No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever

No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever

I'm not going to say "I know for a fact," because really, I wasn't there and can't judge that. Now, the captions beneath the tattoo's for the most part were hilarious. More than once I laughed out loud, I have a strange sense of humor, but my husband didn't seem so amused after I showed him the picture and caption that tickled my funny bone. No Regrets, is a book that will only appeal to those that are tattooed and may even have a bad tattoo themselves. Yep, I'm one of those people that has a bad tattoo, not filthy or anything like that, just something I had gotten as a kid that I now totally regret.

Do I think that I would pull this book off the shelf again to look at?

Editorial Reviews

No, I highly doubt it. Would I give this to a tattooed friend? Only if they have a weird sense of humor, besides that then, no I wouldn't. No Regrets, is hard to give praise to the authors because there is only a foreword, and just a little basic description about how the book came to be. The rest is made up of pictures and snarky comments, not really a whole lot of work in that, especially if they really didn't take all of the pictures themselves.

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Please see our Privacy Policy for more information about our use of data and your rights. Amanda rated it it was ok Dec 29, I laughed out loud, I gasped in horror, for some, there were just no words. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. Some might even tempt you and several will make your stomach turn. Those pages are THAT bad.

I give this book a 3 out of 5. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Make sure to accept our cookies in order to get the best experience out of this website. A Fever in the Heart. Smoke, Mirrors, and Murder. Fatal Friends, Deadly Neighbors. But I Trusted You. Last Dance, Last Chance. If You Really Loved Me.


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No Regrets: The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever [Aviva Yael, P. M. Chen, David Cross] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying. Editorial Reviews. Review. "Either I'm dumb or super advanced, but the tattoo of the dinosaur wearing the fanny pack is pretty amazing. I don't think of NO.

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Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! Phil, Gay Unicorns, and Jesus Christ Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. This definitely lifted my spirits when I needed some cheering up. I'd love to share this with my dad, who thinks I am a "freak" show for having 3 feminine tattoos on my back.

I wonder if this would make him realize how thankful he should be for the few tattoos I have I loved this book!

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I wonder if this would make him realize how thankful he should be for the few tattoos I have. Apr 19, Peacegal rated it really liked it. This is a full-color collection of the most ridiculous and regrettable tattoos ever. Naysayers may be tempted to claim some of this body art cannot possibly be real—but then again, those people have probably never spent any time in a tattoo shop. Jul 20, Julie rated it liked it. This is one of the most hilarious books I have ever seen! It made me feel very smart, I can tell you that.

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It is filled with photos of the most ridiculous tattoos they could find. You have got to check this book out. It takes about 15 minutes to read the whole thing, depending on how many times you have to stop because you are laughing so hard!!! Dec 03, Elaine Meszaros rated it really liked it.

I think the title pretty much says it all. Embarrassing, ghastly, tasteless and generally awful tattoos at their truly lowest. Yep, there's a guy with "loser" tattooed on his forehead, an owl with breasts, a dolphin with a bong, Michael Moore and more. Mar 31, Jessica rated it really liked it Shelves: Some of these are especially heinous. Who the hell decides to get a tattoo of Corky from life goes on. Oh and the tattoo of Patrick Swayze's head and torso atop a horse. That woman needs a fricken life.

Jan 13, Kate rated it it was ok Shelves: This is not a book you really read, but the captions are pretty funny. There were some great, laugh-out-loud tattoos in there my favoite one was the giant head of Maddox Jolie-Pitt tattoo , and some really disgusting, offensive ones.

I can't imagine it will stay on the library's shelves long Jul 09, Cher rated it it was ok Shelves: This collection is comprised mainly of bad renditions of celebrities as tattooes or really bizarrely filthy ones.

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There are about 12 or so that are just so bizarre, they make the book worth a perusal. Aug 13, Erin marked it as to-read Shelves: I was looking for something light and frothy that wouldn't make me at all sad or depressed. It's like this book was looking for me. Jul 25, Eowyn rated it it was amazing. I haven't laughed this hard in a while!