Presidential Facts for Fun! Washington to Polk

Thomas Jefferson First president to be inaugurated in Washington, D. James Madison Once arrested together with Thomas Jefferson for taking a carriage ride on Sunday in the Vermont countryside … illegal at the time! James Monroe Has a city in Africa named after him: Monrovia, capital of Liberia. Martin Van Buren Wrote an autobiography after serving as president, and never mentioned his wife of 12 years … not even once.

1. George Washington

William Henry Harrison Holds the record for longest inauguration speech in history: John Tyler Had more children than any other president: James Polk One of six presidents named James! Zachary Taylor Kept his favorite horse on the White House lawn. Millard Fillmore His wife Abigail had the first running-water bathtub installed in the White House keep reading to learn who frequently got stuck in said bathtub! Franklin Pierce Took the oath of office with his hand on a law book, not the Bible. James Buchanan Still the only bachelor president!

Andrew Johnson The only tailor ever to be president: Grant Smoked upwards of 20 cigars a day! James Garfield First president ever to talk on the phone.

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Chester Arthur A well-dressed man, Arthur was said to own 80 pairs of pants. William McKinley Said to have worn a red carnation in his lapel, which he gave to a young girl just moments before his assassination. Theodore Roosevelt Every member of his family owned a pair of stilts … even the first lady!

Warren Harding A bit of a gambling addict, he allegedly lost a set of White House china in a poker game. Calvin Coolidge The only president born on the 4th of July. Herbert Hoover Hoover's family had two pet alligators, which sometimes strolled into the White House. Roosevelt Fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt: Truman had no middle name. Eisenhower Was a qualified pilot. Kennedy Got into Harvard even though his father's recommendation letter noted that the boy was "careless" and "lacking application. Johnson Fixated with helicopters, he replaced the Oval Office seat with a vinyl helicopter seat.

Richard Nixon First president to visit all 50 states. Jimmy Carter First president born in a hospital. Democrats ran a smear campaign during Harrison's campaign that tried to cast him as an out-of-touch old fogey who would rather "sit in his log cabin, drinking hard cider" than run the country.

Harrison one-upped the haters by adopting the log cabin and hard cider as campaign symbols. He even commissioned bottles of hard cider shaped like log cabins.

John Tyler had 15 children, more than any other president. Two of his grandsons are still alive today. Here's one for the underdogs. James Polk, nicknamed "Young Hickory," was America's first dark horse presidential candidate. He was considered a Plan B after the more likely choice, Martin Van Buren, failed to secure the party's nomination.

Zachary Taylor was a tough guy — a major general in the U. Army and hero of the Mexican-American War. But oddly enough, what brought him down in the end was a glass of milk and some cherries that he enjoyed on July 4, The cherries were likely contaminated with bacteria that caused his death by cholera five days later. Millard Fillmore lived the dream of many a teenage schoolboy.

Pierce had a tough time guiding the nation and perhaps an even tougher time guiding his horse. During his presidency, Pierce was arrested for running over a woman with his horse. Charges were later dropped due to a lack of evidence.

James Buchanan regularly bought slaves in Washington, D. Images via Flickr, cliff ; Flickr, wapster. Get ready to rumble: Abraham Lincoln could throw down in the wrestling ring.

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Presidential Facts for Fun! Washington to Polk [Wyatt Michaels] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Can you name one of the four presidents. Or that one of George Washington's favorite foods was ice cream? These are just two of the interesting facts about past U.S. presidents National James Polk, the 11th president, was the first president to have his photograph taken. Theodore.

As a young man, he was only defeated once out of approximately matches. In his youth, Johnson apprenticed as a tailor. Even as president, he never stopped making his own suits. Grant smoked a ton of cigars — at least 20 a day. After a great military victory at the Battle of Shiloh, citizens sent him more than 10, boxes of cigars as gratitude.

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  • 1. George Washington?

He died of throat cancer in Hayes was the only president to be wounded in the Civil War — not once, but four times. Four horses were shot down from beneath him ouch.

Images via Wikipedia ; Wikipedia. Not only was Garfield ambidextrous — he could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other at the same time. Arthur was known for his impeccable attire, earning him the nickname "Elegant Arthur. Also, he owned 80 pairs of pants. While serving as sheriff of Erie County, N.

This earned him the unflattering nickname "Buffalo Hangman. Benjamin Harrison was the first president to have electricity in the White House. However, he was so scared of getting electrocuted that he would never touch the light switches himself. Grover Cleveland's epithelium, a small tumor that was removed from the roof of his mouth, resides at the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia.

Images via Wikipedia ; Flickr, lisajewell. William McKinley almost always wore a red carnation on his lapel as a good luck charm.

2. John Adams

While greeting a line of people in , he gave the flower to a little girl. Seconds later, he was shot by an assassin, and died eight days later. Teddy Roosevelt was shot in an assassination attempt while delivering a speech in Milwaukee. Images via Wikipedia ; Flickr, quaziefoto.

2. John Adams

Holds the record for longest inauguration speech in history: Did you know that he is the youngest ever elected president? Presidents, Info the easy way with our free, funny videos on every topic. Fun Facts on the U. The free fact files includes cool info and is a fantastic guide to the achievements of each American President including when they were born, how long they served and what happened during their presidency, each fact sheet includes fascinating historical information, interesting fun facts and a unique fun video. Roosevelt Fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt:

William Taft — also known as "Big Bill" — was the largest president in American history. He once got himself wedged into the White House bathtub and had to call his advisers for help getting out. The bills were mainly designed for trade between between Federal Reserve banks, but fell out of use with the invention of the wire transfer. They still work as legal tender, but good luck finding someone who can break the change for you.

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She was five years older with a year-old son from a former marriage. Flossie's father once threatened to kill Harding if he married his daughter, but she pursued him relentlessly until he gave in. If you thought you had a tough boss, think again.