Invecchiare bene (Medicina e benessere) (Italian Edition)

Recensione volume Alberto Maggi, Chi non muore si rivede, Garzanti libri. The impact of cognitive deficit on self-reported car crashers in ultra-octogenarian population: Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, ; 28 6: J Geriatr Psychiatr Neurol, ; 26 2: Welfare Oggi, ; 5: Criteri di appropriatezza clinica, tecnologica e strutturale nell'assistenza del paziente cronico complesso. Quaderni del Ministero della Salute, ; 23, sett-ott. Il segreto dei novantenni. Profilo Salute, ; anno VI 6: I Luoghi della Cura, ; anno XI 3: Borri M, Trabucchi M.

Plos One, ; 8 9: J Gerontol Med Sci, ; 68 Morandi A, Bellelli G. Psicogeriatria, ; anno VIII 2: Profilo Salute, ; anno VI 5: La formazione del medico in ospedale. La formazione post laurea. Il parere dei medici bresciani. La malattia di Alzheimer e i punti critici in ambito diagnostico-terapeutico-assistenziale. G Gerontol ,; Una jam session per la salute. I Luoghi della Cura ,; anno XI 2: Gruppo di Ricerca Geriatrica Il fumo: Profilo Salute, ; anno VI 4: Depression and frailty in elderly patients [letter].

Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, ; Assessing risk factors for unsafe driving in a group of elderly adults undergoing rehabilitation. Vitamin D and delirium in critically ill patients: J Critical Care, ; Profilo Salute, ; anno VI 3: Un piano mancato o da ripensare? Assistenza Anziani, ; 2: Assistenza Anziani, ; 1: La gestione dei disturbi del comportamento.

La valutazione del dolore, da sintomo a segno. Il delirium sovraimposto a demenza. La medicina del domani: Forum tra medici e giornalisti 23 gennaio Brescia Medica, ; La comunicazione con il paziente anziano e il ruolo della famiglia. The Meaning of Delirium. RSA tra crisi economica e ruolo assistenziale. Fondazione Magazine, ; 3: Uno sguardo al dopo elezioni.

Profilo Salute, ; 2: Il progetto Univa verso il quarto anno di lavoro. Ferrannini L, Trabucchi M. La personalizzazione della medicina: Un nuovo anno e una nuova veste grafica [editoriale]. Gait speed and high blood pressure [letter]. Health status in elderly persons living alone [letter]. Cardiopatie e problematiche psicogeriatriche: G Ital Cardiol, ; 14 3 Suppl 1: Riabilitazione motoria degli anziani affetti da malattie psicogeriatriche. Ricerche di Psicologia, ; A score to predict the development of adverse clinical events after transition from acute hospital wards to post-acute care settings.

Rejuvenation Res, ; 15 6: The potential protective effect of tramiprosate homotaurine against Alzheimer's disease: Subthreshold depression in older subjects: J Nutr Health Aging, ; 16 Knowledge and attitudes about Alzheimer's disease in the lay public: Aging Clin Exp Res, ; 24 5: E' in crisi il nostro modello di SSN? Tendenze Nuove, ; 6: Morghen S, Martelli A. La sofferenza di chi assiste. Psicogeriatria, ; anno VII 3: La valutazione e la cura del dolore: Riflessioni sul lavoro in equipe.

Una crisi economica mortale o morale. Zanetti E, Nicoletti N. I Luoghi della Cura, ; anno X 4: I servizi tra ospedale e territorio: Le professioni di cura per l'anziano: Il tumore della prostata e la diagnosi precoce. Medici Oggi online, ; dic. Aiuto a basso costo per pazienti e famiglie. Assistenza Anziani, ; 6: Formazione, assistenza e ricerca: Quando dormire toglie il respiro. Profilo Salute, ; 6: Tools to Detect Delirium Superimposed on Dementia: J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 60 J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 13 9: Medici Oggi Online, ; 15 ottobre.

Tendenze Nuove, ; 4: Una spending review locale e partecipata. Banchero A, Trabucchi M. Non autosufficienza, il programma mancato.

GrG - Letteratura

Coltiva l'ottimismo per mantenere giovane il cervello. Salute di Sorrisi e Canzoni, ; agosto: Ranieri P, Bianchetti A. Il vecchio e le medicine. Idee prevalenti utilizzando come modello la demenza. Profilo Salute, ; anno V 5: Profilo Salute, ; anno V 4: Osteoporos Int, ; Medici Oggi Online, ; 17 settembre. Il declino dei servizi per gli anziani non autosufficienti. Medici Oggi Online, ; 03 luglio. Commentary of the editorial "Music therapy for dementia".

Music, Music Therapy and Dementia: The combined effect of ADL impairment and delay in time from fracture to surgery on month mortality: J Am Med Assoc, ; Bellelli G, Bianchetti, Trabucchi M. Future direction of geriatrics: Hospital transfers of nursing home residents with dementia. Rehabilitation of elderly adults with severe cognitive impairment: Change in functional status predicts complicated clinical course in older adults with infection.

Geriatric depression scale items and mortality in Italian elderly persons living at home. Depressive symptoms, their management, and mortality in elderly people. Anticoagulation management in hip fracture patients: Randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, week study for efficacy and safety of a higher-dose Rivastigmine patch 15 vs.

Dementia Geriatr Cognit Disord, ; Intenstive care unit delirium monitoring in Australia. Understanding terminology of delirium and long-term cognitive impairment in critically ill patients. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol, ; Effetti sulle famiglie e dinamiche collettive. Assistenza Anziani, ; 4: Assistenza Anziani, ; 5: Ricordo del maestro [Paolo Rossi Monti].

L'Arco di Giano, ; Il conservatore nuoce alla salute. Chi non ricorda, soffre? Segni e comportamenti nell'anziano affetto da demenza. Medici Oggi Online , ; giu. Miglioramento dell'assistenza nelle residenze. Assistenza Anziani, ; 3: Anziani e urgenza, S. Martino di Genova docet. L'intervento psicologico nel sostegno del caregiver. Valutazione dell'esperienza del delirium di pazienti, familiari e personale sanitario in un setting di riabilitazione. Profilo Salute ; anno V 3: Il trapianto nella persona anziana. Medici Oggi Online, , 12 marzo.

Il piano USA contro l'Alzheimer: I nuovi criteri per la diagnosi clinica dellla malattia di Alzheimer e del Mild Cognitive Impairment: I nuovi criteri per la diagnosi di demenza e di mild cognitive impairment dovuti alla malattia di Alzheimer. La persona affetta da demenza e da patologia somatica: Exel ; anno III 1: Farmacia Futura, ; 1: Addendum to Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of sessions: A randomised controlled trial Raglio et al. Aging Ment Health, ; 16 2: Music interventions against agitated behaviour in elderly persons with dementia: The specificity of geriatric rehabilitation: A debate from an Italian perspective.

J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 13 2: J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 13 1: Un approccio integrato all'anziano fratturato di femore. Medici Oggi Online, ; 9 gennaio. Moderate to severe depressive symptoms and rehabilitation outcome in older adults with hip fracture. Farmacia Futura, ; 7: Il luogo della memoria. Il cimitero 1 novembre e le persone affette da demenza: Psicogeriatria, ; anno VI 3: Nuove prospettive per la professione medica.

La crisi economica e il governo delle aziende sanitarie. Morandi A, Jackson JC. Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit: Neurol Clin, ; Sharing transnational experiences of Psychogeriatric Unit dedicated to the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms in demented patients. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Dis, ; 25 4: L'anziano in casa di riposo e in ospedale. Medici Oggi online, ; 28 novembre.

Medici Oggi online, ; 9 novembre. Gruppo di Ricerca Geriatrica. Farmacia Futura anno, ; IV 6: La malattia di Parkinson nell'anziano. Medici Oggi online, ; 2 settembre. La comunicazione con il paziente anziano. Medici Oggi online, ; 1 aprile. Medici Oggi online, ; 1 marzo. Ci salveremo con parsimonia. Segmento importante nella cura degli anziani. Il medico e l'anziano in casa di riposo. Definire un progetto di cura e attuarlo. InFormazione, ; anno IX 3: L'ospedale e la cura dei malati cronici. Mantova Salute, ; I nuovi criteri per la diagnosi di demenza e di Mild Cognitive Impairment dovuti alla malattia di Alzheimer.

Il ruolo dell'omotaurina nella prevenzione del declino cognitivo da AD. Il valore del lavoro di equipe nella cura della persona affetta da demenza. I trattamenti non farmacologici del delirium. Il confine difficile tra la malattia di Alzheimer e le altre demenze. Gruppo di Ricerca Geriatrica Alzheimer: Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 5 Rehabilitation of older adults with hip fracture: J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 59 8: Sistema delle cure e riconoscimento formale. L' Arco di Giano, ; Vincent Mor a Brescia: I Luoghi della Cura anno, ; IX 2: Rete di assistenza che garantisca protezione all'interno della casa.

La malattia di Parkinson nell'anziano: Brescia Futura, ; 4: Tendenze Nuove Online, ; 3: J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 12 8: The Role of Physicians in Nursing Homes: J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 12 5: Comorbidities and Their Treatments [letter]. J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 12 4: Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 3: Psicogeriatria, ; anno VI Suppl. Residenze low cost per anziani: Medici Oggi online, ; 10 maggio. Frequency of malnutrition in older adults: Depressive disorders in dementia. La riabilitazione dei soggetti con deterioramento cognitivo: Psicogeriatria, ; anno VI 1: Cure per le demenze.

Esperienza e cultura, per progredire ancora. La malattia di Alzheimer si racconta. Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 2: A global agenda for clinical research and quality of care nursing homes. Genetic background predicts poor prognosis in frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Neurodegenerative Diseases, ; 8: Anziani e guida dell'automobile. Farmacia Futura anno IV 1: Pneumonia and mortality beyond hospital Discharge in elderly patients.

Warfarin prescribing in nursing homes [letter]. J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 59 1: Antibiotic treatment for patients affected by severe dementia and pneumonia. Medici Oggi, ; 9 online. Giorn Gerontol, ; 6: Il dolore nelle residenze per anziani. La riabilitazione motoria nell'anziano depresso. Depressive symptoms and one year mortality among elderly patients discharged from a rehabilitation ward after orthopaedic surgery of the lower limbs. Behav Neurol, ; 23 3: I servizi per le persone non autosufficienti. Farmacia Futura, ; anno III 7: Malattia, letteratura, medicina narrativa. La famiglia e le cure [editoriale].

Psicogeriatria, ; anno V; 3: Assistenza, Ricerca e Cura per l'Anziano. La riforma federale del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale: La parola e la cura, ; autunno , La cura della persona affetta da demenza in pronto soccorso. Trabucchi M, Guaita A. Efficacy of music therapy treatment based on cycles of lessions: Aging Mental Health, ; 14 8: Action observation treatment improves recovery of postsurgical orthopedic patients: Arch Phys Med Rehabil, ; Un libro per vincere la solitudine.

Farmacia Futura, ; anno III 6: E' la speranza che aiuta a vivere. Famiglia Oggi, ; 5: Il medico, l'anziano e la guida dell'automobile. Medici Oggi, ; 6: Falcitelli N, Trabucchi M. Ospedale e territorio, un rapporto dinamico. Alzheimer, la crisi del secolo. Ci vorrebbe un piano ministeriale. Le proposte dello psicogeriatra per ottimizzare gli sforzi. Il cervello e i segni della malattia. Speciale Gli anni d'oro, ; 4: Alimentazione e stili di vita: Psicogeriatria, ; anno V 2: Il medico ed il suo paziente.

Corli S, Trabucchi M. La vita delle badanti: Farmacia Futura, ; anno III 5: L'organizzazione dei servizi per la persona anziana. Clinical instability as a predictor of negative outcomes among elderly patients admitted to a rehabilitation ward. J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 11 6: Luci e ombre dell' innovazione. Le ambivalenze del progresso. Corriere della Sera, ; Buone regole per una serena estate.

The overlap syndrome of depression and delirium in elderly patients: Servono criteri di giustizia e di protezione. Medici Oggi, ; anno XIV 4: L' alcolismo nell' anziano. Medici Oggi, ; anno XIV 3: Il processo decisionale clinico in geriatria: Tra frontiere inesplorate e terre di confine. Differenze di genere e utilizzo dei servizi sanitari. Metodologie delle cure antalgiche in RSA. Dolore da ascoltare o da vedere: Definizione degli outocome in psicogeriatria. Associazione Italiana di Psicogeriatria e riabilitazione: La cultura e la prassi psicogeriatrica nella cura del paziente anziano.

Interrogativi sull' organizzazione dei servizi. La visione d' insieme del paziente: Medici Oggi, ; anno XIV 1: Delirium superimposed on dementia is more predictive of adverse outcomes than dementia alone. Farmacia Futura, ; anno III 2: L' assistenza ai pazienti anziani in ospedale. Bollettino SIGG, ; Comanagement of elderly patients admitted to a hospital for hip fracture. La depressione negli anziani: Farmacia Futura, ; anno III 1: Cosa serve per risposte efficaci ed adeguate. A revolution in long-term care? Decision making in elderly patients with severe dementia and pneumonia.

Int Psychoger, ; 22 1: Affrontare le problematiche sorte all' inizio dell' epidemia di influenza H1N1. Brizioli E, Trabucchi M. Gestire le strutture residenziali nel Tendenze Nuove ,; 6: Il paziente con malattia di Alzheimer: Spontaneous hematoma of the lateral abdominal wall: J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 57 Salute dei denti e benessere dell'anziano. Essere per fare, fare per essere. Abusi e violenze contro gli anziani. L'ammalato e il suo medico.

La formazione alla relazione. Tendenze Nuove, ; 5: I medici sono la chiave della riforma sanitaria. Alimentazione nella persona anziana: Brescia Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 7: Assistenza Anziani, ; 8: Evidence from a Brain Perfusion Study. Dementia Geriatr Cogn Disord, ; 28 2: Aging Clin Exp Res, ; 21 Plasma tryptophan and tyrosine levels are independent risk factors for delirium in critically ill patients. Intens Care Med, ; 35 La Giornata dell'Alzheimer I disturbi del comportamento: La nuova influenza e gli anziani.

Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 6: Le metodologie per la ricerca del consenso in medicina come strumento per le scelte in aree incerte. L'impatto dei farmaci sul costo della "care" nelle persone affette da malattia di Alzheimer. Psicogeriatria, ; anno IV 3: Il dolore dell'anziano [editoriale]. Delirium in nursing home residents across care transitions: Gender differences and health status in old and very old patients. J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 10 8: Quando il "buon giorno" si vede dal mattino. I Quaderni dell'Infermiere, ; Delirium in the intensive care unit.

Int Rev Psychiatr, ; 21 1: L'anziano e la recessione economica. Guerini F, Zani M. Trattamento del dolore nel soggetto anziano. La contenzione fisica negli anziani: Bolllettino SIGG, ; Advances in sedation for critically ill patients. Minerva Anestesiol, ; Family and emergency decision making in noncompetent very old patients [letter]. Documentation and management of words associated with delirium among elderly patients in postacute care: Fibrillazione atriale e farmaci anticoagulanti: Functional trajectories during hospitalization: Clinical complexity and Occam's razor: A case of secondary hypertension in a very old patient.

J Am Med Dir Assoc , ; 10 4: La terapia del dolore nell'anziano. Lo scenario futuro della malattia di Alzheimer: AD Net, ; 1: Gli eredi di Perusini [presentazione]. Brescia Farmacia Futura, ; 3: Bollettino SIGG, ; 4: I farmaci per l'anziano: Medici Oggi, ; 3: Tra nuove scoperte e antichi problemi. Una sfida per le professioni sanitarie. Ital J Rehab Med, ; 23 1: Dall'altra parte della barricata: Psicogeriatria, ; anno IV 1: L'assistenza all'anziano ai tempi della crisi.

La riabilitazione nel soggetto affetto da demenza. Bianchetti A, Boffelli S. Appropriatezza delle cure per la malattia di Alzheimer e scenari futuri. Risultati di uno studio Delphi condotto fra i Geriatri Italiani. Una buona memoria per mantenersi giovani. Brescia Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 2 Le buone pratiche assistenziali.

Medici Oggi, ; 2: Patients with cancer who are affected by dementia do not die only because of cancer. Alla ricerca di strumenti per mappare i percorsi clinici e misurare gli outcomes dei pazienti anziani: I Luoghi della Cura, ; 1: Prevenzione e sistemi socio-sanitari flessibili. Barack e il progresso della medicina.

E' possibile prevenire le demenze? Care quality and frail subjects [letter]. Arch Intern Med, ; 4: Anxiety symptoms in mild cognitive impariment. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, ; 24 3: Brescia Farmacia Futura, ; anno IV 1: Dementia, delirium, and depression in patients with hip fracture: Serum albumin level interferes with the effect of donepezil in Alzheimer's disease.

Aging Clin Exp Res, ; 20 6: Farmaci orfani e farmaci inutili. Bianchetti A, Grigolo M. Memantina e stato funzionale nella malattia di Alzheimer. A cura della Redazione Il dolore dei ricordi, la mente senza memoria [review]. Demenze, ; anno XI 4: Stato infiammatorio e fattori di rischio di decadimento cognitivo [la pulce]. A cura della Redazione La prevenzione dell'invecchiamento e della demenza [news].

Il trattamento della fase avanzata della demenza di Alzheimer [caso clinico]. Il medico e le demenze. Medici Oggi, ; anno XII 8: Riflessioni sul futuro dell'assistenza geriatrica. Rare Diseases in Elderly Persons [letter]. J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 56 J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol, ; 21 4: Medici Oggi, ; anno XII; 7: Author's Response to Letter from Laurila and Collagues: Intens Care Med, ; 34 Per i "molto vecchi" servono modifiche all'organizzazione dell'assistenza. Il dolore somatico e quello psichico. Medici Oggi, ; anno XII; 6: Tendenze nuove, ; 4: Assistenza Anziani, ; 7: Valutazione del rischio e prevenzione primaria della demenza di Alzheimer.

Demenze, ; anno XI Progeria Sindrome di Hutchinson-Gilford e studi sull'invecchiamento. Una speranza di buongoverno. Il rispetto di se stessi nell'epoca della crisi dei valori. A cura della Redazione La persona che invecchia nella religione ebraica, cristiana e islamica. Uno strumento di lavoro per gestire razionalmente le liste d'accesso alle RSA. I luoghi della cura, ; 3: Paderno M, Zanetti E. Operatore socio-sanitario e somministrazione. G Gerontol, ; 56 Suppl 1: Arch Phys Med Rehabil, ; 89 8: Delirium and Costs of Informal Home Care.

Il dolore acuto persistente nell'anziano. Medici Oggi, ; 5: Zanetti E, Trabucchi M. Strutture residenziali per anziani: I luoghi della cura, ; anno VI 2: La valutazione del dolore nell'anziano con decadimento cognitivo. Bollettino SIGG, ; 6: Scelte terapeutiche e risposte ai trattamenti della malattia di Alcheimer: J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 56 6: Autosufficienza, un parametro da misurare. Medici Oggi, ; anno XII 4: Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord, ; 22 2: La diarrea acuta nell'anziano fragile.

Recognizing the Need for Palliative Care. Delirium as the Sixth Vital Sign. J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 56 5: Le demenze in fase avanzata. Delirium in older people: Ricci A, Giordano A. La psicogeriatria nei luoghi delle cure: Il progresso medico tra scienza ed esperienza. Boffelli S, Travaglini N. Boffelli S, Ferri M. La ricerca scientifica a favore della persona anziana fragile. Il confine della ricerca verso la pratica clinica: Mattanza C, Boffelli S.

Il fenomeno badanti nell'assistenza al paziente anziano: Demenza di Alzheimer e disturbi comportamentali all'esordio. I fattori predittivi dell'evoluzione clinica nella malattia di Alzheimer. Badante, figura cruciale delle cure all'anziano. L'ammalato e la cura in famiglia. Famiglia Oggi, ; 2: Giornale di Neuropsichiatria Geriatrica, ; anno IV 1: Utilizzo sala da pranzo e "collaborazioni". Composition of the Rehabilitation Team in Postacute Care. Il paziente anziano, una sfida per la medicina di famiglia. Medici Oggi, ; anno XII 2: La rete dei servizi per l'anziano a Brescia nelle cure domiciliari e nelle RSA: Tendenze nuove, ; 1: La riabilitazione geriatrica nel paziente affetto da demenza.

I nuovi criteri per la diagnosi di Malattia di Alzheimer: Giornata Mondiale del Malato. Pathophysiology of Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit. Crit Care Clin, ; L'anziano ammalato e la sua famiglia. Physicians and Decision Making in Dementia. Int Psychogeriatr, ; 20 1: La Voce del Popolo, ; 3: Pneumonia and Mortality in Elderly Patients.

Come utilizzarle in ambito riabilitativo. J Am Med Dir Assoc, ; 9: Gruppo di Ricerca Geriatrica Le decisioni di fine vita e il paziente anziano. Trabucchi M, Zanetti E. Valore della relazione nelle organizzazioni e nei modelli di cura. Il demente povero [editoriale].

Giornale di Neuropsichiatria Geriatrica, ; 3: La nuova diagnosi della malattia di Alzheimer. Basi genetiche della demenza frontotemporale [news]. Segni identificativi precoci della demenza di Alzheimer [news]. Gli AchEi sono efficaci nei disturbi del comportamento? Clinica e strumenti di valutazione nella demenza grave. La riabilitazione nel decadimento cognitivo. G Gerontol, ; 55 suppl. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, ; 25 1: Livelli Essenziali di Assistenza: J Gerontol Med Sci, ; 62A L'educazione aperta al benessere.

Corriere della Sera, ; 7 ottobre: Invecchiare bene, un diritto di tutti. L'ospedale come immagine della cultura postmoderna. J Gerontol Medi Sci, ; 62 Hip Fracture and Depression in Elderly Patients: J Am Geriatr Soc, ; 55 Commento notizia Alzheimer e presidente Sarkozy [lettera al presidente].

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La persona affetta da demenza in ospedale [recensione]. I Luoghi della Cura, ; anno V 3: Geriatric Nursing Notizie, ; 2: Personality changes in Alzheimer's disease. Aging Mental Health, ; 11 5: Ragioni e cause della mancata applicazione di Linee Guida terapeutiche in un setting riabilitativo geriatrico. G Gerontol, ; Geriatria, ; 19 4 Suppl.: Elena Vegni, Clinical Psychology Professor at the University of Milan, deals with doctor-patient communication as the principle theme of her research curriculum.

She has published quantitative investigations through the use of Roter Interaction Analysis System, one of the most widely used instrument to study communication during a medical examination. She has also published quantitative investigations through the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, in order to evaluate how the relational processes may deposit on the life of both the patient and the doctor, representing a resource but also an obstacle. Carlo Verdone is an Italian director, actor and screenwriter. Carlo Vergani graduated in in Medicine and Surgery.

Francisco University of California. He was Professor of Internal Medicine — Geriatrics from to , Director of the Department of Internal Medicine from to , Director of the Specialization School in Geriatrics from to , Coordinator of the PhD in ageing physiopathology from to and from to at the University of Milan. He was a member of the Health Council from to He published many articles on national and international medical reviews.

In , he was awarded with the gold medal from the city of Milan. He is one of the main collaborators of Tu Youyou, and he took part in the research team that developed the project leading to the awarding of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in He keeps on developing the research field started with Prof. Tu Youyou, and now he deals with pharmacology and pharmacokinetics in the traditional Chinese Medicine with particular attention to the vassal pharmacology for the development and research of new drugs.

His research activity concerns the Helicobacter pylori infection and the diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. Visit with animation at the anatomical Theatre, for primary schools Two mornings dedicated to children. A show where professional entertainers will tell the wonders of the human body in a funny and engaging way.

Drugs and quality of life: Between life and death: A journey through the centre of Bologna accompanied by a weird student that will tell stories and anecdotes of the past university life. Eradication of the smallpox and other vaccines Andrea Grignolio Responsible of millions of deaths, smallpox terrified thousands generations with its cyclic epidemic outbreaks. The first empirical practices to prevent smallpox variolation came from the Far East, but it was only after the invention of vaccination by Edward Jenner at the end of that humanity started to fight infectious diseases for the first time.

This discovery inaugurated the age of vaccines, which led the WHO to declare the global eradication of smallpox in Today, social frictions, wellness as well as emerging diseases bring back vaccines at the center of public discussion. Introduction to the clinical trials, in collaboration with: Why the doctor has to tell all the truth even to the children Giuseppe Remuzzi How should we behave with children and adolescents affected by serious or very serious diseases? For doctors there is — or, maybe, there was — an unwritten rule made of three principles: In one word, it is seems necessary to lie to children, it was like this for decades — at least in the United States — and children realized it.

Maybe because they know that asking questions to doctors is useless, so they remain silent. It is a frightening silence. Paediatric Clinic Simulated hospital rounds with: Giacomo Faldella Andrea Pession The visits in wards come back: The public will follow the visits that will analyze similar cases in different time periods.

A journey to understand the history and the evolution of diagnosis and medical treatments. From nutrition to endoscopy. The prevention of digestive system tumors in the ages of life Franco Bazzoli Luigi Ricciardiello Rocco Maurizio Zagari Sponsored by AIRC Digestive system tumors, in particular those related to the esophagus, stomach and colon, represent the most important causes of incidence and death from cancer.

These tumors share risk factors related to lifestyles and nutrition in particular, and also diagnostic and therapeutic instruments, like endoscopy. These tumors can be avoided through primary prevention, which has to start from a young age leading a healthy lifestyle and then on secondary prevention, which means the identification and removal of early lesions, reserved for older people.

Adult age and nutrition Arrigo Francesco Giuseppe Cicero Wei Wei Adult age represents the crucial phase of life in which we decide how to age healthy. Correct nutrition plays a key role in maintaining a healthy life and it helps prevent the most common pathologies related to senility. What are the staples of this diet? Calorie intake proportional to the amount consumed, few salt, lots of vegetables and legumes, few products of animal origin, extravirgin olive oil, lots of spices and a glass of wine. Gianfranco Morrone, Giovanni Pieroni Introduction by: Giovanni De Plato Speakers: Inauguration with the authorities.

The Age of Insight: The possibility to achieve this goal began at the end of the 20th century when cognitive psychology, the science of the mind, merged with neuroscience, the science of the brain. Original and sparkling is his choice of a particular form of art; modernist portraiture in Vienna at the beginning of the XX century.

According to Kandel, both this aesthetics and that period of time, are characterized by a series of pioneering attempts to connect art and science. May 20th Read more. A show where professional entertainers will tell the wonders of the human body in funny and engaging ways.

Suitable for second cycle of primary schools. Ottavio Nicastro, Sandra Vernero Speakers: A journey through the center of Bologna accompanied by a weird student that will tell stories and anecdotes of the past university life. From the weeping willow to the aspirin.

The evolution of antiinfiammatory drugs Vittorio Alessandro Sironi NSAIDs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs is an acronym introduced in the s to designate a varied class of analgesics, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs different from steroids. Their 9 empirical discovery is ancient, but the scientific knowledge and the creation of the first chemical products systematically used in medicine can be dated to the last decades of the 19th century, along with the development of pharmaceutical industry.

The discovery of the acetylsalicylic acid aspirin , patented by Bayer in , is symbolic. The talk will highlight the history of the medical use of this molecule over time and the evolution of NSAIDs, with their problems — even recent — on the advantages and the side effects connected to their use and abuse. Also the marketing strategies related to these drugs will be discussed, with reference to the events that, a few years ago, led to the withdrawal of some molecules belonging to a new family of NSAIDs Selective COX-2 for their serious side effects. The issue of the relationship between risks and benefits in a specific medical and pharmacological field will also be discussed.

If they are administered according to appropriate strategies, they ensure the control of targeted diseases, but also their elimination or even eradication. Vaccines have also an economical value: The decreased trust towards vaccines, witnessed by the recent reduction of national coverage, recalls all the 10 characters involved — central Government, Regions, medical and public experts — to the identification and fulfillment of EBM vaccine policies able to promote the social, ethic, economic and above all healthcare value of vaccinations. The extraordinary successes of the transplantation medicine represent the scientific achievement that most deeply impressed our collective imagination.

But sometimes some doubts may rise. Two protagonists will tell their experience in order to erase the Titanic image and metaphor. Urology Clinic Simulated hospital rounds with: Giuseppe Martorana The visits in wards come back: China is getting nearer and nearer Sponsored by: Intesa Sanpaolo Welcome By: Huang Yongyue Introduction by: The role of the financial institutions is also relevant as they may accompany the cooperating processes. Regarding children, the main aims of the research in the nutritional field are to fight infant obesity, whereas in elderly people the aim is to maintain a healthy and autonomous life.

Both children and elderly people should have a balanced and complete nutrition of the main nutrients and nutraceuticals, keeping in mind that what is eaten can influence health and physical efficiency in both fragile ages. The Personalized Medicine Revolution: Aaron Ciechanover Coordinated by: Piergiorgio Strata With the realization that patients with apparently similar diseases — breast or prostate cancer, for example — respond differently to similar treatments, we have begun to understand that the mechanistic bases of what we thought mistakenly is the same disease entity, are actually 12 different.

Here, the understanding of the mechanism will drive the development of new drugs. This era will be characterized initially by the development of technologies to sequence individual genomes transcriptomes, proteomes and metabolomes , followed by identification and characterization of new disease-specific molecular markers and drug targets, and by design of novel, mechanism-based drugs to these targets. This era will be also accompanied by complex bioethical problems, where genetic information of large populations will become available, and protection of privacy will become an important issue.

The future of biotechnologies: Biotechnologies represent the frontier of innovation and the principal source of potential answers to unsatisfied health needs and are also a sector with many growth opportunities, where Italy is proving to be internationally competitive. Raised among doctors, nephew of the famous Erasmus, Darwin himself studied, reluctantly, medicine. He addressed himself to texts concerning genetic inheritance when he decided to marry his cousin, Emma Wedgwood. He believed that the diseases suffered by his children where due to inbreeding; he himself tried everything to relieve his own sufferings.

It is difficult to say how these elements may have influenced one another. Speaking, this time, is not a sociologist or a sexologist but an urologist, witness of this clinical-social evolution. The ages of fertility Eleonora Porcu Marielle, Madagascar: Every year in the world 2 millions of girls, aged less than 15, become mothers.

Rajo Devi Lohan, 72 years old, after 18 months from the birth of her daughter, is in desperate conditions but declares: Opportunities, geography and the stages of fertility. The limit that defines old age is dynamic: The age between 65 and 74 14 years is today considered the one of the young olds, a population that shares with young people a great part of biological characteristics. So, now there seems to be a mismatch between chronological and biological age. Only by recognising and defending their different normalcy, the elderly people find out that their life makes sense. Face, surgery and 3D technologies.

Maxillo-facial achievements and frontiers Alberto Bianchi Claudio Marchetti One of the medical areas in which new technologies have been mostly used in the last decades is the maxillofacial surgery: Have Doctors got closer to patients in this way? Are they able to understand them more and to accompany them throughout the experience of the desease? A question is making its way through. What is the real role of modern technologies in medicine: The relationship among health, healthcare and politics in Republican Italy: The end of old charity congregations, together with the modernization of the local healthcare and the affirmation of the universal system, change interlocutors, places of power and sources of 15 supply.

An open battle between the center and the outskirts of the city which is still going on. Ordine dei Medici di Bologna Doctor-patient communication is more and more central in magazines. Sometimes it is discussed in a general way suggesting to humanize medicine, other times in a more urgent way: Can we change the way doctors communicate? We will also reflect together, doctors and patients, about how crucial, tiring and intense it is to build a good relationship with ill people, in which the principle aim should be a good communication.

Age of onset of mental disorders: It is necessary to redefine services and to switch from late and less effective interventions to early and more effective ones. It is also necessary to increase medical knowledge regarding mental health problems among young people. Oocyte development Renato Seracchioli Oocytes constitute women genetic patrimony: Subsequently the production stop 16 to give way to a progressive reduction, so that at birth we register about 2 millions oocytes and during puberty about The process of conservation, maturation and selection of oocytes is really complex.

We will try to understand it more through the experience half-serious of an oocyte that illustrates all the stages of its life. The sound of silence. Genius and suffering in Ludwig van Beethoven Maurizio Giani Antonio Pirodda Fabio Regazzi The fact that the musical genius of Beethoven expressed himself despite his deafness is an anecdote known by many. What did his pathology consist of? What was he suffering from? Which diseases and how many stages did he go through before composing the IX Simphony and his famous string quartets, in the silence of his mind?

Through testimonies and documents, and with the help of technology and science, Bologna Medicine offers an exclusive event: The rules of the body. Norm and arbitrariness Sponsored by: Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna Organized by: Piero Deggiovanni, Valeria Roncuzzi, Camilla Roversi Monaco The exhibition will feature a specimen on the representation of the body between art and science.

More than 30 graphic artworks will be presented together with a sampling of rare, antique, illustrated editions and a significant exhibit of statues belonging to the precious plaster cast gallery of the Institution. Mozartian music for mechanical organ as a metaphor of the vision of time and of the stages of life at the end of the 18th century. Discovering the genes of immunity: Lucio Ildebrando Maria Cocco Our immune system is composed of two lines of defence.

The first one is constituted by innate immunity, and when microorganisms overcome this line, adaptive immunity intervenes through T and B lymphocytes, that produce antibodies and killer cells able to destroy microorganisms and infected cells. Once the pathogen is destroyed, the adaptive immune system maintains an immunological memory. The discoveries that have revolutionized the concept of immune defenses have been achieved studying the defense mechanisms of fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster , with particular reference to the Toll gene family, involved into the embryonic development.

These results have demonstrated that fruit flies and mammals use similar molecules in order to activate innate immunity. Gianluca Cingolani Curated by: Dugong Produzioni Art installation on the memory of sign language. From quinine to artemisinin: Only in , parasitologists discovered that the infection was conveyed by mosquitos bite. Already years ago a drug effective against malaria had been discovered, the quinine.

The new frontier of antimalarial therapies is interestingly connected to the Vietnam War, and the related discoveries that led to the Nobel Prize, awarded to the Chinese Professor Tu Youyou will be discussed. The future emerging diseases come from the past: For example, tuberculosis, that has returned to be a worldwide health problem and the multi-resistant superbacteria that are freightening health organizations both in the north and south of the world, and coexist with medical scientific advances. Sleep, health and well-being Francesca Milano Giuseppe Plazzi Claudio Vicini Sleep breathing disorders are highly frequent and represent the cause of several effects on health and quality of life.

If they are not treated, they are related to an increase in the cardiovascular risk. In children, they can be responsible of a growth delay, hyperactivity and poor school performance. In adults, they can worsen the capacity to concentrate, driving vigilance, induce somnolence during the day and cause metabolic alterations.

In elderly people, they can compromise cognitive capacities. The therapies and prevention available today involve different medical specialties that are able to face and solve in an integrated way the multiple consequences of this pathology. I and the new technologies: Augusto Cavina, Marco Gasparri Coordinated by: William Boselli Sponsored by: Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute The Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute is home every year to approximately people with medulla lesion from all over Italy. During the recovery, the rehabilitation project aims at achieving the maximum recovery of reachable autonomy against a permanent disability.

Then, it is necessary to rethink a life that can be a real Life. Today, new technologies offer growing opportunities to live an independent life also when the disability is strongly impactful. Cardiology Clinic Simulated hospital rounds with: Claudio Rapezzi The visits in wards come back: Qi — The live blow. Discovering Traditional Chinese Medicine Staged by: Marcella Brizzi, Marina Timoteo Speakers: In this view, two different souls of Traditional Chinese Medicine can be identified: A reflection on the possible integrations.


When the brain degenerates. Which cognitive resources Fiorenzo Conti Cesare Cornoldi Cerebral aging represents a field of great scientific and social interest. In the great area concerning cerebral aging, cognitive decline is 22 certainly the most interesting as well as worrying aspect.

Are we all subjected to cognitive decline? And does it involve all the aspects of our cognitive abilities? What is being done? And, above all, what can we do right now or what should have we done already? From medical genetics to genetic medicine. This is an approach that characterizes also the use of genomic tools in medicine. Actually, genetics is not a body of knowledge that can be separated from evolutionary and developmental biology.

Counterfeiting health Giorgio Cantelli Forti Stefano Cinotti Patrizia Hrelia Claudio Vincelli Counterfeiting is a crime, a planetary problem, a great threat towards public health that also involves food and medicines. An illegal turnover of 1,1 billion a year for the food industry. Ten per cent of medicines sold in the world is counterfeit, including cases of poisoning and intoxication.

This phenomenon is increasing and evolving: However, in our Country there are people who monitor the phenomenon to safeguard health. What risks do we take when we surrender to temptations such as shortcuts, cheating and deception against others and ourselves? Working on Qi and the art of cultivating life: What can we learn from the study of rare diseases? Andrea Bartuli A rare disease RD is every morbid condition, congenital or acquired, with an incidence lower than 1 case every inhabitants.

Because of the rarity of the single diseases, there are no declared valid protocols based on evidences. Nevertheless, RDs are wonderful opportunities: This is the slogan of an American society of genomics that highlights the importance of DNA in our life. The genome project HGP , concluded in , got us used to the idea that once it was decoded, the benefits for humanity would have been enormous.

This will involve the aggregation of interdisciplinary operative structures in which geneticists have to communicate with chemists, physiologists, clinicians, cellular biologists and computer technicians. Visit with animation at the anatomical Theatre, for families Two events dedicated to families. Why centenarians are centenarians?

Claudio Franceschi Centenarians and their family members represent the best model of longevity and healthy ageing, and allow us to identify protective factors towards age-related diseases. The price of drugs Luca Pani There are two main criteria to determine the cost of pharmaceuticals. Crime has no age. Are there crimes that are specific to particular age of life?

In which way do medical science and investigation influence the debate of the trial? To answer these questions we will discuss how the scientific evolution has influenced trials as in famous and less famous court cases that have seen among testimonies the inspection, the collection of biological traces, DNA, how the Judge, peritus peritorum, interpreted the evidence and how means of communications were able to involve the whole society into an intense debate.

Side Refine Panel

The focus of the medical action is not the disease, but human beings that are always unique. We could say that that if the cure is the dress to create for the patient, scientific knowledge represent the fabric, and the doctor, who is a tailor, has to cut and sew the texitile material according to the shape of each patient.

Today the scene is even more complex and the clinical eye of a single doctor has to be substituted by the action of a team of specialists. Innovation and sustainability Massimo Scaccabarozzi New pharmaceuticals enable tailored and more efficient therapies. The debate on their cost has to start from the necessity to make them accessible, considering their value as an investment, since they avoid other health and social expenses.

A health care system for the future has to evaluate the result of the service, for the patient and for the efficiency of the entire Welfare system, letting go some of the logics of the past. Causes and consequences of microRNA dysregulation in cancer Carlo Maria Croce Since the discovery of miRa and miR deletions in CLL, many laboratories around the world have shown miRNA dysregulation in all tumors studied, including the most common, such as lung, breast, prostate and gastrointestinal cancers.

Such dysregulation, like the dysregulation of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, can be caused by multiple mechanisms, such as deletion, amplification, mutation, transcriptional dysregulation and epigenetic changes. A future challenge will be to identify all of the targets of the miRNAs involved in cancer and establish their contribution to malignant transformation. An additional challenge will be the identification of all of the miRNAs that are dysregulated by pathways that are consistently dysregulated in various types of human cancers.

This point is of particular importance, as instead of focusing on specific alterations in protein-coding oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes — which may be difficult to treat — we could focus on their downstream miRNA targets. If these miRNA targets are crucial for the expression of the malignant phenotype and the cancer cells depend on their dysregulation for proliferation and survival, we can expect that the use of miRNAs or anti-miRNAs will result in tumor regression.

Aging Clin Exp Res, ; 24 5: Longevity represent an achievement of civilization and therefore it should come as a right to those who are part of a civilized society. Corrigendum to 'Validation of the 4AT, a new instrument for rapid delirium screening: Morandi A, Bellelli G. It is necessary to redefine services and to switch from late and less effective interventions to early and more effective ones. Dementia, delirium, and depression in patients with hip fracture: His research activity concerns the Helicobacter pylori infection and the diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.

Genomic analyses for alteration in miRNA genes or for copy number alterations in various human tumors by deep sequencing is in progress but has not been completed. These studies could provide additional information concerning the involvements of miRNAs in cancer and in many other diseases. Over the past few years, we have observed a shift from conventional chemotherapy to targeted therapies, and miRNAs and anti-miRNAs will contribute extensively to the latter.

The ages of skin Alberto Giannetti Skin ageing includes cosmetic alterations, dermatitis connected to age and skin cancers. The intrinsic ageing, typical of skin not exposed to sun, is characterized by thin wrinkles, homogeneous pigmentation and dryness. Sun exposure speeds up the ageing process with wrinkles and deep pigmentation alterations. Chronical sun exposure is partly responsible for skin cancers, typical of the elderly.

The correct cycle progression, that enables the duplication of cells and the life of men, is controlled by enzymes that are called ciclyn-dependent kinases CDKs. In multicellular eukaryotes the necessity to respond to a major number of internal and external stimuli has enabled the evolution of multiple and diverse CDKs that are fundamental to maintain the correct cell patrimony of each organism.

The active part of the CDKs is the target of enzymes that remove or add phosphorus and determine the phosphorylation status of the complex, modulating its activity more finely. Thus, these enzymes are similar to switches that turn on and off the cell cycle progression, whereas stable interactions are similar to bolts or latches that once they are closed they need a key and not just a simple push.

Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna The Artist Sissi and her students of the Academy will offer an approach to the poetic vision of the body through a performative action that, starting from a reflection and an analysis of the 29 epithelial tissue, will lead us to its recreation-regeneration through the tailoring tissue. Fenomenologia del Dottor Raniero: Raniero, the obsessive and disturbing doctor of some of his movies. Penicillins and other antibiotics Mauro Capocci After the lecture: Since then, several new antibiotics have been developed, often through a collaboration between private and public sectors.

But all that glitters is not gold: This is the challenge for the future, which will require a collaboratior between health care policy and basic research. Why do we suffer from it and will never eradicate Arnaldo Benini Lumbar back pain lumbago is the most common pain. Incidence and gravity are growing up, also among the youths.

We will not break free from this disease soon. The diseases of information Alison Abbott This festival has done a lot to bring the medical sciences to the public in Bologna. But how can we make sure that new medical advances are brought to the public in a responsible way? A journey from the bench side discoveries, through scientific publications like Nature, to the worlds of old and new media. Visit with animation at the anatomical Theatre, for families.