HEART to HEART [6] (Sparrow)

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View all 17 comments. Sep 22, M'rella rated it it was amazing Shelves: Half a star off for Flit suffering through the abuse like it was nothing view spoiler [, especially considering his previous relationship hide spoiler ]. How is this book free??? Jul 27, ttg rated it really liked it Shelves: This story focuses on Talon, an angry cop griffon shifter who injures Flit, a sparrow shifter who is an advice columnist.

Talon is forced to take care of Flit as he recovers, and Flit realizes that Talon is one big case of troubles that needs fixing and he's just the bird to do it, whether Talon wants it or not. As they squabbl 3. As they squabble over decorating Talon's apartment or avoiding vengeful raptors, both men grow closer, even if they so fiercely don't want to realize it. First of all, this novel is very well-written.

It's filled with inspired bird-related puns that continually add to the world the author has built. For the most part, the characters are very likeable, and the dialogue was great. The main thing that squicked me was Talon's penchant for physical abuse, which pretty much runs throughout the novel. After he hears about Flit's past with abusive relationships, he becomes more cognizant of his own actions, but even up to near the end, he's still bringing his fist in the air, and Flit is still cringing even as he's pushing Talon.

I'm glad for this story's case that things work out, but I'm pretty sure Flit would have gotten a DTMFA message if he wrote to advice columnist Dan Savage about his relationship. That being said, it's well-written, clever, very readable, and has great characterization. I hear there is a sequel in the making with some of the side characters which I'm interested in checking out.

Especially since Stone seems to have his anger way more in check. Sep 17, Lucy rated it really liked it. This book was supposed to be a filler in between some angsty books, something light and quick. It turns out, this very odd book about bird shifters, is sarcastic, violent and just really funny. Talon, a griffin, is rough and rude. Flit, the sparrow Talon nearly kills, is an advice columnist and therapist, with issues of his own. When Talon has to take Flit in after the near-fatal accident, they clash, argue and get under each other's feathers.

It's a mess and it was so fun to read. The prequel, This book was supposed to be a filler in between some angsty books, something light and quick. The prequel, with Zip and Tawney, is sweeter and gives a hint as to why Talon is just so ornery. Mar 20, Arthur rated it it was amazing. One of my favorite stories. Not only because of the nice story and characters, but also because it's free yeah, I'm cheap! All characters are bird shifters.

Their slowly developed relationship is nice. The scene where they finally tell each other their feelings is beautifully romantic. View all 4 comments. Jan 30, Qi rated it really liked it. Flying buffalo was a rare enough delicacy. If you, unlike me, do not like puns, don't despair! There's something here for everyone. Because Talon spent the entire first half of the story beating him up too. Talon is an idiot. Feb 19, Cindi rated it did not like it Shelves: This started out okay but took a major downhill turn for me. It has a few funny moments.

There are a lot of puns that are kind of cute. I liked one of the MC's, Flit. The other one, Talon, was a complete bastard.

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He got a bit sappy and sweet later but he was a complete ass up to that point. I have a hard time getting into a story where one of the MC's is calling the other one a stupid bitch over and over and being abusive in other ways. Oct 02, Adriana rated it liked it Shelves: Good things about this: The prequel is lovely. The story has a good plot. Messy sex that's a plus, right? I love the secondary characters. Funny Bad things about this.

I didn't like the main characters: Flit is annoying and Talon is an aggressive ass.

Like a Sparrow Through the Heart

Oct 02, Emma Sea rated it liked it Shelves: I'm glad I finally perservered with that. I gave up twice because the humour of the early chapters isn't to my taste, but once I pushed past chapter 5 I did really enjoy the MCs. Sep 16, Don Bradshaw rated it it was amazing Shelves: Thhis book was a hoot. Funny, happy and full of gay stereotypes. The big hulking Talon almost kills the small nester Flit.

Talon is obliged to allow Flit stay at his home and surrender one of his flight feathers until Flit is healed. Flit moves in and all hell breaks loose. Suspend reality and just sit back and chuckle. Aug 19, Aniytlia rated it it was ok Recommends it for: Cute, if you enjoy puns you'll probably like this quite a bit, and it's free so what the hell? I feel rather apathetic toward it to be honest. I was excited about the premise, two hot boys who could shift into birds and were hell-bent after eachother. The two protagonists were rather endearing, even the 'grumpy' - otherwise known as total bitch - top of the couple.

I liked the progression of the story, but I didn't find it nearly as hilarious as some others, but as i said, if you enjoy puns and Cute, if you enjoy puns you'll probably like this quite a bit, and it's free so what the hell? I liked the progression of the story, but I didn't find it nearly as hilarious as some others, but as i said, if you enjoy puns and ridiculous humor, it just might be for you. The ending was cute, even though at that point I found myself hating both characters.

Domestic violence is not something to take lightly, and the fact that he would even raise a hand against someone he supposedly 'loves' distubs me greatly. The fact that Flit took him back after Talon said he 'deserved to be beaten' left me shocked and appaled. I was sick to my stomach after he had said that and for me, that destroyed the novel.

No matter how mushy they may be in bed, when all Talon is thinking of is shutting Flit up and satisfying his carnel needs, and then refuses to talk to him about the status of their relationship, I can't help but feel that Flit is getting involved with the same sort of sleazeball that that violently abused him before. Some people may like that sort of relationship, or read deeper thinking, 'oh, but Talon really does love him, didn't you see how sad he was at the end? He insults the person he loves, slaps him around, and whenever he gets angry he just spouts off terrible, terrible things.

Sorry, it just wasn't my cup of tea. Oct 31, Tailtiu rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this story, it is amazing. View all 12 comments. Jan 02, Alex rated it it was amazing Shelves: Once again this is a free read you can find it via the link above. However, I just copy and pasted the story into a word doc, then had amazon convert it for me, so I could read on my eReader.

I tend to have lower expectations for free reads, because they tend to have minimal editing and no limit of what horrors can be posted. However, once again I was delighted to find a well-written Overall Very enjoyable. However, once again I was delighted to find a well-written, well-edited story with a good mix of plot, romance, and humor. We follow the adventures of Flit and Talon, a sparrow and griffin shapeshifter, who accidentally meet.

Talon is a bully, Flit has a penchant for fixing birds and sees Talon as a bird who needs fixing. He forces his company upon Talon, and comedy and excitement ensues. Strengths Writing is really what made this story work. The mix of sensitive subjects, heartbreak, humor and action only function because the author strings them together effortlessly. What starts as an almost comedy develops into something more, then transforms once again into a third incarnation that holds its own.

Exploring all these different elements like the author did helped the story work and not become cliche, which was a real possibility. Along these same lines, the author was good at developing small instances to remind the reader that these were not just humans that live among the clouds. They do pretty much have everything we do, which kept the author from having to create her own world, but there are little word choices that are cute and birdy eg, poppypeacock, birdfriend [instead of boyfriend], finchtoast.

Although Talon is a bit of a grump in the beginning, Flit is a lovely little bird who is small and tough. There are a variety of side characters who make an appearance, most, amusingly, just being named after their bird-type Robin, Finch Finchly. They work to keep the story going and break up the alone time that our two main characters have with one another.

Weaknesses Not so much a weakness as a warning: If this is unacceptable, then you will not enjoy this book! Flit enjoys a dominating man, which has previously landed him with abusive birdfriends, and in combination with his need to fix things, gets him into trouble NOT that he warrants some of the things that happen to him. Talon has a temper, is aggressive and things nothing of smacking someone around.

Where My Heart Lies Track 6 - Sparrow

The combination leads to what could very easily be seen as an abusive relationship. I forgive it for two main reasons: Flit isn't being kept there by Talon. In fact, he holds the power in the relationship via tail feather aka, blackmail. Check out my other reviews on my blog. Oct 16, Sala Bim rated it liked it. The humor, puns, bickering, redecorating, and the general level of cuteness where totally up my alley.

Then the sex scene seemed odd to me.

Like a Sparrow Through the Heart by Aggy Bird

But here it just seemed strange view spoiler [ with the forced cum eating and verbiage and such hide spoiler ]. Really the whole scene. It was awkward and just didn't truly flow to me, like a puzzle piece that didn't fit.

Or like it was written at some other time or by someone else and the author just tossed it in later without revising it to flow better with the finished product. Anyhow, after that I guess my enthusiasm just went kaput and the story never really drew me back in.

I also couldn't really deal with the excessive view spoiler [ slapping, beating, wing-breaking violence after a while. Too much of it and eventually it wasn't funny anymore. I like a little dysfunction and bickering but breaking limbs and repeatedly beating and slapping someone whom you know used to be abused is insane. Oh and the "You deserve to be beaten" comment to someone whom you KNOW had been in an abusive relationship? Matter of fact, knowing Flint's past should have made Talon all the more careful and delicate with him. Feb 19, Elena rated it really liked it Shelves: Okey, after re-reading I upgraded this story to 4 stars That's true that Talon is a pain in the ass, I didn't like a bit him treating Flit like a punching bag.

I loved this MC so much! He was such a tease and fun! The whole idea, the world-building, the sexy and funny banter and Flit, of course! And anyway, it all ended up very well, didn't it? Apr 06, Fangtasia rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Anyone suffering from real-life ennui. Recommended to Fangtasia by: Talk about the pen being mightier than the sword.

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This story was creative beyond the usual, Jaybird Witnesses? Histerically funny, caught myself snorting in laughter many, many times. If only I could have Flit as a real-life friend. Typical emotionally-stunted, physically overgrown, adorable idiot. Now, could we persuade the author to give us Stone and Robyn's story?

Highly recommended as a perfect cure for real-life ennui. View all 6 comments. Hear why our patients can continue to do what they love in life thanks to Sparrow:. Dotti - Inspirational Speaker Radio 2: Gordon - Tae Kwon Do Champion. Find out how much fun it was working with our patients with this sneak peak "making of" video:. Release of Information FAQ. Where's the newest hospital? View visiting hours and guidelines Food and nutrition services Patient Financial Services Patient privacy.

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