70 Cool Home Business Ideas: For Women who Think Outside the Box (Wily Mompreneur Book 1)

The taboo-est of the taboo. I believe in order to embrace the totality of our femininity, we must begin to honor and see the Light in the experience of our monthly cycles. The Copy Cure will give me the tools and confidence I need to create the best content. My biggest struggle appears to be finding my authentic voice in a noisy marketplace. My work is creating and hosting meditation and mindfulness retreats. We serve peaceful warriors, the sleep-deprived and seekers. We walk just a little bit ahead on the path and bring back tips and tools to help make life better.

If admitted into The Copy Cure training, my goal would be to soak up the energy of the offer, and take the instruction to this next level of stronger and compelling content development. I would craft my messaging in a way that reaches the right attendees, who will benefit from a retreat environment among new friends, learning new skills. And knowing I am doing my best work and supporting myself while doing so is bliss.

Hi and thank you for offering this opportunity …. Knowing that it does not need to be perfect on the first draft. My industries are varied including health care, sports, finance, start ups. I am often told that I should write books. Support and coaching will help to open this faucet from trickle to fully on. I own a creative business called Color Story Studio. We design and create custom, one-of-a-kind display and decor for retail and commercial businesses.

An inspiring physical space can take your breath away. A physical space can invite people to linger, to discover, and to talk about it with everyone they know. I am in the process of creating my business website, and will be writing all of the copy. That alone is completely overwhelming. Since my ideal client is also a business owner, it means that by not working with me, they may be failing to reach as many people as possible.

I believe that my success comes from helping other businesses to succeed, and I believe The Copy Cure will help make this possible. I wish I felt free to express my true self. My new website is under construction. I want to help women realize the power of education. Learning a language brings you new opportunities in life, professionally and personally. I believe learning a language is a gift that you give to yourself. I would be able to have an honest conversations with women and make them realized that if we want to live in a more compassionate and tolerant society, we women need to educate ourselves until the day we die.

Team MF…here goes… Biggest Struggle: Translating what I have to say into a clear and impactful message, and not just sounding like everyone else. I design limited quantity necklaces and bracelets meant to connect a woman to her soul shining joy, peace, healing, creative excitement, and inspiration when worn. The more I reach the right people who need my help, the greater the success of other woman who could either strengthen or begin to share their unique gifts to help others in this world. LOVE what you are all doing and grateful for your time to consider!!

My biggest struggle is creating conversational, relatable content that connects with my audience. I also struggle with transitional wording that will peak my audience interest. Not very good with descriptive words to make the material more interesting. Very bland and straight forward. My business is dedicated to teaching women with families how to invest and teach their children to begin the cycle of financial growth and wealth.

Many complain that investing was not taught in school and my goal is to help families with solving this problem. As a mom of 5 I faced and overcame many obstacles in the financial world through trial and error. Being tired of the endless work -pay bill cycle, I decided to learn how to trade. The Copy Cure will help me make a difference by teaching me the proper skills to be relatable in my writing and connect with other women in similar experiences needing that extra support on where and how to start taking control of their finances.

I truly enjoy seeing the weight lifted off their shoulders when the owners realize there is light at the end of the tunnel but how do I convey that I can help them get there while building trust and rapport? The people that own these businesses are often retired and not quite sure what all the accounting aspect requires but got into business because of the joy and idea of what running a bed and breakfast would be like; meeting new people, freedom to travel, expenses for the house covered, etc.

My mission is to serve these businesses with the same charisma they provide their clients; hospitality with a smile and a little southern charm. Ultimately, my goal is to help them increase their bottom line, get organized and maybe a little automated through coaching and instruction. I quit my corporate 9 to 5 in April while simultaneously getting married.

I did this to stay at home and help my daughter pass her third grade end of year test, which I am happy to say she did. The minimum to pass was a and she got a ! So it was close. The scholarship would allow me to reach out to more businesses and help make a difference in their lives, easing the fears that keep them up at night and wondering if they can keep going. I feel that stronger writing would most definitely convey my passion and focus for sincerely wanting to help and support other small businesses.

My biggest struggle with writing is confidence and perspective. I know what I would like to hear but I would love to be able to create content that would reach my audience in a way that resonates and delivers to them what they want and need to hear to improve their lives. My mission is to share information and services that motivate and inspire others to be their best and most inspiring selves. It would help me to fully embrace myself as a writer so that I could create the kind of website and content that could support me financially while having the greatest positive impact on my audience and community.

I would be better able to lift and inspire others to love and believe in themselves and their abilities to create a life that they feel good and happy about. My biggest struggle with writing is not being able to explain what I mean. I struggle with anxiety, low self-esteem and depression, so trying to get down on paper the thoughts and ideas in my head, is and will be an ongoing struggle for me. It goes something like this — write a few words, delete, write a few words, delete. It feels like everything is jammed up inside my brain. As I said above I suffer from anxiety and depression.

However, I sell on eBay well try to sell my belongings so I can then use the money I make to start a t-shirt company money to start and money for the training — B-school. My mission is to get better and live a healthy, happy life, attract amazing people into my life and then help women who may be going through the same thing do the same. If the copy cure landed in my lap, this is how it will help. I will have my life back. Putting this out there for everyone to see is terrifying! Thank you for the opportunity. This is my story!

I love writing since I was very young. I used to have a little diary and write every day, even when my letter was funny! Today, I have a blog and I love to write as an opportunity to release myself, connect with other people sharing my thoughts and experience, but I do it in Spanish, which is my first language. My biggest struggle with writing right now is doing it in English, with confidence that I can connect and build an audience from scratch in my second language. This is my story the short version: Three years ago, I got pregnant and when I had 4 months, the company where I was working for closed.

That was shocking for me, but, I have always thought that things happen for a reason, so I decide to take a time to stay at home, taking care of my baby and see his growth. Also, I saw this as an opportunity to became an entrepreneur, something that I always dream to be. Now, my son is two years old, and I want to continue managing my time to be with him, but also I want to be productive and create something that helps our family in a financially and that makes them proud of me in the future.

So, I decided to take risk of using all the savings that I have left on my bank account and start my own online business, focused on the English-speaking market. My business consists of a brand that I created of Crafts and Art Supplies to be sold online. Share that message is my mission: I want to bring the tools to other people to feel that. Empower them to do crafts or art projects without the fear of making mistakes or having to do things perfectly, just as a way to express and found their selves. If the admission landed to my lap, I would feel blessed to have this opportunity and tools that will help me to build my business.

Even though I love to write, is not the same to do it in a professional way for many instances, and is even harder to do it in a secondary language. I have to send emails to my new customers, make them feel that I care of them and also, get subscribers and keep them engage with my message as well with my products. Doing this would help my business to start with a strong base, to build trust within my customers and share my positive message to the community. If I have success, this would help my family in many ways: My biggest struggle is staying engaging for different clients who sell a variety of products in their own niches.

My career is dedicated to two things: Parents should now realize that artistic talents are applicable in several fields and can create comfortable livelihoods. The first step is to earn well from copywriting and content marketing then eventually to create awareness of it as a possible career option. Writers here run blind. I want to set the direction and help make Filipinos more competitive in the international market.

I want to niche into this industry and push it forward with good copy. It would help me convince potential clients in the US to trust me with delivering quality content and help them improve their business. I would be able to start preparing to have my own family, like a wedding and a house, while providing for my parents so they can stop worrying about my finances.

My copy will be directed to helping environmental efforts while creating a business where people can earn well enough for themselves and their families. I have been criticized all my school years for my writing mistakes and especially in college. I was brought before the academic dean and put on probation by one of my teachers. Fortunately I was able to defend my style and the Dean agreed. Not only did I help myself but the grading curve was raised and everyone benefited. But, the instances of teachers not accepting my work has made it especially hard to write for an online business to be made public.

I hold back, check and recheck my work to the point of giving up and not publishing my online coaching website. My passion is to help others in transition, to identify their strengths, help them set goals and accomplish them. I am intuitive in this process, being quite successful with clients where I work. I want to expand to online use of my transpersonal life coaching training; eventually making that my prime income.

It would be like a miracle to be so comfortable with my words as to be able to inspire as you have. Hi Marie and Team!! While we do have some big players around, we are the least supported group by every racial group — including our own. I truly say that by experience. That damages our economy a lot. In , I laser focused my efforts to help Black owned businesses. I want to change all that. Learned skills from The Copy Cure can help me have stronger writing skills for grant writing, proposals and educational content that can help my community grow in ways that we knew were ALWAYS possible.

This will help so many more families than just my own. Our company deals with serious environmental issues, especially plastic pollution and climate change. It is hard to write about these things without making it too alarmist, too doom and gloom, and to make it engaging for others. Also very fact heavy ie. I need to find a way to make this engaging and to inspire others to take action. Our company, Ahimsa Eco Solutions was founded to provide solutions for the most pressing environmental issues such as plastic pollution and climate change.

We have a range of reusable, sustainable, biodegradable products, and also provide education in the form of blogs and workshops and consulting. As you can see from above, it is hard to write about these topics without sounding robotic! And yet we need to communicate the gravity and urgency of the issue in a way that can draw attention to the issues in a positive way and inspire action and not apathy.

So copy is crucial to our business, and to making a difference on this planet, at a time when it is needed the most! My mission is to convey their story through images that reflect their highest experience of themselves. Discouragement visits often and as it effects me, it also effects those around me.

Getting on the right track would make all the difference. A transgender entrepreneur myself, I am currently learning the skills that I need to fulfil this mission, including copywriting. In my current business, I make efficient French learning accessible to all, through the internet.

This business, once successful, will be my credential to show the world that entrepreneurship is indeed a viable solution for underprivileged people. Better writing skills would help me first get there faster, and then broadcast this important message more successfully. Better writing would also mean more sales, hence more money and more independence. It means that I would be able to take my wife to the US where she could get the health care that she needs to cure a chronic transgender-related health condition that no doctor wants to treat here in Germany.

My dream is to inspire more underprivileged people to take their life into their own hands. It is possible to lift yourself out of any hole that society might throw you in — and in doing so, make the world a better place not just for yourself, but for everybody. My biggest struggle with writing is being able to express myself in a voice that sounds like the real me. I never considered myself a writer, yet I write every day on my journal.

I am an introvert and I am quiet, but not shy. This has been the biggest reason for not starting a blog. I am a life, leadership and personal development coach. My mission is to help introverted women solopreneurs come out of hiding, help them unleash their natural gifts and strengths, achieve greater success in their business and own their introversion as a strength.

Yes, eventually it would lead to selling my services, but mostly I want to start by building my tribe, finding my peeps out there who struggle with being seen and heard authentically, and in their own voice. When people get noticed for being who they really are and are able to express their natural talents and strengths, they can in turn make a greater impact and contribution in the world with their own work.

My biggest struggle as I sit here at my computer just answering these questions is trying to think of ways to express myself in words. It is very difficult for me, and it may be linked to confidence in my writing skill. My Business is teaching the art of card making through paper crafting and providing some of the best quality product in the marketplace.

Making a difference is what it is all about. If I received a scholarship for Copy Cure, I believe I would be able to develop more confidence in my writing skills. I would be able to express the importance and benefits of being creative. Papercrafting allows people to use their hands, mind, and energy doing something they love and something they can share with others.

Creating and sending a card brings so much joy and satisfaction to both the creator and the recipient and helps to build community. With more joy in our lives, we all have less stress. Being able to touch more lives in a positive way with my writing. I believe when people are touched in this way they pay it forward making the world a better place for all. It must be written from a place of love. Our work is from the heart.

Why is it so hard to write from the heart? My work is related to the culture of care in families, communities, systems.

Currently, I work with families who have a member with exceptional needs — cancer, disability, mental illness, age related issues — and teach them that the best care starts with self-care. Compassion, joining with another in suffering, is not possible until you have recognized and dealt with your own suffering. My teachings are gaining attention and moving into justice and healthcare. My mission is inspiring and teaching families and professionals the lost art of self-care to transform the culture of care. The Copy Cure will help me gain focus and clarity as well as develop the language and cadence for these new conversations.

The idea of writing formulas in the Copy Cure makes me think it would help. I am dedicated to teaching people, businesses, any and every one, about the benefits and improving customer experience.

The Copy Cure is exactly what I need for my business to succeed! My biggest struggle with writing is finding my voice and which side of my personality I want my customers to see. My business is all about embroidery art. I took some time off to find my purpose in life and discovered that I have this amazing talent for embroidery. I have more goals than just to sell my art. I want to teach embroidery; inspire people to discover their talents and create new things. The Copy Cure would completely change my business.

It would allow me to connect with my online audience and would build my confidence to start making connections with local artists and galleries. Thanks you very much for this opportunity to All of You!!! My biggest struggle is not being aware of how I sound in my writing. My business is an online holistic lifestyle brand that runs social media and in the process of launching a podcast and subscription box.

My main audience is women and my mission to give them empowered tools to help them create their own self-care routine and education them how to find their true selves. Getting in to The Copy Cure would be a hell of an experience! I think the tools and the skills that I would obtain from attending would help in so many ways. Being able to communicate in effective ways will not only help me in my business but I would be able to write beautiful things in those birthday cards that no one can ever figure out what to say in jokes In all seriousness I believe that a way with words is so powerful and I need help in all aspects.

I want to spellbound, influence, and inspire. Please, this course would bring me so much confidence and a new love for communication. I vividly remember an interview in which you mentioned that you wanted to make money to take care of your family and loved ones. He has passed away early this Summer and I find myself starting up my freelance writing career again. But the money stress is stifling me emotionally, so my writing is suffering too. I studied journalism, so I can write. Am I writing in an authentic tone of voice?

Do I sound like myself? Can I bring across what I want to convey to potential clients? And why does writing that email to an editor take me ages? I doubt myself every step along the way, but I carry on. I need to leave that crippling doubt behind me and so free myself up to just write engaging blog posts, emails and articles and hopefully even books.

That extra pick me up that would make all the difference for me in an energetic and financial way. Especially as we grow in age, it becomes even more so important. I have a great success with my one-on-one touch, but I would love to spread my knowledge with my writings to a wider audience. I believe it is so easy to feel good and strong if people just knew how to. I struggle to convey my message in a way that gets attention but also still does not offend or hurt people.

So I feel a bit stuck with my integrity vs sales and marketing advice. I have an online Pilates studio with a membership and various programs. I serve women through their pre and postnatal journey and beyond. I just know that if I was blessed enough to have the copy cure program available to me I would make a bigger impact. I know I would be able to connect with my tribe on a deeper level and therefore have more people join my programs, allowing me to continue to serve more people in the world.

I have goals and I really want to reach them. I loved B-school so I assume Copy Cure is just as good, especially the new and improved version! Thank you for the opportunity to submit for a scholarship. I wish whoever does get the opportunity all the best. I would be so honored and grateful to be considered to receive a scholarship for the Copy Cure!

I feel like I am creative and have lots of inventive and unique ideas, but sometimes struggle to put them into words and communicate them effectively. The Copy Cure would give me a wonderful outlet in which to be able to communicate my passions to my audience! I would be so appreciative of this opportunity to improve my writing skills and drive my new business with my new and improved communication!!! Thank you for considering! The time management and focus is my biggest struggle because I live in a crazy house!

It makes me tired just writing about it. I know that my story needs to be told and that I can help to encourage others like me sludging through his thing we call life. So WHEN this scholarship falls in my lap, it will help me to complete my book proposal, get a publishing deal, share my story and live the life that our family has been dreaming of for so long. Thank you for this opportunity and all of the work that you do. I want help adjusting my language in writing so that I stand powerfully in the truth of who I am and what I have to offer the world which is so much. I know with training I can feel more confident with my voice.

My business and work is dedicated to empowering women in technology. I work as Director of Engineering at a tech company leading a diverse team I established. I already have a strong social media following of top technologists in my field, many who have been asking me for a while to write more. The Copy Cure will give me the encouragement and training I need to soar. And my website is http: Thank you for the opportunity for the scholarship!

My biggest struggle with writing is I never sound like myself. To often my writing is robotic and I get bored reading it! My business is dedicated to teaching handmade business owners how to photograph their own products so they can be successful. My mission is to empower other creatives with the knowledge they need to work their own cameras so they can share the work they create with confidence.

If copy cure landed in my lap I would be able to build my writing tools so that I could be more successful with business. This would give more time to be present for my family and friends and make my littles very happy. Every sale I make from my photography course coming out I will give a donation to Smile Train, so being able to create a profitable launch would allow me to give an even greater amount!

The training has value, but I need to know how to spin that so the general public realizes this as well. I aim to help the greater LBGTQ, polyamorous, and pagan people find accessible resources for relationship coaching. I have been struggling with the getting started piece. Being able to attract paying clients would let me start investing in more time to help those that have the desire to get help but not the funds.

My big goal is to be able to work on a sliding scale and help those who are big on desire and low on funds. I am a pilates instructor and massage therapist looking to develop a structured and replicable blueprint that can alleviate pain in the body. I am highly skilled with my hands and instructions to teach movement, but somewhere in between I have forgotted that people are people, and have become shy about the fact that im working with bodies, which can be a little bit awkaward and intimate for some, and therefore there are MAHOUSIVE blocks between me and my target audience.

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At present im stuck in a hole. I want to write lots of blogs, social media posts and the content for my website and sales pages. Which I know is the reason my engagement is low. I hope getting the copycure structure will help me write better engaging copy. My work is dedicated to women with lifestyle diseases like cancer, Endometriosis, obesity, and diabetes to name just a few. Their diagnosis, prognosis and lab work are not in their favor and are looking for a holistic health approach to treating their condition.

Because I was able to give myself a second chance at healing and health when I was on my own health journey. Even though I am an accomplished clinical pharmacist with 25 years of healthcare experience, I was unable to help my conditions that included pre-cancerous cells in my ovaries, endometriosis, obesity and other health issues using conventional medicine. Especially if conventional medicine has failed them. Endometriosis is one of these painful diseases that affect women physically and psychologically.

When I saw the email in my inbox of the copycure scholarship. I knew the universe is a very loving universe. Because it never leaves my prayers unanswered. Their dis-ease has nothing to do with genetics and all to do with their inner conflict theme. I write a great deal of research papers, but I want to find words that show people I care for them and that really get my message across well.

I serve women who strive for meaning and guidance in their life. Stronger writing would help me as I continue to develop my boutique website. It would help my community as I would be able to reach more people through my writings and website. Specific differences it would make would be as my business grew, my husband could be gone at work less, our kids could be in sports, new clothes for school, less stress about cost of school, family vacations and time together. I could think of so many ways that writing could improve my life and those around me because words are so important!

As an aspiring Counselor outside of my creative business I know that words have such deep meaning and using the right ones is ideal! Thank you for your consideration. I love to write. I write novels of empowerment and survival spanning space and time. I strive to write novels and stories that inspire hope, empower men and women to struggle, to survive, and to make a difference.

I have a website where I blog about inspiration, self-care, and the history and psychology behind my books and stories. I published my first novel a little more than a month ago. Okay, maybe no skill is an overstatement, but not by much. A scholarship to the Copy Cure would enable me to reach the people who need and want to read my stories. The income from the sales of my books would help me afford the care my husband needs and get more writing time. One of my recurrent topics is survival of sexual abuse.

I would love to be able to afford to donate part of my proceeds to local and national rape and abuse hotlines. Most of all the copywriting skills I learn in the Copy Cure will help me show people that no matter how dire their circumstances they can survive and create a better world. My biggest struggle with writing is not knowing where to start, intimidation, and probably the insecurity of it not being understood or fulfilling its purpose.

My mission is to encourage people to live on purpose, to use their God given gifts and talents to connect with and collaborate with others in their community to create and make difference…specifically creative entrepreneurs in the arts and cultural heritage. I serve and support creative entrepreneurs and local businesses in my community but want my message to resonate with anyone who needs encouragement to work together for the greater good of humanity. I want to be able to share my story…my testimony, to connect and be personal with my audience and to partner with others to complete the good work we are called to.

Stronger writing would help me to express myself in a way that connects with, helps and encourages others to take action, to live a life that creates and contributes to the community. I want my work to create opportunities for people to collaborate, create organizations, programs, community engagement and outreach, and connect them to opportunities available for economic growth like public art and cultural heritage tourism. My biggest struggle is that I have so much I want to say! My writing serves not only our congregation, but our community and ultimately is an expression of faith which is a witness to anyone who reads our bulletin, website, email communications and social media feeds.

It would be a great honor to be scholarshipped into the Copy Cure class. I am new in my position, and would use this gift to not only as a help myself, but the ministry of our church. If improving my copywriting could bring even one more person to know Christ, it would be worth every minute I spend writing every week. With Church budgets they way they are, I wear many hats on the job, so better writing skills will help me be more productive, creative and ultimately will free up more time for me to tackle additional ministry opportunities.

To fully connect with the heart of my customer — this is my inherent struggle in crafting messages. I want to bring them into my mission and make them feel compelled to join my movement. I often want to say it all, and struggle with brevity. Thus, finding the right words often paralyzes me. I help women find the words to their running stories. My movement Fellow Flowers is a running community where I guide and inspire women to share why they run and how running has transformed their lives, work, mindset and physical self.

My mission is for every woman to know and believe that she is a story worth telling. I have a lot of thoughts or ideas. But they are all scattered and get very wordy — it is logical to me but not always to others. I never learned to properly do storytelling, so I feel like my copy is often too structured, but without heart.

I am a more logical thinker, but it sounds often boring. To sound more fun I sometimes end up too over the top. English is not my mother tongue. I want to inspire my community and the people around me. I think the world has a lot of interesting and amazing things to offer but people are just not aware of it.

By learning better Copy Writing I hope to shine more light to those that have amazing things to offer and also improve the things I can offer. I think being great at communicating can also help inter-relational and bring yourself more confidence. When it comes to writing, I often second guess myself. Writing for my business is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Working with individuals in this field help me make an impact because I am helping them change lives.

My mission is to help individuals find the help they need to have a better and healthier mind. Stronger writing would, of course, help me bring in sales. I currently volunteer my time but would also love to financially give back. Community programs were very helpful for me growing up and I want to help give back. I have a strong desire to help foster youth and the deaf and hard of hearing. As the primary source of income, better sales will also lead to a more comfortable lifestyle for my family of five.

My biggest struggle with writing is that I simply feel insecure. Almost a people pleasing element except in writing, ha!

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It focuses towards faith and God, specifically feel good, love, and Christianity. I feel my mission is to enlighten through entertainment. With The Copy Cure, I believe stronger writing would allow me to reach a larger audience in a more authentic way. It could encourage people and open them up to hope, love, and a softer heart. It could change their lives. A tangible difference to me would of course be income and the ability to bounce back financially after not working for almost a year and half due to a cancer diagnosis all is well now, Amen!

I also feel like I could contribute to the Christian community and beyond in a totally different and fresh way that is inclusive to all. It always seems like a few steps forward and then a few back. And I am always asking myself who am I? As if it changes… 2 I serve people who want to know more about garden design i.

But I also want to inspire people to love the land, take care of it, and cherish and celebrate what makes their own place on the earth special. I find that a much harder goal to tackle with words. Better copywriting would help immensely. Plus I want to launch a membership site — which will mean sharing my platform with others that have related missions and messages and helping them grow too.

Being able to thread this all together with my message seems daunting. Garden writing is half dead and fading fast along with many of its practitioners — we need a place for people to learn and share that is approachable to genx, millennials and younger generations. My biggest struggle with writing is not only finding the right words that can inform and inspire but I also I find it difficult to condense what I write.

This often stops me in my tracks of creating content, or it takes so long I lose motivation to finish. And honestly, putting myself out there is difficult, writing this and posting publicly is scary. This focus is more than just food but how they handle stress and the role of spirituality. A strong part of my mission boils down to people living with more joy. It will also open more opportunities for me to work with paying clients which will lift any financial burden. We currently donate what we can through church and community, but I would love to be in a position to donate amounts that can make significant impact to others both community and family.

I enjoy writing but I have very low engagement on social media, no responses to emails, and no feedback on blog post. It seems my writing does not inspire dialogue and that is one of my goals, to create a community, a sisterhood. My audience would grow and we could work together as a sisterhood to save our daughters.

I love this entry, Valeda. I love your mission. I vote for you! Your work is immensely valuable. I have too much inside to express but sometimes I struggle to put it in a way that everybody can relate to and connect. But when I do connect head and heart magic appears! I am part of a professional soccer team and my social impact is nationwide. Mexico I use soccer, as a medium to change my community whatch youtube link. I Also am a coach, certified by ICC.

Love working on tansitions and transformations. My mission is to enjoy the game of life, to use the gifts that God gave me to serve me and serve others, and contribuite to be the best version of themselves. The difference is that I wont be the same as before I started Copy Cure, I will have a fantastic hability that I will bring it to any field I work… writing is the best way I can express myself, and I know I have something wonderful to share to the world. Thank you for reading me.

I am not from this country. I teach yoga and meditation teacher training programs and I coach private clients. I want to be the most effective channel for growth and awareness, I can possibly be. I feel like I was born a long-winded writer. I also struggle with creating good attention grabbing headlines. I have no children of my own, but I have an incredibly beautiful and adorable 7-month-old Niece. Unfortunately, her Mom and Dad are having financial difficulties and need help. The Copy Cure would help me to write stronger email series and, hopefully, sell more units of my online course: I am also sure that the Copy Cure will help me to build stronger sales and opt-in pages — — which will hopefully lead to greater sales.

With more sales of online courses and my coaching program , I will be able to help my family financially and, hopefully, fulfill my dream of earning enough money for my Niece to go to private schools since the public schools, in my area, are not great. I think my biggest struggle with writing is writing with confidence and authority. The writing in Government files is hugely different from writing interesting, captivating, and persuasive copy.

You have to be factual, no fuss, no frills and absolutely no personality. My boy is almost 2 years old now and I want to make a name for myself in copywriting so that I can provide for my son without leaving him alone at home. So, my career is dedicated to my son and I serve him by capitalizing on what I know best i. If I got admission to this course, yes, I would be able to sharpen my copywriting skills. But honestly, an even more important, benefit to me would be the confidence that comes from knowing that I communicated my story effectively.

This would help my writing tremendously for the dose of confidence it would bring. If I become a more confident writer I would be able to provide for my son better. I am a very good writer, but I absolutely hate to sit down and take the time write. My husband needs me to do all of the writing, and I dread it. My husband and I are dedicated to influencing hard working people in Silicon Valley to have FUN through our adventure board sports company by demonstrating an active lifestyle and rich family life that many aspire to have.

Less egos, more amigos. I want to empower my husband be more than an athlete; to be a confident writer as well. I want him to see he will be a leader to one of our children who also struggles with writing. I want to be their support and encouragement instead of being the only one in the family who can write. I want to see him confidently post a story or a few sentences on social media instead of hiding behind hashtags.

My biggest struggle with writing is letting my personality shine. I have severe social anxiety. My purpose is to help people express themselves with the art they bring into their homes or businesses. This is my room. I want to be able to show my children the world and, in doing so, show them that they can follow their passions and still lead the life they dream. And really I want all artists to be successful! And that value is joy. My biggest struggle with writing is sounding relatable and fresh.

Also, I find it a bit tough to drive people to read my work. So, that is another thing I wish to change. I am currently a high school junior. And, I have a blog of my own where I write for teenagers, their lives and their issues. I also am currently working to begin my first online magazine. If I get this opportunity then I will use it to create meaningful content for my readers in a way that they can relate to it, act on it and also become an agent of change.

I will use it to write empowering articles in my magazine. Talking about the bigger vision, if everything moves in the direction of growth then I can fulfill my dream to be an influencer, begin earning. It can highly decrease my odds of getting a shot at my dream school. That is how great writing skills are going to impact my future. Procrastination and getting my ideas down structurally that will result in the biggest impact for readers.

I am a self employed Executive Assistant. I chose to take the leap after redundancy this year when the company I worked for went bust. As this was the second time in four years I went through redundancy I decided to start my own business and take my destiny in my own hands! Admission to the course would be the catalyst in driving my mission and business forward. By moving it forward the increased income would provide my family and I more financial freedom and choices. It would give me more confidence and be a stronger role model for my teenage daughter who is starting to look into her career options at My biggest struggle with writing is integrating new knowledge and concept updates in a way that is easily understood by my target audience.

As I begin to use gender neutral terms, remove subconscious bias, stereotypes and other hindrances from my writing I am posed with the struggle of making a smooth transition. My work is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life within the community. Stronger writing will allow me to properly provide adequate information in a way that is accessible and understood. In the future I hope to publish novels. Whether in the form of a curriculum or a novel, I want the underlying messages, theories, concepts and practices to be understood in a way that can be adapted into the reality of the readers life.

My biggest struggle with writing is finding my voice and being able to convey with precision exactly what I want to say. My business is a beauty and wellness focused startup as a retailer for several non toxic beauty and cosmetic brands and super foods. I am starting online first which is why copy is so important My aim is to serve everyone who is interested in a safer approach to beauty and overall wellness. I also feel it would help when making wellness related suggestions to my friends and family who view me as an expert in this area.

I want offer only the best to my customers and those around me and if I can write it, I know I can speak about it with even more accuracy. Thank you for this opportunity. My biggest struggle with writing is sitting down and actually doing it — taking the time for ME to do the research and writing that I know I want to deliver. I have the outline in my head — the content never emerges onto paper yet. My work is dedicated to creating positive workplaces — if we are going to spend half of our waking hours or more at work, then it should be a great place for people to grow and thrive.

I truly believe that everyone deserves a great workplace, and everyone can help make that happen. Stronger writing would help me to create more great workplaces by giving me another platform to spread the word — scale up the message, so to speak. My blog has floundered over the years, and this book has been unwritten for nearly a decade. I would greatly appreciate the tools, structure and support to do the research and write the book and spread the message of what it takes to have flourishing leaders, managers, employees and workplace cultures.

Thank you for considering me for your program. My passion is helping people to connect with their hearts… not just their physical heart, but mostly their emotional and spiritual heart. I just had a dream… and my heart told me I needed to go to California… scared as hell. But what happened from that moment transformed myself and my life forever! LONG story short, the clouds in my sky of depression opened up literally and metaphorically and the sunshine shone through.

My depression lifted and my joy came back on my adventure of spirit that was all because I listened to my heart! Magic and miracles began to happen and opportunities opened up for me here in California, like the almost impossible opportunity of attending Pepperdine University. My heart knew what was best for me, despite my mind being scared to death. My whole life since has been dedicated my mission to helping people connect with their heart — their dreams, their passions, their talents and their joys — and not only believing in them, but living in accordance with them.

I truly believe that this a the KEY to our health on many levels. So I help people to recognize the miracle that our body is and how we need to honor this most incredible gift we were given because it IS the vehicle that not only carries our precious soul on this planet, but it is also the stage with which we shine our light. The stronger our body, heart, mind, and spirit, the greater work and joy we get to experience in this life AND the more we can serve this beautiful world.

My belief is that when we heal our heart, we heal our world. Hence… State of the Heart Fitness. I LOVE helping people my clients to see and experience the bigger picture of their amazing body, as well as helping them to develop a healthier, more loving relationship with their body. Without that, we have nothing. No… Hence, why I need help with copy writing! Like I say, I have so much I have to share… I just need help getting it out there!

I know there is a need! I know I have something to share with the world… I have a big vision. I know what I know… and with those lives I have touched, it has made a big impact. So… applying for this scholarship… I am willing to do the work. My finances have been challenged in the last couple of years for various reasons, which I could explain more privately. Thank you for reading and listening. I appreciate your work, Marie. I own a boutique flower shop.

I work with both corporate and residential clients. My mission is to get people to buy and care for plants in their environment as well as beautify their spaces with fresh seasonal flowers. I would be known as a thought leader in the industry, I would be able to focus on hosting workshops and events educating places like assisted living centers, nursing homes, after school programs, summer camps etc.

My process is too painstakingly slow. At my current job, my boss is thrilled with the quality of my work but has expressed concerns about how long it takes me to produce it. Fixing the time problem would up my chances of getting hired here full time when my contract ends, or getting a full time job somewhere similar. This opportunity to gain experience as a lawyer WHILE strengthening my copywriting skills is invaluable. My boyfriend and I plan to have children in the next two years—the more I strengthen my writing the more available I can be as a mom.

I also know that breaking this mental barrier will help me live the principles I believe in more fully and thus be of greater service in all areas. Finally, I want to have time as a lawyer to do as much pro bono work as possible. Becoming a more efficient writer will not only make more time for that kind of service, but also allow me to take on more pro bono clients because I will be able to write letters, legal documents, etc.

I struggle most with analysis paralysis. Even after I hit publish, I wonder whether or not I got my message across. But do others get it too? I show up for grievers—people who have had their hearts shattered by death, divorce, diagnosis, or another loss—and provide them with similar stories and a place to share their own. My two biggest endeavors are my weekly podcast, Coming Back: I would be more confident in selling myself both online and in-person.

That shift from frenetic rewriting to confident posting and scripting would allow me to put my head into more vital spaces, like connecting with my communities and building out my business to serve a wider audience through online courses. Honestly, Marie, I also want to quit my day job in the restaurant industry so I can devote more of my energy to the grief space. There are so many more conversations to have, so many more books to write, and so many more people to build a beacon for.

Everything from politics to reality TV to personal finance contains elements of grief. And I can help teach the people I interact with to see it, listen to it, and take action based on their interaction with it. I just need the time and money to do it. Is this clear enough? Do I sound too relaxed? Does this come off as fake? I hire other artists in my community videographers, art directors, stylists, etc Improving my copy means more work for local artists and a stronger platform for them to showcase their work. Unfortunately, my husband is unemployed so the monthly payments are not possible for me.

A picture can speak a thousand words …. But ask me to translate that into words… and… nope. I cant do the picture in my mind justice. My mission is to empower first time mums to be To help overwhelmed first time mums become calm and confident strong mamas Primarily through education and by giving them the confidence to make the right choices for their themselves and their baby and providing the right kind of expert support throughout pregnancy birth and beyond.

We live in a world where we are the most connected we have ever been yet the most disconnected. I can connect to thousands of people on the other side of the world within seconds yet I may not even know my neighbours name. To let her know I can help. Then it will be worth it. In order to take the best care of others, we must first take the best care of ourselves. But there's more to mastering email than writing snappy copy and hitting the send button.

Get equipped with actionable advice and practical case studies. Plus, learn how to avoid pitfalls that can turn off your recipients or get you marked as a spammer. Email expert Erin McKeeby will be joined by Elizabeth Schmidt Ringwald who will share lessons learned from two years of delivering startup week's email campaigns. Creating a company people want to work for starts with making sure you have a foundation of people who are as passionate about the company as you are. After all, your best recruiters are people who can speak to what it means to be a part of your team.

This panel will lay out the basics of creating a recruiting culture by making recruiting something everyone on your team values through communication, incentives, events, etc. Getting people to take a leap of faith is integral to starting a company. You have a vision. You have a sense of the steps to get there. Now you need a team. How do you get talented people to take a huge personal risk with you?

One key skill set in attracting talent is the ability to tell a story. You need to create buy in, and you do that in part through storytelling. The same skill that has millions of viewers hooked on Game of Thrones is crucial in recruiting your team. At this event, you'll learn how to captivate talent through the art of storytelling. This very special evening will highlight the works of The Catherine Mayer Foundation — including an interactive opportunity to express, energize and excite the inner being through creative expression. The initiatives of the Foundation, and the benefits of art, will be discussed while attendees enjoy food, beverage, interactive drawing, painting, writing, music and movement to excite all of the senses and engage all participants.

Catherine Mayer believes in the power of creativity and its essential place in everyday life — its ability to open and connect the mind and spirit to anything and to anyone. An internationally recognized artist www. Most recently, Mayer has launched an app that encourages focus and calm in kids using interactive images, colors, sounds and music.

The evidence-based app has been designed to help relax, focus and concentrate, increasing creativity, self-esteem and imagination. In his youth in Switzerland, Frei rode the rails from school to soccer practice, from his hometown of Altstatten to the academy in nearby St. He was always trying to catch a shape, or a squiggle or graffiti — the colorful stuff. Art has been his passion for years. Join us for a special evening as we better understand how art endures now more than ever, how art connects us, nourishes us and challenges us to better understand our shared humanity.

Registration includes quality connections, cool presentations, and hosted snacks and bar. Welcome to the largest tech community in the Northwest! More than just a meetup, we're a community that loves and supports people, the Northwest and tech. Presenters flow from early stage startups to enterprise companies.. Know your land value in 10 seconds. Connect data sources of your choice to personalize bot-based experiences.

Use keyword triggers and other actions to automate. Discover innovative, creative and inspirational new technology or smarter use of old tech. We're back for the third annual "Grit and Resilience" event! Startups are hard whether you're the founder or on the team. Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

At this event you'll hear from entrepreneurs who have successfully created companies and how their grit and resilience has carried them through the toughest of times. You'll also learn new ways on how you can increase your grit before you attempt to start your startup. This event is inside of the Facebook offices so please arrive early to get your badge and get through security before the event starts!

Limited space so make sure to sign up. Java, Python, Rails, Scala, C What scales the fastest? What language gets the product out the door the quickest? What has the strongest developer tools and support? Ultimately, what is the sexiest technology that is going to help you attract top talent in the Seattle tech scene. This debate is a chance for you to explore the pros and cons of different technologies and learn how it effects more than just the product. You have an idea that you are bringing into reality. People have expressed interest in the end product. All is steady until the question of how will you generate revenue becomes more persistent.

Will it be an affiliate model? Maybe B to C? What about a subscription model? Three different founders will talk to us about their business and their revenue model. What came first, the idea or the revenue model? At what point did the revenue model solidify? And were there any pivots in the revenue model? They began practicing these routines before they became successful, not the other way round. Steve Jobs began his morning asking himself one question: Join our expert panel as they share their daily routines with you in 20 slides - a snapshot of them IRL in real life , pecha kucha-style.

Leave not just inspired, but ready to put your own daily routines into action to help you win your day! At the end of the panel, the floor will be opened up to questions from the audience. This is your chance to seek out practical wisdom and actionable insights that will help you move the needle in your personal life and business!

Seating is limited - do reserve your spot. This will be a talk about common mistakes and misconceptions that startup investors hold about games startups and reasons to invest in them. For example, the"shots on goal" fallacy, or the idea that many investors hold wherein because they believe games are content, that the best strategy for success is to develop many small ones and hope one hits. This, in the age of service-driven games and online communities, is manifestly not true and yet investors still hold onto that belief. Want to know what it takes to get your device made from start to finish?

Come listen to seasoned clean-tech entrepreneur and consultant, Burt Hamner, talk about what you can expect along your journey of taking your device from concept drawings to manufacturing. Theme — Exploring our start-up eco-system strengths beyond the tech advantages. Building a game, running a business, and nurturing a special relationship all take energy and attention. But what happens when you are doing them all at the same time?

Can it be done? In this panel, we will discuss the work the speakers do to elevate the power of food as it pertains to community, by bringing people together, sharing ideas, acknowledgement through feeding people in need, minimizing waste, and supporting transitional population. Come meet the organizations that are helping to build a food system that is genuinely sustainable and growing its reach to all the different communities in Washington State and beyond.

You can also find out about how to get involved or volunteer. This panel discussion is essential if you're seeking to authentically connect, be memorable, and create value-adds that distinguish you from the crowd and inspire others to help you. Are you a startup looking for a smart and eager individual to join your blossoming team of entrepreneurs? Talk to dozens of fully established and vetted startups who are looking for people like you to join their companies. Bring your A game, and your resume s. To register for a table, fill out this form: In building a business, there is significant value in philanthropy and improving the community.

Customers want to invest in companies that support their community and consumers vote with their dollars. Building a brand that says you care about more than just the bottom line is compelling and differentiating. In addition, employees want to find meaning in their work. By focusing on doing good for the community it motivates, engages and retains employees. Join a diverse panel of industries and experts to learn how to get started with community and philanthropic initiatives that will support your business.

Registration is required however it does not ensure entry. Facebook advertising is the most powerful form of paid advertising available on the internet today. With targeting abilities that rival any other ad platform, there exists no better channel to get the word out about your product or service. From setting up campaigns to discovering audiences, there are actionable Facebook advertising tactics that can be run on a tight budget. Learn how to build, package, and distribute an app by walking through an example showing tabs, bots, compose extensions, and other Teams developer platform capabilities.

Making data driven decisions is the gold standard today. What happens on Day 1, when you have to decide product look and feel based on zero to little customer feedback? When to lease that office space? How to gauge staff growth? How many units to pre-order before having a track record of sales? Which feature and functionality to build when time and resources are tight? What is the scarce data saying about your product and customers?

Come hear from four successful entrepreneurs who started organizations with a deeply ingrained culture of data-driven decision making before they had the data set to make their vision real. The panel discussion will be followed by a breakout session featuring small group discussions led by the panelists. We all make them. But some people have a knack for turning those mistakes into accomplishments, experience, and successes. It takes self-respect, confidence and a bit of creativity. Whatever challenges you may be facing, or roadblocks you may be trying to clear, come on down to hear how 3 of our local business leaders have translated their career missteps into positive experience.

The digital revolution has had a huge impact on the music business. In just few short years, the industry has evolved into something new entirely - musicians record on laptops, fans stream music, and traditional record labels are edging towards irrelevance. What does it mean to be a music startup in this landscape? Has it increased opportunities for entrepreneurs? What emerging trends are likely to become the new norm? What's in store for the future? A national pitch competition by the people and for the people! Unlike traditional pitch competitions, entrepreneurs will have five minutes to tell the audience their story and then answer two questions about their idea from the audience.

After the last presenter has answered questions from the audience, attendees will then vote for their favorite two - top two split the money, and we will also have a social media vote for another cash prize opportunity. Starting a company is not a solitary endeavor. The best teams are motivated and diverse.

The leaders on this panel have built such teams and are going to discuss their approach to one of the most critical and challenging aspects of starting a company: How to build a diverse team. Are you on the lookout for a new developer job? Do you want to brush up on your interview skills? Join us for Cracking the Coding Interview, a technical interview preparation session with fellow job searchers and coaches. We will build peer groups that go through algorithm and data structure interview questions, following the Cracking the Coding Interview book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.

Are you a developer thinking about working for a startup? Join Dave Parker in a frank discussion about:. FinTech is one of the hottest sectors in the startup world. However, few have seen how much it has changed the developing world. From near-instant, mobile-only loans to biometric technologies connecting over a billion people to digital payments, emerging markets are starting to leapfrog the innovations we see locally. Connect with both global and local experts before and after.

Doors open at 6: We are supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The blended workforce is made up of people who work full-time and part-time, as well as temporary workers, freelancers, and contract workers. How are Seattle companies embracing this trend? What are the challenges? How has this helped culture and productivity? Meet our panel who are either working as a non traditional employee or have teams made up of them. This event has ended. Visit the official site or create your own event on Sched. Techstars Startup Week Seattle Meet experts and network with your peers at Techstars Startup Week Seattle!

All Inclusion Panel Discussion. All Talent and Culture. All Corporate Innovation Startups. All Entrepreneurship Scale Up. All Panel Discussion all attendees. All Entrepreneurship Scale Up Leadership. All Panel Discussion Small Business. All Business Development Fundraising Startups.


She is a role model to visual creatives that seek to combine their creative passion with entrepreneurialism, and when she's not working on one of her artworks or taking care of her amazing creative clients, she's out and about exploring nature with her son and husband. As a result, my message can be heard by those who need it and it can positively impact their lives and finances as well as my life and finances. This makes it easier to engage and cope with our emotions. Thank you so much for this opportunity. So, I try too hard and you can sense that when you read it.

View analytic Log in to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar. Sunday , October 1. Sharktank Workshop for Teens: And, by the way, you'll be mentored by leading Seattle CEOs! She is the Founder and CEO of a cross-school social venture called Innovateen, an organization that seeks to connect high school students with business and tech industry Leslie Feinzaig is a tech executive and entrepreneur on a mission to democratize entrepreneurship.

Her one-of-a-kind, inspirational concept has garnered critical acclaim, including features in Today Sunday October 1, Monday , October 2. Token Sales Limited Capacity full Adding this to your schedule will put you on the waitlist. He has an extensive background in providing legal guidance Monday October 2, 8: The free food will be available while supplies last. Thank you, Wicket Labs! Monday October 2, 9: Coding since the age of seven, Devyn is a self-taught software engineer, and dropped out of UBC to pursue CityBldr full time in He's contributed to numerous open-source coding projects and has been building the CityBldr app for Seattle Homes Group is the top-producing team for the top-producing full-service real estate office in Seattle.

Her mission is to build technology that makes the process of buying and selling a home less complicated and less stressful Protecting your Content Ever wonder about copyrighting? How do you protect your content legally and what rights do you have once you do?

Come to this session to hear from copyright lawyer and business owner George Brunt for insight on what to do to protect your content. Brooke Hubbard, founder of MBMedia, is a Boston University and University of Washington graduate with a high-energy personality that throws paint all across the canvas of life. Upon returning to Seattle, she started a Social Media and Digital Media business providing strategy and George represents clients in the areas of copyright, trademark, corporate, entertainment and media law.

Branding , Business Development , Small Business. This will be a unique tapestry of insights into Seattle as seen through the user experience of people from across the world who have made this city their new home.

Middle-Aged Women: How to Start a Legitimate Home Business

The session will appeal to old Seattle residents as well, who will get great value from listening to the stories of panelists as the city changes with the times. Besides taking in the experiences that brought them here, the panel will also explore the future they dream of for the city and what they see as the big challenges we need to overcome on the way there.

I'm delighted to lead this track at SSW where we're hoping to bring the real experiences of leaders from around the world into the room, as they focus on building their futures.

  1. Persistent illusions of time and space in film and television: Using the example of Richard Linklater’s Before Sunset.
  2. The Copy Cure Scholarship Program.
  3. Techstars Startup Week Seattle Full Schedule;
  4. Do You Want Sex With That?.
  5. O JOGO DOS PAPELETES COLORIDOS: 1 (Portuguese Edition).
  6. The History of Belgium, Part I Caesar to Waterloo No. 3; The First Union of Belgium, The Transition to Spanish Rule, The Spanish Rule, The Last Century of Spanish Rule.
  7. The Copy Cure 2018 Scholarship Program.

We'll be talking about their high's and low's, and their take on a bunch of things that new and old Jide came to the US from Nigeria over twenty years ago, and is advising several start up's in Seattle at this time. Jeffrey has held a number of senior positions at global organizations such as Pepsico and UBS. Jeffrey specializes in Executive coaching and has been leading the Global Intercultural Community of Practice.

Mathew is a graduate of Keble College, Oxford University. He has lived and worked in the US for the last 7 years in numerous product roles at Microsoft. Monday October 2, Hardware Startup Fundamentals Looking to make your device and build a successful company? Or perhaps you are simply curious as to what the journey entails? Listen as Andy Silber breaks the process down into simple, actionable steps that you can take to make your vision a reality. He has over 20 years of experience in improving product quality and designing new products.

Andy has worked as a project manager for top companies in the Seattle area such as Product Creation Studio, Synapse Hardware , Entrepreneurship Scale Up , Manufacturing. Map Your Leadership Circuit: Are You Wired for Startup Leadership? Are YOU wired for startup leadership? Organizations become an extension of who you are. Join us to self-assess your own leadership style and consider opportunities to grow. We'll also preview what you can learn from other Leadership track sessions during the week. Venus Rekow Behavioral strategist, Neural Shifts. Read the mentor bios below and follow the link to Slotted to book your session.

Each mentoring session is 25 minutes - arrive early to check in! Again, go to Slotted. Signing up here on Sched does not guarantee you the appointment! If you walk in without booking a slot you'll be put in a waiting list. Fuzz is a people enthusiast who loves exploring the relationship between talent and business growth.

He is passionate about human resources, video games, and fried chicken. His current life dream is to eventually live for a few years in Japan. He owns a Shiba Inu that he forces to Dennis Adler Alliance of Angels. Dennis Adler founded D. With over 30 years of experience in technology-related businesses, he brings a unique blend of talent and experience from both inside and outside the USA to his management Lizzy is co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Blueprint Registry, an innovative registry platform.

Lizzy most recently served as Chief Executive Officer at Showman Design, LLC, a creative design consulting company where she managed all art direction, relationships, and new business In she founded uniquelyHR, no nonsense HR for startups. Mikaela enjoys being creative and solving problems Michael Schutzler is an entrepreneur, engineer, science geek, and first-generation immigrant.

About shared challenges -- no matter the type of business or entrepreneur -- and how you can triumph them Practical wisdom you can apply in-real-life for uncertain times Personal development tools and tips for unlocking your next level of success in life and business At the end of the panel, the floor will be opened up to questions from the audience.

This is your chance to ask for advice and tips to bring your business from where it is, to where you want it to be! You may enjoy these events , too! Start living out yourself. Whether that be ourselves, business leaders, community leaders or those who are enslaved. For the last 20 years Ann has worked as a strategic advisor, executive coach, facilitator, and leader in the private, public and non-profit sectors.

Before founding Usermind, Michel was VP of products at Apptio, where she drove product strategy, defined the category and discipline of Technology Business Management, and helped grow the company from 30 to almost employees. He is dedicated to creating an environment that supports and inspires his team, and to ensuring that Substantial is an active member of its various communities. A successful serial entrepreneur and investor in many startups, Jonathan is Chairman and co-founder of Geekwire.

He also has the distinct honor of being the first person to sell 2 companies to Google. Branding Your Business How imporant is it really to get a trademark for your brand? If you're just starting a business or have one that's growing, it's time to start thinking about trademarks and what you need to protect. Join us for this session on the basics of trademarks, why they are important, and how to get one. He works with clients to obtain domestic and foreign trademark registrations Deeply entrenched shopping habits kept entire sectors confined to physical retail for years, even when just about everything else moved online.

Yet somehow, all of a sudden, there's a seismic migration underway, fueled by social media celebs, digital first brands, and better shopping experiences. Why are some categories slower to migrate online? How can retailers and brands break through entrenched offline shopping habits? What recommendations do you have for online marketers? Where and how do you find the consumer?

How do you replace trial? What is worth investing in vs. Katlyn Gao and Michelle Liu are beauty and fashion industry experts with decades of combined experience. They join us from San Francisco for a can't miss fireside discussion on the state, and future, of retail's most challenging categories. I am passionate about sparking innovation by bringing intelligent and driven people together to build amazing things. My experience as a financial and business strategy analyst helped me grow the analytics teams for two startups before starting my own venture.

A strategy consultant by training, she has scaled global digital and omnichannel businesses in categories ranging from mass drugstore to luxury beauty and fashion Michelle Liu Michelle Liu is a marketing executive and beauty industry veteran. Today she is the head of global brand strategy for LVMH-owned Ole Henriksen skincare, with an emphasis on creative, branding, and product.

Her love of all things beauty and passion for creativity led her from She is Founder and Presid The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A tsunami of emerging technologies is coming and transforming businesses in ways we could never imagine before To succeed in this quickly changing world, corporations need to accelerate their innovation journey internally and engage with external startup ecosystem Startups need to engage with a customer before developing a product and engagement with corporations becomes even higher priority In the digital world, startups require much less Venture Capital funding, so corporate innovation and corporate investment become even more important.

He brings over 20 years of industry experience, in-depth technology expertise and good understanding of both enterprise and startup environments. Corporate Innovation , Corporate Innovation , Startups. Listen as Kevin Croy of 9Mile Labs leads the discussion on the benefits that an accelerator or incubator can bring to your business.

Kevin is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded five startups, two of Hardware , Entrepreneurship Scale Up , Fundraising. Fuel Talent matches marketing, tech, admin and sales candidates with top performing companies. Shauna has been in the Search Industry for over 20 years.

She has opened 10 offices, hired, trained and managed over recruiters Previously he was the Vice President of Engineering, Consumer at Spotify in Stockholm, Sweden, leading the development of the product and streaming services She fell into recruiting after graduating with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering Technology from Purdue University. Nicole has managed technical recruiting at several companies Adam Phillabaum is the director of core engineering at PayScale. Adam has spent over a decade at PayScale, including time as the product and program manager of PayScale's consumer salary research products.

He has a bachelor of science in computer science from University of Idaho and From green materials made from algae and recycled items from the movie industry to stainless steel, brass, brone and even wood, 3D Printing with materials you thought only a foundry could produce. Even conductive and magnetics. Come and learn about the flexibility pardon the pun 3D Printing with flexable nylons. Your protoypes and pre-design proof of concepts can come so close to prodution you will truly impress any buyer or investor. Come listen to David Beschen of Green Disk and be enlightened. David Beschen is a co-founder and principle at nuShootz llc, where he is responsibility for marketing programs, brand management, and all other corporate communications.

Prior to starting nuShootz, his work centered on brand marketing and strategic business development at GreenDisk How Marketing Automation Can Help Davids Conquer Goliaths You've got a killer product, built out a solid go to market strategy, and you're ready to disrupt the marketplace one sale at a time. Startups are extremely vulnerable in the early growth stage and big brands in your space can undercut and out-resource your team. You've got to move fast and make sure your sales and marketing teams are punching above their weight.

Smart marketing automation frees up hands and streamlines communications so your team can maximize its impact, and outflank even the biggest spenders in your category. This session will cover marketing automation technology and its application to startups including: Nathan Young is a digital marketing expert with a strong advertising background and a sharp hairline. As the founder and Principal at Tencount, a boutique digital strategy agency, Nathan leads a multi-disciplinary team to develop strategies, build out campaigns and drive lead generation How Podcasts Are Shaping Brands in the Food Industry Would you like to know why celebrities and media personalities, chefs, beloved bloggers, and tastemakers are podcasting and making their shows available for free?

He has helped open restaurants in Phoenix, Los Angeles and now in Seattle. He has worked with international restaurants and domestic companies such as Graduating with Honors from the Culinary Institute of America in Her focus is on food and beverage products. Empathy and Inclusion in Emerging Tech Before this technology alters the entire world, we have a responsibility to guide its development.

Experts discuss if empathy and inclusion should be considered in the early stages, and how initiaiting best practices will propel the success of alternate realities. She has worked for a variety of startups for three years, ranging from VR software startups to Ultimate Frisbee broadcasting startups.

Her passion is for the storytelling She advises clients from a variety of industries on how emerging tech will impact their business. Di loves leading UX through the full product development cycle for solutions that may include, but Emily earned a joint Bachelor's It is no longer just for prototyping and proof of concept. There are many companies now using 3D Printing as an alternative method of manufacturing.

Cleaner, Greener and Cost Effective for many startups as well as established companies in some cases. He is a US State Department appointed national greenhouse gas expert the the Simplified with Roberto Reif In this presentation, we will cover how to make visualizations that are easy to understand, while requiring minimum mental effort, from your audience.

We will discuss typical mistakes observed on static visualizations which are commonly used in reports and presentations. We will review some theory on how to improve these charts and graphs and increase the effectiveness of the visual for your consumer. Finally, we will work thru an example for improving the effectiveness of a visual. Roberto comes to Metis from Sensoria Inc. He has worked in applications in the healthcare, internet of things, and business intelligence markets More importantly, from finance to entertainment to medicine, AI is set on a clear course to change virually every industry as we know it.

However, before we understand its impact, we need to understand what AI is all about. Sanjeev Jagtap is a Senior Product Manager in the team that builds deep learning based content moderation web services and intelligent tools that are part of Microsoft Cognitive Services and Azure Media Services, while ensuring great customer experiences from discovery to adoption Sayan Pathak Sayan Pathak, Ph. He has published and commercialized cutting edge computer vision and machine learning technology to big data problems applied to medical imaging Monday October 2, 1: Creative Strategies for Engaging Community As a small company, how do you get coffee all the way from the equator to your customers?

Dress code restricts baseball caps, shorts, athletic wear and flip-flops. Brandon Paul Weaver first fell in love with coffee hanging out with friends over Frappuccinos at Starbucks. That love quickly grew into a desire to learn everything about the coffee world. After stints at local cafes like Parnassus and Zoka, winning several coffee competitions along Brandin applies his culinary expertise to plant based cuisine in order to enhance its esteem in gastronomy and invigorate its perception.

Currently both a working on Jesse Nelson Founder, Conduit Coffee. Conduit is based around the idea of sharing and connecting people to amazing coffee and the communities that thrive on the cup. His background in non-profit development and small business gives him a unique perspective Liz Pachaud is the roaster and co-owner of Honor Society Coffee. She is also a longtime animal protection advocate who has previously worked undercover to expose animal abuse on factory farms and slaughterhouses, leading to unprecedented legal victories for animals and food safety Startup Opportunities around Washington's largest companies Limited Capacity full Adding this to your schedule will put you on the waitlist.

There is a lack of knowledge in the Seattle Startup Ecosystem, particularly among veterans, about corporate venture organizations, such as Amazon Alexa Fund or Comcast Ventures, their history, why they exist, and the programs offered to support entrepreneurs. The panel seeks to educate the Washington startup community about the existence, history, and opportunities of corporate venture funds such as Amazon Alexa Fund, Comcast Ventures, Microsoft Ventures, and others so that they ultimately can start companies around defined market demands.

Grew event venue revenue Responsible for creating a "mindshift" within the local community and supporting founders, startups, passionate leaders, and individuals who want to make a difference. Lisa Nelson Partner, Microsoft Ventures. Additionally, she also leads investment activities in the Pacific Northwest, marketing and operations for the fund, and VC relationships for Microsoft.

A seasoned executive with twenty years of experience in public policy, energy and environmental technology and venture capital. I lead investments in early to mid-stage energy technology companies and have a passion for businesses Military Innovation , Panel Discussion. Toss in a really cool business idea, and you're all set to go!

VC funding not guaranteed. He speaks at conferences all over the world and writes regularly for a variety of publications across the Java,. NET, and other ecosystems. Ted currently labors on behalf of Smartsheet as the Director of Developer Software Developers , Workshop. Come listen to three experts in the world of 3D Printing and other types of both additive and subtractive manufacturing. They will help guide you to makerspaces in The Puget Sound where you can test, learn and start you journey into the world of 3D Printing.

You will learn that it doesn't take deep pockets to get the ball rolling in this new technology that is changing the world of designing, creating, making and producing your ideas into reality. Kelly is a entrepreneur with a "makers" mindset. With over 25 years experience in additive and subtractive manufacturing, Kelly has teamed up with several experts to create and manage maker spaces in the Pacific Northwest. Kelly is a distinguished design engineer that has proven time Samuel Hightower Instructor, 3D Buildtower.

Sam is a self-motivated and a passionate hard worker that wears a variety of creative hats. In , he graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts, and worked for Microsoft from to Now Sam is pursuing his entrepreneurial journey in 3D printing. The meshing of Technology As Technical Team Lead at Johnson Controls, Charles provides advanced troubleshooting for particularly difficult issues, manage small projects, direct training paths, and mentor other technicians.

His love of making has inspired him to not only help and mentor in the workplace IP looking for Founders. Are you looking for intellectual property or technology for your next startup? Do you think you can connect the dots from research to commercialization? This is a great panel for you. Allen Institute has over 70 Ph. Monday October 2, 2: Technology looking for entrepreneurs. How Startups Can Win Top Talent Startups may not be able to offer the highest salaries or best k packages, but they can beat big companies in spades.

Jennie has been recruiting for startups for over 20 years. Along with her team of 17, they manage recruiting and sourcing for tech companies at once, working from the inside as an integrated partner.

70 Cool Home Business Ideas: For Women who Think Outside the Box (Wily Mompreneur Book 1) - Kindle edition by Sorilbran Stone. Download it once and. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for 70 Cool Home Business Ideas: For Women who Think Outside the Box (Wily Mompreneur Book 1) at.

Overcoming adversity is nothing new to Steven Matly. Raised by a single mother in the South Seattle housing projects, Steven entered the Meagan has over 10 years of experience in the recruiting world working with a variety of startup organizations in the greater Seattle and San Diego areas. She has a passion for building recruiting programs from scratch and strategizing with leadership teams on finding top talent Healthcare Think you have a great idea to improve healthcare, but are mystified about how to proceed?

Join us as our panel of experts from across the healthcare spectrum — commercialization, payer, provider, investor and startup — guides you through the complexities of the healthcare ecosystem and identifies additional resources to put you on the path to success. You must be registered to attend however it does not guarantee entry.

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Liz Gruber works across the entrepreneurial ecosystem, plying her operational, project management and communication talents directly in startups as well as the in the organizations that support those companies. In her most recent healthcare role, she served as the Director of Operations Michael Garrett Principal, Mercer.

Her career spans biomedical research, operations, law and venture capital. She spent most of her research career at Immunex Monday October 2, 3: Get your GEEK on! A day of play for those of us old enough to order a beer and young [in spirit] enough to appreciate an event entirely dedicated to geeking out and having fun.

The event will feature a mini tech fair showcasing some of the latest tech products in Seattle and great networking opportunities for those interested in latest and greatest. Come ready to toy around with some classics as well as emerging tech. In fashion and beyond, technology has enabled disruptive new business models that change consumer behavior.

This has opened up the playing field for a new type of winner. Where do we go from here?

The Boss Mom Podcast

Michelle has invested in and advised technology companies for the past 2 decades. She has been a partner at Ignition Ventures since and now is an advisor to SoGal Ventures investing in how the next generation works, plays and stays healthy. Michelle has sat on numerous public I co-founded Fitcode to help women of all shapes and sizes shop with confidence and help retailers lessen costly returns.

Before founding Fitcode, I earned a degree in political science and government from the University of Washington, where I was a varsity letter winner on the She's worked primarily on cutting edge technology, with patents in platform technologies and ux design — build stuff people want. Garmentory's marketplace now leads the category with over merchants, including partner brick and mortar locations.

The company is growing quickly and venture financed. Stephanie Sprangers is the CEO and Founder of Glamhive, an online personal styling platform that connects people with top stylists and makeup artists from around the world. Navigating the firehose of startup advice and truisms When it comes to startup advice, there IS such a thing as too much of a good thing.

There is no shortage of advice when it comes to how to start and scale a company. Advisors, investors, fellow founders - they all have different perspectives and experiences to share, on a variety of topics from teams to fundraising. Anne Weiler, is CEO and co-founder of Wellpepper, a clinically-validated and award-winning platform for digital patient treatment plans. She co-founded Wellpepper in late with Mike Van Snellenberg to address issues of continuity of care experienced when her mother was released Kristina Bergman Kristina is a reformed VC turned third time entrepreneur.

Sarah Daniels is CEO and co-founder of Blue Canoe Learning, a startup transforming how non-native English speakers improve their pronunciation, and in turn their careers and lives. Sarah leads a team bringing together a proven educational methodology, speech recognition and machine Laura Malcolm is founder and CEO of Give InKind, a marketplace connecting people to products and services during a time of need, making it possible to lend a hand from anywhere. Laura has spent the last 10 years building and launching both B2C and B2B products for companies like business.

Monday October 2, 4: PicPro - Meir Lakhovsky Mosaic. Monday October 2, 5: In each session, a different entrepreneur will share their startup stories and their process for product development. The entrepreneur will then lead the audience in an interactive discussion on how to test their ideas, identify a target market, and quickly size their revenue opportunity, using their own company as an example of the product development cycle.

Meet Xiao Wang, the founder of Boundless. Boundless provides the tools, information, and personalized support to help families navigate their immigration journey with confidence. Our technology platform helps applicants understand what they are eligible for, complete their government paperwork with confidence, and support them with updates the entire way through the immigration process.

Feel free to bring a meal to eat during the session. No food will be provided. Come hack your hardware and interface your implements. Whether you are a total arduino newbie or you need some advice for finishing your advanced project, this is the meetup for you! Ready to start learning how to build devices? Learn, share and connect to build better hardware with us. Hackster connects the hardware community by helping people around the world learn how to design, create and program Internet-connected hardware.

By bringing together our network of engineers and makers, we hope to support the creation of technologies that make the world a better place. Our goal is simple: Whether you are a total arduino newbie or you need some advice for finishing your advanced Robert Baffi Account Manager, Avnet. As Account Manager, Robert is responsible for supporting customers at each stage of the product life cycle.

A comprehensive portfolio of design and supply chain services makes Avnet the go-to guide for innovators who set the pace Before that she was a science teacher in Austin and taught Chemistry, Medical Microbiology, and Pathophysiology. But her longest gig so far was as a microbiologist for the Texas Department of State Health Services A consummate tutor, he has taught many of the educational sessions at Hackster.

Prosper has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington. Monday October 2, 6: Tuesday , October 3. Join us for a conversation with Tristan. Tristan Kromer founder, Grasshopperherder. Tristan Kromer works with innovation teams and leaders to create amazing products and build startup ecosystems. Tuesday October 3, 8: Startup Investing Alternatives , Lean , Startups. Tuesday October 3, 9: Open Banking and APIs: He resides with his family in West Seattle where they try to spot Orcas and keep up a steady practice of Bikram yoga.

Leadership may begin with the CEO, but each employee has an opportunity to make an outsized impact by adopting an ownership mindset. An employee experience could be the best way to begin your startup career and grow your entreprenurial prowess. Join this Global Cafe roundtable discussion to "write the book" on how to lead from any seat.

Experienced facilitators will guide break out groups to generate ideas, challenges and pitfalls for startup employees. Walk away with a playbook on how to electrify your startup career. She currently advises and consults for early stage startups. Rachel Franchock Gravity Payments. As a learning and development leader at Gravity, Rachel has found success designing, developing and facilitating a variety for learning opportunities from soft skill training to piloting Gravity's first leadership development program.

Rachel also leads Gravity's new hire experience The State of Retail: Joanna Rutter Joanna is a retail tech writer with four years of marketing experience with companies, nonprofits and agencies.

The St Teresa Of Avila Prayer Book

As Dor's Marketing Associate, Joanna collects stories of innovative store owners and crafts content that helps current and prospective retailers alike get the most out of Lessons Learned in Scaling Up Small Businesses The program will feature a variety of industries, where we'll discuss the obstacles that companies face at different stages of growth. Melissa Peterman has been building community through events and online communities since Currently, Melissa is the Townsquared Community Manager for the West Coast; a private social network for small business owners.

For the past two years Melissa has collaborated with the local He has worked comfortably in large and small companies, including many US and European As partner and Executive Chef of Tom Douglas Seattle Kitchen, Eric Tanaka, has been an essential voice and partner in the growth and successes of this leading Seattle restaurant company. In 5 short years Ian has catapulted himself from couch surfing personal trainer and world traveler to owner and Chief Motivating Officer of 7 and counting IanFitness Personal Training and Boot Camp Studios and become Seattle's premier fitness and fatloss expert.

A Leadership Litmus Test: Dale Meador is a lifetime entrepreneur and currently founder of ScaleUp Hub which connects entrepreneurs with the coaching and facilitation services needed to sustainably grow their companies. He honed his coaching skills over the past decade while growing a successful CPA firm and Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Organizations Hear from industry experts on how to implement Artificial intelligence in your organization in different areas including design, engineering, and management.

Based out of NYC, Ellie is primarily focused on making AI real for clients through the development of rapid prototypes and new solution patterns. Prior to this position, she has held a variety of different Emily Carrion is a 5-time start-up veteran and digital marketing leader. She believes in the power of mentorship and is deeply passionate about changing the ratio of women in tech. He is an expert at digital transformation and has significant experience Visionary Artificial Intelligence and Innovation strategist, I love to think strategically and identify opportunities to drive innovation and generate value.

I cultivate an innovative, creative, enthusiastic and collaborative mindset, fostering an energetic culture of team spirit AI , Panel Discussion. Hear from entreprenuers who are building businesses in the FinTech space and what it takes to succeed as well as areas of untapped potential and how Seattle area entrepreneurs can compete. As Executive Vice President at Guidant Financial, Devin is responsible for improving internal processes at Guidant and strategically driving the company forward. In her 8-year tenure at Discover Financial Services, Kristen Tuesday October 3, Learn how these local professional firms design products which delight customers, and how they are able to deliver these products on-time and under-budget.

Sean MacLeod is an entrepreneur specializing in the commercialization of life science applications and medical device technologies. Sean has 25 years of experience as an executive, business leader, entrepreneur and engineer. He is a respected thought leader on innovation and an expert Over the years, he has expanded Nytec globally, and formed a talented interdisciplinary team to deliver industry-leading innovative consumer lifestyle product design, engineering and manufacturing management Don Baumgarten has over two decades of experience in product development, project management and mechanical engineering with extensive experience in the design and manufacture of medical devices and high-volume consumer products.

He has managed product development teams in all phases Kuoyong is the founder and principal designer of AERI, a design studio creating ideas that matter to customers and markets. She has been with Synapse since , and has become the resident guru for electrical engineering of fitness electronic products. She specializes in miniaturized low-power electronic design, including Oleha Riden Principal, MistyWest. Rachel Azaroff President, Pitcht. Rachel Azaroff is the President and Founder of Pitcht, a marketing firm that works with startups to express their message in a clear, concise and compelling way to achieve their strategic goals.

Pitcht helps startups with messaging, marketing strategy, go-to-market, and pitching for Bob Crimmins Software engineer and entrepreneur. Lifelong technology professional and entrepreneur. I care about business AND I care about technology. I live two lives. I'm a senior software engineer and I'm a "business guy". I wrote my first BASIC program on punch cards at a time when it was neither cool nor lucrative to be a year-old Amazon Launchpad is a program that makes it easy for startups to launch, market, and distribute their products to hundreds of millions of Amazon customers across the globe.

The program offers a streamlined Heidi Keele has over two decades of experience developing end-to-end integrated marketing programs inclusive of branding, online and go-to-market strategies. Matt Medlin Alliance of Angels. Matt leads Clark Nuber's practice focused on angel and venture-backed enterprises in technology, telecom, consumer products, and health sciences. There he helps start-up and emerging-growth companies establish sound business practices to enhance their ability to raise funds, attract Experienced Investor with a demonstrated history of accomplishment in the public equity and venture industries.

Strong entrepreneurship professional working towards a Anna will help you understand the biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make when it comes to taking action; what separates performing entrepreneurs from struggling ones; and walk you through a simple 6 elemental system for staying focused and balanced, while generating high-paying clients to fuel your ideal life! More importantly, how do we harness that power to work FOR us instead of against us? With her background as a high performance coach and hypnotist, Lindsey will share with you an illuminating exercise that will open your eyes to the enormous potential you have; the myriad ways we creatively hold ourselves back; and most importantly, how we can tap into our best self.

Our minds are hardwired to resist change and avoid uncertainty at all cost, even when said change is for the better, or when said risk has tremendous rewards. Meditation is the art of non-resistance, so as to cultivate greater awareness of self and greater attunement towards others This is your chance to unlock your mind and expand your mental ROI, so you can bring business from where it is, to where you want it to be. It takes guts, grit, and resilience in the face of no agreement. Anna is fiercely committed to empowering the next generation of mission driven leaders. Her vision is to transform our economy from being solely profit drive