Weg nach oben bahnt. Jakob Burckhardt sagt einmal in seinen weltgeschichtlichen Betrachtungen:.

Nur Hunger, Elend, Pestilenz und Massensterben. Europa hat schon einmal die Wahl gehabt, zwischen beiden zu entscheiden. Dann geht es um Leben oder Tod. Was wir heute erleben, das ist der letzte Akt eines gewaltigen tragischen Dramas, das mit dem 1. August begann und das wir Deutschen am 9. November gerade in dem Augenblick unterbrachen, als es kurz vor der Entscheidung stand. Das ist der Grund, warum es am 1.

Was wir uns im November ersparen wollten, haben wir heute in doppeltem und dreifachem Umfang nachzuholen. Gibt es einen Deutschen, der dem nicht beistimmte? Man spricht in der Welt von der Treue als einer deutschen Tugend. Denn es werden seine letzten sein. Der Krieg neigt sich seinem Ende zu.

Die perverse Koalition zwischen Plutokratie und Bolschewismus ist im Zerbrechen. Aber es wird vergeblich sein. Ganz Europa wird an diesem Aufschwung teilnehmen. Das war immer unser Ziel, es ist das auch noch heute. Sein Werk ist ein Werk der Ordnung. Wo sie aber in ihr auftraten, da hatten sie meistens nicht nur ihrem Volke, sondern auch der Welt etwas zu sagen und zu geben.

Sollte es heute anders sein? Das eine aber kann heute schon nicht mehr bestritten werden. Er ist der Kern des Widerstandes gegen den Weltverfall. Er ist die Standhaftigkeit selbst. Wir stehen zu ihm, wie er zu uns, in germanischer Gefolgschaftstreue, wie wir es geschworen haben und wie wir es halten wollen.

Deutschland ist immer noch das Land der Treue. Das aber ist der Sieg! Die Volle Rede Dr. Goebbels in Audio Format.