Conservatives are from Mars and Progressives are from Venus

Cover up inside crater with debris from asteroid. Leaving thrusters and access tubes. With wired solar panels around asteroid.

Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives

That way astronauts wont lose bone density or be harmed by bad space radiation. Be able to resupply them on a regular basis and long time use. It spins off into space.

– Satire, Commentary, Satirical Commentary –

Liberals supported clean air standards, which Drumpfencultists oppose, because Obama. The Contemporary House of Lords. Why do those who disagree with you politically believe the ridiculous things they do? You've successfully reported this review. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

Has problems holding onto water for the same reason. Actually, Earth is not destined to become Mars, but Venus, which has greenhouse gases in catastrophic quantities, making the surface too hot and too acidic to allow anything approaching a human-survivable biosphere. Reblogged this on Prison As Power. No system works completely, no system works all the time, no system works for everyone. We need to be flexible and accommodating instead of rigid and confrontational or we shall all perish.

English as a second language? A good deal of its crust was missing they speculated. Last year they found a substance in a crater, which is not found naturally on earth but that on earth is used in oil exploration.

Experts Say Vast Deserts, Absence Of Life, May Indicate Mars Was Once Run By Conservatives

I think Mars once had oil men too. As Emeritus Professor of Scientific Scatology at Brigadoon University, we are currently studying your articles and to put it as nicely as we can something doesnt smell quite right. If you have any scatological evidence, other then that which is written here we will be glad to sift thru and give our own scatological weight to your research.

Thou we will need an address an some clingfilm.

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Good luck with Uranus. I do not agree with two details in this article. We are more than 7 Bilion inhabitants on this planet. There are 10 times this amount of animals that we breed plus the remaining wildlife that is left surviving our environmental impact on earth which is their planet too. And here we come to no 2. Fossil fuels are not the main cause of Climate change and all the other environmental problems we deal with today.

We breed, torture and kill over 70 Billion land animals that take up all our resources and the consequences are killing our planet in all possible ways. If the martians where vegan, I am sure they would have still existed. But maybe the martians where a small species that started breeding humans that needed a lot of food and water and space, but I am sure we made a hell of a snack. The left blames the right, the conservatives blame the liberals, Trump blames the Mexicans blah blah. No one is going to fix anything and the planet will indeed cease to support life in any great volume for a long time.

Which I am totally fine with. Blog replies are not the place to save the planet. In Montreal we started an initiative called the zero waste festival where you can learn how to daily reduce the waste you produce and the energy you consume. If you are interested, similar initiative exist in the US. And Venus was run by liberals. Or is that Men ran Mars and Women ran Venus.

Reblogged this on Blog Follower and commented: Gavin Menzies book, tells the tale of the Chinese Treasure fleets of the same date. When these fleets returned home they expected fanfare, a hero welcome. The politics had changed, the Mandarins were now in charge and burned their maps, destroyed their statues, killed the animals they had brought from afar and left their giant fleets at anchor until they rotted and sunk. I call the Mandarins the first Conservatives on earth.

It seems history is rife with examples of new, and compelling, information being actively suppressed. In many ways I think our survival this far has been largely because our self-imposed ignorance in those cases only affected ourselves. Venus, with its runaway greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide, was run by Conservatives. Mars was run by Liberals. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Published by Paul Duncan. The header should blame Republicans..

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Editorial Reviews. Review. 5-star review of Conservatives are from Mars andProgressives are from Venus by Bil Howard for Readers' Favorite. Liberals Are from Mars, Conservatives Are from Venus. Political attitudes reflect cognitive styles that are rooted in differing cultures. By Jennifer.

NOT conservatives Like Liked by 2 people. Same thing, speaks one angry woman from Ontario, Canada! Are they not the same animal? Its a UK article. Sweet article certainly tells it like it is. The article is bloody brilliant. I shall tarry a while. You sound really hurt by this satire? Can I ease your struggle in any way?

Satire is by necessity broad brush. This satire is great. That being said, I agree with your overall sentiment about Republiecans Like Like. Youposting says it all about you. Get over yourself Like Like. Such is the nature of life. The question is how long our species has to live, and in what conditions. You should probably get that looked at Francis. What about the dachas on Phobos? Are they on AirBNB? So who eats more meat? The rich elite, or the poor starving masses???

Conservatives are from Mars & Progressives are from Venus

Your analogy almost suggests that the rise of feminism is driving global warming…. Keep it coming Like Like. Sounds like the second greatest BS ever told.

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You did an amazing job of making me laugh and cry—at the same time. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. No symbolism is believed to have survived. What part does religion play in political worldviews — for BOTH sides. What does the Culture War mean for the future of the US.

Will it become a shooting war? How will it end? Does it really matter who wins the next election? An enlightening and entertaining discussion, no matter what your politics. Includes a handy Progressive-Conservative Dictionary. Learn more about M. Also by This Author. Readers of This Book Also Read. Log-in to write a review or add a video review. Leila Smith on July 3, This is a well written read, though I gave it four stars because I felt it could have been more balanced instead of so slanted towards one side, in this case conservative.

I think of myself as neither progressive or conservative and I've noted both sides have their cronies, crooks, and monsters. Just like there is bias and prejudice from the progressives against conservatives and Christians that leads to cruelties and harassment in some cases, one cannot ignore the cruelties and harassment that conservative minded people have given women, gays, the poor, and others who differ from them either. Things such as using antiabortion laws to embarrass and harass women while refusing to strengthen rape and domestic violence laws that would better protect them, allowing blatant redistricting and gerrymandering to secure votes, and attempting to cut aid for the poorest among us without creating the jobs and support such people would need to get off the 'welfare hamster wheel' directly come to mind.

This isn't to say that progressives haven't and wouldn't do similar things if they were to have as strong political presence or power that conservatives do in those areas,just that neither side is really any better than the other these days. Either way, Brines hopefully will keep up the good work as his works are always fascinating to me. Porretto on May 30, On the whole, this is very well done. It does contain a few clinkers, and it's not always completely fair to either progressives or conservatives, but it does encapsulate and adequately explore the prevalent mindsets of the two major political families -- and mindsets are far more potent than the quasi-rational ideologies to which the two purport to adhere.