Family to the Rescue (Mills & Boon Love Inspired) (Moonlight Cove, Book 1)

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Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. A beachside town where love and faith blossom. Kindle Edition , pages. Published July 1st by Love Inspired first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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Curt is returning home for a fresh start after years of addiction. He will have to face a hometown that remembers all of his mistakes. Jenna is running her grandparent's inn all by herself and when injured needs help, but won't ask. Jenna and Curt help young Sam while his mother is working and father in jail.

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Can they all overcome past mistakes to create a new future, only with God's help. Sep 22, Pam rated it really liked it. Jun 13, Adrienne rated it did not like it Shelves: They are often rated above four stars and their reviews generally read something like, "Oh-my-gosh! So when I decided to review the books I read, my mindset was that someone, somewhere might actually appreciate my honest reading experience. In other words, not every book, especially in this genre, is great, good, or unfortunately, even tolerable.

In my opinion, readers should be able to make at least semi-reliable book purchasing decisions based on reviews and recommendations--money is tight for many people, and who has money or time to waste on bad books?! At one point, the two main characters attended a grief class together. That was familiar territory for me. I've done GriefShare with my husband, but there are some differences. Notably, in GriefShare, no one had to share anything.

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Family to the Rescue (Mills & Boon Love Inspired) (Moonlight Cove, Book 1) eBook: Lissa Manley: Kindle Store. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Lissa Manley decided she wanted to be a published Hometown Fireman (Mills & Boon Love Inspired) (Moonlight Cove, Book 4) - Kindle edition by Lissa A Family for Easter (Rescue River Book 6) He jerked his truck to a stop behind one of the two fire engines flanking the house .

It was understood that people grieve and heal at their own pace, and no one had to contribute to the group discussions. We also weren't given partners to discuss our grief, although I had a built-in partner with my husband. It seemed to me that the characters in this book pursue a relationship quickly, as is often the case in romances.

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The timelines always seem hurried. In particular, it seems rushed to pursue a relationship while grieving. I've heard it said that a friend isn't a friend unless they've both laughed with you and cried with you. If they've only laughed with you, then they are fair-weather friends, and if they've only cried with you, then it isn't a true friendship, it's a ministry, of sorts. I think that both laughter and tears are even more important in a romantic relationship. But Phoebe and Carson only seem to cry together - and that may be fitting for grieving, but not for a relationship.

I am aware that physical closeness can be soothing for grief, whether it's a hug between friends, or something more, something romantic. Speaking of faith, when Carson had just opened his heart to Phoebe about his grief, it seemed abrupt and out-of-place for her to suddenly share her faith with him. I was glad that he called her on it, and even showed her the inconsistencies in her own life surrounding it. It was fun to watch them resolve that together.

In most romances, one of my pet peeves is that the characters read each others' minds, or such nonsense, but in this romance, the characters do talk with each other honestly about the things that matter to them - grief, their families, their feelings, their faith.

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In fact they almost went to the opposite extreme in which they were "brutally honest. He didn't mean to be cruel to other people, but to be brutally honest about our own shortcomings, frustrations, failures The phrase has always stuck with me. The characters reached a point where they thought they "deserved some happiness," and while there's nothing wrong with happiness, and it is a good and precious gift, so many people have abused that phrase to excuse unwise behaviors or the pursuit of immoral things or situations, and have ended up hurting their own lives and the lives of those around them.

Be careful whenever someone talks about pursuing happiness because positive emotions, like negative ones, can often mislead us.

Fler böcker av Lissa Manley

Item s unavailable for purchase. Books by Lissa Manley. David Boren rated it liked it Jan 17, A Single Mom's Hero When the town's most eligible bachelor rescues her from drowning, Kim Hampton can't help being drawn to him. In most romances, one of my pet peeves is that the characters read each others' minds, or such nonsense, but in this romance, the characters do talk with each other honestly about the things that matter to them - grief, their families, their feelings, their faith.

I liked the way Carson was raising Heidi and trying to make her responsible, holding her to a higher standard. A friend and fellow-reviewer would point out that although the characters do talk about a faith in God, they don't talk about faith in Jesus or specifics of the Christian faith. Although this is a Christian romance, they may not, indeed, be Christians. They could, conceivably be Jews or Deists, etc, who believe in God but not necessarily Jesus as divine Savior. So it stands to reason that if you're not angry at Him anymore, you need to face what's hurting you.

Feb 04, Veronica rated it it was ok Shelves: This book took me forever to read, I just was not motivated to finish it. It drew me in in the beginning but then my interest kind of tapered off.

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There wasn't much excitement, the character's weren't super well-developed, and there were no supporting characters that really added to the story, in my opinion. Also, as a side note, naming two main characters semi-rare names that both have the same number of syllables and end on the same vowel sound makes it hard to keep track of who is saying what This book took me forever to read, I just was not motivated to finish it.

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Also, as a side note, naming two main characters semi-rare names that both have the same number of syllables and end on the same vowel sound makes it hard to keep track of who is saying what. Mar 11, Jill Twigg rated it really liked it. Both hiding behind hurts and fears, small town sheriff Carson Winters and local ice cream parlor owner Phoebe Sellers find their way to each other thru Sheriff Winter's daughter; with her own cross to bare.

They each suffer through their own grievances of loss, and faith in God comes into focus after a period of time with Phoebe and Carson learning to talk through their grievances and bringing Heidi daughter in for the ride. The characters were strong and the message was loud and clear. Mar 24, Sabrina rated it did not like it.