Elizabella: A Regency Rapunzel Story

Rhymes on a Dime: When the spirit of the sleeping Briar Rose addresses the detective, all her dialogue is like this. Sealed Evil in a Can: When Briar Rose didn't wake from her magic coma, her good godmothers united their power to seal the briar plant - and the Evil Godmother's power - in the castle for one thousand years. The detective is called in to deal with the situation because the thousand years are over, and the seal has broken.

The only two of Briar Rose's good godmothers who are identified by any sort of name are the Godmother of the Rose and the Godmother of the Ivy. In the bonus chapter of this game and again in the second game, you learn that Briar Rose had a younger sister named Ivy. Not only did the kiss fail to wake her, but the bonus chapter reveals that the prince that kissed Briar Rose ended up dying from her curse.

In Ballad of Rapunzel, it's explained that the reason the kiss failed was because it wasn't true love's kiss - the prince's intentions were good, but he and Briar Rose were strangers and didn't know or love one another, so the kiss didn't fit the requirements to break the spell. Curiously, this is vaguely hinted at in the collector's edition bonus material.

A doll found in a cabinet is identified as "Sister Ivy - the Forgotten Princess. The Dark Parables wiki reveals that it was actually a case of this. Ivy is the younger of the two princesses, and when she was born, her parents were afraid that the Evil Godmother might do something to her as she had done to Briar Rose.

At some point in her childhood, Ivy was sent away to Germany, and all evidence of her existence - except that doll - was removed from the castle. Presumably she and Briar Rose kept in contact nonetheless, given how much they clearly loved one another. The second game brings Ivy into focus and spells out more of her story, and still more details about both her and her sister are revealed in the seventh game. The Evil Godmother, in life, was a powerful sorceress who was definitely a threat to Briar Rose and anyone else who got in her way.

A thousand years later, she's just a shadow of her former self - almost literally. She's way less effective than your average ghost, and even though Briar Rose's spirit form warns the detective that the Evil Godmother is haunting the castle and will stop her if she can, she's not able to do anything at any point. She shows up once as a weirdly-colored raven, and then the detective doesn't see her again until the final puzzle, in which she's destroyed for good.

A "mysterious arcane symbol" allows the detective to teleport at will between the alchemist's tower and the castle courtyard. What Happened to the Mouse? The Godmothers of the Rose and the Ivy, as well as the other godmothers, are never mentioned again, even though Ballad of Rapunzel goes further into the backstory of both princesses.

It's the only way to get past that giant spider in the chapel storage room. Tropes present in The Exiled Prince include: Princess Ivy is the princess from the story of The Frog Prince , but she hardly comes across as the spoiled brat who tried to kill the frog when he asked to sleep in her bed. The flashback she shows to the detective depicts her willingly giving him the requested kiss which made him human. The earliest forms of the fairy tale have the princess throwing him against a wall. Later adaptations have her kissing him. The developers obviously chose to adapt the less violent version for the game.

Prince James became this by accident; Ivy's kiss conferred her immortality onto him, which is why he can't grow old or die. He's at least a thousand years old in this game, since it was his mortal brother who tried to revive Briar Rose. Ivy should have been this. All Women Love Shoes: Cinderella's rooms include a massive walk-in closet filled with nothing but shoes. Although given that it's Cinderella, it might be more of a Mythology Gag than this trope. The Swan Lake Princess's house has an unsurprising swan motif inside.

The detective notes that the dual black and white swans must represent her and her prince. She's actually wrong about this; as the eleventh game later reveals, the dual swan imagery is the animal motif of the Swan Kingdom, which Odette once ruled. Prince James was cursed into a frog, then turned back into a prince by True Love's Kiss Lather, rinse, repeat; he went through the cycle four times.

The corpse he leaves behind when he finally dies is a frog instead of human. The Exiled Prince is the detective's primary opponent in this adventure right up until the endgame. The Frog Prince Baleful Polymorph: The Frog Prince, and the others enchanted to be frogs. Where most of the game takes place. Prince James's red hair covers almost half of his face, though it's not clear why this is or how he can see anything. Not seen until near the end of the game, but vitally important to saving Marie and her bodyguard.

Cinderella is implied to have been this, since the prince built a library in her memory. The Frog Prince has a form of this. Since he's immortal, he outlives each of his wives - the original princess from his fairy tale, the Swan Lake Princess, The Little Mermaid , Snow White , and Cinderella.

Except as it turns out in the third game, one of them is Not Quite Dead after all. Marie, the chancellor's daughter; gender-flipped with her bodyguard. The Frog Prince is hoping to concoct a potion that will remove his immortality and allow him to finally die.

The Frog Prince constructed his underground kingdom as a massive shrine to his five wives, including an elaborate tomb for his first wife. In flashbacks, it's shown that Prince James's clothing was white or light-colored. His present-day outfit is black or dark brown, complete with tattered cloak. When he dies, his clothing goes back to being white again. The Frog Prince has reddish hair. YMMV on just how evil he really is, though. Or rather, make it so that Prince James can finally die. He's done all the research already, but for some reason it's up to the detective to actually make the potion.

Princess Ivy, the Frog Prince's first wife, is still his favorite. Princess Odette's dress is a white tutu trimmed with white feathers. She even tells the detective her backstory and gives hints as to do next. James himself is this in the bonus chapter. Princess Ivy asks the detective to help Prince James achieve his goal to kill himself , since he seems unwilling or unable to do this on his own.

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The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Averted; the relationship between Briar Rose and Ivy is acknowledged, but only in ways that make it sound like the sisters were extremely close. In their first conversation, Ivy thanks the detective for helping "my beloved sister, Briar Rose. The Frog Prince appears to have magical control over vines, and grows them at will to block off escape routes and other places he doesn't want the detective to go.

It's revealed in the seventh game that he received this ability, as well as Ivy's immortality, when she kissed him. The Frog Prince and each of his five wives, in turn. However, Snow Queen shows that his marriage to Snow White eventually crumbled. The Frog Prince has been trying to assemble the ingredients for a potion that will help him die , but for whatever reason, he's not been able to actually complete the project. The Frog Prince's real curse. But not his original one. His original curse is what transferred Ivy's immortality to him.

He seems to have been happy with his other four wives, though the game doesn't state how he felt about living as a frog in between marriages. It's not until Snow White leaves him and he is unable to touch anyone ever again that his immortality seems to have really gotten to him; it's downright dangerous to friendships and makes romantic relationships impossible when the people you touch, even accidentally, become frogs. He's become incredibly bitter as a result of having to live centuries with no human contact, and his experiments on people he's turned into frogs may be a sign of Sanity Slippage.

It's a wonder the guy didn't Go Mad from the Isolation. Considering the nature of the Frog Prince's curse, this is a given. Everyone turned into a frog, including the prince. James's curse went haywire after Snow White left him, so that he turned others into frogs instead of reverting back to his frog form. Arguably, the Frog Prince. He spends centuries haunting the Black Forest and turning people into frogs, until he's finally Killed Off for Real at the end of the game. Since all he really wants throughout the whole game is to die, this isn't really punishment, especially since it reunites him with Princess Ivy.

There is a mirror in Snow White's cottage which appears to be trying offer a warning to the detective, but its words are completely unintelligible. Princess Ivy's name means "faithfulness. It's also meaningful in another way, although that's not revealed until the seventh game; in life, she was the Guardian of the English Ivy, appointed by the goddess Flora.

The Frog Prince begs the detective to kill him, which she does. Princess Ivy fills this role. She gives their backstory as well as telling the detective why James's curse changed. She does not, however, bother to mention that his curse caused him to gain immortality from her - that doesn't get revealed until later in the series. How James was cursed in the first place is never revealed; then again, in the original fairy tale it's never stated how this happened, either. It's also not revealed in this game how he became immortal or acquired his Green Thumb powers.

However, in Ballad of Rapunzel it's revealed that Ivy was the one that originally had those powers. Just as Briar Rose's curse killed James's brother, James's curse stripped Ivy of her powers and made her mortal. A plaque in that game indicates that she gave him her powers willingly so that they could be together. Played straight by three of James's other four wives - in this game. Subsequent games in the series have revealed that his wife known as Cinderella was actually named Agnes, the mermaid he married was named Naida, and the Swan Lake Princess was indeed named Odette.

Only the Worthy May Pass: Literally, there is a door in the palace with a plaque stating exactly this. It can only be entered on hard mode, when the requisite MacGuffin has been acquired. Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: The Swan Lake Princess, as depicted here, and of course Snow White ; the other three princesses shown in the game all have brown hair. The Frog Prince apparently likes brunettes. Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he's first seen, the Frog Prince has glowing red eyes.

Used in the palace armory to unlock a hidden panel. Princess Ivy, in her second piece of exposition, refers to the Frog Prince as "the exiled prince. All the Frog Prince really wants is to die and be with his beloved first wife again. It's heavily implied that Snow White 's ghost has some. Except that she's not actually dead The unlockable bonus game has a more pleasant example.

Though his spirit is seen departing the world after he dies in the main game, Prince James returns as a ghost at the outset of the bonus game. He uses his powers one last time, to shatter the ice wall which previously prevented the detective from entering the part of his castle beyond Princess Ivy's tomb. What Happened to the Frogs?

While Marie and her bodyguard are rescued and returned to human at the end of the game, the very beginning of the game hints that the red-eyed frogs the detective sees were also victims of James's curse he has the same red eyes when he uses his powers. When James dies, Princess Ivy tells the detective that all of the frogs have now been transformed back to humans. She then provides the item necessary to free Marie and her bodyguard.

Rise of the Snow Queen. Tropes present in Rise of the Snow Queen include: It's not revealed until the seventh game that Snow White is one of the immortal handmaidens of Flora, like Briar Rose and Ivy. It's explained that the powers of the Golden Child are bestowed on a descendant of the original Golden Child "once every silver eclipse. The Golden Child is a child born with the ability to resist all forms of magic. The bonus chapter, featuring Hansel and Gretel , explains how the legend of the Golden Child came to be.

Gerda is discovered to be the fabled Golden Child, whom the Snow Queen has been seeking. The Snow Queen is revealed to be this even after she used dark magic to turn her father into a beastly henchman. Snow White 's father, and Snow White herself. Outside of the chapel, there is a large monument to the memory of a crowned boy carrying a bow and arrow. Another, even more cryptic memorial is located inside the chapel. This boy is eventually revealed to be the son of Snow White and The Frog Prince - and he isn't actually dead, just in an enchanted sleep.

Gerda , as it turns out, is a direct descendant of Hansel. The Snow Queen has a large bird of prey, an eagle, as an aide and companion. In Ballad of Rapunzel, the bird reappears to assist her son, who identifies it as "my mother's familiar. In the bonus game, Hansel encounters one in the room whose door bears the insignia of the Spider King. The Snowfall Kingdom is a Ghost Realm.

It's eventually clarified that most of the citizens fled for their lives, and those few who remained out of loyalty to the King froze to death. Only the Snow Queen and her henchman remain.

Tropes so magical they keep appearing:

Elizabella: A Regency Rapunzel Story - Kindle edition by K.L. O'Keefe. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features. Elizabella has 19 ratings and 2 reviews. Stefanie said: Waste of time! Noboby in this novella behaves according to their social standing or the time! Is'.

God Save Us from the Queen! It's revealed that Snow White 's father developed one over not having protected her from her Wicked Stepmother. That's why he continues to protect his daughter, even after she enchanted him into a beast. It's revealed later in the series that it was Prince James who rescued Snow White while still a frog! The Snow Queen is often shown using ice-themed magic, such as creating walls of ice and creating a blizzard to kidnap children.

The origin of her powers is revealed in the seventh game. The Snow Queen has one. The Snow Queen has this for her late husband, blaming him for the incident that almost killed their son. It may or may not be justified; see Noodle Incident , below. Similar to the Exiled Prince example, Snow White gets away scot-free with her crimes - in this case, because they were done with "good intentions.

The only way to get rid of the frost wolf blocking the palace entrance. The powers are bestowed once every silver eclipse on a direct descendant of the original Golden Child, as explained in the bonus game.

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Before blocking the entrance to the palace, the Snow Queen's henchman informs the detective that "the mirror foretold your arrival. The Truth Mirror shows up in the next game. The backstory of both mirrors is revealed in the twelfth game. They were made at the behest of Snow White's uncle, Rasputin, who intended them for evil purposes. The exact circumstances which led to Snow White's son falling into a magic coma are never made entirely clear, but she's convinced that it was her husband's fault.

The incident becomes un-noodleized in the fourth game, where it's revealed that he was attacked by a mist wolf, and only the intervention of the Red Riding Hood Sisters prevented him from being killed outright. Snow White had been worried when the prince went off exploring on his own and didn't return. She asked James to send his guards out to look for Gwyn, but for whatever reason, he didn't do this fast enough for her liking.

Either before or just after the guards were sent out, a Red Riding Hood Sister brought Gwyn back to the castle, injured and comatose. Snow White believed that if James had dispatched the guards earlier, Gwyn would have been fine; whether this is actually true or not is speculation, but Snow chose to blame James anyway. Older Than They Look: Considering that the Snow Queen has been seeking the Golden Child for at least a few hundred years, Snow White's father has to be at least several centuries old.

There is no explanation for his longevity, though being cursed into a beast by his daughter may have halted the aging process, just as the coma apparently did for Prince Gwyn. Since Gwyn reappears later in the series as an adult, presumably the removal of these enchantments enabled both characters to resume aging. Power Dyes Your Hair: Being in the middle of winter, many people are wearing fur-trimmed coats, but the Snow Queen's fur coat is pretty grand. The Snow Queen is sort of this for the Snowfall Kingdom, at least according to a statue in the courtyard.

It's engraved with the King's own words that "I am gravely ill. My daughter Snow shall rule in my stead. The Snow Queen's henchman uses a magic spell to summon one made of ice, to keep the detective out of the Frozen Palace. Send in the Search Team: In the beginning of the game, the detective encounters the remains of a knightly searching party whose arms and carriage bear the insignia of the Frog Prince, from the second game.

He sent the search party to find the Snow Queen a long time before the events of the game. Since it's just one wagon and a few knights, it's reasonable to assume that it was an envoy sent to convince Snow White to return to him. All that's needed from the Golden Child to undo an enchantment. The Snow Queen's everlasting sorrow threatens to freeze the entire world. Ballad of Rapunzel shows that she already had snow and ice powers due to her blessing from Flora; the mirror was able to make them go haywire. Tampering with Food and Drink: In the bonus game, Hansel must assemble the ingredients for a sleeping potion and put it into the witch's wine to save Gretel.

When the detective is caught observing the Snow Queen's attack on Gerda, her beastly henchman delivers one of these, and the detective wakes up in a prison cell. The False Mirror has convinced the Snow Queen that repairing it will heal her son. Instead, repairing the mirror gives it the power to magnify her grief and cover the entire world in a killing snow. Two shimmery portals enable the detective to teleport at will between the Frozen Palace and two other locations. As it turns out, the Snow Queen, who does everything she does in order to revive her son.

The X of Y. The Red Riding Hood Sisters. In the bonus game, the Boy Who Cried Wolf helps a captured griffin by catching fish for it and unlocking the chains that bind it. When the Greedy King's desire for gold dooms his entire kingdom to death, the griffin shows up to return the favor by saving the lives of the boy and his father. Near the end of the game, it gets clarified that there are two worlds if not more - "Earth Land" and "Fairy Tale Land. Ruth uses a wrist-mounted bow and miniature arrows. Raphael also qualifies, and he's an expert marksman to boot.

Each member of the Sisterhood wears one, and one is given to the detective as well. In addition to keeping alive the tradition of the 'red riding hood,' the cloaks are magical and prevent the mist wolves from tracking the Sisters by scent. Apparently the lack of suitable Cinderella candidates led Amelia to use her talents elsewhere. Briar Rose from the first game appears just in time to save the detective and the other Sisters from an attack by the Wolf Queen.

The detective, together with the Sisterhood, prevails and stops the Wolf Queen's plans, but Eldra and Raphael die together after confessing their love, and Fairy Tale Land is implied to be destroyed by the fallout. In the bonus game, the boy tries to get a seller from the market to help him save his father; but because of his past antics, the seller refuses to believe him.

The Truth Mirror, mentioned in the previous game, can be found in the Sisters' meeting room, and it explains to the detective that it was given to the Sisters by Snow White in thanks for rescuing her son. Ruth, the youngest of the Sisters. Damsel out of Distress: All of the Sisters, save for Ruth and possibly Briar Rose , given the latter's dramatic entrance later , are captured by the Wolf Queen at the start of the game.

With the help of the detective and Raphael, they escape; then, when the Wolf Queen attacks them again, she takes Ruth hostage. Teresa is injured, later discovered to be dead, trying to save a little girl from the wolves, and most of the rest of the Sisters are subsequently ambushed and kidnapped by the Wolf Queen. The original story of Red Riding Hood as told in this game.

The grandmother of Isabella, who was the first Red Riding Hood, was killed by one of the mist wolves; this led to Isabella's Xenafication. The Sisterhood's home base includes lovely memorials to the original Red Riding Hood Isabella, her grandmother, and the huntsman who adopted Isabella and taught her to fight. She's being controlled by the talisman she got from the Wolf King, though. In the meeting room of the Sisters' headquarters is a medallion of Eldra and Teresa with their preferred weapons.

It's shown that Eldra uses gauntlet claws, suggestive of her eventually becoming the Wolf Queen. There's also another nice subtle bit in the same room. The detective can view a list of some of the names of the current members of the order; among them are the names Rose and Emma. Emma, meanwhile, is a major character in the sixth game. Eldra versus Teresa; when the detective views the awards inside the Sisterhood meeting room, she notes that the two were constantly competing with each other.

The Wolf Queen, the main antagonist of this game. The detective is effectively made an honorary Red Riding Hood Sister, being given one of the red cloaks which is symbolic of the order. Queen of Sands later suggests that she retains this position, as she visits the Sisterhood on occasion and is greeted warmly by its leader. The Wolf Queen has black hair which pulls itself up into two pointed hornlike shapes on the top of her head.

They're actually supposed to look like wolf ears, not horns, but the effect is basically the same. The Wolf Queen demands the surrender of the final Moonstone in exchange for Ruth 's life. Eldra's entire motivation for obtaining the Wolf King's talisman is to prove that she deserves to be the Elder Sister instead of Teresa. I Owe You My Life: She remarks that the detective saved her from her cursed sleep , and "I'm here to return the favor. The Greedy King, whose desire for wealth caused the destruction of his entire kingdom; his jerkass tendencies are illustrated in the bonus game.

Jerkass Has a Point: The eighth game reveals that Teresa joined the Sisterhood after Eldra and Raphael saved her life. Since this indicates that Eldra was a Sister longer than Teresa, her anger at Teresa being named the Elder Sister instead of her becomes much more understandable. Killed Off for Real: Teresa at the beginning of the game, and Eldra and Raphael at the end. Eldra became the Wolf Queen after she killed the Wolf King by herself and seized his magic talisman for her own.

Red Riding Hood , in a way; the original girl by that title Took a Level in Badass , thanks to the fighting lessons she received from the huntsman from her tale. To continue protecting her region from the mist wolves, she founded the Sisterhood to pass on her skills and fashion sense, apparently. The Moonstones, which the Wolf Queen plans to use to control the world. She requires seven of them, and the detective has the only one she still needs.

The Wolf Queen needs the Moon Essence, which is concealed inside of a shrine to the Moon Goddess, but has no way to get it until the detective does all the legwork. The Truth Mirror, the one mentioned in the previous game in the series. It was gifted to Isabella, the original Red Riding Hood , after she saved Snow White's son from being killed by a mist wolf.

It now hangs in the Sisterhood's headquarters, where it offers exposition to the detective. The red and black 'uniform' of the Sisterhood, while a little different for each girl depending on her individual fighting style, tends in this direction. Only Known by Their Nickname: While the Greedy King did have a real name, his lust for gold and treasure made his nickname far more famous; at the time of the main game, it's the only name anyone remembers for him.

His real name is mentioned briefly in the bonus game, which takes place during his reign. Eldra believed she was the rightful Elder Sister, and when Teresa was elected instead, it set her down a dark path. The detective finds Teresa's body in the Mist castle holding a few items needed to solve one of the game's puzzles.

Apparently Teresa, despite having received a mortal wound in the opening cinematic, was Not Quite Dead and was able to search the castle a bit for the items before she expired. The Sisterhood members are the supporting stars of this adventure. One wonders how much protection you can get from a midriff corset and a miniskirt or a pair of very short shorts - not to mention the tight, thigh-high boots with stiletto heels.

The Red Riding Hood Sisters must have some sort of unmentioned magic which allows them to outrun wolves despite improbably bad footwear. Jessica has shades of this; when the detective finds the Sisters in the Wolf Queen's dungeon, she's shown being concerned with the health and well-being of the others. Raphael is forced to indirectly kill Eldra when he shatters the last Moonstone with the mist bow, and stays behind with her as the dimension they're in collapses around them. Took a Level in Badass: The backstory of the order is that the Huntsman adopted Isabella after their encounter with the wolf and trained her to be a warrior, and she passed his lessons on to other girls.

Briar Rose from the first game carries a magic staff that shoots out thorny vines to combat the wolves. However, as explained in the seventh game, she didn't take a level in badass so much as she returned to her previous level of it after some temporary Badass Decay. As the Guardian of the Thorned Rose appointed by the goddess Flora, she's had this ability for centuries; napping for a thousand years can put a crimp in anyone's style, but she's still got it. The Sisterhood's headquarters is a series of large, elaborate treehouses connected by bridges.

The fifth game in the series reveals that it was designed by Pinocchio's father, Geppetto. He's not unlucky in the traditional sense, though. She does love him. She just also happens to be the Wolf Queen. For anyone who was asking this question at the end of the first game in the series, this game provides the answer.

You and the detective find out what happened to Briar Rose after the end of that adventure - she apparently made her way to France and joined the Sisterhood. And I Must Scream: Three maidens are turned into glass statues on the night of the ball in the prologue; the detective later discovers that this has happened to many other girls over the years. Fully half of the game takes place in the Mirror World, a parallel universe accessed through mirrors. Pinocchio helps the detective after confessing that he's been forced to hunt down Cinderellas by his mother because his heart can detect them.

According to the Cinderella Stories, Shan the third Cinderella was transformed into a nine-tailed fox by her jealous stepsister. Her backstory is shown in the bonus game of the collector's edition. Become a Real Boy: What happens to Pinocchio at the end. The Godmother Bigger Bad: A revived Geppetto, hell-bent on revenge after being resurrected. Hilltop Mansion, the estate where the ball in the opening cinematic is held.

The name is written in Katherine's invitation. As the game progresses, it becomes more and more apparent that the house belongs to the Godmother, and the ball was an elaborate trap. Geppetto is revived into one of his puppets, but he's now bloodthirsty and hell-bent on enacting a Roaring Rampage of Revenge against the world. As might be expected, given the title. Once all of the requisite parable tokens are collected, it's revealed that Katherine and Cyrilla have been orphaned and left in the care of an Evil Uncle who forces them to work as unpaid domestic servants.

The detective can find a sewing room with red cloaks in it. Amelia's magic permitted her to enchant clothing she made, and she made the cloaks for the Red Riding Hood Sisters. Prince James's wife who was a Cinderella is also named and given a backstory in this game. He's also the Godmother's husband. The final scene is stated to take place fifteen years after the events of the game, and depicts a young man and woman holding hands and looking at a statue of Geppetto and Amelia.

Word of God confirms that the young couple are Katherine and an adult Pinocchio; presumably, this happens before he starts reverting to puppet state as seen in Little Mermaid. Katherine, the titular "Final Cinderella. Amelia's clothing turned black after she became evil. It is seen as being white again when she appears as a spirit at the end of the game. Amelia is the Evil Godmother, and an abusive mother towards her son. Added to that, many of the Cinderellas had a Wicked Stepmother. Except that she's driven to villainous actions.

Wicked Witch From Bad to Worse: As the plot progresses, it definitely takes this route - more so than in any of the previous installments. The Godmother has Katherine imprisoned in a castle tower for a large portion of the game.

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Bianca Pace, the fourth Cinderella, was also trapped in a tower on her stepmother's orders. The Glass Wand, a Magic Wand that's been passed down through generations of Godmothers that can destroy evil and break curses on objects, as well as imbue an object with positive energy. As a very major enemy in the game is a Perverse Puppet , this is a very useful weapon to have. In addition to the cursed objects and parable gems as in prior games, this game adds another extra challenge of finding the outfits for four dolls of previous Cinderellas, and then finding the dolls to dress them.

Completing each will allow you to unlock the Cinderella Stories; these tell the backstory of each of the first four Cinderellas, including the one who married the Frog Prince. Pinocchio knows that destroying the tree from which he was created will end his life, but he tells the detective to do it anyway to save Katherine, whose soul is trapped inside. One of the defining characteristics of Cinderellas. Specifically, as stated by a mural in the Hilltop Mansion gardens, a Cinderella is a girl with a pure heart who possesses five particular virtues - kindness, bravery, wisdom, diligence, and pacifism.

Mostly done with mirrors, but toward the endgame, the detective and Pinocchio make their way to the Mirror World using the original Cinderella's pumpkin coach. The Godmother creates a puppet version of Katherine, who uses this on the detective. Last Of Her Kind: Katherine and the Godmother both. Because the Maiden Goddess refuses to select any more Godmothers, Amelia is the last. And because there will be no more Godmothers to aid them, there will likewise be no more officially designated Cinderellas - hence the title of the game. Amelia is also the last Godmother, because after watching Amelia's grief over Geppetto's death drive her to evil, the Maiden Goddess swore to never choose another Godmother.

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The Cinderella who married the Frog Prince as seen in the second game is revealed to have been named Agnes; she was the second maiden to be designated a Cinderella while Amelia was Godmother. Love Makes You Evil: According to the intro, the Godmother captures various possible "Cinderellas" in an attempt to resurrect her husband. She ultimately succeeds, but it backfires horribly on her. The Godmother uses these to travel between our world and the Mirror World. The Glass Wand was given by the Maiden Goddess to each of the Godmothers in turn, then taken back after the last one became evil.

Most of the Cinderellas, or at least the ones whose names are given in the Cinderella Stories, tend to have these. Both Agnes and Katherine mean "pure," Ella means "maiden," and Bianca means "white. Asking the mother of your love interest at the first meeting how old she is?? Heck, you don't really do that today, they certainly didn't do it back then! The maid calls a member of the peerage by his given name - servants were not even supposed to KNOW their "betters" given name!

A man stands in a garden several times, conversing with a Waste of time! A man stands in a garden several times, conversing with a lady in a second-story window as if a lady would do that, that's the behaviour of a fishwife - he has to talk loudly because she's so far up - and NOBODY notices, thinks it odd or tries to remove him from the premises?? Why Joshua and Elizabella fall in love with each other is a complete mystery to me. Honestly, just go and find another book to read.

Once upon a time, there were many, many tropes:

This story is not even worth the paper it was written on. Coral Carr rated it really liked it Apr 22, Jessica rated it liked it Dec 24, Doreen rated it it was ok Jul 31, Stacey L Melton rated it did not like it Jul 13, Katelyn rated it liked it Dec 09, Jul 16, Kathryn rated it liked it. Dragonmom7 Allen rated it liked it Sep 13, Alicia Reed rated it really liked it Apr 23, Jeannie Lee rated it it was amazing Mar 13, Christina rated it really liked it Dec 30, Annette rated it really liked it Jul 14, Anne rated it really liked it Feb 12, Gloria Ruane rated it it was ok Sep 21, Lacee' rated it really liked it Jul 11, Joanna rated it it was ok Jan 21, Maria rated it it was ok Jan 08, Kizzy Arseneau rated it it was ok Oct 14, Isabella and Beatrice, and their relationship with Leonardo da Vinci.

This is historical writing at its best, vivid, alive, crackling with sexual and political tension, and uncompromising in its reality. The Glassblower of Murano — Marina Fiorato This novel tells the parallel stories of a glassblower in Venice, , and his descendant centuries later, a young woman who dreams of being a glassblowing artiste herself. I loved it, though. The heroine Luciana is a delight, and the illumination of some of the possibly meanings behind the figures in the painting quite fascinating.

Daughter of Siena - Marina Fiorato. The Venetian Contract - Marina Fiorato. A Room with a View- E. Forster An old favourite of mine and one I like to re-read every few years. A beautiful, subtle love story set partly in Italy and partly in England, with a gentle satire on English manners and mores — a wonderful book. Not as well known as A Room with a View, but just as good - romance and misunderstandings among English ex-pats in a small Italian village. An absolutely wonderful and magical children's book set in Venice. I love all of Cornelia Funke's books but this is my favourite.

A must read for all ages. The Confessions of Catherine de Medici — C. The parts dealing with her childhood are set in Italy; the rest in France. I really enjoyed this book, which tells the story of the woman behind Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting. So little was known about Lisa Gherardini, Kalogridas was able to position her right in the heart of the intrigues, murders, and religious fanaticism of Florence in the days of Savaronola.