Origine du nom de famille DAUGA (Oeuvres courtes) (French Edition)

Effects of simultaneous administration of tributyltin TBT and p,p ' -dde on female offspring of Wistar rats. Tissue-level biomarkers and biological effect of mercury on sentinel slugs, Arion ater. Imposex in the indigenous Nassarius kraussianus Mollusca: Neogastropoda from South African harbours. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PAH concentration and composition determined in farmed blue mussels Mytilus edulis in a sea loch pre- and post-closure of an aluminium smelter. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of tributyltin and triphenyltin on oysters and rock shells collected from Taiwan maricuture area.

Polyglutamine expansion induces a protein-damaging stress connecting heat shock protein 70 to the JNK pathway. DNA damage and apoptosis in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Induction of apoptosis in the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis by tri-n-butyltin chloride. Bcl-x S anatagonizes the protective effects of Bcl-x L.

Mitogen-activated protein kinase translocates to the nucleus during ischaemia and is activated during reperfusion. Beta-amyloid induces neuronal apoptosis via a mechanism that involves the c-jun N-terminal kinase pathway and the induction of Fas ligand. Effect of bacterial infection on stem cell pattern in Porifera. Baruch, B, Valeria V. Stem cells in marine organisms. Traditional and Modern Biomedical Prospecting: Molecular mechanism of spicule formation in the demosponge Suberites domuncula: Conservation of the positions of metazoan introns from sponges to humans.

How was metazoan threshold crossed? Possible involvement of heat shock protein 25 in the angiotensin II-induced glomerular mesangial cell contraction via p38 MAP kinase. Organotin-induced apoptosis is modulated by the water pollutant methyl mercury. Osmotic stress activates distinct lipid and MAPK signalling pathways in plants. Application of the alkaline unwinding assay to detect DNA strand breaks in marine bivalves. Concentration dependence of the mechanisms of tributyltin-induced apoptosis. Scale classification based on biochemical markers in mussel application to pollution monitoring in European coasts.

Contamination in sediments, bivalves and sponges of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Evolution of genome-phenome diversity under environmental stress. Involvement of the retinoid X receptor in the development of imposex caused by organotins in gastropods. Further evaluation of the skin micronucleus test: Regulation of c-myc through phosphorylation at Ser and Ser by c-jun N-terminal kinase. Tributyltin biomonitoring using prosobranchs as sentinel organisms. Acute toxicity of tributyltin to the Caprellidea Crustacea: Greater hemocyte bactericidal activity in oysters Crassostrea virginica from a relatively contaminated site in Pensacola Bay, Florida.

Relationships between tissue contaminants and defense-related characteristics of oysters Crassostrea virginica from five Florida bays. Antioxidant enzymes and peroxisome proliferation in relation to contaminant body burdens of PAHs and PCBs in bivalve molluscs, crabs and fish from the Urdaibai and Plentzia estuaries Bay of Biscay. Fundamentals of palaeontology, vol II. Israel program for the Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, p Antioxidants and oxidants regulated signal transduction pathways. In Vitro 22 4: Apoptosis and necrosis following exposure of U cells to increasing concentrations of hydrogen peroxide: Mitogen-activated protein kinases p42mapk and p44mapk are required for fibroblast proliferation.

Sponge 'sentinel' of heavy metals. Defenses of Caribbean sponges against predatory reef fish: Action of Myc in vivo - proliferation and apoptosis. Metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Concentrations of organotin compounds and imposex in the gastropod Hexaplex trunculus from the Lagoon of Venice.

Cell culture of bivalves: Characterization of the voltage-activated currents in cultured atrial myocytes isolated from the heart of the common oyster Crassostrea gigas. Effects of 12 years' operation of a sewage treatment plant on trace metal occurrence within a Mediterranean commercial sponge Spongia officinalis, Demospongiae. Marine sponges as biomonitor of polychlorobiphenyl contamination: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine organisms from the Gulf of Naples, Tyrrhenian Sea.

The use of biological indicator organisms to monitor trace metal pollution in marine and estuarine environments. Biomonitoring of trace aquatic contaminants. Use of indicators in monitoring conservative contaminants. Relation between trophic position and mercury accumulation among fishes from the Tongue River Reservoir, Montana. Effects of environmental variables on uptake of metals. In situ grazing on plankton G10 mm by the boreal sponge Mycale lingua.

Responses of mixed-function oxygenase and antioxidase enzyme system of Mytilus sp. Oxidative stress in response to xenobiotics in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis L.: Uptake and depuration of organic contaminants by blue mussels Mytilus edulis. Exposed to Environmentally Contaminated Sediment. Effects of cadmium on nuclear integrity and DNA repair efficiency in the gill cells of Mytilus edulis L.

Cellular redistribution of inducible Hsp70 protein in the human and rabbit heart in response to the stress of chronic hypoxia: Pro-inflammatory cytokines and environmental stress cause p38 mitogenactivated protein kinase activation by dual phosphorylation on tyrosine and threonine. Petrosia testudinaria as a biomarker for metal contamination at Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India. Mytilus galloprovincialis as a bioindicator of lead pollution: Organotins in zebra mussels Dreissena polymorpha and sediments of the Quebec City Harbour area of the St.

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Particle feeding in natural populations of three marine demosponges. The aquiferous systems of three marine Demospongiae. Natural diet and grazing rate of the temperate sponge Dysidea avara Demospongiae, Dendroceratida throughout an annual cycle. Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. Curr Opin Cell Biol 9 2: Cellular basis of radiation-induced fibrosis. A novel kinase cascade triggered by stress and heat shock that stimulates MAPKAP kinase-2 and phosphorylation of the small heat shock proteins. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with bay-like regions inhibited gap junctional intercellular communication and stimulated MAPK activity.

New insights into the mechanism of imposex induction in the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus. Secondary metabolites from marine sponges. Organotin compounds and selected metals in the marine environment of Northern Adriatic sea. High conservation of the serum response factor within Metazoa: Sustainable production of bioactive compounds from sponges: Molecular evolution of the metazoan extracellular matrix: Purification of a 12,dalton protein that enhances the activation of mitogen-activated protein MAP kinase by MAP kinase kinase.

Human T-cell mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases are related to yeast signal transduction kinases. Short term toxicity of tri-nbutyltin chloride in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri - Richardson yolk sac fry. Hemocytes of Ciona intestinalis express multiple genes involved in innate immune host defense. The Cell Biology of Sponges. A simple technique for quantitation of low levels of DNA damage in individual cells.

Application of the comet and micronucleus assays to the detection of B[a]P genotoxicity in haemocytes of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Cadmium-induced apoptosis in oyster hemocytes involves disturbance of cellular energy balance but no mitochondrial permeability transition. Apoptosis in molluscan immune defense. Invertebrate Survival Journal 6: Mixed-function oxygenase system components and antioxidant enzymes in different marine bivalves: Its relation with contaminant body burdens.

Role of cell signalling involved in induction of apoptosis by benzo[a]pyrene and cyclopenta[c,d]pyrene in Hepa1c1c7 cells. A study on the treatment of antifouling paint waste from shipyard. Apoptosis induced by topoisomerase inhibitors. Anticancer Agents 3 Aerobic biodegradation of organotin compounds in activated sludge batch reactors. Photosymbiosis in intertidal and subtidal tropical sponges. Symbiosis 33, Strandenes, S. The second order effects on commercial shipping of restrictions on the use of TBT. Degradation of tributyltin in microcosm using mekong river sediment.

Apoptosis in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Activation of the protein kinase p38 in the spindle assembly checkpoint and mitotic arrest. Induction of cell death by tributyltin in oyster heart cells Toxicol. Effects of a phycotoxin, okadaic acid, on oyster heart cell survival.

Newly identified stress-responsive protein kinases, Krs-1 and Krs Mechanisms and immunological roles of apoptosis in molluscs. Host specificity of the symbiotic cyanobacterium Oscillatoria spongeliae in marine sponge, Dysides spp. Induction of DNA strand breaks in the mussel Mytilus trossulus and clam Protothaca staminea following Determination of diesel genotoxicity in firebreathers by micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities in buccal mucosa. Antibacterial activity against resistant bacteria and cytotoxicity of four alkaloid toxins isolated from the marine sponge Arenosclera brasiliensis.

Clearance rates and aquiferous systems in two sponges with contrasting life-history strategies. Recognition of endotoxin by cells leading to transmembrane signaling. Electron microscope study of the association between some sponges and bacteria. Pp in Early Life on Earth, S. Columbia University Press, New York. Organotin accumulation in an estuarine food chain: Towards a catalogue of genes transcribed in multiple tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis.

Detection of micronuclei in gill cells and haemocytes of mussels exposed to benzo[a]pyrene. Seasonal variations in the antioxidant defence systems and lipid peroxidation of the digestive gland of mussels. Butyltin species in benthic and pelagic organisms of the Saguenay Fjord Canada and Imposex occurrence in common whelk Buccinum undatum.

Study of DNA damage induction and repair capacity of fresh and cryopreserved lymphocytes exposed to H2O2 and gammairradiation with the alkaline comet assay. Current-induced flow through living sponges in nature. Biomarkers, isotopes and DNA 1. HSP72 can protect cells from heat-induced apoptosis by accelerating the inactivation of stress kinase JNK. Cell Stress Chaperones 5 2: Von Sonntag C New aspects in the free-radical chemistry of pyrimidine nucleobases. Inhibition of p38 MAP kinase activity up-regulates multiple MAP kinase pathways and potentiates 1,dihydroxyvitamin D 3 -induced differentiation of human leukemia HL60 cells.

DNA hypomethylation induced by tributyltin, triphenyltin, and a mixture of these in Sebastiscus marmoratus liver. Sustained activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1 ERK1 is required for the continued expression of cyclin D1 in G1 phase. The effects of copper on the microbial community of a coral reef sponge. A spongin-boring a- proteobacterium is the etiological agent of disease in the Great Barrier Reef sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile.

Investigating the relationship between embryotoxic and genotoxic effects of benzo[a]pyrene, 17alphaethinylestradiol and endosulfan on Crassostrea gigas embryos. The JNK signal transduction pathway. Down on fungal farm. Transcription factor AP-1 regulation by mitogen-activated protein kinase signal transduction pathways. Toll-like receptors are part of the innate immune defense system of sponges demospongiae: Caspase-mediated apoptosis in sponges: Molecular evolution of apoptotic pathways: Ultrastructure of siliceous spicules and microsclerocytes in the marine spongeneofibularia irata N.

Microbial associations in sponges. Ecology, physiology and microbial populations of coral reef sponges. Marine Biology 49 2: Choosing indicators of potential bioeffects from toxic contaminants for application in marine environmental monitoring programs abstr. Asymmetrical response of p38 kinase activation to volume changes in primary rat astrocytes. Assessing consequences of marine pollution by hydrocarbons using sponges as model organisms.

DNA fragmentation in apoptosis. Osmoregulation and fungicide resistance: In vitro desensitization to lipopolysaccharide suppresses tumour necrosis factor, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 gene expression in a similar fashion. Differential expression of cytokines in human blood monocyte subpopulations.

The role of MAP kinases in rapid gene induction after lesioning of the rat sciatic nerve. Eur J Neurosci 20 MAP kinase, biomarqueur, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Suberites domuncula, apoptose It was shown that animal exposure to both chemicals depicted p38 activation for all tested experimental conditions. Moreover, an induction of Bclx-S was observed in the mussel, protein involved in the apoptosis intrasic pathway. In the sponge, apoptosis was caspase 3-dependent while in the mussel, apoptosis was dependent of caspase 3 induction only for some pollutant concentrations.

Activation level was correlated to the level of pollution and to the temperature. To conclude, this study had demonstrated the interest of using p38 as exposure biomarker and apoptosis as effect biomarker. MAP kinase, biomarker, Mytilus galloprovincialis, Suberites domuncula, apoptosis The only living fossils, which can testify about the earliest evolutionary processes in Metazoa on molecular level are the sponges phylum: The present study outlines that stem cells may play essential roles in cellular specialization, embryogenesis and sponge Bauplan formation, using the demosponge Suberites domuncula as a model.

First marker genes have been identified which are expressed in totipotent stem cells and in cells from gemmules. Furthermore, genes have been described that are characteristic for the three main cell lineages in sponges; they all originated from archaeocytes and result in the differentiation of skeletal cells, epithelial cells and contractile cells. Finally it is shown that exposure to the endotoxin LPS lipopolysaccharide a differential gene expression occurs, leading to an upregulation of the gene encoding for perforin and a concomitant down-regulation of noggin, a stem cell marker.

In parallel with this process an increased phosphorylation of the mitogen-activating protein kinase p38 occurs. Other than metazoan organisms, colonies of animal cells, such as choanoflagellates, display no division of labor. Metazoa are grouped into i the morphologically more diverse bilaterians, which themselves are further subdivided into Protostomia, including Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa, and Deuterostomia and ii the non-bilaterian metazoans phyla Porifera, Placozoa, Coelenterata and Ctenophora; Brusca and Brusca During ontogeny a body plan is established which also defines the main axes of the multicellular animal.

The two phyla Porifera and Coelenterata possess only two epithelial layers, the ecto-epithelium surrounding the body and the endo-epithelium Bergquist ; Garrone which encloses the digestive cavity ies ; they are termed diploblastic animals. The two groups are defined by only one apical-basal polarity Wiens et al. The triploblastic, bilaterian animals contain in addition to these external layers a third middle, mesodermal, cell layer which originates usually from the endoderm.

Body pattern formation can be studied during embryogenesis or during differentiation of embryonic cells, e. These morphogenetic processes are based and controlled by differential spatial and temporal expressions of genes that initiate or maintain a large number of signaling pathways Galliot and Miller Segmentation a process during which very similar functional units along a body axis are formed almost simultaneously [in insects] or somite formation sequential formation of units along a body axis [in vertebrates] are features of triploblastic organisms.

The formation of a body axis is controlled by characteristic sets of genes; e. Ancestors of these genes exist in diploblasts, Coelenterata and Porifera as single molecules Hoshiyama et al. During the past few years it was elaborated that the Porifera sponges , as the phylogenetically oldest metazoan phylum, possess already the basic structural and functional elements required for the construction of a body plan Perovic et al.

Sponges are grouped according to the inorganic composition of their skeleton spicules into the classes of Demospongiae and Hexactinellida, which possess hydrated, amorphous, noncrystalline silica spicules and the class of Calcarea, whose skeletal spicules are formed from calcium carbonate Simpson A Sponges, here Lubomirskia baicalensis, have the potency to conduct water from the external milieu through their inhalant openings at the surface to the exhalent apertures, the oscules.

The water flow through a specimen has been visualized with fluorescein; the pulsatory extrusion of the water current can be seen. The choanoderm layer is in red and the pinacoderm layer in blue. After passing the chambers the excurrent canals lead the water current to the oscule os. This complex canal network is composed of discrete choanocyte chambers, connected with a network of incurrent and excurrent canals. Representative species of the different organization levels are shown: This matrix surrounds motile archaeocytes, which are pluripotent, and other differentiated cells, e.

In addition, myocytes exist which allow contraction of the sponge body upon mechanical irritation Simpson The folding of the choanoderm allows the formation of spherical chambers, the choanocyte chambers, of different structural degrees Fig. In the asconoid type, the lateral opening s direct the water current to the continuous layer of choanocytes which face a single atrium and then to the oscule Fig. This organization is seen in some Calcarea, e. In the syconoid type the folding pattern forms choanocyte chambers and the water flow enters the sponge through the porocytes into choanocyte chambers through which the water is pressed into the atrium and finally via the oscule again to the external milieu Fig.

This type of organization is seen in Calcarea and Demospongiae; as an example the calcareous sponge Sycon raphanus is shown here. The leuconoid type derives from the syconoid type of organization Fig. Here, the porocyte openings lead from the vestibule to the connecting incurrent canals and into the choanocyte chambers. Subsequently, the water current is pressed into excurrent canals which open into the atrium and then leaves the organism via the oscule Fig.

Most sponge species, like the marine siliceous demosponge Suberites domuncula Fig. The Hexactinellida have an organization pattern which is reminiscent of the syconoid type and are composed of a choanoderm syncytium see: Recently, the biochemical and molecular basis of the axis formation in sponge, here shown with the freshwater sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis had been demonstrated Fig. By molecular biological techniques in the meantime more than 30, ESTs have been elaborated from the sponge S.

Furthermore, an in vitro 3D-cell [three-dimensional] culture system, termed primmorphs, was established Custodio et al. Primmorph cultures is a newly developed technique to grow sponge cells in vitro; these cells have the potency to proliferate and to differentiate. This system allows an understanding of the roles of the morphogenetic and pattern forming genes.

The extracellular binding sites to the ligands, but also the intracellular domains of these cell membrane receptors remained conserved throughout the animal kingdom. As also functionally proven, the receptors are provided with the properties of outside-in signaling Wimmer et al. This system allowed to study the effects of solute morphogenic factors e. As first branches the three poriferan classes Hexactinellida and Demospongiae emerged and finally the Calcarea evolve from the common ancestor of all metazoan phyla, the Urmetazoa.

The major evolutionary novelties which have to be attributed to the Urmetazoa are those molecules which mediate apoptosis, control morphogenesis, the immune molecules and cell adhesion molecules. The three classes of Porifera are the model systems which comprise a genetic reservoir of pattern formation characteristic for Metazoa; e. As a sister group to the Calcarea, the Cnidaria evolved. In the Cnidaria the paired box transcription factors have been identified. Finally the Urbilateria developed from the Diploblasts two epithelial layers , which are built from three germ layers Triploblasts.

They diverged into the Protostomia, with the crown species D. Within the triploblastic animals the homeobox genes are arranged in clusters The Stem Cell System in Sponges Multicellular animals are characterized by the existence of a series of differentiated somatic cells, in addition to the totipotent germ cells Cory and Adams The different somatic cells types derive from the zygote through the respective stem cell stage; the differentiation proceeds in niches that form a microenvironment in which defined expression patterns of signaling molecules and local environmental factors direct the fate of the cells Jones These niches modify their regulatory properties in response to a changing environment to ensure that stem cell activities meet the needs of an organism for a given differentiated cell type.

Two major types of stem cells derive from the zygote, the germline stem cells and the somatic stem cells. While the germline stem cells retain their total differentiation capacity, this properties is restricted in the somatic stem cells which gradually lose their stem cell propensity. However, recent studies indicate that this traditional view of an irreversible loss of the stem cell ability during maturation of somatic cells might not completely reflect the physiological situation Wagner and Weissman It appears that such fixed points of no return do not always exist but that at all levels of differentiation from the pluripotent progenitor cells to the committed progenitors to the lineage progenitors and finally the terminally differentiated cells, the propensity to act as stem cell is retained, even though with a decreasing intensity.

In consequence, the differentiation lineages of somatic cells are dynamic and plastic and the strong distinction between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells should be reconsidered. Archaeocytes give rise to the major classes of differentiated somatic cells, i the epithelial cells, pinacocytes and choanocytes, ii the cells forming the skeleton, collencytes and sclerocytes, and iii the contractile cells, myocytes Fig.

However, archaeocytes give not only rise to the different somatic cells but also to the germ cells from which the embryos originate Diaz and Another line of differentiation of the archaeocytes is to the thesocytes, the totipotent cells of gemmules which are asexual propagative dissemination bodies. At present, the study of embryonic stem cells in sponges is limited, since no technique to induce mass production of embryos under controlled conditions has yet been successful.

As a substitution, the three-dimensional cell culture has been established for S. Under suitable conditions dissociated, single cells Fig.

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They contain cells of high proliferation and differentiation capacity. It is indicated that during these transitions progenitor cells characteristic for these lineages have to be passed. The potential factors, e. Without losing the high level of stem cell propensity the archaeocytes change to germ cells and also to thesocytes, the dominant cells in gemmules sexual propagation bodies.

The triangles schematically indicate the decrease in stem cell propensity during differentiation Marker Genes In order to underline the view that the metazoan stem cell concept can also be applied to Porifera, characteristic marker genes have been cloned from S. The first cdna identified whose deduced protein shares sequence similarity to mammalian stem cell markers was the mesenchymal stem cell-like protein MSCP. The functional studies revealed that in sponges the expression of this gene is under positive control of the morphogenetic inorganic elements silicon and ferric iron Krasko et al.

It can be cultivated for over two years in aquaria A. D Dissociated single cells from this species can form aggregates which differentiate to primmorphs E after an incubation period of more than 5 days. F A primmorph which developed on galectin-coated culture dishes; it shows canal-like structures. Size bars for A E are given; F,G: Noggin is a glycoprotein that binds bone morphogenetic proteins selectively and antagonizes their effects.

It was initially isolated from Xenopus and found to be expressed in the Spemann s organizer. In vertebrate development noggin is involved in the formation of dorsal mesoderm derivatives, e. If they are induced by the inorganic factors silicate or ferric iron, the archaeocytes give rise to the skeletal cells though an increased expression of genes encoding the structural proteins silicatein and collagen; a process which is mediated by noggin and MSCP Fig.

A third lineage, which gives rise to the aquiferous canal system, is induced by a physical factor; there Iroquois gene expression is induced as a result of an increased water current which is paralleled with the formation of canal-like pores in the primmorphs Perovic et al. In higher metazoans the expression of the Iroquois genes is thought to confer identity to a particular region, and hence it can be classified to the homeotic selector genes see: The early functions of Iroquois in insects include the definition of the eye and notum territories, and in vertebrates the formation of the neural ectoderm.

Two further genes have been cloned which are of relevance for the presented work here, the thymidine kinase and the perforin-like protein. In vertebrate cells, salvage pathway phosphorylation of thymidine is catalyzed by two thymidine kinases, the cell-cycle regulated cytoplasmic thymidine kinase-1 and the constitutively expressed mitochondrial thymidine kinase-2 Segura-Pena et al. In cellular metabolism, thymidine kinase-1 and thymidine kinase-2 serve to maintain sufficient dttp for DNA replication and repair.

Hence the level of thymidine kinase-1 transcripts reflects the extent of cell proliferation of a given cell population. We have cloned from S. Amino acids, identical or similar among two sequences, are in inverted type. The border of the thymidine kinase EC [tdk] domain hamap: B These two sequences were compared with the C. After alignment the phylogenetic tree was built, using the plant sequence as an outgroup; the neighbor-joining method Saitou and Nei was used.

The degree of support for internal branches was further assessed by bootstrapping Felsenstein This high score is also reflected by the constructed rooted phylogenetic tree; the human and the sponge gene fall into one branch Fig. Again separated from these two branches is the thymidine kinase family member from Caenorhabditis elegans. Since sponges are filter feeders that are exposed to large amounts of bacteria present in their surrounding aqueous milieu, they had to develop strategies to resist and defend themselves against attacking microorganisms, among them also the Gram-positive bacteria.

In a previous study we could demonstrate that in primmorphs from S. This minimal definition does not allow a clear distinction of stem cells from other dividing and differentiating cells Cai et al. Surely, stem cells are provided with a high capacity for cell-cycle, for cellular protective and DNA repair mechanisms and for apoptosis.

As outlined above, sponges have developed two propagation systems, sexual reproduction Fig. The asexual reproduction pattern in sponges, gemmule formation, was in focus already of early developmental biologists Laurent Gemmule formation in sponges is induced by environmental factors, e. The cells in the gemmules are the thesocytes, which form a homogenous population Fig. In tissue of adult S. Sequence analyses of the two sponge RTKs shows that the extracellular part of the S. The intracellular TK domain, however, possesses the 12 characteristic subdomains.

The embryonic development protein EED of S.

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Sclerocyte Lineage [Skeletal Cells] Sclerocytes are the cells which produce the siliceous spicules, the skeletal elements of sponges. During differentiation to sclerocytes the genes silicatein and collagen undergo strong expression Krasko et al. In primmorphs as well as in germ cells a high expression of two genes can be identified, the sponge-specific receptor tyrosine kinase RTKvs and the embryonic development protein EED. They might be considered as markers for totipotent stem cells.

At exposure of primmorphs to a water current, the transcription factor Iroquois is expressed; this process is seen primarily in epithelial cells. In contractile cells myocytes , myotrophin is expressed. As underlay of the bars, a photograph of a larva of the freshwater sponge L. The putative Iroquois transcription factor was found to be expressed in cells which are adjacent to the canal system; its expression is upregulated in primmorphs which are cultivated in strong water current Perovic et al. Myocyte Lineage Myocytes in sponges are functionally characterized as cells which synthesize the organic skeletal elements, e.

During the progress of archaeocytes to myocytes, myotrophin is expressed in S. Myotrophin was first found in mammalian systems; in cardiac myocytes myotrophin stimulates protein biosynthesis Sen et al. The sponge myotrophin shares the highest sequence similarity with the human molecule. After incubation of single cells with myotrophin the primmorphs show an unusual elongated, oval appearance. Furthermore, in the presence of myotrophin sponge cells upregulate collagen gene expression. Several studies have revealed that permanent associations exist between certain host sponges and specific microorganisms, however their interactions remained largely unknown Althoff et al.

The fact that sponges are susceptible to microbial infection suggests that they should also be provided with mechanisms to prevent these types of diseases. As examples of the innate immune system, scavenger receptor cysteine rich domains and macrophage derived cytokine-like molecules have been identified which are upregulated during auto- and allografting experiments.

Accordingly, the expression of a lymphocyte-derived cytokine from mammals is up-regulated during non-self experiments in S. The lipopolysaccharide LPS -mediated pathway is an additional mechanism involved in the mammalian immune response. LPS, an endotoxin derived from the outer cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria binds to the cell surface molecule CD14 Ulevitch and Tobias This interaction is mediated by LPS-binding protein s Scott et al.

CD14, a plasma membrane linked molecule presents LPS to a specific transducer resulting in an enhanced production of reactive oxygen metabolites and gene expression reviewed in: Serine-threonine directed MAP mitogen-activating protein kinases are essential components of the LPS-mediated pathway.

These proteins can be grouped into three main families, the extracellular signal-regulated kinases ERKs , the p38 kinases and the c-jun N-terminal kinases JNKs Seger and Krebs In deuterostomes, the latter two kinases are phosphorylated after exposure of cells to LPS Yang et al. Furthermore first insights into the types of microorganisms that are permanently associated with S.

In addition, we obtained evidence that in sponges LPS interacts with Gram-negative bacteria via a cell-surface bound receptor, the LPS-binding protein Wiens et al. The cdna was isolated and the protein expressed. During binding to LPS the protein dimerizes. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that this protein interacts with MyD88, after exposure of the animals towards LPS. Northern blot experiments and in situ hybridization studies showed that the level of the LPS-binding protein does not change after LPS treatment, while MyD88 is strongly upregulated. As an executing molecule of this pathway LPS-binding protein MyD88 the macrophage expressed protein, a perforin-like molecule Mr , was identified.

The cdna was isolated; the gene is highly expressed after LPS treatment, especially at the surfaces of the animals. The recombinant protein comprises biological activity and eliminates Gram-negative bacteria E. These data indicate that S. A signal transduction is established which results in an elevated expression of both MyD88 and the macrophage expressed protein, as executing proteins.

The activation occurs rapidly within the first hour after LPS exposure. Moreover, the inhibitory effect of LPS on cells from S. Tissue is extracted with lysisbuffer 1 TBS [Tris-buffered saline], ph 7. The total protein extract is covalently bound to a wells polystyrene plate. The complexes formed between proteins bound to the plate and the antibodies against pp38 are detected using a peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody and the 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine TMB as substrate. After washing three times with phosphate buffered saline PBS , containing 0.

For this series of experiments extracts from primmorphs had been used. Subsequently, the level of pp38 in the extract was detected with the commercial polyclonal antibodies against phosphorylated p38 pp38 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology and the home-made anti-pp38 antibodies against the S. Immunocomplexes were obtained by addition of a goat anti-rabbit IgG, which had been conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and visualized with the TMB substrate.

Photometric determination was performed at nm S. In addition, also a second commercial polyclonal antibody which was raised against pp38 was used Santa Cruz Biotechnology, California and applied at a dilution 1: At first, the optimal concentration of the extract which reveals the highest signal in the photometric test was titrated. Interestingly, the two antibodies used for this series of experiments, the commercial anti-pp38 Santa Cruz Biotechnology, California and our anti-pp38 raised against the S.

The highest level of phosphorylation of p38 to pp38 was be measured after 60 min Fig. From these data we conclude i firstly that primmorphs from S. Total RNA from primmorphs was isolated by the modified guanidine hydrochloride method Yoshikawa et al. The concentration of each RNA sample was measured using a spectrophotometer. In addition the integrity of RNA samples was assessed by agarose gel electrophoresis.

One microgram of each mrna was reversely transcribed using the oligo dt primer and Super Script II Invitrogen as described Yoshikawa et al. The PCR product lengths had been: GAPDH fragment bp [ranging from: It will be demonstrated that work-related data associated to the phase transition should be taken into account and the role of X-ray crystallography therein will be discussed. X-ray crystallography has become increasingly precise and can nowadays provide specific volumes and their differences as a function of temperature, and also as a function of pressure, humidity, and time.

Le masque Hi-Ox est un. The objective was to understand how the politico-organizational dynamic influenced the implementation process of the DAI. The program theory models were established and their evolution analyzed. It also offers some insights for the creation of international projects that will be locally implemented.

This explains the diversity of the collection. The strength of this initiative is the ability to connect chemists and biologists for the development of hits. These collaborations lead to the identification of new chemical probes. These probes able to modulate a biological function are essential to study biological pathways. They can also be useful for therapeutic applications. This article will describe the major achievements and perspectives of the French Chemical Library. Low-level waste disposal facility siting and site characterization. The final day of the meeting was spent at the offices of Societe Generale pour les Techniques Nouvelles SGN discussing potential areas of future cooperation and exchange.

Efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulins in severe cardiac involvement? The heart involvement in systemic sclerosis is frequent and can touch various sites. The prognosis in the presence of heart disease is poor, but few data are available about its management. She has severe heart failure, supraventricular arrhythmias and symptomatic pericarditis, which required surgical intervention and immunosuppressive drugs steroids with rituximab.

Despite this treatment, she has persistent severe heart impaired function and intravenous immunoglobulins have been initiated. She experienced progressively the improvement of dyspnea, of heart systolic ejection fraction and decrease of Rodnan scale. Our case illustrates a severe heart involvement in systemic sclerosis which have been improved by intravenous immunoglobulins. Organizational Strategies for Critical Transportation Infrastructure: Characteristics of Urban Resilience.

The Case of Montreal. A resilient city is characterized by a network of infrastructures and individuals capable of maintaining their activities in spite of a disturbance Godschalk, Critical infrastructures provide essential services for the functioning of society. In a crisis situation, the interruption or a decrease in performance of critical infrastructures could have important impacts on the population. They are also vulnerable to accidents and cascading effects because on their complexity and tight interdependence Perrow, For these reasons, protection and security of the essential assets and networks are one of the objectives of organizations and governments.

But prevention and recovery are two endpoints of a continuum which include also intermediate concerns: This continuum also includes organizational resilience or system , or the ability to recover quickly after an interruption has occurred. Wildavsky proposes that anticipation strategies work better against known problems while resilience strategies focus on unknown problems. Anticipation policies can unnecessarily immobilize investments against risks, while resilience strategies include the potential for a certain sacrifice in the interests of a more long-term survival and adaptation to changing threats.

In addition, a too large confidence in anticipation strategies can bring loss of capacity of an. Changes in food and nutrient intake of 6- to year-old Germans between the s and To compare the food consumption and nutrient intakes of German children and adolescents in the s with present dietary habits. Secondary analyses of data from representative observational studies.

Children and adolescents aged years living in Germany in the s n and in n The overall changes in food intake were reflected in improvements of macronutrient composition, increased water intake and lower energy density of the diet. Intake of most vitamins and minerals increased in relation to energy intake, but the nutrient density of the diet for vitamins B12 and D decreased. In addition, dietary fibre intake was relatively low and fatty acid and carbohydrate compositions were not favourable. Further efforts will be necessary to improve dietary habits among children and adolescents.

Therapeutic management of BD depends on the clinical presentation and organ involved. Although colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and topical treatments with corticosteroids are often sufficient for mucocutaneous and joint involvement, a more aggressive approach with immunosuppressive agents is warranted for severe manifestations such as posterior uveitis, retinal vasculitis, vascular, neurological and gastrointestinal involvement.

However, some patients still have refractory disease, relapses, sight threatening eye disease, or irreversible organ damage. Recent improvements in the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms have led to the identification of potential targets and future therapies for BD. In contrast to current non-specific immunosuppressive agents, the emergence of immunomodulatory drugs provides the possibility of interfering with specific pathogenic pathways. Novel targeted immunosuppressive therapies might be used in the future for BD. The mean age at onset of uveitis is between 20 and 30 years in male and 30 years in female patients.

Ocular involvement includes anterior, posterior or panuveitis. The main goals in the management of patients with BD uveitis are the rapid control of intraocular inflammation, the prevention of recurrent attacks, the achievement of complete remission, and preservation of vision. The medical treatment of patients with severe uveitis relies on the use of systemically administered drugs, including corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents.

Anti-TNF agents and interferon-alpha seem to be efficient and well-tolerated alternative therapeutic options. Controlled clinical trials are mandatory to define the place of these new immunomodulatory agents in the therapeutic strategy, and especially their use as first-line therapy. Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia PIL , Waldmann's disease, is a rare disorder of unknown etiology characterized by dilated intestinal lacteals leading to lymph leakage into the small-bowel lumen and responsible for protein-losing enteropathy leading to lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia and hypogammaglobulinemia.

The main symptom is bilateral lower limb edema. Edema may be moderate to severe including pleural effusion, pericarditis or ascites. Videocapsule endoscopy may be useful when endoscopic findings are not contributive. Several B-cell lymphomas of the gastrointestinal tract or with extra-intestinal localizations were reported in PIL patients. A long-term strictly low-fat diet associated with medium-chain triglyceride and liposoluble vitamin supplementation is the cornerstone of PIL medical management.

Octreotide, a somatostatin analog, have been proposed with an inconsistent efficacy in association with diet. Surgical small-bowel resection is useful in the rare cases with segmental and localized intestinal lymphangiectasia. A prolonged clinical and biological follow-up is recommended. Case management is a new professional field in France. It is addressed to elderly persons living in community whose situation is regarded as particularly complex. Case managers have to assess needs and coordinate necessary services. One common criteria of complexity is refusal of care.

The objective of this study is to compare the words of users with those of case managers about refusal of care, in order to understand its meaning, professionals' attitudes and ethical challenges. Two researchers have cooperated on this qualitative research: The second one, geriatrician and researcher in medical ethics, lead four focus groups gathering a total of 18 case managers.

Refusal of care often is the result of the will of preserving one's identity, compromised by illness. Individuals seek control on their life. Facing this behaviour, case managers try to secure the individual, by establishing a personal relationship that respects their choices, even if care has to be delayed. Refusal of care may sometimes disclose a desire to vanish, in front of which professionals meet their own limits. To recognise an elderly person that refuses care as a unique individual who can make choices secure his identity, and allow him to change. Different rule-based algorithms were developed to infer HIV-1 susceptibility to antiretrovirals from genotypic data.

However, there is discordance between them, resulting in difficulties for clinical decisions about which treatment to use. Here, we developed ensemble classifiers integrating three interpretation algorithms: Three approaches were applied to develop a classifier with a single resistance profile: The strategies were compared with the Friedman's test and the performance of the classifiers was evaluated using the F-measure, sensitivity and specificity values.

We found that the three strategies had similar performances for the selected antiretrovirals. This study demonstrates that ensemble classifiers can be an alternative tool for clinical decision-making since they provide a single resistance profile from the most commonly used resistance interpretation systems. Syphilis is back since the beginning of this century.

The epidemic affects mainly men having sex with men with a high proportion of HIV-infected patients. The classification of syphilis distinguishes early syphilis where patients are contagious primary, secondary and early latent of less than one year and late syphilis where patients are not or less contagious late latent of more than one year and tertiary.

The clinical presentation of syphilis has not changed. However, we must insist on the early forms of neurosyphilis, notably ophthalmic syphilis often under-diagnosed, as it affects the treatment. Serologic tests may be improved but are very helpful for the positive diagnosis and the follow-up after treatment. Treatment of early syphilis is based on one injection of benzathine benzyl penicillin G. Patients who have had syphilis must be regularly followed-up after treatment, as re-infections are common and are often asymptomatic.

Microwave freeze-thaw technique of injectable drugs. A review from to The aim of the review is to collect information and results about this method. A systematic review of the scientific literature about injectable drug stability studies was performed. From to , 59 drugs were studied by MFTT and the results were presented in 49 publications. Forty papers were presented by 8 teams 2 to 18 by team. Dosages are mainly made by high performance liquid chromatography. Most of the 59 drugs are stable during and after treatment.

Only 3 teams have tested the long-term stability after MFTT, the first for ganciclovir after 7 days, the second for ceftizoxime after 30 days and the third for 19 drugs after 11 to 70 days. Assessment and suggestions for improvements]. Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause invasive infections. Incidence and severity are linked to patients' risk factors. Due to the resistance to leading antibiotics, the anti-pneumococcal vaccination has become a major public health issue. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the anti-pneumococcal vaccine coverage in a population of adults with risk factors.

One hundred and thirty-four patients with an average age of 70 years were included. Patients with no vaccination didn't know the existence of the vaccine or didn't know that vaccination was recommended to them. This study has highlighted a deficit in pneumococcal vaccination coverage and a high level of ignorance of the existence of recommended vaccination. In addition to awareness campaign for patients and caregiver training, the expansion of the vaccine e-book utilization could improve the vaccination status.

Some studies suggest that thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura TTP occurs more often in African Americans. However there is low evidence for this in the literature. The aim of our study was to describe the clinical and biological characteristics of TTP in the Afro-Caribbean population of Martinique. We retrospectively analysed all patients with TTP diagnosed at the Fort-de-France hospital between , January 1st and , December 31st.

It is an immunoglobulin A-related immune complex-mediated disease involving the skin, the joints and the gastrointestinal system. Renal disease may sometimes be associated to these clinical manifestations. Prevalence of the nephritis is highly variable, depending on the series. More rarely, other organs such as the lungs, the heart or the nervous system may be involved. The clinical diagnosis is confirmed by histopathology of the skin leukocytoclastic vasculitis and kidney endo-capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis , showing IgA deposits in these tissues.

Short-term prognosis depends on the severity of digestive involvement, but long-term prognosis depends on the renal disease. Recent publications of pediatric and adult series show that the chronic renal failure may progress, sometimes more than ten years after the initial flare.

Treatment is usually supportive. The benefit of more specific treatments corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs in severe visceral forms usually abdominal or kidney has not yet been established. Infection by human parvovirus B19 erythrovirus B19 is common and usually asymptomatic during childhood conferring lasting protection against a new infection. Parvovirus B19 infection may cause erythema infectiosum 5th disease and aplastic crisis. Secondary symptomatic parvovirus B19 infection in the same patient is rare and its physiopathology is not always clear.

Absence of specific antibodies production after the first episode and persisting parvovirus viremia suggested viral reactivation rather than re-infection. During the second episode, specific antibodies were produced. Similarly to most DNA viruses, parvovirus B19 reactivation is possible in HIV-infected patients while effectively treated by antiretroviral therapy.

A potential therapy for cognitive disorders? Considering the limited effectiveness of drugs treatments in cognitive disorders, the emergence of noninvasive techniques to modify brain function is very interesting. Among these techniques, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation rTMS can modulate cortical excitability and have potential therapeutic effects on cognition and behaviour. These effects are due to physiological modifications in the stimulated cortical tissue and their associated circuits, which depend on the parameters of stimulation.

The objective of this article is to specify current knowledge and efficacy of rTMS in cognitive disorders. Previous studies found very encouraging results with significant improvement of higher brain functions. Nevertheless, these few studies have limits: It is therefore necessary to perform more studies, which identify statistical significant improvement and to specify underlying mechanisms of action and the parameters of use of the rTMS to offer rTMS as a routine therapy for cognitive dysfunction.

The gut and lifesaving strategy]. Mesenteric ischemia is a gut and life-threatening, medical and surgical, digestive and vascular emergency. Mesenteric ischemia is the result of an arterial or venous occlusion, a vasospasm secondary to low-flow states in intensive care patients, aortic clamping during vascular surgery or intestinal transplantation. Progression towards mesenteric infarction and its complications is unpredictable and correlates with high rates of mortality or a high risk of short bowel syndrome in case of survival.

Thus, mesenteric ischemia should be diagnosed and treated at an early stage, when gut injury is still reversible. Diagnostic workup lacks sensitive and specific clinical and biological marker. Consequently, diagnosis and effective therapy can be achieved by a high clinical suspicion and a specific multimodal management: This review highlights the pathophysiological features of chronic and acute mesenteric ischemia, as well as the diagnosis workup and the therapeutic management developed in this Intestinal Stroke Center.

The French medicine pricing committee CEPS has to reconcile several major constraints, including optimal patient access to medicines and a good control of expenditures on reimbursable medicines. As for price setting, there is a significant drop in the prices of medicines in France once they are registered for reimbursement. France is affected by a limited, but costly, flow of innovative medicines, whose prices are higher than those of previous generations, a reflection of an international gradient to which France is obviously subject, despite prices that remain at the low end of the range in Western Europe.

The provision of innovative medicines for all patients who need them has been ensured in France over the last fifteen years at a controlled cost. But with the arrival of new expensive products, a resolute policy of control of expenditures must take over from the fall in prices, and original financing channels will have to be explored. Ocular tuberculosis is a rare form of extra pulmonary tuberculosis.

The aim of this work was to focus on diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of ocular tuberculosis. We report a case series of 14 patients with ocular tuberculosis seen in an infectious diseases department between and The diagnosis was retained on clinical data and a positive tuberculin skin test or interferon-gamma release assay.

The patient's mean age was The most common clinical presentation was uveitis 11 patients and 16 eyes. An extra ocular involvement was associated in three patients. Corticosteroid therapy was associated in 11 cases. The outcome was favorable in all cases. Two patients had maintained visual sequelae. Ocular tuberculosis is a rare disease but still remains a diagnostic problem. It should be considered in case of any chronic ocular symptoms, especially in endemic countries.

Early management can improve the visual prognosis. Pulmonary intravascular talcosis is a rare condition occurring in intravenous drug users injecting oral medications. Talc results in a foreign-body granulomatous reaction giving a radiological haematogenic miliary appearance mimicking miliary tuberculosis. Drug users represent a population at risk for both these conditions and their distinction may be challenging. We reported the case of a man, 33 year-old, intravenous drug addict, detected by the health services because he was the partner of a person who died of contagious and multi-resistant tuberculosis.

Chest X-ray and CT scan showed a typical miliary appearance. Despite negative microbiology, clinical diagnosis of miliary tuberculosis was retained. Due to the lack of radiological improvement despite appropriate antibiotic treatment, re-evaluation and trans-bronchial biopsy were undertaken. The presence of granulomas centered by birefringent foreign bodies in polarized light led to a diagnosis of pulmonary intravascular talcosis.

In the presence of pulmonary miliary in an intravenous drug addict, intravascular talcosis should be suspected. Neuropathic pain is often underestimated and not adequately treated. The DN4 scale is very useful for its identification since it will benefit from pharmacological and non-pharmacological specific alternative care. The pathophysiological mechanisms involve the hyperexcitability of nociceptive pathways or decreased inhibitory descending controls that will be the target of pharmacological treatments.

However, these drugs will only have a partial efficacy on pain. The therapeutic strategy is based on reasonable goals, starting with a monotherapy adapted to the patient's symptoms and comorbidities and increased step by step. Patient compliance to contract is essential and requires clear and complete information. The impact on profession, social and family integration should rapidly be taken into account. In case of inefficiency, a change of the first-line treatment or an association could be considered. Some indications justify a specific therapy.

Patients with resistant chronic pain should be sent to a specialized centre. New drugs are being studied and non-pharmacological support must be evaluated. Opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia OMS is a rare clinical syndrome, of paraneoplastic infectious, post-infectious, post-vaccinal or idiopathic origin.

We report a year-old young man who presented with gait disorder preceded by a febrile rash and retroauricular lymph nodes. Three days before admission, he had headache, vertigo, nausea and vomiting followed by gait unsteadiness and movement disorders of limbs and eyes. On examination, he had OMS syndrome. Cerebro-spinal fluid CSF analysis showed lymphocytic meningitis. Positive serum and CSF immunoglobulin M antibody against rubella virus was demonstrated. He received acyclovir with full recovery within two weeks.

We discuss the peculiarities of this association with a literature review. This observation enlarges the spectrum of neurological manifestations of rubella as well as that of OMS etiologies. Quorum sensing QS is used by bacteria to communicate and synchronize their actions according to the cell density. In this way, they produce and secrete in the surrounding environment small molecules dubbed autoinducers AIs that regulate the expression of certain genes.

The phenotypic traits regulated by QS are diverse and include pathogenicity, biofilm formation or resistance to anti-microbial treatments. Differently from antibiotics, QQ aims at blocking cell signaling and does not alter bacterial survival. This considerably decreases the selection pressure as compared to bactericide treatments and may reduce the occurrence of resistance mechanisms. QQ-enzymes are particularly appealing as they may disrupt molecular QS-signal without entering the cell and in a catalytic way. This review covers several aspects of QQ-based medical applications and the potential subsequent emergence of resistance is discussed.

Representation-based user interfaces for the audiovisual library of the year The audiovisual library of the future will be based on computerized access to digitized documents. In this communication, we address the user interface issues which will arise from this new situation. One cannot simply transfer a user interface designed for the piece by piece production of some audiovisual presentation and make it a tool for accessing full-length movies in an electronic library. One cannot take a digital sound editing tool and propose it as a means to listen to a musical recording.

In our opinion, when computers are used as mediations to existing contents, document representation-based user interfaces are needed. With such user interfaces, a structured visual representation of the document contents is presented to the user, who can then manipulate it to control perception and analysis of these contents. In order to build such manipulable visual representations of audiovisual documents, one needs to automatically extract structural information from the documents contents.

In this communication, we describe possible visual interfaces for various temporal media, and we propose methods for the economically feasible large scale processing of documents. The work presented is sponsored by the Bibliotheque Nationale de France: Using a "whole person" approach and providing a combination of health and social care, the PASS offer an appropriately adapted response to complex health problems within a context of marked social vulnerability and contribute to reducing health inequalities.

The PASS are an example of an interdisciplinary approach to health care which contrasts with the segmentary approach typical of conventional hospital departments. Operating at the interface between primary and secondary care, the PASS have the potential to become key players in developing models of patient pathways. Their presence reduces inappropriate emergency attendances and hospitalisation by offering medical care in a timely fashion, in an outpatient-type setting.

The PASS can provide a resource for research into optimum models of health care, where the social context of health needs are fully recognized and inform medical treatment appropriately. According to their potential development, PASS are living labs of an innovative organizational model of care. One out of four ischemic strokes in France occurs in adults under 65 years old. About a third of them remain unexplained even after an extensive etiological assessment. The most frequently incriminated recreational drug remains cocaine, via several mechanisms. However, several other illegal drugs, some very commonly used such as cannabis, are suspected to have an important role in neurovascular diseases.

In this article, we reviewed the epidemiological, pathophysiological and clinical studies, published in the international literature over the past 30 years. The drug-caused stroke epidemiology needs to be more precisely studied, as well as the underlying mechanisms depending on each drug.

This is a public health issue that affects an economically active population, as stroke is the first cause of acquired handicap in adults. Administration of parenteral iron is a mainstay of iron deficiency treatment. Evaluation and control of this element is an issue for healthcare facilities. Study of parenteral iron use is thus to be evaluated in its impact in terms of hospital economics.

They were then compared to the summary of product characteristics. However, the total dose of iron administered was not in compliance for three quarters of prescriptions. Sixty-eight percent of patients appear under-dosed. Administration's traceability was found for two-thirds. As part of improving practice, close pharmaceutical monitoring of parenteral iron prescribed dosing regimen is essential.

Effective communication with the medical information department and regular awareness raising of prescribers should also allow to give more value to this act. Hospital economics is a real tool to aid decision-making. The series Rencontres du Vietnam, created by Jean Tran Thanh Van in , consists of international meetings aimed to stimulate the development of advanced research in Vietnam and more generally in South East Asia, and to establish collaborative research networks with Western scientific communities.

This conference, as the whole series, also supports the International Center for Interdisciplinary Science Education being built in Quy Nhon. The articles published in this volume present the latest results from the heavy-ion collision programs of RHIC and LHC as well as the corresponding theoretical interpretation and future perspectives. Lower energy nuclear programs were also reviewed, providing a rather complete picture of the state-of-the-art in the field. The extraction of information from social media is an essential yet complicated step for data analysis in multiple domains.

In this paper, we present Vigi4Med Scraper, a generic open source framework for extracting structured data from web forums. Our framework is highly configurable; using a configuration file, the user can freely choose the data to extract from any web forum. The extracted data are anonymized and represented in a semantic structure using Resource Description Framework RDF graphs.

This representation enables efficient manipulation by data analysis algorithms and allows the collected data to be directly linked to any existing semantic resource.

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To avoid server overload, an integrated proxy with caching functionality imposes a minimal delay between sequential requests. Vigi4Med Scraper has successfully extracted greater than gigabytes of data from the web forums of over 20 different websites. Remote entanglement stabilization for modular quantum computing. Quantum information processing in a modular architecture requires to distribute and stabilize entanglement in a qubit network. We present autonomous entanglement stabilization protocols between two qubits that are coupled to distant cavities.

The cavities coupling is mediated and controlled via a three-wave mixing device that generates either a delocalized mode or a two-mode squeezed state between the remote cavities depending on the pump frequency. Local drives on the qubits and the cavities steer and maintain the system to the desired qubit Bell state.

We show that these reservoir-engineering based protocols stabilize entanglement in presence of qubit-cavity asymmetries and losses. Most spectacularly, even a weakly-squeezed state can stabilize a maximally entangled Bell state of two distant qubits through entanglement accumulation. Although it was first planned to use a lift truck for the image survey, budget considerations and taste for experimentation led the project to other perspectives: This heteroclite image survey is being processed by the PPMD master's degree students during this academic year.

Among other type of products, 3D point clouds will be calculated on specific parts of the facade with both sources of images. If the proposed device and methodology to get full image coverage of the main facade happen to be fruitful, the image acquisition phase will be completed later by another team. This article focuses on the production of 3D point clouds with wide angle images on the rose of the main facade. Hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly is a rare and severe form of chronic malaria. This condition is a common cause of splenomegaly in endemic areas.

The diagnosis may be difficult, due to a poorly specific clinical presentation splenomegaly, fatigue, cytopenias , a long delay between residence in a malaria-endemic area and onset of symptoms, and a frequent absence of parasites on conventional thin and thick blood smears.

Les noms de famille d'origine religieuse

A strongly contributive laboratory parameter is the presence of high levels of total immunoglobulin M. When the diagnostic of hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly is considered, search for anti-Plasmodium antibodies and Plasmodium nucleic acids genus and species by PCR is useful. Diagnosis of hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly relies on the simultaneous presence of epidemiological, clinical, biological and follow-up findings.

Regression of both splenomegaly and hypersplenism following antimalarial therapy allows the differential diagnosis with splenic lymphoma, a common complication of hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly. Although rare in Western countries, hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly deserves increased medical awareness to reduce the incidence of incorrect diagnosis, to prevent progression to splenic lymphoma and to avoid splenectomy.

Listeriosis is a food-borne illness leading to bacteriemia or central nervous system infection especially in pregnant women or high-risk patients. It is rarely a localized infection. Breast contamination has rarely been reported in lactating women. We report a breast abscess in man. A 80 year old man, hypertensive and arrhythmic, was explored for weakness and dehydration.

Type 2 diabetes and chronic lymphocytic leukemia were diagnosed. Clinical examination disclosed a breast abcess related to L monocytogenes infection. Histopathological study also revealed a breast subcutaneous infiltration by chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Listeriosis sometimes uncover an unknown immunosuppression, especially in the elderly.

Breast is a non-sterile tissue containing a stable microbiome partly from digestive origin. It can thereby be contaminated by Listeria. The specific cutaneous infiltrate of chronic lymphocytic leukemia can create the conditions for a local infection. New pathophysiological hypotheses and practical issues]. In , besides the fact that it still fills the gastroenterologists' offices and impairs patient's quality of life, the irritable bowel syndrome has considerably evolved on several points.

The pathophysiology is now organized around a consensual hypothesis called the "brain-gut axis", which gather all the influences of peripheral factors as gut microbiota or local serotonin secretion, on the central pain perception, contributing to visceral hypersensitivity and transit modifications. About the diagnosis, the key message is "avoid over-prescription" of additional tests, and reminds that a positive clinical diagnosis based on Rome III criteria is possible after the elimination of simple clinical warning signs. Finally, the food component, a neglected and historical claim of patients, finally finds a strong scientific rational, with a diet low in fermentable sugar and polyols, that gives positive and reproducible results.

The increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics has become a major public health concern bringing the threat of therapeutic impasses. In this context, control of the spread of highly-resistant bacteria emerging antibiotics BHRe , such as glycopeptide-resistant enterococci VRE and Enterobacteriaceae producing carbapenemases CPE , is based on a dual strategy of reducing the prescription of antibiotics to limit the pressure selection and preventing the spread from carriers.

Prevention strategy is based on three different levels such as standard precautions for all patients with a particular focus on the management of excreta, and additional precautions for BHRe carriers. What makes it difficult is that carriage is usually completely asymptomatic, enterobacteria and enterococci are normal commensal of gut microbiota. Explosive dissemination of Enterobacteriaceae producing extended spectrum beta-lactamases in hospital and community heralds the emergence of CPE whose import by patients with a history of hospitalization in abroad may be the main source of spread in France.

To evaluate the economic impact of future prescriptions of etanercept and adalimumab biosimilars at the territorial scale covered by PharmAlp'Ain, a hospitals grouping of orders for health products. Calculation of potential savings in case of biosimilar requirements according to 3 hypotheses: The arrival of biosimilars allows significant savings for medicines market. According to the French recommendations in , the expected savings are between the H 1 and H 2 hypothesis.

The rate of penetration of biosimilars depends on many factors such as the involvement of health professionals, patient adherence, or health authority recommendations. Diagnosis and therapeutic challenges]. Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disorder of unknown cause characterized by non-caseating granuloma in young adults.

The diagnosis and treatment of cardiac sarcoidosis may be challenging. Due to the rarity of the disease, there is no reliable prospective large study to guide therapeutic strategy for cardiac sarcoidosis. Corticosteroids are probably efficacious, in particular in case of atrio-ventricular block or moderate heart failure. What Is An Adverb?

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Mignolo Kay Mathias Robert M. Woodard Sian Preece Jeanette K. Gundel, Nancy Hedberg Bruce M. Van Dijk Teun A. Francis Holder Francis M. Sutton Charles Derber, William A. Guy, Ian Small David R. Dowty, Lauri Karttunen, Arnold M. Zwicky Ellen Bialystok Frederick J. Ewen, Harry van der Hulst George E. Foster-Cohen Editor Frederick J. Timmerman, Edward Schiappa Robert D. Aikhenvald Felix Budelmann Joseph E. Farrell Sarah Smyth, Elena V. Trim Elinor Ochs, Emanuel A. Himmelmann, Bjorn Wiemer P. Rhian Reynolds Philip M. Bakkum Harm Pinkster Lara M. Decandido Pamela Rice Hahn, Ph.

Tecumseh Fitch Evelyn P. Handl, Susanne William B. Orton Contributor , Allan, Ph. Walker, Todd Taylor Charles W. Falk Richard Montague Thomas C. Douglas Brown Dennis L. Forman Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans. Jones Donald Favareau J. Bear Zygmunt Frajzyngier, David S. Maeder, Olga Fischer, William J. Cleary Adrian Akmajian Richard A.

Harnish Anne Eisenberg Elena L. Jucker Chungmin Lee, Greg B. Van Riemsdijk Diane Penrod K. Le Page Cardelle de Hartmann, C. Ferris, John Hedgcock Irina A. Fernandez, Harald Clahsen Mark D. Hefner Jochen Golz, Manfred A.

Chelliah Heiko Narrog Andrea C. Schmid Zygmunt Frajzyngier, David S. Steen Neal Karlen J. Clancy Clements Pieter A. Fuertes-olivera, Ascensin Arribas-bano John R. Te Velde Sarah M. Rooker Michael Byram G. Schumann Janice Moulton, George M. Schur, Richard Ehrlich, Eugene H. Hudson, Robyn Fivush, Patricia J. David Harrison Alexandra Y. Berman Steven Davis, Brendan S. Kibbee Edward Rosset Donald F. Parker Translated by C. Mixco Alan Davies Candice F. Parker William Shakespeare Philip M. Parker Henrik Ibsen Mark C. Parker Ayn Rand Philip M. Parker Thomas More Philip M. Parker Anton Chekhov Philip M.

Parker Charles Dickens Philip M. Parker Joseph Conrad Philip M. Parker William Shakespeare H. Parker Aristophanes Philip M. Stump Peter Good Todd F. Shapiro, David Swinney K. Lycan Katrin Axel Roger D. Woodard Juliette Blevins Heinz F. Casson Contrib James N. Rogers Carmen Fought Gary A. Olson Daniela Gobetti Keith E. Krauss Fay Windsor, M. Pridham Jon Davison Charles A. Diana Hacker Bruce R.

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Apoptosis signaling pathway triggered by the tested chemicals in Suberites domuncula Agents which cause apoptosis also induced in fine DNA damage. In the ground state, the pure nuclear hyperfine levels have been clearly resolved, which allows us to create molecules in the absolute ground state directly with Raman transfer. Student's Book Arguments and Structure: However, unless an exercise was part of the original training package, many times those skills are not MAP kinases are known to phosphorylate p53 on multiple amino acid residues that enhance p53 stabilization Bulavin et al.

Gumperz Northrop Frye Jane D. Flynn, Janis Jensen Judith L. Irvin, Julie Meltzer, Melinda S. Frey and Kenneth N. Adamson Peter Robinson, Nick C. Ellis John Hedgcock, Dana R. Ferris Tony Martin Jeremy H. Davidson Magnus Berg I. Nation Kiki Kennedy-Day G. Widdowson Barbara Schmiedtova S.