Johannes von Gorze in Córdoba (German Edition)

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When I originally saw this question, I quickly thought to myself I could probably name five or so and after thinking a bit more I decided that probably I could come up with seven. The real answer to the question, however, is a staggering ! One of the reason why this high number of wars is so surprising is that the Victorian period, that is spanning the years to , is known as the Pax Britannica and is characterised as a time of relative peace among the great powers as established by the Congress of Vienna in , economic prosperity, reform in law, justice, and education including improvements for provision for the poor and the sick.

This then provides a good starting point for thinking about what peace is because it shows the interconnection between war and peace and the relationship between what peace might have meant in both theory and in practice. Clearly, if a period with wars can be classed as peaceful, it is immediately evident that peace has to be defined in relation to how we also think about war and conflict.

What I want to do today is to show some problems and possibilities with this for the medieval period. The present paper studies the relationship of Charles I , the first Angevin king of Hungary and the papacy based on the documents preserved in the Vatican Secret Archives. After a short description of the research corpus, the After a short description of the research corpus, the author considers which aspects of the contacts can be examined, and demonstrates through the example of the papal beneficial policy how the systematic analysis of the sources can refute historiographical cliches.

The Royal Summit in Buda in Royal Summits in and around Medieval Buda. Herolde sind einem breitem Publikum unter den Stichworten des ritterlichen Turniers und der Wappen bekannt. Ihre gesellschaftliche Wirkung wird hier erstmals systematisch und vergleichend in die sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen gestellt. Der langanhaltende Bedarf nach den Herolden und die Vermittlung ihres Wissens auch im Druck kann aus der Beziehung zwischen Medieneinsatz und gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen als soziales Konstrukt verstanden werden.

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Free trade and free movement of people: In the Early Modern Historian John Watkins called for a 'multidisciplinary reevaluation of one of the oldest, and traditionally one of the most conservative, subfields in the modern discipline of history: In the last ten years or so since that article, the historiography on medieval diplomacy has become a little more populated, yet there was one related discipline or lens through which to look at pre-modern diplomacy that Watkins forgot: King Matthias Corvinus and the Papacy in Early Relations of King Matthias Corvinus and the papacy have been studied by many historians since the nineteenth century.

Uncovering and publishing sources that would elucidate this part of papal and central-European history was of prime Uncovering and publishing sources that would elucidate this part of papal and central-European history was of prime interest. On the basis of these instructions we can reconstruct the king's intentions and plans in the context of the political situation of central Europe in the early s.

At that time, relations to Bohemia and Poland set the framework of the policies, which were influenced from the papal side by the present papal nuncios, especially Lorenzo Roverella. The death of Charles the Bold at the Battle of Nancy on 5th January plunged Northern Europe into a period of intense diplomatic crisis. Louis XI had seized the opportunity to invade parts of the Burgundian territories of Artois and Louis XI had seized the opportunity to invade parts of the Burgundian territories of Artois and Picardy. The crisis threw into doubt the match arranged at Pecquigny between the young Elizabeth of York and the dauphin.

Edward IV had a delicate balance to strike between retaining his favoured match for his daughter and preventing a potentially disastrous total disintegration of the Burgundian territories close to Calais. He has been caricatured as either in thrall to Louis XI owing to the French pension gifted at Picquigny and the lure of the marriage with the dauphin, or idle in the face of the French threat.

Medieval Diplomacy

In reality, his response and that of his closest confidants was much more nuanced, and was aimed at retaining the important French marriage for his daughter whilst also maintaining and enhancing the economically and culturally important ties with Burgundy. This nuanced English response to the crisis is demonstrated clearly in an important but neglected source for the period April to September Despite its importance, this source has hardly ever been mentioned in print by historians apart from a brief note in an article by D.

Morgan and a more recent article in the Ricardian by Michael K. This neglect of a virtually unique document from the Yorkist period in that it comprises personal letters from one of the foremost personalities of the reign of Edward IV and Edward V , probably stems from the fact that it has been badly damaged by both fire and damp. Despite this, and whilst using it for my own doctoral research, it became evident that an edition and translation of the source would be of huge benefit to historians working on the Yorkists and general readers interested in the period.

This article aims to reconstruct the ideology and the political strategy that was behind an apparently senseless embassy of Andronicus II Palaeologus to his son the marquis Theodore I Palaeologus of Montferrat , The highly placed Frankish lord Bivin of Gorze — , married to a daughter of Boso the Elder, functioned as lay abbot of Gorze.

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In the premises, by then semi-derelict, were given by Adalbero, Bishop of Metz, to John of Gorze and Einald of Toul so that they could restore observance of the Rule of St. They did so extremely successfully and the customary of Gorze soon spread to many other monasteries, at first local, such as St. Maximin's Abbey, Trier, and St. Evre's Abbey, Toul, and later in more distant places, such as Bavar Hasdai acquired in his youth a thorough knowledge of Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin, the last-named language being at that time known only to the higher clergy of Spain.

He also studied medicine, and is said to have discovered a panacea, called Al-Faruk. Hasdai arranged the alliances f The Earth's Eastern Hemisphere c. This victory marks the beginning of the dispersion of the local Shi'ites by the new Sunni power. He also continues the war against the Muslims in Sicily and southern Italy. They claim to be descendants from Fatima bint Muhammad, the da Muslim Fraxinet Buckwheat was introduced to Fraxinet by the Andalusis.

They were called muwallad, that is, converts to Islam who spoke both Latin and Arabic. Pope Benedict VII r. Otto's armies swiftly subdue the Danes, consolidating the frontier between Scandinavia and Northern Germany. He forges alliances with Bavarian and Saxon nobles. A great earthquake occurs in England. He is succeeded by his son At-Ta'i as the new ruler of the Abbasid Caliphate.

At-Ta'i has no hold on power and becomes a prisoner in the hands of the Buyid Dynasty. John of Gorze d. The County of Auxerre is a former state of current central France, with capital in Auxerre. History The first count attested by the sources is one Ermenaud, a companion of Charlemagne who reigned around When he revolted, the county was assigned to Robert the Strong.

After the latter's death, Hugh the Abbot was count, but named a viscount in his lieu; later Auxerre was absorbed in Richard of Burgundy's dominion. It returned to the Capetians with Renauld I of Nevers. Auxerre remained part of Nevers until It was sold to the King of France in In , with the annexion of Burgundy, it became definitively part of France.

Ermenaud III of Auxerre c. Adalbero I of Metz? He also became Abbott of Sint-Truiden in Life Provenance Adalbero came from one of the leading families in the area. He was a son of Wigeric, Count palatine of Lotharingia by the Count's marriage to Cunigunda, a daughter from the powerful Ardennes-Verdun dynasty.

March 7 is the 66th day of the year 67th in leap years in the Gregorian calendar. There are days remaining until the end of the year. Jean de Lorraine 9 April — c. Jean de Lorraine was the richest prelate in the reign of Francis I, as well as the most flagrant pluralist. In his mother retired to the Convent of S.

Rudolph or Rudolf Latin: Prior to his election as king, he was Duke of Burgundy and Count of Troyes from He is frequently confused with his uncle Rudolph I of Burgundy. Rudolph was elected king of West Francia in by an assembly of Frankish nobles, to succeed his father-in-law Robert I who was killed at the Battle of Soissons against the deposed king Charles the Simple. He was crowned by Walter, Archbishop of Sens at St.

On assuming the crown he passed the Duchy of Burgundy to his younger brother Hugh the Black. Name In contemporary Latin documents, his name is usually Rodulfus, from the Germanic roots hruod, "glory", and wulf, "wolf". Rodulf and Rudolf are va According to Lactantius and Eusebius, Gorgonius held a high position in the household of the emperor. When the persecution began he was consequently among the first to be charged, and with his companions, Peter, Dorotheus and several others, brutally tortured to death.

According to one version of the legend, Diocletian, wishing to expose Christians in his household, ordered everyone to pay honor to the Roman gods; if they refused, they would be exposed as Christians. The first to be exposed was Diocletian's butler, Peter, surnamed Cubicularius "valet, chamberlain" , who was strung up, his flesh torn from his bones.

Two Christians, Dorotheus, an imperial chamberlain, and Gorgonius, an army officer, protested this treatment, and were also martyred, together with another official, named Migdonius. In the meantime, Pete He married Lucy Charlotte Fergusson, daughter of Dr. He was the brother of the deacon and musicologist Maxime Kovalevsky and the historian Pierre Kovalevsky He was co-founder with Vladimir Lossky of the Brotherhood of St.

Photius and the St Denys Institute He was ordained a priest of the Moscow Patriarchate by Metropolitan Eleutherius Bogoyavlenky in He served as chancellor for his kinsman, Charles Martel. Chrodegang is claimed to be a progenitor of the Frankish dynasty of the Robertians. Landrada was the sister of Rotrude of Hesbaye, Charles Martel's first wife. He was educated first at the Benedictine monastery of Saint-Trond,[4] one of the oldest and most powerful abbeys in the Low Countries, and then at the cathedral school of Metz. At the court of Charles Martel, became his referendary, then chancellor, and in prime minister.

Sometime after , he was appointed to succeed Sigibald as Bishop of Metz, while still retaining his civil office The legal status of drawn pornography depicting minors varies from country to country and concerns simulated pornography and child pornography. Some analysts have argued whether cartoon pornography depicting minors is a "victimless crime".

Carolingian architecture

He married Lucy Charlotte Fergusson, daughter of Dr. At different times these religious houses have formed various orders, congregations or groups, of which the main ones, as far as French monasteries are concerned, are the following: Web, Tablet, Phone, eReader. History The origins of the abbey are a mystery. On the other hand, Ottoman letters combined patterns of Serbian and Turkish diplomatics. Das Konzil von Konstanz und Ungarn.

An argument is the claim that obscene fictional images portray children as sex objects, thereby contributing to child sexual abuse. This argument has been disputed by the fact that there is no scientific basis for that connection as of ,[3] and that restricting sexual expression in drawings or animated games and videos might actually increase the rate of sexual crime by eliminating an outlet for desires that could motivate crime. It was formed in with a mission to return the Orthodox Christian faith to people of western lands, particularly through the use of restored forms of ancient Gallican worship.

Beliefs The OCG maintains traditional Orthodox beliefs and practice, and affirms the doctrinal teachings of the seven great councils. While affirming the theological statements of the latter four councils, the OCG rejects the application to the Oriental Orthodox Churches of those councils' condemnations of monophysitism. History The Orthodox Church of the Gauls has This is a list of the women who have been queens consort or empresses consort of the French monarchy.

All monarchs of France were male, although some women have governed France as regents. Ingeborg of Denmark and Anne of Brittany were each queen more than once. Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy was queen de jure during the Republican and Imperial periods, but never wife of the de facto head of the French state. Thus, the wives of these three kings were queens consort of Navarre as well as of France. Boso was also the nephew of the Boso, Count of Valois, for whom he was named, and of Hucbert, lay abbot of St.

Maurice's Abbey, to which Boso succeeded in This marriage paved the way for Boso's career in the service of his royal brother-in-law. This is a list of people who have acted as official executioners. From there on there would be one only executioner to carry out death sentences for entire Algeria. Upon his nomination, Rasseneux was permitted to choose four among France's and Algeria's former local executioners to be his aides.

A nominee of the Princeps of Rome, Alberic II, his pontificate occurred during the period known as the Saeculum obscurum. The existence of an independent republic of Rome, ruled by Alberic II, — , son of Marozia and the self-styled "prince and senator of the Romans", meant that Agapetus was prevented from exercising any temporal or secular power in Rome and the Papal States.

Tensions between the rival kings of Italy, Berengar II and Otto I allowed Alberic to exercise complete control over Rome and Agapetus, meaning the pope was largely limited to managing internal church affairs. Theodwin also Theodwine, Theodin or Theodevin died probably on 7 March in the Kingdom of Jerusalem [1] was a German cardinal and papal legate of the 12th century. Biography Theodwin was Abbot of Gorze from to ca. Theodwin participated in the papal elections of and He subscribed solemn papal privileges between June 7, and June 15, Diplomacy with Germany Theodwin was the only German cardinal of his era.

For that reason, he was especially influential in the Roman curia and was a close friend of Conrad III of Germany, whose election he supported in Prior to the Second Crusade, the church sent him to Germany in It was named after King Lothair II who received this territory after the kingdom of Middle Francia of his father Lothair I was divided among his sons in Conflict between East and West Francia over Lotharingia was based on the fact that these were the old Frankish homelands of Austrasia, so possession of them was of great prestige.

Name Because Lotharingia lacked a single historic or ethnic identity, contemporaries were unsure what to call it and so it became regnum quondam Lotharii or Lotharii regnum "kingdom [once] History The origins of the abbey are a mystery.


According to another source, this was the site of the Church of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus[3] which stood in front of the hospital. In , the Abbey took the name of St. Arnulf, due to the relics of Arnulf of Metz, Bishop of Metz having been interred there in Charlemagne made this abbey the burial place of his family: Iron Crown of Lombardy, used in Italian coronations from the Lombard era to the 19th century See also; King of Italy Queen of Italy regina Italiae in Latin and regina d'Italia in Italian is a title adopted by many spouses of the rulers of the Italian peninsula after the fall of the Roman Empire.

The details of where and how the ruling kings ruled are in the article about them. Metz, the capital and the prefecture of both the Lorraine region and the Moselle department in France,[1] has a recorded history dating back over 3, years. During this time, it was successively a Celtic oppidum, an important Gallo-Roman city,[2] the Merovingian capital of the Austrasia kingdom,[3] the birthplace of the Carolingian dynasty,[4] a cradle of Gregorian chant,[5] and one of the oldest republics of the common era in Europe.

Ancient history City scape of Divodurum Mediomatricum, ancestor of present-day Metz, ca. The Celtic Mediomatrici tribe was The Hungarian invasions of Europe Hungarian: The westward raids were stopped only with the Magyar defeat of the Battle of Lechfeld of , which led to a new political order in Western Europe centered on the Holy Roman Empire.

The raids in to Byzantine territories continued throughout the 10th century, until the eventual Christianisation of the Magyars and the establishment of the Christian Kingdom of Hunga Except the main part, Kraczkowa has also hamlets such as: Many years ago, Cierpisz, which now constitutes a separate village, belonged to Kraczkowa as well. Here live Beaver who knows beats. Kraczkowa belonged to many families such as Pileccy, Korniaktowie or Potoccy. This article lists queens, countesses, and duchesses consort of the Kingdom, County, Duchy of Burgundy. She is a mythological queen mentioned in the Nibelungenlied who was a witch, who cast a spell on Sigurd making him leave his wife, Brynhildr, for Gudrun.

Brynhildr is probably inspired by the Visigothic princess Brunhilda of Austrasia, who married Merovingian king Sigebert I in The history of Brynhildr includes fratricide, a The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Metz, France. Prior to 19th century 1st-2nd century CE - Gorze-Metz aqueduct built.

Metz becomes capital of Austrasia. It was an Imperial Abbey from the late Carolingian period to History It was founded by Saint Pirmin d. It enjoyed good relations with the Carolingian dynasty and soon became an Imperial abbey, with territorial independence. Whilst situated within the Ortenauer Reichslandvogtei, under the protection of Rudolph of Habsburg —91 , the territory's protectors were an array of local lords: The House of Rohan Breton: Roc'han is a Breton family of viscounts, later dukes and princes in the French nobility, coming from the locality of Rohan in Brittany.

During the Middle-Ages, it was one of the most powerfult families in the Duchy of Brittany. They developed ties with the French and English royal houses as well, and played an important role in French and European history. The only surviving branch of the family is the branch of the Rohan-Rocheforts, Dukes of Montbazon, Dukes of Bouillon and Austrian Princes of Rohan, who emigrated in the early 19th century in Austria.

Sisteron was the only diocese in France which had two cathedrals. Each cathedral had a Chapter, and the two Chapters voted together when an election was held to elect a new bishop of Sisteron. History In , the town of Sisteron belonged to the Province of Gallia Narbonensis Secunda, and held the rank of sixth place. The bishops took note of the fact that Archbishop Bernoin of Vienne had been to Rome to complain to the pope of the increasing disorder of the kingdom since the Western Rite Orthodoxy or Western Orthodoxy or Orthodox Western Rite are terms used to describe congregations that are within Churches of Orthodox tradition but which use liturgies of Western or Latin origin rather than adopting Eastern liturgies such as the Divine Liturgy of St.

While there are some ancient examples of Western Rite communities in areas predominantly using the Byzantine Rite before the Great Schism was fully consolidated the Monastery of Saint Mary of the Latins, often referred to as Amalfi, is a common example , the history of the movement is often considered to begin in the nineteenth century with the life and work of Julian Joseph Overbeck.

In addition, the Western Rite is practiced within religious comm It is the 13th most populous city in Poland. It is the largest economic, cultural and administrative hub in the northern part of the Silesian Voivodeship.