How To Create, Protect and Promote Your 5 Star Reputation Online

I use it almost daily to see how much traffic a particular site or blog receives. Even as a free tool, it gives a very good idea of how your website — the face for your brand — performs online. Its biggest value is that it lets you benchmark your site against competitors for factors such as time on site, bounce rate, and page views per visit. This helps you understand how you stack up against the other players in your industry, and make improvements to your site. This includes brand visibility reports to show you how well-known and well-respected your brand is within your field.

All of this is to help you maintain the best website you can, relative to your competitors. Now, imagine these are alerts are in real time, when you need them , and including social media, forums, blogs, news sites, reviews, and even television. But the tool also includes some very interesting and powerful analytics.

Understand what people think about you

When it comes time to reach out and build a stronger reputation, these kinds of insights are invaluable. In order to receive 5-star reviews, you need to get reviews in the first place. Get Five Stars provides a few solutions to help you encourage responses from your audience. Next time you visit a new website or download an app, keep an eye out for small survey like this:. These responses are averaged, and this makes up your NPS. By asking for responses, you actively improve your brand reputation and become more appealing to future buyers.

But Get Five Stars goes even further. This tiny survey becomes a 5-star review on Google or another high-value site.

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  • 8 Right-Now Actions to Improve Your Online Reputation?
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Find out more about Get Five Stars. This will come as no surprise, but social media and brand reputation go hand in hand. Aside from your website, your social profiles are likely the most visible access points for your business.

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With close monitoring to start, followed by well-planned communication, your brand will be seen in a better light, by more people. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Hanging with them makes you look cool by extension. This tool specializes in review tracking — to let you easily find and monitor brand reviews all over the web. See all 9 reviews. The tool is also perfect for agencies, as it can be white-labeled and onsold to clients.

For this reason, you need to communicate clearly and often on social. Buffer lets you schedule and send posts to all of your social media platforms from one place. How does this improve your reputation?

Do it Yourself Online Reputation Management Services Guide

For one, the more quality, engaging content you share with your audience, the better. But it also lets you speak to your followers at inopportune times. A professional, engaging social presence lets you stay front-of-mind for consumers, and builds trust in your brand.

And as word spreads and followers join your flock, your reputation improves. Try Buffer for yourself. I signed up for XYC because it looked cool, but all they did was fill my inbox with spam!

What is online reputation management?

Not a good look. Email marketing is key to a strong brand. SendInBlue lets you make email campaigns without a lot of technical knowledge.

Buy for others

Start with one of their templates, then drag-and-drop your way to a clean and effective outreach program. Your emails help maintain your reputation on a daily basis, but also come in handy when a crisis breaks out. Suppose something goes wrong — a product recall or poor choice of words from the CEO. You need to issue a statement, and monitor responses to ensure that this has been handled correctly. The tool is also perfect for agencies, as it can be white-labeled and onsold to clients. The agency can build and present a beautiful campaign to a client, teach them how to do it the next time, and sell the tool on to the client for a little icing on the cake.

8 Essential Tools for Online Reputation Management

It shows you what content is trending across social media, blogs, and news. Use this to compare your own content with competitors, and try to understand why their work might be more popular online. This not only makes reviewing your business easy, it simplifies the tasks required within the daily operation of your business. Every customer is looking for a guide. They help the customer become somebody better than they used to be. Rather than sell them products, you actually position your products as tools they can use to win the day. Positive reviews deserve acknowledgement.

9 customer reviews

How To Create, Protect and Promote Your 5 Star Reputation Online - Kindle edition by R Bradley Harmon. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device . Building a Five-Star Reputation with Online Reviews to follow suit, there are steps you can take to improve and protect your online rating. Make sure you market your 4- or 5-star reviews by streaming them to your website and social media.

Respond to each one with a sincere note of thanks. Everyone likes to feel important. Cooler heads always prevail so stand back, take a deep breath and give yourself time to regroup.

8 Right-Now Actions to Improve Your Online Reputation | Kruse Control Inc

Be open, honest and conciliatory. Be humble and offer to do whatever you can to solve the problem. Something to remember if you ever consider selling the business! Sustain your process by creating a review funnel, invite customers to provide feedback and recover unhappy customers before they vent online. Customers are Googling salespeople. Reviews equate to online authority and when employees are mentioned, it increases their value to the customer and the company.

Trustworthy employees make the company appear trustworthy. Use this as a leverage point to engage them in the review process.

Myth: My Reputation Can Take Care of Itself

Improve your sales process to build online reputation:. But you might offer a no-strings incentive to get customers a step further into your review funnel. There are many available solutions. The no-strings offer is simply a way of getting more people to the landing page. The offer—maybe a discount coupon or a free download—is available to anyone, whether or not they post a review.

But making the offer available there, on a page otherwise designed to guide customers through the process of submitting a review, increases the odds of getting that review. Subscribe to Kruse Control Now! Confused about social media?