Colours of Love - Entblößt: Roman (German Edition)

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Just be forewarned I have no idea when the next book will be released in English. However the German and French versions are available. If anyone finds out about the English version please let me know. ARC kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. View all 22 comments. She is vibrant and has high expectations for herself.

She is driven in her studies and work. She is thrilled to have been given the opportunity to experience a three month internship at Huntington Ventures in London. Little did she know that this internship would change the course of her life forever. The helm of Huntington Ventures is steered by the alluring Jonathan Huntington. Jonathan "Jonathan is rich, i 3. Jonathan "Jonathan is rich, incredibly attractive, and stems from British royalty-but he is a far cry from Prince Charming. He is smooth, attractive, polished, and the second Grace meets Jonathan she is completely consumed with his mere presence.

As soon as she arrives at the airport, she spots him. He is there to pick up a business partner Yuuto Nagako. Jonathan offers to transport Grace straight to the office. The proximity of Jonathan and Grace in the limo begins to stir the flames of attraction between the two. Upon arrival to the company, Grace meets the pleasant Annie. When Grace discovers she doesn't have a place to live, Annie brings her home and invites her to live with her. Things seem to be heading in the right direction for Grace. However, Annie doesn't waste a minute warning Grace about "the boss" Jonathan.

He's too much for you to handle. He invites her to be his personal intern. She is allowed to attend all of his meetings and be his shadow. As Grace begins to spend more time with Jonathan her attraction to him grows. It is obvious that he feels something for her as well. It is revealed that Jonathan has a close relationship with his sister Sarah but he despises his father. He has a great deal of pressure placed on him to "carry on the family name" by marrying and producing an heir.

Truthfully, Jonathan just wants to continue his drive to professional success and enjoy the wilder side of life by visiting "the club". Grace is so attracted to Jonathan and the time they are spending together only heightens her desire to be with him. Despite the continuous warnings from her roommate and his questionable visits to the club, Grace cannot help but offer herself to him. Eventually Jonathan gives into his own desire for Grace. They begin a steamy affair. Warning view spoiler [Grace is a virgin. She willingly gives herself to him and he doesn't even have the decency to hold her after.

Above all, you need to learn that I don't belong to you, Grace. I can teach you how good sex is. But the main rule is: Due to his high profile, the paparazzi discovers their relationship and releases a picture of the two together. When their actions are aired out in the public, the consequences are great. Jonathan is reminded that needs to keep an emotional distance from Grace.

Grace is concerned about her reputation. Even with the drama building between the two, Grace remains drawn to Jonathan. The love he has for his sister gives her the faith she needs to continue the relationship. However, there are still so many questions. What happens at the club? Why is Jonathan so secretive with his friend and business partner Yuuto Nagako? At the conclusion of this book, Grace is left with accepting Jonathan for who he truly is or walking away.

Overall, I felt like Unbound was a good read. I enjoyed the setting of the story and the secondary characters were authentic and extremely likable. However, there were a few things that didn't work well for me. The writing style was a bit narrative for my taste. I struggled with the transformation that Grace made throughout the book.

I felt that she went from a confident, driven young woman to a child like girl who would take whatever Jonathan dealt her just so that he would be with her. It saddened me to see her broken in such a way. I didn't quite understand Jonathan's character. Although we know because we were told that he is a player and likes to visit the mysterious "club", he didn't display any of that in regards to his actions towards Grace.

He only presented himself as a "cold hearted" Brit who likes to have sex. He stated that he didn't normally sleep with his employees and yet he didn't have a hard time view spoiler [taking her virginity and sending her out the door. Not to mention bringing her to a sex club in order to "sleep" with other people. I am sure that I will check out the next book in this series.

Despite my reservations, I am dying to know what will happen next.

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This book ends in a huge cliffy so beware! View all 18 comments. Because I got the highly coveted internship at Huntington Ventures. Jonathan Maxwell Henry Viscount Huntington , a memeber of the British aristocracy, always busy expanding his various business enterprises, and, according to the local tabloids, one of England's most eli 4 "he isnt good for me" stars …my name is Grace Lawson , …I'm twenty-two, majoring in economics at the University of Chicago.

Jonathan Maxwell Henry Viscount Huntington , a memeber of the British aristocracy, always busy expanding his various business enterprises, and, according to the local tabloids, one of England's most eligible bachelors. With his dark hair and striking blue eyes, he really is incredibly good looking. And there stops every fairtail-ish notion Grace might have had about the man. He's alluring , he's demanding , he's probing and taking what he wants but he doesn't get attached. He's elusive as one can possibly get without vanishing. He's emotionally detached, vacant even. And there's a mistery cloud lingering around him, making him even more attractive … and she is an intern in his company.

This is a forbidden relationship…and so undenaible and palpable …yet Jonathan fights it until he can't any longer…and Grace welcomes him with open arms, enticing and enlightning carnal desire…for him. I want you too. It might come true. And it might be very different from what you imagine. We'll just have seks. A lot of seks. For as long as we're both having fun.

If you're expecting something like that, you're going to get hurt — but it won't be my concern.

I want the impossible — I want him to belong to me. Not half or a little, but completely. Everything I found so arousing before suddenly repulses me: Because for him I'm just one of many — interchangeable, replaceable. Because his interest in me doesn't go any deeper than that, even though I really wanted to believe it did…. Because I just don't have a future with him. View all 4 comments. Nov 18, Marjorie W. This isn't a review, not really at least. I have no idea how that happened.

Anyway, this wasn't the best book I've ever read, to be honest. At first, I was really enjoying it, and I feel like that might be because I was book-deprived, once I This isn't a review, not really at least. At first, I was really enjoying it, and I feel like that might be because I was book-deprived, once I got over my book-crave, I started seeing all the flaws this book had.

The main thing that bothered me was the story line. I feel like it was kind of unoriginal. I felt like I had seen it before, you know, the boring girl starts working for a big company, the rich-as-fuck Owner of the company is a sex god with major commitment issues, but oh-so-surprisingly, he takes an interest in the new awkward girl that works for him. I mean, we've all seen that one before. So, yeah, the story in itself wasn't very original. I wanted to know what the deal with that guy was. That helped the book a bit. THAT, people, made me really happy.

Finally, an Erotic Romance that doesn't need any sort of side-bitch to be kind of enjoyable. If it didn't have at least these two things, I'd probably have rated it lower. To me, the originality of the premise is quite important, and unfortunately, aside from these two things it wasn't really original or different.

One thing I'm quite confused about is the main female protagonist, Grace. I'm confused on whether I liked her or not. She's extremely naive, awkward, clumsy, and very inexperienced with men, blah blah blah. You know the drift. She wasn't the heroine who's all of that but pretend to be someone else. She was all of these things and was very upfront about it. She knows she's naive. She knows she's awkward and clumsy.

Somehow, she didn't piss me off as much as she should have BECAUSE she wasn't putting her head in the sand and pretending to be someone she's not. It just made it easier for me to deal with the fact that she's the most naive character I've ever read about. I don't have much to say about him actually. He's like the other men. Nothing quite different about him. I don't really care for him. Which surprises me, because I usually like that kind of man, whether they're different or not, but somehow, Jonathan didn't do it for me.


Colours of Love - Entblößt: Roman (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Kathryn Taylor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or. Colours of Love - Entfesselt. Roman (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Kathryn Taylor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or.

At least on the girl's part. I don't enjoy insta-love. She was basically obsessed with the guy from day one, and I didn't understand why. To me, Jonathan had nothing interesting about him, so I had a hard time dealing with her insta-love because I didn't understand it. I felt like Grace made a decision based on a stupid sorry but those are my true feelings guy, and that she didn't respect herself. I don't mind weak heroines. But I DO mind heroines that don't respect themselves. In other words, they do stuff they usually wouldn't do because the guy would want them to do it and not because THEY want to do it.

That's what I personally call a heroine that doesn't respect herself. Anyway, those were my thoughts on this book. I won't be continuing the book nor will I continue on with the series. The writing style felt very Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-ish to me, it was easy to read and a quick read, but for me, that's all it was. I'd consider this an "ok" or a "meh" read.

I didn't quite enjoy the story to be honest. It was too much mystery and the big revelation wasn't worth it. The characters, I felt were underdeveloped and weak. And the writing was average. Free copy provided via netgalley. When I'll finally know what happens after the first book ends in a cliffhanger!! Grace Lawson is a very young and a very naive twenty-two year old Economics major from Chicago.

Grace has worked very hard to win a three month internship in London at a company called Huntington Ventures. Grace thinks that he is looking at her and smiling, but he is really looking at the Japanese ma Unbound Colours of Love, 1 by Kathryn Taylor This novel was translated by Iona Italia.

Grace thinks that he is looking at her and smiling, but he is really looking at the Japanese man standing behind her. She goes up to Jonathan Huntington her future boss and shakes his hand introducing herself. Jonathan exclaims "This is Grace Lawson our new intern. Already on the limo ride Grace and Jonathan keep bumping into one another and sparks are beginning to fly between the two of them.

Grace is the one doing most of the narrating throughout this book. Grace is thinking to herself how much better looking Jonathan is in person. She has seen photographs of him before. Grace is instantly attracted and infatuated with Jonathan. When they all arrive at Huntington Ventures Grace is greeted by Annie who takes Grace home with her and gives her a spare bedroom to rent.

Entblößt (Colours of Love, #2) by Kathryn Taylor

Annie warns Grace right away to stay away from Jonathan. The next day Annie shows Grace where she will be working in the Investments department. After working there one day Grace is offered to be Jonathan's Personal Assistant. Never before has Jonathan taken an intern and made them his Personal Assistant. Jonathan tells Grace that she can go with him to all his meetings and shadow him. Grace is becoming more and more attracted to Jonathan. Jonathan tells Grace that he never mixes business with pleasure and by her being his Personal Assistant he is conducting an experiment.

To me, Jonathan is very dark and aloof. He seems to have commitment issues. Jonathan has always been single and wants to remain that way. I could not see what the big attraction was for Grace which as we listen to her inner dialogue as she is the narator. Her atraction to Jonathan just keeps growing and getting stronger. Jonathan and Grace have a long romantic kiss on the elevator.

A strong passionate kiss. Jonathan tells Grace that the kiss was an exception but a couple of nights later he takes her along to a business dinner. Grace gets really intoxicated and wakes up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed with just her underpants and Jonathan's pajama top.

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She doesn't remember how she got there or how she was undressed. As Jonathan had to practically carry her to the limo a photographer takes a snapshot of Grace leaning up against Jonathan. This will have consequences for them both. In the meantime Grace wanders into the kitchen where Jonathan is cooking them breakfast. The two of them have a hot, steamy sexual encounter.

I almost dnf book one and was not interested in book 2 or book 3. After their sexual encounter Jonathan has his driver bring Grace home. When the picture of the two of them end up on the cover of a tabloid they are both pursued by the media. Grace is worried about her reputation and Jonathan, England's most eligible bachelor hide out in Jonathan's townhouse in a rare show of affection for Grace, but she decides she is going to go back to her apartment.

She has gotten the cold shoulder from most of the women at work. Jonathan has told Grace repeatedly not to read anything into their steamy sexual encounters. He tells her repeatedly that they are not making love it is just sex. Grace is so atracted to Jonathan the more time they spend together Grace thinks that Jonathan will change his mind and have a relationship. Jonathan clearly reminds Grace they are just having sex not making love. They usually have their encounters and he sends her right home. There is never any cuddling afterwards because Jonathan wants to remain single and go to his mysterious club.

Jonathan keeps telling Grace it is just sex, you need to learn that I don't belong to you. Grace seems willing to go along with Jonathan's terms. She sees how loving he is with his sister and perhaps that gives her hope that he has it in him. I felt that Grace gave herself willingly to Jonathan.

Jonathan had all of the superficial qualities but lacked depth. He seemed very guarded and cold and dark. I didn't relate to either Grace's character or Jonathan's. The secondary characters seemed likeable and I would have liked to see them developed more. This book ends with a huge cliffhanger. Aug 30, Luzie rated it it was ok. Okay, I'm trying to be constructive here and not give a mean review were I just bad-mouth the book, but this was not the book for me.

Let's start with the storyline, I could not keep track with it, my interest with this book was lessened for every second page or so that I read, and I could not concentrate on the story whatsoever. Also, it reminded me a great deal of FSoG with him being superior to her and the sex club at the end. I did not like the heroine, who was protrayed as naive, had no backbone and was generally just a representation of every cliched female lead in a romance novel.

Jonathan wasn't any better, the author tried to make him mysterious and unreachable for the common people, but in the end he just seemed like a snobby, passive-aggressive douche and I was not rooting for them to get together. Finally this was not my kind of book, but those who liked FSoG, could check it out. I will not be continuing this series! Apr 08, Eva rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Doch dann kommt sie ihm bereits nicht mehr aus, weil er ihr anbietet, sie mitzunehmen.

Jonathan bietet ihr umgehend das Firmen-Penthouse an, doch das lehnt sie ab. Zwischen den beiden beginnt es zu brodeln. Jeder Moment wird intensiver. Annie warnt Grace einige Male vor Jonathan und seinen eigenartigen Beziehungen. Sie wirkt menschlich, ohne abgehoben zu sein. Charaktere Grace ist jung und unerfahren, das kommt mehrmals vor. Jonathan ist das Gegenteil. Er ist Viscount, also ein adeliger, mit all dem, was man sich bei solch einem Menschen erwartet. Sie sagt nein, an einem Punkt, vertraut ihm nicht blind.

Looks like I fall on to the minority who definitely didn't enjoy the book as much as they wanted to.

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From the beginning of the book I lost interest. The same old repetitive playboy billionaire falling for a completely hot girl who happened to be a virgin and she manages to change his ways to the good. Really doesn't this plot seem reeeeeaaaaaallly similar to one of the world famous erotic novel out there?

Although it was similar, I've got to admit that it wasn't bad enough for me to stop reading in the middle. I did completely finish it. Despite everything I wanted to see what happened in the end and also while I'm writing this review I'm reading the second book unfortunately I was too late and couldn't secure the 3rd book. D Now let's see the points that made me dislike this book 1.

Grace Seriously the woman got on my nerves. She knew what she was heading into but she was still so freaking stubborn. She was stupid I won't use the word naive, she was just stubborn to get what she wanted and she was like hot one moment and cold the other. Even being a woman I just couldn't keep up with her. Maybe the author wanted to show her as a strong willed female but for me she was plain annoying. Girl make up your mind!!!

The story line I've already explained that point above 3. Character development It seemed too sudden. They didn't actually manage to impress me. This is a great start at a real relationship between them. Just what Grace wants.

And the sex is steamy hot. I loved how well Grace got along with his family. I enjoyed her friendship with Jonathan's sister, Sarah. Grace can't seem to figure out the mixed signals Jonathan is giving her, but doesn't want to give up on them. However, her finals are in just a few weeks and they require her to go back to Chicago. That topped with the fact that she told him she loved him and he didn't say it back leave her questioning where they stand. Can their relationship survive or will they go their separate ways? I have to say that I was very satisfied with the ending. I know there is a third book in this series and I can't wait to read it, but if the story were to end here I would be okay with that.

I am hoping to see more of Sarah and Alex in the next book. Sarah's so feisty and knows what she wants or I should say who she wants, Alex, but she can't get him to admit his feelings even though it's obvious. So she takes her destiny into her own hands and makes things happen. Luckily it was just the thing that Alex needed. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Mar 09, G. Lima rated it liked it Shelves: Grace hat mich genauso so sehr wie mr hunter aufgeregt. Ich lege wirklich allen jungen Frauen ans Herz Grace nicht als Vorbild zu nehmen. Ich finde man sollte nicht einfach aus dem Fenster springen weil ein typ sagt: Man kann auch manchmal sein eigenes Gehirn benutzen und eine eigene Meinung haben.

Netgalley for an honest review. We find out more about Jonathan and who he is. Grace seems to assert herself more and become more outspoken. We begin where we left off from the first book. It's where Grace sees and experiences a sexual side of Jonathan that she doesn't like. There is a confrontation that allows both to come to an understand and a compromise is made. Grace then trie Netgalley for an honest review. Grace then tries to get Jonathan to open up and would like a real relationship. We then watch the back and forth of these two as they each are struggling with what they each want or are willing to give to each other.

Better pacing and more investing what happens. After Jonathan and Yuuto follow Grace outside of the club, the two men get into a fight over Grace and how she supposedly tricked him into being with her. After fighting for her, Jonathan tells Grace that he is ready for an exclusive relationshi Rating: After fighting for her, Jonathan tells Grace that he is ready for an exclusive relationship, and is not willing to give her up.

The couple become closer, but throughout the book we are exposed to Jonathan's areas of difficulty where he refuses to admit how he feels, which could be a deal breaker for Grace. She loves Jonathan, but does she really want to be in a relationship where her partner can't even admit how he feels about her. It's been a few months since I read the first book, but I was able to remember what happened just fine. Grace and Jonathan's relationship is pretty stereotypical.

There is a boy who first appears cold, then proves he isn't, but they shows that he locks up his emotions and won't let them show. Then there is the girl who comes to love him and then tries to bring those emotions out to no avail. Like I said, quite a stereotypical relationship. A lot of the time in this book I wanted to hit either of the characters, or both at the same time, which his why I rated this lower than I would've otherwise. I wanted to hit Jonathan because he wouldn't admit what he was already showing, and he was so stubborn he wouldn't listen to others.

I wanted to hit Grace because she stayed in a relationship where she didn't feel appreciated in a situation that wasn't sexual. It seemed pretty unhealthy to me! Other than that, there isn't too much to say about this book, because it is your typical closed-off man romance. The plot was quite predictable, and you can definitely tell what's going to happen far before it happens, besides a few minor things which aren't related to Jonathan and Grace.

The ending was the type of ending you could see from a mile away, but was still satisfying to read. Knowing the nature of their relationship, try to guess how the book ended. I'm sure you'll get it right. If you want to know if your guess was right, here it is: After a month or so, he comes running back to her and tells her that he misses her and couldn't live without her, couldn't sleep, and all that jazz.

With great difficulty, he admits he loves her. You were probably quite close in your guess. It bothered me that whenever Grace wanted to confront Jonathan about the way he was acting towards her, if he so much as kissed her, she forgot about it. I do have to say that I enjoyed the first book better than this one, because she seemed like a more willing partner in the relationship.

I would only recommend this book to you if you enjoy the stereotypical "emotionless," can't show love romances. This book picks up with Grace, Jonathan, and Yuuto at the club. Yes there was a cliffhanger at the end of Unbound - Colours of Love but since there is a book 2 you know that Grace and Jonathan are together. That being said, Jonathan insists that he isn't one for settling for one woman but he would try for Grace. He did try, really he did, but it seems like every obstacle that could be put in their way was.

While Jonathan annoyed me plenty of times I loved his sister Sarah. Sarah was finally rele This book picks up with Grace, Jonathan, and Yuuto at the club. Sarah was finally released from the hospital so there was more interaction with her and Grace. Grace seemed a bit stronger in this book, I think she was fed up with the way Yuuto was trying to control everything. I wish I could say it was easy sailing for Grace and Jonathan being together but it was anything but. I don't want to give any spoilers but I will say that Grace goes on two trips, one to Ireland and then one to Chicago.

Kathryn Taylor has a way of keeping you on the hook and wanting more from the story, so while this book didn't end with a huge cliffhanger, I was left wanting to see what would happen next with Grace and Jonathan as well as Sarah and Alexander. I hope that Unleashed will answer all of my questions. Mostly because this was much more tolerable than the first one. Here Grace doesn't act all innocent when she's actually not. I don't know why I'm the only one who sees the huuuuuge similarities between this and fifty shades.

This is pretty much a milder version of it. Everything is so similar!!!!!! It's just too much. Anyway the development was a bit poor for me. Story line was better the characters were much more fun. The best part of the story was view spoiler [ Sarah and Alex's engagement hide spoiler ] and the sad part view spoiler [ they didn't show their romance that much. I didn't know they were dating even hide spoiler ].

Well that will be all for my reviews in this story considering I didn't manage to get ahold of the other books and I'm not that keen enough to buy it from somewhere most probably I won't find it in Sri Lanka, as usual. I'm not feeling that excited to write a proper review so yeah that's it. May 31, Carolin Wahl rated it liked it Shelves: Posted in full http: Uncovered is book two in the Colours of Love trilogy, following on from Unbound which I really enjoyed reading a few months ago.

I did like Uncovered, it was a good continuation of the first book but I really think the author could have made this book so much more. It Posted in full http: The events from the previous book led up to a cliffhanger ending so I was wondering where things were going to be taken at the beginning of this book. Things are pretty tense between Grace and Jonathan and I loved the dramatic start which drew me in. I was rooting and cheering for Jonathan here as he stood up for Grace — dare I say his mean and brooding persona was showing a bit of a softer side?

There were dramatic parts spread all throughout Uncovered which livened up the story and brought out a different side to the characters. I had mixed feelings on Grace but with Jonathan, I grew to like him more as we get to see a more open side to his character. Sarah has her own little story going on in this trilogy which feels a bit rushed, but I do like her character. Unbound had a few sex scenes, all well written, which were sexy and steamy and all of those things.

What I loved more was how they were part of the story, rather than taking over the story. Other than the family drama, this book just seemed to go nowhere.

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They ended before they really got started. I had so many questions stemming from the first book or from what we discovered in this book. But the author seemed in a rush to answer those questions and to close off those parts of the book so then there was nothing left but to add in a sex scene or six.


Some of the language used felt like I was back at school sat in a sex education lesson, not reading a book. It was pretty suspenseful as we wait to see what will happen between Grace and Jonathan. Has Grace been pushed too far? Will Jonathan open his heart to her? Also, just like in Unbound, this book got better as it went on. Bring on the next book Nov 04, Mina rated it liked it. I was kind of let down by this squeal. There just seemed like something missing. I had more questions then answers. The characters in the first book seemed more in depth and you could really relate to them.

By midway through this one I just couldn't figure out they both were so one dimensional. The characters didn't seem to grow or change even though they said they did. It just felt flat and not true. The sex as hot as always. Wow Grace and Jonathan sure know how to light it up with each other! I can truly say they get you hot and bothered during the read! I was very disappointed with the reasons behind Jonathan being so standoffish and unfeeling. I understand the guilt part but I was waiting for that connection to Yuuto.

I always felt that Yuuto had sinister plans and helped bring Jonathan to the unfeeling person he became, but that never came to fruition. This was never truly explained. Nothing explained Yuuto's rash behavior at the club and why he was so upset. There has to be a connection or a reason and it never was brought out, even with Jonathan's father's connections to Yuuto's family. That was so underdeveloped and not there. I was also disappointed in how Jonathan just changed. It was never explained where he went while Grace was in America, he just pops back in and wham a changed man.

The story was good, but not as good as the first. I would love to hear Sarah and Alex's story! Good read but a let down after the first. In Uncovered, we start the morning after Unbound - Colours of Love left off and wade into the relationship of Grace and Jonathan. The title of the sequel is very fitting as we start to peel back the layers that make up Jonathan. Of course, the drama comes with it as well. The family drama, the other woman drama and the almighty "I Love you" drama. There's always relationship drama, but nothing these two can't work through.

This second book in the Colours of Love Trilogy was just as g In Uncovered, we start the morning after Unbound - Colours of Love left off and wade into the relationship of Grace and Jonathan. This second book in the Colours of Love Trilogy was just as good. Still a few grammar errors, but not as many as the first book. I love how the relationship progressed throughout the book because this helped us to understand Jonathan's family drama a lot better.

Nov 19, Susan Hampson rated it it was amazing. This story continues seamlessly from the previous book, Unbound, and what a brilliant moment it is.

It is electric outside of The Club and sparks fly in more ways than one, a pivotal moment that is pure magic. Kathryn Taylor continues to conjour erotic and sensual attraction between Grace and Jonathan. They simply cannot keep their hands off each other but to be honest it became secondary to me. I was totally engrossed in the actual romance of it all. I thought that the story was so very touchin This story continues seamlessly from the previous book, Unbound, and what a brilliant moment it is. I thought that the story was so very touching about Jonathan. The erotic scenes between Jonathan and Grace are very explicit and detailed.

The first book, Unbound, should be read before this book. I am now looking forward to reading the final book in the series. I wish to thank Netgalley and Bastei Entertainment for allowing me to read and review this book. This one was ok I wanted more from this and I didn't get it. I won't be reading the 3rd book really a novella I am fine with how it all panned out and I have a hunch about what the big issue will be next for these two and I am not interested in going that route. Aug 14, Jenifer Kleine rated it it was ok Shelves: I did enjoy the first book in this series, but this one fell a little flat for me.

Maybe I just got tired of this story. There was really no wow factor to keep me interested, just another boring part two. It starts off right where Unbound - Colours of Love ended. That's when you see Jonathan start to change in the way he saw and felt for Grace. Let's just say that Jonathan and Grace didn't really have such a great relationship in Unbound.

He didn't want one, so she savored what ever she could get from him. Jon started realizing that he didn't want to lose Grace so he was now going to play by her rules meaning they'll actually be a couple in a relationship. I think that scared Jon a bit but he was not willing to let Grace go.

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There were times when Jon was cute and surprising but many times he was an ass if you ask me. He was willing to be in a relationship with Grace but he wasn't really that romantic, he was just serious most of the time, he knew what he wanted but didn't think about Grace in his future. It just felt like Jon from Unbound not Jon in a relationship. And in the Manor he didn't even want to introduce Grace as his girlfriend, what's up with that and he avoids her at the charity, he says he was hosting, uh that seemed very cold to me.

Grace in the other hand was trying to figure things out with Jon while keeping her job. Many co-workers were surprised that she actually was good at her job and knew what she was doing, they just assumed that she got special treatment for being the boss's girlfriend, okay she does get special treatment but we do see her doing projects and managing them. Jon and Alex trust her with their business. She doesn't know where she stands with Jon sometimes. He is cute and cuddly sometimes and then cold and distant most of the time and that confuses her, I get confused.

But she doesn't want to give up on him. I liked that we get to know what happened to Jons mom. I think it's always touchy when she is brought up cus you can see that Jon and his dad really miss her and its sad. We learn why Jon is the way he is. We also learn more about his dad the Earl.

He isn't how Jon describes him, he just doesn't get along with his dad.