Astrology Meanings Made Easy:Signs And Meanings, House Meanings, Aspect Meanings.

A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology

Squares create the kind of tension that demands action. Oppositions also create tension, but natives generally seek out others in relationships in order to work out that tension! Note that planets in opposition generally occur with compatible sign elements, while squares generally occur between signs that are considered incompatible by element. Predominant aspects in a chart: Lack of aspects in a chart: The closer the aspect, the more unconscious and habitual it is likely to be.

Interestingly, I have found that we tend to identify more with aspects with wider orbs. Aspects with larger orbs are usually dynamics of our personalities that are most obvious to us, while others in our lives may notice the energies of our closer aspects more than we do. This is because close aspects are very subjective and habitual. They are so much a part of us that we may not pay much attention to the personality dynamics that they represent.

With experience and increased self-awareness as well as feedback from others , we come more in touch with these instinctive facets of our personalities. Of course, astrology can help us better understand these dynamics. Stop to think about each aspect in your chart and accept that it is part of you.

Abandon the idea that any one aspect is more powerful than another, just for the duration of this exercise. Allow yourself to accept that each aspect you see in your chart is a valid energy in your life. The basis of this exercise is acceptance. As well, we are not yet open to the fact that although we live with ourselves every moment, we do not know ourselves all that well! By accepting this concept, we serve to gain tremendous insight into our personalities. We increase our awareness and our mindfulness. For interpretations of the planetary aspects in a natal chart, see Planetary Aspects.

Sun enters Capricorn

Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. People born under the sign of Libra are harmonious, well-balanced, and friendly. They have a tendency to be indecisive. They are good talkers but prefer to avoid arguments and confrontations. They feel their emotions deeply and are very involved in the lives of the people they care for. They love beauty and have good taste.

Librans find it hard to make decisions. They like to think about the matter, agonize over it, and weigh it up carefully before making a decision. This can cause impatience in other people, especially when the indecision is over something that is unimportant. Librans have a strong sense of justice and fair play. They often side with the underdog.

People born under the sign of Scorpio are forceful and determined. They watch and wait for opportunities, using the element of surprise to their advantage. Scorpios usually know what it is that they want, and they possess incredible determination and tenacity, which helps them reach their goals. People born under the sign of Sagittarius are friendly, open, and optimistic. They are naturally enthusiastic and have a great zest for life. Independence is important to them, and they need space and room around them in order to thrive. Sagittarians need to learn to channel their energies, as they often try to do too many different things at the same time.

Sagittarians enjoy learning, and often do this on their own, as they feel hemmed in and restricted in classrooms. They possess considerable foresight and vision, and over a lifetime develop a strong philosophy of life. People born under the sign of Capricorn are solid, practical, and hardworking. They have a serious approach to life and slowly but steadily reach their goals. They are cautious, logical, careful, and fair. They are practical, conservative people who like to work everything out carefully before acting.

According to the basics of astrology, they are thrifty and careful with money. They enjoy saving money but are happy to use it for specific purposes. They find it hard to express their emotions but can be extremely romantic with the right partner. They enjoy family life and are good, responsible, and loving parents.

People born under the sign of Aquarius are sympathetic, broad-minded, tolerant, unconventional, and completely lacking in prejudice. Their humanitarianism extends to all humanity.

Your Zodiac Signs and Meanings

People influenced by Mars are better at doing things, rather than planning them. They allow us to accept others, ourselves, and situations. However, the warm rays of the Sun can be used for both good and ill. It focuses on the future of nations, political parties, and world events. When adversely affected, this creates pride, anger, conceit, and egotism. Aries signs have excellent sense of humor, and they get along with almost everyone at the party and they DO know how to party. They enjoy responsibility and are happiest when managing and organizing others.

Aquarians have a scientific frame of mind and are always progressive and frequently radical in their ideas. They accept people for who they are and accept their needs and idiosyncrasies. They make excellent, long-lasting friendships. Aquarians seek the truth of life in everything they do. They learn using both logic and intuition. They live largely on a mental plane and enjoy coming up with original ideas.

People born under the sign of Pisces are gentle, imaginative, thoughtful, philanthropic, and creative. Although they can be vague and indecisive at times, they are generally popular and make successes of their lives. They need encouragement to perform well. Pisceans are intuitive, receptive, and sympathetic. This makes them good judges of character. However, it also means they get easily hurt, and they suffer in silence when rebuffed or dismissed.

The Major Aspects in Astrology

They are extremely compassionate and are always available with a shoulder to lean on. They are happiest in any occupation that involves helping others. The second most important part of understanding an astrology horoscope chart is called the ascendant, or rising sign. This means that one of the twelve signs was on the eastern horizon at the time you were born. This sign is called the ascendant. If you were born between 4: If you were born between 6: In basic astrology terms, your Sun sign describes your individuality, and your ascendant reveals your personality. It also has an effect on your physical appearance and how you present your individuality in everyday life.

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This places your Sun Sign in the first house. However, you should use your time of birth if you know what it is. Sometimes your friends might be able to help you decide on a possible ascendant by comparing you to the qualities provided by the four elements. Your horoscope sign and ascendant provide valuable insights into you and your nature.

How To Read Your Birth Chart (BASICS)

They also explain why two people of the same sign can be completely different to each other. Someone born under the sign of Aries, with a Leo ascendant, will be outspoken and enjoy being the center of attention. Another Arian, with a Pisces ascendant, will be quieter and more sensitive. Astrologers refer to the Sun and the Moon as planets when doing their calculations.

Zodiac Signs and Astrology Signs Meanings and Characteristics

The ten planets are: According to the basics of astrology, each of these relates to a different side of our personality. The Sun passes through every sign of the zodiac for approximately one month every year. It reveals what we want out of life. The Sun is the giver of life, radiating energy, inspiration, self-awareness, enthusiasm, and wisdom. However, the warm rays of the Sun can be used for both good and ill. When adversely affected, this creates pride, anger, conceit, and egotism.

The Sun relates to the conscious mind. The Moon symbolizes fertility and relates to sensitivity, imagination, feelings, emotions, the subconscious, and intuition. It also relates to nurturing, domesticity, and home and family life. People who are ruled by the Moon are essentially emotional, sensitive, and changeable. In advanced and basic astrology, the Moon relates to the subconscious mind. Mercury governs the nervous system and intellect. It relates to self-expression and getting on with others.

Zodiac Signs and Meanings

Venus is the goddess of love and sexuality. It represents gentility, sociability, beauty, and the arts. It controls the deeper and finer human emotions, such as appreciation, love, and devotion. Venus reveals what you enjoy and how you handle close relationships. Mars, the god of war, symbolizes courage, force, bravery, assertiveness, and physical drive. It gives the qualities of boldness, frankness, endurance, and initiative.

Mars reveals your energy and sexuality. People influenced by Mars are better at doing things, rather than planning them. When Mars is well situated in a chart it gives strength of character, leadership ability, and a strong desire to succeed. It also provides moral courage and the ability to carry ideas through to completion. Ancient astrologers considered Jupiter as being second only to the Sun. It symbolizes wisdom, moderation, and generosity. Jupiter reveals how we enjoy ourselves. Good fortune and luck have always been associated with this planet.

Jupiter is also related to wisdom, knowledge, higher learning, philosophy, ethics, understanding, and the intellect. Saturn is the planet of restriction and restraint, and gives its name to the word saturnine. It reveals our sense of discipline, responsibility, focus, and strength of character. It gives tenacity, prudence, self-control, and concentration. When harnessed and directed, Saturn can be a positive energy that helps people achieve their aims. Uranus is the planet of transformation and regeneration. It reveals originality, individuality, and creativity.

It also provides a humanitarian outlook and an interest in metaphysical pursuits. Origin The origin of the astrological significance of the sextile is from the Zodiac: Air and fire signs are positive, whereas earth and water signs are negative.

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It's a charge, not a value. It can be compared to the Chinese concepts yin and yang. The positive signs are outward and upward, but the negative signs are inward and downward. The former are also warm, and the latter cold in their natural state. So forces within signs of the same charge have the same direction, which makes them stimulate one another. Also, there is math in the aspect: The Sextiles of the horoscope. Zodiac signs of the same charge positive or negative are in Sextile aspects. Also the twelve Houses of the horoscope have sextile aspects, as can be seen in the image.

Keywords There is no room here to describe all the possible sextiles and how they should be interpreted.

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Instead, see the keywords for the planets below, and you will probably figure out what their sextiles will signify. Also take into consideration the Zodiac sign each planet is in, which tells you more about the nature of that planet's influence - and even more so the Houses of the planets, which inform you of where in your life the sextile is mainly active. Here are the keywords for the planets and other points that form aspects: The House of the moon will tell you what you long for the most, and the House of Mercury will tell you what you are the most curious about.

Here are the twelve Houses, and keywords for what part of life they describe: The 2nd House is always in sextile to the 4th House, since one's personal resources are often willingly spent on family and home. Also the twelve signs of the Zodiac have natural sextiles, as mentioned and seen on the illustration above.