Tales About A Land Remembered & Other Books Ive Written

He also spent a year with the Seminoles and was taken with their belief in the sacredness of the land. His characters are symbolic of those pioneer settlers — strong men who fought the elements and strong women who were their partners, holding the family and homestead together.

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The importance of preserving the land is a central theme. When Smith wrote the book in , he was worried that Old Florida would disappear if the massive development continued. He is cautiously optimistic about recent efforts of local and state governments to purchase lands for preservation. Click here to see what younger readers have to say about A Land Remembered. I was born and raised in Fort Myers. I know Punta Rassa very well. Shoot, I know Florida very well. This book brought on emotions and connections of my love for Florida. This book is so much interesting and I really loved the journey of Tobias in particular, thanks for sharing.

This is an outstanding work of historical fiction, and those who have not yet discovered it have a treasure awaiting them! I think it would make an excellent motion picture or series, and that a lot of it could be filmed at Forever Florida. William, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on A Land Remembered. Many people have agreed with you about A Land Remembered being made into a movie and I am sure it will happen one day.

Forever Florida is one of the gems of Florida. It was delightful to see Florida when it was unspoiled and pristine. I loved his book, and have read it several times. I wish I could have met him in person.

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I emailed you the link to that page. For anyone else, you can sign up to view it at https: I loved his book, one of my alltime favorites. The book was great, I mean ……………………………………………….. Complete the form below and you'll be on our list to be notified about upcoming tours and news. Smith Celebration of Life. A Land Remembered types of tea hypoglycemia symptoms vitamin d3 spirulina powder quinoa salad recipe face moisturizer for dry skin face moisturizer for dry skin face moisturizer for dry skin face moisturizer for dry skin face moisturizer for dry skin face moisturizer for dry skin face moisturizer for dry skin vitamin D.

Every Floridian should read A Land Remembered. To see the way we have destroyed our state and all its special places is gut wrenching. At least there is someone who has brought back to life in print everything that made this a paradise of wildlife and nature.

Here's What People Are Saying About A Land Remembered

Click here to cancel reply. The whip also serves as a tool for killing snakes, catching game, and for communication: Zech, the patriarch of the clan, sticks up for the black man who comes to work for him Smith's The best thing about this novel are the descriptions of Florida flora and fauna. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Smith Goodreads Author it was amazing 5. Don't expect a literary masterpiece. Only two weeks later, he found himself in the middle […].

Our copy of A Land Remembered has been read so much the pages are falling out. Thank you for remembering!

This is the novel for which its author, Patrick Smith, is probably best known. My family just loves this book. Being 5th generation Floridians, we can really embrace the characters, way of life, and its locations. The characters are particularly endearing and really draw you into the story, making this book hard to put down, and a little sad when you finally finish.

I have laughed and cried as I read the sweeping story and have to honestly say it is probably one of the best books I have read in years. I would have never thought that a story about pioneers would have interested me but I was sucked in after reading the very first chapter.

A Land Remembered

I loved the characters and I loved reading about my great state I was just in Punta Rassa last month. I would just like say to Mr. I have recommended this book to dozens of my friends and every one said it was the best book they have read. I have read it four times and probably will do so again. I cannot imagine why this book has not been made into a movie! Thanks for the joy it brings me.

Honestly, I would have never even known about it, or been interested, had it not been for my son, who is in 4th grade. They are reading the student version in class. If you live in Florida, you have to love a book that tells the right and wrong way to capture a gator or how to build a home from scratch in the wilderness. August 3, at 5: June 5, at 8: March 22, at 5: March 23, at 6: January 17, at 6: January 18, at 9: October 15, at 1: January 14, at 2: April 30, at 3: November 19, at 2: Click here to cancel reply.

A Land Remembered by Patrick D. Smith

A Land Remembered is one of the best books I've ever read about old Florida. Iv'e read it four times and I never read a book more than once and I'll probably read it again. All opinions remain my own. At the end of August, I spent a week visiting my mother in Florida.

Books by Patrick D. Smith

I go back as often as possible to check up on her health, meet with her caretakers and make sure everything is running smoothly. One decides to spice things up a bit and introduce the other members to the racy book […]. A Land Remembered comes to life! The talented Graphic novelist Andre R.

The Story of Jack and The Beanstalk - Fairy Tales for Kids

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You can read the entire 1st and 2nd chapters right now, for free. He had come south out of Georgia in In his horse-drawn wagon there was a sack of corn and a sack of sweet potatoes, a few packets of seeds, a shotgun and a few shells, a frying pan, several pewter dishes, forks, and a cast-iron pot. There were also the tools he would need to clear the land and build a house: So begins the journey of Tobias, his wife Emma and son Zechariah in the Florida wilderness in the mid 19th century.

The book is the powerful story of three generations of a family in Florida and a story portraying the tenacity of American pioneers: There are those still around today who sat across the dinner table from grandparents and heard first-hand similar stories from those who were there when it happened. For his quintessential story of three generations in Florida, published in , Smith traveled the state and sat on front porches, swatting mosquitoes, sipping sweet tea and talking to country people about their lives and the lives of their parents and grandparents scratching a living off this land.

While the novel is fiction it is based on these stories and actual events in Florida history.

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Patrick Smith has the same gift that James Michener had. He is able to create characters that are molded by their relationship to the land they live in. You are able to emphathize with the characters as well as feel the beauty and danger of the land. Zech is an experienced gunslinger and horseman.

Solomon MacIvey , a powerful but sad man with a poor self image, and his girlfriend and almost-wife, Bonnie.