Wellness Wins: A Simple Guide to a Happier, Healthier Life

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It is important to eat a balanced diet and understand the importance of staying fit and healthy throughout the year, anyone can find a way to add health and exercise into their daily routine. Reclaim the Joy of Practice: If you can park further away at the store, do it. Being a minimalist can be as small as reducing the amount of products we use, to learning to prepare more simple meals. Healthy fats also promote good heart health, reduce cholesterol , and contain none of the harmful side effects associated with animal-based saturated fats.

These tips are simple, doable for everyone, affordable, and absolutely life-altering when all combined. No one becomes healthy by wishing, making excuses, or deeming themselves unworthy. Berries are also a great source of vitamin C to kickstart your immune system.

Wellness Wins: A Simple Guide to a Happier, Healthier Life

Eating one green vegetable per day or one leafy green is a great way to get yourself healthier in the kitchen without much thought. It can be a cup of broccoli at dinner or spinach snuck into a smoothie. A cup of green beans at dinner or some leafy kale tossed with chopped sweet potato and some simple seasonings.

These foods provide us with more nutrition than any food out there. A new health practice that many observe, drinking water is essential to hydrating your body first thing in the day after a night long fast. It helps wake you up and is an excellent way to flush out your body first thing to keep you regular, a key part of staying healthy.

Dr. Gordon Fimreite's 15 Steps to Healthy Living Wins Beverly Hi - WSIL-TV 3 Southern Illinois

Remember, your body contains and needs more water than most of us realize. These two beverages boost mental health, liver health, and promote a healthy heart. The key is to leave out the sugar and milk, which takes away most all their benefits. Coffee is even being studied most recently for its healthy effects on the longevity and cancer prevention , while tea has been a long-standing healing remedy for years. Enjoy cups of either in the morning, and even again in the afternoon before 3 p.

Cooking at home does two things: Leave out the middleman and cook more at home, even if that means preparing simple meals such as soup, a protein and veggie, a macro-bowl or salad, or even some smoothies with oatmeal for a fun breakfast for dinner option. Instead of shaking salt on all your food, try using herbs to flavor them instead. For breakfast, use cinnamon, cardamom and ginger for a sweet and spicy flavor. For dinner, try some garam masala , pepper, oregano, basil, and thyme. They also reduce blood pressure levels, unlike excess salt that can lead to hypertension chronically high blood pressure.

Instead of choosing something with sugar, have an apple, some berries, a banana, an orange, or just enjoy sweet veggies like carrots instead. Your body will learn to love the taste of fresh vegetables and fruits when you give it a chance. This might sound difficult but is easier than we all think. Getting up just 30 minutes earlier in the morning will give you plenty of time to get in a good walk or jog.

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If you like to run, even better, but walking is great too. Moving first thing in the day boosts your serotonin levels, provides energy to the body, and also helps you focus better throughout the day. It is also an easy way to improve your metabolism to help manage your weight.

WW Digital Wellness Workshop #93: Make Every Day a Win!

Pick something heavy, whether it be a kettlebell, a dumbell, or even a household item you can grasp in your hands that is heavy but still light enough to pick up. Lift one of these items for just five minutes a day, preferably over your head like you would if you were in the gym, along with by your sides to work your arms, and even hold this while you do a few squats too. Resistance training not only improves your metabolism, but also boosts testosterone in the body that improves your sense of motivation, focus, and even your energy.

It also aids in strengthening the body, even in just five minutes. If you have time for more great, but if not, five minutes is enough to get you out of breath just enough to get good results. If you like to watch television, be sure not to sit there for hours on end while doing so.

Dr. Gordon Fimreite's 15 Steps to Healthy Living Wins Beverly Hi - WSIL-TV 3 Southern Illinois

If you work at a computer all day, get up and move around or try to stand and work however possible. Sitting too long makes you tired, can cause brain fog, increases your insulin levels, and slows down your metabolism. It can even lead to a bad mood, and antsy nature. The body likes to move; give it what it needs.

For instance, if you can take the stairs more often, do it. If you can walk to work, do it. If you can park further away at the store, do it. You get the idea.

Working in a large city makes it easy for most people, but those that rely on cars and public transportation may have to keep this in mind to prevent easy access to more sitting and less activity. Stretching is one of the most overlooked exercises that improves your mood.


Shanahan dives into the genetic benefit of eating according to her philosophy and like a pro athlete , which involves avoiding sugar, minimizing empty starches and drinking down bone broth and stock, which contain healing and connective-tissue-building compounds such as collagen and amino acids. Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach: Digestion issues are real.

Registered dietitian Danielle Capalino wants to help you identify the foods that can cause stomach discomfort and beat the bloat for good. The FODMAP approach is backed by science but Capalino breaks down the difference between this approach and a gluten-free diet and gives a sample meal plan and recipe to help you get started. Fitzgerald outlines five core habits and key strategies for top performance: We're constantly adding new features in a race with ourselves to build technologies that will help your books fly out of book-stores.

Among his many achievements, he was elected Wisconsin Chiropractor of the Year, publishes blogs, authors books,and continues to lecture extensively.

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Description Wellness Wins is an easy to follow and implement guide to a happier and healthier life. Written by 2 holistic family doctors with over 65 years combined experience, the chapters lead readers through simple exercise, nutrition, spiritual, mental attitude, postural, and anti-aging strategies. These proven, safe, and inexpensive instructions are gleaned form the 2 doctors training and experience helping children, adults, and seniors regain health and then easily maintain it.

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Wellness Wins is an easy to follow and implement guide to a happier and healthier life. Written by 2 holistic family doctors with over 65 years combined. making the healthy choice the easy choice. I thought it appropriate to create a gift guide specifically with my favorite cozy finds this. Continue Happy Sunday friends! My goal is help make it easy for you to live a healthier life that you love.

Health practitioners are sharing this book with their patients.