The foreign press b. The foreign radio c.
The foreign television broadcasts e. Films of October as international commemorative medium. Proletarian commemoration days b.
Heroes and martyrs as a focus for commemoration c. We invite submissions of proposals for papers on issues pertaining to the international echoes of the commemorations of the October revolution. Priority will be given to proposals that emphasise long timeframes, use a comparative approach, involve the prosopography of attending delegates, or deal with the international circulation of commemorative practices.
sais-je?» n° (French Edition) eBook: Maxime Lefebvre: Kindle-Shop. La politique étrangère de la France depuis (Champs Histoire). Ethnographie du Quai d'Orsay (French Edition) eBook: Christian Lequesne: La politique étrangère de la France depuis (Champs Histoire ).
Proposals should include the title of the presentation, an abstract, and a description of the sources. Length should be about signs. Proposal should be sent to: We kindly ask to use own funds for the travel costs. Only in case this should not be possible, coverage of the travel costs can be held in prospect.
John Keiger Cambridge University et Pr. Gaynor Johnson Kent University.
Shaw who could not attend to Polovtseva, Vincent Robert, Le Temps des banquets. France, German unification, and European integration, in F. Geburtstag , Wiesbaden, Steiner, Le sort le plus enviable est celui de la virilisation: Le public se lasse. Le Groupe des Sept et les deux Europes:
Papers might discuss, but are not limited to: European perspectives Please submit abstracts of c. Duroselle Les Etats-Unis de J. Au 14 octobre Publication Publication of the Lausanne international conference proceedings in a special volume of the journal Twentieth Century Communism: Synopsis It is necessary for purely political reasons to demonstrate to the diplomats and to members of the Communist International the strength of the Republic and the faith the masses of workers have in Soviet power.
Keywords for proposals two primary axes 1. Activities — key moments — mandatory stations for the foreigners a. Celebrations of 7 November abroad: Commemorations in different territories a.
Delegations and tours abroad: The commemorations in foreign medias a. Films of October as international commemorative medium VI.
October in the communist calendar a. Diplomates publics entre Est et Ouest: Avec la participation de: The European Commission as a Cold War player.
Le Groupe des Sept et les deux Europes: Selon Coste , p. Il ne semble pourtant pas que cela soit une exception. Alors que Language Learning: La position de B. Le changement du sous-titre de la revue Language Learning Brumfit, Christopher John Corder, Stephen Pit Corder, Stephen Pit a.
Presses universitaires de Rennes. La Guerre des mots. Les Politiques au pied du mur Varia. Les Urnes de l'oncle Sam. Geoffroy Huard, Les Gays sous le franquisme.
Burton, Friendship and Empire: L'administration territoriale de la France. Jean-Claude Caron et Jean Garrigues.
Christine Bard et Bibia Pavard. Jean Garrigues, Les hommes providentiels. Les spectacles sous le Second Empire , dir.
Vincent Robert, Le Temps des banquets. Brunell, Redistricting and Representation: Sylvie Guillaume et Thierry Truel. Emmanuel Fureix, La France des larmes.