Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering

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Lists with This Book. Jul 08, Denis rated it really liked it Shelves: The book is a bit overwhelming if you don't follow along with a debugger but contains some useful tips. The appendix is must read. Jul 09, Frederic Desgreniers rated it really liked it Shelves: Really good introduction to reverse engineering.

Not too hard, but still contains a lot of very useful material. Prior familiarity with assembly definitely helps.

Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering

May 02, Andre rated it liked it. One thing that drives me nuts is when an author treats its readers like novices, then doesn't explain more difficult portions of the material. I read this book cover to cover.

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Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering [Eldad Eilam] on * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Beginning with a basic primer on reverse. The first popular book to show how software reverse engineering can help defend against security threats, speed up development, and unlock the secrets of .

The author isn't showing you how to play patty cake. The author takes more of an academic approach and expects that you the reader will dig into the material more on your own.

Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf

His job is more like a lecturer. Your job is to put in the work to understand what's going on One thing that drives me nuts is when an author treats its readers like novices, then doesn't explain more difficult portions of the material. Your job is to put in the work to understand what's going on.

I love the fact that the author wrote the code for all the examples and then reflects upon what he wrote by approaching the problem from a variety of angles, including how code compiles differently on various compilers, and that this really is difficult. He also spends a lot of time almost too much time dedicated to the ethics.

Sounds like a lawyer at the publishing company wanted to cover someone's tushies.

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The author is amazingly smart. And the stuff he covers isn't simple. I understood maybe half the book? But that's not the book's fault, that's just the reality when you read but don't play in IDA Pro. Jan 03, Moshe Zioni rated it liked it Shelves: I enjoyed reading Reversing, it was fun and educational. Problem with this book is that it didn't meat my expectations.

I hoped to get more information related to security, copy-protections and how to break them knowing is the path to fixing Eilam put a lot of effort and knowledge into one archive that no one else could have compiled before, and truly I enjoyed reading Reversing, it was fun and educational.

Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering

Eilam put a lot of effort and knowledge into one archive that no one else could have compiled before, and truly - is a lone book on a very broad knowledge base that covers reverse engineering in particular in contrast of malware analysis or assembley books Overall - Very solid book and recommended to all that are into reversing. Novice to experts can find some valuable information in it. Aug 27, K rated it it was amazing Shelves: Great for the technically-minded reader, but can go a bit over the head for those inexperienced with low-level hardware.

The text doesn't go into excruciating detail, but gives you enough information to find your way around.

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Highly informative for a comp. Jun 15, Gurudatha Pai rated it really liked it.

Reversing Secrets of Reverse by Eilam, Eldad. - PDF Drive

The things I learned from MOSFET to digital circuits to microchips to microprocessors to assembly languages to high level languages all made much more sense after reading it. I did not however learn to reverse engineer software but that is besides the point. The book is dense, it requires the reader to be familiar with many aspects of digital electronics and computer science. Jul 30, Michael Venzke rated it liked it Shelves: Excellent book for beginners on the subject.

He assists clients with operating system and in-depth software reverse engineering, and has devoted several years to developing advanced reverse engineering techniques. Permissions Request permission to reuse content from this site. Secrets of Reverse Engineering.


Added to Your Shopping Cart. Description Beginning with a basic primer on reverse engineering-including computer internals, operating systems, and assembly language-and then discussing the various applications of reverse engineering, this book provides readers with practical, in-depth techniques for software reverse engineering. The book is broken into two parts, the first deals with security-related reverse engineering and the second explores the more practical aspects of reverse engineering.

In addition, the author explains how to reverse engineer a third-party software library to improve interfacing and how to reverse engineer a competitor's software to build a better product. About the Author Eldad Eilam is a consultant in the field of reverse engineering.

Please read before downloading the code Backdoor. It is non-contagious, but it connects to a central server through which an attacker could theoretically connect to the infected system and control or damage it. The central servers have been taken down long ago, so in its current state the program should be nonetheless harmless. It is not advisable to install the program on a system unless that system was specifically installed for testing purposes and is detached from the network.

Because of security restrictions regarding this file, the complete zip file for this download has been moved and may now be accessed here. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work or the nature or effect of the program and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

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