Lacuna: The Sands of Karathi

Birth of an Empire 3.

Lacuna Series - The Lacunaverse

Birth of an Empire 2. Wanderer - Echoes of the Past. Birth of an Empire The Fall. Drifters' Alliance, Book 2. Starship Conquest First Conquest.

Drifters' Alliance, Book 3. Stopover at the Backworlds' Edge. Changing of the Guard. The Path of Duty. The Scars of Northaven. The Empire of Dust. Terror in Our Homeland. A Sci-Fi Bridge Anthology.

A Planet Too Far. Best of Beyond the Stars. The Complete Book I.

Tigress Book II, Part 2: Tigress Book I, Part 2: Love in the Dark. Tigress Book I, Part 3: Tigress Book I, Part 4: Tigress Book I, Part 5: About Publish Join Sign In. Readers Benefits of registering Where are my ebooks? Describe your issue Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our main FAQ page? The Sands of Karathi Series: Lacuna , Book 2 By David Adams. Drawn to a desert world by the legacy of a traitor, the crew of the TFR Beijing discover something abandoned, something forgotten Buddha once said, "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast Book two of the Lacuna series.

The Sands of Karathi - Lacuna: I would like to see what "Ben" has in mind for the future and if Liao continues to save the day.

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Jun 18, Sarah rated it it was amazing. Riveting to the very end. Kept my interest from the very first word to the very last one. Apr 20, Calysta rated it it was amazing. I thought this was a fantastic book, I'll write up specifics tomorrow. I have a lot to say! Oct 01, Jonathon rated it really liked it Shelves: Now we're getting somewhere! The first novel was good, but this one is great.

The universe building has begun. I am really looking forward to future installments of this series. Oct 21, Aaron Anderson rated it it was ok Shelves: This was worse than book 1. I'm going to rant now under spoiler tags. I mean how stupid can you get?

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Kept my interest for the day it took me to read it. Jun 03, Nancy rated it liked it. Mr Adams is going to hate me even more but here we go. This took right from the story to the bridge of the Galactica, which was not what you wanted to happen. Sorry it looks as though I can't finish due to the complex ideas.

I think that was the single most annoying thing in an annoying book. If they intended to take hi This was worse than book 1. If they intended to take him back to Earth and try him for mass-murder while having already taken over their ship once , they leave him powered? I can't take that much pure stupidity in supposedly capable human characters. I guess I'll finish by talking about the emotional main character.

She's defending humanity, at this point one of two ships they have. Yet she constantly does stupid shit because her lover is missing. I mean no characters are perfect, you don't WANT perfect unreal characters, but come on. Humanity might be extinguished, and she can't do anything smart.

Basically because the pilot was the lover of The Engineer. It's like none of the characters have ever heard of what war is. Enough, I'm done ranting. Sep 15, Ryan Dash rated it it was ok. The writing was clunkier than the first of the series, and the world-building also fell flat. Feb 17, Septima Severa rated it it was ok Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. I should probably say that I've read the second book of the Lacuna series because it's been great since the beginning. And it was my mere curiosity and a bit of boredom - I have to read only something simple these days, too much work to do that I picked this up. Yet I cannot say that this one doesn't have any potential - I believe it can find its fanbase quite easily, actually.

But I'm afraid I don't belong to the fans. It hasn't convinced me about the authenticity of the sto I should probably say that I've read the second book of the Lacuna series because it's been great since the beginning. It hasn't convinced me about the authenticity of the story - I have read the Battlestar Galactica and also watched the series a short time ago, and unfortunately, I do possess quite detailed memory for a certain period of time about every book I picked up.

Yes, it depends on many factors e.

The Sands of Karathi

Unfortunately, I still remember the Battlestar Galactica well - so I couldn't but notice some things that reminded me of that particular universe in Sands of Karathi. In the Lacuna , maybe I haven't associated anything with Galactica. But now it was too much. First, the Jump drive. Although it's another kind of technology here, it serves the same purpose, thus travelling to specific coordinates with faster-than-light drive. The coordinates - a specific set of number, a space GPS okay, it is probably the same across the fandoms, because how otherwise should we interpret a specific place in three dimensions?

They were also Marks.

  1. See a Problem?!
  2. The Sands of Karathi (Lacuna #2) by David Adams!
  3. Laide-soignant en service de psychiatrie (French Edition).
  4. Lacuna: The Sands of Karathi by David Adams - FictionDB;
  5. Cultivez votre jardignité (French Edition).
  6. Reward Yourself?
  7. The Reality of the Supernatural World: Exploring Heavenly Realms and Prophetic Experiences.

You know, the moment when the Galactica was supposed to be transformed into a museum? There were Mark II type fighters And it clicked in imaginary place in my mind. So why the hell does everyone name the type of the fighter plane a "Mark"? And third, the situation, when Cmdr. Melissa Liao listens to the dialogue between the pilots. Although she prefers referring to them by numbers than by callsigns, here they go. They are not the same, but the situation when they are shouting like "He's behind you! Well, I should forget the Battlestar Galactica soon, otherwise it will ruin my perspective The book was short.

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And I noticed, so it makes a point when somebody says that you recognize a good story when you finish the book and realize that it already ended. Actually, I think I picked it only because she was pregnant what a deal - they are adults and surely know how babies are made, so what should be expected when the two of them had sex almost as frequently as it was mentioned in Fifty Shades?

Adams "told" me in this part, so there's no rush - and maybe also no need - to read the third part. A little bit disappointing, isn't it? Feb 05, Mike Nemeth rated it it was amazing. Curse you David Adams! I conjure in my own memory banks the cartoon character of Dick Dastardly and his constant companion Muttley, who would swear like a sailor underwater completely nonsensically.

Lacuna: The Sands of Karathi

My reason for mentioning this, other than being constantly distracted with such useless connections, is that this Australian has such fantastic storytelling ability that his Lacuna series only gets better with each ensuing volume. Commander Melissa Liao and her merry band of ass-kickers on the starship Bejing have just completed hammering the holier than thou cat people and realize that the humans are way out of their league fighting this Alliance.

That earth and its governments went ahead and developed a warp drive despite a warning from the alien overlords to cease and desist means that they face annihilation as a species. Not a good thing. The entire human race decided to roll the dice with this under powered offensive attempt, and winning despite the odds lined up against them weighs heavily on Liao. She appears to be the one everybody looks to in times of conflict, a small woman with the steel resolution.